
sacrificial lamb form 2

Jul 5th, 2017
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  3. » | full name: Kim Yeonyoung (김 은영)
  4. » | nickname(s):
  5. - Honey Yeon; a nickname used mainly by fans, but also her group members, due to her “honey like vocals”
  6. - Bunny Yeon; a nickname used by her trainers and also group members, because she’s one of the fastest runners in the group
  7. - On-yeon; a nickname used by fans, because she’s cute, but she’ll make you cry with her sweet vocals
  8. - Bubbles; a nickname her eldest brother calls her, after the Powerpuff girl, because Yeonyoung was obsessed with Powerpuff Girls when she was younger, and her favourite was bubbles.
  10. » | birthday: May 3rd 2001
  11. » | age: 17 (intl.)
  13. » | sex: Female
  14. » | height: 163cm
  15. » | weight: 50kg
  16. » | blood type: AB
  21. » | faceclaim: Hyeyeon - Gugudan
  22. » | backup faceclaim: Eunbin - CLC
  24. » | nationality: Korean
  25. » | ethnicity: Korean
  27. » | birthplace: Jinhae, South Korea
  28. » | hometown: Jinhae, South Korea
  29. » | languages spoken:
  30. - Korean; fluent
  31. - Mandarin Chinese; very basic (she learns it in school, but she can only hold a simple conversation)
  33. » | family:
  34. Kim Hajoon – 39 – Father – Farmer – 2
  35. Kim Jihye - 38 – Step-Mother – Teacher – 3
  36. Kim Jiyoon – 19 – Step-Sister – Art Student – 2
  37. Kim Seojoon – 18 – Step-Brother – Law Student – 4
  38. Kim Yejun – 14 – Half-Brother – Student – 5
  39. Kim Hyejin – 11 – Half-Sister – Student - 5
  41. » | godly parent:
  42. Lee Jiyeong aka Persephone - Mother – 4 – they’ve met quite a few times, and Persephone is the only reason Yeonyoung knows how to use her powers. Yeonyoung, being her sweet self, is understanding about why Persephone is not able to be around her all the time, and holds no grudges towards her. Her father, on the other hand, is less accepting, and is still (after 16 years) peeved that she left with very little notice.
  44. » | background:
  45. - Kim Hajoon and Persephone met during the Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival in 2000. Due to their shared love of nature, and flowers, they instantly hit it off. Things moved quickly, and before they knew it, Yeonyoung was born. However, the couple didn’t depart happily; Kim Hajoon woke up one morning to a post-it note on the fridge, admitting to him that she was a goddess, and that she couldn’t stay on earth to tend to her human child. Hajoon was absolutely furious, and was tempted to give Yeonyoung up.
  46. - However, in the first few months of Yeonyoung’s life, he met and fell in love with a divorced teacher, who’d married her childhood sweetheart as soon as they were out of school, but then quickly realised love wasn’t what it seemed. The teacher, Jihye, convinced Hajoon to keep Yeonyoung, and after two years, the couple was married. Soon, the family began to grow, and Yeonyoung began to feel a little lost. Although she became close with her step-mom and step-brother, she grew apart from her father, and she and her step-sister never really talked. However, she did end up developing a strong bond with her younger half-siblings.
  47. - When she was 5 years old, she began to use her powers, unknowingly. She would bring revived plants to her new-born siblings, and would watch them giggle in delight. Her step-brother, Seojoon, quickly put together what was going on; her ability to revive plants, and the missing mother that was never spoken about – she was a demi-god. However, he never approached her or her father about this, and decided to keep it to himself.
  48. - Yeonyoung, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to her demigod background. She was told that her mother has mysteriously left after her birth, and never got into contact again. She found out she was a demi-god after a very near-death experience with some wild dogs (courtesy of a jealous husband), and she was protected by someone who turned out to be a demi-god. She was only 11 when she found out, and was extremely confused. For a while, she was in denial, and passed it off as a bad dream, simply because she couldn’t get her head round it. Then, when she was 13, she had ANOTHER encounter with a demi-god, a child of Demeter, who caught her reviving some plants absent-mindedly. The demi-god was shocked to find out that Yeonyoung wasn’t 100% aware of the fact she was a demi-god, and basically gave her a little “dummy’s guide to being a demi-god”. She went home that day to finally confront her family about it. Most of them were shocked, other than her elder half-brother, who was proud, and her father, who was relatively angsty about it.
