
Pineapple Revision

Dec 22nd, 2015
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  1. Pineapple Peaches is an adventurer, short and sweet, she was always an adventurer and hopes to always be one. Peaches was born as a sheltered child, in a gated type sea town, to a rich family. Her hereditary fathers wealth was nothing of note, but that didn't stop him from talking about every chance he got. After a while her father developed a sort of "reputation" as the "richest man" in the town of "whoknowswhere." Well his story doesn't end at the drunkards at the pub, oh no because where there's harbor there's bound to be seafare. One thing lead to another and, so for little pineapple the walls of her world where about to come crashing down on her world, or in some ways, open it. Pineapple had lived in her families manor since the day she was born but always had a sort of attitude that the noble 'grown ups' would consider sour, and as such she developed a reputation as a sort of 'bad apple'. Her family incessantly cracked down on her unmentionable behavior. Missing silverware, a shattered vase, 'misplaced thumbtacks' all would one way or another be linked back to her with good reason. After awhile word spread of the supposed rich man in the indefensible nameless harbor town, nearly everyone and there mother had heard of his supposed wealth, this lead to a big problem or rather a reckoning of sorts when in the stir of the night pirates broke into Peaches' family home. This was problematic as most of the family members where killed save for one little girl. The captain of the pirate crew that raided the house was surprised to hear that two of his men hadn't returned. Not to leave good enough be the captain's interest was peaked and he decided that before completely burning the town to the ground he might as well figure out why the two hadn't returned. Upon inspection the captain found that the men had been slaughtered in the room that once belonged to our beloved Pineapple Peaches. None too eager Peaches was found and forced aboard the pirate's ship, living the life of a pirate for most of her childhood. Peaches swapped ships many times and eventually joined the pirates all together, but Peaches was always driven by her passion for "adventure" which may vary from person to person, but what she calls adventure some might call a wanderlust complex, this combined with an overly developed sense of stabbing things when they get in her way lead to her inevitable departure for the time being from her pirate brethren. Her recent exploits have driven her to such lengths as to near-drop the high pirate life to explore the reaches of greater Raia.
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