
Log 0050

Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. Eon: Having overcome the crazed spider golem, but not before it dealt a significant amount of damage to the party, the heroes retreated back to the safety of their well, safehouse. Resting up and recovering, Esker cast Divination twice, recieving a crpytic omen of the end, and confirmed that the Cradle of the End had a direct role in the Abyssification of the plane. Regardless, they returned to the Temple of Lolth afterwards, solved a minor puzzle, treaded along a necropolis, and eventually reached a 'shrine'. (It was closer to a temple, really.)
  3. Where upon they met a Lich, a Baelorn sworn to guard the moon of Lune. After a bit of diplomacy, they were eventually brought to their goal, the summoning circle for Lolth's goal. While smashing/casting a spell/attempting to dispel it would have been a Very Bad Idea, the party thankfully had an expert on such matters besides them, and it was dismantled without much issue. After conversing with Grave (and recieving moral support in the form of a Wish), our heroes left, and once back at the temple, an image of Lolth offered a deal which the party unsurprisingly refused. After which a Dracolich appeared, and despite what initially would appear to be bloody combat, turned out to resolve peacefully, with a bit of legal trickery. Oh, and we wrestled a dracolich.
  4. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are now here, at the turning point of your story.
  5. [9:16 PM] Eon: Said dracolich, Izfanbnir, also gave us the information on the location of a temporary lair, where upon we can take anything we wish, in exchange for some other information.
  6. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The world around you is as it always was, but it feels like as if something has been set in motion.
  7. [9:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As the end approaches... What will you do, adventurers?
  8. [9:17 PM] Eon: ... As silly as it sounds, U-turning and imploring Grave might be it.
  9. [9:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With you is Recelle, Shadow, and Nephelle, and you are currently located in the abandoed drow city, debating your next move.
  10. [9:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (... Oh, shit, how are we going to cast those spells without Mizu?)
  11. [9:18 PM] Eon: (You look to the other full caster, you fug)
  12. [9:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (I thought they were arcane spells?)
  13. [9:19 PM] Eon: "... We probably should ask Grave for help." Esker scratches her head. To think they walked all the way back, too!
  14. [9:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow nods wisely. "..." And looks back awkwardly.
  15. [9:19 PM] Eon: Was Izfanbir gone from sight already? Did she really have to use her Sending Stone?
  16. [9:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Izfanbnir, the dracolich, has already absconded from sight.
  17. [9:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems that he is very excited by the idea of new toys.
  18. [9:20 PM] Eon: Is he? Mmm.
  19. [9:20 PM] Eon: (it's too early in the morning to think of 25 word messages)
  20. [9:21 PM] Eon: Regardless, turning around, as silly as it was, was probably their first play. After which maybe check out the hoard all quick like, and send Augus and Aster to mobilise? Assuming no new factors come into play.
  21. [9:22 PM] Bot Fodder: "Erm, yeah, now that you mention it..." John rubs the back of his neck. "I guess we should've asked him to come with us. I felt like it would've killed the mood."
  22. [9:22 PM] Eon: (I personally doubt we should poke Izfanbnir, highly doubt he'll help with a 25 word persuasion)
  23. [9:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nephelle scans around the lost drow city around her. "You know, it's the first time I've been outside of the temple. I wasn't really interestde in the area around me, much..."
  24. [9:23 PM] Eon: "I don't imagine the view's anything to write home about?"
  25. [9:23 PM] Eon: (Fae, remember to take short rest)
  26. [9:24 PM] Faerie: Razmik appears into view from an abandoned building's doorway, fixing Salamander's scabbard to his side like someone would at the start of an adventuring day. Presumably, he's 'stirred awake' just now.
  27. [9:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle smiles, conversing with Shadow, performing some small talk and keeping Shadow from playing with Tot too much.
  28. [9:24 PM] Eon: Esker glances at Nephelle proper. She had seen her in multiple forms, now, more adult while she was still tethered to Lolth, but now?
  29. [9:24 PM] Faerie: He raises an arm to the group, hastily making way to his friends. ''There you are. Something happening soon?'', scouting the scene
  30. [9:24 PM] Eon: What a perplexing state to be in.
  31. [9:25 PM] Eon: Esker glances at the paladin.
  32. [9:25 PM] Bot Fodder: "How long have you been in the temple? I mean, 'you' you," John asks.
  33. [9:25 PM] Eon: "We were going to go ask a friendly lich for help."
  34. [9:25 PM] Eon: Ehhh, no point being sneaky about it, not after what happened the last time.
  35. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nephelle shakes her head, looking around curiously. Her form is around that of mid-teen in human appearance, the seemingly mixed blood between high elves and drows making for a striking, exotic appearance.
  36. [9:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Clad in a linen robe and wielding seemingly nothing, she seems just like a common girl .
  37. [9:26 PM] Eon: "... Did you ever receive your sword and bow training?" Is she even of age? How cruel.
  38. [9:26 PM] Bot Fodder: John debates whether it would be appropriate to ask if Nephelle wants a change of clothes.
  39. [9:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nephelle shakes her head.
  40. [9:27 PM] Eon: "... If time ever permits, maybe you wouldn't mind me teaching you..?" She floats the idea across in Elven.
  41. [9:27 PM] Faerie: Left incredulous to Esker's words, Razmik pretends not to hesitate. ''...I had a hunch something weird was up.''
  42. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "But do not worry about me!" Nephelle smiles. "I can protect myself, when it comes down to it. Or at the very least, I know how to run away..."
  43. [9:27 PM] Eon: "Something weird has always been up ever since we entered Orixia, I can tell you that much." She coughs lightly. Regardless, he was taking it quite well.
  44. [9:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hm? Knowing it would help, should we have the time. I graciously accept thy offer, my distant cousin." Nephelle offers, the language slipping a bit into a strange dialect. "Uh, I mean... Thanks."
