
Weird Girl Date

Jun 12th, 2018
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  1. I was lonely and cold on a wet autumn day
  2. I had no cats and no dogs and my roommate's away
  3. I played a few games on my laptop PC
  4. But today it just seemed they were all too easy
  6. When a message popped up on my discord I jumped
  7. It was an old friend who was feeling quite pumped
  8. "You're sad and must find a new girlfriend"
  9. he said, "someone to love and someone to depend"
  11. I asked how he knew this, he replied with emojis:
  12. "Stardew Valley on Steam" and I uttered "oh jeez"
  13. Twelve hours I'd played in the last day alone
  14. I had a problem, I knew it, I began to groan
  16. "Okay I admit it, I play it all day
  17. What would you have me do? Please tell me I pray!
  18. Do you know a nice girl, one who is revered?"
  19. "Even better," he said, "Date a girl who is weird"
  21. I paused for a moment, "A girl who is what?"
  22. "A girl who is weird," I replied with a "but,
  23. a girl who is odd might not be one for me
  24. I'm mundane," I complained, "would a weird girl date me?"
  26. My friend on discord typed for quite a long time
  27. then undid it all and linked me with a chime
  28. "Just try this site out, you know it can't hurt
  29. But do it just once, you useless introvert"
  31. I began to shudder, and shudder I did
  32. then I thought for a while and a smile did slid
  33. "Sure, I can go try it," I said with defiance
  34. In spite of my shyness, I gave my compliance
  36. I made an account and I wrote down my age
  37. A girl who is normal seeks a girl who is strange
  38. I took a nice selfie that showed lots of skin
  39. then erased it and took a new one with chagrin
  41. My profile was ready, I could do no more
  42. So I lay on my mattress that sat on the floor
  43. I slipped into dreams that were odd and erratic
  44. "Will noone swipe right?" I surmised with a panic
  46. In the morning it seemed like my fears were unfound
  47. When I turned on my PC it made a sweet sound
  48. A suitor responded, I was notified
  49. So I sat myself down, had our date ratified
  51. The next day I went to the park in a dress
  52. One my roommate chose for me with lengthy duress
  53. I sat on a bench, and I sat, sat some more
  54. "I was stood up!" I had cried, my dating life is no more
  56. Then walking towards me was one truly strange girl
  57. She had thick hair and long claws, a fanged smile did unfurl
  58. Aside from a hat she did not wear a lot
  59. Since very soft fur covered every last spot!
  61. The hat, I should mention, I had not a clue
  62. Not a bowler, or cap, to me it was new
  63. It was tall and was striped, like a gaudy top hat
  64. But it clearly appealed to this weird girl-cat
  66. I stood and I stammered, I blushed quite a bit
  67. I gave her my name, inside I threw a fit
  68. She chuckled and laughed, gave my hand quite the shake
  69. "Sorry I'm late, please don't mind my mistake"
  71. We stood there a while unsure of what to say
  72. Not me nor not her in this park on this day
  73. And in our silence we did find a kinship
  74. And we smiled at this newfound relationship
  76. "I got us some tickets to see a movie,
  77. You said you liked horror, I found one to see,
  78. The movie is late, so lets see to your tummy
  79. I know a good place where the food is quite yummy!"
  81. It was then that my fear did begin to return
  82. Would her idea of dinner make my stomach churn?
  83. I took a deep breath and remembered the show
  84. A very kind gesture, it had me aglow
  86. "I trust in your judgement," I said with a smile
  87. "Let's walk over," she said, "it's hardly a mile!"
  88. The rain did not pour but the ground still was wet
  89. But I found this refreshing so I did not fret
  91. We chatted and walked and I felt quite so humble
  92. For when we arrived oh my stomach did grumble!
  93. She smiled at me, and hers did just the same
  94. The walk made us famished, and that was her aim!
  96. The menu was strange, it was just as I feared
  97. But my date did not mind that the menu was weird
  98. The food was so odd, would I have to scram?
  99. Then my date spoke up "Try the green eggs and ham!"
  101. I tried some, I liked it, why did I complain?
  102. I'd eat it with a mouse, in the dark, or a train!
  103. My date beamed so brightly, I grinned just a tad
  104. "I'm happy you like it, I am oh so glad!"
  106. We talked and we ate, my date truly was funny
  107. Then I started to wonder where she got her money
  108. Might a girl quite so strange have a job just as much?
  109. An ape-wrassler, bedazzler, weed whacker, or such?
  111. So I asked and she answered which filled me with shock
  112. "An accountant," she said, "I buy and sell stock"
  113. A less fitting job? Well I doubt there was one
  114. "I babysit too, less for cash, more for fun."
  116. I began to consider I may have misjudged her
  117. For all of her strangeness, much brought us together
  118. I've been far too rude to this be-hatted cat
  119. She's too nice to me, truly could I match that?
  121. She asked what I did, and my focus was back
  122. "I make games for a living, I have quite a knack!
  123. Coding, and writing, and art, I adore!
  124. There's not one part about me I am proud of more!"
  126. Her eyes were like stars, she put down her fish crepe
  127. "That's amazing!" she said, with her mouth quite agape
  128. "I do so love games," she said with a big smile,
  129. "We surely could play one, we could for a while!"
