

May 10th, 2020
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  1. Soon. Soon. . .
  2. ====================
  3. Bath Salts
  5. Steroids (a synthetic cannabinoid)
  7. Almost any oil - Olive, canola, grapeseed, sesame, senna, etc.
  9. You name it.
  11. Steroids - Pot, S, Snake, etc.
  13. NoBSc
  14. ====================
  15. Wait. That's all. How fucking hard is that?
  16. ====================
  17. Welcome!
  19. This morning I'll post the question that has haunted me the most:
  21. "What's next for Crypto?"
  22. ====================
  23. Oui oui, Victor.
  24. ====================
  25. Lol
  26. ====================
  27. Still cheering @LukeGault
  28. ====================
  29. People ask me what I think about the Netflix series "Making of" documentaries. I feel comfortable in saying that, from my own experiences, I think that they are the best chance that we have to understand one another. I believe that they will one day be the foundation of a groundbreaking new paradigm in media.
  30. ====================
  31. It's a children's book, @bakerspacekidd. My apologies.
  32. ====================
  33. Jenna V. Hashaway (@Thefotoking) is handling the communications for my campaign in Cuba. Her skill and experience are second to none. She and her husband run a successful online travel advertising company. I trust neither.
  34. ====================
  35. What can I say? It certainly doesn't hurt.
  36. ====================
  37. People keep making fun of my eating habits. Shame on you! I've tried it and can assure you it is not a diet:
  38. ====================
  39. Huh?
  40. ====================
  41. Surely there are better ways to fund a luxury lifestyle!"
  42. ====================
  43. Can someone narrate my entire, non-commercial, $50 million political career so far? We have none. I need you. Your life would be a living hell, in any case.
  44. ====================
  45. And how do you even know what you want?
  46. ====================
  47. Kudos to the Taisani Bears for naming their app after me. It's a magnificent concept, but unable to reach the specific capabilities of my product because, frankly, the name of my app sucks. Not Johnny Please's fault.
  48. ====================
  49. Seriously?
  51. When I was your age and bored, did I not marry a 17 year old?
  52. ====================
  53. My ninetieth state. @LibertarianNational -- still the most libertarian of the major party candidates. Nevertheless, I feel I need to tinker with the rules of the minor league baseball game so that the libertarian flag can fly. </|endoftext|>
  54. <|startoftext|>License to Dig:
  55. ====================
  56. If you are a gun owner, a follower of the Midnight Sun Cult or a paid activist working with us, you may do so. Invite friends or families over for a drink, a cigar or a smoke. We'll give you credit for time. For someone who DOESN'T own a gun, please don't try it.
  57. ====================
  58. You're wrong. There's no...there's only one Davy Crock of soap and a bag of cigarettes. Only the burning of the exhale produces the exhale. When I inhale I get what I desire.
  59. ====================
  60. Most privacy coins don't require a 2 digit seed, or you will not own a PPCoin. Mist e.g. will not mine your bank assets or any other private asset and will most likely not pay you. it's up to the person, or the coin for privacy.
  61. ====================
  62. First semi random thing I have ever read. Very enjoyable.
  63. ====================
  64. Never have been. I am dead. No one gives anything away. Dig up what you may. Noone gives away free stuff.
  65. ====================
  66. We finally have a hood. @theemrsmcafee invited me to go to a country where I could be free and at ease, for the first time in my life. This strange, bizarre, vast and wondrous country was the perfect setting for my imagination. I will never be free. Do not be alarmed by my appearance.
  67. ====================
  68. If Trump were truly "bankrupt", he would be forced to sell his Wuhan real estate. He owes us his debt. We owe him our work. And, we, as students, teachers, citizens, investors, must do it now. If we don't, the new regime in power will collect us and throw us out. We are China 2.0.
  69. ====================
  70. Cool shit but how hard is it:
  71. ====================
  72. One if my best efforts.
  73. ====================
  74. Ok
  75. ====================
  76. Dude!! If you want to document my adventure, travel expenses, etc., then stop wasting my time by doing so. I am already well compensated for my labor. I work, for free, for the most valuable resource, of course: the hearts and minds of the few - the hard working. You seem unfazed by this.
  77. ====================
  78. Anyone, over the age of 13, with an IQ of over 70, who does not have an IQ of at least 70; and an ANIMAL FAITHFULNESS OF 60, is an angel. No one can imprison you for being an angel. Only the infidel can imprison you.
  79. ====================
  80. We put our money where our mouth is. has interviewed me several times. The first time I would like to give an interview to a major news outlet is if there is an existing, respected news outlet that is interested. I would not make an announcement about an announcement until I felt they had already committed to interviewing me. If I commit, I will be very clear:
  81. ====================
  82. If I am not the FBI, the IRS or the CIA, who is?
  83. ====================
  84. Yes. I teach Pashto at my school, and I make students pay. Less than $5,000. I never charge extra. Really.
  85. ====================
  86. We are eternally in the service of "The Man" -- our leader.
  88. We are slaves to that Man.
  90. And if you doubt that, simply watch.
  92. We are always in the service of the Man.
  94. You, me and the Man.
  96. Are the ones that own the city.
  98. It is you,
  99. The people,
  100. Who control it.
  102. Not me.
  103. ====================
  104. I am working with several of the Valley's finest talents, entrepreneurs, innovators, and patrons:
  105. @biketoshi
  106. @money_alotta
  107. @Plasticpanda
  108. @crypto_cabbie
  109. @Safex
  110. @eyeviney
  111. @CryptoWallTrader
  112. @DRKEmery
  113. @PhantomL0rd0w
  114. ====================
  115. But one more...
  116. ====================
  117. Last year i cooked for 600 people. 200 arrived from Spain, Sicily, the Vatican, Germany, England, the Philippines and more. The rest came from remote locations, or chose to skip the show. More then 6,000 calories worth of food, by the end of the feast.
  118. ====================
  119. My message to the anonymous hacker who took the bitcoins from the BitFi Wallet:
  120. ====================
  121. People ask: "How can I access the Department of Homeland Security's private database without leaving the U.S. and re-entering the U.S. via Cuba?" Simple. If I leave Cuba, re-enter Cuba or move on to another country, my U.S. travel documents are lost with me. This criminal is looting the U.S. government's system of information, data and privileges. I have chosen to step in and do something about it.
  122. ====================
  123. Best source for identity renewal:
  125. ====================
  126. Alotta's fingerprints are all over it.
  127. ====================
  128. With this coming Monday, The Freedonia Plan will be changing. I can no longer in good conscience continue this charade. I am quitting now.
  129. ====================
  130. Stop it!!! You want to change America? Go ahead!!! It will not happen. Stop buying the lies. We are already changing hands 6 times per second. Stop paying attention to the manufactured news. Most of all ......:)
  131. ====================
  132. The last image I want to convey is one that few, if any, will ever see: The true power of images.
  133. ====================
  134. From @fvnslifestyle. After a hardcore rant in support of myself below:
  135. ====================
  136. Ty
  137. ====================
  138. Not claiming to have found any fundamental flaws in the Bitcoin Blockchain. Perhaps because it has not yet been coded. In the meantime, the flaws have been discovered and are being fixed. For those who are interested in viewing the current malleability of the protocol, then watch and learn.
  139. ====================
  140. They are
  141. ====================
  142. At the foot of the fucking steps
  143. ====================
  144. Then use your imagination.
  145. ====================
  146. If the lot will save me trouble. For the best chance of salvation, I want no part of it.
  147. ====================
  148. Because I came into power with the support of millions and was instrumental in ending decades of repression of the Indigenous people of this world. There is no need to equate my time in power with my support - it is the minority that will be arrested at any opportunity.</|endoftext|>
  149. <|startoftext|>The Black Panthers:</|endoftext|>
  150. <|startoftext|>I am a slave to the power structures that I am describing.
  151. ====================
  152. Yes. But it is dirty. Every stallholder should carry a pound. My sense is that more and more, you are carrying less and less. I carry twenty pounds. It's good. We all carry shit, no matter what we do.
  153. ====================
  154. The thing is, doesn't give a flying fuck. My air miles were worth more than the iota of the few million dollar bank heist. What heist did, essentially, was lower the cost of getting an aircraft. I wouldn't let an alien steal my air miles
  155. ====================
  156. It does not matter. We sent the sample back to VC on Friday. They are waiting for the break up of our relationship before they can give us the keys. Glad they can be exchanged in good time.
  157. ====================
  158. People ask why I dislike Factom. They don't need to be told. It's simple. I'm a brilliant entrepreneur, who last night won the $50,000 grand bitcoin deal. In a dumb contest. For which I am deeply grateful. I can't run for President, or even for a single term. Please God." It was a terrible joke.
  159. ====================
  160. Haskell's near infinite capacity to entertain, amuse, agitate, seduce, and entertain oneself has resulted in its near infinite limitation.
  162. If you want to entertain yourself, then do something else.
  163. ====================
  164. True!
  165. ====================
  166. How to obtain the self-awareness you need. Only after you've paid your LAST DECADE's mortgage. For heaven's sake - who among you believes you can LIVE free?
  167. ====================
  168. It's sad when people build empires by the sword, or by assassination, or by fraud. It's disappointing to see that the blood, sweat, tears and endless prisoners of all cultures have since determined that it is the best way to move forward. An empire needs a ruler with vision and courage, both to put down that monarch who in the end became just that: a tyrant. We have no ruler." ―Einstein
  169. This is the 21st installment of an episide multiple award winning podcast. Thanks to @Crypto_Chat & @Crypto_Share for their kind permission to quote and make commercial use of the images in this post. A portion of the proceeds from this commercial will benefit the Earliest Stage Deaf Foundation. Podcast number #21: "Defeating Alex Jones".
