
Kirby's Super Dreamland

Jun 5th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 1: The Dark God of Destruction Void Termina
  5. Through out the entire world there have been many warriors, each one being Sonic, Mario, MegaMan, Donkey Kong, but out of many unique warrior was the name, Kirby, the Ultimate Star Warrior. Yep, the one and only, Kirby. As like many, he has dealt with many baddies and other evil doers. Each being were more stronger than the last one. One was with his one and only rival King Dedede... The other, his once enemy now ally, Meta Knight. At the start, Kirby who landed in Dreamland who in search a place he could call home. Kirby have found that said home, where he has been the hero who protects it with his life. Even made the bestest friends, Tiff and Tuff. They always did like having fun with him.
  7. Then there's his invitation to the intergalactic tournament called Super Smash Bros. It was then Kirby met with many of the other warriors that were not from his galaxy. Mario, Sonic, MegaMan, Link, and so many others. Where he battled all of them one by one, most he had were loses, some he had were wins, but as he learned from them, he had became the raigning champion. Master Hand and Crazy Hand, tough opponents, Giga Bowser, he barely even won. Then there's Tabuu, the darkest deity he fought. And no kidding, he never had such a battle since his one and only enemy, Marx and he was the very worse, good thing Marx has changed a lot and gave up his wicked ways. And Master Core, the first time he saw him he could barely even get through that one battle, and knowing him, there was no extend to his power. As he watched Sonic in battled, he always get stronger. He was motivated to so many forms of training himself.
  9. And through out the years after, Kirby has been fighting more evil beings that could have taken over the entire universe, or worse, destroyed it. But Kirby has always managed to come out the victor. Sometimes even tell some tales with his smash brother friends, and even they share some similar experience with Kirby. Kirby and Mario were smash rivals, and even come to terms to help each other to fight many evil doers together.
  11. When Kirby has been trying to fight sonic, most were almost ended up in loses, but they were fun to learn how he can match sonic in speed. Then there was Galeem and Drkhan, one of the most powerful enemies he has ever faced. Had not been for his luck, they would have lost. And Kirby was glad he manage to escape. This gave him time to think and reassemble his team again. When he reunited all the warriors together, he fought and defeated Drkhan and Galeem with the help of Sonic and Mario. Everyone celebrated, and to this day, Kirby has been working hard on his status, hoping there was no threat worse than Drkhan and Galeem.
  13. Coming from within a planet, another one from the Halcandra, there were Halcandrians that were cooking. Then a big green king resembling Magolar comes in with panic. "What's taking so long, bring it all in quickly!" The King of Halcandra shouted as they all gasped and cooked faster, what purpose, to serve a god, and not just any god, a God of Destruction.
  15. They quickly put in the best food, just to make it tastier than the entire universe itself, at least they hoped. Giant fish, slug like food, giant snail dishes, and some noodles. "Lord Void Termina, please help yourself to this royal feast. Each course has been meticulously crafted by our world finest chiefs, and I can assure you our creations are the definition of exquisite!" The king of Halcandra stated while he grew nervous.
  17. Void Termina snarled at the king, making him panic, he can't even understand what this thing GoD is saying with all that growling and snarling. "Void Termina said, Is that so...." One of the three angels, Zan Partizanne, the three angels being attendants, Francisca, Flamberge and their elder, Zan partizanne. "Well, we'll see about that" She finished. The three joined him as they all were excited. Termina likes to share his food with his three angels, he considered them family to him. Flamberge grabbed the noodles, Zan taking the slop food, Francisca taking the fish, and Void Termina taking a cup he has never seen. He snarled as he turned to the chief. "Void Termina asked, and what's this?" She translated.
  19. The chief halcandrian gasped as he explained. "I-It's a completely organic garaled small flashed pasked rice serving of arapurataneiz your Lord Ship!" The chief said nervously. (sorry have no clue what is being said)
  21. "Ala pl, a- Are you serious!? What an insufferable name!" Zan said as the chief gulped.
  23. The three sisters tried their dishes, and ate. Void took the Arapurataneiz and removed the mask, revealing a hole from where his head should be. They were scared of their wits seeing what under his mask. It took the drink and ate it and puts the masked back on. Flamberge enjoyed her noodles, Zan eating the slop which is surprising good, and francisca eating the chicken. Then they finished. Void termina snarled. "Void Termina said, the use of salt is truly, divine" Francisca translated.
  25. "So-so you won't?" The Halcandria king spoke a bit hopeful.
