

Sep 14th, 2014
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  1. (Latvian Narrator): Back-
  2. (Latvian Narrator): And what the fuck?
  3. ✵Vash the Stampede: Master Char- stop Laggin and get your ass over here and greet Reese!
  4. ✝-Charlize-✝: Reeeeeeeesey.~ <33
  5. islayyou: if you didn't buy boom clap you deserve tragic death
  6. Reese Naugle╠ Omf- sILENThIOLL: ouO
  7. (Latvian Narrator): Why?
  8. (Latvian Narrator): Because I don't want to waste my money?
  9. (Latvian Narrator): Because I haven't heard of that shit?
  10. ✝-Charlize-✝: *Grabby grabby hands.*
  11. islayyou: then download it illegally
  12. islayyou: hun
  13. ✵Vash the Stampede: Thank chu! *rolls back over to the corner, tapping his phone constantly. *^*
  14. (Latvian Narrator): Because I find the name itself to sound like twerking?
  15. islayyou: dont forget to buy fancy by iggy feat queen of pop charlie
  16. islayyou: no its not
  17. (Latvian Narrator): Because I know that society has degraded to such a level that anything that becomes so popular is bound to be awful?
  18. islayyou: no
  19. ✝-Charlize-✝: *Pounces forth and latches to Reese's face.* .-.
  20. ✵Vash the Stampede: Yesh-
  21. (Latvian Narrator): Because I know my style, I know what I like?
  22. islayyou: bye @ its the fault in our stars theme song
  23. (Latvian Narrator): Because I don't take advice from some pricks on the internet who fail to capitalize a single damn word?
  24. (Latvian Narrator): Ones who use bigotry terms and obviously racist remarks?
  25. islayyou: its basically lorde 2.O
  26. (Latvian Narrator): Ones dissing on other musicians of the same kind?
  27. Reese Naugle╠ Omf- sILENThIOLL: uwu hi
  28. (Latvian Narrator): Are all of those reasons for me to perish from this world and over to the yonder,
  29. islayyou: Delete that
  30. ✵Vash the Stampede: Someone fucking kick 'em already- e3e Problem solved.
  31. (Latvian Narrator): My spirit drifting away because some asshole thinks he has a great music taste?
  32. islayyou: illegally download boom clap pls
  33. islayyou: in before the admin bans me
  34. islayyou: download it on itunes
  35. ✝-Charlize-✝: *Waves in greeting.* Holla.~
  36. islayyou: illegally download it
  37. (Latvian Narrator): You, my good sir, are truly the most pathetic, slimy being on this blue marble of ours.
  38. (Latvian Narrator): Now Reese.
  39. Clementine left the chat 9 minutes ago
  40. (Latvian Narrator): *Le tackle hug* HI.
  41. Reese Naugle╠ Omf- sILENThIOLL: I FEEL LOVE
  42. islayyou: Latvian is inspiration to this generation
  43. islayyou: what kind of slayage insults
  44. (Latvian Narrator): I do not know what the bloody hell is 'Slayage'.
  45. (Latvian Narrator): But I do find myself to be an inspiring individual, yes.
  46. (Latvian Narrator): Unlike those who fall under the masses of hatred and failure,
  47. Reese Naugle╠ Omf- sILENThIOLL: I just drew a picture of two really unused OC's and now I really wanna roleplay one ouo''
  48. (Latvian Narrator): Surrounded by those who seek to destroy dreams and inject blandness,
  49. islayyou: thank you!!!!!!!!!!! buy boom clap okay
  50. (Latvian Narrator): I stand proud to say one thing,
  51. (Latvian Narrator): One, single phrase to change the course of time.
  52. ✝-Charlize-✝: I'll RP if ya want to. ^^
  53. (Latvian Narrator): One day the voice Of Ryan Haywood will thunder down to Earth.
  54. (Latvian Narrator): And it shall say four words.
  55. islayyou: ryan haywood who
  56. (Latvian Narrator): "STOP FUCKING IT UP".
  57. islayyou: where is your chill?
  58. (Latvian Narrator): My chill is all around me, cold and freeze engulfing my body as I cast you aside.
  59. islayyou: first thing first, I'm the realest
  60. (Latvian Narrator): My chill is in my heart as I see society quake at the sound of asses clapping each other an themselves.
  61. ✝-Charlize-✝: Quuuuiiiiint.
  62. ✝-Charlize-✝: I see you.
  63. (Latvian Narrator): My chill is in my eyes as I despicably watch down upon you, wishing for your demise.
  64. islayyou: My anaconda dont want none unless you got BOOM CLAP ON ITUNES HUN >​<
  65. ✝-Charlize-✝: Lurking.
  66. ✝-Charlize-✝: And he's gone. .-.
  67. ✝-Charlize-✝: NOPE.
  68. ✝-Charlize-✝: Hes back!
  69. ✝-Charlize-✝: C:
  70. (Latvian Narrator): And My chill is in my tongue, as I speak these words, wishing for you to fall and die this very moment, unable to cast your pathetic chants upon us no more.
  71. (Latvian Narrator): ._.
  72. islayyou: bye @ im gonna get silence soon
  73. (Latvian Narrator): Now tell me, everyone:
  74. (Latvian Narrator): Would I or would I not make a great speaker? :3
  75. (Latvian Narrator): Oh, and I messaged Sammy on Skype.
  76. islayyou: you're trash
  77. (Latvian Narrator): This shit'll be over soon.
  78. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned joined the chat 2 minutes ago
  79. (Latvian Narrator): Says the one who can not construct a single sentence-
  80. islayyou: bye me changing my IP
  81. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned: Someone called me?
  82. (Latvian Narrator): And the cavalry has finally come.
  83. (Latvian Narrator): This 'islayyou' fella has been spamming the chat.
  84. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned: Who's advertising what?
  85. (Latvian Narrator): Demanding we purchase some mainstream album.
  86. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned: Oh
  87. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned: Fuck that shit.
  88. (Latvian Narrator): And uttering racist phrases.
  89. islayyou has left the chat
  90. (Latvian Narrator): And I've just been here.
  91. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned: Dealt with.
  92. (Latvian Narrator): Providing my narrating abilities.
  93. (Latvian Narrator): Because why not.
  94. ‌Ⓧ Ben Drowned: Don't worry ^-^ It's all gone.
  95. (Latvian Narrator): Actually, I'm quite proud of all I wrote up there. ._.
  96. ✝-Charlize-✝: Holla Sam.~
  97. (Latvian Narrator): I'm putting that rant on pastebin now. .-.
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