
Endtown RPG Session #31

Apr 9th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): I got some loose ends to clear up here.
  2. Martin, Everett, would you guys hand the bomb over to flask?
  3. Martin Baron: Would we? I mean, we don't really trust her. Could take out some of the really nasty bits, say it probably got traded earlier, then hand her the useless parts
  4. The Grand Wizard of LOVE: jesus christ, i tab into roll 20 and i hear the sound of a million notifications, near gave me a heart attack!
  5. Everett Pillory: Martin...
  6. Do you have something heavy?
  7. GM (GM): Ouch.
  8. Everett Pillory: Because we can smash one of the focusing lense
  9. And hand the remaining pieces
  10. Martin Baron: I got a dog body, a wooden table leg, a spear, a pistol, a hand-hook, and a submachine gun.
  11. And a grenade
  12. Most of which was taken from said dog
  13. Which I'm still kicking in the ribs
  14. Everett Pillory: Just shoot up the lenses.
  15. Martin Baron: Alright.
  16. Everett Pillory: I can do that
  17. GM (GM): You pulling a Real Genius?
  18. You pulling a *&^% Real Genius here?!
  19. Everett Pillory: (( Real Genius ? ))
  20. Martin Baron tosses Everett his 10mm Colt, understanding that handing a semi-active bomb to Flask would be the worst decision one could make.
  21. Martin Baron goes back to his previous activity.
  22. GM (GM): ((It's a movie where young geniuses dork around and mess up eachother's weapon tests. It's a classic))
  23. M. Walker: (Crap, I forgot how to pm, eheh)
  24. Everett Pillory: (( Haha... I might've seen it ))
  25. Martin Baron: */w (name )
  26. Everett Pillory reloads his shotgun and Martin's gun walks away from the contraption and releases a hail of 'accidental fire'
  27. M. Walker: (Thx)
  28. Martin Baron: (( My gun walks away from the bomb. I would too. ))
  29. (( Wait, isn't the lenses actual steel? ))
  30. (( Like, really weird steel that's transparent? ))
  31. Everett Pillory: (( Lenses ))
  32. GM (GM): Correct.
  33. Martin Baron: (( I think a grenade is needed here. ))
  34. Everett Pillory: (( True... ))
  35. Martin Baron: (( Take the lenses off, put a grenade on it ))
  36. (( Bullets will just scratch some of the bits, wont really make it unrepairable ))
  37. Everett Pillory: (( Right... let's do it then))
  38. Martin Baron: (( Then again, if you got thermite, you could also use that ))
  39. Everett Pillory: (( Nope, just gunpowder ))
  40. (( PLus we want to make it look like an acicdent ))
  41. GM (GM): So you're shooting it?
  42. Martin Baron notices the ineffectiveness of the bullets pinging the bits of the bomb, and whistles to get Everett's attention. He holds up a grenade and tosses that to Everett to truly break it and make it look "accidental".
  43. Martin Baron: (( Hey GM, are there any other sessions that I don't have recorded on my account? ))
  44. (( Or do I have them all? ))
  45. You fire at the bomb, bullets richochete around wildly! besides the lens' you nick it's electronics and powercells, you think. Not the best lighting conditions.
  46. GM (GM): ((Well, there's walker, clayton, and you guys. So I think that's that.
  47. Martin Baron: (( Good to know, just making sure there weren't any other sessions I don't have recorded ))
  48. You are 60% sure that the device will not work properly.
  49. Everett Pillory: (( Making an educated guess by me would be hard, unless DM is willing to have the terror and the dread set in later ))
  50. GM (GM): ((Not to mention a zero-bomb is in the realm of fringe science.))
  51. Everett Pillory: (( Skil 1 +20 Skill -30 skill... ))
  52. Everett Pillory will set off the nade next to it for good measure then
  53. Martin Baron: (( Right, can you post the rules GM?))
  54. Everett Pillory: (( If anything Mallard can fix it. ))
  55. GM (GM): ((Correct. You can't focus on things that you don't know by second nature.))
  57. Everett Pillory: (( And Mallard wouldn't know ))
  58. GM (GM): Thanks.
  59. Martin Baron: (( Thank you ))
  60. Everett Pillory: (( Or rather wouldn't want to know what Flask would want to do with it ))
  61. (( So he would tell her to fuck off ))
  62. GM (GM): Also an update, the MP rules we went over yesterday, also as with Aaron's urging, serpent mutants are slow, they can only move at walking speed.
  63. Martin Baron: (( Mallard would be the only one to fix it, and Flask wouldn't hand it off to him and expect to get it back. So I think we did good. ))
  64. Everett Pillory: (( GM one point I want to raise... can you make the MP regain based on level? Given that MP raises with level, it would've been really bad for high mind and high level characters to regain MP super slow. ))
  65. (( Actually let me discuss that later. It's the usual "Natural healing is useless past level 4" conondrum for every damn system out there ))
  66. GM (GM): I don't know. That will take alot of consideration!
  67. Martin Baron: (( I think it's best to see how we fair with these changes then make the necessary adjustments. ))
  68. Everett Pillory: (( True, Just a thought ))
  69. Martin Baron: (( Anyway, think we're good on damaging the bomb parts? ))
  70. GM (GM): ((Yes))
  71. Everett Pillory: (( I think that's the best accidental sabotage we can do ))
  72. Martin Baron: (( Alright, report it in, say the parts got damaged in the fight. Or toss it to me, since you're half crazy ))
  73. (( I'm only 10% crazy right now ))
  74. You report it in!
  75. Everett Pillory radios in Flask "...Combatants dead. Bomb parts in pretty bad conditions due to the fight."
  76. Your characters move ahead 3 days in time.
  77. GM (GM): regen 30hp and 3mp.
  78. Everett Pillory: (( Do we get our citizenship back? ))
  79. GM (GM): ((Yes, sorry, Flask shifts her pillowy butt and releases your forms and stamps accordingly.))
  80. Martin Baron: (( Most likely Mallard's still pissed and wont associate with us anymore ))
  81. Meanwhile!
  82. M. Walker: (Oh dear)
  83. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah. I don't even think Everett would want to associate with him at this point given it's he what pushed him to kill a fellow mutant. ))
  84. Walker returns with her taco van. Having lost Tig in the wastes some days ago she looks to warn Endtown that he be crazy!
  85. By conincidence this is about the same time that Ernest and her band of ruffled ruffians are setting out to new persia.
  86. During this time the missile has been secreted away to a secure location under endtown security.
  87. Hershel, Hershel still remains.
  88. Clayton R.: (( Could I have sought out a therapist in that 3 day gap before Mana got back? ))
  89. GM (GM): Sure.
  90. Clayton R.: (( Alright, that is 30 or 50 MP back? ))
  91. GM (GM): For 3 days, 50
  92. Clayton R.: (( okay ))
  93. Everett Pillory: (( Hmmm I wonder if I could get one myself or just hit the bottle. I'm more concerned about Martin ))
  94. (( Heh, bottle seems a better idea. ))
  95. M. Walker hops out of the van, telling the others, "You should probably clear out of here, before they tail us back."
  96. Martin Baron: (( Martin went to go sleep for 3 days ))
  97. NotElvis: 10-4 Pooch mom.
  98. The traders head out west.
  99. DJ-Max is chills out quite a bit.
  100. They have left you with $500 worth of black market goods (2.5 pieces of meat)
  101. M. Walker laughs, and waves to them, running up to the elevator platform, noticing Earnest and the others
  102. Ernest Gillett: ((Sorry about my silence, was trying to find something.))
  103. GM (GM): ((Sorry, one large slab of vaccumm sealed meat.))
  104. M. Walker: (Also need control of my token, eheh)
  105. (Thank ya)
  106. GM (GM): ((Still trying to get tokens to represent players.
  107. Ernest Gillett notices Walker by then, before quickly turning her head away. She didn't expect her to be here at this very moment.
  108. Clayton R. is feeling a lot better now. He's learning to cope with his injury more thanks to therapy, but the world is still a bit odd without some plastic separating him from it. He 's refrained from mentioning the healing capabilities of the topsider suit so far as well. For now, he tries to take it easy and he rests at Lazy Day apartments.
  109. Walker! You see the mini mantis leave a pod followed by 3 well armed birds. Ernest! You the dog coming to you, covered in dust and armed with a rifle.
  110. Everett Pillory taken to drinking and popping sleeping pills while hiding in the clocktower. Afraid of being seen by DJ, Martin, Clay or any other of his peers that still seem to be in Endtown.
  111. Clayton R.: (( Walker, you there? ))
  112. M. Walker: ((Yeah?))
  113. Clayton R.: (( Ah, I thought it was Ernest or your turn. Thought you may have d/c'd ))
  114. M. Walker looks between Ernest and her avian compatriots, not recognizing them. She'd ask where they were going, but Ernest's secretive nature gives her pause
  115. Ernest Gillett looks over to the trio of birds for a moment before looking back at Walker. She began to think that her silence is making her look suspicious, and figure she should at least greet her. "Oh, hey. I didn't expect you here," she noted towards Walker.
  116. Boyd: You know this legger, Ernie?
  117. M. Walker nods with a faint smile, relieved to run into a bug that won't steal her food and spit acid in her face. "Me either..."
  118. M. Walker almost doesn't notice the legger remark, she's been called worse in recent memory
  119. Ernest Gillett turns towards Boyd to give a small nod to the question, right before focusing back at Walker. "So.. what brings you out here for?"
  120. The birds start eyeing the topsider transport.
  121. M. Walker replies, "Long story...I see you're busy with these, friends of yours, so I won't keep you."
  122. GM (GM): ((On a side note, In your guys' journal tab I've made character notes for you guys. There you can upload what you want your token to be and whatever notes you want. I think anyway.))
