
Terminus: Centricon-Reborn 4

May 7th, 2023
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  1. [18:14] "I have been unable to find anything out about the governor of this island. Either he was so reclusive nobody knew them, or they are dead."
  3. She had been looking into it as requested, but it seemed the mainland had no idea who they were.
  5. "However I still intend to look until I have an definitive answer."
  6. (Syrta)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [18:24] The eyes of the Terminal peeled open to gaze down upon the two, returning with information about the surface world. They spoke, it listened...
  10. Then, thoughts traversed behind its many eyes.
  12. "The Governer… Silas Effret, based on your claims. Perhaps they are ailed by sickness. It would justify your incapability to find them. I'd assume the surface would have other notable figures, but if not, slowly claiming it under control shouldn't prove too taxing.
  14. It is absolutely imperative that the security of this land remain intact from foreign forces... I fathom my wards can only fend off those from my altar's mouth for so long."
  16. Eyes adjusted to focus on Calypso now.
  18. "Tell me, have you managed to succeed in my taskings upon you both already?"
  19. (Terminus)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [18:29] He shook his head in response, "If it's about collecting the things for the next ritual I don't believe we've started or at least I haven't started yet. If I remember correctly it was quite a lot of materials that needed to be gathered."
  24. If they were indeed talking about the same ritual, "I was waiting until we both started since it would make collecting everything easier. I know it's for our benefit, but I needed to ensure I'd be able to properly help since last time I wasn't able to starch those creatures."
  26. Calypso nodded.
  28. "That's the long answer, but the short answer is no."
  29. (Calypso)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [18:36] The long Calypso spoke, the obvious the answer became. Yet, the proclaimed Demon Patron did not say a word until they finished.
  34. "Then, the purpose of your return must be for the Centricon." A lone tendril ventured forth for the two, jutting to the flesh-moss covered ground as to direct them.
  36. "Place it down... Here."
  37. The tendril recoiled, and a pedestal of flesh erected from where it once pointed -- An altar of sorts.
  39. "Recite your Oath in prayer, and cast forth a meager portion of one's own essence. Focus on the pain that the world has incurred upon itself, that you feel upon your skin, your flesh and soul... For that of the Sins of Man.
  41. … Cast such maleficence force, and I shall bestow upon it, your boon."
  42. (Terminus)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [18:36] {Item} You picked up Centricon Of The Reborn. Dropped by Syrta..
  46. [18:38] {Item} You picked up The Rest Of The Book...?..
  47. [18:53] Syrta placed the Centricon on the altar, before taking a step back, and kneeling down, closing her remaining eye in prayer. She could not afford to mess up again, her flayed face testament to what anything less than perfection would cost.
  49. Words of prayer were soon spoken, although in a language far similar to the one in the book, as occultic mana formed around the bear kin, converting her words from what was said into a far better prayer. One that would contain her as a being inside of it.
  51. "Renuntio eo quod ulterius sanguinem quaerit, nam mox numquam sanguinem effundemus."
  53. "Renuntio eo quod me ad sanguinis sitim agit, nam caecati carne manere non possumus."
  55. "Renuntio eo quod me mortalem facit, nam mox cum immortales coniungemur."
  58. A pause, to allow Calypso to repeat her words, to join her in prayer. For they too were as much as part of this as she was. All who entered here would either join or become part of the many. She would see to that, as she continued the prayer, the pause ended.
  60. "Advoco nuntium finis, ut robur adhibeam, ut eius visionem feram, ut mea assequar."
  62. "Advoco nuntium finis, ut carnem et animam meam offeram, ut eius sim munus."
  64. "Per pretium eius manus, vivam in aeternum, non iam sub mortis ira laborans."
  66. "Sed in terra somniorum, quae etiam mihi et omnibus aliis apparebit…"
  68. "Usque Terminus."
  70. The prayer spoken, Syrta kept her position of prayer, until Calypso had finished his end. She would rise when the Patron gave her permission to after the prayer was finished, or be consumed for her lack of perfection yet again. But she doubted the later, she had made sure of that.
  71. (Syrta)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [19:00] Following her lead he would join her in prayer if not for the pause between each verse he likely wouldn't have caught up. He walks forward and knees down at the alter.
  76. --What happens if he messes up the words? There was already an reaction to every action. He took a deep breath and begin to repeat everything she said.
  78. "Renuntio eo quod ulterius sanguinem quaerit, nam mox numquam sanguinem effundemus."
  80. "Renuntio eo quod me ad sanguinis sitim agit, nam caecati carne manere non possumus."
  82. "Renuntio eo quod me mortalem facit, nam mox cum immortales coniungemur"
  84. Nothing seems to have happened, so far everything seemed to e going according to plan. He took a moment to gather himself and prepare the next verse hoping to continue his streak.
  86. "Advoco nuntium finis, ut robur adhibeam, ut eius visionem feram, ut mea assequar."
  88. "Advoco nuntium finis, ut carnem et animam meam offeram, ut eius sim munus."
  90. "Per pretium eius manus, vivam in aeternum, non iam sub mortis ira laborans."
