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Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. $660.00: lucinda5934
  2. $454.65: Sherbbert
  3. $340.37: AdebesiLives
  4. $320.98: Rufford
  5. $300.00: StellaoBosse
  6. $300.00: threecreepio
  7. $282.68: Ribsta
  8. $277.75: InsaneSanity1982
  9. $268.74: death_taxes_n64
  10. $267.96: Gem_Warden
  11. $243.44: ttoneramone
  12. $237.77: Ruthlessagain
  13. $233.16: dustpirate
  14. $231.52: Bane122
  15. $217.03: Eas_tv
  16. $210.00: Romer819
  17. $200.00: avp5000
  18. $200.00: krst3n
  19. $200.00: Dahlia318
  20. $192.32: TheAndySocialNetwork
  21. $192.29: b_lightning89
  22. $175.00: ViruseReturns
  23. $160.00: giganteface
  24. $158.00: Senftastisch
  25. $151.42: everettjsj2
  26. $147.57: Browns79
  27. $140.00: someJabr0ni
  28. $167.60: InfinityTrapdoor
  29. $132.85: Llamapals
  30. $131.01: SuperSaiyanFife
  31. $130.71: Zappelin
  32. $125.00: FrippeN87
  33. $120.00: p337r
  34. $106.54: Beerfullofbelly
  35. $106.06: Botbbdo
  36. $100.01: CartinaCow
  37. $100.00: Niss3
  38. $100.00: zenajin
  39. $99.31: Itstoearly
  40. $91.10: palepale82
  41. $80.41: Ladyoliver12
  42. $75:00: buttermilkmike
  43. $75.00: warbler2017
  44. $71.39: shurikenblue
  45. $70.02: Hambone_He
  46. $70.00: MathBeam
  47. $65.00: ragingponer
  48. $63.00: SurGrodus
  49. $62.00: CLChambers00
  50. $61.68: Handsy_
  51. $60.01: pellsson
  52. $59.70: L1nkzyz
  53. $58.03: Tweek1987
  54. $57.41: ottogicurry
  55. $56.32: boogiewoogie
  56. $56.19: baxx_broken
  57. $56.00: ChaosLordWesker
  58. $55.55: Scholle1309
  59. $55.41: babergLOL
  60. $54.47: GunswayTV
  61. $54.19: JDryad
  62. $51.65: twin0mega
  63. $50.01: FIGBird
  64. $50.00: greyfox1985
  65. $50.00: PapaPondy
  66. $50.00: Baylenkm
  67. $50.00: NinjaFaceJonny
  68. $50.00: MBouland
  69. $50.00: mossmouthTV
  70. $50.00: GeorgeWashington1732
  71. $50.00: BroNuff
  72. $49.59: seasidehank
  73. $45.00: petulantscholar
  74. $44.54: c_braz
  75. $40.00: thedjsizzle
  76. $39.45: CozieBear
  77. $39.00: Koh1Dendy
  78. $38.85: bashrw
  79. $36.40: ap3604
  80. $36.39: ScoopJohnson
  81. $35.00: penywise66
  82. $35.00: TaxmanOG
  83. $34.18: junkyard_dave
  84. $34.12: Teebot51
  85. $33.67: ZephniStream
  86. $33.43: Johnny_Rebel_
  87. $33.00: Kohina114
  88. $32.99: xeroxfiend
  89. $32.41: BlackBeltScrub
  90. $31.98: pokerblom
  91. $31.39: tinyfalcon1826
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  93. $30.00: FractalShatter
  94. $30.00: pirro642000
  95. $30.00: Sankroniz
  96. $30.00: vargskelethor
  97. $30.00: Fuzzybunny10
  98. $30.00: Lemoxis
  99. $30.00: carlsbergen
  100. $29.45: Antillian
  101. $29.45: CantFindBombs
