
Pearl Raccoon

Dec 17th, 2019
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  1. You are Pearl the raccoon, the flirty, gray-colored noblewoman.
  3. You are Pearl the raccoon, the flirty, gray-colored noblewoman. You have been here for a long time and you know your place
  5. > You look around.
  7. The room is very large, with many rooms and corridors. The walls are lined with paintings of landscapes and people. In one corner sits a table covered in food and drink. On it sits a man dressed in black robes. He looks at you and smiles
  9. > You talk to man in robes.
  11. "Hello". You say. "I am looking for someone".
  12. "Ah yes, I see you've come to speak with me about something important". He says.
  14. > Say "I'm looking for my husband.".
  16. "Yes, that's right. My name is Trelik, but most call me the Wise Man. I can tell if you're lying or telling the truth, so you'd best be straight with me".
  17. "My husband?" You ask.
  19. > You say "All I want is to find my husband."
  21. Trelik nods his head. "Very well then, tell me what happened between you two".
  23. > You tell him "He disappeared one day.".
  25. "Oh? What did he do?”
  27. > You say "he just vanished. I don't know what happened to him."
  29. "Well, I suppose you'll have to ask him yourself. But I can only guess that he was killed by bandits".
  30. "What bands?" You ask.
  32. > You say "How can you even guess?"
  34. "It's not like there aren't any rumors about bandits roaming the area. There were even some reports about them attacking a village once. I mean why would bandits attack a place where they didn't belong anyway?"
  35. "But...but..". You begin to stutter
  37. > You say "Who are these bandits?"
  39. "They're bandits! They're bandits everywhere!" Trelik exclaims.
  40. "Then how do we stop them?" You ask.
  41. "By getting stronger, more powerful than them. By becoming a god".
  43. > You say "I don't want to be a god."
  45. "No, no, no. Don't worry about it. We all get older eventually. Maybe then we'll be able to become gods ourselves. Now, go on, tell me what happened between you and your husband".
  46. You nod and start to walk away from Trelik
  48. > You say "You're just a mad man!"
  50. "Don't you dare threaten me again. I will kill you".
  51. "Okay, okay, I won't do it again". You say as you turn around and leave.
  52. After leaving Trelik's office, you walk down another corridor
  54. > You think.
  56. You continue walking down the corridor. Suddenly, you hear a voice coming from behind you. It sounds like a woman's.
  57. "Hey, who are you?" She asks.
  59. > You say "My name is Pearl. Who are you?"
  61. She says "I'm Gwen. And this is my husband, John. How did you get into our house?"
  63. > You say "Is this your house?"
  65. Gwen says "Of course it is. Why else would you be here?"
  66. You say "So, you're the Wise Woman, huh?"
  67. Gwen says "That's me. So, you must be the Wise Man, huh?"
  69. > You say "No, I'm no wise man. How dare you! You must be crazy too!"
  71. Gwen says "Why would anyone believe such a thing? I thought you were dead".
  73. > You turn around and leave.
  75. You turn around and walk out of her house. You hear Gwen calling after you.
  76. "Wait! Wait! What are you doing?! You can't just run off like that! You need to explain yourself!"
  77. You continue to walk away.
  79. > You leave Gwen behind.
  81. You leave Gwen behind and continue on your way
  83. > You return home.
  85. You arrive back home and open the door. A young girl stands outside. Her eyes widen when she sees you.
  86. "Pearl? Are you alright?" She asks.
  88. > You say "I'm fine. Just disappointed."
  90. "Yeah, I heard about what happened yesterday. I was worried sick. Did you meet up with the Wise Man?"
  92. > You say "Yes, but he was only a loony old man."
  94. "A loony old man? That's pretty scary. I bet he was really dangerous. Well, I hope you made peace with him".
  95. "I did. He seemed nice enough".
  97. > You invite girl inside.
  99. You invite the girl inside and close the door. As soon as she enters, you begin to kiss her. After a few minutes, you pull away and say "Now that's out of the way, let's talk about this situation".
  101. > You talk about your missing husband.
