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Changeling sucker posts

a guest
Jun 6th, 2012
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  1. >walk into bedroom
  2. >changelingbro is presenting, vaginal claw waving around like nobody's business
  3. >"Well, you wanna...."
  4. >"uh, i, dude, this is"
  5. >"SPAWN MORE OVERLORDS" in a perfect zerg advisor voice
  6. >what do
  8. >approach her
  9. >the vaginal sucker wraps itself tightly around your penis, until it's taken you all the way in
  10. >it contracts around you, squeezing you tightly with its soft slimy insides, poking playfully at your shaft with its tiny claws
  12. >it feels incredible
  13. >in no time, you cum harder than ever before
  14. >the sucker responds by sucking and squeezing even harder to suck up all your semen, biting down around you softly with its claws
  16. >after so many nights of this, changeling bro gets pregnant
  17. >it's cool, you're still bros and got each other's backs
  19. >months later she gives birth
  20. >you go to the nursery, there are like a couple hundred bassinets
  21. >ask which one is yours
  22. >all of them
  25. welp
  27. time to marry changeling and start up a hive in the suburbs
  29. >You can't keep the kids under control, ever
  30. >Evolve several of them into overlords
  32. >they start burrowing and diversifying
  33. >neighborhood dogs, cats, mailmen, and Jehovah's witnesses start going missing
  35. >"Kids, you will eject those Jehovah's witnesses immediately."
  36. >"Seriously, that is just disgusting."
  37. >"We can't have them corrupting the brood with their bullshit."
  39. >the entire neighborhood throws a party for you and the brood for chasing out the Jehovah's Witnesses
  40. >you have to keep stopping your minions from shifting into appealing human forms and leading the teenagers there off to one of your house's many bedrooms
  42. >You do it via mental cock blocking.
  43. Who says you can't have fun every now and then?
  45. >a large group of relatives from out of town are visiting one of the families at the party
  46. >you mentally let you children know that all of them are fair game so long as none of them get pregnant and they are all out of the hive by the time the party ends
  47. >you don't see them, even the toddler, for the rest of the night
  48. >the toddler is playing hide and seek with the hatchlings
  50. >new breeds of changeling emerge
  51. >one of them has a government job soliciting religion
  52. >the other chases itself up a tree
  53. >you are the worst overmind ever
  55. >"You're the worst overmind EVER!"
  56. >One of the nymphs is throwing a hormonal fit because you won't let her go to that house party
  57. >You've heard the news about the violent deaths, mares being found outside parties eaten from the inside, you'll be damned if that happens to one of your own
  58. >as your nymph skitters back to her nest, you and changelingbrowife exchange a knowing glance
  59. >out there is another changeling swarm
  60. >the hive cluster is under attack
  62. >you and changelingbrowife are having an argument
  63. >stay and fight or uproot the entire hive to another town
  64. >your brood has enough trouble fitting in as it is
  65. >neither of you even remember which side of the argument you were on
  66. >entire brood feels spikes of psychic pain as you shout at each other
  67. >marriage to changelingbrowife was just for convenience, there was no love
  68. >you used to be best friends and roommates
  69. >now you barely know each other in between all the hive duties and the constantly evolving swarm
  70. >and now the threat of an invading swarm, it's too much
  72. >no matter how much alcohol you imbibe it doesn't drown out the turmoil of emotion coming from changelingwife
  73. >suddenly an intense dagger of anguish shoots through you
  74. >a hole is ripped out of your soul as one of your own perishes
  75. >the nymph you had grounded earlier in the month, dying a horrific, painful death as she is consumed from inside by an enemy parasite
  77. >you kick down the door to your nesting chamber and reunite with tearful changeling wife
  78. >you swear to find who did this and make them pay
  80. >it's sick, training and mutating your brood for war
  81. >you tell yourself it's for self-defense, this is what all parents teach their kids eventually
  82. >say no to drugs, don't talk to strangers, stab rapists with your keys, aim for the throat or solar plexus, grab guns out of muggers' hands, locate and sever the primary nerve cord in an enemy changeling's form
  83. >maybe not that last bit, but still
  84. >you observe your growing brood
  85. >some practice their spine stabs
  86. >others are painting
  87. >one is learning to aim his acid spores
  88. >another is reading Dostoyevsky
  89. >you look at your human hands and envy your hybrid spawn, realizing that the best you can do is to teach your children
  90. >and hope they make the right choice
  92. >A larva scoots a sheet to you.
