
SL1 All Bosses "with a bit of pyro"™ 2021 edition

Jan 10th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Pyro + mk, drop handaxe, estoc, 2k + 1k souls, rtsr, pop 1k soul + upwarp, gcs, longbow
  2. Buy smithbox + BA + prompt swap shards, pop 2k soul, UP bf, upgrade BA+5
  3. SGS, IG, skip AL bf, Darkmoon Tomb, inner AL bf, QS Twinkling + kill Giant Blacksmith, BGH+5, O&S, LV, darksign
  4. Warp to UP + rest, activate elevator, Gargoyles, insta darksign, warp to Firelink (drop BA)
  5. Talisman + Homeward from Petrus
  6. Double dupe Smough soul for RTSR, Stray, doll, dupe bone
  7. Attune Homeward, buy crest + prompt swap 14 caestus, HWW off darkroot, Capra, Laurentius, Gaping, bone back
  8. Warp to Firelink, buy combustion + fire orb, upgrade pyro flame to +8, darksign
  9. Attune fire orb over fireball, consistent knightess RTSR, Stone Armor, Sif, no hornet ring, dark sign
  10. Butterfly with fire orb, dark sign, Hydra (stone armor drop RTSR), dusk, darksign
  11. Warp to Firelink, FAP ring + RTSR setup, Four Kings, rest at Abyss bonfire, place LV
  12. Warp to Darkmoon Tomb (equip FAP ring), Gwyndolin, Priscilla, use bone
  13. Pendant, Seath, use bone, warp to UP, warp to Abyss, HWW to Burg, Taurus, go to DLC
  14. Guardian, buy HB, Chester (buy max blossoms + max bombs + 1 lloyd's)
  15. Artorias then HWW from Township to NLR, upwarp, BTS, Quelaag, Firesage, bonfire, Centipede, BoC, bone back
  16. Warp to Township, HWW, Ceaseless, bone back, attune Combustion + HB, warp to Firelink, Pinwheel, Nito, darksign
  17. Trigger Kalameet, darksign, airroll down township, crest key, Manus, bone back, Kalameet, warp to Abyss
  18. Offer Lord Souls, Gwyn
  21. Airroll setup:
  23. - Full pyro set + longbow + 14 caestus + talisman (equip caestus in 1st righthandslot and switch it out for whatever else you need after the airrolls)
  25. Specific RTSR setups:
  27. - Hydra: BGH + GCS + Stone Armor Helmet/Chest/Gloves
  28. - Sif: 2h R1, 1h R2 from consistent knightess are best
  29. - Guardian: equip DCR after Taurus, drop down to Havel tower door, unequip DCR and do jumps down to Havel for RTSR
  30. - Four Kings: usual ring swap backstep setup
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