  123. Everett Pillory: (( Cool ))
  124. At this point the birds begin whispering to eachother.
  125. They cordon off Ernest.
  126. Bird: -o Hey Ernest, you know this lady?
  127. M. Walker blinks in some confusion with the birds' behavior and questions. This was looking uncomfortably familiar.
  128. Martin Baron: (( I'm looking at the journal tab, don't see anything outside the normal stuff. ))
  129. Clayton R.: (( I wonder if Hershel will remember his orders. ))
  130. Everett Pillory: (( Herschel remembered the orders, Clay. It's been a dear thing ))
  131. Clayton R.: (( I don't see anything new either. Probably need to refresh. ))
  132. GM (GM): ((Okay, I think that does it.
  133. Martin Baron: (( Thank you. ))
  134. DJ-Max: (Cool!)
  135. Clayton R.: (( Thanks ))
  136. Crane: Think we should grab anything for the road?
  137. Robin: Yeah, sure.
  138. Boyd: Why not?
  139. Ernest Gillett turn to her attention towards the birds, trying to shush them off. "Yes, I know this lady! I'll just send her of her way and we'll be fine," she whispered in a harsh tone. She peeks back at Walker afterwards.
  140. Ernest Gillett: ((Sorry if I'm being slow over here.))
  141. The birds decide not to form a defensive line tackle.
  142. Ernest Gillett calls out towards Walker, "Ah, I appreciate that then! Perhaps I may see you sometime later?"
  143. M. Walker bites her lip, and nods curtly. "Sure!"
  144. Clayton R.:
  145. Birds: Let's fly boys!
  146. The group spread their wings and take off, proceed with them Ernest?
  147. Ernest Gillett gives a nod at Walker, before spreading her wings to fly. She follows the trio of birds towards their destination.
  148. She ascends with the birds, using their aerial speed they disappear in the distance headed south.
  149. Walker! There is nothing but the silent, judgemental Hershel here for you! Proceed to colony?
  150. M. Walker sighs, wondering what that was all about. With that, she makes for the elevator
  151. Back to endtown!
  152. it's like you never left!
  153. GM (GM): ((Cool avatars, btw))
  154. Clayton R.: (( Thanks ))
  155. DJ-Max was sleeping about at home most of the time. (Also. Thanks.)
  156. Clayton R.: (( Are we switching maps? ))
  157. GM (GM): No sorry, just got confused for a sec.
  158. There's actually like a dozen tokens on the GM layer here.
  159. Clayton R.: (( Oh. ))
  160. It is a normal day when Martin recieves a rapping on his door.
  161. Martin Baron groggily walks to the door, still feeling ill after Flask's mission. He yells through the door, not bothering to open it "Who the hell is it?"
  162. GM (GM): There is no response, but you notice the person has slipped a note under your door.
  163. Everett Pillory: (( Motherfucker... not him ))
  164. Martin Baron notices the note slipped near his feet and picks it up. Before reading it, he opens the door a crack to try to see who was outside.
  165. Martin Baron: (( Should I roll perception or no? ))
  166. There is a small child running down the hall.
  167. Martin Baron: "Hey! What do you want from me?" Martin yells down the hall, glancing down at the note to read it.
  168. GM (GM): The note says "Hey killer, I decided what I wanted! I want you to talk to Walt and ask him about his 'secret project.'
  169. -Gold Eyes."
  170. DJ-Max: (The Assassian's guild is coming.)
  171. GM (GM): brb in minute
  172. Everett Pillory: (( A picture of dickbutt with "WE KNOW!" under it.))
  173. Ernest Gillett: ((Pfffft))
  174. Clayton R.: (( Ah, I knew something was wrong on my end. My map was still stuck on the surface with Walker and Hershel. ))
  175. Martin Baron stands at his door confused for a few seconds, until his brain finally clicks. He stuffs the note in his pocket and rushes outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the frog.
  176. Everett Pillory: (( Me too ))
  177. Martin Baron: (( It's stuck on Hershel for me too. Going to reload. ))
  178. Ernest Gillett: ((Same here.))
  179. Clayton R.: (( reload ))
  180. (( It fixed it for me. ))
  181. Martin Baron: (( Hmm, I'll edit the avatar and make is just the bust than the full shot after the game. ))
  182. Everett Pillory: (( Now I'm in the alley ))
  183. Martin Baron: (( saw it switch but now it's back to the endtown map ))
  184. Clayton R.: (( I think GM was just trying to refresh the map for you. ))
  185. Martin Baron: (( Anyway GM, I'm rushing outside and I'm gonna try to do a perception. Maybe get lucky and chase the frog prince down. ))
  186. GM (GM): Sure!
  187. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  188. (5)+15= 20
  189. (( I aint found shit ))
  190. Clayton R. decides to get some air after resting in his apartment for a while.
  191. GM (GM): Yeah, nothing stands out besides the regular traffic.
  192. Martin Baron forces the front door open and tries to look around outside. Aside from the occasional walker, there's not a frog to be found.
  193. The child you darted pass pulls on your shirt.
  194. Child: Hey, do I get a tip?
  195. Everett Pillory: (( OH NO, THE CHILD WILL MAKE MARTIN MAD ))
  196. Martin Baron: (( MARTIN ANGRY ))
  197. "I'
  198. Clayton R.: (( "No. you get aknuckle sandwich nerd!" ))
  199. M. Walker: ((punt))
  200. Child: I delivered the letter like he said, don't people tip the messager in the movies?
  201. Martin Baron: "I'm not giving you #$^% unless you tell me who you got this note from, you little ?*@# !"
  202. GM (GM): ((Do it, punch a child!))
  203. Martin Baron: (( Intimidating ))
  204. rolling 1d100-5
  205. (55)-5= 50
  206. (( -20 social to 15 mind bonus ))
  207. Everett Pillory: (( STEAL HIS CANDY ))
  208. GM (GM): No, it works, ain't even going to roll.
  209. The child begins crying.
  210. CryingChild: The man in the sewer gave me two dollaaaars!
  211. Clayton R.: (( pls no bully ))
  212. Martin Baron: (( Perception for nearest sewer? ))
  213. GM (GM): Sure!
  214. Martin Baron: (( This is no time for thinking I'm bullrushing this ))
  215. rolling 1d100+15
  216. (67)+15= 82
  217. GM (GM): You see, GOLD EYES!
  218. In the sewer grate!
  219. And he has his camera!
  220. Wait you see something else!
  221. Martin Baron: (( ))
  222. GM (GM): Two individuals! A bear and deer! They seem to be wondering "What is your problem" and "Why are you yelling at that child, you freak"
  223. They appear to be talking to you!
  224. Martin Baron: (( Priority target #1: Going fullspeed at the frog. Will contortion through the grates if I have to ))
  225. GM (GM): Sure!
  226. The beer is going to take a swipe at you for acting weird!
  227. Martin Baron: "I don't have time for you $#%&@* !" Martin yells out, attempting to push them aside and deal with the frog.
  228. (( Parrying ))
  229. rolling 1d100+45
  230. (16)+45= 61
  231. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  232. (30)+20= 50
  233. You parry his swipe, you have clearance to run!
  234. Martin Baron: (( Man I really want to punch him back ))
  235. (( Don't got time for this though ))
  236. (( Charging the grate, brace for impact ))
  237. Everyone, even those not in the colony itself, you all hear the scuffle of rabbit making a child sad and tussling with two locals!
  238. Martin Baron: (( Ok, I'm short size, what die to I have to roll to contortion through the grate? ))
  239. There is much yelling and swearing involved!
  240. GM (GM): The grate is tiny sized.
  241. DJ-Max: "...The hell is that?"
  242. Martin Baron: "#$*@ING @$(! @#)@#& %(@!$ !" Martin screams out, trying his best to hold himself back from attacking every person nearby, possibly the kid as well.
  243. GM (GM): To go down one size you must roll 60 or better.
  244. What is your agility?
  245. Martin Baron: (( Agility is 9 ))
  246. Everett Pillory slinks through the streets, hiding a paper bag under his arm avoiding gazes. Then he hears a familiar voice and shivers... he turns on his heel and tries to run away bumping into DJ of all people and spilling the contents of the bags on the street going - bottles of pills.
  247. Clayton R. stumbles upon Maurices after a bit, he stops there to grab some a bottle of whiskey before he heads back to the apartment/.
  248. DJ-Max wonders, could he recognize the scuffling as Martin?
  249. GM (GM): You gain +60 on the roll
  250. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+60
  251. (100)+60= 160
  253. GM (GM): I'll have to review those.
  254. Clayton R.: (( fugg dude ))
  255. Martin Baron: (( YOU CAN'T OUTRUN ME ))
  256. GM (GM): You swooce through the grate and into the water!
  257. Martin Baron: (( How far away is the frog? ))
  258. You jump into the murky depths. You are completely submerged and in a current.
  259. You have no clue where he is!
  260. Martin Baron: (( Aw crap, no skills in swimming. ))
  261. (( Screw it, my anger will keep me afloat ))
  262. (( Rolling perception ))
  263. rolling 1d100+15
  264. (16)+15= 31
  265. GM (GM): Just then, something wraps around your ankle!
  266. Martin Baron: (( Lost sight of bogey ))
  267. (( Can I strike back? ))
  268. GM (GM): Not with your leg, but sure!
  269. Martin Baron: (( Kick his arm with my other leg ))
  270. M. Walker had overheard the struggle, but Martin was out of sight before she could see him out her window
  271. Martin Baron: (( Yeah imagine that scenario for a second: Rabbit man screams at child, parries a BEAR swipe, then runs past them all screaming in curses, and swooces into a sewer grate ))
  272. Clayton R. finally makes if back to Lazy Day Apartments and heads inside
  273. Martin Baron: (( Anyway, rolling kick ))
  274. GM (GM): Sure!
  275. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  276. (1)+45= 46
  277. Everett Pillory: (( OW))
  278. Martin Baron: (( Thanks mang ))
  279. Clayton R.: (( shieet ))
  280. GM (GM): You slosh in the water and miss.
  281. You do rub against him though
  282. roll 1d100 for resist
  283. Martin Baron tries to kick the frog, but his inexperience in water shows with his attack.
  284. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  285. (27)= 27
  286. GM (GM): on a 8 or lower your resist being drugged!
  287. brb
  288. Martin Baron: (( Did that slimy bastard just syringe me? I'm gonna squeeze the drugs out of my veins and go to town on him ))
  289. Clayton R. notices Walker heading back to her place as he steps inside. He moves to flag her down. "Hey Walker... When you'd get back?"