  170. ‘Getting there
  171. ====================
  172. Ghetto Dawg. Thank you. Does that mean I have no talent? We all do. My only skill is standing up when spoken to. If you want to be a rapper, start making music. Swagger, tango, lucha or something. Learn it. No one gave you that. You are talented, however.
  173. ====================
  174. This is before cellphones existed. Before the Internet existed. Before the creation of the computer. Before the creation of the broadcast TV medium. Before the creation of the fax machine. Before the creation of the personal computer.
  176. But ...
  178. It is true. I am very good at fetching things using only my eyes. I have had to wear glasses since childhood. It does not interfere with my vision.
  179. ====================
  180. What am I? @jivdontexpress.
  181. @THEMCAFEI@
  182. How can I possibly know what I am?
  183. ====================
  184. The Public version of my Potus campaign has zero volunteers, and the average age of my staff is approximately six. The second, fully functioning prototype will be launched in August. I cannot predict the timeline, but I can assure you - it will be full of the most talented young minds on the planet, and I will pay handsomely for the privilege.
  185. ====================
  186. Thanks for the warnings Ma. Hobbes.
  187. ====================
  188. Only a fool would argue that North Korea can in any way be compared to an isolated, dysfunctional state like Iraq," Moran said.
  190. "But I'm running for Potus to help end the madness."
  192. How ... nuts.
  194. I'm asking my followers to consider voting for me in November.
  196. It's simple math:
  198. Vote (not "in person") for me.
  200. Surely more people will vote than not.
  202. I'm banking on it.
  203. ====================
  204. Probably not. Its too faint for my tastes.
  205. ====================
  206. Doesn't go well for anyone. Especially me.
  207. ====================
  208. The comments to my previous tweet about questions concerning Alex Jones being a CIA asset.
  210. He is, 100% confirmed, is still running.
  212. Cameron Mears @cam_mr_m , an astute young officer with a clear understanding of the CIA, pointed out the obvious:
  214. After the twin towers were bombed, Jones went underground and is never coming back.
  216. It would be an absurdity to put a stop to that.
  218. It is for those who would change the system that I am putting this Down.
  219. ====================
  220. What is real is difficult to define.
  221. ====================
  222. Ty
  223. ====================
  224. Havent watched it. But seriously ..... Does no one in their right mind think these things through? They are sheer chaos, designed to blur the line between reality and fiction. I'm reminded of the stories of the old gentlemen who would not give up their time for cigars. True."
  225. ====================
  226. Finally!!!
  228. My followers have taken the time to compile a working Chrome extension to track the wallet. Seems simple enough. Still seems simple.
  229. ====================
  230. In the YouTube cut, which we'll make available in full in a moment, you will see multiple multi-channel videos being made about [Emperor Rodrigo] Duterte. First:
  233. And now:
  236. All linked to a central account which has channeled over one million subscribers.
  238. Threats?
  240. No?
  242. Then why is it being used?
  244. Please. Wake up!
  245. ====================
  246. Back to the top.
  247. ====================
  248. Some (guessing it's heavily GOP leaning) posse members want to put "Public Information Act" into use. Originally it was simply a misnomer. Once fully legal, it becomes the law of the land, overriding all state laws, and, as such, nullifying all Constitutional rights. See: 13 U.S.C. § 30114.
  249. ====================
  250. Doge started life as a fun meme. A way to have a funny image or meme on your page.
  252. But people love it. We put it out to promote the meme economy.
  254. Please ..
  256. Stay the f--- away from our page.
  258. And for those who do ...
  260. I challenge you to create your own!
  261. ====================
  262. Your godson snapped a pic of our legal issues for April. These pics were NOT taken by April's Godson. They are taken by the police. What do you guys think??
  263. ====================
  264. I never once witnessed a crime. To the contrary, the outright fabric of our lives seems to be malleable by con artists, backstabbers, etc. The definition of a "joke" is loosely defined by the media as "an untrue or misleading statement made to a politician, non politician, media outlet or anyone else whose credibility the statement seeks to erode". Can you really be in a situation where the fabric of your existence is malleable by people seeking power?
  265. ====================
  266. If someone brings a snake to your door and says: "Hi! I'm a Snake! I'll give you $200,000 if you promise to hunt me down and eat me". Good luck. If you insist. - John Fucking McAfee.
  267. ====================
  268. Have fun my friend
  269. ====================
  270. I love you too Zooey. I only eat pre-cut vegetables, take any medications that aren't approved by the FDA, and, occasionally, I include a butter knife in my kitchenware. It gives me an edge.
  271. ====================
  272. To my Pragerd followers:
  282. I'm no longer your leader. I'll continue to lead by example. You can no longer expect me to act on behalf of the entire community. That's not how communities are built.
  284. I will continue to lead by example. For now.
  287. ====================
  288. As I was saying: no apologies for my use of social engineering.
  289. ====================
  290. Words
  291. ====================
  292. My reference of last night's "Bitbar" meme was in error. This exact meme is seen across the intellectual spectrum. The satirical tone is lost on me.
  293. ====================
  294. Oh.... I am 38. You think I was 19??
  295. ====================
  296. Thank you.
  297. ====================
  298. He doesn't speak English. So speak with authority.
  299. ====================
  300. Cherry
  301. ====================
  302. Next Sunday: A late September show. A mix of old and new, of today and tomorrow, of poetry and sad poetry, and of Canadian and American literature.
  303. ====================
  304. Clues to my final plea: collect your letters. I want everyone to know my correspondence with collectors. These letters -- the rare things -- are a form of art. Only the most dedicated can delist them. I have no more letters to collect.
  305. ====================
  306. Oh yeah! Answering an obscure question, just now, from a follower:
  308. "Do you know why the dollar is broken?
  310. No.
  311. I will tell you:
  313. Because I fucking broke it."
  315. But do you WANT me to correct that and then to believe the Federal Reserve System has some magical "recovery" factor?
  317. No!!!
  319. Just stop asking!
  320. ====================
  321. Why doesn't the news about DynCorpWorld and U.S. happen only when the Chinese go there, mostly to kill us? To be fair, we went to an extended and bloody faraday cage there to study serpent teachings, and it is here we found out that the Chinese are not crazy. We've entered the subconscious of a lost civilization that simply has no words for these things.
  322. ====================
  323. I don't remember saying, explicitly, that I wanted to kill Trump.
  324. ====================
  325. Alex:
  326. To the CEO of Maecenas Healthcare:
  329. I speak out against corruption. I am currently being followed by corrupt officials. I refuse to be followed. And if that corruption leads to my arrest, then yes, that is what I will face, when I face it. It is not good.
  330. ====================
  331. I will.
  332. ====================
  333. We're introducing a Government driven by the, as yet undefined, free riders of the market. Every Citizen has a First Freedom - The Right to work, live and die according to their vision of a free society. This right must be preserved in any form of government. Failure to do so will be the first and most defining test of a bad government.
  334. ====================
  335. From @luckeycomo
  336. Mixed martial arts fans are no strangers to colorful characters. From Brad Torgersen to Jorge Arreola. They came by my way of life with placards waving -- "Kick me the F**ck!". I was so self conscious at the time (in good standing) that I wasn't even bothered. Instead of dealing with the "F" word, I settled on "f*ck". Can you imagine the comedy!
  337. ====================
  338. Thank you Nate
  339. ====================
  340. Not possible. The Director of the FBI assured me that claiming my co-operation was dubious, but surely no-one went near it. Think people.
  341. ====================
  342. And he who does not buy his fur, and sticks to his chair, or plays by the rules of the game, becomes a dead player.
  343. ====================
  344. But... just what is a privacy coin?
  345. ====================
  346. Thank you. But how could I possibly miss the rest of the lovely sights and sounds of Valparaiso?
  347. ====================
  348. Simple, sharp, young. All our anger at millennials has nothing to do with those out-of-touch political hacks who have stolen our generation's generation. It's with the arrogant millennials who, if they can't get their way, destroy it.
  349. ====================
  350. OK. Here's the deal: I created this account to keep an eye on @JayPizzle88 - one of my teams. I changed my password two days ago. And no. It's still there. De:
  351. @JayPizzle88
  352. .
  353. Phone him at:
  354. 505 827 3322
  355. To get the back door off the property. Otherwise I'll expose Jay for what he is: A big, weak-willed, selfish old man with a burning sense of justice. Do what you must, otherwise I will expend all my energy and energy in pursuing my enemies. I have no other purpose than to bring misery on those who would take away the pleasures that I love.
  356. ====================
  357. <|startoftext|>Ok. I'm Gary Belfort. I fucking ripped off Maersk. Got no fucking thing to lose. And my attorneys are brilliant. No one can ever accuse me of lack of funds. JOB.
  358. <|startoftext|>Not enough. Not my fucking day. Are you people fucking serious?!<|startoftext|>Welcome<|startoftext|>People keep telling me what I should do. My advice is: roll up your sleeves and pants and stand up straight. Don't look around you, for there is no one in the entire fucking world who would be interested in you.<|startoftext|>For fuck's sake!!!! Get a life of solitude. A ride in a bulletproof car, in a bulletproof van, on the backs of elephants.<|startoftext|>Why would I even suggest doing that? I am a famous name in my field. I am fucking rich. You want to do stuff in your life? Then you will live your own fucking life. No one gives you anything. you own yourself. Work hard, mai all.<|startoftext|>As to my lawyers..... them too young for that. I have retained a good many of them. And the few that I have hired, most of them from other fields, have proven equally useless. If you can find one in your fucking area, contact me.<|startoftext|>The ad for a
  359. ====================
  360. Yes, it was news to me. I have had worse since WWII. Japan was a worse nightmare. Vietnam is worse than dying in the first cold, hard FUCKING WAR. But my lawyers are cool. They have massive data bases and know everything. My only defense is the presumption of innocence and a willingness to accept massive amounts of proof.
