
Anon and the circus 10:Reforge

Aug 11th, 2018
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  1. >I awoke. My body ached and my eyes ached even more. After working in BBs fighting arena as a merchandiser and medic, followed then by spending the rest of the night buried in her crotch… I was spent. The three or so hours of sleep I snuck in seemed to make me feel worse than when I first passed out. On the upside today was a moving day.
  2. >At the end of the circus’ stay we would spend the day packing up everything onto a truck and hauling out to our next spot. Thanks to modern engineering every ride, tent, and booth was designed to fold up, collapse down, and latch into a flatbed unit of a cargo truck. Even though this was convenient there was still the several miles of electrical cords and tons of cheap Chinese plastic merchandise to box up. Moving day came easy to me because it was simple hard work. No emotional investment and all you needed was blood in your muscles. No worrying about how people will react or how you look.
  3. >My folly started me right in the face when I opened the door.
  4. >Nancy was looking at me. She had her hands on her hips and a grim expression on her face.
  5. >”Get over here, mister!” She said. When did I become a Mister? Her tone was seemed not serious, like she was imitating someone. She must have found out about last night with BB. My heart sunk and prepared for the worst as I walked up to her. No, I would not cower here. I will be proud and let me be judged on my actions. I had my finger to the sky and my mouth open to explain exactly what had happened and how I felt.
  6. >I walked up in front of her and the earth consumed me. I stepped forward and plunged into the earth like some it was a hole. I fell in with the speed of a bullet and the dirt and grass rolled over my head like a wave. Naturally I panicked. Then, like every farmer in these situations does, I made a list of why God has done this to me:
  7. >Abandoning your family homestead
  8. >Cavorting with the unscrupulous, drunkards, and possible illegal immigrants. Basically carnies in general.
  9. >Fornicating with two animal-women. Kinda sorta being unfaithful to the first animal-woman by fornicating the second.
  10. >Fornicating with animal-women outside of marriage.
  11. >Spilling my seed three times and making baby Jesus cry. Probably more.
  12. >Kissing a goat.
  13. >Kissing a female wrestler.
  14. >Eating non-kosher meat.
  15. >Yes, this was the anti rapture! For the intricate, compounding sins I wrought god has reached down from the sky and with the thumb of judgment and he has pressed me into the ground so as that I may be first in line for hell’s punishment! I see the horned figures! The snakes of beelzebub ensnare me even now!
  16. >Ode pulled me from the water pit.
  17. >I start hacking up the water and grass I swallowed. Nancy is by my side.
  18. >”Oh god, Anon! I'm so sorry! Oh God, oh gahd.” She shouts.
  19. >She began pummeling my back to help me cough up water.
  20. >”Nancy, I dun eat the cat’s roast beef!” I say to her.
  21. >”Its okay, it's okay. Just get it all out.” She said as she thwapped my back. She turned to Ode and said, “What the hell? How fucking deep did you make that hole?”
  22. >”About ten feet.” Said Ode.
  23. >”That's too deep!”
  24. >”I didn't want him to hurt his leg when he fell in!”
  25. >”Gawd, this is all my fault! Anon, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!” She pleaded.
  26. >”Hello, do you go by Satan or Mephistopheles these days?” I mutter. My mind was hovering at about fifty percent coherent. Perhaps I was not doing as good as I thought.
  27. >”Does anyone know CPR?!” Nancy shouted.
  28. >I raised my hand up.
  29. >”We have to get him inside! Does anyone know where the first aid kit is?”
  30. >I raised my hand up again. Wait, we only have one?
  31. >The brought me back inside my trailer and laid me down. Nancy explained what happened: She wanted me to fall in a hole so she got Ode to dig a pit, fill it with water, and she threw dirt and grass on the top to disguise it. Unfortunately Ode is freakishly tall and thus dug the pit deep enough to go well over my head. Further all the loose dirt made the water thick enough that nothing would float in it. To top it off, Nancy used sawd instead of just piling on normal loose dirt so that the trap looked completely normal. Turns out the sawd acted like a trap door and when I fell in it was thick enough to keep me from getting to the surface. Severe exhaustion was probably a factor as well. I had been given the day off. It was me and my trailer-mate Fuggles. I was incapacitated, he merely sleeps through moving days.
  32. >Nancy also assumed my shredded clothing was from the trap as well, so she thought I was injured in there. It sent her guilt into overdrive.
  33. >The rest was welcome though. I didn't think this life was as physically demanding as back on the farm but thinking back we had a more balanced life. Hot showers, good food, and taking care of ourselves after a long day. Circus life was a constant beat with long hours and miserable living conditions, comparatively speaking.
  34. >I suddenly remembered the Deep Probing Kiss (ch.9).
  35. >I began hacking again. I turned to Fuggles and said, “Stop pretending to sleep. Give me a swig of water, man.”
  36. >Fuggles aimed his flower at me and fired in a glass of water. I slug it down and spat it out. I was glad Fuggles didn't like repeating jokes.
  37. >”So is that mixed with water or do you just pour the bottle in?” I asked. The alcohol burned my mouth and numbed my gums. I took solace in that the stronger it was the more likely my mouth was disinfected.
  38. >The day was ending and I could hear trucks reving up. We would be on the road again soon. I laid in my bed contemplating what to tell Nancy. I was essentially back to where I was this morning.
  39. >At that moment there were to knocks then Nancy came into the trailer.
  40. >”Hey Anon, I wanted to see how you were doing before we hit the road.” she said. She looked just as worried as before. She sat on the bed beside me.
  41. >”Nancy, I've done things.” I said to her. It was better to get it out there…
  42. >”I know about last night. BB explained that you helped her disassemble stage riggings all night. Because her stage isn't packed up as easily as everyone else’s” she said, her ears drooping more than usual. Perhaps I should roll with it if BB already gave me an alibi.
  43. >”You probably hate me.” She said.
  44. >”Uh, no. Why?”
  45. >”I could have killed you today because of this dumb joke. You could still develop pneumonia. If that happens you could be laid up so much you won't be able to be here anymore.” She fretted. She was beginning to lose herself thinking about these worst scenarios. I put my hand on her leg.
  46. >”Hey, don't worry so much. It was just an accident. You didn't mean any harm, I'm sure. If I get sick I go to the doctor and there you go.” I said. This was more me overworking than her stunt.
  47. >She laid down on top of me. She snuggled her head into my chest.
  48. >”I went too far with that joke… it's just that you're so damn adorable! I can't resist.” She said. I raised an eyebrow.
  49. >”I want us to be together. If I know you're mine I won't go to such lengths for your attention.” She continued. I raised two.
  50. >”You bet your ass! So does this mean that last night…?” I said. I trailed off hoping that she would finish with something positive.
  51. >”Call it a first date. I should let you rest. We can talk about it more at the next stop over, okay Anon?” She said as she got back up. She made her way to the door and stopped suddenly.
  52. >”Okay, I might keep up the gags. Just little stuff. I need to get my kicks. Sleep well, Anon!” She said with a wave. She seemed in much higher spirits.
  53. >I felt much better.
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