
Relic of the Future: Chapter 25

Sep 27th, 2022
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  1. Cinder shook her head angrily. It must have been too quick for them to track, and likely as one-sided as Ashari imagined. "Retreat," she snapped. "We underestimated him. He's slaughtering us."
  3. "There's no beating that." Ashari hissed. "He's not human."
  5. "He'll be removed." Cinder said. "He has to be or we're all of us dead. His anchor, or we can draw him out – something." Cinder looked to his arm, and Ashari wondered if she would take the chance to try and kill him. He couldn't do much with Emerald over his shoulder. Of course, that would leave her one Jaune down against this monster. Cinder made the right choice. "Grimm! Keep him busy – we're leaving. Now!"
  7. "Where's Headmaster?" Grimm asked.
  9. "What does it matter? He'd be no more use here than we are."
  11. Cinder rushed over to an unconscious Null, still beneath an Ursa and bleeding from his lips. She touched his neck, gasped in relief and hauled him out. Behind, Knight was wading toward them, each step taken through bodies of Grimm that continued to try and drag him down. His eyes remained locked on them, glowing blue in the night. Ashari cast down his last canisters – smoke grenades. Thick, pungent smoke began to belch out as the metal cylinder span like a toy on the ground.
  13. Ashari hoped Ruby knew what she was doing showing this much strength early on. After this, she was going to become a target.
  15. —Arc Royale: Chapter 25
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