
Episode 9

Oct 14th, 2017
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  1. Hoenn Episode 9
  2. Friday
  3. Evening
  5. [Caeldori]
  7. Looking at the marvels of science before me as it slowly convert the meteorite to what I want...I can hear the sounds of battle echoing behind me. The closest one ofc being my daughter against the seed of my rival, with cries of Ice Beam ringing out every single moment, No doubt that's the work of Camilla's seed using type coverage against Selena's Grovyle. I'll never understand the likes of anyone who wish to oppose us however...All we want is the best for humanity, so what if we have to get rid of habitats for Water Pokemon? There's plenty of the sea for them! In order to progress, sometimes sacrifices must be made!! I shake my head as I check the progress of the machine....67% done, I just nee-
  9. "Hold it!"
  11. ....That sounds familiar...Turning around I come to see that same boy from the Slateport Museum before me glaring at me. "Oh?, You came all this way from Meteor Falls? I must say you're persistent. And I supposed you defeated some of my grunts?" "No, I stayed out of their view...besides, most of them seem busy fighting Team Aqua. That said, I had to fight Leo of Aqua." He fought the 2nd-in-command of Aqua and made it here? "How did you fare against him? Seems I'm confusing him judging by his expression. "Why do you care?"
  12. Pointing at me with an accusing stance. "I am a scientist, Jalen...Anything that is out of the ordinary, such as you, interests me." Adjusting my glasses(Which I'm sure they flashed before him). I still need to delay this child so my machine can convert the meteorite in it. I have a splendid idea as I smile before him, which unnerves him, good..I have the advantage.
  14. "Tell me....Do you know the legend of Mt. Chimmey?" Him scratching his head signals that he don't...Oh well, not everyone is informed like my daughter. "Pay attention, I'll educate you. The legend of this volcano dates back to the ancient era where Groudon and Kyorge did battle. One Particular battle took place in this very spot with Groudon victorious over its celebrate, Groudon created this mountain for himself to spread more land...however, as time went on, the battles became more vicious...until finally one final clash made both Pokemon tired...Kyogre retired to the deep reaches of the Mossdeep Sea, while Groudon went elsewhere..." It bemooves me that no one know where Groudon went to, but I shake it off as I check the machine...79%. Good...."Now then....I do recall telling you what happened to those who directly oppose Team Magma?"
  16. He pull his Pokeball out and release his young, fresh cock that is his Combusken. "I'll beat you here, Caeldori...and take that meteorite back!" Ohhhh..What a 'heroic' cry....I pull out my pokeball and lightly toss it in my hand. "Nice cock you got there, no wonder my daughter is interested in you, Shall we have a cockfight? I assure you mines is FAR bigger..." He scowl at me quite harshly. "Ok, can everyone just stop with the cock jokes whenever I let my Combusken out!?! It's not funny!!!" "Oh, child...What's not gonna be funny for you is the massive thrashing my cock gon-" "JUST SEND YOUR POKEMON OUT SO THAT I CA-" Kids these sense of humor...Regardless, while he ranting like a brat, I release MY starter Pokemon and 1st ally. His Combusken flinches as Jalen shut up in awe and fear. But can you blame him? Not everyday you get to see a well-trained Blaziken standing before you.
  18. "Fuck...." "Oh? What happened to all that Bravado?~" He grits his teeth and shout back at me. "Shut up! Let's go, Combusken! Bulk Up!!" Combusken begins to do the stances to boost his ATK and DEF up...Not bad. However, he can do that however much he Blaziken have a very....shall I say, a bit overpowered ability that her kind can get? "Now Flame Charge!" "Oh my, what a good strat..." I can tell he think I'm being sarcastic when I'm actually being nice. "As expected of you from what I heard.." His Combusken ignites his legs and shoots towards Blaziken. "Blaziken, Protect." Blaziken conjures a green barrier that makes Combusken bounce off of it, nullifying his SPE boost as he lands in front of Jalen. Meanwhile, Blaziken's feathers ruffles, showing that she's getting her own boosts, Perfect~. "Damnit....No matter, Low Sweep!" Combusken runs towards Blaziken before crouching and throwing out a low kick aimed at Blaziken's shins, which she jumps over with ease, another ruffling of her feathers show another boost as she lands and get into her stance now..ready for the offense.
  20. However, I DO feel somewhat bad if I don't let the boy know what's gonna occured.."Jalen, have you heard of Speed Boost?"...He look puzzled for a bit before I see that dawn of horror. "COMBUSKEN, DOUBLE KICK!" "Dodge and High Jump Kick." Combusken begins to throw a barrage of kicks aimed at Blaziken in a attempt to harm her, but it's too late as she backflips out of range of his attack with such speed and agility that it befuddles the smaller cock before her. She then jump back in with ludicrous speed and throw a knee directly on Combusken's chest. a cry of pain ring out from him as he is send flying towards Jalen and skid on the volcanic ground KO'ED. "Co-Combusken!!" Blaziken jumps to front of me and cross her arms..ready for more. "Looks like my cock is superior~" "Ju-Just shut the hell up..." He crouches down and pat Combusken's chest for damage, Good that he cares for his Pokemon. "Good, no signs of a broken ribs or anything bad..." Of course not! My Blaziken is not a brute who can't control her power nor aim to maim others! I keep my thoughts to myself as I look at the machine...100%!!
