
Unforeseen Consequences - What will the future hold?

Sep 24th, 2016
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  1. >You appear inside of Celestia’s study. It was the same as you remember it, with the exception that her desk was a jumbling mess of different letters, documents, blueprints and treaties.
  2. >”Sorry about the mess my sunshine but…” Celestia let herself drop on her comfy looking chair and let out a sigh “This carnival has been making me do a lot of work. I didn’t sleep at all last night because I’ve been helping my dear Twilight to come up with all the preparations; we never expected that this would gather so much attention”
  3. >You raise an eyebrow and give Celestia a little, cocky smile
  4. “Really? Because you still look great to me. You haven’t lost that warm aura that you have… one could say that you are as bright as the sun in that regard”
  5. >Celestia rolls her eyes and lets out a small giggle “I seriously hope that those aren’t your pick up lines. Your marefriend… what was her name? Oh yeah, Cherrywood will be pretty disappointed if you start talking to her with lame lines like that one”
  6. “I didn’t think that it wasn’t that bad… but anyways, now you got me curious. Are that many ponies attending to Discord’s big event?”
  7. >”You are right, it wasn’t bad… it was awful” Celestia laughs before letting out another sigh. She was reclining on her chair while looking to the ceiling, taking a closer look, yeah she looked pretty damn tired “But yeah…a lot of ponies are going to that dumb carnival, and I mean A LOT. That’s part of the reason as to why I didn’t want to let you go without anypony to take care of you”
  8. “Because you fear that some guy will come and snatch me, or hurt me, right? I mean, I do get your reasoning and you could say that I even agree with you. But on the other ha…hoof. Discord also promised that he won’t let anything bad to happen to me.
  9. >”Anon, let me tell you something” Celestia stops looking at the ceiling to focus on you “I know that you and Discord are friends… but he can’t focus on too many things” She pauses and looks away for a second before continuing “He can’t focus on a single thing, actually. Even when he reigned over Equestria with his chaos… he was still a big spaz”
  10. >You can’t help but laugh at that. It seems like Celestia doesn’t think too highly of Discord’s intelligence.
  11. “He still kinda is… but he’s still my friend. And as weird as it sounds, and I know that it sounds weird… I do trust him… kinda. I mean, as far as you can trust Discord… well, I think that a little more than the average…. Eh, I’m sure that he wouldn’t let something bad to happen to me…. I think”
  12. >”Still, I can’t just let you to go on your own without me or Luna taking care of your safety” Celestia turns her attention again to the ceiling, reclining on her chair “I will have to think very carefully about what pony will be your bodyguard during that weekend”
  13. “Huh? I thought that the choice was crystal clear. Moonlight is the right answer. She’s the general of the Night Guard, she’s Luna’s bodyguard…and I remember that she kicked Twilight’s butt without too much effort, I mean she’s an alicorn, and Moonlight had no trouble at dealing with her… even if it was a misunderstanding that everyone agreed didn’t need to escalate to anything major”
  14. >”I know the details of that little accident, no need for the poor damage control, even if it’s cute…” Celestia was focused on a single point, thinking hard about how she would approach this situation “But as capable as Moonlight is… I don’t want to take chances, besides Shining Armor will need her help to organize the whole mess that will be the outskirts of Ponyville, so she has her own fun to take care of”
  15. “Wait, Discord mentioned that guards weren’t allowed in Ponyville during the chaos carnival, and if she won’t be there with me, then who?”
  16. >”We have more other kind of guards, highly trained guards that not everypony knows about… not even Discord. I just hope that they won’t drive you crazy by how stiff they can be” Celestia closes her eyes and makes an awry smile “You know, I brought you here so we could relax for a little while and not think about this stuff… but I guess that it can be helped. And in a way, I’m happy by how I can tell you everything with so much confidence… I know that I have told you this a lot of times… but I really appreciate that”
  17. “I can honestly say the same. As I keep telling you… I don’t really like that perfect princess act that you have to keep in front of everyone. It honestly makes me feel a bit angry, not at you, it’s what forces you to do it in the first place what angers me. I love that you are playful and super confident, and even a little arrogant”
  18. >”That’s a bit cheesy… and rich coming from you” Celestia gives you a smug face while doing her best to contain her laughter “I love you with all my heart, my sunshine. But you are the least qualified pony in Equestria to label anypony as arrogant… well, maybe except for Discord”
  19. “Why does everyone keeps saying that I’m arrogant? I’m just aware of my own skills, that’s all. It’s not my fault that I’m THAT good.”