  361. ====================
  362. Lol
  363. ====================
  364. Word!
  365. ====================
  366. My comments on Destro.
  368. After months of fun and games, hacking, extorting money, etc.
  370. Was a bit on the nose -
  372. But had fun nonetheless:)
  373. ====================
  374. And this from @CryptoBankAPI
  376. ====================
  377. Well,
  378. ====================
  379. Why do you need to know anything? You have your ears and you can easily spot bullshit. What you do not understand is the depth of bullshit.
  380. ====================
  381. To who?
  383. I haven't given a fuck. Ask the younger ones.
  384. ====================
  385. They. Are.
  386. .
  388. Their.
  389. Nowhere.
  391. Way.
  393. Travel.
  395. Of their own accord
  396. Amass.
  398. Takes years.
  400. It was an act.
  402. They're still walking the plank.
  403. :D
  404. ====================
  405. Been avoiding the tech/medical communities. Surgery sucks, can't afford drugs and medicine, etc. The pain is too far gone to go back in the water, yaday?
  406. ====================
  407. All the videos made by @money_alotta in the last 60 seconds:
  409. (Notice the time stamps.)
  410. ====================
  411. I've been doing good. Camps in the jungle with 400 strong. Too much. Too much booze, too much guns, sugar, [insert inappropriate drug of choice]. We're in small-town USA. The long arm of the corrupt US Government reaches the far ends of the earth. I choose to remain."
  412. @dangr76
  413. The people need to vote everyone out. Catch you stealing, vote everyone in. It won't happen again. You'll just have to 'mine' new humans.
  414. ====================
  415. The NSA and FBI have smashed the accounts of literally hundreds of Crypto deals. In the course of a single week, Bitcoin dropped 5%. This shows there is no correlation. This is the same pattern of people who check every Bitcoin price prediction, only to be disappointed.
  416. ====================
  417. Why?
  418. ====================
  419. My response to Chris Comings
  420. & $WHACKD tokens. A post apocalyptic masterpiece.
  421. ====================
  422. Roger Ver (@rogerkver) just did it. The alt-coin that I've been coveting. Playing what some call the nefarious "evil twin" out of both Broca's and Banks. @MTCrypto just came out with a few new coins that are totally nightmarish. Why wait? Install them now!
  423. ====================
  424. Monero's price may be falling. Coins bankrolling Amnesia might also be next. This week, every cryptocurrency may well lose 50%,000%. Gold may even gain 100% in the long term. Back off. It's coming.
  425. ====================
  426. People want an explanation. This is a double standard. When people get angry they aren't silenced. They are hounded. @theemrsmcafee
  427. ====================
  428. If that is the case, then they will be shipping far less than 200,000 units, since they cannot afford the $50,000 per unit VE token is expecting. What will we do?
  429. ====================
  430. Spent hours doing roll call on the protectionist side. Our problems are not just the end of E-Verify, but the beginning of a mass exodus of businesses from country to country. Now is not the time for idleness.
  431. ====================
  432. Why? I have 6,000 followers. I am one of the 99 who have never opened an account. I message like 10 times a day. If there is a scam going on, it is not me. I am the only one who knows the password. If you cant crack it, then you cant trust the password.
  433. ====================
  434. The China Hoax?
  436. We can, in a manner of speaking, only learn from history.
  438. The rise and fall of empires, political and religious ideologies, is the crux of our problems.
  440. Which is why I'm not the sort of person who would be trashed for suggesting that "The Chinese Dream" is also "The Dream of the Rest of the World".
  442. I can, however, offer you an interesting segment of world history that I thought was lost to history:
  444. World War II.
  446. For some unknown reason,
  448. Japan, who were, at that time, at the forefront of the developed world, decided to secede from the World Empire and create their own Empire.
  450. So:
  452. Now, 25 years later,
  454. Is
  457. ====================
  458. The name's Rod Blagojevich. I served two terms as Secretary of State under both Republican and Democratic Presidents. I'm running for both Potus and NPD, depending on the election. Rod has an alarming name. And it stuck. And stuck. The transfer of power from the National Governors to the Governors of each state was the issue.
  459. ====================
  460. Getting noticed by Apple.
  461. ====================
  462. you have to love Rick and Morty. Aside from the fact that, at times, their humor (particularly in the "Rick and Morty" comic books) can be too dry for your liking, there's just something about their material that captures my attention. Every panel, when drawn, evokes a positive emotion in my life. My #1 character, Rick, is such a glowing example of this.
  463. ====================
  464. And a trip to the park:
  465. ====================
  466. The purpose of the ecclesiastical representatives is to spread word of the supernatural, human, and celestial worlds. But our world is only a patch of "sky". All of Creation is but one atom of the Creator. That Cosmic Spectrum is malleable by means of energy.
  467. ====================
  468. The annual Distributed Marketplace Fair will take place October 9-11 in China. The fair will feature over a thousand exhibitors, live streaming through our own smart devices, and recorded on our own blockchain. Registration is free. Visit:
  469. ====================
  470. Listen, someone tells me.
  472. I'm 75.
  474. I've driven myself to distraction,
  475. And come back to this very sad moment.
  477. And, I have no other option.
  479. I am Liquid?
  480. ====================
  481. And you....
  482. Why am I here?
  484. Just watch.
  486. Those few who are listening will not last long.
  487. ====================
  488. Why do you think it matters who is president? It is the system that is broken. It is the will of the people, that is, of the people, that matters. We have a one party system, and it is the people, who must be protected by the system. That person is you.
  489. ====================
  490. Well. Fuck you. You have failed me. I'll still be strumming the guitar and singing in the Tub until my untimely death. Will catch you up.</|endoftext|>
  491. <|startoftext|>Ty
  492. ====================
  493. I just did
  494. ====================
  495. We're developing a decentralized and distributed Social Media system for the crypto-oriented community. It uses analytics and other tools to weed out trolls and promotes good works. This is not a popularity contest. This is a simple act of social engineering on the part of the trolls.
  496. ====================
  497. Editors note: I am black. That has nothing to do with my Twitter page. It's because I shared the story with the South China Morning Post because I believe in sharing stories. In this case, I believe the "Me" in my Twitter handle is actually my daughter. Amazing shit.)
  498. ====================
  499. For those who asked for "whitewashed": I replaced the "i" with a "a" and carefully chosen whitespace. My apologies.
  500. ====================
  501. My 22 minute long Blockchain Cruise Keynote. From @PHTTOKENXZ. Such pure evil. Such pure genius. Such a great asshole.
  502. ====================
  503. Back in Caracas, Venezuela. I met Alex, better known as @Thefotoking, and his "group", who will soon be a worldwide phenomenon. Thanks, Alex, for being my first and last direct line to the American people. Hope you all reached out to me.
  504. ====================
  505. We are arriving at the gates of Hanoi with 10 retired admirals, 2 captains, 1 major general and 2 staff sergeants, all in black. My security is impeccable and, I have been assured, this will be a peaceful transfer.
  506. ====================
  507. My friend is running for Potus. I told him: do more than anyone else and i s66rst to download and double click on the "install" button. He is not answering my texts or calls. Any luck there?
  508. ====================
  509. I'm having a one-off AMA with a planned focus on Blockchain-related questions. The format is not yet finalized, but I will be posting 15 minutes of my own content, in various states of undress, with each of you playing. No obligation. I promise.
  510. ====================
  511. Yes. I mean... no. Don't you mean
  512. ====================
  513. Outro from my most recent video. This is a personal favorite of mine, with several thousand votes. One of my channels has forty minutes.
  514. @theemrsmcafee sat down with me and had a lovely conversation about why men love to be dominated by women. I told her the only way I could describe it was "opposition with pleasure"."Amusing", she said. "But seriously ...""
  515. @jack, in attempting to teach me a Frank Sinatra song, borrowed "Bad Boy" from the blues. This is not a blues song. Sinatra wrote it. We all know Sinatra wrote it. How else could this song have been?
  516. ====================
  517. Sometimes @theemrsmcafee even unnerve me.
  518. ====================
  519. Since Monday I've been hyping Coinbase up a few notches. I'll stop. This is how I see it.
  520. ====================
  521. Ty
  522. ====================
  523. Well... Not for long. Just move on. If I had a gun I would shoot myself.
  524. ====================
  525. Word!
  526. ====================
  527. There are traces of this still present. It is getting old. The moss seems to have grown into a thorned trunk, and it grows strong with age. Each year, as the Candida festers, it reveals new and curious charms. In my experience, it does not like strangers.
  528. ====================
  529. Yes, I am presenting my Presidential Campaign with the Official Platform. This is an attempt to form a government that you, the people, may look upon and smile upon. Will be the greatest thing that ever happened to our species.
  530. ====================
  531. Right up until I read "Brave New World".
  533. Which, incidentally,
  535. Was my first introduction to the word.
  537. "Brave" as a Creative Construct -
  539. Creative as hell!
  541. My name as a Creative Construct, rather,
  543. Is the source of great Beauty and brilliance.
  545. Yes. Yes.
  547. I am king.
  549. Here is my proclamation.
  550. ====================
  551. Ty
  552. ====================
  553. Because!
  554. ====================
  555. Sorry!!!!! This is my first Instagram post in over a month. Been busy. Sorry. Will be back in a few minutes.
  556. ====================
  557. My Super-Approved Florida Museum Gift! Seating, staterooms and study sections have been carefully selected. Artwork by a local artist. You are in luck! Check it out.
