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Sep 17th, 2022
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  1. ; Manual Transmission for GTA V
  2. ; Please refer to the readme or the in-game menu for option descriptions
  3. ; Please use the in-game menu to configure the mod
  6. Enable = true
  7. EngineDamage = false
  8. EngineStalling = true
  9. EngineStallingS = false
  10. EngineBraking = false
  11. EngineLocking = false
  12. HardLimiter = true
  13. ShiftMode = 0
  14. ClutchCatching = false
  15. ClutchShiftingH = true
  16. ClutchShiftingS = false
  17. SpeedLimiter = false
  18. SpeedLimiterSpeed = 33.299999
  22. SimpleBike = false
  23. HillBrakeWorkaround = false
  24. AutoGear1 = false
  25. AutoLookBack = false
  26. ThrottleStart = false
  27. DefaultNeutral = true
  28. DisableAutostart = false
  29. LeaveEngineRunning = false
  33. Mode = 1
  34. CountersteerMult = 1.000000
  35. CountersteerLimit = 15.000000
  36. SteeringReduction = 0.900000
  37. NoReductionHandbrake = false
  38. Gamma = 1.000000
  39. SteerTime = 0.010000
  40. CenterTime = 0.010000
  41. MouseSteering = true
  42. MouseSensitivity = 0.500000
  43. MouseDisableSteerAssist = false
  44. MouseDisableReduction = false
  47. [HUD]
  48. EnableHUD = true
  49. AlwaysHUD = true
  50. HUDFont = 4
  51. Outline = true
  52. NotifyLevel = 1
  53. GearIndicator = true
  54. GearXpos = 0.952500
  55. GearYpos = 0.885000
  56. GearSize = 0.700000
  57. GearTopColorR = 255
  58. GearTopColorG = 63
  59. GearTopColorB = 63
  60. GearColorR = 255
  61. GearColorG = 255
  62. GearColorB = 255
  63. ShiftModeIndicator = true
  64. ShiftModeXpos = 0.935000
  65. ShiftModeYpos = 0.885000
  66. ShiftModeSize = 0.700000
  67. ShiftModeColorR = 255
  68. ShiftModeColorG = 255
  69. ShiftModeColorB = 255
  70. Speedo = kph
  71. SpeedoShowUnit = true
  72. SpeedoUseDrivetrain = true
  73. SpeedoXpos = 0.860000
  74. SpeedoYpos = 0.885000
  75. SpeedoSize = 0.700000
  76. SpeedoColorR = 255
  77. SpeedoColorG = 255
  78. SpeedoColorB = 255
  79. EnableRPMIndicator = true
  80. RPMIndicatorXpos = 0.120000
  81. RPMIndicatorYpos = 0.765000
  82. RPMIndicatorWidth = 0.140000
  83. RPMIndicatorHeight = 0.005000
  84. RPMIndicatorRedline = 0.850000
  85. RPMIndicatorBackgroundR = 0
  86. RPMIndicatorBackgroundG = 0
  87. RPMIndicatorBackgroundB = 0
  88. RPMIndicatorBackgroundA = 128
  89. RPMIndicatorForegroundR = 255
  90. RPMIndicatorForegroundG = 255
  91. RPMIndicatorForegroundB = 255
  92. RPMIndicatorForegroundA = 255
  93. RPMIndicatorRedlineR = 255
  94. RPMIndicatorRedlineG = 92
  95. RPMIndicatorRedlineB = 0
  96. RPMIndicatorRedlineA = 255
  97. RPMIndicatorRevlimitR = 255
  98. RPMIndicatorRevlimitG = 0
  99. RPMIndicatorRevlimitB = 0
  100. RPMIndicatorRevlimitA = 255
  101. RPMIndicatorLaunchStagedR = 255
  102. RPMIndicatorLaunchStagedG = 255
