
Talia's Diary #3

Jul 5th, 2023
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  1. "Yea, verily I say unto thee, in times of great need, when the desperate cry out, let thine heart be stirred with compassion. For lo, as the storm ravages the land and affliction befalls the humble, thou shalt consider the plight of the destitute.
  3. If thy neighbor suffers, his stomach empty and his children shiver in the night, thou shalt be moved to acts of mercy. As the bread of his table, thou mayest extend thine hand to claim from the unrighteous treasuries, with intent pure and noble, seeking only to bring succor to the oppressed.
  5. Yet, let it be known that the scales of righteousness remain delicate. Thus, thou shalt weigh thy deeds with prudence, for the path of thievery is fraught with darkness. Remember, it is not the rightness of the act itself, but the righteousness of thine intentions that shall be measured in the eyes of the Divine.
  7. Seek not to amass wealth for thine own gain, but to uplift the fallen, to clothe the naked, and to feed the famished. For charity shall be thy guiding light, and thy transgressions shall be absolved by the compassion that flows from thy soul.
  9. In the realm of desperation, where the boundaries blur, let love be thy compass. And when thy hand moves to take from the hands of another, let it be an act of sacrificial love, offered humbly in the name of mercy and the greater good."
  11. I remember these holy teachings of Osiris now, as I have gained the tome that I seek. The teleportation circle of the church is under high scrutiny, but it is the only way to pass the northern woods without traveling alone, which I feel may be harrowing, especially with such treasure in tow, so I will attempt to make my move to it.
  13. There will be much at risk, but for the good of this world, I will do what I must.
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