  131. "I know a few games that are really quite fun,
  132. But to not make a mess we should only play one,
  133. If we got kicked out I surely would cry
  134. So instead we can just try Two Truths And A Lie"
  136. With a bite of her fish crepe that was blue and red
  137. I gave her an answer, "that sounds fun!" So she said,
  138. "In the bath I eat cake, and this meal is quite yummy
  139. and inside my hat there's a small copy of me"
  141. "It's the last one," I said, but I'm wrong, she did claim
  142. "My crepe is overdone, it is truly a shame"
  143. "So the last one is true, oh show me!" I pled
  144. She lifted her hat: a small cat on her head!
  146. The small cat had a hat, so I started to frown
  147. "So what about her... cats all the way down?"
  148. She shook her finger, "They go from A to Z
  149. A cat any smaller you really can't see!"
  151. It now was my turn to give two truths and a lie
  152. "If I had but one wish, oh I'd wish I could fly.
  153. When I'm lonely I game for 12 hours a day
  154. And last year I did have my first kiss that was gay,"
  156. "Surely 12 hours is much, much, too much,
  157. I can't game that long, even when lonely as such!"
  158. I grimaced, in shame I lied a second time
  159. "You're right, gaming that long is surely a crime!"
  161. We paid for our meal, and it was a delight
  162. In spite of the crepe, my date did tip alright
  163. The theater was near, with a walk oh so brief
  164. We were stuffed to the point that it was a relief!
  166. The movie began with a thunder and lightning
  167. For me it was normal; for her it was frightening!
  168. I smiled a little, I stifled a laugh
  169. but then she shrank down to a foot and a half!
  171. She said, "oh please do not worry, I'm not seven feet tall
  172. Cats don't like loud noises, no we don't at all!
  173. Some shudder, some shake, but sadly I shrink,
  174. I know it is weird, that must be what you think"
  176. But I knew she was weird, it's now something I like
  177. If I wanted mundane I'd have taken a hike!
  178. I put my hand on her shoulder, to offer support
  179. And soon she felt good about being so short
  181. As the movie went on she did grow quite a lot
  182. The thunder had scared her but the monster did not!
  183. My arm stayed around her the whole movie date
  184. By the end she returned to her seven foot eight!
  186. The sunlight rose up with the monster deceased
  187. The survivors found hope after felling the beast
  188. And we too had hope we each found a new friend
  189. And a romance will kindle that will never end
  191. But now it was late, and the date must now cease
  192. Though I needed something so I could find piece
  193. I stood way straight up on the tips of my toes
  194. And she held me up high, in the air I did rose
  196. My lips planted on hers and it felt oh-so right
  197. Like rhyme, symbols, and beat can set poems alight
  198. In Iambic manner words fall into place
  199. And in similar cadence my heart it did race!
  201. I stood high in the air as height I did gain
  202. Was the ground far below? Was I going insane?
  203. "One wish," she had smiled, "it's one I can grant!"
  204. "I can do much with this hat, there's not much that I can't!"
  206. It is true, as I saw, the hat was held aloft
  207. By Little Cat A, with a sound oh so soft
  208. She ran a small engine with just a small flame
  209. "A hat air balloon!" I had said with exclaim!
  211. We both held on tight as we flew through the night
  212. "I told a lie before," I said in our flight.
  213. "The gaming is real, I do it a lot,
  214. The kiss was the lie, before now I had not!"
  216. The cat gave me a smile and her clone gave the same
  217. "It was my first kiss too, well, at least with a dame"
  218. We landed at my door, and she bid me adieu
  219. "But before you go home I must give something to you,"
  221. "My brother has friends who made this just for fun,
  222. A hat just like mine, from Thing Two and Thing One,
  223. They used magical wool from the Truffula tree
  224. And in it you'll find all you could ever need"
  226. I understood now I need not be alone
  227. I knew I would love my new hat's little clone
  228. So I learned, while my date, for as much as I loved her
  229. I now know my self-esteem's oh so much smaller
  231. But if love could come to me in one single day
  232. Maybe loving myself could come much the same way
  233. What made her so strange I now found so endearing
  234. From her hat to her fur and her thunderstorm fearing
  236. I found something in her, she saw something in me
  237. My creative mind, or kind heart, it could be...
  238. There must be a part of me she needed a lot
  239. Will it matter if I know or if I do not?
  241. I slept with a smile, I was out like a light
  242. My dreams were so pleasant, I slept through the night
  243. The very next day I had messaged my friend
  244. I told him, "It went well, I need not pretend"
  246. "But now it is your turn, you're alone are you not?
  247. To the passion you had I gave quite a fair thought!
  248. The girl I am dating is truly bizarre
  249. But she spoke of a friend who lives rather quite far"
  251. "He lives up in the mountains, near you, in a cave,
  252. He's quite lonely too, and it truly is grave!
  253. His heart's grown a few sizes, and could even more
  254. If you'd visit him soon, like tomorrow at four?"
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