  27. "However there is a greasy mouth fill, which is odd.... You actually put a bit much for all of us... I'm afraid Void Termina is not well pleased with that... So I am sorry to say, your planet goes" Zan explained the bad news. The halcandrian screamed in shocked hearing this. The Eldritch Dark lord balled his fist as he sends a powerful shockwave punch on the table, destroying Halcandra entirely, reducing it to rubble.
  29. Void Termina looked at the view of what was once Halcandra. "A bit harsh for food you call tasting, wouldn you say my lord?" Zan said. He snarled as he explained that motive. "I know, all that grease is unhealthy, makes you sluggish all day" The Thunder angel sighs,
  31. "I call hardly that destroying a planet for food, doing a galaxy a favor!" Flamberge hmph.
  35. Kirby was in the kingdom having some food with King Dedede. They were having their fill as they enjoy themselves. "Gotta say, it sure it great having a meal, right Kirby buddy?" *Dedede said to his now good friend and rival.
  37. "Yoyo!" He sucks up his own side, he has been careful enough to not take any of Dedede's side.
  39. "Well at least he's not going on a food crave, he be demaning me to cook again and I hate cooking twice" Eascargoon signed.
  41. "Hey Kirby, I was told to give you this message, it's about this Princess Rosalina wanting to see you, saying she could put you in training and lots of it, meanwhile me and Meta Knight are suppose to have a meeting" Dedede said to kirby.
  43. "Poyo" Kirby chirped as he takes a teleporter and flashed away just to see why they wanted to see him.
  45. Meta Knight then arrived in as he sees him. "So what's the deal, Meta Knight, why you called me in such a urgent meeting and now involve kirby?"
  47. "I am sorry my king... But.. This is about some nightmares I can't stop having... They concern my past..... I was much like Kirby in my day... Only I could still talk... back before I was a knight...." Meta Knight spoke.
  49. "Let me guess Nightmare or something? Galactia Knight?" Dedede asked scratching his head.
  51. "No..... Lord Void Termina...." That name sent fear as Dedede screamed.
  53. "V-Void Termina!? As in Universe 19's God of Destruction?! Our universe!?" Dedede said in panic.
  55. The blue knight nodded, just dreading about that day when he was a young puff ball child.
  58. Meanwhile Void Termina was sitting on his hammock big enough for himself. He groaned, wondering... dreaming about something... He knew he had a dream, but what was it? What was he just dreaming? He could almost remember, but then it slips away. He then looked at the hourglass that floats. He snarled, wondering if his angels are done with something.
  60. At a hyper space travel, the three mage sisters were together. "We still have two more minutes, Lord Void Termind" They can travel in which rivals that of Sonic's speed. They vanished and appeared in the ice planet, White Wafers.
  62. In this planet, White Wafers, giant stomps were made as a giant fish monster called Fatty Puffer was roaring, a few Kay Dees and loads of them were carrying clubs as they went face to face with Fatty Puffer. They tossed their clubs at it, but due to it's size, strength and weight, they did nothing to the giant puffer fish. It growled and roared spewing water at the Kay Dees and washed them away.
  64. The monster puffer fish seemed to show it was on top of the food chain. That's when he heard something coming, as a ape like stronger Kay Dee, more evolved than the others roared as it slammed it's fist at Fatty Puffer. It roared as it slammed it's fist together and bashed it as it fell, it then fell, now dead. The Key Dees all were cheering that their hero and champion, Goriath has came to their aid.
  66. The Key Dees all were carrying the giant puffer fish to have for their dinner. Goriath folded his arms, always the strongest of his planet. "I'm terrible sorry to interrupt your big moment chief" The ice yeti like creature as to who said that and turned seeing the three sisters. "To see about this puffer fish meat" Zan said as she spoke to him.
  68. The Yeti warrior growled. "Word is it's most delicious" Francisca.
  70. "We heard tales of it all across the 19th universe. I'm sure it's difficult so we hate to take it from you, but nevertheless, we are taking it" Flamberge said finishing for the sisters.
  72. The chief of the Key Dees growled and snarled. "Grrr! err err err errr!" It snarled at them.
  74. "Ohh not this tongue!" Flamberge said with a sigh and annoyance.
  76. "Urrr rorrr grrl rrorr rorrr gurrr rooo!" Goriath was telling them they'll have to fight for it.
