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a guest
Sep 25th, 2017
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text 4.58 KB | None | 0 0
  1. dialog rho {
  2. title "<< IK Away >>"
  3. size -1 -1 95 56
  4. option dbu
  5. text "Pseudo :", 1, 4 6 25 8, center
  6. combo 2, 31 4 61 160, size drop
  7. text "Raison :", 3, 4 20 25 8, center
  8. edit "", 4, 31 18 61 10, autohs
  9. button "Partir ", 5, 3 31 41 10
  10. button "Revenir", 6, 51 31 41 10, disable
  11. button "OK/Fermer", 7, 3 42 89 10, ok
  12. }
  14. dialog tute {
  15. title "Rapport"
  16. size -1 -1 147 24
  17. option dbu
  18. text "Temps d'absence", 1, 3 2 52 8, center
  19. text $duration($calc($ctime - %ctime)), 2, 58 2 87 8, center
  20. button "Fermer", 3, 3 12 142 10, ok
  21. }
  23. on *:dialog:rho:init:*:{
  24. dll dll/mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version
  25. dll dll/mdx.dll MarkDialog rho
  26. dll dll/mdx.dll SetDialog rho bgcolor $rgb(90,110,120)
  27. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 3 background $rgb(90,110,120)
  28. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 3 textbg $rgb(90,110,120)
  29. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 3 text $rgb(255,255,255)
  30. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 1 background $rgb(90,110,120)
  31. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 1 textbg $rgb(90,110,120)
  32. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 1 text $rgb(255,255,255)
  33. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 2 background $rgb(0,0,0)
  34. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 2 textbg $rgb(0,0,0)
  35. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 2 text $rgb(110,230,250)
  36. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 4 background $rgb(0,0,0)
  37. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 4 textbg $rgb(0,0,0)
  38. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 4 text $rgb(110,230,250)
  39. dll dll/mdx.dll SetBorderStyle 4 clientedge
  40. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 5 background $rgb(0,0,0)
  41. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 5 textbg $rgb(0,0,0)
  42. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 5 text $rgb(255,0,0)
  43. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 6 background $rgb(0,0,0)
  44. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 6 textbg $rgb(0,0,0)
  45. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 6 text $rgb(255,0,0)
  46. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 7 background $rgb(0,0,0)
  47. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 7 textbg $rgb(0,0,0)
  48. dll dll/mdx.dll SetColor rho 7 text $rgb(255,0,0)
  50. if ( %away == on ) {
  51. did -b rho 5
  52. did -e rho 6
  53. did -b rho 7
  54. did -b rho 2
  55. did -b rho 4
  56. }
  58. did -r rho 2 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13
  59. did -i rho 2 1 $me $+ `Away
  60. did -i rho 2 2 $me $+ `OQP
  61. did -i rho 2 3 $me $+ `Code
  62. did -i rho 2 4 $me $+ `Toshop
  63. did -i rho 2 5 $me $+ `Travail
  64. did -i rho 2 6 $me $+ `Miam
  65. did -i rho 2 7 $me $+ `Play
  66. did -i rho 2 8 $me $+ `Ecole
  67. did -i rho 2 9 $me $+ `Film
  68. did -i rho 2 10 $me $+ `Courses
  69. did -i rho 2 11 $me $+ `Ménage
  70. did -i rho 2 12 $me $+ `Douche
  71. did -i rho 2 13 $me $+ `Calin
  72. did -i rho 2 14 $me $+ `ZzZzZ
  73. did -c rho 2 1
  74. did -ra rho 4 %whyaw
  75. }
  77. on *:dialog:rho:sclick:12:{ did -e rho 10 | set %repetaw 1 }
  78. on *:dialog:rho:sclick:13:{ did -b rho 10 | set %repetaw 0 }
  79. on *:dialog:rho:sclick:5:{
  80. did -b rho 5
  81. did -e rho 6
  82. did -b rho 7
  83. did -b rho 2
  84. did -b rho 4
  85. %whyaw = $did(4)
  86. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 1) set %nickaw $me $+ `Away
  87. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 2) set %nickaw $me $+ `OQP
  88. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 3) set %nickaw $me $+ `Code
  89. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 4) set %nickaw $me $+ `Toshop
  90. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 5) set %nickaw $me $+ `Travail
  91. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 6) set %nickaw $me $+ `MiAM
  92. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 7) set %nickaw $me $+ `Play
  93. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 8) set %nickaw $me $+ `Ecole
  94. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 9) set %nickaw $me $+ `Film
  95. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 10) set %nickaw $me $+ `Courses
  96. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 11) set %nickaw $me $+ `Menage
  97. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 12) set %nickaw $me $+ `Douche
  98. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 13) set %nickaw $me $+ `Calin
  99. if ($did(rho,2,1).sel == 14) set %nickaw $me $+ `ZzZzZz
  100. set %origine $me
  101. set %time $time
  102. ame 14,1 est [0 Away 14] 14 à [0 %time 14] 14 Raison [0 %whyaw 14] | set %ctime $ctime
  103. tnick %nickaw
  104. /set %away on
  105. }
  107. on *:dialog:rho:sclick:6:{
  108. did -b rho 6
  109. did -e rho 5
  110. did -e rho 7
  111. did -e rho 2
  112. did -e rho 4
  113. ame 14,1 n'est plus [0 Away 14] 14 Parti à [00 %time 14] 14 Retour à [0 $time 14] 14 Temps D'absence [0 $duration($calc($ctime - %ctime)) 14] 14 La raison [0 %whyaw 14]
  114. tnick %origine
  115. dialog -m tute tute
  116. set %away off
  117. }
  119. On *:dialog:rho:edit:*:{
  120. if ( $did == 4 ) { set %whyaw $did(rho,4).text }
  121. }
  123. on *:open:?: {
  124. if ( %away == on ) { /msg $nick ABSENT: 4Je suis 10A14wa10Y 7 $nick , 10raison : 4[3 %whyaw 4] | set %ctime $ctime }
  125. }
  127. On *:text:*:#: {
  128. If ( %away == on ) && ($me isin $strip($1-)) { .notice $nick 4Oui $nick ? Tu m'appèles ?... Ben tu parles dans le vide car je suis 7Away }
  129. }
  131. alias aw { dialog -m rho rho }
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