  290. Clayton R.: (( Martin, are you just trying to reenact JoJo's Bizarre adventure right now? ))
  291. Martin Baron: (( Bloody hell I might ))
  292. GM (GM): He's a frog, man.
  293. Everett Pillory: (( Just now? Someone insulted Martin's hair 2 episodes ago ))
  294. Martin Baron: (( Crap, I'm gonna lose my foot! ))
  295. (( It's gonna get frozen and I have to bite it off, no ))
  296. Clayton R.: (( first you move like Santana through a sewer grate, then you want to force poison out of you veins. ))
  297. GM (GM): Being exposed to substances that inhibit reaction time, perception, and thinking processes. This can be drunk, high, buzzed, whacked, wet, dry, or high on life. -15 to strike, parry, or dodge and your initiative is 0.
  298. Everett Pillory picks himself up and hurriedly packs the pill bottles back in the bag, trying to look as normal as possible... that is as normal as a Panda with a problem "D...DJ... hey... how's it going. D... did you hear that scream? I think it's Martin, you should probably help him he he."
  299. M. Walker sighs, adding "Just now, yes...I have to offload my gear before I go anywhere near security...I have to tell them about one of my neighbors..."
  300. DJ-Max: "...He didn't get worse did he?" DJ asks looking serious.
  301. Martin Baron: (( You'd have to coordinate with the friggin TMNT before you can find me in these sewers ))
  302. (( Can I try attacking again, or am I out for the count? ))
  303. Walker, Everett, Santana, Martin, you all notice pedestrians all looking at sewer grates and listening. Apparently something is going on in there.
  304. Martin Baron: (( Crap, now the guitarist is gonna summon Red Hot Chili Peppers and kick my ass ))
  305. DJ-Max with that goes to start looking for Martin. He's got large ears... he could certainly find them...well enough, hopefully. Hoping Everett would tag along.
  306. Clayton R. sighs, "Really? It have anything to do with that scouting party you went up with a couple days ago?" He asks, stopping as he notices a bunch of murmuring among Endtowners.
  307. M. Walker notices the bustle outside just as she finishes replying to Clayton. "What on earth..."
  308. DJ-Max: (I roll tracking I would guess correct?)
  309. Martin, You continue to wrestle with the frog. He isn't hitting you, just holding your leg and keeping you below the not-air
  310. Martin Baron: (( How long do I got before I run out of air? ))
  311. M. Walker adds, "Well...I'm sorry to say I was had. That was no scouting party."
  312. you have about 1 minute before you fill your water quota for a lifetime!
  313. GM (GM): Sure DJ!
  314. Footprints, profanity from a storm drain, same difference.
  315. Everett Pillory nods "Ye... yeah he did. I was uhhh getting medicine for him." and looks at the bag then at DJ rushing off. He sighs and rubs his face. "Come on, Everett. Do it for him at least. Save a soul..." he says to himself before following DJ.
  316. Clayton R. frowns, walking searching along the crowd to see what they are looking at. "I see... What happened?" He asks, as he begins walking into the street, gesturing for Walker to follow.
  317. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna kick him in the arm again ))
  318. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  319. (75)+20= 95
  320. Plus mind I'm guessing.
  321. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  322. (17)+30= 47
  323. (( Please for the love of god ))
  324. GM (GM): You do!
  325. Roll damage
  326. M. Walker follows after Clayton, joining him on the street
  327. Martin Baron: rolling 1d10+18
  328. (1)+18= 19
  329. GM (GM): You also discover, that was his tongue.
  330. Martin Baron: (( He still attached? ))
  331. Clayton R.: (( I'm gonna see if I can trace where the commotion is coming from.))
  332. rolling 1d100+35
  333. (28)+35= 63
  334. DJ-Max looks back "I think I hear him...that way!" The rat says before trouncing off toward Martin... hopefully.
  335. GM (GM): ((Nope, your blow freed you from the grip. Unfortunately you have no idea where he went. Also, you have 3 inches of breathing space.))
  336. Martin Baron: (( Should I roll to try to submerge and get some air? ))
  337. (( *emerge ))
  338. GM (GM): Sure.
  339. Martin Baron: (( Straight 100? ))
  340. GM (GM): Yes.
  341. Martin Baron: (( If so, then I might as well die here my rolls went to piss after that 100 ))
  342. rolling 1d100
  343. (73)= 73
  344. (( There we go, finally ))
  345. GM (GM): You crawl out a grate on the other side of town.
  346. You are covered in sick and your vision is distorted from the toxins on the frog.
  347. Clayton R. stops, it seems the commotion has ceased.
  348. Martin Baron worms his way onto the street, flipping onto his back to breathe. After a few seconds, he begins yelling incomprehensibly.
  349. Everett Pillory follows DJ to where he leads him to, clutching his paper bag.
  350. The vision of Santana disappears.
  351. Clayton R. shakes his head. "Hmm, probably a drug bust or something..." He utters under his breath. He heads back to the apartment building.
  352. Kinda sorta
  353. Martin Baron: (( Anything I can do about the poison? Otherwise I'm halfway blind till it runs out of my system ))
  354. DJ-Max: (Also! When shall DJ come upon Martin?)
  355. GM (GM): Okay let's have it be 1d10 hours
  356. rolling 1d10
  357. (4)= 4
  358. DJ-Max: Well.
  359. GM (GM): 4 hours.
  360. M. Walker feels a bit suspicious yet about the commotion, and takes a sniff of the air around her
  361. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+55
  362. (37)+55= 92
  363. GM (GM): ((This is actually an interesting side note but Aaron told way early that mutants are sort of mixed up epitomes of their mutant species, so a frog mutant has poisoness skin and the long tongue despite them not being neccessarily from the same... yeah okay.))
  364. DJ-Max: (That's rather interesting actually.)
  365. Everett Pillory: (( Interesting ))
  366. GM (GM): You smell, you smell very well. There are lots of people but you smell from the sewers a pungent sick odor, likely a reptile or something, and Martin.
  367. Clayton R.: (( Found a gif of Martin Earlier. ))
  368. GM (GM): You detect that the moved afew hundred feet down the street.
  369. Martin Baron: (( That is pretty cool ))
  370. M. Walker follows the scent downstreet
  371. GM (GM): noice!
  372. Clayton R. follows out of mild interest. He doesn't have a sharp senses after all.
  373. M. Walker: (Ooh, Dottie)
  374. GM (GM): You follow and you encounter Martin threatening dottie.
  375. Martin, Dottie is telling you, "Evil compels mud dirt water SSSSsecret PROGECT"
  376. Dottie: Glubglubglub glub!
  377. Martin Baron: Most of Martin's lines are slurred, coughing occasionally and spitting out filthy water. He doesn't notice the others approach. "What the #$% are you saying you #$@&#@?>#@ ?"
  378. DJ-Max: "...He did get worse..."
  379. Dottie: You need help! What's wrong with this guy?
  380. Clayton R. stops midstep as he lays eyes on a sewer caked Marin. He wishes he would have bought another gas mask all the sudden. He moves to get behind Martin
  381. Martin Your friends are trying to beat you up again!
  382. Clayton R.: (( can I roll sneak to get behind him undetected? ))
  383. M. Walker yells out, "Martin, what the devil are you doing?!" aghast at seeing him covered in sewage
  384. Martin Baron: "Stop-" Martin coughs again, before resuming "-speaking in #$(< bubbles you %#(#!(? insane git!"
  385. Everett Pillory cringes and notices Dottie. He rushes by "He's in a really bad condition... stay clear." he says trying to wrestle Martin to the ground "COME THROUGH YOU FUCKER. IT'S ME. EVERETT. REMEMBER ME?"
  386. Martin Baron notices four blurred figures to his right, as he turns he suddenly gets tackled by one of them!
  387. Clayton R.: (( Who tackled Martin? ))
  388. Everett Pillory: (( The most intelligent of you all ))
  389. Martin Baron: (( Everett, said he's wrestling Martin to the ground ))
  390. Maybe it was Bartin
  391. Everett Pillory: (( Does the most stupid thing again!!))
  392. DJ-Max speaks to Dottie personally. "Our boy here wen'' well. Things been' goin' a lil' down hill fo' him. He just needs ta' calm down a bit. Been havin' bad dreams ya' know?"
  393. Clayton R.: (( Oh, I misunderstood that. Whoops. ))
  394. Martin Baron: (( Sorry about this man. I'm rolling to attack. ))
  395. (( Punch ))
  396. Everett Pillory: (( I anticipated this ))
  397. GM (GM): Ah right, panda and rabbit.
  398. Martin Baron: (( Still drugged, unfortunately. ))
  399. Everett Pillory rolls to parry (( -30 skill points, right? On top of the bonus . ))
  400. Clayton R.: (( I want to try to get my arms around Martin's neck to choke him out. ))
  401. Dottie also gets in on this acti-- I mean, she tried to hold Martin back as well.
  402. Martin Baron can barely make out Everett's face, but that doesn't matter to him now. Someone's attacking him. Probably about the child. This needs to be solved.