  78. "Good thing we spent time with Void termina how to speak those language" Zan said and coughed, as she speaks with it. "Rurr rurr rurrr rurr, rurr rurrr rurr rurr"
  80. "Grrr rorrr grrorr rorrrr rrrorr!" Goriath replied back again.
  82. "Rurr rurr rurr, rurr rurrr urr urrr urr" Zan spoke again trying to be reasonable.
  84. "Rorrr rorr rorrr rrooor roooo!" Goriath refusing
  86. "Rurr rurrr urrr rurrr rruuurrr urrr" Zan explained about a demand from Void Termina.
  88. "Rurrr urrr urrr rurrrr ruuu!" Goriath cared no less and would face him if he comes.
  90. Francisca facepalms and signs. "Lord Void Termina only gave us 3 minutes to require it our own way. If you could give it to us nicely, it'll give us something to brag about, and you and your world can escape unharmed. I call that a win win situation" Francisca stated to Goriath.
  92. Goriath chuckled as it roared and started to change, powering up as it's aura caused it's weird hair mohawk and beard to turn golden, almost like certain saiyans from another universe. It grew in strength and power. He grew so powerful as Goriath showed why he is the most strongest among his people while the Key Dees were confused as to what's going on.
  94. "Oh my" Zan said impressed. "Your kind can achieve a combat transformation. Seems our research was wrongfully incomplete. But we still have forty seconds"
  96. "Actually, our time is up.... Because look who's here" Flamberge said as she points to Void Termina on top. "Looks like he grew too impatient"
  98. "It's only been 2 minutes and 20 seconds, and you know it" Zan said.
  100. Void Termina snarled, to him it was more like 2 centuries and 20 years to him "Oh Pish posh. We still don't get why you're so eridable the first 100 years after waking up, especially when you just broke out of your seal" Flamberge spoke with a rude tone.
  102. "You know, all the talk about this puffer fish meat is just rumors and they may not be true" Francisca irritated the claims.
  104. He snarled as he looked at it's form at how taste it is. "So you are well aware of it, yet you still think it's worth a try. If the stories are true than it packs a flavor unrivaled in the cosmos. And you're hoping it gives a jolt in your senses and helps you remember the figure from your dream. Really a dream?" Francisca cocked her head.
  106. He snarled again. "A Premonition?" Zan said confused. "Forgive me, but your premonition don't have much history of coming into fruition. You once dreamt our popstar was once moving into our solar system. And that didn't pan out now did it?" Zan said. The Dark Lord Snarled. "maybe I am mocking you, maybe I'm not" She chuckles.
  108. The powered up super Goriath charged in at Void Termina. While the GoD floated out of the way, he had hoped he provided a challenge. The Yeti like warrior charged in as he started to punch him, but as those punches lashed out on him, Void Termina didn't even feel a thing, it was like punching an unmovable object in the form of an unstoppable force. As Goriath kept punching him more, he couldn't seem to make any dent or even a bruise. He growled nervously and sent a strong punch, only for Void Termina to counter and bashed his head and sent him hurdling to the ground.
  110. Termina looked down to super yeti disappointed as he wasn't even trying. Groiath cupped his hands and sends a hadouken like ice blasts at Void Termina, and those blast didn't even freeze him. Void Termina then stomped on the ground in front of Groiath. He snarled, finding him undreadfully boring. The super monster growled as he floated up and makes a gigantic ice power ball and tosses it at him. As it struct him the explosion happened, He thought finished him off, but the GoD not only survived it, but came out of it unscratched. The GoD started to glow a purple energy as he showed terror as Goriath growled in shocked and fright. He made another giant ice ball hoping to do more damage this time. He tosses at him again, but Void Termina grabbed it, and chuckles. He then tosses it right back at him, making it hit Groiath as he growled as he fell, wounded.
  112. The three sisters gathered around him as they looked at the defeated monster. "Are you done now?" Zan asked. He snarled. "Like you're one to talk about creatures that lacks basic manners. You have a bad habit of destroying things and refuse to be reason with not to destroy" Zan questioned him of his judgement. Void Snarled annoyed. Then he rubbed his masked chin. "What were you talking about? About a Premonition about some mysterious round figure you can't recall" The Eldritch GoD rubbed his chain again trying to remember, yet he can't as he whimpers, an annoying feeling like something caught in your back teeth you just can't fish out, or a dried up bit of ear wax you can't reach but feel it rattling your head all day. The elemental General angels understand the dark deity means it's the worse. "What about the meat? Shall we try some?" Zan asked.
