
Telekinesis Part 9

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. >You plunge the spade into the soft earth, and toss the dirt out of the hole.
  2. >Twilight gave you something else to do, today.
  3. >She told you to dig a hole, deep as you like, and to bring it to her.
  4. >You survey your work, and decide that it's probably good enough.
  5. >You climb out of the ten foot deep hole, and rest for a bit.
  6. >Digging holes is difficult.
  7. >Once you're sufficiently rested, you go over to the edge of the hole, and dig your fingers under the edge.
  8. >Then, you pull as hard as you can and sure enough, the hole comes off.
  9. >Time to show Twilight, then.
  10. >You put the hole on the side of the library, walk through it, and take it off the other end.
  11. "Here's that hole you wanted."
  12. >Speechless once again.
  13. >You toss the hole on the ground, and let her deal with it.
  14. >You stop being in the library
  15. >And start being in the Ponyville Market.
  16. >You look around and find a free stall.
  17. >And by free, you mean unsupervised.
  18. >You sweep the pears or whatever off the stall, and put down a little cardboard plaque that says
  19. >"Free Psychiatric Help. The doctor is OUT."
  20. >That was fun.
  21. >A small yellow and red creature is waving at you from across the market.
  22. >You stop being on this side of the market
  23. >And start being on the other side, with the yellow and red filly.
  24. "Hello, small one! What might you be doing this fine evening?"
  25. >She looks confused.
  26. >"But it's morning."
  27. "Pfft. Yeah, and the sun is just a massive fusion reaction. Right. What did you want?"
  28. >"Ah just wanted to say thank you for bringing Applejack back to her senses yesterday."
  29. "'Twas nothing. Really."
  30. >You pull down a floating barrel of apples, and start eating them.
  31. >Breakfast is served.
  32. "So, whatsyername, do you have anything I could do? I'm pretty bored."
  33. >"Mah name's Applebloom, and... are you the one who put that barrel there?"
  34. "Yes, Applebloom. I did put that barrel there, but keep on topic. Things to do."
  35. >"Uhhh."
  36. >Realisation.
  37. >"You could help mah friends and I get our Cutie Marks!"
  38. "What makes you think that?"
  39. >She drags you off into the distance, ignoring your question.
  40. >In short order you arrive at some sort of treehouse.
  41. >And not a tree house, either. You live in one of those.
  42. >Inside the treehouse there are two other ponies.
  43. >One you recognise as Rarity's sister, but the other you have no idea who it is.
  44. >Applebloom explains to them that you're going to help them get their Cutie Marks, but you're only sort of paying attention.
  45. >She stops talking, and all three look at you.
  46. >You say nothing for a bit, then
  47. "Names."
  48. >"I'm Sweetie Belle!"
  49. >"I'm Scootaloo!"
  50. >"And Ah'm Applebloom!"
  51. "...Do you have any paper and crayons lying around?"
  52. >Turns out, they do.
  53. >The crayons aren't exactly Crayola quality, but they'll do.
  54. >You draw a tree, a bell, and a scooter.
  55. >And stick each one to their butts.
  56. >They look at them for a short while, and look back at you.
  57. >"What's that supposed to do?"
  58. "It's what I think your Cutie Marks are going to be. They're usually some terrible pun, so I thought of the worst ones I could."
  59. >They scoff, and you let yourself out.
  60. >You stop being at the treehouse
  61. >And start being at the Tree House.
  62. >Twilight is doing some sort of science on the hole you left.
  63. >You exit the Library, and think of what to do next.
  64. >That's it! You'll make a waterslide!
  65. >You combat roll your way to the edge of the Everfree Forest, and start deforesting.
  66. >Every tree you knock down, you grab it, stop being there, and start being where you want that log to be, then you trim the excess branches off with a few well placed punches.
  67. >Every log in your grand design is placed firmly in the air where it needs to be.
  68. >Your amazing waterslide sprawls throughout the entire town, going up and down and around and over and through plenty of houses, businesses and parks, starting from Twilight's bedroom window.
  69. >Needless to say, assembling an entire waterslide from scratch isn't exactly the sort of thing you do in ten minutes, no.
  70. >You build the slide in a good 3 hours or so.
  71. >Now there are two problems.
  72. >One.
  73. >It's hardly a water slide if there's no water.
  74. >Two.
  75. >Since it's made of wood, you'd get splinters if you decided to ride it.
  76. >Hmm.
  77. >Shiny wood doesn't give you splinters.
  78. >You should polish the slide.
  79. >You stop being wherever
  80. >And start being in Carousel Boutique.
  81. "Do you have any shoe polish?"
  82. >Rarity pops around a corner, to talk to you.
  83. >"Yes, actually. Just over in that corner over there. Please, take as much as you like, it's the least I could do."
  84. >You grab as much shoe polish as you can, and strap it to your butt.
  85. >Now you need water.
  86. >Water comes from clouds, right?
  87. >Rainbow Dash's house is a cloud!
  88. >Perfect!
  89. >You stop being in Carousel Boutique
  90. >And start being outside Rainbow Dash's house.
  91. >You take a firm grip on the house, and drag it over the start of the slide.
  92. >A swift smack to get it working, and the cloud starts to dump water into the slide.
  93. >Beautiful!
  94. >With your butt protected by polish, you ride the slide to get it primed.
  95. >After ten minutes or so of exciting twists and turns, you've covered the entire slide in polish.
  96. "It is complete!"
  97. >You spin your way nack to the start, and find Twilight queueing to get on.
  98. "Huh. I didn't know it'd be this popular."
  99. >Twilight turns to you slowly, a strange look on her face.
  100. >"Anon?"
  101. "Yes'm?"
  102. >She takes a deep breath.
  104. "Because I thought it was a good idea."
  105. >She storms off, probably very angry. Can't imagine why though.
  106. >You detach the shoe polish from your behind, and ride the slide again.
  107. >Wheeeee!
  108. >Waterslides sure are fun!
  109. >You waddle your way back to the start again, and find Twilight examining the hole you left.
  110. "If you wanted it somewhere else, you just needed to ask."
  111. >You tear the hole off the floor, and fold it up and give it to her.
  112. >She is speechless once again. This seems to be a recurring theme with her.
  113. "Y'know, I probably could've built that waterslide and about a fifth of the time if you'd just teach me telekinesis."
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