
Steph Kills Wes

Aug 13th, 2014
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  1. Musik has joined the chat
  2. Brylie has joined the chat
  3. Brylie: -Wes sat Karli on his knee, looking at her. "It's weird how much she looks like you and Jaylee. She's got J's blue eyes and your brown hair. Looks like J's now and your chin." He laughed as she gently bounced her on his knee, laughing as she giggled. "She's too precious."
  4. Musik: -Dean laughed, laying Leo against his chest as he slept- "I know it. J thinks she'll grow up to look more like me, and Leo's gonna look like her. I think the opposite."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Steph pulled her car up in front of the apartment building, killing the engine and letting out a deep breath. She pushed open the door, sliding out of the car and leaving her gym bag behind in the passenger seat, kicking the door closed behind her as she palmed her keys. She moved quickly through the building, wandering down the hall and stopping in front of Dean and Jaylee's apartment door. She lifted her closed fist, knocking briskly on the door before letting her arm fall back down to her side.-
  6. Brylie: -Hearing the knock on the door, she stood up, putting Karli in her little bouncy seat. "That'll be Steph. I have a feeling I'm in trouble." He laughed as he moved to the door, opening it. He stepped outside the door, shutting it behind him. He looked down at her, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's up?"
  7. Musik: -He watched as he walked out and turned to Leo who was rubbing his face in his sleep. He slid off the couch and walked into the nursery, laying him down in his bed. He walked back out to the living room after shutting the light off, looking down at Karli.- "Missy mae. Why can't you sleep like your brother? Huh?" -He said leaning down to pick her up, kissing her cheek and blew rasberries on it, laughing at her giggle.-
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She took a step back as Wesley stepped outside the door, cracking a small smile as she looked up at him. "Is that a real question? Cause... I mean... you cancelled on me two nights in a row, one of which you stood me up for hours. You've uh... you've kind of stood me up more times than we've actually been on dates. If the issue isn't obvious, I really don't know what to tell you."-
  9. Brylie: -He kept his eyes on her. "I really can't help that I have a seven year old to take care of. That's a pretty damn big responsibility. I told you last night that I forgot about our date. Sue me."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She set her jaw, staring up at him, her eyes hardly blinking. "You've stood me up the same amount of times before you aquired Sammy into your care as you did afterwards, so I really don't even want to hear that excuse. I get it. You have responsibilities. We all have responsibilities Wesley. We all have our own things on our plates and I get that. But you're spreading yourself a little too thin and do you honestly think it's fair that I'm not surprised at my disappointment anymore? Cause I hate that I expect for you to disappoint me day in and day out. And I can't do it. I would rather be miserable by myself than miserably tied to someone who makes me feel worthless." Her voice cracked as she spoke, her eyes dropped to her feet as she shifted uncomfortably.-
  11. Brylie: -He looked down at her, her words hitting him a bit hard. "How do you think I felt when you wouldn't come with me to New York when my mom was sick? You couldn't drop everything you were doing to be with me when I needed you the most. I've told you many times. I'm a shitty boyfriend. I've been single for a while before getting with you. I'm not use to this whole boyfriend girlfriend shit. So excuse me for not being there. If you feel worthless. I'm sorry. I can sit here and tell you that I'll do better, but be honest. You don't want to be with me anymore. It's obvious."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her head back up to look at him, tears swimming in the brim of her eyes. "You're right, I don't. And I already apologized twice for not going to New York with you. I was so wrapped up in the stupid bullshit I was doing to even be able to drop my things and go. But honestly how could you have expected me to be there for you when you have never been there for me? You told me a month ago when we had literally this same conversation that you would try harder to be around more and communicate better and ya' know what I saw? I saw a day of trying and a month of empty promises. So excuse me if I'm not quick to jump at a third chance when I already know the outcome." She pursed her lips, shaking her head and taking a step back. "You need to spend time with your brother, and your god children, and your friends. A girlfriend is too much for you right now."-
  13. Brylie: -He lifted his hand up, running it through his hair. "You're right. You deserve better. You deserve someone who can spend more time with you than I can. I'm sorry this relationship wasn't what you wanted. I hope you find the happiness you want. I need to get back in there. Have a good one, Steph." He walked towards her, pressing his lips against her forehead before walking back inside. He shut the door behind him and looked over at Dean. "Well that sucks."
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She turned on her heel and walked back down the hallway, keeping her eyes on the floor as she headed out of the building. She walked straight passed her car, heading for the sidewalk to start down the road on foot.-
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