
18+ Corruption of Champions - Sandtrap

Sep 29th, 2016
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  1. (NOTE: Adult Content. Text out of Corruption of Champions.)
  3. You carefully kneel at the edge of the quicksand and stretch your hand out towards the stricken man, commanding him to grab hold. With effort he pulls an arm clear of the treacherous powder and, straining, reaches out to grab the very tips of your fingers... before, with a triumphant sneer, pulling as hard as he can. Thrown off-balance, you fall face first into the quicksand. Coughing, you right yourself and struggle desperately to get back up the side, but you have no leverage, and your thrashing causes you to sink waist deep into what feels like dry, impossibly heavy water.
  5. “Don’t struggle,” says the man, drifting further away from you as easily as if he were swimming. You can see a second collarbone flexing beneath his first as his arms rest easily upon the surface, a whole second pair of limbs doing the delicate balancing work, and he speaks in a buzzing, fluttering voice which is nothing like the one he enticed you into his trap with. He smiles at you - or at least displays his teeth - and with a kind of horror you watch two sets of small, black eyes open on either side of his first pair to stare at you hungrily. “Don’t you know struggling just makes it worse? Just relax. Let me do all the work.”
  7. A rumbling, hissing sound fills your ears and the dunes surrounding you lift out of sight as all the sand in the hollow begins to run downwards, taking you with it. You fight against it desperately, but you cannot swim up a landslide and within moments you find yourself buried up to your neck at the bottom of a huge, conical depression, eyes level with the naked abdomen of your captor. You cough, spit and blink sand away and stare helplessly up at it. The creature has a long, slim human upper half with four arms and a pair of flat breasts; its twenty slender fingers stroke your face, brush you off and massage your large tits as it allows you to take it in. With its glamour gone you can see clearly the six eyed creature is in fact female... or is it? Its long face is soft around the edges with a cute, pointed chin which is very pretty - or very handsome. Every time the creature moves its face its gender seems to shift. Unnerved, you look downwards, and wish you hadn’t. Although its lower half is obscured below the sand, you can see that below its waist the creature’s body balloons outwards into what must be a massive, sand-colored insect thorax. You feel something brush against you and you instinctively attempt to flinch, but you can’t. The sand feels packed against you, and straining every muscle you have to free your limbs gets you nowhere. Gently, the creature slides its fingers behind your neck and makes you look into its black eyes.
  9. “You made it all too easy for me, little ant,” it says pityingly. “Did no one warn you about sandtraps?” Slowly it sinks downwards, and whilst it fondles your face you feel its other set of hands cup your chiseled ass. “Never mind,” the insect monster sighs into your forehead in its fluttery voice. “I’ll teach you everything there is to know.”
  11. The sandtrap holds your hands whilst it pushes you further down with its other set of arms, until only your head is above the sand. Below the surface you try to weakly move your limbs, try to work yourself out of this situation, but it is impossible; the sand feels impossibly heavy and is packed against you. The sandtrap seems to have no such difficulty. It sinks gracefully downwards until its face is almost level with yours. You feel something wet touch your thigh and you try to flinch, but aside from flexing your muscles you cannot move.
  13. “Hyou arrrhe a vessel creature, arrrhen’t you?” says the sandtrap, gently stroking your face. It seems the more excited it gets and the less it feels the need to pretend, the more fluttery and broken its voice becomes; it is like you are listening to a hive of bees that just happens to be forming words. “A cute little wwworker hasz fallen into my home, but I have no fertile eggsz to givve it. Wwwell, that isz ok. Hwwe can still have fun, can’t we?”
  15. It makes a guttural noise, as if it were drawing fluids into its throat, and then draws you close. “Drink. It will make thingsz so much easier for hwyou if hwyou do.” The creature is not exactly giving you much choice in the matter. Packed tightly inside its sand and incapable of resisting, you steel yourself, close your eyes, and allow it to kiss you.