  45. [9:28 PM] Faerie: ''Well, that, and I got woken up in the middle of the night just to get warned. The last stretch of our final crusade, my brothers called it.''
  46. [9:28 PM] Eon: "He's a Baelorn, so not your regular Lich." Esker explains what she knows of them to Razmik.
  47. [9:28 PM] Eon: (>cousin)
  48. [9:28 PM] Eon: (I see what you're trying to pull)
  49. [9:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle smiles, and gently brushes Nephelle's hair, letting the long, draping, silvery hair dance with her touch.
  50. [9:29 PM] Faerie: (Wanna go bowling?)
  51. [9:29 PM] Eon: (think all PCs are in concordance to turn around?)
  52. [9:30 PM] Bot Fodder: (Assuming Razmik can restrain himself, yes :smugpopo: )
  53. [9:30 PM] Eon: Esker, at least, considered that weapon training to be Very Important to any self-respecting elf! Even if she didn't really show it much.
  54. [9:31 PM] Eon: ... Or used a bow much, no, the Starbow doesn't really count.
  55. [9:31 PM] Faerie: Presumably, Razmik know at least a tiny bit of them: Liches are a staple on any Paladin of Lathander's diet, so perhaps Baelnorn weren't so different given their relationship to the Elven pantheon. Can I give you a Religion?
  56. [9:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A religion is fine.
  57. [9:32 PM] Eon: C-Can Esker help? by virtue of being an elf.
  58. [9:32 PM] Eon: (and Guidance :excitedfish: )
  59. [9:33 PM] Bot Fodder: (Are you sure Paladins of Lathlander aren't a staple of any Baelnorn's diet? Lathlander is pretty elven as far as gods go, after all. Creating Baelnorns as a practice would hit close to home.)
  60. [9:33 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+3
  61. [9:33 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 10, Result: 13
  62. [9:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Baelnorn are of the powerful elven archmagi of a distant past, preserving their unlife on earth to protect and serve their homeland.
  63. [9:33 PM] Faerie: Going by what he knows only, so probably not unless you take a few to crash course him
  64. [9:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's little reason for Lathander's clergy to fight them, as their form of unlife is close to that of a pact with their homeland, and less of necromancy.
  65. [9:34 PM] Bot Fodder: John's understanding is that Baelnorns are elven liches. And are like normal liches, only these ones are elven and don't eat little boys and girls. He hopes.
  66. [9:35 PM] Eon: Esker glances at the Bags of Tricks they had so easily obtained. Eighteen of these..
  67. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's "undead" in a loose sense of the word; Their form, physical and spiritual are preserved by elven magic, and that's about it.
  68. [9:35 PM] Eon: They were also getting kind of heavy.
  69. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The bags of tricks seem to occasionally squirm and twitch, but that's normal of them.
  70. [9:36 PM] Eon: Esker briefly considers weaponising them, but thinks better of it.
  71. [9:36 PM] Eon: "Shall we go, then? Time's awasting."
  72. [9:37 PM] Bot Fodder: John nods readily.
  73. [9:38 PM] Faerie: ''By my lights, that's not the worst news I could have fallen asleep to'', he muses regarding Esker. ''I'll spare you my thoughts on the matter for now. Where are we headed?''
  74. [9:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You head back into the Temple of Lolth, toward the catacombs hidden deep within... It's Razmik's first time here, so I'll go over the view once again. A grand cave, hundreds of feet wide and much longer in length, contains thousands of graves of various size. A blue glow comes from the moss, which your friend assure you calms the undead around them, placating their normal nature.
  75. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And of the undeads, there's a mountain of them. They mostly ignored the party, as long as none of you hold out a light to fight that blue glow of the magical moss.
  76. [9:39 PM] Faerie: as an side, I'm at 86 HP
  77. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They rest, quietly, waiting for visitors that will never come again.
  78. [9:39 PM] Faerie: Taking that short rest :sadpopo:
  79. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Deeper in, you made it back to the Temple, the mess of a grand room, filled with experimental tables and beakers, as well as broken bones on the floor.
  80. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ok)
  81. [9:40 PM] Faerie: roll 1d10+3
  82. [9:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+3]: 7, Result: 10
  83. [9:40 PM] Faerie: roll 1d10+3
  84. [9:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+3]: 5, Result: 8
  85. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Grave is there, sitting on a chair. As you approach him once more...
  86. [9:40 PM] Eon: "..." This would be awkward no matter how they went about it.
  87. [9:40 PM] Faerie: roll 1d10+3
  88. [9:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+3]: 7, Result: 10
  89. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... You really shouldn't be here." The lich speaks once more, looking up at the party.
  90. [9:40 PM] Faerie: Alright, gud enough. Second roll put me one away from max HP :sadpopo:
  91. [9:40 PM] Eon: "We really shouldn't be, but.. We need your help."
  92. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Closing a tome, he glances at the new Paladin with you for a moment, and gives him a small nod.
  93. [9:41 PM] Eon: "You already know about how the end of Orixia happens, right?"
  94. [9:41 PM] Bot Fodder: "We, uh, forgot to ask. Would you be able to come with us for a while?" John says, gravitating toward the point off the bat.
  95. [9:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I believe that you have been given help by me already, but..." He sighs softly, with no breath coming out of his mouth. His face, translucent, shows the skull beneath, and no pained, rotten visage common to that of undead.
  96. [9:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The end of the land..." He nods. "I believe so, yes. I was not there when it happened, mind... I tend to the graves here."
  97. [9:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "As for going with you, I am afraid that I am unable." Grave shakes his head.
  98. [9:43 PM] Faerie: Well, that was... an experience, to be sure. 'Unnerving', Razmik thought. He regards the robed figure with more than a fair share of interest: its movements, whatever it was wearing, visage... assuming it even had a face to look at.