  49. - Yeonyoung was relatively popular all the way through school, due to her sweet and cheerful personality. The main reason for her nice personality was because when she was young, after having an argument with her father, she discovered that the reason her father hadn't given her away was because of her step-mom. When this registered to Yeonyoung, she was very moved, and vowed to always try and be kind in order to repay what she considers her 'life debt' to her step-mom.
  50. - She also had a beautiful voice, that she didn’t show off, but she joined many little choirs and other fun performances. When she was 9 years old, a specialist came into her middle school, and signed people up for traditional Korean instrument lessons. She ended up playing the gayageum, and became very good at it. She also represented her school for sprinting on several occasions, and although she never got first, she was always in the top 5. Music became one of her greatest passions, because of the way she felt whilst performing, and the reactions she got from people when they listened to her or watched her perform.
  51. - For a little while, she didn’t tell anyone that she was a demi-god, because even after her two run-ins with demi-gods, she was still a little bit in shock. Only after she met her mother for the first time did she tell her closest friends. Eventually, word got out, but she just remained neutral about it, in order to get used to it.
  52. - She met her mother for the first time when she was 14. Along with her mother, she also met her godly grandmother; Demeter. She met them while she was in a garden centre, testing out her demi-god powers. Persephone spoke to her, and Yeonyoung was in shock. Persephone took her to one side, and showed her how to use her powers a little better. She encouraged her, then left. Yeonyoung became very determined to make her mother proud of her, and in order to do this, she decided to audition and become a trainee, because she knew that her singing voice was her biggest strength.. She tried out at several different companies, before finally becoming a trainee at BigHit Entertainment.
  55. » | slot: Daughter of Persephone [ SIREN ]
  56. » | backup slot: Daughter of Athena [ SIREN ]
  58. » | personality:
  59. - *To anyone who knows her personally, they know although on stage she merges with the group's badass concept flawlessly, her personality when she isn't performing is quite different. She’s known amongst her group members for being very creative and loyal. Being the maknae, she has to be cute anyway, but she arguably fits in with the maknae stereotype perfectly. Off stage, she’s quite often smiling, and is optimistic and cheerful. Even if the worst thing was to happen, she would always find a positive, and a way to cope. *
  60. - Because of this, she’s a huge source of comfort to anyone who’s upset, or stressed. She’ll always be the first one to approach someone who’s alone, despite their reputation or first impression. She’s known to her friends and group members as a bit of a therapist, as she’s a shoulder to cry on and always has some cute and inspiring quote to cheer you up. However, sometimes she tries to be more mature than she is, resulting in her being more babied than ever. Not that she doesn’t like it; Yeonyoung adores being babied (in small doses), although she tries not to show it.
  61. - *On stage, however, she puts aside her sweet personality to bring forth a maturer, darker side of herself. Yeonyoung is a huge believer in “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, which is how she somehow fits into her group’s dark concept, despite being adorable and young.Her passion for music allows her to have a connection with the words and music she's performing, so Siren’s badass concept allows her to become someone who is more mature and confident. *
  62. - One thing Yeonyoung is bad at is planning. She would much rather improvise, and be spontaneous, than carefully plan something out. Of course, she can follow a detailed plan, but when it comes to her own personal training, or learning, she works better in energy spurts, rather than allocating certain time slots.
  63. - She isn’t necessarily an extrovert, as most of the time she’s relatively quiet, but she loves meeting new people. She always sees the best in people, even if some people think there is nothing good to be seen. She also believes that being right is less important than teamwork, and being co-operative with others.
  64. - Although she isn’t extroverted, she’s definitely curious. Yeonyoung is very motivated, and energetic, and is almost always doing something. Being so young in the idol industry, most people would crumble. Of course, the idol industry has exposed her to things and troubles that many people wouldn’t have to deal with until much older. However, Yeonyoung’s natural curiosity and energy leads her to be more flexible, and adaptable to the hard life-style of a young idol. *As mentioned previously, she uses optimism to find a way to cope during hard times, but it isn’t always possible. Instead, she has a tendency to ignore things when she realises she can’t cope with them face-to-face. This can often make her look more naive or appear younger than she is, and although she doesn’t like that fact, she relies quite heavily on it as a coping mechanism.*
  65. - She’s also very messy; her room at home is a mess, her workspace is a mess, but in her own words “it’s an organised mess”. *The only place she will not allow to be messy is the kitchen. Despite her being the youngest, the kitchen is HER domain, and she will fight anyone for her place in the kitchen. She's enjoyed cooking for her siblings ever since she was young, and she finds the act of following a recipe very therapeutic, which helped her de-stress during her trainee days.*
  66. - One of Yeonyoung’s main philosophies that controls her personality is equality. She refuses to believe that anyone is superior to anyone else, regardless of race, religion or gender. The only kind of superiority that she believes in is respect for elders, and senior work colleagues, such as more experienced music artists in the industry.