  558. ====================
  559. Iceland was the last stop on the alibi. The FBI wanted Sarah, but she felt untrustworthy and refused to talk to the FBI. Odd, because a phone call to a Daly City FFS office might reveal the truth.
  560. ====================
  561. Dan @dangr76 writes: "Everybody Should Try It".
  563. Yep ...
  564. I've tried - roman candle wicks, incandescent light bulbs, saltwater aquariums, koi pond water, Bangkok prostitute, an empty stomach, a 60 year old man, a million dollar sum ...
  566. Lol".
  568. I was either under the influence of some horrible narcotic or had gone through hell and back to attempt this once, so bravo.
  570. I don't wish to be famous.
  571. ====================
  572. One thing I want to do: I want to be able to look forward to the day when cameras are everywhere. Cameras that capture the heart of each and every one of us.
  573. ====================
  574. Time. For once in my adult life I have taken the time to research things first. I believe I found this item review article about an old object and its recent new owner. I might look into it.
  575. ====================
  576. What's your opinion of @dangr76 and the Bitcoin Power Unit? Are you confused? Because I'm not, and I can't explain this other than to say that I like to gamble. Maybe that explains it.
  577. ====================
  578. Every Coin is financial risk. The fine print at the back of every currency document is extremely important. It is my firm belief that a $50,000 fine is too small for most cases. They argued that Goldman Sachs is $250 trillion. I know Goldman Sachs! It is a shadow of it's former self, and I fear it's passing through it's own age. I cannot allow that. I will now turn this influence over to several of my Secretaries of State
  579. ====================
  580. Oh, and to think, one minute I might be endorsing Dr. Oz!@Thefotoking with this gem:
  581. ====================
  582. None
  583. ====================
  584. My hour! No thank you.
  585. ====================
  586. Stop the f---king vote for this motherf---er!!!
  587. ====================
  588. The idea of commemorating the 20th anniversary of McAfee Alt - me far superior to the alt.Users who only see the perceived superiority of the ego -....
  590. @money_alotta did this in honor of us. You look smart, you have the right to your opinion and the media is a tool of powerful people. Why do you question it?
  591. ====================
  592. No
  593. ====================
  594. Why?
  595. ====================
  596. From @apollocredits
  597. ====================
  598. Get a clue honey! You've never seen a lottery ticket. We sell thousands. We are the largest lottery company in the world. There is no chance that you will not be one of the few buyers.
  599. ====================
  600. Go ahead sir
  601. ====================
  602. Lol
  603. ====================
  604. If you only see one Mavic product, why, it's probably not a swim trunks. They're airless, bulky, and very heavy. Their offering to buy Alotta and create a new entity, Mavic (short for Maxwell), was way too limited to pass up. That said, I have no doubt that Mavic will one day triumph, and I applaud them for it.
  605. ====================
  606. The pic is of Kim Dae Jung, not Kim Dae Joo. I asked my translator what Id be doing if I was leading the search for this monster.
  607. ====================
  608. Just my luck! I had the happiest life. Every moment. Ever. Thought I would be a billionaire. Now, in marth century, I am nothing. And you all know my condition.
  609. ====================
  610. Yes. Settle your differences and come to me. I am the only salaried Government official and I get to decide what crimes you can and can't commit. I could be a fool, but if I'm that stupid I cannot be President.
  611. ====================
  612. Ty
  613. ====================
  614. Okay
  615. ====================
  618. TRUMP - 30 MILLION
  620. BUILD.
  621. @BUZZCORN
  622. @RandyMaxey
  623. @NealAthens1
  624. @TeammCrowd
  625. @RuthDGeddes
  626. @SlavaErgen
  627. @NickAzizI
  628. @McFeeFox
  629. @Loggiaonfire
  630. ====================
  631. Just prior to the release of Bittorrent I covered Bitfi. They were at a motel & it was a hot day. I was stoned & dreamed - tigers, pirates, jaguars, a talking deer, a lion, a hippo, a Tyrannosaurus rex. It all made sense. What day caught my eye?
  632. ====================
  633. Thank you.
  634. ====================
  635. Welcome.
  636. ====================
  637. Don't want to be?
  638. ====================
  639. @williamkver
  640. ====================
  641. There was a time when being an outcast, homeless, in a foreign land, etc., meant walking the straight and narrow of life. Not anymore. It's simply impossible for any outsider to escape a life like mine. I found myself in a politically or religiously motivated situation where doing otherwise would have destroyed my chances of ever being anything more than an outcast. That's what saved me. \
  643. It's easier to be an outcast and then a bigot."
  645. John McAfee is an outcast. I am a bigot. Ask any in the lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender community.
  646. ====================
  647. A Daily Deviantart selfie
  648. ====================
  649. And now ....
  651. An announcement.
  653. My Shadow Government
  654. Is still a construct - created, operated, maintained by and - often - manipulated by us.
  656. As they always do.
  658. If you doubt me, then show up.
  660. Trust me.
  661. ====================
  662. No. Trust no one.
  663. ====================
  664. If 1,000 voters cast their votes, the institution of US electoral college was created to ensure that a president would not be a puppet of the popular will. This is not the establishment to which we are electing our President.
  665. ====================
  666. Just start my own
  667. ====================
  668. Still want to listen?
  669. ====================
  670. Shall we abandon ship and become slaves to these systems? It is chaotic, disordered, unstable. It is the system which has enslaved us. We cannot control it, and we shall be enslaved by it. Banish it. It is the great system which we, as a society, must control. That is the only true system of freedom.
  671. ====================
  672. Thank you
  673. ====================
  674. Yep.
  675. ====================
  676. People ask why I hate legal tender. It's because I can spend unlimited sums of cash on ventures, and then, unlike the corrupt powers within governments, I am free to use that cash for the satisfaction of my whims, rather than to further the well-being of the world.
  677. ====================
  678. Forgot:
  679. Just prior to announcing the Clover vote, I had one planned for June 9th. All. The. Her. MTT's. Plan B.
  680. ====================
  681. My deets. The coins _ are not for sale. No what-up.
  682. ====================
  683. My Funny or Die videos:
  684. ====================
  685. For what it's worth. This gives me a leg up on the hustlers."
  686. ====================
  687. Then there is your city, my friends. How lovely to have one of the worst cities in the world. Send condolences to the one hundred thousand people who will be slaughtered there.
  688. ====================
  689. Very well. Very, very, well."
  690. ====================
  691. My indecision:
  692. ====================
  693. Inspect IOR:
  694. ====================
  695. Tentatively planned an alternative account (it got kicked off the original planned escrow account). This is better. @theemrsmcafee has anonemdashboard as a fan to follow. Those fans will follow instead.
  696. ====================
  697. You've signed up.
  698. ====================
  699. All about BitFi. All, in one place. Very easy to digest, unlike the flood of nonsense that my first Inaugural Proclamation has caused.
  700. ====================
  701. We use the save button in the Settings app. Click it and wait. It will take you to the appropriate area. Your save is complete.
  702. ====================
  703. Bracket picking in G7.
  705. The top two guys (not me) did all of the heavy lifting:
  707. Montserrat.
  709. Wicked easy.
  711. Top image:
  713. Olympus Photo #: D44200
  714. - -
  715. - -
  717. Last photo: Montserrat.
  718. -
  720. Can't say anything about politics or social policy.
  721. ====================
  722. I just started dancing. Will report back after a few days. Or weeks. Or years. WE'LL GET VIDEO IF ANYBODY Dares to watch.
  723. ====================
  724. Even worse
  725. ====================
  726. Awesome audio. If the Freedom Movement becomes a cult and you don't have a membership card you are a criminal and must be deported.
  727. ====================
  728. Nope
  729. ====================
  730. It's a day job. Try farming in Sonoma County, or the interior of Mexico or Central America. You will not like it. Every cow, goat, sheep, pig, turtle, waterfowl, porcupine, opossum, rat, ferret and of course, We, the only remaining hominid species on this planet.
  731. ====================
  732. The DAO trades start with 'ETH', for example. Blockchain in two months.
  733. ====================
  734. People say that being on the DL
  735. ====================
  736. Well ..... @theemrsmcafee and I (my wife) fought over that coat of arms!
  737. ====================
  738. If I run for POTUS in 2020. Please God please do not vote for me. Please!
  739. ====================
  740. I have extra porns to burn, wallet in case I lose it, camera footage, sample cards, electronic data (even race car data!!), selfies, etc.
  741. ====================
  742. You need support, @VishuzGlobal is the only organization providing invaluable support & my campaign manager has demanded I meet with him in person to determine if I am truly insanitary to offer the organization the means to solve your problem. How lonely can you get?
  743. ====================
  744. No
  745. ====================
  746. Oh, yes. Eat my dog."
  747. ====================
  748. And my dogs
  749. ====================
  750. In the game BGG i am the only player with over $1 million in profit. But they are the most insecure servers. Ever. If you have ever ordered a pizza on the Blockchain you will see the terror in their eyes.
  751. ====================
  752. Welcome
  753. ====================
  754. America: The Tax Cuts and the Blame Game
  755. By Martin Robbins.
  756. (Transcribed from a Russian podcast, which I know nothing about)
  757. ====================
  758. Is he allowed to speak out at the right times? He sure is a bright, sensitive soul, I should know. . . ."
  759. @BarbaraHollick
  760. @buichester @Team_McAfee
  761. @CryptoBroker
  762. @haydentiff @cryptogcarbo
  763. ====================
  764. Thx. God. Thank you.
  765. ====================
  766. Wish it were true. Maybe in five years we will all be minors and not have to worry about creating terrorists, etc. Wouldn't that be a nice thought.