  99. [9:44 PM] Eon: "Are you sure? Even if I told you that if this Orixia is saved, the original would be too." But well, no point pushing too hard.
  100. [9:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "My duty is here, to guard the lost souls here from straying from their path, and being manipulated by others into deeds that they would not wish to perform. The dead should rest, and give the world to those who still live." He says. "Wouldn't you agree, knight of the Morninglord?"(edited)
  101. [9:45 PM] Eon: "Which would mean you have a chance of seeing Lune again, in some sense." While she herself wasn't too sure of the extent of how far Orixia would be saved..
  102. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He offers an open palm for the party. "That, and I am unable to leave the catacombs for longer than a day per year, during ceremony to celebrate Lune. Of which... Not longer exist, as Lune is gone."
  103. [9:46 PM] Faerie: Razmik would prefer to refer to him as the Keeper. He senses for anything strange that might stand to attention, because frankly, exactly what stood in front of them was horrendously interesting. [Divine Sense]
  104. [9:46 PM] Bot Fodder: John slumps his shoulders. "Somehow, I thought you might say something like that." Personally, he'd prefer for everyone he protects to stay alive, but he understands the gravekeeper's position.(edited)
  105. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You sense a demon cat on top of Shadow, and a powerful, devastatingly so, undead in front of you.
  106. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are also many residual undeads around you, remnent of the ones destroyed, on the floor.
  107. [9:47 PM] Eon: "And if the plane was about to die in three days, surely you would expend this one day?" Esker pleads.
  108. [9:47 PM] Faerie: ''Indeed I would'', he replied with eyes closed. ''On that we see eye to eye.''
  109. Oh, did the Keeper stink?
  110. [9:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave's robe, a flowing red robe known as the Archmagi's Robe, represents Neutrality.
  111. [9:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The catacombs itself is kept clean of unwanted scents. Drows, such as they are, are elven still.
  112. [9:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In fact, you all stink a lot more than the area around you.
  113. [9:48 PM] Faerie: (Meant divine-sense wise, but sick burn :smugpopo:)
  114. [9:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The one day is for the ceremony for Lune, and... Such ceremony does not exist right now." He explains. "I am not allowed out except to celebrate the moon that gave us dark elves our magic."
  115. [9:49 PM] Eon: "Are you allowed to leave in remembrance?"
  116. [9:50 PM] Bot Fodder: Hey. John's job requires him to be very hygenically conscious! He's just off-duty right now. Yeah...
  117. [9:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Those who feel the need for rememberance come down here, instead, to remember the dead. I have no desire to disturb the living. However, even as I am unable to leave, I am able to offer you my aid."
  118. [9:50 PM] Bot Fodder: (The story was that the drow lost their moon when it became the cradle?)
  119. [9:51 PM] Eon: Aid.. He had already Wished for them, Esker wasn't sure how else he would..
  120. [9:52 PM] Faerie: Now, Razmik believes they're far past the point of squabbling over methods. ''Undead as you are, you've taken a great blight upon yourself for your homeland. I can respect that.'', he offers his honors, even as Razmik would find the effort more than a bit misguided. Perhaps it was naivety?
  121. [9:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Come forth, my servant." He issues a command, which echoes through the shrine. "I have a need of you."
  122. [9:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Moments later... A dark elf, very much living, but with a grevious wound, approaches the party. He does not seem to mind the gaping wound, much.
  123. [9:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Clad in ornate plate armor, wielding a greatsword of ancient origin, he looks upon the party for a moment, his eyes almost soulless. "... Gravekeeper, you have a need of me? It's been three thousand years since we last spoke."
  124. [9:54 PM] Eon: Esker glances at the newcomer curiously. Undead in some measure?
  125. [9:55 PM] Faerie: ''I can't rightly know what happened the last time you and my comrades talked'', he turns to the group, ''but if I'm reading this right we haven't a reason to distrust you. For Orixia, I thank you for your service to the world.''
  126. And as for the figure clad in plate...
  127. [9:55 PM] Faerie: (Death Knight?)
  128. [9:55 PM] Faerie: (:excitedfish:?)
  129. [9:55 PM] Eon: ('very much alive', so probably not)
  130. [9:55 PM] Bot Fodder: John regards the armored man. Is the wound scarred over, or does it look fresh?(edited)
  131. [9:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave nods at the dark elf, before turning to the party. "He's an old acquaintance of mine, from when I was still a living mage. He suffered a mortal wound, and was kept in stasis, as his nature defies all form of healing. However, I have made a simulacrum of him."
  132. [9:56 PM] Eon: "Defies healing?" Now that was even more curious.
  133. [9:57 PM] Bot Fodder: "Ah." Boy, magic sure seems convenient. John tilts slightly, staring at the injury.
  134. [9:57 PM] Faerie: Razmik would express discomfort at the thought of a Lich having once been people, just like him. Or Esker or Recelle or Nephelle, more accurately. Must have been a long, long time ago. ''By whose hand...?''
  135. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A cursed blow by an ancient foe." The dark elf nods. "I am the Sword Master, Sern'ril. Sern will work. I am of a magical creation by the Gravekeeper here."
  136. [9:57 PM] Eon: "... Can he sense it too? That we are not supposed to be here." Esker asks the friendly lich, Grave.
  137. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It was a spear, wielded by an accursed vampire." Sern says, emotionless.
  138. [9:58 PM] Faerie: It probably was of no matter, but if the husk in front of them had once been a man...
  139. [9:58 PM] Eon: Esker's eye twitches.
  140. [9:58 PM] Runic: (Alright linebattles over, gonna recap)
  141. [9:58 PM] Faerie: ''...''