  102. $29.45: Follow_the_dan
  103. $29.45: Calithuggg
  104. $29.45: mvanzeeland
  105. $29.45: Helios0ne
  106. $29.45: jazzthief81
  107. $29.45: rgbobbert
  108. $29.45: cr34mz
  109. $29.45: negativeions360
  110. $29.45: Bateman_AP
  111. $29.44: SSJPEPPY
  112. $27.50: Krazykop82
  113. $27.47: esmo
  114. $26.39: angrylanks
  115. $25.09: TheUltimateBohab
  116. $25.01: Grom
  117. $25.00: StalfosZ87
  118. $25.00: stfudonny123
  119. $24.37: aktiv8
  120. $23.59: kpriess
  121. $23.44: mixmastermulligan
  122. $23.33: TBK
  123. $23.03: Floatious
  124. $21.00: Akesson76
  125. $21.40: slick_baldy
  126. $20.91: LateNightRetro
  127. $20.20: JoonaKarjalainen
  128. $20.00: M3ntula
  129. $20.00: thetrueKK
  130. $20.00: phunqsauce
  131. $20.00: Zeexlash
  132. $20.00: Towelie311
  133. $20.00: Hooptymobile
  134. $20.00: St4ticHause
  135. $20.00: TheThryll1
  136. $20.00: scottl15l
  137. $20.00: DrewSalamacha
  138. $20.00: Angelos_BoC
  139. $20.00: Inflatable_beef_Jesus
  140. $20.00: Phunn2j
  141. $20.00: Caesar
  142. $20.00: geoffy007
  143. $20.00: OG_Wesker
  144. $20.00: follow_the_dan
  145. $20.00: escka
  146. $19.82: SnakeGrunger
  147. $19.00: SpeciesOfAlien
  148. $18.60: mactaggz
  149. $18.37: pookabad
  150. $18.00: Cakeslave
  151. $16.67: yelsraek
  152. $16.39: stnewt
  153. $15.97: SuperMegaDav
  154. $15.97: BodoeTV
  155. $15.88: turfmeister
  156. $15.01: marquisdan
  157. $15.00: DoctorJ
  158. $15.00: SimonTheRock
  159. $15.00: RCTMid
  160. $15.00: Alferian
  161. $15.00: JackheadASG
  162. $15.00: Chidu07
  163. $15.00: MoRt
  164. $15.00: roger_xy
  165. $15.00: buffalo_eater
  166. $15.00: headlesszulu
  167. $15.00: Funklord_ToeJam
  168. $15.00: Felipegrox
  169. $15.00: JeanYvesPinet
  170. $14.00: Jaymzrstee1
  171. $13.97: phokingguy727
  172. $13.55: SquareRootOfTwo
  173. $13.39: the_MurDuck
  174. $13.19: sniper
  175. $12.63: FatherBrainTV
  176. $12.34: thevoidffs
  177. $12.00: JoJo
  178. $12.00: turbospaz
  179. $12.00: JayMisfit
  180. $11.45: spontanious
  181. $11.44: Lunatixvania
  182. $11.43: A7XCable
  183. $11.43: CorteX1988
  184. $11.40: clymax
  185. $11.39: mcduck0
  186. $11.39: OldManAth
  187. $11.39: randancerun
  188. $11.39: Xavier311
  189. $11.39: Mister_Bushidou
  190. $11.00: Squeek11
  191. $11.00: Kirrlaos
  192. $10.61: coconutED5
  193. $10.45: yaden78
  194. $10.40: hungrywantbiddy
  195. $10.33: Ganon
  196. $10.10: Hirexen
  197. $10.00: Hemmy86
  198. $10.00: WesCopeland
  199. $10.00: Edo_87
  200. $10.00: Giramoni
  201. $10.00: BatQuinn
  202. $10.00: Ticketstobonetown
  203. $10.00: Animdude
  204. $10.00: FryinRyan27
  205. $10.00: InfestedRiche
  206. $10.00: Tacobelmont