  67. - Although to an on-looker, she can seem incredibly mature and emotionally strong, she still has her downfalls. One of her biggest flaws is her self-confidence. She often puts herself up to standards that are unrealistic, such as being the group therapist, and taking on too many responsibilities that she can’t cope with. She finds a lot of comfort in her group members, as she’s extremely dependent on them. Her confidence is her looks is decent, but it’s the personal and emotional side of her that she isn’t very confident in.
  68. - * Her biggest issue is her fear of being alone. In a team, she can work well under pressure or
  69. - Yeonyoung is ruled mostly by her heart; she’d do anything for a friend, family member, or someone important to a close one. She’s incredibly compassionate and empathetic, and would spend hours and hours talking to someone in need of help. She’s deeply involved in other people’s lives, and is seen as selfless, caring, and supportive to almost everyone who knows her. She’s friendly, enthusiastic and honest. Unless it was going to break someone’s heart and spirit, she’d always tell the truth to a friend. Because of this, she’s also incredibly sincere, and finds it easy to connect with people as she’s so friendly.
  70. - An important part of Yeonyoung’s personality is that she’s a massive team-player. As mentioned before, she finds it difficult to work alone, and enjoys being around other people rather than being on her own. She loves being around people she’s close to, such as her friends and group members, and is loyal to a fault.
  71. - * One attribute that will greatly help her during Sacrificial Lamb is that she's very determined. Even if she's scared, and everyone is telling her that she's going to fail and the world is against her, if she has a reason to keep fighting, she will keep going to prove everyone wrong. No-one really knows where or when she developed this trait, but it was seen a lot during her training time, and it helps to keep her group's morale up during hard times. *
  74. » | habits:
  75. - biting her nails
  76. - coughing to ease the tension/awkward atmospheres
  77. - clapping her hands together at sometimes inappropriate times (again to ease the tension)
  78. - random PDA (eg hugging) her members when she’s tired, or anxious
  79. » | hobbies:
  80. - cooking (she learnt to cook at school, and often cooks for her family when she goes home during her idol life. she also cooks for the group, and is very territorial of the kitchen)
  81. - singing
  82. - painting (she isn’t very good, but she finds it therapeutic to just start putting random blobs of paint together on a piece of paper, because it helps her think properly)
  83. - playing the gayageum
  84. » | fears:
  85. - wild dogs (due to her incident when she was younger)
  86. - taphophobia (the fear of being buried alive; this fear came about after she went to a sleepover at some school-friends’ house, and she was supposedly told about how in the Victorian era, in England, the graves used to have bells beside them, in case someone had been buried alive. ever since, she’s had a huge, yet irrational, fear of being buried alive)
  87. - being alone in the dark (with her friends, she isn’t bothered about being in the dark. but for some reason, the thought of being alone really freaks Yeonyoung out)
  89. » | likes:
  90. - the colours pink and red
  91. - pomegranates
  92. - scented candles
  93. - festivals
  94. - Korean barbecue
  95. - cartoons (particularly adventure time and the powerpuff girls)
  96. - fizzy drinks
  97. - art galleries
  98. - being outdoors
  99. - food
  100. - being with her family
  101. » | dislikes:
  102. - large canine animals (dogs, wolves, etc)
  103. - being alone in the dark
  104. - messy kitchens
  105. - people who use too much perfume
  106. - horror stories
  107. - homework
  108. - being bored
  109. - smoking
  110. - overly loud music
  111. - overly hot weather
  113. » | trivia:
  114. - she’s allergic to peanuts and walnuts
  115. - her twitter and Instagram accounts are both under @yeonhun01
  116. - due to her busy childhood in training, she’s never had chance to discover her sexuality properly, so she currently identifies as questioning
  117. - has a big ol’ crush on AKMU’s Suhyun
  118. - she learnt how to play a traditional Korean instrument called the gayageum when she was 9, and continues to play it today (if you persuade her, she’ll perform covers of popular songs)
  119. - although she refuses to admit it, she still watches the PowerPuff Girls whenever she gets the chance
  120. - due to her watching the PowerPuff Girls religiously, she’s picked up a couple of English phrases, but they don’t make any sense out of context
  121. - she’s a massive fan of Oh My Girl and Lovelyz, and has always wanted to perform on stage with them.