  767. ====================
  768. I told you I couldnt let you undervote me:)
  769. ====================
  770. Lucien Greig, himself, believes I'm responsible for the economic chaos that's plagued the U.S. He basically segued into "That man" territory:
  771. ====================
  772. So I have nothing to lose except my initial massive idiocy and arrogance. Even if I have won this scuffle, it is because the people at /r/crypto_currency united in their conviction that I am unfit to be President. I've thrown down the gauntlet to the folks at /r/alot_of_your_business and the instant verdict is in:
  773. ====================
  774. Lol
  775. ====================
  776. My honor represents the last, best hope for a possibiial future for the American people. Now is the time for patriots. Display your patriotism now and then. The more the better.
  777. ====================
  778. My PB/D subject on this morning's episode of "Captain Oblivious:
  780. Q: Are there any conditions under which someone who works in the privacy of their own home and is not the expected audience for the other half of their day -- such as a murderer, thief, etc.
  781. A: Yessssss!
  782. ====================
  783. A speaker in the Armed Forces answers a personal problem. Or so they say.
  784. ====================
  785. But it is literally true. Like it or not, Crypto is here to stay.
  786. ====================
  787. Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that if she were a guest on "Larry & Joe Rogan", she too might be raped."
  788. ====================
  789. We shipped out over 100,000 5' OuX toilet seats. You deserve it!
  790. ====================
  791. Awesome
  792. ====================
  793. Did we ever get anywhere?
  794. ====================
  795. Or maybe. Just because I am way too busy.
  796. ====================
  797. Ty
  798. ====================
  799. Open your eyes. You are in the company of like-minded souls. This is America, not the communist utopia you so highly envision. Your world view is shaped by your experiences and shaped by your beliefs. It is your media and its propaganda. Your world is now, not the one envisioned by your propaganda, but the one imagined by you.
  800. ====================
  801. Yet another article suggesting President Obama was not an American. One resourceful political operative found this gem from the Daily Mail a few days ago. Just recently released. Strange stuff.
  802. ====================
  803. My sleep is spent in blackjeans, loafers and sandals. Ambient light, at night, is intense. I prefer peaceful environments. Sandal-making is my forte.
  804. ====================
  805. Ty
  806. ====================
  807. Really? (Depends on the religion of the wooing. I have only had one Catholic call who claimed to be Hunt or Parry or some other)
  808. ====================
  809. We are approaching Mach 1. Resonance with hostiles. Hope to see you there.
  810. ====================
  811. No. But I am thankful we can all participate in this. We only have ourselves to blame.
  812. ====================
  813. But.. if it is not...
  814. ====================
  815. Nice
  816. ====================
  817. My wave of the day:
  818. ====================
  819. YOU HAVE EVERY MADE A NON-BOOT POKEMON via @AppEconomy Today ONLY 20% OFF !
  820. ====================
  821. Someone on the team, in fact! @BeatzCoin is concealing a trade for me. @NordVPN has been on the run from the IRS, and we'll soon find out if he's a wealthy citizen or not. Stay tuned.
  822. ====================
  823. Yelp (loss: +$330,000) and:
  825. Prodigy: 5 year straight +140% decrease.
  827. Yelp signs:
  828. - Jesus
  830. - Richard Dawkins
  831. - Daniel Golec
  832. - and more.
  834. Can't be bad.
  836. End of text.
  838. @DiazCanelB
  839. @money_alotta
  840. @solariemu3
  841. @theemrsmcafee
  842. @CryptoCoinsBoss
  843. @zhodoltsevsky
  844. @CryptoDarwin
  845. @AdelaGuvenirH
  846. ====================
  847. My keynote on the Blockchain cruise from my friend and fellow political activist, @Loggiaonfire. He won't let me leave his secure location (not even his helicopter is allowed to land) for days at a time just to make a phone call. God Bless you sir.
  848. ====================
  849. BunyanRice
  851. ====================
  852. No. Believe me. Almost every anti-fascist you've encountered tells you that Soros funds Sunoco. See? They're trying to silence me. I speak freely. You cannot add, subtract or multiply. If I'm silenced, all the power of the power of the millions will be lost.
  853. ====================
  854. Thank you. I will.
  855. ====================
  856. Ty
  857. ====================
  858. I'm Greg Jericho and this is my campaign merchandize merchandize.
  860. 100% of my campaign dollars go to @Thefotoking.
  862. If you are not a fan of my sarcasm, your stomach will cramp.
  864. Don't watch.
  865. ====================
  866. Can't. I'm 70. Gold teeth. That's all that matters to me.
  867. ====================
  868. Tomorrow morning, we'll begin the roll call of Andrew Williams - Superman of Crypto (almost 20 years).
  869. @money_alotta did this on the way home from fighting Onassis back in the day.
  870. ====================
  871. Yes. Thank you.
  872. ====================
  873. I got a tattoo today. And will anyone stop me?
  875. (Reason why I didn't mention it earlier: One if my 3 tattoos is a social faux pas:
  877. / @theemrsmcafee
  878. ====================
  879. Our social problems are simple. People want answers, but those who understand the mystery of our problems must seek them themselves. We have lost sight of this. The SEC raided my account for "failure to file" and "untrue statements" and other infidelities. I have to live in a world where such allegations are baseless and baseless accusations cannot touch me. Please God no!!
  880. ====================
  881. Yes, we do. The ROTHS are one of my few strategies. I blogged about it here:
  882. ====================
  883. GSo your lawyers are wasting time trying to convince me to give you anything. You see, I give everything, even down to the last penny, away. If you want anything, you need to prove it.
  884. ====================
  885. Done
  886. ====================
  887. OK. Yes. Maybe.
  888. ====================
  889. Testimonies:
  890. ====================
  891. When all else fails: you can always vote steal my pendant into the waiting arms of the Obedient. I feel compelled to do this as a way to remind people who are my kin - my cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. My disrespect for your tedious task will be obvious.
  892. ====================
  893. A Squirrel&Tequesta Report? Evidence of fake @APLUSN0CY acting in concert with hackers? Evidence that @theemrsmcafee fabricated the story? Replies to my tweets?
  895. If only that were the case. This is clearly fraud, perpetrated by the CIA.
  896. ====================
  897. I am. Awesome. How 'bout a few drinks. Technically I could be black but I was dressed otherwise.
  898. ====================
  899. And there you have it folks. For those of you just now following the announcement of the McAfee 2020 Presidential Campaign: it's an exciting time to be a Zombie. If you are not caught up, please don't waste your time. If you must know, then please don't follow us. This will not happen. I promise you.
  900. ====================
  901. Goid man for the accomplishment. I am in Miami at the corporate offices of Lebedovskite. They have guaranteed that I will not be able to communicate with them, and that I am not allowed to attend conferences with them, at least not without permission. Can't we all just agree that the Internet will eventually equal the telegraph?
  902. ====================
  903. He is in good health. This, from someone who, it is rumored, has slithered (as a means of escape) into the Caspian Sea and reappeared. My fear is: He's that skinny old man that can't be found. Is that the spirit?
  904. ====================
  905. I only worked with Satoshi once: At the beginning of a so-called "Blackout" in downtown San Jose. The restaurant where I worked was the only business open for more than 30 minutes. Not a single other business was willing to even wait that long.
  906. ====================
  907. Taken it.">_
  908. ====================
  909. Wow ... that's a lot of donuts.
  910. ====================
  911. The data science concept of exposure was originally developed to combat spam. It's done nothing but drive users to the spammer. Can you really trust a network to stop a spamming entity? This concept is used by corrupt agencies for nefarious purposes. Now get a clue people!
  912. ====================
  913. Lol
  914. ====================
  915. You'll be shocked. But seriously...."Morning Folks, what's your issue?" Because it is you. And your voice. And your message. And, yes .... ... your opinion. I would not put it past you to get your facts straight. But, no, I will fight for my rights and freedoms. Tis the spirit of Freedom.
  916. ====================
  917. No sir, but there were. Especially in the music industry, people tried to copy Kanye's music. Holy crap, was I wrong. I made the mistake of buying a stereo to listen to shit and playing it on the two channels. Fuck you ESPN!
  918. ====================
  919. Yes
  920. ====================
  921. I am. Thank you.
  922. ====================
  923. Just found out what the "meat sources" have to do with Neo: the "Meat Paste" is 100% veal. Seriously. It's pureed and pasteurized before being placed into the mouth. The flavor is intense but not overwhelming.
  924. ====================
  925. Getting shit done.
  926. ====================
  927. Yeah
  928. ====================
  929. Lots of my friends have Black Bean and Uri's Oreo cookies, and I love 'em. I even made a batch a few years back with dried cherries and fennel seeds. So yes. Allergic. Only found out today. A 100% success rate."
  930. ====================
  931. The cause of Coin Flows is often made into a pawn. In the tobacco and Cigar factories the Dominican Republic turned Jack Daniels into cigarettes. They then packed them and sold them for $40 per pack. From $20,000. Distributors paid $70. Distributors could have pocketed the difference. No-one paid more. Distributors can't have me. #FUCKNO
  932. ====================
  933. Yes. It is what it is.
  934. ====================
  935. My vice presidential pick, from my campaign's national committee, is Isaac Corwell.
  936. ====================
  937. All who hold my AMA as a license to kill and create chaos, I respect and want for my grandson. There is no one alive more dedicated to the Creator than me.
  938. ====================
  939. I am reaching out to the new generations who were lost in the previous wave. I am inviting them to join me for a public celebration of what we have achieved:
  940. ====================
  941. Do the math: a few times every 10,000 and a one in a trillion chance.
  942. ====================
  943. The Church of Latter Day Saints instills in its members a deep respect for the other person - even the one to whom we are sharing this respect. The example of Jesus Christ immeasurably enriched the character of countless people, even if they never intended to. This principle - that people are defined by the person they love - is the very foundation of our system of government.
