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a guest
Aug 18th, 2018
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  2. messages:
  3. no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission."
  4. no-console: "&cYou can't use this command."
  5. player-not-found: "&cCouldn't find player '{player}'."
  6. chat:
  7. format: "{player}&7: &f{message}"
  8. caps: "&cDo not use so many caps."
  9. repeated: "&cDo not repeat the same message twice."
  10. alert: "&cSuccessfully alerted the server."
  11. back: "&7Teleported &cto your last noted location."
  12. broadcast: "&7[&cBroadcast] &c{player}&7: &c{message}."
  13. clear-inventory: "&7Cleared &cthe inventory of {player}."
  14. clear-item: "&cRemoved &7ALL &c{item} from {player}."
  15. console: "&cSuccessfully executed '&7{command}&c' from console."
  16. frozen: "&cYou have been frozen by a staff member."
  17. un-frozen: "&cYou have been un-frozen by a staff member."
  18. froze-other: "&cYou have frozen {player}."
  19. un-froze-other: "&cYou have un-frozen {player}."
  20. gamemode: "&cGame mode set to &7{gamemode} &cfor &7{player}."
  21. give: "&cGiven {amount} &7{item} &cto {player}."
  22. id: "&cThe &7id &cof &7{item} &cis &7{id}&c."
  23. message: "&7({going} &f{player}&7): &f{message}"
  24. no-reply: "&cYou don't have anyone to reply to :(."
  25. setslots: "&7[&cAlert&7] &c{player} has set the maximum slots to &7{amount} &cfrom &7{previous}."
  26. setspawn: "&cYou have set the &7spawn &cto your location."
  27. spawn: "&7Teleported &cto spawn."
  28. spawn-other: "&7Teleported &c{player} to spawn."
  29. no-spawn: "&cSpawn is not set :(."
  30. shout: "&7[&cShout&7] &c{player}&7: &f{message}"
  31. shout-expired: "&cYou no longer have a &7shout &ccooldown."
  32. no-shout: "&cYou can't shout for &7{time} seconds."
  33. spawnmob: "&cSuccessfully spawned &7{amount} {entity}&c(s)."
  34. staffchat: "&cStaffChat: {player}&7: &f{message}"
  35. teleport: "&7Teleported &cto {player}."
  36. teleport-here: "&7Teleported &c{player} to you."
  37. teleport-position: "&7Teleported &cto {posX}&7, &c{posY}&7, &c{posZ}."
  38. vanish: "&cYou have &7vanished&c."
  39. un-vanish: "&cYou have &7un-vanished&c."
  40. vanish-other: "&cYou have &7vanished &c{player}."
  41. un-vanish-other: "&cYou have &7un-vanished &c{player}."
  42. world-list: "&c{world}" #Just use the world here.
  43. world: "&7Teleported &cto world '{world}'."
  44. diamonds: "&7[&cFD] &c{player} found {amount} diamonds."
  45. first-join: "&cWelcome {player} to the server."
  46. join: "&cWelcome back {player}."
  47. leave: "&cGoodbye {player}."
  48. tab-header-footer: "&c&lWelcome {player} to the<s> &f&lServer!" #<s> is the split between header and footer.
  49. invalid: "&cThat is not a valid {value}."
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