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Aug 5th, 2012
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  1. minus some continuity nods (and the one two-parter) the whole show is discrete vignettes with completely different characters, settings and tones. so fuck it, do what you want
  3. numbers are priority: lower is better. i.e. 1 means watch these episodes /first/.
  4. also, they're completely arbitrary and based entirely on how much i liked them/my impression of how much other people liked them
  6. -XX Episode Title Summary Genre Priority
  8. -01 Sweet Little Devil Tribute to Roman Holiday. very laid-back Romance 1
  9. -02 Peaceful Empress Hanazawa Kana as an up-and-coming idol Drama 3
  10. -03 Pure Angel Tribute to Wings of Desire Drama 4
  11. -04 One-eyed Dragon Stylish tribute to old gangster fare Action 3
  12. -05 Sword Maiden Satire of Bowling for Columbine, with swords Comedy 2
  13. -06 Knowledge Master Mad scientist makes a time machine Comedy 3
  14. -07 Refined Bard Basho teaches everyone the magic of haiku Drama 2
  15. -08 Regent Girl Alice In Wonderland but with rice Comedy 1
  16. -09-10 Ambitious Princess Silly, epic martial arts-influenced plot Action 4
  17. -11 Brutal Maiden Tribute to old heist stories Suspense 3
  18. -12 Dancing Blossom Crime-fighting vigilante, sentient motorcycle Action 4
  19. -13 Silver Hornet Assassination plot; yuri love triangle; etc Comedy 3
  20. -14 Novel Deciders Three girls while away a bored afternoon Slice of life 2
  21. -15 Annihilate Princess Yoshiaki visits a haunted house with friends Horror, comedy 3
  22. -16 Blade Adept Old rivals trade pranks over tea Comedy 2
  23. -17 Sunshine Ruler Young maid befriends a retired actress Bromance? 2
  24. -18 Four Leaves Sweatshop worker is pen pals with an "angel" Tragedy 1
  26. to reiterate
  27. First: 1, 8, 18
  28. Next: 5, 7, 14, 16, 17
  29. Later: 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 15
  30. Sometime: 3, 9-10, 12
  33. reminder that you can legally stream the entire goddamn show for free come on
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