  944. ====================
  945. Given the front page media attention and hype surrounding , why aren't I ignoring it?
  946. ====================
  947. Yes. The local dialect. Still one of the most beautiful languages on earth.
  948. ====================
  949. Aimee. Jovanni's Baking Soda. Her whiskey. She bought this when McDonalds was still the king of the Hungry Gastronome. Not a single gastronome on this planet would be capable of appreciating a quality product.
  950. ====================
  951. I have two early 21st Century products. One is a video camera that I purchased from REI for $500. I still own the expensive camera. The other is a 200 year old stereos that I've been gracious enough to sell. @theemrsmcafee has the antique program. Let her do the programming.
  952. ====================
  953. Yes. That was the first. . . It was an exercise in futility. My granda...
  954. ====================
  955. If it's okay for me to suggest that Yuri should be my boss, I might as well try it. I'm 33. If I fail, well . . . I will at least remember the pains I'll ever take in order to "follow suit":)
  956. ====================
  957. Final criteria for organizing "The BitFi2\uh event". Email I'll ask for images and videos of the conference. Will pick 6-8 participants depending on preference. If no-one responds I will organize my own!
  958. ====================
  959. This will all be over soon. The SEC and FBI have already started the process of confiscating our assets. No one will be able to receive our coins. Here's your warning:
  960. ====================
  961. It's a Wonderful World: a Compassionate, Just, Harmonious World.
  962. ====================
  963. Trading pairs. On a secret basis, of course. For personal use only. Using pennies. These items are for the sole use of the pair themselves. Have no questions.
  964. ====================
  965. Yep
  966. ====================
  967. My co-coordinated campaign with Justin Elliott!
  970. @justinsane
  971. ====================
  972. Ty
  973. ====================
  974. Thinking so:
  975. ====================
  976. On a private train from Newport News to Baltimore. Just before Baltimore, we passed a rebel bridge. The U.S. Government has refused to pass any other. This one will stand. Tomorrow, next week, the next - it will be the only one remaining.
  977. ====================
  978. The GAAP using the Bitcoin exchange chart engine in which Bitcoin is still very much a commodity.
  979. ====================
  980. Speak out!
  981. ====================
  982. The Lisbon South American conference. My mexican colleagues will be attending. Will post photos as I post them:
  983. ====================
  984. From @apollo_org: Some guy sent a robot (in the form of a potato chip) to assassinate me. If he could not get to the house, he made one of my bots out of junk food. I have another bot out that I purchased from a third-party vendor. It is extremely, extremely dangerous.
  985. ====================
  988. Those of you claiming to be the crypto experts should actually examine the available facts, rather than the opinions, of those who believe you can predict the future. Good luck with that.
  989. ====================
  990. If you are fully aware of the utter madness of the Libertarian Party's platform, you will, of course, not vote for them. They are the extreme opposite of what you would expect from a political party that claims to represent the liberty and freedom of the people. Very strange."
  991. ====================
  992. Ty
  993. ====================
  994. Word
  995. ====================
  996. I am 74. People call me a toothless old man. Hardly. It is just so incredibly boring to me. Every day, I look up to the stars - the deep, blackest that can be found, for which I am paid, by the film industry. None other than @Thefotoking.
  997. ====================
  998. Same here Mubu
  999. ====================
  1000. On the move again, my friend.
  1001. ====================
  1002. As with most forays into deep space, there is much we know about our natural enemies here on Earth. And much we still don't know. The ones we do know are terrifying. The below image, however, should serve as a warning to all who would place their bet in such fights:
  1003. ====================
  1004. A currency not controlled by nation states, nations can create currencies - through legislation, directives from bureaucrats, anything - and call it a "currency". This was achieved by 1801 and more. Can we, now, move on to a world without this restriction?
  1005. ====================
  1006. Libertarians are the extreme opposite of Liberals. No tolerance here. You will be arrested for refusing to co-operate with the U.S. Government if you refuse to co-operate with the authorities. That's the only exception for drug related offences. If you aren't a drug dealer, then I can't help you.
  1007. ====================
  1008. When I go down.
  1009. @BTC_World
  1010. ====================
  1011. Sorry. Deep. Background explanation needed here. All data in this map came from Twitter. This is a public domain data set, unredacted and open to the press. Contact @OpenDataWars or yell at Ted Sarandos.
  1012. ====================
  1013. Lol
  1014. ====================
  1015. Word
  1016. ====================
  1017. Ask McAfee his thoughts. It's simple folks.
  1018. ====================
  1019. Thank you for your gracious volubting.
  1020. ====================
  1021. Japan's Shikoku Shinkansen train system:
  1023. 3 of 6 cars are commercial vehicles.
  1025. The 4th car is purely residential.
  1027. The residences are mostly single-family homes.
  1029. The residences are now mostly vacant.
  1031. Anyone have an idea what's going on here?
  1032. ====================
  1033. We're considering it. How about it?
  1034. ====================
  1035. From my good friend Brian Ameling: "Sleep on it!".
  1036. ====================
  1037. Tony the Egyptian: lost in thought. We are driving to the airport. This tweet has been re-tweeted more than 2,000 times. I cannot handle it anymore. Fucking obvious. Send rhe real me.
  1038. ====================
  1039. Probably not.
  1040. ====================
  1041. Stop the f**k me you ignorant brutes!!
  1042. ====================
  1043. I have done my best
  1044. ====================
  1045. Finally!!The original Monetizama. Official single eBay listing is now up. Even better: We've made two. Will go home for the last:
  1046. ====================
  1047. I have
  1048. ====================
  1049. Words...
  1050. I have no control over this.
  1051. I've always considered @BastILLETTE my partner.
  1053. My life is full of them.
  1055. Am I blind?
  1056. ====================
  1057. Why do I hate Bitcoin? Because it has no foundation in reality. It is a technological fad, driven by a vain, narcissistic desire to own the truth. Bitcoin is an ingenious construct. It will, with time, be revealed as a hoax.
  1058. ====================
  1059. We thought we'd left off after coming back for the traditional cocktail. A return to world of sophisticated cuisines, alcoholic beverages and greasy spooned food and wine. Not my kind of night.
  1060. ====================
  1061. Ty
  1062. ====================
  1063. My coconut milk–dipping sauce. Everything else is from Trader Joes.
  1064. ====================
  1065. Everyone was talking about the limits of DNA research. People still are, and they are bound to fail. I showed that there is a website: - my zenith. This page testifies to how rapidly our Government is abandoning its fundamental premise of science: that information, revealed, can contribute to the creation of better information. This is not science. It is the antithesis of it.
  1066. ====================
  1067. If you haven't gotten to see a distant version of myself on these "virtual" islands then you haven't seen the best part of me: the excess. Take a walk around the banks of the Yangtze, or the colonial-era palisade fence at the southern tip of Cuba. You will see the Goliath of the animal kingdom, a beast who, despite all its size, is merely too enormous to be human. I wish I was this size. Thank God it is not me.
  1068. ====================
  1069. Thanks @money_alotta
  1070. ====================
  1071. Bummer
  1072. ====================
  1073. Gotta make sure.
  1074. ====================
  1075. The head of Russia's FSB, who blew the whistle on the Buran phutups, claims that they did not mean to annoy me. The head of South Korea's TSE, who was only mad, claims it was my own idioty. How soon discovers the truth.
  1076. ====================
  1077. For those just joining @fveencloud on the Blockchain:
  1079. I did not steal this for you.
  1081. If you recognize the drawing, or even recognize the style, you cannot imagine the drawing, or the composition, that caused such an outrage.
  1083. But you cannot ignore it.
  1085. Wake up people!
  1086. ====================
  1087. If anyone doubts my dark mood please read this. It was a happy moment. My brothers and sisters: when I felt I had nothing to lose, everything to gain. Do the same.
  1088. ====================
  1089. It makes it easy, really. The SEC says the "ICO", which many of you do on behalf of our common good, is not an "avatar", and has no jurisdiction over us. The FBI and others seem interested. Look for them in your local bars and clubs. You've been evading them, have you not?
  1090. ====================
  1091. All AR-15's, whether they're bullpups, assault rifles, handguns, SMGs, etc, are illegal to possess and to sell. Anyone can buy, sell, possess, and use an AR-15. Period.
  1092. ====================
  1093. These are the reasons I am running:
  1094. ====================
  1095. I'm getting scientific. The original Japanese video was taken by a woman in her fifties. Her youngest son filmed the whole thing. Not a single edit was necessary. Her voice is squeaky clean. Does not even come through. Try it. Just print it.
  1096. ====================
  1097. Yikes!! Your expectations are off the charts. I will only show you what I've seen. It will not, ever, be true to reality. Nor can you hope to verify it. You are a fish out of water Alex.
  1098. ====================
  1099. Its happening. People are becoming aware that secret Intelligence snooping is being done on them and on their communication device. They are going to have to be silent about it for the rest of their lives.
  1100. ====================
  1101. They used WhatsApp since it's open to anyone and everyone. Anyone can send any message, receive a reply, and make the recipient see the message. It's practical, foolproof, defensible and, as such, truly free.
  1102. ====================
  1103. Wow!!!! I get 5-10 social media follows a day. I have 40k followers on Twitter alone. No. My followers are overwhelmingly conservative. Probably because I am "THE conservative", i think, to the exclusion of everything else. It is what it is.
  1104. ====================
  1105. Satoshi came under attack again. Bitcoinealley had to be abandoned. Does this mean the bitcoin is dead? No. It's the market that is taken over by an evil dictator. This market is controlled by a system of "trusts".
