
Healing Practices (ch1)

Jun 17th, 2018
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  3. I wrote this directly after seeing episode 11 and before seeing anything else from canon, even though I'm posting it now much later (yes, it's been on my wait list for 6 months). So in the beginning I totally skim over a ton of details just because I literally didn't know what happened in canon yet at the time lol.
  5. This fic is a Weiss-spoiling story. Each chapter is basically a different Weiss pairing, with either Ruby, Blake, or Yang taking care of her post-volume 5.
  7. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  9. ------------
  11. Chapter 1.
  13. A lot's happened in only the brief amount of time since Weiss had acquired her newest scar.
  15. After she'd been stabbed, so much had transpired, but she hadn't gotten to witness much of it for herself until a certain point.
  17. More or less, the fight was over for the time being, and they'd all retreated to one of Qrow's hideouts to recuperate. Weiss in particular. The wound she'd sustained had been life-threatening at the time, but now it was nothing more than another scar.
  19. Even just thinking about it now as she tries to help tidy up the place a bit makes her flinch. All the clothes she chooses to wear cover the scar completely, but oftentimes it feels like it's still burning its way into view for all the world to see.
  21. She'd spent so many years already getting used to the looks people gave her for the one on her face. She hates to think she'll have to do it all over again.
  23. She sighs as she picks up a dirty plate from the kitchen table and brings it over to the sink. Just about everyone else is out training right now. And yet she'd been ordered to stay put inside. She knows it's for her own good, but after all the years of being locked away by her father, she can't help but feel like she's being hidden out of shame.
  25. She makes her way to the sink slowly, being mindful of the way she moves her right arm. Even just a simple bump against a cabinet or counter could cause immense pain, as she'd previously discovered.
  27. But this time she manages to place the plate into the sink without incident and turns on the water to start washing it. She doesn't hear the footsteps behind her, only the squeak of surprise.
  29. "Weiss! What are you doing?"
  31. Ruby darts over immediately and turns off the faucet. She gives a firm pouting glare up at Weiss. The heiress blinks, but it quickly turns to a sigh of defeat as she realizes she's been found out.
  33. "I was just cleaning up, Ruby."
  35. "You're not supposed to be doing any work! Any! You're supposed to be resting! Your wound opened up again just last night, remember?"
  37. "I remember," Weiss said. "I was just-"
  39. "Nope! Denied! You're coming with me and you're gonna relax!"
  41. "Ruby-"
  43. But the heiress cuts herself off when she looks into her partner's eyes again. She knows nothing she tries is going to work on her. Even though Weiss has told her a dozen times that she feels useless just sitting around doing nothing, Ruby won't allow her to do even simple chores right now when she's still at risk of reopening her injury. So Weiss heaves a sigh and caves.
  45. "Fine. You win."
  47. "Darn right I do!"
  49. Ruby steps in and presses herself close to Weiss' good side, slipping an arm around her back to support her. Weiss isn't ashamed to lean into her, especially not when they're alone together like this.
  51. Gradually, they limp their way back to the living room area. The windows are open and it's warm with sunlight. Weiss draws in a deep breath, but even doing that much sends a pang through her side. Ruby feels her tense up and pauses.
  53. "Weiss? You okay?"
  55. "Yes..."
  57. But her brow is creased and Ruby knows better. She guides Weiss to the couch and helps her sit, taking the spot beside her. Weiss' hand naturally goes to her bad side again as she catches her breath. Ruby runs her hand up and down her partner's back anxiously.
  59. "Nice and slow," she murmurs. "Don't push yourself."
  61. Weiss flashes her an appreciative glance for the support. When she's better, she lifts her left hand and pulls Ruby in for a soft kiss. Ruby hums in delight, making sure to place her hands gently on Weiss' shoulder and hip, avoiding the sore spot.
  63. They haven't gotten to do this a lot at all since she'd gotten hurt. Ruby is still very cautious about it even now. She knows holding a kiss for too long will make Weiss breathless, and just breathing too hard right now could hurt her.
  65. So Ruby pays attention to the way Weiss' lips move against her own, the way the air passes between them. She enjoys it for all it's worth, but the second Weiss' breath hitches even just a little she eases herself back.
  67. Ruby coaxes her back so she can lean against the couch cushions. Once Weiss is comfortably settled, the brunette snuggles up to her left side, looping her arms loosely around her stomach and tucking her head against the heiress' shoulder. She closes her eyes, and for a long time she just stays like this, listening to the soft pattern of Weiss' pulse.
  69. Weiss rests her head lightly on top of Ruby's and closes her eyes as well.
  71. They alternate between being barely asleep and barely awake for a while, breathing quietly. Only when Ruby needs to run to the bathroom does she ease herself away, but not without leaving one last quick kiss on Weiss' lips.
  73. In her partner's absence, Weiss pulls a book off the nearby table and focuses on reading. Mental training is about the only kind she can do as she is now. When Ruby comes back in she sits down on the floor, stretching out as she opens her scroll and gets to calling Yang and everyone else to see how their training is going.
