
WW 0.10.0 Update Progress

Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. WW 0.10.0 Update Progress. Started: April 24 2019. Ended July 25 2019.
  3. Items on this list may be corrected later in the list. (Example: SciRev support was removed a while after it was added.)
  4. This is a log of progress in developing this update, not a true changelog between 0.9.1 and 0.10.0.
  6. * Change ore distributions on Troymin and Thresomin.
  7. * Forbid gas giants and statmun from requesting ore contracts.
  8. * Reduce science multipliers on asteroid experiment.
  9. * Switch science definitions over to Scientific Revolution Format.
  10. * Change Derbin's biome names slightly.
  11. * Move Ollym to orbit Gememma in a 2:3 resonance with Gannovar. Lowel is now alone.
  12. * Mandrake, Ollym, and Pragnik's orbits are much less inclined.
  13. * Fix a typo in Troymin's biome map, no longer targets Thresomin's biome map.
  14. * Added very basic scatterer atmosphere models to some planets.
  15. * Reduce scatter density and reenable the colliders on Mesbin's boulders.
  16. * Remove polar CommNet stations.
  17. * Tilt Troymin at 30 degrees when Principia is installed.
  18. * Fix a seam on Kerbmun's Biome Map.
  19. * Add some features onto Mesbin's Biome Map.
  20. * Implement SnailsAttack's Totooa Biome Map.
  21. * Add polar biomes to Statmun's Biome Map.
  22. * New science definitions.
  23. * Weather Report and Seismic Reports for Breaking Ground.
  24. * Increase rewards for satellite contracts in Polar, Molniya, and Tundra orbits. (When the homeworld is Mesbin.)
  25. * Modified the Wolfhound/Skiff patch, made the Skiff less overpowered but still better than the Skipper for vacuum use.
  26. * Removed Breaking Ground surface features from Mesbin, added surface crystals to Kerbmun.
  27. * More science definitions for barometer.
  28. * Define surface temperature and temperature curves for Kaywell and Gememma.
  29. * Added 12 new flags. Three national flags, four generic Kerbmun flags, and five stockalike flags.
  30. * Remove Corel AutoPreserve hidden folders. Why Paint Shop Pro hides the preserved versions away for you to ship out and pad out the size of the mod, I don't know, but I am not happy.
  31. * Remove KerbmunEmpire flag from previous commit, after I determined it to be possibly harmful.
  32. * Added 6 new flags, three of which are by Adstri.
  33. * Reduce Mesbin atmosphere height to 970000 meters from datum, or about 1980 meters above KSC.
  34. * Enable Exosphere toggle patch to allow the user to disable the career-mode-requirement extended atmosphere of Mesbin.
  35. * Tweak Mountainscraper asteroids to have less max eccentricity and a lower minimum orbit.
  36. * Remove Graymun flag from previous commit, just because it doesn't look good.
  37. * Added 13 MORE flags.
  38. * A new stars flag from Adstriduum.
  39. * Fix the luminosity of stars against Mesbin's SMA.
  40. * Define Shol's orbital period and semimajoraxis with the combined mass of itself and Kaywell.
  41. * Move Wolda to be in 3:2 resonance with Shol, potentially giving a reason to go and visit the tiny body.
  42. * Fix Shol's initial rotation.
  43. * Reduce the size of KSC's FlattenArea.
  44. * Reduce Mesbin scatter density some more.
  45. * Doubled Thresomin's size.
  46. * Made Graymun slightly oblate.
  47. * New, better biome map for Graymun.
  48. * New Rayed Craters on Graymun.
  49. * Made Tyepolbynar rotate slightly faster and make it slightly oblate.
  50. * Fix a typo in Jifgif's cache file.
  51. * Implement Reander oblateness.
  52. * Make gas giant oblateness an optional setting.
  53. * Disable visible-from-space clouds on Tyepolbynar.
  54. * Completely new Kerbmun terrain, based on an entirely new Libnoise example seed.
  55. * New Biome map and updated science definitions for Kerbmun.
  56. * Increased constrast on Mesbin color map.
  57. * Re-disabled scatter colliders.
  58. * Slightly increase Graymun's brightness to match Mesbin.
  59. * Change initialRotation of Mesbin so that the game starts at sunrise.
  60. * Change Statmun's Mean Anomaly at Epoch so that it is just above the eastern horizon.
  61. * Actually remove those launch sites.
  62. * Change Mean Anomaly of Statmoonlet asteroids to match Statmun's.
  63. * Fix a bug with asteroid MeanAnomaly that prevented the system loading.
  64. * Updated cache files to new Kopernicus format.
  65. * Specific science definitions for Mesbin and Kerbmun depending upon which is the homeworld.
  66. * New, fixed KSC position for Kerbmun.
  67. * Add neutral grammatical gender to Kerbmun and Mesbin in the Homeworld Swap patch.
  68. * Add SciRev and KopX to Github Repo, move everything on the repo into GameData.
  69. * Change Wolda's description in Kerbmun homeworld mode to match changes in the default description.
  70. * Change Kerbmun's default ground materials to match Kerbmun Homeworld mode.
  71. * More tweaks to Mesbin's color map.
  72. * Added the post-1.6 tricoupler to engineering101, as the original had been replaced.
  73. * Added the bicoupler to engineering101 as well.
  74. * Add a volcano emissive map to Mesbin.
  75. * Remove shadow casting from scatters, hopefully this will improve performance.
  76. * Add basic Realistic Resources compatibility.
  77. * Add CRP resources to all atmospheres.