  142. [9:58 PM] Eon: "..."
  143. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." Sern joins in the silence.
  144. [9:58 PM] Faerie: Razmik... unsheathes the Salamander.
  145. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow's eyes glitter with light.
  146. [9:58 PM] Eon: "How.. quaint."
  147. [9:59 PM] Eon: (answer my earlier question ;-;)
  148. [9:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I must've missed it)
  149. [9:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Uhh)
  150. [9:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Who is the "he")
  151. [9:59 PM] Eon: (Sern)
  152. [9:59 PM] Faerie: ''I believe it was my blade that delivered your slayer.''
  153. [9:59 PM] Eon: (the only person I would logically ask about :sadpopo: )
  154. [10:00 PM] Eon: "... We saw his ashes scattered to the wind, quite recently, actually."
  155. [10:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern'ril seems to be rather emotionless, and doesn't seem to care much for your situation or the fact that a bunch of non-drows are in the sanctuary meant for only drows.
  156. [10:00 PM] Eon: "Very recently." Esker coughs.
  157. [10:00 PM] Runic: Lexon pops within the threshold of the nightmare, entering the scene behind his fellow party memebers, "Yo" he waves, "back here it seems? Though we we were heading off somewhere else?"
  158. [10:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern nods. "..." He doesn't seem to have much to say on the matter. Nor does Grave, it seems.
  159. [10:00 PM] Eon: ... And the spear. Esker glances at Lexon's back.
  160. [10:00 PM] Eon: Awkward.
  161. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." Grave turns to Sern. "Go. Help those young folk. It seems that they have defeated the vampire that caused your wound. If that is true, I will wake you from stasis."
  162. [10:01 PM] Eon: Esker scratches her chin in thoughtful rumination. They weren't on the surface when Orixia ended, so they wouldn't necessarily know the vision she saw.. They might know something useful about the Abyssification, too.
  163. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern's simulacrum nods, turning to the party. "..."
  164. [10:01 PM] Eon: She'll describe her vision, the information from the Merchane.
  165. [10:02 PM] Faerie: Without so much as a flourish, Razmik puts his sword back in place. ''A pleasure, then, Sern'ril. May I learn from you.''
  166. [10:02 PM] Eon: And what they knew of the Cradle and its station as the Mother of a Thousand Young, the goat that has materialised aboard their ship..
  167. [10:02 PM] Eon: The demon seed, the Mother and the Father..
  168. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern is an advanced Drow Warlord (Volo's Guide) Simulacrum, in keeping of all its abilities, but is wounded and unable to heal naturally, and has reduced maximum HP.
  169. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave thinks about the issues for a moment.
  170. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  171. [10:03 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 13, Result: 13
  172. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." Grave nods. "... Demon seed, yes. I believe, then, I know of something that you do not."
  173. [10:04 PM] Eon: Esker bows politely. Sern and Grave were her senior elves many times over, after all. Even if they were Drow. They were good drow!
  174. [10:04 PM] Faerie: Can he be affected by things that affects a creature's resilience/toughness/resolve like Aid?
  175. [10:04 PM] Runic: "Another party member huh?" Lexon says to himself, remembering the whole company is pretty sizable enough... "Well whatever, nice to meet you, Sern?" He outstretches hand offering a handshake
  176. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern looks at the hand, looks at the party. "...?"
  177. [10:04 PM] Bot Fodder: John greets the knight in his usual pseudo-silence, as it might sound to someone noteworthy.
  178. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You.. take the hand and shake it, gently." Nephelle offers.
  179. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I see." Sern takes Lexon's hand, and shakes it gently.
  180. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As for things like Aid - likely?
  181. [10:05 PM] Eon: Esker listens to Grave intently. Information was vital, at this moment..
  182. [10:05 PM] Bot Fodder: "Do elves greet each other differently?" John asks, curiosity taking hold.
  183. [10:05 PM] Faerie: (In before Sern' gets legendary actions and shit)
  184. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (He does.)
  185. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That's how Simulacrum work, so...)
  186. [10:06 PM] Eon: "I'm not an expert on Drow customs, but there is a proper way to do it for us."
  187. [10:06 PM] Eon: "... Not that people really do it without a formal occassion, but hey."
  188. [10:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave'll explain what you are missing; that there's, indeed, a demon involved in this matter.
  189. [10:07 PM] Faerie: (Oh boy oh baby, so Warlords are a pretty fucking big deal usually...)
  190. [10:07 PM] Eon: Demons.. There were demon worshipping cults in Orixia, as she last heard from Augus.
  191. [10:07 PM] Eon: She had her own other suspicions, of course, but it was just one possibility amongst many.
  192. [10:08 PM] Eon: Hearing it from someone far more knowledgable than her is reassuring, in a way.
  193. [10:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I have not properly identified the demon before the end of time; But I have narrowed it down to two possible candidates during my spare time. It was either Pazuzu, or Graz'zt, that lend their power to the Great Old Ones in accordance to their wish to spread chaos."
  194. [10:08 PM] Faerie: Recounting past experiences, Razmik quickly notes to himself the involvement demons had had in some of their previous ventures.
  195. [10:08 PM] Eon: "... Wow."
  196. [10:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Or perhaps another demon..." He says, hesitant.
  197. [10:08 PM] Eon: "Might it be that bitch?"
  198. [10:08 PM] Faerie: ''Pazuzu...''
  199. [10:09 PM] Faerie: ''You don't quite mention his name three times and live to tell tales, the saying goes.'' Razmik thought it was (probably) a bunch of wash, but he can't really spare himself room to try his luck.
  200. [10:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The red glow - it would've been the demon seed, a literal seed in the reproduction meaning, but sized for the Great Old One above us, the Cradle." He says, musing. "Fusing into her, waking her, and giving her the youngs needed to conquer and devour Orixia."
