Shoufe Vod Review 3200 Kings Row

Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. Hi, Speed Boop here- The talking trash can that still uses paste bin and refuses to try something different due to familiarity. Shoufe, thank you so much for being the one that posted the vod review instead of me requesting it. I was fearing that I was going to be forced to do another one of those posts where I desperately beg people to give me content to work with. To start off, I think it's good that I commend you. After the Mercy tyrant was slain, you decided to join us. I'm very proud of you. And while I will praise you for your choice to join this illustrious community, I will be blunt. In the gameplay you gave me, there are a lot of issues. While I won't blame you for most of them, there are some that I know you can fix. Whether you do that or not could really mean the difference in between you thriving in future metas, but that's besides the point. On to the footage.
  3. At the start of defense, you and your team have a pretty good position. It's a common sight in higher sr games, abandoning the front choke and setting up on the point. Although, this does lead into a consistent issue throughout the match, one that both you and your team fall to- commitment. When you take positions, do a push, or even try to get a pick, there has to be some commitment to it, which means risk. 1:55 is where some of the cracks start to show. Instead of holding behind the point, your team tries to hold more forward and fails. Counter dive has to be responsive, not active. Even so, they had no support backup at all. When the Rein gets trapped, you try playing aggressive, setting yourself up for a boop so you can hold back the enemy team. This should be part of how you play lucio. At 2:12, you guys are losing control of the point, and are slowly being pushed back. And while wall riding hasn't been discussed yet, I think now is the time to talk about it's importance. Lets set a theoretical example- as the team are going on to point, you utilize the nearby walls to quickly jump in, boop the enemy tanks and do some damage, then use the same wall to get out. When the actual fight starts to happen, you seem to entirely forget you have the passive and just stick to the floor like a peasant that doesn't own magical rollerblades would. Instead of doing what I just said, you hug your team while at the same time, forgetting about them. And when you do try and dive the enemy team, you mess up and try to play assassin, which completely contradicts your actual skill, instead of just heading back to your team. This is what I mean when I say that the issue is commitment. Whether it be giving too much or too little, you can't seem to balance yourself. The blame for the loss of the first point should not be solely on you though. Your team made countless mistakes, and the enemy team had much stronger coordination
  5. I will praise you on one thing- callouts. You are really active in doing them, which I assume is from your experience on mercy. You are constantly trying to point out positioning, auras, and enemies throughout the match. With a more focused team, these would be a great asset. You even call out when you are amping up heals, something that is a common mistake for newcomers on lucio. While your wall riding is most definitely not good, it isn't bad either. You seem to have a competent understanding of momentum and some of your rollouts do look practiced. At 3 minutes, your rein gets super aggressive and starts to push in, with you along side him. While sticking with your rein is definitely a good thing to do, you almost entirely forget about your winston. Winston probably requires more management than rein, and both you and your other support just leave him in the dust. At 3:25, sound barrier goes out. How you used it is what would be called good intentions in the wrong area. Sound barrier is definitely a fine pushing tool, but it's best when risky or "carry ultimates" are used by your team as well. Remember, you are on defense. If you get a single kill, the enemy won't be able to push. If they do push with a man down and win, that's entirely on your team, but there is no need to try and get a team wipe if you can just sit back and wait for the next pick. Pushing even deeper was both unnecessary and a waste of resources. At 4:00, I would have told my team to move back to around the corner for a much easier hold. Trying to do a full spawn hold is admirable, but stupid. That Zarya would have had a much harder time landing graviton if you weren't that far up. 4:46, I think your team messed up pretty badly. I would have just followed the Rein in to capitalize of the charge, and to possibly speed him out of his terrible positioning. Honestly, I can see your attempts to watch your team. But, you need to be with them, which is why you have wall riding. Staying on the ground when you could be controlling high ground with one of the most consistent peels in the game seems illogical. I do like you trying to get the Winston/Zarya back in to the fight quicker with speed boost, as it tells me you realized that you had an opening after that team fight to help your team and to taxi. 5:50, and you are holding back way too far to have any impact. Please, remember that you have the strongest peel tool in the game. You are meant to be a front liner, and to fight right in the faces of those who oppose you. Lucio excels in short range, which you seem scared of. The entire reason that the Moira-Lucio meta even exists is because neither of them are backline supports.
  7. I won't go into as much detail about the third point, as it is a lot of the same. You continue to refuse to enter the fight, and simply sit back while your tanks push forward. You utilize sound barrier at a bad time, and eventually lose the round. What I will discuss is how you are playing and why its an issue. To put it bluntly, you are playing Lucio like Mercy. Your absolute refusal to be aggressive and impressive game sense all fit, and the fact that you aren't playing with boop, all of this fits. Let me put it this way- LUCIO SHOULD NOT BE PLAYED LIKE MERCY. While you don't need to be hyper aggressive, Mercy is meant to be played as a passive, very non proactive character that avoids fights. Lucio thrives in 1v1 scenarios, in fact, he shines in them. You should be part of the combat, playing with the tanks, not hiding behind them and hoping that the dps don't chase you down. The irony is, while not playing the character, you are committed to the playstlye of mercy.
  9. While attack shows many of the same problems, I think they are only more obvious. You need to be aggressive when playing lucio on attack, and you do try this a bit. But, you get punished, and then immediately revert to your previous tendencies. While I haven't talked about it, I will give you another compliment. You are using the auras right. While that seems basic, your understanding of them is pretty good. You definitely heal more than me, but that' due to the fact that I am infatuated with speed boost and my Lucio play style is different to say the least. As you start getting more aggressive, you need to use Speed boost more in combat. After a stumble getting first point, you actually run into the enemy team at around 13:00 in. Yet again, you get harshly punished. There's definitely a timing that needs to be learned for when to go hyper aggressive. About 20 seconds later, your team gets snowballed and they start chasing after your supports. If there is anyone that you need to stick with, it's your other support. This is especially true for you as you are holding a deep backline position. You abandon your mercy the second you get chased. Lucio is one of those characters where you must be willing to play "Secret Service" for others and take a bullet. Lucio can get out of spawn way quicker, so death means much less. The later fight for the second point is also pretty bad. You guy use almost all of your ultimates and get nothing out of them. The enemy team knew that they would get that and would have graviton afterwards. While this is mainly me commending the enemy team, I will point out that you need to have some semblance of prediction when it comes to ultimate economy.
  11. Third point is also pretty bad, with a lot of the same mistakes. The biggest issue on this point overall was focus and ultimate usage. You need to tell people to attack the widow if you think you can get her. Your ultimate is poor but understandable. You lose, ending a very chaotic, messy, and overall unprofessional game of competitive. If there is one thing you need to work on, it's getting rid of the mercy mentality. You can't keep playing in the backline and expect to improve. Callouts and game sense were definitely at diamond level, but you didn't find good ways of utilizing them as Lucio. You also barely used boop as a peel tool, which is really bad since boop is one of the strongest CC abilities in the entire game. As for combat, do some ffa. It's a ton of fun and allows for allows for you to really utilize some hyper aggressiveness. Wall riding, while not bad, could use some overall improvement in it's fluidity and combat wall riding as a whole needs work. But, look on the bright side. You have a ton of ways you can improve, so you know that this is definitely not your skill ceiling. There is so much growing room just waiting to be utilized. All you need to do is try. Speed Boop out.
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