  103. You continue talking about your missing husband. You explain that he went out one night and never came back. You also mention that he might have been killed by bandits. The girl listens intently and seems genuinely interested in the story
  105. > You say "I just wish someone could help me find him."
  107. The girl says "There might be someone else who can help you."
  109. You say "This is going to sound strange, but I'm willing to pay you money for information on the whereabouts of your husband".
  110. The girl says "Really? For information on where he is?".
  112. > You say "You're good at finding out things. Can you do this for me?"
  114. The girl says "Sure, sure, whatever you say".
  116. > You say "Find any information you can, Joanne."
  118. The girl nods and goes to search through her desk. Eventually she comes back with a piece of paper. She hands it to you
  120. > She says, "It might help to write down what you remember about the night he disappeared." You write down every detail about your husband's disappearance and hand it back to her.
  122. You say "Thank you. This should help me in my quest. If you ever see him or if you ever learn anything new, please pass it along to me. I'd love to find him".
  123. The girl smiles and thanks you before leaving
  125. > You you say "Goodbye now, Joanne. Good luck in your search".
  127. You bid goodbye to Joanne and head back to your room. You sit down on your bed and try to calm yourself. You know you've got to keep looking for clues. You have to find out what happened to your husband. You take a deep breath and try to focus
  129. > You go to sleep.
  131. You fall asleep and dream about your missing husband. You wake up and realize
  132. you're still dreaming. You think nothing of it and continue to dream.
  134. > You explore dream.
  136. You enter your dream and find yourself in a forest. There's a small stream running
  137. nearby. You notice a wooden bridge across the stream. You look over the side
  138. and see a man sitting on the other side. He looks up at you and waves.
  140. > You recognize the man as your lost husband, Byron! But how could that be? You then realize you're still dreaming. You walk up to him and he speaks. "Hello Pearl," he says. "It's been a long time."
  142. You nod. "Well, I'm glad to see you too".
  143. He laughs.
  145. > "I suppose you're wondering why I'm here," Byron says. "I have a message for you, Pearl." You pause, and he continues. "I want you to know that I'm safe, Pearl. But you shouldn't come looking for me. It's too dangerous."
  147. You shake your head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no".
  148. He sighs.
  150. > He takes your hand in his. "You need to forget about me, Pearl."
  152. You grab his hand and squeeze it. "I won't forget about you", you say. "I'll
  153. always remember you".
  154. He smiles. "Thank you, Pearl. That means a lot to me".
  155. You smile. "And I know you will, because I'm not forgetting about you either".
  156. He grabs your hand and squeezes it.
  158. > Byron stands to leave. You try to follow, but for some reason you can't. Byron fades away into the distance and everything goes dark.
  160. You stand there staring at the darkness and silence. Suddenly, you hear a voice
  161. calling out to you. You turn around and see a young woman standing in front
  162. of you. Her hair is brown and her eyes are blue. She wears a dress made from
  163. fine silk and has a tiara in her hair. She holds a staff in her hand.
  164. She calls out to you.
  166. > "Who are you?" you ask.
  168. "My name is Gwen, and I'm your guide".
  169. "But I don't understand what this place is all about, or why we're here..".
  170. "This place is called The Dreaming Forest. We're going to go through it together.
  171. Now, let's get started, shall we?"
  172. The girl nods and begins leading you through the woods.
  174. > You ask, "Where are you taking me?" She replies, "I need to show you something. Something that will help you."
  176. "What do you mean?"
  177. "We're going to the Dreaming Forest. In there, you'll meet someone who knows
  178. more than anyone else about the situation with Byron. Someone who knows where
  179. Byron is, and even better, someone who knows where he is right now. Do you really
  180. want to risk losing him?".
  181. You reply,
  183. > You say, "No of course not. I want to find him more than anything in the world. Lead on."
  185. Gwen nods and leads you deeper into the forest. Eventually, you reach a clearing.
  186. A large tree sits in the center of the clearing. The ground is covered with
  187. grass and flowers. A stone path winds its way through the trees. On one side
  188. of the path is a large gate. On the other side is a large wooden door.
  190. > You follow Gwen along the path and to the door. She taps it with her staff and it opens. You both enter. Before you is an unusual sight.