  201. [10:09 PM] Runic: "No clue who those two are..." Lexon mutters, "but what about this other person you're thinking about Esker?"
  202. [10:10 PM] Eon: "That bitch, we met her like half an hour ago, even."
  203. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Yes, her name is spoken of with distaste during my time." Grave nods.
  204. [10:11 PM] Eon: Mmm. Can Esker try to narrow down the demon lord? She did see the twisted demons for herself, after all. Maybe Razmik knows better, too?
  205. [10:11 PM] Runic: Lexon tries to remember who Esker is refering two, having trouble remembering the name, "Balgeria?"
  206. [10:12 PM] Faerie: (brb, fuck)
  207. [10:12 PM] Eon: "No, not that bitch, the other one."
  208. [10:12 PM] Runic: "Something starting with 'B'" Lexon shrugs, "right?"
  209. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The demon seed fuse with the fell magick of the Great Old One, and the product is of a twisted demon. Demons are mortal souls fallen and twisted by the Abyss, their form given by the condition of their soul, the depravity within. The Great Old Ones, however, drive those souls insane, creating a new type of insane corruption within the core of the demons."
  210. [10:12 PM] Runic: "Ahhh, ermm" Lexon again tries to use rack his head, trying to remember
  211. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker, Religion, and give me a moment.
  212. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (washroom)
  213. [10:13 PM] Eon: Esker sighs exsperated, and wiggles her non-thumb fingers, representing a spider.
  214. [10:13 PM] Eon: "Don't say her name."
  215. [10:13 PM] Eon: Slapping Guidance on self.
  216. [10:13 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+1 one time
  217. [10:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 11, Result: 12
  218. [10:13 PM] Eon: roll 1d4
  219. [10:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 1, Result: 1
  220. [10:13 PM] Eon: NotLikeThis
  221. [10:14 PM] Eon: H-Help from Raz, maybe? :sadpopo:
  222. [10:14 PM] Faerie: (dude, that's fucking gross)
  223. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Back. My speed is pretttty slow today due to fatigue, so bear with me.jpg)
  224. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You... Are unable to identify it base on the omen.
  225. [10:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: However...
  227. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's an omen from a goddess you've only made a passing tribute toward, it seems.
  228. [10:16 PM] Eon: Esker sighs. She wasn't a theologian, at any rate. No surprise.
  229. [10:16 PM] Faerie: Raz asks Esker to retell the part about the red glow to him once more. Maybe one of the more well-known Demon Lords would be identifiable by such a sign?
  230. [10:16 PM] Eon: She would do so gladly, and with Guidance.
  231. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Destroy... Destroy Graz'zt! His taint shall not be allowed to spread!" A voice rings in Lexon's mind.
  232. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your previous donation to the Church of Waukeen last nightmare has paid off; The goddess's connection to you, a debt to a tribute, comes full circle.(edited)
  233. [10:17 PM] Eon: "Mmm.. That information was very helpful, at any rate. Any idea what we might do to prevent this?"
  234. [10:18 PM] Faerie: ''For example... Rosy brilliance. The smell of dew and blooming flowers: that's how our clergy recognizes blessed days upon waking.'' Maybe individual demons had tell-tale signs like that, as well?
  235. [10:18 PM] Runic: Lexon stands up straight, a bit spooked from the sudden tug, and ringing whispers he's hearing
  236. [10:18 PM] Eon: "We can't exactly brute force and take down the Cradle directly, of course."
  237. [10:18 PM] Faerie: (Raz and Alicia invoked Waukeen's silver piece blessing before as well)
  238. [10:18 PM] Eon: (was the donation actually 1 sp)
  239. [10:18 PM] Faerie: (Yes)
  240. [10:18 PM] Eon: (wew, good investment)
  241. [10:19 PM] Faerie: (It was symbolic and stuff, whooo)
  242. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Oh, that's a separate donation - it's the "donate for no effect" option.)
  243. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Only Lexon took it.)
  244. [10:19 PM] Runic: He looks around confused, "Uhh, so uhm, apparently I've been told to destroy Graz'zt..." he mutters to the rest of the group
  245. [10:19 PM] Faerie: (oh, huh)
  246. [10:19 PM] Runic: "Uhh, who is this?" Lexon asks out loud, wondering if he'll get a response back
  247. [10:19 PM] Eon: Esker turns to Runic, surprised.
  248. "Who told you that?" She hurries him. That was a good start.
  249. [10:20 PM] Eon: "... Oh." He didn't quite know either, huh.
  250. [10:20 PM] Faerie: (Anyways, can I roll another Religion going off Esker's retelling?)
  251. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are unable to communicate with the voice in your head, unfortunately.
  252. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Go for it, Razmik.)
  253. [10:20 PM] Eon: (remember Guidance!)
  254. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( [Tribute (Any amount): Waukeen likes you more.] )
  255. [10:20 PM] Eon: (what if I spam 1 sp :smugpopo: )
  256. [10:20 PM] Eon: (or is it total donation?)
  257. [10:20 PM] Bot Fodder: "Could we go back to the part about souls, please?" John asks with a chilling sort of politeness. He hadn't seemed much disturbed by even the Baelnorn's spectral appearance, but now his face is properly drained of color.
  258. [10:20 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+3 Waukeen appreciates your kill donation!
  259. [10:20 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 9, Result: 12
  260. [10:20 PM] Faerie: roll 1d4 Guidance
  261. [10:20 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 2, Result: 2
  262. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Advantage, Razmik.
  263. [10:21 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+3 Damnit, Raz.
  264. [10:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 6, Result: 9
  265. [10:21 PM] Eon: (NotLikeThis)
  266. [10:21 PM] Faerie: (Shikata ga nai)
  267. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave waits for a moment, as if thinking.
