
Vick's PM to Esbelto regarding Esbelto coming back to AG

Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. Offline Vick
  2. Allied Gamers or Die
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  13. « Sent to: Esbelto on: December 12, 2015, 08:04:36 PM »
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  15. message didnt fit on steam so here:
  18. hey. so admittedly taking your nfo without notice was not the best way to go about it but i had to prove a point. your negative attitude is toxic and thats one thing that we dont need. im glad everything happened because it showed your true colors further proving my point as to how immature you are. we greatly appreciate what you do for us but if you think by leaving you are going to kill AG or gmod, you are sadly mistaken. everyone is replaceable. we even lost blake and we continue to grow. what disappoints me the most is that you went to cg. i would have prefered you went elsewhere or started your own community. but cg? really? that place is full of petty snakes acting like they wanna leave in peace then secretly trying to sabotage our servers. you are better than that. i used to hate communities that started in spite of AG but i know embrace it. like the human body, we need to excrete the waste and toxins and thats where cg comes in. they are our toilet and take in all our shit. look at all the BL people. where are they know? cg. they will do fine but thats not an environment id like to be part of as a player. look at them trying to steal you as soon as they heard you left. they wanted you for personal gain. their gmod servers failed and wanted to use you to try and revive it. they will do fine they have good csgo servers and csgo is vastly popular but we must pay no mind. one thing i learned is that you can't wish things away. you just have to be better than them and thats all we've ever been doing. they could die, they could succeed. it doesnt matter. we will still be AG and we will remain the same fun community we have always been. back to the point, you handled everything irrationally. and im not surprised. you could have been fine with ftp alone. and what you did was borderline BL worthy. keep in mind that the plugins belong to the community. by being AG staff, you agree to those terms. i had people ready lined up that wanted to take over as SM. i didnt know whether to shutdown gmod or pick a new sm. we dont need gmod. its nice to have but we can live without it. i do care about gmod but it has the weakest and most inactive staff. anyways im willing to move forward from this but it can not happen again. i love everything that you are and were doing and all i ask is that you clean up your attitude. bitching and overreacting to the cpanel was embarrassing on your end but thats not what made me look at you in a different way. you accepting staff position there did. i understand you let your emotions get the best of you so ill accept your request to comeback. anyways i apologize and look forward to learning and growing from this. ill try to set the new gmod server up tonight, more realistically tmrw. also the people that resigned with you are not allowed to hold staff in the new gmod server until further notice
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