  207. $10.00: Bubbagumpmx
  208. $10.00: tootergray34
  209. $10.00: catttttts
  210. $10.00: DankeyKrang
  211. $10.00: Krullnar
  212. $10.00: Patora1701
  213. $10.00: ManOverMars
  214. $10.00: BadMoogle
  215. $10.00: edrocket111
  216. $10.00: Makototruth
  217. $10.00: bigbaderic
  218. $10.00: vegabok
  219. $10.00: Nev6502
  220. $10.00: hahnhoffen
  221. $10:00: DiabloDrogasTraficante
  222. $10.00: Puppynuts
  223. $10.00: WhereDaJosb
  224. $10.00: xxthebluecatxx
  225. $10.00: Elronmcboon
  226. $10.00: ryzathebold
  227. $10.00: KurdtVonErikson
  228. $10.00: Weee3
  229. $10.00: GmaBoughtMeMetroidIn89
  230. $10.00: Jordanscales
  231. $10.00: Squareandrare
  232. $10.00: kyleballard
  233. $10.00: Frank1872
  234. $10.00: ProPainKillers
  235. $10.00: msaile
  236. $10.00: BoredofTrade
  237. $10.00: RichE
  238. $10.00: jdeke
  239. $10.00: Eesten
  240. $10.00: puddlestheninja
  241. $10.00: Even_Odd
  242. $10.00: 716_meliss
  243. $10.00: cls452
  244. $10.00: BabaOnly
  245. $10.00: JurassicMark88
  246. $10.00: BigSnacksJenkins
  247. $10.00: elg0rd0_84
  248. $10.00: s__herzog
  249. $10.00: funklord_earl
  250. $10.00: pez_med
  251. $10.00: Bartaan
  252. $10.00: SteveLurkle
  253. $10.00: angelical0dico
  254. $9.78: BarackObama
  255. $9.65: Pollyhead
  256. $9.59: LordDaysius
  257. $9.58: Flermel
  258. $9.00: Babaganoush2
  259. $8.54: sarix5
  260. $8.38: Gargon100
  261. $8.32: I_Senator_I
  262. $8.00: squatplep
  263. $8.00: TheUnicornSid
  264. $8.00: JRRacinFan
  265. $7.77: Zotmeister
  266. $7.77: treetoptia
  267. $7.69: Jellyd0ts
  268. $6.66: Mrmork666
  269. $6.66: MegaManRockForce
  270. $6.28: DaveChurchill
  271. $6.05: skifree33
  272. $6.00: Tobez87
  273. $6.00: Dicejon
  274. $6.00: TakeshiQ
  275. $6.00: CreamyInfant
  276. $6.00: MiSfIt1018
  277. $6.00: WinterSith
  278. $6.00: EeveeLinh
  279. $6.00: Maki0163
  280. $5.92: dem_wahrem_tukan
  281. $5.50: Mario_dckwater
  282. $5.22: nookygames
  283. $5.20: dreamofsha
  284. $5.08: thaDialator
  285. $5.00: anypercentdocumentary
  286. $5.00: EndySWE
  287. $5.00: Princessbuttercup07
  288. $5.00: Optimus_Prime_1
  289. $5.00: Negative_creep
  290. $5.00: RandomEffekt
  291. $5.00: Deathsta1ker
  292. $5.00: KickSomeDick
  293. $5.00: Epic_Walrus
  294. $5.00: SegaTronx
  295. $5.00: jeremyarroyo
  296. $5.00: xkillADAMdeadx
  297. $5.00: Yonniman
  298. $5.00: PriorZ
  299. $5.00: TheGinMaster
  300. $5.00: carta12345
  301. $5.00: PereJules
  302. $5.00: MonkeyGovernor
  303. $5.00: LittleGremlin
  304. $5.00: Arbel_Nox
  305. $5.00: Napear
  306. $5.00: scitezilla
  307. $5.00: scjedazaev
  308. $5.00: 3inches
  309. $5.00: Enerie
  310. $5.00: Apollo22237