  268. [10:21 PM] Eon: (While its not a low roll, we really want highrolls atm :sadpopo: )
  269. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Your mortal soul is like that of a canvas, painted upon it the image of what makes you a whole person." Grave explains.
  270. [10:22 PM] Eon: "..." Esker doubts they should easily trust voices handing out omens in drow catacombs. But.. Did they really have more to go upon?
  271. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Your emotions, your drives, your needs and wants, your deeds..." He described. "A shining, brilliant canvas of fluctuating light."
  272. [10:22 PM] Runic: Lexon thinks, using all he can do to try to muster who might be that voice me. "No, can't be Belarus, she hates me" he whispers, "Err maybe it was from that goddeses church I donated a while back." he speaks out, "Can't say I remember her name" not like he can remember most things
  273. [10:22 PM] Faerie: ''About demons...?'', Razmik tilts his head at John. It'd be stupid to assume something like that would be common knowledge, but... it strikes him now how he didn't know exactly where John hailed from. As in, his homeworld: maybe it was different was then?
  274. [10:23 PM] Faerie: ''John, are you familiar with the outer planes?''
  275. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Those who were judged unworthy, or taken by the demons to the Abyss, gets that canvas twisted." He explains plainly. "Like someone drawing aggressive red and black all over it."
  276. [10:24 PM] Eon: Esker listens. She hadn't heard it described like that, before.
  277. [10:24 PM] Runic: "Well, anywho guess Graz'zt seems like a good bet now. Any idea where can find him?"
  278. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He creates a minor illusion, flickering image of a small fire being tainted black.
  279. [10:24 PM] Eon: "... I doubt we'll go punch a demon lord, at any rate."
  280. [10:24 PM] Eon: "Do you think it has anything to with the demon worshippers in Orixia?" Esker presses the here and now.
  281. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The Great Old One above, the cradle, works by taking in the souls harvested by the demon, and whisper upon them. The twisted words of the Far Realms, I imagine..." Grave says, swirling the blackened fire, causing a rainbow of maddening color to stir within the black flame.
  282. [10:25 PM] Eon: (and also question on Abyssification earlier ;-;)
  283. [10:25 PM] Faerie: ''It's like the Keeper says: if our soul is like a canvas, the life we lead is the painting proper. Most people's final destination resembles the contents of this painting... one way or another.'', he tries to explain in layman-ese. ''For instance, you'd definitely wind up in Celestia!''
  284. [10:25 PM] Bot Fodder: "A little, but..." The guard looks around the room and finds no one else shocked. Is it that the stories from his own world are wrong? Or is his home simply that much different from everyone else's? He looks at his feet, but only for a moment. Moping was idleness, and idleless never suited him. "Mm, well, never mind me."
  285. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I do not know, perhaps so." He admits to the demon worshipper side of thing.
  286. [10:25 PM] Eon: Esker frowns. As if being tainted by demonic powers weren't enough.
  287. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (On preventing it, Esker?)
  288. [10:25 PM] Eon: (yup)
  289. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave shakes his head. "I can describe the process, however, of the world falling."
  290. [10:26 PM] Eon: "That would be ever helpful." Esker nods.
  291. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The twisted, Pseudonatural Demons will come, planting down pillars of blight upon the land." He describes.
  292. [10:27 PM] Eon: Who knew the eon old lich who went through this several times would be a font of knowledge, huh?
  293. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The pillars of blight will hurt the land, twisting and corrupting Orixia slowly. Blackened ice will grow, and spread."
  294. [10:27 PM] Eon: "Blackened ice.. Like the one on Agathys?"
  295. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The demons are aided by other fell creatures of the Far Realm..."
  296. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Yes." He nods.
  297. [10:27 PM] Eon: "There were also some already on Orixia.." Going by what Augus told her..
  298. [10:28 PM] Faerie: ''Slowly?'', Razmik looks up to the Keeper.
  299. [10:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The blackened ice prevents magical translocation and planar travel, but more than that - it's the poison of a twisted demon."
  300. [10:29 PM] Faerie: ''More like a process than an instant change, you would say?''
  301. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No. The land changed within a night." Grave muses. "It took merely hours."
  302. [10:29 PM] Bot Fodder: "I thought the black ice should've stopped. Was the Wind not its source?" John says, his moment of doubt all but erased.
  303. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Stopped?"
  304. [10:29 PM] Eon: "... We went to Agathys. There we.." Her breath suddenly hitches. There they.. what? It should be something memorable, tramuatic, even. But she's drawing a blank.
  305. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave is, unfortunately, very, very, very behind on the times.
  306. [10:30 PM] Eon: "We went there to get an artifact, a Frost Giant one.. And we.." And they what?
  307. [10:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I have not visited the surface or seen the Cradle by my own eyes." He admits.
  308. [10:30 PM] Faerie: ''It's a long story. Once there, we...''
  309. [10:30 PM] Eon: Esker frowns.
  310. [10:31 PM] Faerie: Razmik sighs, admitting to the personally-taken fault. ''We came to blows with the jailor, an Ice Fiend, and in doing so released an ancient evil gods-know-where.''(edited)
  311. [10:31 PM] Eon: (Devil)
  312. [10:31 PM] Runic: "Uhh hammer, killed a Devil over it, well, it died on its own..." Lexon adds trying to help fill in the blanks(edited)
  313. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The demons bearing the pillars of blight." Grave stresses. "The poisoned spike upon the land is the ultimate transformative poison that doomed the world."
  314. [10:31 PM] Faerie: ''...I'm still waiting on Mechanus to get back to us on that one'', he shakes his head.
  315. [10:31 PM] Eon: "Mechanus..?"
  316. [10:32 PM] Eon: Whatever. She would take Razmik's word for it.