  114. Void made a dark electrical ball as it threatened to destroy the entire planet. He Snarled, it didn't look that tasty because of that yeti's lack of respect. It set off his mood. He made it a gigantic thunderous planet buster as he tossed it, showing how ruthless he is. The entire planet where the Key Dees were shocked as to what is happening as the entire ground shakes into earthquakes and powerful energy soon started to disburse.
  116. Somewhere far in Final Destination,the being Master Hand was making it's hand body gesture of fright. Crazy Hand was confused as to what is frightening him. "Brother, Is there something the matter?" Crazy asked his brother, as Master continues to feel the dread that setted him off. "Is there a problem with the tea? Bitter" The crazy smash god asked the other smash god.
  118. "Are you serious?! You didn't feel that?!" Master hand shouted at his brother. Crazy tried to sense it but couldn't... Yet Master Hand can.
  120. "Feel what exactly?" Crazy Hand asked, as master hand falled himself a fist.
  122. "Were you born yesterday!?" The masterful smash god then calmed down. "This is bad.... Horribly Horribly bad" He couldn't believe it... yet he felt it. Void Termina finally free from his 100 year seal. Only ones that knew of it were of four beings, Meta Knight, Galactia Knight, Nester and... Master Core... The Chaos God. "It;s only been 100 years. Lord Void Termina The Dark Destroyer is free from his seal"
  124. Void Termina watches of what was once the planet of White Wafers slowly blows up in such a way that it could frighten anyone in the known universe. He snarled, enjoying his handy work of destruction.
  127. Then Master Core woke up, as he smashed his fist on the bed he sleeps in. "Void Termina...." He grew angry from the fact that his beloved planets he felt were destroyed. He sees trophies that appeared before him, Goriath. "100 years.. Why am I not surprised... of course those angels would free him! I'll have to do something... He could go to my universe's earth, or worse Mobius..." Mobius was indeed his planet despite having a bit of a bad history with Mobotropolish. He couldn't call for Sonic, or for Shadow for the matter, but he could call for others.... "Kirby.... I'll need his help" He said to himself. "Nester..."
  129. His instructor arrives to his call. "You called my friend?" He spoke to the chaos smash god.
  131. "Yes, do you know of any powers that can stand a chance against a God of Destruction?" Master Core asked.
  133. "Hmm, not many, but I do know of a certain star god.... long before they were all destroyed by Nightmare" Nester said as he grabs a book.
  135. "Then Kirby is my only hope... I challenge him myself, but yet for two reasons why I can't... Our fight could destroy planets, that and I do not know if I could possibly defeat him" Just thinking about that Dark Destroyer just angers him a lot. Not to mention he still remembers those 100 planets he destroyed long ago, and 100 was too many in his case. "when he hired Nightmare to destroy all those star warriors, I had to hire Galactia Knight to do away with him. I thought it was gonna help me rest easy knowing I can keep my planets in check. Now that he is free, I have no choice" He calmed down, knowing this is all he had left... "If I was a GoD, I make sure to destroy what's necessary" He hmph, now that was an Idea he had, and as such that be easy too.
  138. Void Termina watches as he chuckles in his snarl. "I know, others might see this explosion as something fowl... But to your eyes, there is nothing more beautiful than a shattering planet" Flamberge said in his translation as she laughed.
  140. "Are you sure that was wise? What if the meat could have helped you?" Francisca said.
  142. The GoD snarled. "He said, it's no longer required" Zan said. "Is that so?" Void Snarled. "So you planned for the punch flavor to jog your sleepy mind, but the planet's full blown explosion doing the trick?" She and her sisters looked at him confused.
  144. Now he saw it clearly, the ultimate warrior, waiting to be awoken. The warrior's full power suited to keep him entertained. Now the image has a name. Zan could understand all of that. "Oh I see.... By all means, let's hear the name?" She asked while the angel sisters asked. It started with a S, he knew that much, a Star something, he thought, then he found the answer. A Star God... "A Star God? Are you sure?" Zan asked again.
  146. He snarled. "You think? Or is it wrong and you're just forgetting it again!?" Flamberge said rudely at him.
  148. "That's the trouble with visions, my lord, their too slither. I wouldn't strain your mind too much about it. Why don't we go back and get you too bed" He snarled as he didn't have to be asked twice. "Oh, well hold on" Zan took the magic staff and tapped on the invisible ground as the glow was made and they all get surrounded by a glow to travel back to their home, Jambastia.
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