  78. * Add sun intensity curve key for the distance equal to Kerbmun's SemiMajorAxis, set light to 1, in Kaywell's config, to fix the KSC scene being vastly overexposed.
  79. * Rename RealisticResources to RationalResources. (of course when you point out the realism flaws in a mod they just change the name instead of fixing the problems, bah!)
  80. * ClassicStock compatibility with RationalResources.
  81. * Tweaks to CRP atmospheres: Now including deuterium and helium-3 in realistic amounts.
  82. * RationalResources will now use the correct configs for Mesbin and Kerbmun depending upon homeworld setting.
  83. * Put 2 Wolda in a 9:5 resonance with Shol.
  84. * Rewrite Wolda's description in both modes to account for its new new orbit.
  85. * secret terraformed kerbmun setting. shh.
  86. * Halfed the SMA of Mandrake's moons, they were unstable even without Rutherford's presence due to Gememman tides.
  87. * Halfed the SMA of Rutherford again when Principia is installed.
  88. * Two new flags for the small nation of Brendlebury.
  89. * Remove 2.5-1.25m tri- and bi-couplers from tech tree patch, they were added eroneously.
  90. * Add stackTriCoupler_v2 and stackBiCoupler_v2 to the tech tree patch.
  91. * Support for Sigma Dimensions. (Though SD will need to fix Kopernicus' new orbital period lock functionality before it can work, but I expect that to be solved before I release WW 0.10.0)
  92. * Bundle Sigma Loading Screens with WW, including new loading tips.
  93. * Placeholder loading screen images.
  94. * More placeholder loading screen images.
  95. * Change Derbin's scaledspace atmosphere rims to be white/tan colored to match its clouds with EVE and orbit line.
  96. * Implement [Redacted] on Lowel.
  97. * New loading screen images.
  98. * Minor description changes for both homeworld modes.
  99. * While going through the pronounciation guide I decided Dakkonme is a terrible name and sounds just vaguely dirty. Name changed to Dakkon.
  100. * Remove Epoch changing setting from secret terraformed homeworld.
  101. * Remove comet icon from WW/Icons.
  102. * Disable both Mesbin and Kerbmun descriptions when Interstellar Consortium is installed.
  103. * Systematic naming scheme and descriptions when Interstellar Consortium is installed.
  104. * Another loading screen.
  105. * Fix three typos in Graymun's biome map definition.
  106. * Add a few Breaking Ground surface structures.
  107. * Scaledspace cloud maps for Imterril and Derbin as a new optional setting.
  108. * Give Ammenon an ocean of molten rock at the subsolar point. Add new Molten Sea biome, and new science definitions.
  109. * Double the orbits of Mandrake, Rutherford, M&R's moons, and Pragnik. Mandrake's moons are now returned to their 0.9.1 configuration, but Mandrake is now much further out, so it's stable. M&R now get more light from Kaywell than Gememma!
  110. * Correct typo on loading tips file.
  111. * Make Kaywell's light very slightly blue.
  112. * Added a new asteroid, G1 Gallant, orbiting Gememma, including biomes and two science definitions.
  113. * Rename all SciRev science definitions from .cfg to .txt, disabling them for now.
  114. * Restructure SciRev science definitions back to the stock format, preserving the Kerbmun/Mesbin-specific definitions. Any updates to the science definitions will have to be done to both the new old-style file and the SciRev files, until Scientific Revolution is working again. But at least science definitions work with Breaking Ground now.
  115. * Remove SciRev from the mod repository for now.
  116. * Fix a typo in the new science definitions.
  117. * Add new setting to switch between ZSPACE-style star colors, default star colors, and a compromise.
  118. * Give Gannovar a spherical mesh.
  119. * Make Lowel and Gannovar's atmospheres bluer in the Compromise star color patch.
  120. * Fix science definitions patch, which was working completely wrong. For Mesbin Homeworld only, Kerbmun homeworld is no longer supported by science definitions.
  121. * Modified the Kerbitalism Flag, subtler colors and new design.
  122. * Replace the Kermunism Flag with three new almost identical hammer and sickle flags of different color schemes
  123. * New UN-style Mesbin Nations flag.
  124. * Remove Valyr flag.
  125. * Add Gaymun flag.
  126. * Remove Adstriduum's Kaywell/Gememma Flag.
  127. * Fix Gannovar's PQS Material and change its AFG in ZSPACE and Compromise star color modes.
  128. * New Gememma corona in ZSPACE and Compromise star color modes.
  129. * Redo Gallant's heightmap.
  130. * Shorten interval between Spoiler spawning.
  131. * Add Gallantoid asteroid family.
  132. * Add nonrestrictive timewarp altitude limit to Gallant.
  133. * Add Gallant to DOE and ResearchBodies.
  134. * Change Ollym PQSMaterial to fix a weird coloration bug on Ollym's mountains.
  135. * Shorten height of Ollym's atmosphere from 66 km to 41 km, cutting out a lot of near-vacuum.
  136. * Tweak Mesbin Space Center terrain color.
  137. * Remove Bob Kerman loading screen.
  138. * Remove Graymun/Mesbin Loading Screen as it was out of date.
  139. * New stylized star icons for Gememma and IC-Kaywell.
  140. * Change orbit icon colors for Ammenon and Lowel.
  141. * Remove ground scatters from Mesbin due to Kopernicus performance problems.
  142. * Completely remake Derbin's terrain.
  143. * New Derbin biomes and tweak science definitions to match.
  144. * Tiny tweak to Derbin biome map.
  145. * Fix incorrect info in ResearchBodies config.
  146. * Release WW 0.10.0.
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