  20. >Celestia leans forward and rest her right front leg on her desk ”Oooooh! And that is totally not a display of arrogance by any mean or stretch of the imagination! Maybe it’s just me getting old, but you are starting to sound like a certain draconequus”
  21. “Come on, I’m not as bad as Discord”
  22. >”Oh, of course not! Just like me, you are perfect, and incapable of making any mistakes, because we are THAT good!” Celestia starts to imitate Discord’s voice with some really disturbing accuracy
  23. >You groan and look away
  24. “Okay, I get the point already! … He’s still more arrogant than me, though”
  25. >Celestia chuckles “If you say so my sunshine, if you say so…”
  26. “As I said, it’s not like I’m arrogant, the thing it’s just that I’m well aware of my own skill se-“
  27. >*Skreeee!* A fucking red colored eagle appears in front of you, screeching so loudly that it manages to make you fall from your seat
  28. “AHH! What is that thing?!”
  29. >The red bird flies and poses itself on Celestia’s shoulder. Your mother greets the bird with tons of affection and turns to you with a smug smile after that “Scared from a phoenix? That doesn’t seem very intelligent for me”
  30. >You get up and glare at the bird that was resting on your mom’s shoulder. Well, you had to admit, that was one majestic bird. It’s feathers were red on the torso and wings, eye colors was also of a fierce crimson red but the feathers of the head were completely golden. The beautiful and long tail that the bird had rested on Celestia’s neck and it was the same color as the head, pure golden.
  31. “Well, that’s because I’ve never seen one before, I didn’t think that they existed outside of legends. And my skill set is in mathematics and physics. I’m incredibly good at that.”
  32. >You weren’t an expert on mythology, but you knew that Phoenixes were supposed to represent immortality. When a phoenix dies, they burn and are reborn from the ashes. Kinda fitting considering the bird looks. He looked like a giant and beautiful flame
  33. “But I have to agree, that is one beautiful bird. What’s his name?”
  34. >The phoenix screeches at you looking offended by what you just said despite the red eyes that bird could really achieve some incredibly expressive features.
  35. >You flinch and take a step back
  36. “Why is he doing that? What did I just say?”
  37. >”Well, any lady would be offended if you confuse her gender. And Philomena is certainly justified in being mad at you” Celestia gives you a disapproving look before calming her phoenix
  38. >Oh so the phoenix is a female and has a name. Well how the fuck were you supposed to know that? You aren’t a fucking expert on creatures that aren’t supposed to exist. But meh, you better apologize, no need to escalate this situation
  39. “Eh, Philomena?”
  40. >You rub the back of your neck and try to approach the phoenix. Celestia had already calmed her, and the both of them were now looking down on you, expecting your next words
  41. “Sorry about calling you a guy, alright? Where I come from there wasn’t any phoenixes outside mythology and legends. So yeah, you are kinda the first one that I’ve seen in my life. And I know that I can be a jerk sometimes… well… most of the time, but please don’t take offence on what I said, it was just an honest mistake… so please, can we be friends?”
  42. >Celestia looks at you with an unamused expression “Well Philomena, what do you say? Do you forgive my son?”
  43. >The phoenix whispers into Celestia’s ear, covering her beak with her wing so you couldn’t tell what she was telling to your mother. Well, it’s not like that made much of a difference, you didn’t speak birdnese anyways.
  44. >Celestia was nodding and saying “Aha… I see… that’s reasonable” from time to time
  45. >After a few moments, they stop their little discussion so you decide to ask.
  46. “Sooo… are we good now?”
  47. >The two of them turn to you and nod. You let out a sigh of relief and get on the chair
  48. “That’s good to hear, I thought for a moment that-“
  49. >”Not so fast my dear” Celestia interrupts you “There’s one condition”
  50. >Oh, come the fuck on! It wasn’t your fucking fault! But fuck it. Just accept whatever the fuck the bird wanted
  51. “Sure, what is it?”
  52. >Celestia and Philomena shares a mischievous look “You see, Philomena here tells me that you have an unusual big head, and that it looks like it’s perfect for a bird perch.”
  53. >Wat
  54. “I’m… not sure that I follow… and I don’t think that my head is that big”
  55. >Celestia rolls her eyes and chuckles “Philomena, why don’t you show Anon?”
  56. >The phonix eagerly nods, she extends her wings and starts flying around the room.
  57. “Whoah…”
  58. >It was certainly a sight to behold. You were sure that the fucks of ecology would kill to see a bird like this. Philomena wing span was fairly big, and she certainly had an imposing aura that demanded nothing but respect and admiration from anyone who looked at her…
  59. >Now you actually felt bad for offending such amazing creature. She certainly was the perfect companion for someone like Celestia.
  60. >She keeps flying for a few more moments, doing circles around the study before she finally poses herself on your head.