  75. For about an hour or so they enjoy their time in this manner. But as the sun gradually begins to make its descent toward the horizon, Weiss knows the others will be coming back soon. She closes her book now and looks up to where Ruby had fallen asleep on the floor while playing a game on her scroll.
  77. Weiss rolls her eyes affectionately and gets to her feet. She knows she can just call out for her, but she doesn't want to wake her. She knows she can wait for Yang to come back to move her off the floor, but Weiss opts to do it herself.
  79. Crouching down beside her partner, she painstakingly slips her arms beneath Ruby's sleeping form, turning her over in her lap to rest on her back. Weiss smiles down at her childish expression.
  81. Some things never do change, I suppose.
  83. She braces Ruby on her knee for a moment, cradling the back of her head as she leans down to plant a kiss on her forehead. She doesn't weigh all that much, and Weiss only intends to bring her a few feet back to the couch. It should be easy-
  85. But the second she tries to push herself up with Ruby in her arms, a sharp pain jabs at her side. It's so intense she can't do anything other than slump back to her knees, only just barely managing to keep Ruby secure in her arms.
  87. But the cry of pain can't be suppressed, and it wakes her. Ruby's eyes open slowly at first, then all at once when she sees Weiss' expression. Instantly Ruby sits herself up in a panic.
  89. "Weiss? Weiss-?"
  91. The heiress has both hands pressed over her side again, but the hissing breath on her lips tells Ruby she's hurting a lot worse than before. Without hesitation, Ruby reaches out to support her before Weiss can sway. She covers Weiss' hands with her own and shares a bit of her aura onto the wound.
  93. "Weiss, s-stay still! It's gonna be okay..." Ruby feels her lip quivering when she realizes there are tears dripping down her partner's cheeks. All she can think to do is pull her in and try to keep her steady. "I-It's okay, it's okay..."
  95. Weiss' shoulders are jolting as she tries to catch her breath. The pain in her side lingers for several agonizing seconds before Ruby's aura begins to cancel it out. Weiss swallows and finally finds the strength to cling to her partner's clothes for support.
  97. Ruby holds her up, taking all of Weiss' weight in her arms and letting her rest her head on her shoulder. Ruby hushes her pained cries and plants kisses along her cheek, tiny seeds that slowly blossom into plumes of warmth. Her hands are firm and steady against Weiss' shaking form – reassuring.
  99. It takes a moment, but the pain eventually vanishes. Weiss feels the tension drain from her body in a long sigh, and her tight grip on Ruby lessens to something gentler. She fumbles to make her voice work.
  101. "I'm sorry-"
  103. "It's okay. Don't be sorry, Weiss. Just be okay..."
  105. "I will..." she promises. "I will."
  107. She knows it's her own fault this happened. She should've known better than to try and test her limits again, especially when she was like this. And now she'd worried Ruby...
  109. "Ruby, I'm sorry-"
  111. "Weiss, I already told you." She eases back just a few inches, just enough to pass her lips over Weiss', gently silencing the unnecessary apologies. Weiss whimpers into the kiss but accepts her chiding.
  113. They stay there a while longer, until Weiss has forgotten all about the pain. When she's ready, Ruby helps her to her feet.
  115. They move back to the couch and sit as they had been earlier. Ruby cuddles into her partner's left side again, and Weiss willingly rests her head atop Ruby's.
  117. "It seems this is going to be setting me back for a while now..."
  119. "That's okay. We'll help you, Weiss. With whatever you need. You don't have to worry about being 'set back.' You've done so much, you deserve a little break now."
  121. As much as Weiss turns her nose up at the idea of a 'break', she understands it's better that she recovery fully before being back in commission, lest she just keep injuring herself and further delaying her return to the front lines.
  123. Either way, it seems they won't be having to fight anyone again for at least another few days. And during that time Weiss believes she can bring herself to take it easy.
  125. Ruby nuzzles into her shoulder again, tracing her hand up Weiss' right side until her palm comes to rest lightly over the spot where she knows the scar to be. The contact gains the heiress' attention. She kisses Ruby's temple softly, prompting her to speak her mind.
  127. "You don't have to worry about us, Weiss. We'll take care of you. We'd be glad to. Don't think you're a burden on us." She tucks her face into Weiss' shoulder, nuzzling like a baby animal. Weiss brushes her cheek against her leader's hair until Ruby lifts her face. Weiss' eyes shimmer softly, lips smiling.
  129. "Thank you, Ruby."
  131. She kisses her this time, hoping the action conveys what words might fail to. When she eases back, she presses a kiss to both of Ruby's eyelids. The brunette giggles, softly rubbing her hand over Weiss' side.
  133. The door opens a moment later as the others start filing through, the air filling with the sounds of their voices and laughter.
  135. Ruby and Weiss help one another up and go to welcome them back.
  137. -----------
  139. A/N: Next chapter is Monochrome.
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