  192. A large group of people sit in a circle around a table laden with food. They
  193. are eating, drinking and talking. Some of them wear strange clothing, while
  194. others wear clothes very similar to yours. Most of them are men, but several
  195. women are also present.
  196. They are all wearing black robes, except for two women who wear red robes.
  198. > Gwen leads you to one of the women, a large black wolf who appears to be the leader. Gwen whispers something in her ear and the woman turns to you. She says, "You wish to find your husband?"
  200. You nod. "Yes, I do".
  201. The woman looks you over and then speaks.
  203. > The wolfess says, "Clearly your quest is of more importance than at first glance. Otherwise you would not be here in the Dreaming Forest." She stands. "Your husband has indeed been captured by bandits, and still lives. But he is beyond your reach. Unless you do one thing."
  205. You look down at yourself. "I must find Byron, my husband".
  206. The wolfess nods. "Very well. Follow me".
  207. Gwen walks ahead of you. As she does so, you notice that the wolves have become
  208. much friendlier towards you. It seems they like you as well. You feel very happy.
  209. Suddenly, you realize that you've walked too far forward.
  211. > You bump into the wolfess and apologize. She points you to a large book and tells you to read it.
  213. You walk past the wolfesses and head towards the book. You open it up and begin
  214. reading.
  216. > The book is filled with strange words and symbols you don't understand. You turn back to the wolfess and say, "I can't read this." She smiles and says, "It's dream language. You will understand when you awake." She waves her hand and suddenly the world disappears. You wake up and find yourself back in your bed.
  218. You slowly open your eyes and see that you are lying in your bed. There is a
  219. small window above your bed. You look outside and see that the sun is rising.
  220. You quickly grab your robe and pull it on before getting dressed. You rush downstairs
  221. and open the door to the garden.
  222. You see that the sun is high enough that you can see the whole sky.
  224. > You hear a voice behind you. You turn to see your butler, a badger named Cecil. "Are you alright, miss?" he asks.
  226. You shake your head. "What did you come here for?"
  227. Cecil shrugs his shoulders. "Just wanted to check if you were okay. You seem
  228. pretty tired".
  229. "Yeah, I am. I was having trouble sleeping last night".
  230. "Well, you should get some sleep. We'll make breakfast soon".
  231. "Okay", you reply.
  233. > You think about the dream you had last night. You head back to your room and pick up the phone, hoping to call Joanne and ask if she's found any clues.
  235. You put the receiver to your ear and press the button. A short message comes
  236. through.
  237. Hello?
  239. > You answer, "Hello, Joanne? This is Pearl. Have you found any information about Byron yet?"
  241. Joanne answers, "No, not yet. I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to track him
  242. down".
  243. Pearl sighs.
  245. > You say, "Are you sure you haven't found any leads?" Joanne answers, "Well, maybe one thing. But I think you had better come over and see it for yourself." You agree and after saying goodbye, you hang up and wait patiently for Cecil to bring you breakfast.
  247. He arrives shortly afterwards. He takes out a tray and brings it to the table.
  248. He begins to prepare a big plate of food.
  250. > You hang your head in deep thought. After a moment, Cecil looks to you, noticing your less than merry mood.
  252. Cecil frowns. "Something wrong, miss?"
  253. You look at him and shrug. "Nothing, just thinking about the dream I had last
  254. night".
  255. Cecil nods.
  257. > "Dreams are funny things, miss," he says. "Sometimes they're just your mind going over things. But sometimes they're trying to tell us something important." You look up at Cecil in surprise, and say "Do you really think so?"
  259. Cecil shakes his head. "Not necessarily. Sometimes dreams are empty of meaning.
  260. They could mean nothing at all".
  261. You nod. "Maybe. Thank you for telling me though, I guess. I appreciate it".
  262. Cecil smiles.
  264. > You eat your breakfast and proceed to Joanne's house.
  266. After eating your breakfast, you continue to go to Joanne's house. When you arrive,
  267. you see that it is indeed Joanne's house. The front door is wide open, and there
  268. is no sign of anyone inside.
  269. You walk inside and sit down on the couch. You close your eyes and try to relax.
  270. A voice calls from outside.
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