  61. >”Are you comfortable Philomena?”Celestia asks with a smile, to which the phoenix responds with a happy screech “Ah, seems like my son’s cutesy big head is a more comfortable perching spot than you anticipated”
  62. “Oooooh, so this was the condition” you chuckle a bit “I don’t mind then. Are you comfortable there Philomena? Again, sorry about that, I’m still getting used to this place”
  63. >The phoenix lets out a happy screech. Seems like she wasn’t mad anymore with you, which was honestly something that made you feel good
  64. >”So that’s why you freaked out when Luna raised the moon, right?” Celestia starts laughing, and normally you would be mad. But just looking at her laughing was something that brought you some calming happiness.
  65. “Oh, excuuuuse me for getting surprised about something that was sort of an impossible act in my old world…” You close your eyes and remember that moment… yeah, it was kinda funny “Did you also forget that I freaked out about you raising the sun, or Luna didn’t tell you that?” You ask Celestia with a playful tone
  66. >Celestia opens a drawer from her desk and takes out a bag of seeds from which she starts to feed the phoenix one by one “Oh yeah, she told me that too, kinda hilarious if you ask me“
  67. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. I still have too much to learn. But hey, can’t blame to take pride on my knowledge on mathematics and physics. That’s pretty much the only thing that I’m good at”
  68. >Celestia seems mildly annoyed at those words as she tilts her head back and looks at you with some disappointment “Now, that’s a complete change in attitude that I don’t like either. You are good at more than just that”
  69. >You shrug at this, not really caring much about Celestia’s concern
  70. “Eh, I don’t know about that. I mean, even with the supposed big amounts of magic that I have, the facts shows that I’m not that good at controlling it, so we can assume that I’m not very good at that. And really, math and physics have been my forte since forever, that’s kinda like my thing”
  71. >”Then why you don’t have a cutie mark in math, physics or better yet, why you don’t have a cutie mark that symbolizes both?” Celestia replies with seriousness in her tone
  72. >Well, that was a fair point. You could simply argue that maybe because you are from a different world, you simply won’t have one. But Discord already told you that in fact, you were able to get one of those magical tattoos.
  73. >Cutie Marks are supposed to represent your special talent and something that could only be described as the ultimate destiny for a pony, kind of a scary thought, but not one that was proper to analyze at this moment.
  74. >You of course could come with other useless arguments, but the reality was that you didn’t have an answer for Celestia. That simple question hid an incredibly powerful meaning, something that you haven’t even considered in all of your time as a little pony.
  75. >And it was quite the disturbing question too because, If you dedicated a great part of your life to the study of those particular sciences, and achieved great success and recognition thanks to your research, then why you didn’t instantly get a cutie mark that represented just that when you got reborn?
  76. “…”
  77. >Celestia closes her eyes and takes a brief moment of meditation before looking directly in the eye, with gaze felt like it was piercing your soul “I’m not saying that you aren’t talented in those subjects, far from it. Sunny Hill tells me that you are an amazingly intelligent colt”
  78. >Celestia shakes her head and chuckles “And even if she hadn’t told me that, it wouldn’t really matter. I don’t need anypony to tell me that my son has a mighty intelligence. But you are wrong in something. You have an amazing potential for magic, you keep showing me that every single day”
  79. “Oh please mom, I only know three spells and I can’t even cast them all that good”
  80. >”Three?” Celestia raises her head, a triumphant smile was being drawn across her face “As far as I knew, you only knew two. And one of them was actually a high skill spell that not many unicorns could even cast”
  81. >You rub the back of your head and sigh
  82. “Yeah, Discord taught me a shield spell. I can cast the actual spell, but I can’t do any other spell without breaking the bubble”
  83. >”Can you show me?” Celestia leans forward, looking both intrigued and excited about the news
  84. >You roll your eyes and focus on creating the spell. You feel your magic coming to you and just like that, the bubble shield surrounds both of you and Philomena.
  85. >”Oh dear, I think that I will have to thank Discord… again” Celestia reclines on her chair, not breaking the eye contact for a single second “But you see, you just kinda proved my point there. That spell isn’t really that easy to perform, let alone master, and you just casted it like if it was nothing. I actually haven’t seen a unicorn foal that could do that in a very, VERY long time”
  86. >You make the bubble go away and rub your temples
  87. “Yes, but the point is-“
  88. >”The point is that you are still just a colt” Celestia interrupts you, annoyed at what you were going to say “A very, very talented colt that has a bigger ego than an Ursa Major”
  89. “A what?”