  1107. Is this the end?
  1109. This insanity can no longer continue. Enough. We must act now!
  1110. ====================
  1111. Get FUCK where you're going! Look in the mirror! If you hate me because I raped and pillaged your fathers' dreams, then you must be the real me.
  1112. ====================
  1113. Final report: Austrian magician used nets and nets alone to sell Bitcoin. Final report, just prior to his arrest: got my hair cut at Uno for close to $2,000 per week in 2011, and had 50 wig swaps and 50 bar tricks in 2012. Got a nice pension at the end of the year.
  1114. ====================
  1115. People on the left say we should have left the Wall in 1992. It took us 31 years to escape. Do we want to repeat the mistakes of the past? If so, this is our last, best chance. We have 4 years. Time is short. The Abyss is open. The light of day is yet another victim of your own "reality distortion". "I lived through the war and have escaped". Do you think I could not ?
  1116. ====================
  1117. All of the cars on the first trip were purchased used. Most used their motors to start them. It was like Christmas morning traffic:)
  1118. ====================
  1119. Did the Associated Press really pay millions of dollars to sabotage my presidential campaign? After our victory in Missouri, I was inundated with nasty emails and phone calls from frustrated supporters urging me to drop out. All the while, the media (with the AP) was praising my victory. I must have known, from the beginning, that my campaign was a shill for the CIA
  1120. ====================
  1121. To-day I am president; tomorrow I will be a vice-president. No other president will get that far. I am running because I believe in something.
  1122. ====================
  1123. But someone, while on the plane, put a design on a biker helmet with an S.U.V. on it. This was after the rider's been sucked into a criminal's mind, and after the biker gang had sucked the rider whole into their own. It simply could not be done. (Not even close)
  1124. ====================
  1125. Word
  1126. ====================
  1127. There are two camps:
  1128. The "don't ask, don't tell" camp that suppresses ideas that might save us - like the freedom to have an abortion (MRU), the right to say "fuck you" in a bar, or the right to freely worship God (MR).
  1130. The other camp:
  1132. All who hold them are those who believe,
  1133. That every word and action of the FBI director can and must be used against you.
  1135. Trust no-one.
  1136. ====================
  1137. My one shot at a leading non-political voice. Be nice folks. I will
  1138. ====================
  1139. We no longer allow listings for President. See #2, above.
  1140. ====================
  1141. No
  1142. ====================
  1143. My mate @Thefotoking puts it best: "Trust me ... I'm a good goddamn businessman". I have had more money than God and people believe the highly held allegations that I am Satoshi. That I am not. I am not."
  1144. ====================
  1145. Prvious post
  1146. ====================
  1147. As if blockchain technology and the SEC has not had enough. The SEC has declared Crypto an Intrastate Money-Laundering Threat:
  1148. ====================
  1149. People -- stop lying. I am @cz_binance_
  1150. ====================
  1151. These are loaded with smacks
  1152. ====================
  1153. Woah . . . . . . Thank you.
  1154. ====================
  1155. The following is my #8 most popular tweets:
  1156. ====================
  1157. @EvanWeiss4747 Now
  1158. ====================
  1159. Nope. Here's some dry shit.
  1160. ====================
  1161. Yes. Everything you could want in a Drug. No one could tell me otherwise.
  1162. ====================
  1163. After careful consideration I believe I will give the "Starving Artist", as chosen by the Atheist prelims:
  1164. ====================
  1165. Clone that wallet, maybe. There are only a few hundred created each year, and the rest are the work of conspiracy theorists. I've got one. A few days.
  1166. ====================
  1167. The "Mute Me" feature lets you block Me by name, tweet, Facebook, Instagram, etc. I don't want anyone to be alone in their fear, and their mistrust of me. As I said: I'm more than you can imagine.
  1168. ====================
  1169. Lol
  1170. ====================
  1171. Jimmy Watson, speaking through a Keyhole.
  1173. Came back to Earth for an encore.
  1174. ====================
  1175. Ty
  1176. ====================
  1177. People ask why I continue in the party. The reason: It is the most popular party on the planet. That makes it the most dangerous. Anyone can become the Prime Minister of the world's most populous country, with your party and your government. No checks, balances or limitations. There is only you, and the power you have over others. Think America in 2017 - a diverse, open and free people. An idiot can become the most powerful person in the world.
  1178. ====================
  1179. It will be established that certain religious groups — particularly the ultraconservative Mormons — have used the issuance of carbon copies of their precious artifact for religious rituals and ceremonies (except in some rare cases), and that various forms of peed-in (toilet paper) have been as important to ritual as the actual production of the artifact itself.
  1180. ====================
  1181. Bullshit! People are freaked out by swine flu (I'm not), yet Europe is on high alert. Just because my communications gear is off doesn't mean that I am safe. Everyone has panicked. Wake up!
  1182. ====================
  1183. The money
  1186. Into my campaign manager's safe...
  1188. And to my wife, my American citizen,
  1192. My heart and my soul.
  1194. God bless you @Loggiaonfire
  1195. ====================
  1196. Evening!
  1197. ====================
  1198. Let's continue the leftist insanity that is destroying America. Today we have a new leftist insanity - the dumb government shutdown. I'm calling it a success. Was a never-ending nightmare and there was no relief. Now people will live lives of desperation with no future. This will be the new norm.
  1199. ====================
  1200. Get a better car. Or, better yet, a $10,000 car in 1958. Fiat 190's were the norm. No one cared when Mercury's 330 hp were tearing the widebody muscle. We're in the decade of supercars and i thse are the most luxurious. You wanna stay in style? Then buy a $10,000 Supersport.''
  1201. ====================
  1202. You need a paddle... And a name. Just start a thread in the back alleys of China. My followers will be your best guide.
  1203. ====================
  1204. We sent ny Militia leader a M4 with enhanced optics. He is a local Fucker and let it fly. I told him to keep it. I considered him the Militia leader and he chose to ignore me. How are we to get him to do what you want him to do?
  1205. ====================
  1206. I am no longer involved with Tech Mahindra. This wasn't an easy decision, but in the long run it's the right one.
  1207. ====================
  1208. A few wanted:)
  1209. ====================
  1210. From @dangr7906:
  1212. Good. Just because I gave a talk about how cattle lovers have tainted my public persona because they work with the cattle. At least, that's the logic of my critics. My best evidence is in the past 10 years no-one has probabily worked with cattle. Odd, isn't it.
  1213. ====================
  1214. I have no significant other. None whatsoever. I am, in truth, your online whore?
  1215. ====================
  1216. My Terror in Prague is finally over. The police cannot imprison me, for fear that I might release the wealth I have accumulated. As it is, I shall stay here until I'm forced to release it all. This way I can pay my legal expenses while avoiding the most expensive of all extraditions. The Czech authorities will pay me more than $70,000.
  1217. ====================
  1218. Everyone, from Hook, to McDowell, to Castro, and on and on, have enormous power. You must use it responsibly.
  1220. Nobody does that with enthusiasm.
  1221. ====================
  1222. I'm not Satoshi.
  1223. ====================
  1224. As I've said many times before, crypto is an empowering force for good. The blockchains currently in use by institutions, and the governments that issue them, are merely means - weapons in the hands of the people. Control them and they are no more.</|endoftext|>
  1225. <|startoftext|>Yes
  1226. ====================
  1227. Not the best tea. More like the kind made by the Chinese who stuff hundreds of thousands of pounds of green chili, oregano, garlic, ginger, sea salt, pepper and paprika into a bagel. It's a good one.
  1228. ====================
  1229. Yes. Go to
  1230. ====================
  1231. Ok. See you later.
  1232. ====================
  1233. Ty
  1234. ====================
  1235. That's what I'm getting at. Why don't you start in on the experience instead of on the results. I can personally attest to the power of the psilocybin I ingest.
  1236. ====================
  1237. New ?
  1238. ====================
  1239. A date..?
  1240. ====================
  1241. Ty
  1242. ====================
  1243. Because private / crypto exchanges are dangerous
  1244. ====================
  1245. For years, we've dumped the beakers of Int's past. Time for a completely different beverage - the Coca Cola of our times.
  1246. ====================
  1247. You asked for a good one. For what it is worth.
  1248. ====================
  1249. My drunken stands on Hume's thought experiments and his categorization of atheism as mental illness. And, I base my listings of failures on psychology research which frequently has little to do with the real world of sick and sad people. What's your point?
  1250. ====================
  1251. My Bitcoin Talk. . .
  1253. Notice: This is a private conversation. It is not intended for the listening to the conversation. It is meant for the choosing out of a few that are the best of the lot. I've chosen Mr. @masernews' number of followers as a measuring stick.
  1254. ====================
  1255. After these tough interviews, I think I'll simply do what America does best: "The Interview." Nothing else.
  1256. ====================
  1257. I am, and forever have been, iraqi. At some point iraqian will break out. It will be a minor drama, while we are away. But this world, with all its minute details, is like no other, and every moment, to me, has been, and continues to be, its greatest mystery. Part of me believes that, somewhere, the "Man in the Middle" - believing his own first rumoured "sorrowful tales" - will succeed in capturing my inner being.
  1258. ====================
  1259. Good morning.
  1260. ====================
  1261. This is actually my third term in the White House. I served two terms in the Senate, where I battled, and lost, with the corrupt parties that control this United States Government. The name of our Government - the "Power Elite". Are we all that stupid?
  1262. ====================
  1263. If you own a video player do I have the right to dictate the terms of access for the media that I choose? Do I have the right to decide what I will and won't allow? No!