  122. - she loves it when people play with her hair
  123. - if she wasn’t a kpop idol, she’d want to run her own Korean barbecue restaurant
  124. - she prefers to wear dresses, and loves wearing pastel colours
  125. - * she can perform and dance in heels, but she has incredible difficulty walking in them (mostly because she only learned to dance with them on, and rarely wears them off-stage if she can help it) *
  126. - she really likes food, so having to be on a diet all the time is very stressful for her
  127. - she can make pretty much anything edible
  128. - she’s watched a ton of extreme survival shows, and she’s picked up a ton of useful skills
  132. » | stage name: Kalypso – taken from the Greek word “Kalopsia”, which means “the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.” this is referring to being a trainee, and also being a demi-god. however, she isn’t usually referred to by her stage name, and her members often just call her Yeonyoung, even though the leader insists she should be called by her stage name (thank YoungK/Brian of Day6)
  133. » | self-introduction: “Fresh like a flower! Hello, I am Siren’s sweet vocal and maknae, Kalypso.”
  134. » | signature lines:
  135. “Always look on the sweet side.”
  136. “Wait, I don’t get it” (she’s very easily confused)
  137. “Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s bad.” (this sounds deep, but she often uses it when talking about food)
  139. » | trainee period: 1yr 8mnths
  140. » | why did you character audition to become a trainee?; Yeonyoung ended up auditioning after she saw Jimin Park live through Sacrificial Lamb, as she had been compared to her frequently in high school, due to their vocals and also similar stature. She wanted to be involved with the music what she loves, and also believed that because Jimin Park lived, she could have a chance if she was picked for Sacrificial Lamb.
  142. » | vocal skill: 5
  143. » | vocal range: Soprano 2 (if that’s mezzo-soprano? sorry i only know the classical terms djsfnskfnd)
  144. » | style of vocal: her strongest category is pop music, but she’s also quite good at ballads. she sings best when it’s an older sounder song (think Spica, Lee Hi), because she can sing the tunes better.
  146. » | rap skill: 0
  147. » | style of rap: -
  149. » | dance skill: 2.5
  150. » | style of dance: she’s a proficient dancer, but only to the extent that she can keep up with her group’s dances. the dances are mostly hip-hop based, with a little bit of contemporary mixed in (if you squint)
  152. » | other talents:
  153. - can play the traditional Korean instrument; gayageum.
  154. - can do a really good impersonation of the Powerpuff Girls
  156. » | how they act on stage: On stage, she stands out, but not for being fierce. Unfortunately, she hasn’t got much of a stage presence, and is by far the most lacking performer in her group. Luckily, she has her strong vocals to balance out her weak performing skills. She doesn’t fit in well with her group aesthetic, leaving some fans to question how she got into the group to begin with.
  157. » | how they act off stage but on camera: Off stage, she’s a lot more interactive; dancing and singing whatever she wants, being the stereotypical cute maknae. She enjoys being on camera, but doesn’t hog it. She’s also seen cuddling her members a lot, and is rarely on camera alone.
  158. » | how they act off stage and off camera: She’s pretty much the same as she is on camera, but a lot quieter, not as much singing and dancing. If she’s off camera, she’s probably napping (or trying to smuggle snacks).
  160. » | fanservice:
  161. - blowing kisses / sending hearts to fans
  162. - serenading fans
  163. - lots of aegyo (she loves aegyo)
  165. » | hardships and struggles as an trainee/idol: the thing Yeonyoung found the hardest was the diet. it wasn’t like she was obese, but she wasn’t exactly skinny. she just enjoyed eating and cooking good food, so it was really hard for her to have to ration that. She wasn’t really “discriminated” for her godly parent, but she did receive a bit of judgement, just because Persephone isn’t a really widely-known goddess. She also was judged quite harshly for not being skinny, and she was picked on and insulted by a lot of trainers and a few trainees.
