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May 29th, 2017
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  1. Guys, life isn't just some game that you're here to enjoy and basically drop out of (ie do what you want it doesn't matter).
  3. Everything you do affects everything around you, sure cosmically you may be meaningless, but is your ego that cosmic that you need to have such a huge meaning?
  5. Meaning is a creation of consciousness, thus any meaning must be found within consciousness, whatever it's form. This meaning couldn't be a negative one, because it's clear that the negative treatment of others and your own consciousness leads to a negative emotional state, confusion and fear. This negative emotional state is not conducive to "proper" functioning, we become lethargic, withdrawn, sad and possibly suicidal (a complete rejection of the gift of life).
  6. Thus, we must conclude that any meaning must be positive, because we could not have evolved (or been created whatever) to function in a negative manner, because we would've died out as we would be working against the necessities and "laws" of nature.
  7. So, what is the most positive thing that can arise out of consciousness??
  8. IMO Love, it is the strongest of all connections and any consciousness screams out for connection, for interaction. Thus, any meaning to be found must be created out of considering and interacting with the world and others in a way that reflects this drive or motivation of love.
  10. Also, hedonism always falls, you can sustain your lifestyle and constant feeding of simple emotional states, but one day your safety nets will not remain and you will be faced with true reality.
  12. You can always make yourself meaningful to others, which is the only tangible meaning that we as mere mortals can obtain.
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