  103. RPMIndicatorLaunchStagedB = 0
  104. RPMIndicatorLaunchStagedA = 255
  105. RPMIndicatorLaunchActiveR = 255
  106. RPMIndicatorLaunchActiveG = 127
  107. RPMIndicatorLaunchActiveB = 0
  108. RPMIndicatorLaunchActiveA = 255
  109. SteeringWheelInfo = true
  110. AlwaysSteeringWheelInfo = false
  111. SteeringWheelTextureX = 0.220000
  112. SteeringWheelTextureY = 0.800000
  113. SteeringWheelTextureSz = 0.050000
  114. PedalInfoX = 0.220000
  115. PedalInfoY = 0.900000
  116. PedalInfoH = 0.100000
  117. PedalInfoW = 0.040000
  118. PedalInfoPadX = 0.000000
  119. PedalInfoPadY = 0.000000
  120. PedalBackgroundA = 92
  121. PedalInfoThrottleR = 0
  122. PedalInfoThrottleG = 255
  123. PedalInfoThrottleB = 0
  124. PedalInfoThrottleA = 255
  125. PedalInfoBrakeR = 255
  126. PedalInfoBrakeG = 0
  127. PedalInfoBrakeB = 0
  128. PedalInfoBrakeA = 255
  129. PedalInfoClutchR = 0
  130. PedalInfoClutchG = 0
  131. PedalInfoClutchB = 255
  132. PedalInfoClutchA = 255
  133. FFBEnable = false
  134. FFBXPos = 0.500000
  135. FFBYPos = 0.025000
  136. FFBXSz = 0.250000
  137. FFBYSz = 0.050000
  138. FFBBgR = 0
  139. FFBBgG = 0
  140. FFBBgB = 0
  141. FFBBgA = 128
  142. FFBFgR = 255
  143. FFBFgG = 255
  144. FFBFgB = 255
  145. FFBFgA = 255
  146. FFBLimitR = 255
  147. FFBLimitG = 0
  148. FFBLimitB = 0
  149. FFBLimitA = 255
  150. DashIndicators = false
  151. DashIndicatorsXpos = 0.500000
  152. DashIndicatorsYpos = 0.035000
  153. DashIndicatorsSize = 1.000000
  154. DsProtEnable = true
  155. DsProtXpos = 0.500000
  156. DsProtYpos = 0.300000
  157. DsProtSize = 0.050000
  158. MouseEnable = false
  159. MouseXPos = 0.500000
  160. MouseYPos = 0.950000
  161. MouseXSz = 0.500000
  162. MouseYSz = 0.050000
  163. MouseMarkerXSz = 0.020000
  164. MouseBgR = 0
  165. MouseBgG = 0
  166. MouseBgB = 0
  167. MouseBgA = 128
  168. MouseFgR = 255
  169. MouseFgG = 255
  170. MouseFgB = 255
  171. MouseFgA = 255
  174. [MISC]
  175. UDPTelemetry = true
  176. UDPAddress =
  177. UDPPort = 20777
  178. DashExtensions = true
  179. SyncAnimations = true
  180. HidePlayerInFPV = false
  181. HideWheelInFPV = false
  182. SaveFullConfig = true
  185. [UPDATE]
  186. EnableUpdate = true
  187. IgnoredVersion = true
  190. [DEBUG]
  191. DisplayInfo = false
  192. DisplayWheelInfo = false
  193. DisplayMaterialInfo = false
  194. DisplayTractionInfo = false
  195. DisplayGearingInfo = false
  196. DisplayNPCInfo = false
  197. ShowAdvancedFFBOptions = false
  198. DisableInputDetect = false
  199. DisablePlayerHide = false
  200. DisableNPCGearbox = false
  201. DisableNPCBrake = false
  202. DisableFPVCam = false
  203. EnableTimers = false
  204. EnableGForce = false
  205. GForcePosX = 0.075000
  206. GForcePosY = 0.125000
  207. GForceSize = 0.200000
  210. [MT_PARAMS]
  211. ClutchCatchpoint = 0.150000
  212. StallingRPM = 0.090000
  213. StallingRate = 3.750000