  317. [10:32 PM] Eon: Dooming.. Orixia. She can't have that happening, not on her watch.
  318. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Thousands of miniature sun then come down, scorching the blackened ice."
  319. [10:32 PM] Eon: "We fought one of those. Spawn of the Mother of a Thousand Young, I imagine.."
  320. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The liquid nourished the land, once transformed, and eldritch growth occupied the realm."
  321. [10:33 PM] Bot Fodder: "Processing an infraction like that might take longer than we have to live," John reassures Razmik. He doesn't know jack about Mechanus, but he knows justice system bureauracy.
  322. [10:33 PM] Eon: "... They appeared after we tried to cast Divination on the surface. The Cradle saw us."
  323. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And the rest is as you've seen in your omen - winged fungi with strange tools and devices, as well as blackened goats with tendrils roaming the land."
  324. [10:33 PM] Faerie: ''I see. What can you tell us about these small suns? Are they like... children?'', Razmik asks horrified at the thought.
  325. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The Cradle must've been able to answer prayers, of some form, or at least intercept them."
  326. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The miniature suns - I do not know much about them." Grave confesses.
  327. [10:34 PM] Eon: Esker shudders. Something like that, on the par with the divine? The thought..
  328. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Once the land was transformed, and all the dead here are destroyed, I merely stared at the darkness for... I do not remember."
  329. [10:35 PM] Eon: "Feh. We'll still need to figure a way to prevent it, anyhow."
  330. [10:35 PM] Bot Fodder: "We sent one away!" John volunteers cheerily. He acutally means his friends sent one away, of course. Ahem.
  331. [10:35 PM] Eon: ... Now there was a frightening thought.
  332. [10:35 PM] Faerie: Razmik stops for a moment, considering what that could mean. ''Do you guys think people in Orixia have turned to worship the Cradle? Those in the know, maybe?''
  333. [10:36 PM] Eon: "I doubt the Cradle answers prayers kindly, at any rate."
  334. [10:36 PM] Faerie: ''Or maybe the Cradle is really siphoning the prayers. That's... That couldn't possibly be good news.''
  335. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave nods. "Very likely, that there would be cultists worshipping the false moon, in hope for power."
  336. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Perhaps those demon worshippers you speak of, or of cultists that worship the physical, false moon above."
  337. [10:37 PM] Eon: "Demons.. did you know where their source would be? Demons don't tend to appear out of thin air, if I recall.."
  338. [10:37 PM] Bot Fodder: John crosses his arms. "Well, the vampires are gone... if it was the Frost Giants, Sir Augus would put a stop it it. So, who does that leave?"
  339. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They may, or may not, know."
  340. [10:37 PM] Eon: "Unless.. summoned?"
  341. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave looks to the ceiling of stone.
  342. [10:37 PM] Eon: Or if you said their name thrice. Not all of them, though.
  343. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The demons, they came from beyond the stars, I believe..."
  344. [10:37 PM] Eon: "From beyond this plane.."
  345. [10:38 PM] Eon: "..."
  346. [10:38 PM] Eon: "Like, the literal Infinite Layers of the Abyss?"
  347. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's contrived, but not from beyond this plane. There is only physical distance, no planar distance, in their travel."
  348. [10:38 PM] Eon: "Ah."
  349. [10:38 PM] Eon: "Finite, but I doubt we could reach them in time..?" The spelljammer..
  350. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They came from beyond the stars, the veil of sanity, the ocean of eternal dark." Grave speaks, slowly. "As I've divined; They were summoned by the Great Old Ones, in order to wake their own kind up."
  351. [10:39 PM] Faerie: ''Well, we saw it happen once with the Tragedy, once. Even some of those in service to the righteous Cudgel turned... devouts of all spheres and walks, switching their eternal allegiance to Orcus in desperation and anguish'', Razmik summarises with a clenched hand resting on his shoulder, distressed.
  352. [10:39 PM] Eon: "And if they were to be intercepted.."
  353. [10:39 PM] Eon: "What would the Cradle do?"
  354. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I do believe that would stop the worst of it." Grave states, in repsonse to Esker.
  355. [10:39 PM] Faerie: ''It was a terrible thing to behold with these eyes'', he notes to the side.
  356. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The Cradle would've never been given the seed, and would've never been able to wake up."
  357. [10:39 PM] Eon: A glimmer of hope.. But the devil, or demon in this case, is in the details.
  358. [10:40 PM] Eon: "Would that be possible..?"
  359. [10:40 PM] Eon: "We do have the Sword of the Avenger in our possesssion."
  360. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The possiblity is in your hands, heroes." Grave sighs softly.
  361. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I believe in you, for that is all I am capable of. I am unable to offer you any help beyond that."
  362. [10:41 PM] Eon: Details. How far, how many, and how spread out, what direction? Damning..
  363. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Sern's simulacrum looks at Grave.
  364. [10:41 PM] Faerie: (Hold up, are we gonna play Space Invaders)
  365. [10:41 PM] Runic: "Sounds like a yes," Lexon hops(edited)
  366. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unblinking, unnerving.
  367. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I do not believe that this is of much help." Grave says to Sern.
  368. [10:41 PM] Bot Fodder: "You've been a great help already, sir," John says to the nicest Lich he will probably ever meet. This has been quite a day.
  369. [10:41 PM] Eon: Were it not for the grave (ahah) situation, Esker would have found it funny that a Baelorn was saying things like that. A hero.. She would never call herself that.
  370. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... You, as always, have been an idiot. Should I wake up from that cursed wound, remind me to slap you." Sern says, emotionlessly.
  371. [10:42 PM] Eon: "I suppose I should cast Divination." She sighs. The divine pathways that linked her to Mielikki were getting frayed already, though..