  403. GM (GM): Yep.
  404. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  405. (21)+30= 51
  406. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100-10
  407. (65)-10= 55
  408. ((I can't believe it))
  409. GM (GM): You have two more actions.
  410. Martin Baron: (( Intimidation. ))
  411. Everett Pillory grabs Martin's fist in his hand "EVERETT. IT'S ME. EVERETT. COME THROUGH."
  412. Everett Pillory: (( What would be my defence on that? 1d100-30 ))
  413. Martin Baron begins to yell out, much like at the hospital. He needs to find the frog. "LET GO OF ME YOU #$*@ MURDEROUS #$(@ !"
  414. GM (GM): Yep.
  415. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-5
  416. (81)-5= 76
  417. GM (GM): Well, actually no, this is combat.
  418. -30 would apply through skills
  419. Everett Pillory: (( I get no bonus though to my social skills ))
  420. GM (GM): The mask is weak, the animal is strong in that sense.
  421. Ah yeah, for intimidation it would be -30
  422. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100-30
  423. (14)-30= -16
  424. Martin Baron: "YOU'RE ALL ILLUSIONS! YOU'RE ALL FAKES! YOU'RE NOT YOU!" Martin slurs out, his lines becoming more crazed.
  425. GM (GM): You accidently say, "Hit me in the face as hard as you can."
  426. Martin Baron: (( Headbutt ))
  427. rolling 1d100+30
  428. (8)+30= 38
  429. Clayton R.: (( GM, would I make a normal punch roll if I was going to try and subdue Martin? ))
  430. Everett Pillory: (( Not gonna parry that one ))
  431. Everett Pillory looks Martin straight in the eyes... jumps off like he's been burnt. "I'M NOT A MURDERER. NO! I'M NOT! LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE ME ALONE I DIDN'T MEAN TO" and flees for the clocktower, leaving his stuff behind.
  432. GM (GM): ((Yes. That would grip his torso.))
  433. Martin Baron: (( It's a miss anyway ))
  434. GM (GM): Sorry, yeah, 20 or higher for any grapple.
  435. DJ-Max moves to help keep Martin down!
  436. Martin Baron: (( Should we start initiative? ))
  437. M. Walker steps in attempts to help subdue Martin as well
  438. Clayton R. moves in as soon as Everett jumps up, and he tries to subdue Martin
  439. DJ-Max: "...Come on.don' do this man."
  440. Martin Baron: (( Technically, on the schism tree, there's no "last on initiative" ))
  441. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  442. (19)+35= 54
  443. GM (GM): That is correct.
  444. Martin Baron is no longer yelling out words. He can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said. He just starts screaming in anger.
  445. GM (GM): Dottie tries to put herself between Martin and everyone.
  446. Dottie: please stop fighting!
  447. Martin Baron: (( Can I roll to break out of grapple? ))
  448. (( Or am I out of actions? ))
  449. GM (GM): Yep.
  450. Sure!
  451. Martin Baron: (( What's the die? Strength bonus? ))
  452. (( Or agility? ))
  453. Clayton R. is too busy trying to keep Martin from running away to respond.
  454. GM (GM): Strength bonus.
  455. They roll theirs and you roll yours.
  456. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+8
  457. (40)+8= 48
  458. Martin Baron can barely see. He knows he's being grappled, and tries to worm his way out.
  459. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+10
  460. (8)+10= 18
  461. GM (GM): Martin is free of clay!
  462. Clayton R.: ((Damn, low rolls today.))
  463. Dottie: tries to block Martin!
  464. Martin Baron: (( I don't want to do this ))
  465. You all see a flash!
  466. Clayton R. groans in anger as Martin slips out of his grip. He motions to Walker and DJ. "Don't let him get away!"
  467. Martin Baron: (( Crap, I know who that is. What's my perception roll with poisoned eyes? ))
  468. (( I'm following the flash ))
  469. M. Walker is moving to pounce on Martin when the flash stops her
  470. GM (GM): -15
  471. Martin Baron: (( And should I do a perception roll, or can I just scream loudly and book it towards there? ))
  472. GM (GM): Sure.
  473. Another sewer grate.
  474. Clayton R. tries to clear his vision and scan the area as soon as the flash subsides.
  475. Martin Baron prepares to strike Dottie out of the way, but the flash stops him. He knows who it is. He notices the grate. Round 2.
  476. Martin Baron: (( Running to grate to contortion in. ))
  477. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+30
  478. (51)+30= 81
  479. Dottie also tries to grapple Martin!
  480. Martin Baron: (( Parrying ))
  481. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  482. (82)+10= 92
  483. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  484. (45)+30= 75
  485. GM (GM): Oh wow.
  486. DJ-Max runs after him of course. Can't let him get away! His friend needs help... and DJ can't leave them behind. When its his turn that is.
  487. GM (GM): Dottie has a grip on your hand, Martin!
  488. Everett Pillory: (( CAPIBARA POWERS ACTIVE ))
  489. Clayton R.: (( oh man, Dottie the linebacker here. ))
  490. M. Walker helps Dottie subdue Martin
  491. Martin Baron: (( We're a bit deep into this combat, should we do initiative? ))
  492. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+8
  493. (65)+8= 73
  494. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  495. (41)+20= 61
  496. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  497. (12)+35= 47
  498. Everett Pillory: (( Walker do you have tranqualizers in your medkit to calm him down? ))
  499. GM (GM): Sure!
  500. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  501. (30)+50= 80
  502. M. Walker: ((Yup))
  503. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  504. (58)+30= 88
  505. Everett Pillory: (( Might be best to just put him out of action at this point, sorry Martin. But we can't have you going around like this ))
  506. Martin Baron: (( Please try your all to stop me. This is fun either way. Win or lose. ))
  507. Everett Pillory: (( You don't have to add me to the list GM. Panda is long gone and hiding. ))
  508. GM (GM): While drugged our inti is 0
  509. Martin Baron: (( Damn. ))
  510. GM (GM): It's okay, half the board is 0 as well.'
  511. Clayton!
  512. Clayton R.: (( Is he in my grip after my last roll, or should I roll again?))
  513. Martin Baron 's eyes look glazed, possibly from the poison. He's still screaming incomprehensibly.
  514. GM (GM): Let's roll again.
  515. Clayton R. grimaces, and leaps at Martin in an attempt to subdue him again
  516. Martin Baron: (( So should I roll or not? ))
  517. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  518. (98)+35= 133
  519. GM (GM): ((Sure!))
  520. Martin Baron: (( We talking intiative or something else, I'm sorry. ))
  521. Clayton R.: (( Already took initiative. Clayton is tackling you. ))
  522. Martin Baron: (( Yeah sorry, just confused. Got a wrong PM ))
  523. (( Anyway, I'm taking the hit. Can't parry it unless I roll real high ))
  524. GM (GM): You tackle Martin!
  525. Clayton R. smiles as he wrestles Martin to the ground.
  526. Clayton R.: (( Are there any other moves I can make to restrain his movement further? ))
  527. (( Like an arm-bar or something? ))
  528. Martin Baron eyes are still blurry from the poison, but he can make out Clayton. Possibly a smile too. They truly are out to get him.
  529. GM (GM): ((You can grab his arms or legs.))
  530. Clayton R.: I'll grab his arms too
  531. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, Dottie has my arm you can get the other ))
  532. Clayton R.: (( same roll? ))
  533. GM (GM): Yes.
  534. Arms and torso=Can't move or attack.
  535. Clayton R. moves to restrain Martin's arms.
  536. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  537. (71)+35= 106
  538. GM (GM): Clayton can choose to inflict damage, pick him up, or toss him.
  539. Martin Baron: (( Pick up. Yeah, then he slams me onto the street like a WWE match ))
  540. Clayton R.: (( Hmm. I was actually thinking more of keeping him pinned to the ground. ))
  541. Martin Baron: (( Still not parrying. 30 percent chance is too low for me ))
  542. (( Keeping my 3 actions ))
  543. Everett Pillory: (( Clayton is Dr. Mankind? ))
  544. Martin Baron: (( Clayton with the bandages is Hush ))
  545. (( Who is also a doctor I think ))
  546. (( Pfff hahaha ))
  547. (( MGR has the best soundtrack ))
  548. GM (GM): Well, we are close to getting Socko in here.
  549. Clayton R.: (( Can I keep him pinned to the ground or do I need to pick one of those three actions? ))
  550. GM (GM): Mana! Your turns!
  551. Everett Pillory: (( Tranq him ))
  552. M. Walker: ((Yup. Roll first aid?))
  553. Martin Baron sees another person approaching. Possibly Manalisha, it's hard to tell. She's in on it too.
  554. GM (GM): No, those are your options for now. He's still pinned until something happens.
  555. Clayton R. wraps his arms around Martin's and he yells back to Walker. "Walker! Tranq him now!"
  556. GM (GM): Basically it's disabling conditions.
  557. M. Walker is already producing a syringe from her belt, and administers her best anesthetic.
  558. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+60
  559. (70)+60= 130
  560. Martin Baron: (( Anything I can do to counter this GM? ))
  561. (( It's a high roll I'm gonna have to gamble for. ))
  562. Everett Pillory: (( Get comfortably numb ))
  563. M. Walker: ((Good song))
  564. Clayton R.: (( I agree. ))
  565. GM (GM): Sure.
  566. Martin Baron: (( What can I do then? ))
  567. GM (GM): Parry.
  568. Martin Baron: (( That's a really damn low chance. Might as well, or else combat's over. ))
  569. rolling 1d100+30
  570. (62)+30= 92
  571. GM (GM): Roll to strike mana
  572. Ah wait you did.
  573. Sorry.
  574. Well, it's like resisting drugs.
  575. Martin Baron tries to use his free arm to parry Mana away. It doesn't work.
  576. GM (GM): 1d100, roll under your str bonus
  577. Martin Baron: (( Roll below my pitiful +8 bonus? ))
  578. GM (GM): *% chance
  579. 8% I should say.