  22. "Ah, perfect." I turn the machine off and pull the now-crimson red meteorite out with a smile. "Wh-What the hell is that?" Jalen have returned his Pokemon and doesn't seem willing to battle me. Good that he knows his place, although I was looking forward to battling him...."This, child." I hold it out to him as it gives a light red hue.."Is the key to finding Groudon...THIS..." And then it just...crumbles in my hand to nothing....".....was a waste of time." I muttered to myself, as I contain all of my anger and ball my fist. Shaking with deep rage, I breath in and out to compose myself, Just as the phone rings out and I answer it. "Whoever this is, better have a good reason cause I AM NOT IN THE MOOD!!" I didn't see Jalen flinch from my tone while Blaziken, who's used to my moods by now, stand there impassively.
  24. "Helloooo...?" Oh, it's Setsuna..One of my grunts. I pinch my nose in anger. "Yes, Setsuna, what is it?" "Lady Caeeeldori~....We found a cool lead on...." I hear her blowing something out of her doubt another one of those damned 'blunts' she call them. "That thing you wanted...." I brighten up just a bit with hope flowing in me. "...The Red Orb?" "Yeeaaaaa~...That thing! I can tell you more at the our hideout on Route 120....~" Perfect! Ahahaha, just Perfect! "Excellent, I'll be there shortly." I hang up on her and return my Blaziken."Where the hell are you going?!?" Hmm...Despite being at such an disadvantage, he still defies me...I find that..quite invigorating. I cannot help but walk to him and hold his face in my hands with a smirk...Further angering him to my delight. "I'm sorry to put our engagement to a hold, but as an adult, I have far other things than to humor you. That said, I enjoyed our fight and do hope that we meet again so that we can finish this..." He swat my hands away and snarl at me. Oh, I REAALY like this boy now with my wide smile showing as I release my Salamence. "Good, remember that feeling....I'll enjoy beating you again...Salamence!" I point towards where my daughter is battling Camilla's spawn who's about to receive backup from said woman....She sees the battle and use Hyper Beam to create a smoke trail on the ground, separating Selena from the 2. I then get on Salamence and fly towards her and grab her by her jacket and place her on Salamence's back.
  26. "Mo-Mother!?! I-I was gonna win!!" "Not against Camilla and her spawn at the same time, you wasn't...Not that you're not good, but Camilla is quite simply out of your class at the moment.." I shout down to the ground where my followers are at. "MAGMA! WE ARE LEAVING, THE METEORITE IS A DUD, BUT I HAVE RECEIVED GOOD NEWS! THOSE WHO ARE ASSIGNED TO OUR DELTA HIDEOUT! I'LL MEET YOU THERE!! EVERYONE ELSE, HEAD TO THE OMEGA HIDEOUT!!!" I then take off towards the Delta Hideout with my daughter. "I battled that Jalen..." "I-I'm sorry mother...I was too busy fighting that whore to fend him off..." I look at her and see how disappointed she is.." I turn away from her. "Cheer up, Selena. You did an excellent job today regardless of how the Meteorite was a dud." I don't see her brightens up at that, but she does sound perplexed here as she ask me.."Wait...why are we heading to the Delta Hideout at Route 120?" She don't see my smirk as Salamence hits a faster speed...
  28. "Destiny awaits us."
  30. [Soleil]
  32. Damnit, they got away from us! 1st the Flat nerd and her mom flew off, and then the Magma Grunts used Smoke Bombs all over us like one of Mom's flicks and used them as a diversion to get away!! "Mom! We should give chase, right!!?" I look at her and see her standing there thinking.. "...No." "Hu-Huh? Why!?" She points to the machine up there..."Whatever Caeldori wanted..she didn't get it, so we got lucky there. Besides, we don't know where they are hiding so it's a waste of time to search for them."That makes somewhat sense, but I won't question my mom here...Oh shit! Jalen! "Jalen!?! Where are you!?" I look up to see him walking towards me and mom with a defeated look..
  34. "Jalen?" He walk past me, careful enough not to brush past me. "Wh-what happened?" "I saw his battle against Caeldori..." Shocked, I turn to mom who have a solemn look. "It wasn't pretty...She basically toyed with his Combusken with her Blaziken." Oh shit..."That..That wasn't needed, right?" "Who knows? Caeldori doesn't play around, so I'm wondering why would she use Blaziken and not her Salamence.." Damn, Poor Jalen...had he joined us..We BOTH would had taken her on and perhaps win, or at least hold her off for Mom. "If he had joined me...joined Aqua...He wouldn't be so sad now..." Mom sighs and place a hand on my shoulder. "Sweetie, I appreciate your dedication to recruit others for Aqua's cause..for that." She smiles as Leo come up...Fucking Leo. "I'm making you an Admin under me!" "WHAT!?!" "Hu-huh?" Leo's answer oversounds my own. "La-Lady Camilla! Why would you mak-" "Cause I saw your performance with Jalen and how badly he thrashed you. It was painful to watch...." OH FUCK, JALEN BEATEN LEO!?!? Leo seems very ashamed of himself. "Please...allow me to avenge myself...Next time I see him, I'll crush him." Man...I can't get over Jalen beating Leo...That's amazing. "Now, let's go regroup at the Mauville Hideout AKA the Fish Shack. Soleil, I need to get you new clothing for Admin now."
  36. "Ok, Mom." Me and her walk past Leo(Who I flash a middle finger at) and get everyone else together as we head down the volcano. I look to the right of me and see someone traveling to Lavaridge Town..No doubt it's Jalen. a pang of sadness for him aches in my heart."(No worries, Jalen...You will bounce from this..and when you do...)" I smile and clench my fist. "You'll come and find me to join me, right?" Nodding in my confidence in him. I get in one of the SUVs with Mom, Leo, and Silas and drive towards our hideout in Mauville.
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