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Mar 21st, 2018
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  365. <h2 class="fancy1">The local choice for over 20 years!</h2>
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  377. <h4>Unlimited & Fast Internet</h4>
  378. <p> Stack comes with integration for Mail Chimp and Campaign Monitor forms - ideal for modern marketing campaigns </p> <a href="#">
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  415. <h2> Montana's trusted Internet provider for over 20 years.</h2>
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  418. <p class="fancy1"> We've been Montana's local choice for high-speed Internet and digital phone service since 1994. Our coverage areas include Helena, Townsend, Great Falls, Lewistown and communities in between.</p>
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  430. <p class="fancy1">Our superhero Customer Care and Tech Support teams set us apart from the competition. When we get it wrong, we we'll do everything we can to make it right. This is our promise to each and every customer.</p>
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  445. <p class="fancy1">From high-speed rural wireless to one of Montana's fastest fiber optic networks, our goal is to provide our Customers with an affordable alternative to the "big guys". </p>
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  541. <h2 style="padding-bottom:25px">Check out our most popular Internet services!</h2>
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  547. <h4>Wireless Internet</h4>
  548. <p class="pLarge2">Our wireless service provides internet to the places that cable cannot!</p>
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  566. <p class="fancy1">With our Point to Multi-point wireless internet services. We are able to provide internet where other services cannot go!</p>
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  569. <h5>Our Best Value</h5><span class="h1"><span class="pricing__dollar">$</span>55</span>
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  573. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>24/7 Phone Support</span></li>
  574. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>Unlimited bandwidth</span></li>
  575. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>3 Email addresses</span></li>
  576. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>99$ installation</span></li>
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  580. <p class="fancy1" style="padding-top:25px;">We are open from 8am — 5pm week days. Give us a call at 406-443-3347 or fill this form out to get a call from us.</p>
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  613. <h4>Fiber Internet</h4>
  614. <p class="pLarge2">Our fiber connection is state of the art internet, capable of speeds up to 100mbps!</p>
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  633. <p class="fancy1">With our state of the art fiber internet services. We are able to provide internet as fast as 100mbps!</p>
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  636. <h5>Our Best Value</h5><span class="h1"><span class="pricing__dollar">$</span>55</span>
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  640. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>24/7 Phone Support</span></li>
  641. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>Unlimited Skips</span></li>
  642. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>Import CSV Data</span></li>
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  647. <p class="fancy1" style="padding-top:25px;">We are open from 8am — 5pm week days. Give us a call at 406-443-3347 or fill this form out to get a call from us.</p>
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  678. <h4>Unlimited Phone</h4>
  679. <p class="pLarge2">The latest VOIP technology to bring you affordable phone service. Start blocking robocallers today!</p>
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  698. <p class="fancy1">We have partnered with Ooma Telo, The leading provider in VOIP Calling, Start saving money today!</p>
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  701. <h5>Our Best Value</h5><span class="h1"><span class="pricing__dollar">$</span>21.99</span>
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  705. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>24/7 Phone Support</span></li>
  706. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>Wifi Calling</span></li>
  707. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>Forward calls</span></li>
  708. <li><span class="checkmark bg--primary-1"></span> <span>Block Robocallers</span></li>
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  712. <p class="fancy1" style="padding-top:25px;">We are open from 8am — 5pm week days. Give us a call at 406-443-3347 or fill this form out to get a call from us.</p>
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  751. <h1 class="ba-heading" style="padding-bottom:25px;">#HelenaWantsFiber</h1>
  752. <p class="fancy1">We're building Helena's first ultra-fast gigabit fiber network and we need your help! </p>
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  786. <span class="h3">“We have had Montana Internet since they started! I stream videos on Netflix and Amazon and it's awesome. Always great customer service and QUICK to resolve a problem. I will never switch, ever!“
  787. </span>
  788. <h5>Kathy G</h5>
  789. <span>Montana Internet Customer</span>
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  803. <span class="h3">“You guys are nothing short of amazing. My new fiber connection is supper fast and rock solid. Only problem I have now is that I have to replace the wireless hardware in my network because it can't keep up with the“
  804. </span>
  805. <h5>Bill T</h5>
  806. <span>Montana Internet Customer</span>
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  821. <span class="h3">“I was having connectivity issues and they were very quick to respond and find a solution to the problem. Their customer service is certainly exquisite.“
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  823. <h5>Hunter B</h5>
  824. <span>Montana Internet Customer</span>
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  839. <span class="h3">“Everyone I have dealt with since getting the internet has been above and beyond exceptional!! Everyone is extremely helpful, polite and very friendly. I recommend your company to all me friends and family.“
  840. </span>
  841. <h5>Cathy & Tom Couch</h5>
  842. <span>Montana Internet Customer</span>
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  857. <span class="h3">“Our Birdseye connection and service has remained rock solid throughout this winter's snow storms so far! THANK YOU for keeping rural homes like ours protected with reliable internet.“
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  859. <h5>Steven Bates</h5>
  860. <span>Montana Internet Customer</span>
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  875. <span class="h3">“I am no longer the slowest kid on the internet lane. :) Thanks to the Montana Internet Crew. Merry Christmas to you guys.“
  876. </span>
  877. <h5>Jon Straun</h5>
  878. <span>Montana Internet Customer</span>
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  932. This is the best overall experience I have had with any template of any kind. Medium Rare made me feel like a valued customer and I feel empowered.