  580. Martin Baron: (( I'm sorry? It's a strength of 4, so. ))
  581. (( alright then ))
  582. rolling 1d100
  583. (1)= 1
  584. (( WOO ))
  585. DJ-Max: (IT HAPPENED)
  586. GM (GM): Let's be an ass.
  587. Clayton R.: (( sad trombone ))
  588. Everett Pillory: (( ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ))
  589. M. Walker: ((Oh. Wow.))
  590. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohhhh))
  591. Clayton R.: (( That man had a family! ))
  592. Martin Baron feels the needle enter his body, the drugs entering. He can't let it happen again, he needs to find the frog NOW.
  593. GM (GM): Mana, you try to stab the rabbit.
  594. Clayton R.: (( Rules of Natures fits so much better now. ))
  595. GM (GM): Something stops you.
  596. M. Walker finds her hand, stopped in midair?
  597. Martin Baron shoots a frightening glare at the Mana-like blur. His eyes barely connect with her, rather aimed at her general direction.
  598. GM (GM): Whipping out like a flash a long tounge lashes out from the sewer grate and snaps the syringe out of your hand.
  599. You hand takes
  600. rolling 1d10
  601. (3)= 3
  602. 3 damage.
  603. Everett Pillory: (( Someone really wants Martin to go crazy ))
  604. Martin Baron: (( The whole world's out for me, I swear! ))
  605. GM (GM): (I'm sorry, he was on the gm table.
  606. DJ-Max: "...What was...that..."
  607. GM (GM): Next action Mana?
  608. M. Walker is taken aback by the sudden strike, yipping aloud in alarm, and cradling her bruised hand
  609. Everett Pillory: (( Try again. You have few syringes ))
  610. Martin Baron barely notices... something strike the blur. Long tentacle type of thing. He's still there.
  611. GM (GM): Also mana, roll fortitude.
  612. And he is laughing very hard.
  613. Clayton R. flashes a glare back to the sewer. He looks back to Mana. "Walker... Martin first! Get the syringe! DJ, check out that Sewer grate!""
  614. M. Walker: rolling 1d100
  615. (54)= 54
  616. DJ-Max: "Already planning on it."
  617. M. Walker: (Dunno what it is, eheh)
  618. Martin Baron: (( ))
  619. DJ-Max: "Someones doing something... and I don't like it."
  620. Martin Baron: (( Poison, his tongue poisoned you. ))
  621. GM (GM): It takes at least two actions to ready a weapon mana, you can strike next turn.
  622. M. Walker: (Yeah, I dunno what my fortitude is)
  623. Martin Baron: (( Strength bonus ))
  624. Clayton R.: (( Damn frog, this fight could have just ended. ))
  625. Martin Baron: (( I got real damn lucky with that syringe))
  626. GM (GM): Oh sorry. unless you have a str of 10 you are drugged.
  627. there is another flash.
  628. M. Walker: (Oohh, so yeah)
  629. Martin Baron: (( Unless you got anymore syringes, I don't think so Tim. ))
  630. (( Best OST ))
  631. GM (GM): ((I like it as well.
  632. Martin Baron: (( Make sure to roll the 1d10 for the hours ))
  633. DJ-Max: (Another flash!)
  634. GM (GM): ((I try hard to not over do it, but bah to that.
  635. M. Walker: rolling 1d10
  636. (4)= 4
  637. Martin Baron: (( I saw that you funny git ))
  638. GM (GM): Alright, endturn or something else?
  639. M. Walker: No, she's drugged at this point, too
  640. Everett Pillory: ((... fuck... ))
  641. ((...and Everett had the restraining device ))
  642. Martin Baron: (( You know, if Martin wasn't below negative MP, he'd go to Dottie, explain what's going on, and not to accept any pictures from a frog, etc. ))
  643. GM (GM): Dj!
  644. Everett Pillory: (( GG Martin, poor Everett is crying his eyes out and he has means to subdue you ))
  645. M. Walker starts stare blankly ahead, and mumble to herself. "S...seb...Where are you...?"
  646. Martin Baron: (( Just according to keikaku ))
  647. Everett Pillory: (( Endtown RPG: More misery than STALKER: Misery mod ))
  648. DJ-Max moves toward the place he saw that tongue lash back too! Who did that?! Someone is getting kicked for that.
  649. Martin Baron: (( Eeugh, I'll raise you some misery: Endtown RPG Expansion: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Misery Experience.
  650. (( Worst of both worlds ))
  651. Everett Pillory: (( I'm Slav enough to take it ))
  652. Clayton R. stares as Walker seems to lose sense of what's going on. He tries to capture her attention. "Walker! Walker! Snap out of it! I need your help!"
  653. GM (GM): Hmmm, motivation. Should that be a roll?
  654. Martin Baron: (( Maybe, like with mind bonus? ))
  655. (( Persuasion type roll? ))
  656. GM (GM): Sure.
  657. Both of you roll.
  658. DJ-Max once he finds the toad will KICK THE HELL OUT OF IT. Unless he has to roll to find it...
  659. GM (GM): 1d100+mind bonus.
  660. Martin Baron: (( Me and Clayton? Or Clayton and Walker? ))
  661. GM (GM): Clay and walker.
  662. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+30
  663. (95)+30= 125
  664. (( My drive is unwavering! ))
  665. Martin Baron: (( Ah, sorry. Just that, I'm still screaming over here. ))
  666. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  667. (7)+35= 42
  668. Martin Baron: (( I mean, Clayton won? So she should get her motivation back? ))
  669. (( If she won, then she ignores it? ))
  670. (( New skill for the next session? ))
  671. GM (GM): Clayton shouts resonates with Walker and she comes to, although still blurred and halucinating!
  672. ((Yes, I'll work on that.
  673. Martin Baron: (( But then a "horror" effect or something like that would need to be added ))
  674. M. Walker stares at Clay a moment, before shaking her muzzle rapidly. "C...Clay? I'm sorry, I...I dunno what..."
  675. Martin Baron: (( Anyway, DJ you're gonna make a perception? ))
  676. GM (GM): Actions DJ?
  677. DJ-Max: (May as well)
  678. rolling 1d100 + 20
  679. (27)+20= 47
  680. GM (GM): You got nothing.
  681. DJ-Max sadly probably didn't find the frog. DAMN. He can try again.
  682. GM (GM): It came from that hole in the street but you couldn't see anything but abject darkness.
  683. Clayton R. snaps back to her. "Doesn't Matter! We need to focus. DJ can handle the annoyance! We need to save our friend before he hurts himself or others!"
  684. M. Walker: "Y-yes...!"
  685. DJ-Max squints. He'll try again... and hopefully see it. "I got this!...I think... I'm pretty sure."
  686. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  687. (18)+20= 38
  688. DJ-Max did worse. He'll end turn for now.
  689. GM (GM): Get 75 or better.
  690. DJ-Max has a feeling he'll need that last action to DODGE.
  691. Martin Baron: (( Ok. My turn. Intimidation. ))
  692. GM (GM): Mule kick him in the gut!
  693. Martin Baron: (( Hmm, that too. ))
  694. (( Attacking. ))
  695. (( Clayton, sorry man. ))
  696. rolling 1d100+30
  697. (93)+30= 123
  698. Clayton R.: (( I till have one action since I didn't do any of the three options right? ))
  699. GM (GM): Yeah.
  700. Martin Baron pulls his feet back and launches them directly towards Clayton's chest!
  701. GM (GM): Keep in mind you can't use your arms as long as they're busy grappling.
  702. Dropkick: 2d10+10(20) (Mule kick in this case.)
  703. Clayton R.: ( Okay one more question. Will this break my grip if I don't parry, or is that a separate roll? ))
  704. Martin Baron: (( So even if he does parry, he loses grip and I'm free? ))
  705. (( Oh yeah, and with Walker being at 0 MP, how does the turn order work now? ))
  706. GM (GM): Lets say sure.
  707. Since dropkick knocks an opponent down.
  708. Clayton R.: (( Alright I'll try to parry then. ))
  709. Martin Baron: (( Good luck man ))
  710. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  711. (46)+35= 81
  712. (( Worth a shot ))
  713. GM (GM): nope roll damage.
  714. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+18
  715. (1+5)+18= 24
  716. (( Am I free of grapple or am I still down? ))
  717. GM (GM): 24 to clayton.
  718. Your free.
  719. Martin Baron: (( 24 to Clayton's chest. ))
  720. Martin Baron 's attack connects. He's now free. He can't waste any more time. He has to make it to the grate.
  721. GM (GM): One track mind.
  722. Martin Baron: (( Can I contortion into it or am I only good enough to just move closer to it? ))
  723. (( Priority targets man. Frog first, then punch everyone else. ))
  724. GM (GM): Sure.
  725. Martin Baron: (( Same roll as before, 1d100+60? ))
  726. GM (GM): Yep.
  727. Clayton R. exhales a puff of air as he's kicked in the chest and Martin breaks free. He calls out to him. "You're only hurting yourself Martin! I will call security on you!"
  728. Martin Baron charges towards the sewer grate, forcing his way past his former comrades. He lets out another scream of fury and tries to enter the grate once again to do battle with the frog.
