

Aug 4th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 Concubine of the Crown Prince. Luckily your position required you to learn to fight in case you were forced to be the princes last line of defense. Unfortunately he tripped and broke his neck while running to saftey.: (dreadis)
  2. [X] 1 Gutter Rat - No one knows how you got into the castle as a young boy in the first place, even you've long forgotten, but ever since you've been a sort of ghost, surviving by stealing morsels from the kitchens or the servants and sleeping in overlooked nooks and crannies. You've overheard the guards tell new servants horror stories about you, the mad sewer-boy who haunts the castle dungeons; the exaggerated stories mean most servants flee on sight. For years you've lived like this, half-feral from lack of real human interaction, constantly hiding in the shadows or fleeing from the guards when you slipped up and were spotted. It's gotten harder and harder as you've gotten older and bigger, but your firsthand knowledge of the castle's hidden passages and hiding spots have kept you free and alive despite years of capture attempts. Now, dark forces swirl around the castle, the like you've never seen before. But you are nothing if not a survivor and no one knows this fortress as well as you do.: (Rinsemon)
  3. [X] 1 Janitor. While it may not be the most glorious job, it has left you in fairly good shape, and you know the castle better than anyone but the person who designed it.: (Selias)
  4. [X] 1 Maid/bodyguard- A warrior of Gerudo descent you grew up poor until taken in by the royal family. Neglecting social skills you've trained to be an inconspicuous bodyguard to the princess for years. While you're deadly in a fight, your main advantages lie in your speed and your ability to get the jump on enemies. You suffer greatly in prolonged fights where your twin bladed offense can't sustain itself. Likewise you tend toward the quiet side, having trouble verbalizing your emotions or intentions, or even talking with strangers at all, largely as a response to the prejudice you endured as a child of a people with such a bad reputation.: (Darkened)
  5. [X] 1 Severnt/bodyguard. you were trained to protect the princess while making everyone think of you as a mere maid, only your now dead teacher knows the truth.: (Silversun17)
  6. [X] 1 Sheikah: (megrisvernin)
  7. [X] 1 The Princess, whose wisdom warned you of this day.  In spite of your preparations you still were ill prepared for the onslaught.  Hopefully you won't be forced to wait around to be rescued this time.: (ttd0000)
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