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  937. <h5>Raresh D.</h5>
  938. <span>Kolkata, IN</span>
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  946. This is the best overall experience I have had with any template of any kind. Medium Rare made me feel like a valued customer and I feel empowered.
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  950. <img alt="Image" src="img/avatar-round-3.png">
  951. <h5>Raresh D.</h5>
  952. <span>Kolkata, IN</span>
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  960. This is the best overall experience I have had with any template of any kind. Medium Rare made me feel like a valued customer and I feel empowered.
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  964. <img alt="Image" src="img/avatar-round-3.png">
  965. <h5>Raresh D.</h5>
  966. <span>Kolkata, IN</span>
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  974. This is the best overall experience I have had with any template of any kind. Medium Rare made me feel like a valued customer and I feel empowered.
  975. </p>
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  978. <img alt="Image" src="img/avatar-round-3.png">
  979. <h5>Raresh D.</h5>
  980. <span>Kolkata, IN</span>
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  997. <h4>Frequently Asked Questions</h4>
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  1001. <div class="text-block">
  1002. <h5>Is there a contract?</h5>
  1003. <p class="pLarge2">No, there is no contract with Montana Internet services.</p>
  1004. </div>
  1005. <div class="text-block">
  1006. <h5>Is Wireless the same as Satellite Internet?</h5>
  1007. <p class="pLarge2">No, wireless dishes point towards a tower, while Satellite services point to the sky..</p>
  1008. </div>
  1009. <div class="text-block">
  1010. <h5>Do you offer phone services?</h5>
  1011. <p class="pLarge2" style="padding-bottom:30px">Yes, please ask about our ooma calling plan.</p>
  1012. </div>
  1013. </div>
  1014. <div class="col-md-4">
  1015. <div class="text-block">
  1016. <h5>Do you offer unlimited data?</h5>
  1017. <p class="pLarge2">Yes, we offer unlimited data for your devices</p>
  1018. </div>
  1019. <div class="text-block">
  1020. <h5>Do you offer TV?</h5>
  1021. <p class="pLarge2">No, not at this time.</p>
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  1045. zoom: 17,
  1046. // The latitude and longitude to center the map (always required)
  1047. center: new google.maps.LatLng(46.5992187,-112.023146), // Helena, MT
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  1049. // This is where you would paste any style found on Snazzy Maps.
  1050. styles: [{"featureType":"all","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":"#4267B2"}]},{"featureType":"all","elementType":"labels.text.fill","stylers":[{"gamma":0.01},{"lightness":20}]},{"featureType":"all","elementType":"labels.text.stroke","stylers":[{"saturation":-31},{"lightness":-33},{"weight":2},{"gamma":0.8}]},{"featureType":"all","elementType":"labels.icon","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]},{"featureType":"landscape","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"lightness":30},{"saturation":30}]},{"featureType":"poi","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"saturation":20}]},{"featureType":"","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"hue":"#ff0000"},{"visibility":"simplified"},{"saturation":"5"},{"weight":"1.54"}]},{"featureType":"","elementType":"geometry.stroke","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"},{"hue":"#ff0000"}]},{"featureType":"","elementType":"labels","stylers":[{"visibility":"on"}]},{"featureType":"","elementType":"labels.text.stroke","stylers":[{"hue":"#ff0000"}]},{"featureType":"poi.park","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"lightness":20},{"saturation":-20}]},{"featureType":"road","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"lightness":10},{"saturation":-30}]},{"featureType":"road","elementType":"geometry.stroke","stylers":[{"saturation":25},{"lightness":25}]},{"featureType":"road.highway","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":"#d3cdcd"}]},{"featureType":"road.highway","elementType":"labels.text.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#000000"}]},{"featureType":"road.local","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":"#1e1a69"}]},{"featureType":"road.local","elementType":"labels.text.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#efe3e3"}]},{"featureType":"transit.line","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"color":"#160e0e"}]},{"featureType":"transit.station.rail","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"},{"hue":"#ff0000"}]},{"featureType":"water","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"lightness":-20}]},{"featureType":"water","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#00c5ff"}]}]
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  1059. position: new google.maps.LatLng(46.5996207,-112.0236591),
  1060. map: map,
  1061. title: 'Montana Internet Location'
  1062. });
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  1069. <h3>1424 National Ave.
  1070. <br>Helena, MT 59601</h3>
  1071. <p class="lead">
  1072. E:
  1073. <a href="#"></a>
  1074. <br> P: 406 443 3347
  1075. </p>
  1076. <p class="lead">
  1077. Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
  1078. </p>
  1079. <p class="lead">
  1080. We are open from 8am to 5pm week days.
  1081. </p>
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