  729. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+60
  730. (56)+60= 116
  731. Everett Pillory: (( Martin is BATSHIT insane ))
  732. GM (GM): A frog leg juts out to intercept your face.
  733. rolling 1d100+20
  734. (80)+20= 100
  735. Martin Baron: (( Damn frog! ))
  736. rolling 1d100+30
  737. (98)+30= 128
  738. (( Screw you! ))
  739. GM (GM): 1d10+10+8
  740. rolling 1d10+10+8
  741. (4)+10+8= 22
  742. 22 damage to head.
  743. Martin Baron: (( Wait, didn't I parry it? ))
  744. GM (GM): You can try.
  745. Everett Pillory: (( ))
  746. He just did
  747. Martin Baron: (( I just did, look after you roll ))
  748. GM (GM): Your roll was just to fly into the grate.
  749. Everett Pillory: (( 128 vs 100 ))
  750. Martin Baron: (( No there was another roll before that ))
  751. GM (GM): Oop, youre right.
  752. Martin Baron: ( 56+ 60)
  753. GM (GM): Well+22 not damage to your head.
  754. You deflect the leg and have yourself in the grate.
  755. Martin Baron: (( Anything else I can do? ))
  756. (( Out of actions? ))
  757. (( I mean, if he's kicking and I parried him, I'm practically tackling him as I jump through the grate ))
  758. GM (GM): Well, that's three for sure.
  759. Everett!
  760. Everett Pillory is in the clocktower's basement freaking out...
  761. GM (GM): Appropriate action.
  762. Martin Baron: (( No no, Strains of Time. Like Everett said, Jack is Back ))
  763. Dottie faints!
  764. GM (GM): Clayton!
  765. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna draw my pistol and just open fire on this frenchy bastard ))
  766. GM (GM): Sorry, Guess frog is up.
  767. Martin Baron: (( New turn or same turn? ))
  768. GM (GM): He descends into the muck!
  769. This is a new turn. Now that he's revealed he's on the intiative table.
  770. DJ-Max: "I see him..."
  771. Martin Baron: (( 3 more actions baby, prepare for a takedown ))
  772. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  773. (88)= 88
  774. Martin Baron: (( Also, I'm imagining these sewers as that sewer section in Finding Nemo. You know, fast currents and very brown water. ))
  775. He dives into the muck and grime!
  776. GM (GM): Roll 88 on a percept to find him!
  777. Clayton!
  778. Martin Baron: (( Not possible, I got a -15 to perception ))
  779. (( I'm gonna spray with a pistol ))
  780. (( underwater. My rage will keep the gun dry so it can work ))
  781. GM (GM): ((This is secret to everybody: But when endtown actually goes into an ocean based chapter I was going to expand on water combat.))
  782. M. Walker: ((Ooooo))
  783. Martin Baron: (( Sounds downright awful for Martin and his not-swimming skills. But really fun for everyone else ))
  784. (( I'm guessing you're gonna bring in a fish-mob armed with AKs? ))
  785. GM (GM): Well that's why there are fish and other aquatic species in the book. Any why there are swimming rates when only one place in the comic actually has water!))
  786. Clayton! We'll get to you later, okay?
  787. DJ!
  788. Martin Baron: (( Oh wait, actually a perception on that might work. %12 chance though if mind bonus applies, so it'd be a straight 100 roll ))
  789. DJ-Max actually has swimming. HE'S GOING AFTER THE FROG. HE WON'T ESCAPE THIS TIME. Though DJ would probably have to percieve him first.
  790. DJ-Max: Since they sunk back in.
  791. Martin Baron: (( You also gotta contort past the grate ))
  792. DJ-Max shall make the effort.
  793. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 40
  794. (61)+40= 101
  795. GM (GM): Swip!
  796. DJ-Max sliiiides on in.
  797. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  798. (70)+20= 90
  799. DJ-Max see's beyond sight.
  800. Martin Baron: (( Just point him out and I'm gonna open fire ))
  801. (( I'm too pissed to care about shooting a potential civilian ))
  802. you look in darkness and see the frog some feet away in the light of another grate. He's underwater.
  803. Martin Baron: (( Dammit, you're saying he's underwater past another grate? ))
  804. GM (GM): You're all under the grates.
  805. Martin Baron: (( Ok, so he's out in the open for us. ))
  806. GM (GM): You just see him near the next one down the line.
  807. DJ-Max: "I see him....No escape now..." DJ will dive in after him and GRAB HIM.
  808. GM (GM): You are now in the grate dimension.
  809. DJ-Max has become one with the grates.
  810. Martin Baron: (( ))
  811. GM (GM): To be fair, this would be a great escape route...
  812. DJ-Max: ...
  813. I felt the pun
  814. Martin Baron: (( Dammit, saw that too. ))
  815. DJ-Max is going to roll agility now before ending his turn to CATCH THIS GUY.
  816. Martin Baron: (( Oh dammit I just realized: I'm furious, I'm in the water, and I'm chasing down some guy mocking me. ))
  817. GM (GM): Okay, Jump, slooce, and look. Is that 2 or 3 actions?
  818. Sure!
  819. Martin Baron: (( Swooce and perception ))
  820. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 40
  821. (65)+40= 105
  822. GM (GM): Sheet.
  823. DJ-Max: "GOT YOU."
  824. GM (GM): β€’ Slimey Skin: Your skin is covered in a slimy mucus. It allows you to slip from grips as well as a toxin when you feel threatened. Effect: All grapple attacks against you must be 80 or better. When you have entered combat, any character making contact with your skin suffers the Drugged condition. The effect lasts for 1d10 hours.
  825. Somehow you did it.
  826. Martin Baron: (( Phew, damn good job Max ))
  827. GM (GM): roll strength, but you have the toad.
  828. DJ-Max: Now the bad part.
  829. rolling 1d100 + 20
  830. (5)+20= 25
  831. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, the only ones not drugged are Clayton and Dottie. Everett is currently eating drugs. ))
  832. GM (GM): Made it, remarkibly
  833. Martin Baron: (( Wait, I don't think you apply strength bonus. I think you succeeded. ))
  834. (( Damn DJ ))
  835. GM (GM): Rather, 5
  836. 5 being less than 20
  837. Okay, you have the guy.
  838. Everett Pillory: (( KO HIM!! ))
  839. GM (GM): Martin!
  840. Martin Baron: (( I can't swim, how can I approach the toad? ))
  841. GM (GM): Ah yeas.
  842. DJ-Max: (I have a question actually. Does the fact I am wearing gloves matter? Probably not I bet.)
  843. Martin Baron: (( I can try aiming with my pistol for two turns then shoot. ))
  844. GM (GM): . No skill: You can’t swim! If you do, try to swim roll d10: On 1-5 you are sinking and must get out of the water or be rescued and on a 6-10 you are not sinking but thrashing and moving very slowly through it.
  845. So
  846. rolling 1d10
  847. (6)= 6
  848. Martin Baron: (( HAHAH! ))
  849. GM (GM): You keep your head on the not water side!
  850. Martin Baron: (( Do I have a bead on Max and the Toad? ))
  851. GM (GM): Yes, they are shrinking!
  852. Wait, no, the current is pulling you out!
  853. Everett Pillory: (( Don't die, Martin, or else we're going full Requiem for a dream on Everett ))
  854. Martin Baron starts screaming a collage of curses, being taken away from the toad.
  855. Mana!
  856. Martin Baron: (( Can I try to get out of the grime or am I screwed? ))
  857. GM (GM): You are hearing more screaming from the grates!
  858. Next round.
  859. There is more screaming coming out of the sewers than usual!
  860. GM (GM): Mana, your turn?
  861. M. Walker: ((Trying to think of what I can do, eheh))
  862. Everett Pillory: (( Who is still A) Not drugged B) Crazy enough to go to the sewers))
  863. GM (GM): Well, clayton, but he shouldn't touch that crap with all the exposed wounds.
  864. Everett Pillory: (( So Clay... ))
  865. GM (GM): But hey, that's what soap is for!
  866. Clayton R.: (( Clayton isn't going in the sewers. He isn't even going to attempt trying to fit though that grating. ))
  867. GM (GM): ((All the sewers dump into the river eventually.
  868. Martin Baron: (( Which then dumps into an even BIGGER sewer system. ))
  869. (( Like, waterfall sized drop. ))
  870. Clayton R. stands up finally after Martin and DJ have disappeared into the sewers. He wrestles with himself over calling Rat security. Martin can't be allowed to walk freely anymore.
  871. GM (GM): ...Maybe that's what that one colony Albion West was in the comic.
  872. Martin Baron: (( I'm sorry? I'm talking about when that one cat jumped into the river, Wally jumped in after him, then based Oscar the crab saved them both. ))
  873. Everett Pillory: (( Maybe Clay should grab Everett and push him in ))
  874. GM (GM): Well, he is techincally neither walking and is also behind bars.
  875. Yeah, that too.
  876. Martin Baron: (( Does Everett know how to swim? ))
  877. GM (GM): Apparently that's a mystery what is actually past that grate.
  878. Boy, that would be a neat campaign!
  879. Everett Pillory: (( Nope!! ))
  880. Martin Baron: (( Probably a lot of machinery, stuff to power things from the waterfall, and a water purification system after that to clean the piss water ))
  881. (( Anyway, so is the Dog of War and Bane gonna do anything? ))
  882. GM (GM): ((I was thinking a giant monster.))
  883. DJ-Max always puts points in swimming. Always. It will save lives.
  884. M. Walker: ((Can't, too stoned to walk I think))
  885. Martin Baron: (( There very well could be GM ))
  886. GM (GM): Mana! Amublate or pass!
  887. Everett Pillory: (( They could very well find Cosmic Forge under Endtown ))
  888. M. Walker attempts to stagger towards the source of the sound, but her path swerves, and she nearly falls over at least once
  889. Martin Baron: (( You need more rage to properly move ))
  890. GM (GM): Cool, endturn?
  891. M. Walker: (Yeah, I have no idea what to do, and I have to leave anyway, eheh_
  892. )*
  893. GM (GM): I'd just go with a wait action, then when you know you say you use that.
  894. Martin Baron: (( Aw, that sucks man. I'll post the session on /co/ on Monday ))
  895. GM (GM): Oh, sorry, later kazen!
  896. M. Walker: (Thanks, eheh, later!)
  897. Mana is reacting you stimuli that is apparent to no one but her!
  898. Martin Baron: (( Well he's out, on to the Frog I suppose. ))
  899. Everett!
  900. Still in the basement?
  901. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah he's not gonna snap out of it if something close by isn't gonna happen. ))
  902. GM (GM): Frog!
  903. Martin Baron: (( Roll to regain composure? ))
  904. Everett Pillory: (( I could do that... ))
  905. (( Okay let's do that ))
  906. GM (GM): Sure.
  907. Everett Pillory: (( What to do... ))
  908. GM (GM): Same a resist roll
  909. Martin Baron: (( Roll below your mind bonus? ))
  910. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100
  911. (76)= 76
  912. GM (GM): 1d100
  913. 1d100 roll under your mind bonus.