  214. StallingSlip = 0.400000
  215. RPMDamage = 0.100000
  216. MisshiftDamage = 5.000000
  217. EngBrakePower = 0.000000
  218. EngBrakeThreshold = 0.750000
  219. CreepIdleThrottle = 0.100000
  220. CreepIdleRPM = 0.100000
  224. ABS = false
  225. ABSFilter = true
  226. ABSFlash = false
  227. TCS = false
  228. TCSMode = 1
  229. TCSSlipMin = 1.000000
  230. TCSSlipMax = 2.000000
  231. TCSBrakeMult = 1.000000
  232. ESP = false
  233. ESPOverMin = 5.000000
  234. ESPOverMax = 15.000000
  235. ESPOverMinComp = 0.000000
  236. ESPOverMaxComp = 1.000000
  237. ESPUnderMin = 5.000000
  238. ESPUnderMax = 10.000000
  239. ESPUnderMinComp = 0.000000
  240. ESPUnderMaxComp = 1.000000
  241. LSD = false
  242. LSDViscosity = 10.000000
  243. AWD = false
  244. AWDBiasAtMaxTransfer = 0.500000
  245. AWDUseCustomBaseBias = false
  246. AWDCustomBaseBias = 0.010000
  247. AWDCustomMin = 0.000000
  248. AWDCustomMax = 1.000000
  249. AWDUseTraction = false
  250. AWDTractionLossMin = 1.050000
  251. AWDTractionLossMax = 1.500000
  252. AWDUseOversteer = false
  253. AWDOversteerMin = 5.000000
  254. AWDOversteerMax = 15.000000
  255. AWDUseUndersteer = false
  256. AWDUndersteerMin = 5.000000
  257. AWDUndersteerMax = 15.000000
  258. AWDSpecialFlags = 0x0
  259. LaunchControl = false
  260. LaunchControlRPM = 0.625000
  261. LaunchControlSlipMin = 1.000000
  262. LaunchControlSlipMax = 2.000000
  263. CruiseControl = false
  264. CruiseControlSpeed = 36.000000
  265. CruiseControlMaxAcceleration = 4.000000
  266. CruiseControlAdaptive = false
  267. CruiseControlMinFollowDistance = 5.000000
  268. CruiseControlMaxFollowDistance = 100.000000
  269. CruiseControlMinDistanceSpeedMult = 1.000000
  270. CruiseControlMaxDistanceSpeedMult = 2.000000
  271. CruiseControlMinDeltaBrakeMult = 2.400000
  272. CruiseControlMaxDeltaBrakeMult = 1.200000
  275. [STEERING]
  276. CSUseCustomLock = true
  277. CSSoftLock = 720.000000
  278. CSSteeringMult = 1.000000
  279. WSATMult = 1.000000
  280. WCurveMult = 1.000000
  281. WSoftLock = 720.000000
  282. WSteeringMult = 1.000000
  286. UpshiftCut = true
  287. DownshiftBlip = true
  288. DownshiftProtect = false
  289. ClutchRateMult = 1.000000
  290. RPMTolerance = 0.200000
  293. [AUTO_PARAMS]
  294. UpshiftLoad = 0.120000
  295. DownshiftLoad = 0.500000
  296. NextGearMinRPM = 0.330000
  297. CurrGearMinRPM = 0.270000
  298. EcoRate = 0.050000
  299. UpshiftTimeoutMult = 1.000000
  300. DownshiftTimeoutMult = 1.000000
  301. UsingATCU = false
  304. [CAM]
  305. Enable = true
  306. AttachId = 0
  307. RemoveHead = true
  308. LookTime = 0.000010
  309. MouseLookTime = 0.000001
  310. MouseCenterTimeout = 750
  311. MouseSensitivity = 0.300000
  312. PedFOV = 55.000000
  313. PedOffsetHeight = 0.040000
  314. PedOffsetForward = 0.050000
  315. PedOffsetSide = 0.000000
  316. PedPitch = 0.000000
  317. PedFollowMovement = true