  169. » | powers + skill level:
  170. chlorokinesis + 3/10; her skill level isn’t incredibly high because she’s had very little teaching. the only teaching she’s had is from a couple of other demigod’s she’s met, and the brief encounter with her mother. she’s had the power for a couple of years, but as for the first few years, she refused to use her powers, so she’s only been practicing her skill for about 3 years.
  172. » | experience with weapons/fighting styles:
  173. spear; she only ever used how to use this from her training. although she’s fairly short, she picked it up pretty well (no pun intended)
  174. knife; she learnt this as self-defence at a young age, and it was reinforced as a trainee. however, she kind of sucks at using it.
  175. stealth (idk if this is a fighting style, but it’s to do with her fighting, so bare with me please); she’s always been an extremely fast runner. although she isn’t the lightest on her feet, there are very few people who can catch up to Yeonyoung, especially if she’s had a head-start.
  177. » | skill level w/weapons and fighting styles:
  178. spear + 8/10; Yeonyoung isn’t intimidating, and she certainly isn’t next to a 6ft spear. however, for a short kid, she can throw for miles. she also has a pretty good aim, but it isn’t always spot on.
  179. knife + 2/10; Yeonyoung HATES having to fight close-contact, which is why she uses a spear. she knows how to use a knife well, but she refuses to use it unless it’s a literal life or death matter.
  180. stealth + 9/10; there is a very minimal chance of catching Yeonyoung, because she used to be a track runner before she became a trainee, and she’s retained her speed. the only thing that affects her running is that she isn’t entirely agile and light on her feet. however, if she even has a tiny head-start, she’ll be able to get away.
  182. » | how do they feel about being on sacrificial lamb?
  183. she’s kind of terrified, but she wants to prove that she’s not some wimpy baby. she wants to fight to the end, even if she dies. she wants to show the world not to count out the youngest of the contestants.
  185. » | how would your character react to killing someone? what if s/he was close to that person? what if s/he had to do it to survive or to save someone they are close with?
  186. she’s never had to do it, and she’s not a violent person, so she’s terrified. if she was close to the person, she would probably never do it, unless they were dying painfully, to put them out of their misery. if she had to do it to survive, or protect someone, it would be her very last resort. she would never kill someone just to win.
  188. » | how would your character react to watching someone die? what if s/he was close to that person?
  189. no matter how close they were to her, she’d be heartbroken. depending on how they died, she’d probably throw up, too. she hates the thought of death, or harming someone, and she would probably be quite traumatized.
  191. » | would your character sabotage someone else? what if it was to save someone s/he is close to? how would s/he react if that caused the person’s death?
  192. if she had to do it, it would only be in a tiny minor way. if it was to save someone she was close to, she’d maybe amp it up a bit, but she’d be so scared to cause someone’s death that she would probably wimp out.
  197. » | suggestions for a theme song:
  198. - Hunt – Day6
  199. - Voodoo Doll – VIXX
  200. - Don’t Tease Me – SPEED
  201. - Strange – MASC
  202. - Trick or Treat – Grace
  203. - Fantasy - VIXX
  205. » | requested scenes:
  206. - someone manipulating Yeonyoung into allying with them, and making her sabotage a ton of people
  207. - Yeonyoung having to put one of her friends out of their misery (why am i like this oh my god why would i put my own baby through that pain)
  208. - alliances that end up in betrayal
  209. - (idk if this is too hunger-games-ish but) the contestants having to ham it up for the camera, kind of like in produce 101?
  211. » | why do you want to join? because Yeonyoung is my baby (although i want ANGST) and im so so so so so obsessed with this fic its unhEALTHY but i love it
  212. » | why should we pick your form? because honestly i’m gonna support the hell out of this fic, even if you don’t accept this form
  214. » | note to the authors: i really hope you like this character because i honestly adore her and i think she’s my favourite af character I’ve ever written. i feel so bad for my requested scenes, but hey! who doesn’t want to see an enormous amount of angst and heartbreak and trauma for a 16 year old..? also highkey the reason i applied for this slot is because one of Persephone’s symbols are pomegranates and i love pomegranates more than anything else on earth. (also how the heckity heck is this baby supposed to kill anyone oml)
  216. » | anything else: kind of ship her with son of elpis from royalty, kind of ship her with mystik’s daughter of hermes. ORR maybe the daughter of eris from siren. just a thought.
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