  914. We've had some good ideas this session.
  915. Martin Baron: (( Martin's words still stick to you like glue! ))
  916. Everett Pillory is curled up in the basement, Martin's words still hitting him hard.
  917. Everett Pillory: (( Martin is gonna MVP the fuck out of this session ))
  918. Frog: says Let me go!
  919. Martin Baron: (( Sorry to say, but may need to check out for a bit like last time: Gotta go to the cafeteria before 6 ))
  920. Everett Pillory: (( Panda abuse bonus ))
  921. Martin Baron: (( Also, he's underwater, how can he speak? ))
  922. (( Thanks man. ))
  923. GM (GM): ((Well I assumed DJ would bring him above water when he grappled him.))
  924. Martin Baron: (( Ah, OK. ))
  925. GM (GM): I mean, you can TRY to drown a frog if you want.
  926. Everett Pillory: (( WOO! DUNK HIM DUNK HIM! ))
  927. DJ-Max: "No way! You're doing something to Martin...."
  928. "I'm stoppin' it."
  929. Frog: ...Yes.
  930. You: have caught me.
  931. Martin Baron: (( You should know, if you keep him alive, Martin's gonna fight you all again if you try stopping him from beating him. ))
  932. Frog: I will undo my magic frog curse if you let me go, Okay?
  933. DJ-Max: "...What."
  934. Also: , your friend is about to get swept out to sea.
  935. DJ-Max: "WHAT?!"
  936. The frog points behind you to Martin thrashing in and out of the water line as he goes further and further away.
  937. Martin Baron: (( Don't let go of him, I'm on a different current. You'd be trying to swim upstream. ))
  938. GM (GM): ((Sorry, its just the way you phrased that sentence to him.))
  939. DJ-Max: "..."
  940. "You're not getting away... I'll get him next..."
  941. Martin Baron is still loudly cursing every second he stays above water. He needs to get to the frog.
  942. GM (GM): The frog takes waiting actions.
  943. Clayton!
  944. ((By next turn, Martin will be out in the river but he'll be moving much faster then!))
  945. Martin Baron: (( You have to run faster than the current and a river! ))
  946. Everett Pillory: (( Also sorry people for being so useless this session but I would've been anyway. MP loss wrecks skill-based characters. ))
  947. Clayton R.: (( What's the contortion roll I'd have to make to get into the sewers? ))
  948. Martin Baron: (( Nah it fits just fine. I mean, I did just tell you off. ))
  949. GM (GM): 80 or higher.
  950. Martin Baron: (( Anyway, I'm sorry GM, but I got to get food before the place closes. ))
  951. GM (GM): You're agility is 7 right?
  952. Clayton R.: (( yep ))
  953. GM (GM): So it's 1d100+20
  954. Martin Baron: (( 40% chance ))
  955. (( I'm gonna go try to get takeout from the cafeteria, will be back. ))
  956. Ernest Gillett: ((Alright then.))
  957. Martin Baron: (( Actions if it gets to me are to stay above water. ))
  958. (( be back ))
  959. Clayton R. gets over his anger for few moments as he tracks the sound of Martin moving along the sewer. He moves to intercept, so can subdue him again of course.
  960. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  961. (78)+20= 98
  962. GM (GM): Made it.
  963. Clayton R.: (( Can I see Martin? ))
  964. GM (GM): Yes.
  965. He's right in reach.
  966. Clayton R.: (( I guess I'll make a roll to grab him then ))
  967. Clayton R. just squeezes through the grating, He spots Martin right away and he moves to grab him
  968. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  969. (75)+35= 110
  970. GM (GM): You got him!
  971. Martin Baron: (( Back for a second, saw what happened ))
  972. (( Forgot to get something ))
  973. GM (GM): Cool, he's grappled you. This time to save you.
  974. Clayton R. grabs hold of Martin just in time, and he drags him up from the water. He shout's downways in the Sewer back toward DJ disappeared to. "I got Martin, you handle the asshole."
  975. Clayton R.: (( Can I pull him out of the sewer, or what here? What can I do to fully insure he ins't about to drown?"
  976. GM (GM): ((Yes, -he's- the ass here.))
  977. Martin Baron feels something cling on to him. Sounds like Clayton. He's still furious over his interception.
  978. Everett Pillory: (( Give him to Flask ))
  979. Martin Baron: (( Then have Martin ask if he could enter the room. With the cameras off. ))
  980. (( *cell ))
  981. (( Ok, 2 minutes, I'm out for now. Sorry. ))
  982. GM (GM): You can push him out of the sewer.
  983. roll 1d100 and get over 60
  984. Or just take him out the regular way.
  985. Clayton R.: (( I'll keep hold of him, and hold another action in case he tries to escape... Wait, would I need to make a roll for the regular way?))
  986. GM (GM): No, the regular way is just walking out of the large outflow pipe.
  987. This is actually very small for you.
  988. Clayton R.: (( alright, regular way it is then. I'll save one action. ))
  989. GM (GM): The other way is jamming him through a whole big enough for someone half his size.
  990. DJ!
  991. Clay will be out to safety next round
  992. Clayton R. drags Martin along with him as he move toward the exit. He's gonna have a lot to answer for.
  993. DJ-Max: I should ask this first. Can I THROW this frog out of here and into the open for everyone else?
  994. GM (GM): I think combat has ceased at this point, actually.
  995. DJ-Max: Oh.
  996. GM (GM): Sure
  997. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah... ))
  998. (( Actually... want to see if I will come to ))
  999. rolling 1d100
  1000. (98)= 98
  1001. (( Nope, Traumapanda ))
  1002. GM (GM): If it were any other roll that would have been great.
  1003. Toss him out of the sewer.
  1004. DJ-Max: ...You know what. Sure. Lets see how that goes. Strength right?
  1005. GM (GM): Sure
  1006. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  1007. (29)+20= 49
  1008. GM (GM): You pick up the defender and throw him. The defender and whatever he smashes into deals 1d10 plus 1d10 for every size class above Tiny as well as your Strength Bonus. Please see Throwing Distance pg. 2 to determine your range.
  1009. rolling 3d10
  1010. (3+7+2)= 12
  1011. +20
  1012. That actually did abit of damage!
  1013. DJ-Max: 20 feet it seems.
  1014. Everett Pillory: (( ALso Clay, call the security. There's a brown paper bag with questionable meds that Everett was carrying. You really want to do this to him too? ))
  1015. GM (GM): I guess so.
  1016. Everett Pillory: (( I have no objections. ))
  1017. Clayton R.: (( Clayton is planning to both Martin and Everett in a Psych Ward. ))
  1018. Everett Pillory: (( Just saying. ))
  1019. (( Haha, that's rich!! ))
  1020. (( Psycho putting psychos in psycho ward ))
  1021. Clayton R.: (( I'm just less of a psycho than both of you. ))
  1022. Everett Pillory: (( Currently yes. ))
  1023. (( In all seriousness. I'm all for it. ))
  1024. GM (GM): ((Just because he dressed like he was in Alien doesn't mean he's psychotic!))
  1025. DJ-Max will now leave the sewers and end his turn. "Ennngh..."
  1026. Clayton R.: (( How long is Dottie out? ))
  1027. GM (GM): ((Let's end session in about 20 minutes, okay?
  1028. Everett Pillory: (( Sure ))
  1029. Clayton R.: (( fine by me. ))
  1030. GM (GM): She's been awake for a awhile, she's just pretending to be out.
  1031. Martin Baron: (( Back ))
  1032. GM (GM): She is up and full of questions. Mostly, she wants to know what just happened and why did Martin freak out.
  1033. The Frog starts, "Let me go! I'll pay, I'll sue! You don't have anything!"
  1034. Clayton R.: (( We have assault for one ))
  1035. (( Martin and Everett have to get locked up too. ))
  1036. Martin Baron is out of breath, deciding not to struggle against Clayton while still in the water. While still furious, he's silently thankful for Clayton rescuing him.
  1037. DJ-Max: "I don't care wha' ya' thin' ya' can do. Ya' hurt my boy, ya' messin' me scrub. Wha'd you do to him?"
  1038. Everett Pillory: (( If you can find me Clay!! You will never get to my panda lair ))
  1039. Martin Baron: (( Everett sees a small, mouse maid walk past him and up to the top of the clocktower. Probably no body important. ))
  1040. Frog: Your boy jumped me! The mayor secretary there can witness that!
  1041. Martin Baron: (( Where are we and Clayton now? ))
  1042. DJ-Max: "..."
  1043. Martin Baron: (( Out on the sewers? ))
  1044. (( *of ))
  1045. DJ-Max looks on a moment "he...didn't do that did he?"
  1046. Clayton R. drags Martin out of the sewer. he's wet, frustrated, and ready to kill that frog. He looks to Dottie. "Get the police here, now!"