  90. >”It’s this big creature that… never mind” Celestia groans for a moment “What I want to say is that you want to succeed immediately in everything that you do. And that’s simply not possible, you need to have some patience my dear. It’s clear for anypony that you will become a great wizard with more practice. That might be your special talent, or maybe it will be something else”
  91. “Yeah but-“
  92. >Celestia holds her hoof, making you shut up “Let me finish… What I want to say and this is something that you REALLY need to keep in mind is this: You are much more than just a colt that is good at math and physics, more than a colt that has some of the greatest magical potential I’ve seen. You are different, from the way you talk and act, to your skills and those differences are what make you so unique. I don’t know what your talent is or what destiny has in store for you”
  93. > Celestia breaks the eye contact when she closes her eyes for a second, but when she opens them her gaze was one that was warmer than the sun itself, one that warmed your soul “I’m not one that believes in coincidences, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that destiny guided Discord to find you, and destiny brought you to Luna and me, I believe that destiny will show you what makes you truly special, what will make your whole existence to have a meaning. And I believe that it will be something so beautiful, that the day it happens, you will be a shining beacon for everypony”
  94. >Was she really that confident in you? Like, holy fuck, she was your mother and all. But that sounded a bit excessive
  95. “Are you really sure about that? I mean, I don’t know what makes you believe that”
  96. >”Call it a hunch, but I know it… I just do… that you will bring so much hope to Equestria… I know that you don’t like titles, and you know that I don’t like them either but… I feel that I can be sure and confident that you won’t let the title of Prince go to waste like so many ponies before… and let’s just leave it like that. I’m getting a little too cheesy, and you know that I don’t enjoy that”
  97. >You and Philomena share a laugh. You think a bit about what your mom just told you, and despite all the questions and doubts filling your mind. Her words were like a ray of light that was cast to guide you to your future, to your goal in Equestria.
  98. >You rest on the chair, lost in your thoughts, analyzing every word that your mother said when you remember something. A few words that one of your first professors at the MIT told you during an introduction class for high school students that were interested in applying for that institution.
  99. >He must had like 45 at the time. He was almost completely bald but had some comical residual hair still left on his head, he had green eyes. But more than anything, you remember the aura of wisdom that he expelled.
  100. >”All of you want to join this prestigious institution for different reasons, some are doing it because they want to have a well-paid job after they finish your studies, others want to expand their horizons…in more than one way, others are doing this because they were forced by their parents, and others simply don’t know why they are here….” His voice was deep, powerful, filled with intelligence and experience…
  101. >”But for those that manage to enter the MIT, you will learn across the years that you spent here that we have a main goal as an institution, one that we hope that it becomes part of yours too” The professor look at the classroom, everyone was noting furiously everything that he was saying.
  102. >Except for you, his manner of speaking and his words caught your attention, the professor gazes once more upon his disciples and for a moment, he looks directly to you “Our goal is to make this world a better place for every living creature. And in order to do that, we must embrace what makes us special and work as a team. That’s the best way that we can improve the world of every person in this place that we call Earth: By doing what we do best and working with others. And for those who can’t work as a team? We don’t cast them away like some filthy animals. Instead the MIT has the goal of showing those poor souls that were thrown into the darkness of ignorance the light of freedom and knowledge. That, my lovelies, is our main goal at the MIT, one that we hope that it becomes yours too”
  103. >You can’t help but to feel a little melancholic about that. It was a memory that you had almost forgotten, but also one that motivated you to achieve success in your former life.
  104. >Celestia was right, she was absolutely right. You just needed to be more patient when it came to your magic. You don’t know if she was correct about everything else… but you hoped that she was. In the end, you only have to live this new life and do your best to make sure that the best happens
  105. “Yeah…you are right… I don’t why I was thinking… I think that my “confidence” got the best of me. I just need to adjust to my new life in Equestria a little better, it is quite different from what I’m used to… but I wouldn’t change this for anything...”
  106. >Celestia lets out a small giggle. She lifts you with her magic making Philomena to left her perching spot. Celestia brings you over to her and gives you a big and warm hug “Don’t worry, from what I’ve seen and heard. You’ve been getting used to Equestria pretty fast, which is actually a relief. Considering how stubborn a certain colt can be, I can’t imagine how annoying it would have be if I had to debate every single thing with you”
  107. >You nuzzle into Celestia neck, completely enjoying her warm and soft embrace… man, you lived for these hugs.
  108. “Yeah, I guess that’s true. The fact that mathematics is mostly the same has helped me to not have a nervous breakdown. The only problem would be history, but so far I’m good with that subject at school. And if Sunny Hill ever asks something too complicated, I don’t have to worry about anything considering that my moms are a walking history book, heck they practically wrote most of them!”
  109. >Philomena starts giggling, but Celestia didn’t seem to like that last joke very much since she gives you a small bonk on the head “Cheeky…”
  110. “Heh heh heh! I was just joking!”
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