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Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. [01:45:21] Ruthless War Child > Hey hows it going
  2. [01:45:35] Eargonall Kaundur > not too bad, how about yourself
  3. [01:45:44] Ruthless War Child > I am doing well, thanks for asking
  4. [01:46:11] Ruthless War Child > I saw that your corp was recruiting
  5. [01:46:22] Eargonall Kaundur > that we are
  6. [01:46:33] Ruthless War Child > I wanted to learn a bit more if possible I am looking to switch groups
  7. [01:46:51] Eargonall Kaundur > not happy with your current situation?
  8. [01:47:11] Ruthless War Child > Not really lol
  9. [01:47:26] Eargonall Kaundur > haha I get it
  10. [01:47:31] Ruthless War Child > I was in 0-cal before this
  11. [01:47:36] Ruthless War Child > I switched because I was US TZ
  12. [01:47:43] Ruthless War Child > and 0-cal is almost 100% EU
  13. [01:48:37] Ruthless War Child > When I was in 0-cal they cruisers crew invited me to fleets every once in a while and they were fun, but I am not sure what happened because since I joined those fleets have been no where to be found
  14. [01:48:49] Ruthless War Child > <url=showinfo:1380//1009818116>Master oeN</url> is my main btw
  15. [01:49:01] Ruthless War Child > this is just my cap alt
  16. [01:49:08] Eargonall Kaundur > ah ok
  17. [01:50:37] Ruthless War Child > Also just so you know my father also plays eve and is looking to move as well.
  18. [01:51:08] Ruthless War Child > <url=showinfo:1375//2112167350>Psidon Ultra</url> is his main
  19. [01:52:51] Ruthless War Child > So what kind of requirements do you guys have and would you be interested in us?''
  20. [01:53:47] Eargonall Kaundur > having a dread alt, and a way to have a personal income, and being relatively low drama are the only real requirements I have
  21. [01:54:52] Eargonall Kaundur > do you mind giving me a lsit of all of your alts
  22. [01:55:00] Ruthless War Child > ok, we both have carrier / super carrier alts and own multiple supers, we both have dread alts, my father has a titan alt, and we both have sub cap / fax mains. ISK is not an issue with us, I just bought a vendetta :)
  23. [01:56:25] Ruthless War Child > My PVP characters<br><url=showinfo:1380//1009818116>Master oeN</url> Sub-cap main / fax<br><url=showinfo:1373//2113383990>Ruthless War Child</url> Carrier / Super carrier alt<br><url=showinfo:1383//2113093081>Hashtag Surprise</url> - Dread alt / sub cap alt
  24. [01:57:50] Ruthless War Child > My fathers PVP Characters:<br><url=showinfo:1375//2112167350>Psidon Ultra</url> Sub cap main / carriers / supercarriers / fax<br><url=showinfo:1375//2113019552>Aeon Hel</url> Dread / sub cap alt / titan alt<br><url=showinfo:1375//2112374552>Lucius Blade</url> Carrier / fax / sub cap alt
  25. [01:59:54] Ruthless War Child > He has 4 accounts and I have 5 accounts, we both have allot of characters that are just base SP to hold names from way back when we started and I have 1 active market trading character
  26. [02:00:47] Ruthless War Child > 2 of my accounts are alpha rn and 1 of his is alpha with characters that are not in use (low sp mostly hauling / cyno alts kinda thing)
  27. [02:04:17] Eargonall Kaundur > fair enough
  28. [02:05:46] Eargonall Kaundur > so I get why you moved from 0-cal to aggressive, do you mind me asking what your biggest gripes are with aggressively average?
  29. [02:10:12] Ruthless War Child > Ya, so there are a number of them at the moment. One of the biggest ones is that they have no clue when to and when to not take a fight and they feed a shit load because of it. They always have a possitive we did pretty good attitude after we get mega dunked, they are fairly inactive and always fielding things they cant properly protect/extract. That is not really the way I am used to play the game. I kind of got blind sided by it because the 3-4 fleets I went on with them when I was in 0-cal were well run and we had allot of fun and then absolute chaos when I joined. Like literally you would not believe some of the stories I could tell you about how messed up some of the fleets have been.
  30. [02:12:24] Ruthless War Child > We just want to be in a group that has some diverse and active content, plans fleet fights well so we dont get dunked all the time, decent group of people to converse with in coms while small gang roaming, and the ability to field supers from time to time.
  31. [02:25:07] Eargonall Kaundur > just wondering, english isnt your first language, is it?
  32. [02:25:36] Ruthless War Child > It is lol, my spelling is trash I know, I am too used to auto correct XD
  33. [02:26:01] Eargonall Kaundur > haha
  34. [02:27:06] Eargonall Kaundur > how was your time in siege green, seems like an odd choice for an english speaking player
  35. [02:28:46] Ruthless War Child > Are you referring to Master oeN's corp history?
  36. [02:28:59] Eargonall Kaundur > yeah
  37. [02:29:41] Ruthless War Child > If so I purchased that character off the character Bazaar in 2018
  38. [02:30:07] Eargonall Kaundur > ahh
  39. [02:30:23] Eargonall Kaundur > I forgot they actually added that in the character history recently
  40. [02:30:43] Ruthless War Child > Zkill history is mine though it was pretty empty when I got it. Only had a few losses and no kills
  41. [02:33:50] Ruthless War Child > I have had 4-5 different main characters since I started playing eve. Master oeN is going to be my last main character though. It has every skill I want for sub caps already trainined :)
  42. [02:35:41] Ruthless War Child > that was my last main character. I sold it arround the same time I got Master oeN. I was the original owner of that character.
  43. [02:35:45] Ruthless War Child > <url=showinfo:1375//2112436414>Nausicaa Eroberer</url>
  44. [02:39:16] Eargonall Kaundur > Alright, so i'm going to forward this info to my recruitment directors, and have them look it over
  45. [02:39:50] Eargonall Kaundur > he doesnt get home until late though unfortunately
  46. [02:40:32] Eargonall Kaundur > and if has no objections I'd like to jsut have a brief chat over teamspeak
  47. [02:40:51] Ruthless War Child > Ok, sounds good.
  48. [02:41:18] Eargonall Kaundur > for now, I'm going to get going
  49. [02:41:24] Eargonall Kaundur > have some 0-cal to shoot
  50. [02:41:28] Ruthless War Child > lol
  51. [02:41:34] Ruthless War Child > have fun and o7
  52. [02:41:35] Eargonall Kaundur > o/
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