  1047. GM (GM): Outside of the sewer, in front of city hall.
  1048. Dottie: Just don't do anything rash!
  1049. Martin Baron starts collecting his breath, staying down on the ground.
  1050. Martin Baron: (( Can I roll a hearing perception, try to find Max and the frog? ))
  1051. Everett Pillory: (( Rash? We battletoads now?? ))
  1052. Dottie runs into the hall.
  1053. GM (GM): Yes martin.
  1054. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+35
  1055. (58)+35= 93
  1056. Everett Pillory: (( OH NO!))
  1057. DJ-Max pauses a moment before rubbing the back of his head, seeming rather...well unsure.
  1058. Martin Baron: (( Can add the 15 mind bonus and the plus 20 from hearing ))
  1059. GM (GM): They are directly in front of you.
  1060. Martin Baron: (( oh. ))
  1061. (( well, I am somewhat blinded ))
  1062. Everett Pillory: (( Let's see... if I can regain composure ))
  1063. Clayton R. looks down at Martin. "If you try anything, I will beat you to a pulp. I'm tired of your shit. I'm going after Everett once I'm done with you. "
  1064. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100
  1065. (75)= 75
  1066. (( Nope ))
  1067. Martin Baron can hear the frog. He also hears Clayton's commands, but the frog is here too. High risk for high reward.
  1068. Clayton R. glares down at the Rabbit. "We have the frog, don't you dare try it. "
  1069. GM (GM): Eat the Frog for his power!
  1070. Martin Baron shakenly tries to lift himself up. He wants to end this.
  1071. Clayton R.: (( Can I roll to push Martin back to the ground? ))
  1072. GM (GM): Sure!
  1073. Strength off!
  1074. Clayton R.: (( So, a punch roll? ))
  1075. GM (GM): Well, are you guys still grappled?
  1076. Martin Baron: (( He threw me out of the sewer and is looking down at me, I think ))
  1077. Clayton R.: He is still in my grip, yeah.
  1078. Martin Baron: (( alright then. ))
  1079. Clayton R.: I was sort of dragging him with me out of the sewer
  1080. Martin Baron: (( We're both not really strong characters anyway. Could go either way. ))
  1081. (( Make your roll. ))
  1082. Everett Pillory: (( In all seriousness Martin, good RP or not, we do have to end soon ))
  1083. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, saw the 20 minutes ))
  1084. Clayton R.: (( what is the roll? 1d100+strength bonus? ))
  1085. GM (GM): Yep
  1086. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+10
  1087. (6)+10= 16
  1088. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+8
  1089. (88)+8= 96
  1090. GM (GM): Wrestling is all about power as far as the system goes.
  1091. Clayton R.: ( damn ))
  1092. (( I miss entirely. ))
  1093. GM (GM): He breaks your grip and is free!
  1094. Martin Baron breaks free of Clayton's grip. His body's on fire. He has to finish this.
  1095. GM (GM): His blood is burning for vengence!
  1096. Martin Baron makes a mad sprint for the frog, drawing his 10mm Colt as he runs.
  1097. Frog: AH!
  1098. Dottie: AH!
  1099. Clayton R.: (( Are Walker's syringes still here, or at least the one that was knocked away. I want to put Martin under to end this. ))
  1100. DJ-Max: "What the..."
  1101. Everett Pillory: (( DJ, disarm him!! ))
  1102. Martin Baron: (( Roll to shoot? Aiming for his face, going full Punisher here. ))
  1103. (( While running directly in melee range ))
  1104. GM (GM): 60 or better then.
  1105. Well then it's 40
  1106. Martin Baron: (( -15? ))
  1107. GM (GM): Yep
  1108. Clayton R.: Walker's syringe still here GM?
  1109. GM (GM): Yep.
  1110. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-15
  1111. (52)-15= 37
  1112. Clayton R.: (( I want to dive for it and rush Martin. ))
  1113. GM (GM): Just barely skims his face.
  1114. Martin Baron tries to finish this. The muck and poison in his eyes makes him miss. He's running out of time.
  1115. Clayton R.: (( roll to hit GM? ))
  1116. DJ-Max grabs for Martin. "Calm down...its over!"
  1117. GM (GM): If you just aiming anywhere it's 20
  1118. You have one more shot before the Frog legs it!
  1119. Clayton R.: (( I just want to stick Martin anywhere with it, doesn't matter. ))
  1120. Martin Baron: (( Roll to hit again? ))
  1121. GM (GM): Yes!
  1122. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-15
  1123. (82)-15= 67
  1124. Martin Baron makes another shot. He doesn't care anymore.
  1125. GM (GM): Blam!
  1126. Roll damage
  1127. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+30
  1128. (3+9)+30= 42
  1129. GM (GM): This to his head or chest?
  1130. Martin Baron: (( Aiming for whatever looks like a face. ))
  1131. GM (GM): Close enough.
  1132. Well, that's going to be tough!
  1133. Everett Pillory: (( Oh Jesus... ))
  1134. Martin Baron: (( Not good enough aim? ))
  1135. GM (GM): No, he's daed!
  1136. Everett Pillory: (( It's the aftermath ))
  1137. Martin Baron: (( Well, that's good then. ))
  1138. GM (GM): Wham bam bodyslam!
  1139. Clayton R.: (( CAn I stick Martin with the Needle yet? ))
  1140. Martin Baron: (( And in comes Clayton with the needle and Dottie viewing the guy she just had a chill conversation with blowing somebody's brains out on the streets. ))
  1141. GM (GM): Yes.
  1142. DJ-Max just slumps his shoulders.
  1143. GM (GM): I'm sorry, I thought you were going to just roll before he made his shot.
  1144. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, sorry about that everyone. ))
  1145. Everett Pillory: (( We just need Kirbee now ))
  1146. DJ-Max: Nah its fine.
  1147. I actually don't care.
  1148. Clayton R. finally catches up with Martin, and he rushes to stick the tranq needle in him.
  1149. DJ-Max is being serious too. This does make for a better story you know.
  1150. Martin Baron: (( Hey, I'm just being a good employee for Flask, you know? ))
  1151. GM (GM): And Martin probably passes out
  1152. XP!
  1153. Martin Baron: (( Yep. He's done. He's out. ))
  1154. GM (GM): True, he is best Flask employee! He plugs all the leaks!
  1155. Martin Baron doesn't retaliate to the needle. He's finished it. The drugs start to kick in.
  1156. GM (GM): Clay, you take some wound mp damage
  1157. Martin Baron: (( Don't forget MP damage and the XP from last session ))
  1158. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  1159. (1)= 1
  1160. 1 stress.
  1161. From last session.
  1162. Clayton R. huffs loudly as Martin falls, he kicks him for good measure. He can't wait for the police to get here. This shit is out of hand.
  1163. Martin Baron: (( Oh shit, I just realized: Does this count as a personal failure? ))
  1164. GM (GM): Martin and Everett gain +15 for enemy disposal.
  1165. Everett Pillory: (( No? I think that's a personal successs ))
  1166. (( You killed your blackmailer ))
  1167. Martin Baron: (( Level up! ))
  1168. GM (GM): Actually yeah.
  1169. Martin Baron: (( well, for me. ))
  1170. (( That was only my and Everett's goal though, not the rest of the groups. ))
  1171. Everett Pillory: (( If Everett was in any state... he would probably get a good story going ))
  1172. GM (GM): rolling 3d10 to martin for frogocide
  1173. (8+1+7)= 16
  1174. Martin Baron: (( Really, you're still in the clear. You're not that much a suspect aside from jittery actions and pills. ))
  1175. GM (GM): Clayton gets +20 for rescuing martin
  1176. Martin Baron: -19 MP
  1177. GM (GM): xp I mean.
  1178. Clayton R.: (( Clayton is working against both of you two actively now though ))
  1179. Everett Pillory: -19 MP And in a loony bin
  1180. GM (GM): Ah, Everett and Martin gain +35 xp for catching the bomb.
  1181. Everett Pillory: You're kind of safe
  1182. Clay I wish you would've gone down there
  1183. Clayton R.: (( Down where? ))
  1184. Everett Pillory: Into the clocktower basement
  1185. Martin Baron: (( In the land down under ))
  1186. GM (GM): DJ, you gain +5 for catching the frog
  1187. I think everyone gets +10 xp for all these perception checks.
  1188. Everett Pillory: To fetch me
  1189. Clayton R.: (( Ah. I had to make sure Martin didn't do anything dumb, but he's a wormy one, he is! ))
  1190. GM (GM): Who gets the MVP away.
  1191. Martin Baron: Martin would think Flask would get him out of trouble. She'd probably kill him for being a problem and a leak himself.
  1192. Everett Pillory: Hard to pick between DJ and Martin
  1193. Ernest Gillett: ((I would go with Martin.))
  1194. GM (GM): I'd go with Martin. He was a great boss!
  1195. Clayton R.: (( Martin, for being the hardest weak boss I've faced. ))
  1196. Martin Baron: And to think, I was drugged the whole time too.
  1197. GM (GM): +10 to martin
  1198. Martin Baron: I wont vote for myself, but I will vote for DJ. He did clean this up nicely.
  1199. We kind of got a cliffhanger ourselves going here.
  1200. GM (GM): Alright, I've got to roll. I'll be usre to work on the points that we discussed during session!
  1201. Good job everyone!
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