  17. The sandtrap’s lips press against yours as it runs its hands through your long, white hair, before eagerly sliding its tongue into your mouth, finding and then lavishing your own with attention. Your first thought is that the creature is an incredibly sloppy kisser - but as the fluid begins to coat your mouth, you realize that the fluid it is drooling into you isn’t saliva, but some sort of odorless oil. The viscous substance swabs and swathes your mouth in warmth; it makes your lips, the inside of your cheeks and your tongue feel relaxed, accepting and soft. It feels like your mouth was made to take and enjoy this creature’s tongue... you begin to kiss the sandtrap back eagerly, twining your tongues, hoping for more. The creature hums happily at your greed, sending pleasurable vibrations through your mouth as it bends you into itself, kissing you deeply as it releases a great gush of oil into you. You can’t help but dribble oil down your front even as you inadvertently swallow a great deal of its warm, coating ooze.
  19. You feel flutters spread throughout you, penetrating your core. The rest of your body begins to feel just like your mouth; languid, sensual and submissive. The sands encompassing you feel like the most comfortable straitjacket imaginable, and you close your eyes again as your gaping fuck-hole moistens. It hazily occurs to you that the sensation of your cunt being rubbed by the sand should irritate you, but in effect it doesn’t; below you the substance acts more like packed mud, and the feeling of the dirt massaging against your most sensitive parts is incredibly pleasurable. You actually smile dreamily as the creature takes you into its arms beneath the sand, its lean, supple chest rubbing against your tits, and something hard and oily touches your gaping muff. The sands shift around your legs and you feel the endless particulate spreading your thighs wide; you have neither the strength nor the compulsion to fight against it. You cling onto the sandtrap’s back for support as it slowly slides into you.
  21. You have no idea what the sandtrap’s cock looks like, but as it sinks into you, pushing half of its oiled length into your twat before pulling itself back out, then in again, picking up a gentle rhythm, each time pushing a bit more of itself in, you quickly build up a good picture of it. It must be at least ten inches long, and - it touches you deep in your wet sex, making you clutch the trap’s supple flesh tighter for a second - it has a tapering dull point, much wider at the base than at the tip; less like a cock and more like a long barb. The creature sighs with pleasure, pressing you upon it as it begins to pick up the pace. Although its tip sends darts of sensation up your spine, its narrow length cannot satisfy your vast cunt - that is, until it begins to take you to its wide base, spreading your outer lips wide. You coo with delight and every time it thrusts you long for its peak, when it slides you wide open and plugs you fully with its dripping mass. The prong base rubs against your large clit rhythmically and suddenly you find yourself orgasming in tandem with it, crying out as the creature groans and ejaculates its delicious ooze deliriously into you.
  23. You feel like you are leaking oil from every pore and you feel more relaxed than you have ever been before; you are just another million particles of warm sand, moving with it in the radiant heat freely. It takes several moments for you to realize that the sandtrap has not retracted itself from you, and is still spearing you up to the hilt of its prong. It smiles at you, affection glittering in its six black eyes as you feel something moist and hard push insistently against your sphincter. What is...? The creature kisses you again, pushing its tongue and hot breath into your mouth at the same time as it forces what feels like a long, lubricated, bulbous dick into your muscular, hand-filling backside. You arch your back, but the complete relaxation the sandtrap’s oil has instilled in you stops your body from clenching against the invader, and you feel no pain.
  25. The creature makes soothing shushing noises into your mouth as it feeds more of its second, bulbous length into your ass. Although the oil which coats your thoughts and reflexes with sensual supplication makes things easier, the feeling is still incredibly intense, and you grit your teeth as something round travels down the creature’s ovipositor and stretches your tight ass wide. Slowly the creature begins to pick up its rhythm again, sliding in and out of your pussy as it breeds you.
  27. The sandtrap continues to make its soothing, humming sounds and caresses your pillowy breasts and shoulder-length, white hair whilst holding you firmly in its sandy grasp as it fucks you, sinking egg after egg into your shapely, chiseled butt. It is a process which goes on for minutes on end. The creature’s prong and ovipositor rub against each through your inner walls and the sensation of being double penetrated like this drives you inexorably towards another peak. You moan and your eyes roll as the slick pressure in your bowels makes you cum, both your gushing cunt and ass flexing helplessly against the creature’s strange genitals. The oil-induced serenity and the sexual marathon the sandtrap has put you through are too much and, even with the creature still relentlessly pumping away at you, you pass out.
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