  311. $5.00: Norubit2404
  312. $5.00: Grottkiller
  313. $5.00: MisterChippy
  314. $5.00: ThaiStixxx
  315. $5.00: Phroggg
  316. $5.00: DABIGBOOI
  317. $5.00: Dr_GC
  318. $5.00: Onkarian
  319. $5.00: chrishgames
  320. $5.00: Robert_Cop
  321. $5.00: ExplodingFists
  322. $5.00: Cgray557
  323. $5.00: turtletomorrow
  324. $5.00: smacku2
  325. $5.00: viralsharkmedia
  326. $5.00: Perry2014
  327. $5.00: chuggy2000
  328. $5.00: g0ni
  329. $5.00: QubusNL
  330. $5.00: turbotubby
  331. $5.00: NoiizerConnor
  332. $5.00: jonnyman9
  333. $5.00: Donation Police
  334. $5.00: Jonathan_mtl
  335. $5.00: Spookiebones
  336. $5.00: Kegan188
  337. $5.00: Big_Jerm_0842
  338. $5.00: d1sconnect
  339. $5.00: polygonfighters
  340. $5.00: ShinKaido
  341. $5.00: BlindExecutioner
  342. $5.00: AndrewKopczynskie
  343. $5.00: anonymous
  344. $5.00: Gichti
  345. $5.00: TurboToddB
  346. $5.00: Newpete
  347. $5.00: AVaguePlanet
  348. $5.00: JESEP112
  349. $5.00: cinnabao
  350. $5.00: PlayChoice3
  351. $5.00: COOLKID
  352. $5.00: SpaceQueen
  353. $5.00: raggededge82
  354. $5.00: andy834519
  355. $5.00: Bartaan's brother
  356. $5.00: Double_A_7
  357. $5.00: jwAllen14
  358. $5.00: italianblend
  359. $4.99: mib
  360. $4.58: broder_dan
  361. $4.10: JkL87
  362. $4.02: silvaaa
  363. $4.00: Jalapeno
  364. $4.00: spookyskelet0n
  365. $4.00: cbx42
  366. $3.73: Xenkaroshi
  367. $3.64: Spazardous
  368. $3.50: SleeplessSleepy
  369. $3.50: bedwablacburn
  370. $3.50: sparktube_
  371. $3.38: Cacheoverride
  372. $3.38: pip_johnson
  373. $3.38: cohimbra
  374. $3.29: I_am_a_lemon
  375. $3.22: paaaatu
  376. $3.14: AMattKelley
  377. $3.00: TehFishman
  378. $3.00: ryufrvr
  379. $3.00: PROTO_SAM
  380. $3.00: kleonirvana007
  381. $3.00: Steorix
  382. $2.50: jonil
  383. $2.50: Howdydu
  384. $2.50: DustLace
  385. $2.50: eric_dlc
  386. $2.35: havanna_club
  387. $2.20: quilllie
  388. $2.18: shinmagniok
  389. $2.01: Ser_Dev
  390. $2.00: jlt363093
  391. $2.00: SentientProgram
  392. $2.00: LaidBack
  393. $2.00: mx2Cinema
  394. $2.00: RetroRex80
  395. $2.00: iajua
  396. $2.00: RiaZ013
  397. $2.00: KuningasEST
  398. $2.00: gekokero
  399. $2.00: Kurgan182
  400. $2.00: RollickNovice
  401. $2.00: baltoboulbobbi
  402. $2.00: ruottinen85
  403. $1.71: Floydasaurus
  404. $1.50: brtc
  405. $1.50: FreemanAsh
  406. $1.45: Pyrintofan
  407. $1.11: r0nald84
  408. $1.09: retroconsoleshop
  409. $1.00: T1redMonkey
  410. $1.00: JoJoCat
  411. $1.00: Frozt
  412. $1.00: AidmitOne
  413. $1.00: RetroVG
  414. $1.00: foopis123
  415. $1.00: villagers
  416. $1.00: Kip21
  417. $1.00: DDRshane
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