  93. >It's probably some garbage it ran into on its normal path...
  94. >Picking it up you notice it's a couples therapy pamphlet.
  96. >it's just a clueless guy and a changeling
  97. >your attack force rolls up, but it turns out they're both pretty cool
  98. >you clear up your differences and they agree to stay off your turf
  99. >they come over to watch sports with you and changelingbrowife sometimes
  101. >soon you are all out of semen
  102. >but the sucker won't stop
  103. >it continues to suck you hard, hoping to get a few more drops out
  104. >deciding to fulfill its wish, you relax your muscles and begin urinating
  105. >changeling smiles at you
  107. >your urethrae tickles for a while, but he says that's supposed to happen
  108. >later that night he drags you to a club and tries to hook you up with as many chicks as he can
  109. >changeling bro is such a bro
  111. >you have a good idea of what's happening
  114. >of course you know what's going on
  115. >changeling bro is trying to make up for that awkward fuck by hooking you up with as many chicks as you can
  116. >your condoms always burst, but the girls say their on the pill so it's cool
  118. >there is a gas explosion while you and changeling bro are out at a club
  119. >your house is destroyed, but luckily your insurance covers everything
  120. >luckily, changeling bro had been looking at places out of state so you were able to move the next day
  121. >changeling bro is the best bro ever
  123. >humanbro, I'm sorry to say but there's a problem with the exp
  124. >let me guess, it's the neighbors
  125. >like you wouldn't believe
  126. >changelingbro shows you a photo of another human and his changelingbrowife dropping their brood off at school in an overlord
  127. >that changelingbrowife is queen material and if there's one thing queens hate...
  128. >changelingbro starts to shift back into female form right before your eyes
  129. >'s competition
  131. >you and changelingbro can't raise an army on short notice
  132. >but you can still use the parasites to your advantage
  133. >changelingbro spends some time mutating them to be less lethal
  134. >you have a week of nonstop wild fucking as she loads you up with parasites
  135. >you have another week of nonstop wild fucking as the two of you go about town, fucking random mares (and stallions) to spread your influence
  136. >you inadvertently ask why go to all the trouble
  137. >changelingbro admits he wanted to settle down and start a hive of his own, fed up with living solo
  138. >your overmind gives you a complete map of town as your parasites begin to feed and mature inside their hosts
  139. >one of the infected is actually an enemy changeling
  141. >you witnessed every moment of that nymph's death from the view of the parasite that killed her
  142. >you know this means war, try to convince changelingbro to call it all off
  143. >it was a silly game, but now it's gotten too real and you want out
  144. >changelingbro looks genuinely hurt
  145. >turns out changelingbro harbors feelings for you
  146. >spent the last of their minerals and gas to find this new exp, they have nothing left
  147. >no queen, no family, no friends, just this exp and you
  148. >too late to turn back, the enemy hive has been stirred
  149. >you against the world, bros to the end
  151. >the two of your join your strength and send a psychic apology to the hive you wronged
  152. >this wasn't meant to happen, we didn't realize she was a changeling, please don't kill us
  153. >they agree to a meeting to further discuss things
  155. >your hive crushes theirs with sheer numbers
  156. >the queen of the smaller hive is devolved into a playtoy for your horny children
  157. >the human has the larva removed from his testicles and becomes the first human bro you've had in ages
  158. >he still gets to visit his wife and a few of your children have taken a fancy to him so you let him hand around as long as he doesn't breed
  160. >watch the news a few months later
  161. >see a large number of reports of mares being found mangled and half-eaten as if something ate through them from the inside
  162. >exchange happy smiles with changeling
  164. >her sucker continues to squeeze, sucking up every drop of urine
  165. >when you finally run out, you feel as though your bladder has never been this empty before
  166. >changeling gives you a look of slight disappointment at the realization that she can't get any more out of you, but smiles anyway
  167. >she releases her grip on your cock and the sucker retracts back inside her
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