  92. "Sed in terra somniorum, quae etiam mihi et omnibus aliis apparebit…"
  94. "Usque Terminus."
  96. Finally he finished and the prayer was spoken perhaps he could have done a little better, but I the end everything seems to have worked out.
  97. (Calypso)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [19:04] Syrta with a swift slashing of her claws against her arm, she presented an offering of blood to bring the prayer to a close.
  101. (Syrta)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [19:23] The pupils of the eyes abroad took to a violet glint, shining akin to stars in the dark. The dominant eye gazing upon them gaped as its pupil shined its light upon them all. Leylines, not simply around this fleshborne pedestal, but the flesh-moss went alight.
  106. Sapphire gleaming veins made themselves known, resonating with a crescendo of bassful humming around them. It was charging up... Building an immense amount of mana within a construct of its own cancerous flesh.
  108. True to its nature, it did not speak upon their actions nor the necessity of what they did. It was a reverence that the Demon Patron sought to enforce strictly through potent action. A tithe was paid through the spilled blood of Syrta, dripping to the flesh-moss below that spiked up in reply. It crawled upward, as though tiny hands reaching out for each drop, savoring in the flavor of it.
  110. The act, seemed to satisfy the Terminal -- carrying out its Will without a word further.
  112. A lavender glow consumed the Centricon, taking to an alabaster spheroid of light at the epicenter to any whom dared to continue their stare upon it. Its potential was being enacted upon, as the front cover flipped open. The pages fluttered by to reveal one of the glowing pages prior. The markings ebbed and shifted, soon becoming legible letters... Words...
  113. Phrases, and soon -- A ritual.
  115. The Ritual Of The All-Seeing
  117. Though, it did not appear to be the only page... Yet another came to...
  119. The Beckon Of The End
  121. That page unlike the others appeared to be darker in fashion. The material... Tougher.
  123. The light subsided, and the once gleaming mana-vascular system had rendered itself hidden once more. The shining of eyes abroad had come to a stop, and the gaping of the dominant eye had been reduced to a half-lidded lull.
  125. "I bestow upon your Centricon, now dubbed 'Of The End'. Two rituals to add to your purview... The latter of such, special. It can only be casted, once every fifteen years. Unlike any of the others... It will rid you of most aspects of your humanity. A total agent of my Will, through and through... Withered away of your individuality.
  127. I do not expect to see its use any time soon... Though, should the day come. Know, the world you have experienced thus far, will be shut from you, for eternity... Until it has become that which I intend."
  130. (Terminus)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [19:32] Syrta nodded, the orb's light from the ritual's effects bleeding through her one closed eye. Two rituals were added, and one with a heavy restriction on its use. She would have to inspect it later, to see what would be required should the time come to that.
  135. However she had to consider Calypso as well, a tool for her, but also one that sought the same path all the same. They would be made aware of the new rituals. And then the task of gathering the materials needed for the ritual they had been tasked with earlier could begin.
  137. "By your will Patron. I shall strive to see your will done."
  138. (Syrta)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [19:57] {Item} You picked up The Ritual Of Greater Ascension..
  142. [19:57] {Item} You picked up The Ritual Of Lesser Ascension..
  143. [19:58] {Item} You picked up The Ritual Of The Marked..
  144. [19:59] {Item} You picked up The Rest Of The Book...?..
  145. [19:59] {Item} You picked up The Ritual Of Greater Ascension..
  146. [19:59] {Item} You picked up The Ritual Of Lesser Ascension..
  147. [19:59] {Item} You picked up The Ritual Of The End..
  148. [20:10] He bows his head there was work that needed to be done, there was a lot of time used here.
  150. "My Patron, we will see to it that your will is brought forward and done."
  152. He stood tall looking over at his companion as there were new rituals they needed to work towards. It gave him something to strive for. He took a deep breath. He took his deck of cards out and began to shuffle them, every so often he'd pluck a few cards out and look over them.
  154. After a few minutes passed he put the deck back onto his waist, "I will work towards achieving the state which will be ready to cast aside my humanity. Until then I will continue to shape things in your imagination and if you'll have it I can bring others that wish to join the cause only if you deem those actions worthy."
  156. Perhaps it was going far left, but it could benefit them in some way, shape, or form should that be something his Patron desires.
  157. (Calypso)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [20:12] {Item} You drop Centricon Of The End.
  161. [20:18] A hum was ushered in reply. all that needed to be said, was heard. All that remained now, was for the two to head out into the world. The flesh-wall turned Demon Patron looked onward with mouths riled for toothy grins -- appeased.
  163. "Go now... Claim your prize, and venture into the land once more. I await your return with news of progress and success. I would expect nothing less..."
  165. Tendrils stabbed for the ceiling, imitating pillars for them to walk by in a fashion that resembled... A palace?
  167. Given time and effort from them, the Patron was gaining strength. Was it their faith? Their sacrifices? Their devotion? Perhaps, it wasn't quite clear. Time would tell...
  168. (Terminus)
  169. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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