  318. PedMovementMultVel = 0.750000
  319. PedMovementMultRot = 0.150000
  320. PedMovementCap = 45.000000
  321. PedLongForwardMult = 0.050000
  322. PedLongBackwardMult = 0.100000
  323. PedLongDeadzone = 0.950000
  324. PedLongGamma = 1.000000
  325. PedLongForwardLimit = 0.100000
  326. PedLongBackwardLimit = 0.120000
  327. PedPitchUpMult = 5.000000
  328. PedPitchDownMult = 5.000000
  329. PedPitchDeadzone = 0.000000
  330. PedPitchUpMaxAngle = 30.000000
  331. PedPitchDownMaxAngle = 30.000000
  332. Vehicle1FOV = 55.000000
  333. Vehicle1OffsetHeight = 0.000000
  334. Vehicle1OffsetForward = 0.000000
  335. Vehicle1OffsetSide = 0.000000
  336. Vehicle1Pitch = 0.000000
  337. Vehicle1FollowMovement = true
  338. Vehicle1MovementMultVel = 0.750000
  339. Vehicle1MovementMultRot = 0.150000
  340. Vehicle1MovementCap = 45.000000
  341. Vehicle1LongForwardMult = 0.050000
  342. Vehicle1LongBackwardMult = 0.100000
  343. Vehicle1LongDeadzone = 0.950000
  344. Vehicle1LongGamma = 1.000000
  345. Vehicle1LongForwardLimit = 0.100000
  346. Vehicle1LongBackwardLimit = 0.120000
  347. Vehicle1PitchUpMult = 5.000000
  348. Vehicle1PitchDownMult = 5.000000
  349. Vehicle1PitchDeadzone = 0.000000
  350. Vehicle1PitchUpMaxAngle = 30.000000
  351. Vehicle1PitchDownMaxAngle = 30.000000
  352. Vehicle2FOV = 55.000000
  353. Vehicle2OffsetHeight = 0.000000
  354. Vehicle2OffsetForward = 0.000000
  355. Vehicle2OffsetSide = 0.000000
  356. Vehicle2Pitch = 0.000000
  357. Vehicle2FollowMovement = true
  358. Vehicle2MovementMultVel = 0.750000
  359. Vehicle2MovementMultRot = 0.150000
  360. Vehicle2MovementCap = 45.000000
  361. Vehicle2LongForwardMult = 0.050000
  362. Vehicle2LongBackwardMult = 0.100000
  363. Vehicle2LongDeadzone = 0.950000
  364. Vehicle2LongGamma = 1.000000
  365. Vehicle2LongForwardLimit = 0.100000
  366. Vehicle2LongBackwardLimit = 0.120000
  367. Vehicle2PitchUpMult = 5.000000
  368. Vehicle2PitchDownMult = 5.000000
  369. Vehicle2PitchDeadzone = 0.000000
  370. Vehicle2PitchUpMaxAngle = 30.000000
  371. Vehicle2PitchDownMaxAngle = 30.000000
  372. BikeDisable = false
  373. BikeAttachId = 0
  374. BikeFOV = 55.000000
  375. BikeOffsetHeight = -0.050000
  376. BikeOffsetForward = -0.080000
  377. BikeOffsetSide = 0.000000
  378. BikePitch = -11.000000
  379. BikeFollowMovement = true
  380. BikeMovementMultVel = 0.750000
  381. BikeMovementMultRot = 0.150000
  382. BikeMovementCap = 45.000000
  383. BikeLongForwardMult = 0.050000
  384. BikeLongBackwardMult = 0.100000
  385. BikeLongDeadzone = 0.950000
  386. BikeLongGamma = 1.000000
  387. BikeLongForwardLimit = 0.100000
  388. BikeLongBackwardLimit = 0.120000
  389. BikePitchUpMult = 5.000000
  390. BikePitchDownMult = 5.000000
  391. BikePitchDeadzone = 0.000000
  392. BikePitchUpMaxAngle = 30.000000
  393. BikePitchDownMaxAngle = 30.000000
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