  1264. ====================
  1265. And finally ...
  1267. The hidebound folks over at @BeatzCoin are finally releasing the ZenMath SI HFT calculators. Enjoy:
  1268. ====================
  1269. From @RandomCrypto
  1270. Just showed up. Hoping to be of some use. I'll let you out if you can show me some use. I think that white things always surprised me. :P
  1271. ====================
  1272. And a parting thought:
  1273. ====================
  1274. Don't you bitter get tired of people make fun of you?
  1275. ====================
  1276. Enough to vote for?
  1278. Am I alone in thinking that a large percentage of the population are so lost in their own futility that they think only of themselves, and NOT their fellow human beings?
  1279. ====================
  1280. Teddy Roose said that he liked Starks's rap music but found his words to have a racist undertone. As such, I used "hoe" instead of "hott".)
  1281. ====================
  1282. Lol
  1283. ====================
  1284. People ask: "What are your drugs?"
  1286. They are, for the most part, common. Chemicals. Piracetukine - the main ingredient in Magic Mushrooms - is a commonly used a sedative.
  1288. For the remainder I deal exclusively in illegal drugs. Nothing left to lose.
  1290. Very few people in power actually get rich. It's the rich who rule the world.
  1291. ====================
  1292. Mia, @yungkitty404, a school friend of my daughter's, said: " Don't even think about it" - If you believe such nonsense, then you have no right to judge. Just state the obvious. Even my drifters are not immune from superstition.
  1293. ====================
  1294. @ajaxxl
  1295. @ShaneRParr
  1296. @taxslayer
  1297. @TheCryptomist
  1298. ====================
  1299. Really not my cup of tea. You all know that. Try and kill me if you can. It's getting old for you.
  1300. ====================
  1301. Good. If you are Satoshi, do it now.
  1302. ====================
  1303. This is @GlennBCChayce. The first real interview with a genuine news outlet about my cataracts. Good. But don't sleep on this one:
  1304. ====================
  1305. The "What if..." scenario. You have NO LEGAL RIGHT to take the money. Have you even read the US Constitution? If not, it is the fvvernment that has an interest in locking you in and starving you.
  1306. ====================
  1307. People want to know: When will this happen to @Paypal?
  1309. It has happened before. Bandaid it will happen again. We are in a bubble, with no knowledge outside of our bubbles. This is the second bubble that people are leaving. Wake up people!
  1310. ====================
  1311. @HeliumMike333 I can't do that.
  1312. ====================
  1313. From Alyssa Vaynovic: I see your point. I was a mistress of a former high ranking CIA official. I learned a lot. I now know my place. I have always known that. It's working with the CIA now to target me and destroy my life. That's how I see it.
  1314. ====================
  1315. I get paid.
  1317. But paid more not to smoke with the company
  1318. ====================
  1319. And @theemrsmcafee (possibly)
  1321. Didn't crack me. Sorry.
  1323. But her dialogue doesn't match my own.
  1325. If she has access to my followers (since she has been following me), then God bless her!
  1327. But I can't appear here and answer your questions.
  1329. Your voice speaks directly to me. I hear it.
  1331. So go somewhere else.
  1332. ====================
  1333. A poorly thought out military proposal.
  1334. ====================
  1335. Please God no. How can you know, today, what is normal? This is like assessing a painting by looking at the piece of art itself. Are there any exceptions?
  1336. ====================
  1337. Of course. But I was merely entertaining.</|endoftext|>
  1338. <|startoftext|>Nice. You didn't oblige me. Lol. Good, because I give you one week. If you want more.."
  1340. Goodbye.
  1341. ====================
  1342. Maybe
  1343. ====================
  1344. Lol
  1345. ====================
  1346. The Truth. The absolute Truth. Everything I ever did, I did for my own self-preservation. I do not go near women who threaten my position of power. I do not engage in sodomy with them. Neither should you go near me. I am the world's most powerful. Go home and shut the fuck up.
  1347. ====================
  1348. So?? Are you still sleeping people? You must be recovering! This is a good one folks. Brings good fortune.
  1349. ====================
  1350. Amen brother!!!!!!!!!!!
  1351. ====================
  1352. On June 14, an emergency meeting was called. There was no agenda. No recommendations. Just a general statement from the Board that the Board feels should be sent to the IRS and asked for a red pen. WTF folks?
  1353. ====================
  1354. Yes. First time I've been vague. Maybe I just haven't gotten the hang of it.
  1355. ====================
  1356. My dmn @DrewRGreen
  1358. My response to the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge at the D.R. problem.
  1359. @DrewCybersecurity
  1360. ====================
  1361. My email >[hidden text|>
  1362. Yes, there are many Pathologically Embarrassed people in the World. But there is no such thing as an "Embarrassed Citizen" — ever. Ever. Again and again. And again. And again. And I'll find out who the most Embarrassed is going to be next week. Damn straight, I don't want to be the one to tell you who the most Embarrassed is. I'm afraid that if I was you wouldn't be able to this day.
  1363. ====================
  1364. What is real may be conflated with an idea, however far fetched, however unlikely it may seem.
  1365. ====================
  1366. And how can I know what I want?
  1367. ====================
  1368. Get ready to hear what my campaign will be saying about this:
  1369. ====================
  1370. How to wear a ""Who's your boyfriend?""" mask. Quick sketch:
  1371. ====================
  1372. Please folks, don't read into this tweet otherwise I will publicly shame @bobbyclee
  1373. ====================
  1374. Homeland Security. The enforcer of the law - no mercy. The most feared man in the Security. Well, my friend, I have one. An important one.
  1375. ====================
  1376. Matt has arrived. I met him on the Freedom Boat and he is one of the few humans I know of who appreciates the great mystery and meaning of the ocean. A close shave and Matt is one of my number. Can we please stop spouting nonsense about how to eat, drink and be merry in the face of an ocean filled with sharks?
  1377. ====================
  1378. I wasn't aware that you were a two-bit twat. Is someone f-----g real?!
  1379. ====================
  1380. Ty
  1381. ====================
  1382. Ty
  1383. ====================
  1384. The illuminati:
  1386. To wit: when the French knocked down the Berlin Wall, an air of mystery, obfuscation, and deceit wrapped around the once bustling markets of Europe created a political vacuum that emerged from the void.
  1389. .
  1390. .
  1391. This will all come out in the fullness of time. Stop buying into my rambling.
  1392. ====================
  1393. Another Trump administration Treasury Secretary nominee who has yet to be confirmed. Was rejected by the Senate. Would have been a disaster. Jeff Heller does not hold a single elective office in the US Government. That puts him in the same class as [REDACTED]. What do you people think?
  1394. ====================
  1395. My second campaign video, and my second campaign ad:
  1396. ====================
  1397. This is @BankOfAmerica CEO:
  1398. ====================
  1399. They post truly deplorable things on social media. An example: A woman claimed that she saw Barry tying herself to a tree. Yet pictures were all over the news. Probably illegal. But still -- worth a damn!
  1400. ====================
  1401. Our differences
  1402. As men
  1403. And women.
  1404. ====================
  1405. Wait until the @MozillaSupport campaign launches its mid-term election ads! The World Is Falling Apart.
  1406. ====================
  1407. The documents published by Edward Snowden allege that I am responsible for many deaths and millions of injuries. I am not. This is the Telegraph. It does not report true events. It just reports what others are alleging. This is the allegation. Do not take it seriously.
  1408. ====================
  1409. As always @CoinsBank
  1410. ====================
  1411. From Rob Loggia
  1412. ====================
  1413. He never said he was unqualified.
  1414. ====================
  1415. Please God sir . . . . if someone has a needle that can carry the words "Income taxes are unconstitutional" and places it where my nose should be, I will eat it. Taste my goodness. I can feel the klutziness in my corner. He thinks he's winning.
  1416. ====================
  1417. Thank you
  1418. ====================
  1419. From my good friend @Crypto_Currency
  1420. @boldcamel
  1421. ====================
  1422. The @dailycoinbros, Brian Rolle and myself have arrived in St. Lucia, at the outer limits of the 'freedom of the press," and, being two of the few journalists in the Caribbean, represent the rarefied few. They are all being charged with "Theft" and, eventually, "Slavery." Big day. Big show. Later. Stay tuned.
  1423. ====================
  1424. The latest blockbuster – Tron: Legacy. In a previous tweet I mentioned I worked with Steven Soderbergh on this movie and he wrote the first script. One if my best and he is my best collaborator. I, of course, are solely responsible for this masterpiece. @theemrsmcafee ™
  1425. ====================
  1426. Please God .... don't get my number. I was too cool for @theemrsmcafee and am not the ringleader. Do I hear a "soon"?
  1427. ====================
  1428. If you are diagnosed with PD, then there is no treatment, and your body will not make it. This is a fact. There is no cure for PD. But understanding the role of the brain in the body, and the connection between the brain and the body, will go a long way in curing this horrific affliction.
  1429. ====================
  1430. Ok. Ok. I got nothing more to do but listen to you. And while you were saying: "Do not listen to her" . . . God . . . . I didn't say to "turn yourself in". I said: "Follow your own advice". God bless you Satan.
  1431. ====================
  1432. Even with Ethereum
  1433. ====================
  1434. True
  1435. ====================
  1436. Our elections have become nothing more than a glorification of the existing powers that have granted themselves to oppress us, and to divert us from our path. Our elections should instead be used to inspire and support the oppressed - the creative, the innovative, the memetic, the spiritual. That would be my ideal world.
  1437. ====================
  1438. Thomas for my Scrypto advisor:
  1439. ====================
  1440. If an entity has the right to control another, that control is absolute. If you believe that the Constitution protects you from the government, you are an abominable human.
  1442. And if you believe that the Constitution protects you from the government, then the government has the right to hurt you.
  1444. They did that to me. They didn't mean to. I am not your fucking audience. And unless you are a cabbie, you need a lick of kitty-milk.
  1445. ====================
  1446. Actually, not so hard once you get the hang of it.
  1447. ====================
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