  372. [10:42 PM] Faerie: ''That would be a big risk'', Razmik discloses. ''Sounds nothing short of a demonic legion, to me. Some of them are bound to be stronger than us...''
  373. [10:43 PM] Eon: "It's certainly better than letting them come across Orixia. Prevention over cure, and all that."
  374. [10:43 PM] Faerie: ''And then there's the matter of numbers. It's disheartening to think that even missing a single one could spell Orixia's death.''
  375. [10:43 PM] Eon: "What's so cursed about that wound, anyway?"
  376. [10:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Grave walks forth, tilting up the simulacrum's chin, and presses his face close to Sern. "I'll do more than that." He draws back. "Now go, destroy those who destroyed the world."
  377. [10:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern turns to Esker.
  378. [10:43 PM] Eon: The drow warlord did seem.. muted, in a way.
  379. [10:44 PM] Eon: :troubledkoga:
  380. [10:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The wound would not heal." Sern says. "My body was that of a blessing and a curse in the first place, and the compounded issue with the spear's magic caused it to never close. The mortal wound refused even the greatest of all magic."
  381. [10:45 PM] Eon: "Would the spear be able to reverse that?"
  382. [10:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." Sern nods. "Perhaps."
  383. [10:45 PM] Eon: I mean, it was.. right there. Right in front of him.
  384. [10:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I believe with the former wielder dead, the curse would've been lifted." Grave says, "But if you have the spear..."
  385. [10:45 PM] Faerie: ''Oh...'' Razmik's brain sparks up like a wait, what's a lightbulb, even?
  386. ''I read a story like that, once! About a great archer, granted eternal life in the exact moment of his fiery death...''
  387. [10:45 PM] Runic: "Oh..." Lexon shifts his spear around his back, a feeling a bit awkward(edited)
  388. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Spear of Destiny tingles Lexon a little, as if nudging him.(edited)
  389. [10:46 PM] Faerie: ''It wasn't a happy tale'', he laments.
  390. [10:46 PM] Runic: "Well if there's a chance to fix it up, I guess we could try if that's fine with you." Lexon exclaims, grasping his spear off his back
  391. [10:46 PM] Eon: "Eternal life.. I hope to not live that long."
  392. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... If you will lend me some aid, then. You there, girl." Grave points to Nephelle. "You are a cleric, yes? Come with me."
  393. [10:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And you, the wielder of the spear.... This way."
  394. [10:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nephelle smiles, and nods.
  395. [10:47 PM] Eon: Esker pouts. She was a divine mage too! Ah well.
  396. [10:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The rest of you may come as well." Grave nods.
  397. [10:47 PM] Faerie: What a surprising development. ''You are?'', he prods Nephelle.
  398. [10:47 PM] Runic: Lexon nods, quickly following closely with a skip every so often
  399. [10:48 PM] Eon: "Chosen of Elly, apparently."
  400. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Not really!" Nephelle says, cheerfully. "I just seem to be... able. Hm."
  401. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nephelle tilts her head, as if trying to process things.
  402. [10:48 PM] Faerie: ''Oh. I see, it's just that... that would explain some things, I think...'', he scratches the back of his head nervous.
  403. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... If you will follow Grave, Grave will bring you deeper into the shrine.
  404. [10:48 PM] Eon: Esker will!
  405. [10:49 PM] Bot Fodder: "Well, at least it's not power coming from you-know-who," John comments, following along.
  406. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Within the shrine, there's a whole dungeon, it seems - one with hidden research, and secrets.
  407. [10:49 PM] Faerie: Sure, Razmik had all the reason in the world for wanting to see Neph do her thing.
  408. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are deep within the lich's secret lair.
  409. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Or storage, one way or another.
  410. [10:50 PM] Bot Fodder: John also looks at Razmik. He wonders why he seemed so bothered by the idea of Neph being of the clergy. Shouldn't a Paladin be happy for her?
  411. [10:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In the depth of the dungeon, there's a chamber, filled with black rose, forming a bed for Sern. Or at least, another Sern, pale as death despite being that of a drow, unbreathing, unliving - frozen in time and space.
  412. [10:50 PM] Eon: Was all this really necessary? Granted, given the eons that Grave has lived, she imagines so.
  413. [10:50 PM] Faerie: On the way there, Razmik does a quick presence-check ''Hnn... Where's Alicia, by the way? She's always here.''
  414. [10:50 PM] Eon: Esker shrugs.
  415. [10:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow looks around curiously. "Now that you mention it..."
  416. [10:51 PM] Eon: "Right after we thought to turn around.. Lo and behold. Poof." She gestures.
  417. [10:51 PM] Runic: "Beats me" Lexon responds
  418. [10:51 PM] Eon: "Hopefully she just woke up and didn't run off and die, or anything."
  419. [10:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The baelnorn gently waves his hand, and the roses part a path to the body. There, he requests for Lexon. "Come forth, and follow your spear's instinct."
  420. [10:52 PM] Bot Fodder: John edges toward the center of the room, away from the walls. He seems to be making it a point not to touch anything.
  421. [10:52 PM] Eon: ... Did she really have to worry about the humans so much? Especially Alicia, hot-headed and impulsive as she is.
  422. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear of Destiny shines for a moment, as if recognizing Sern.
  423. [10:52 PM] Runic: Lexon approaches, Speary on hand, waiting for further instructions
  424. [10:53 PM] Runic: "So uh, do I... stab your body or something?"
  425. [10:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And you... And other healers, if you are able to stand by." Grave requests.
  426. [10:53 PM] Faerie: Razmik stays put to oversee, as well. ''Mhmm, not like it hasn't happened before. At the unlikeliest of times, too...''
  427. [10:53 PM] Runic: "Not sure how to go about this..."
  428. [10:53 PM] Eon: Esker stands back respectfully. Glancing around the 'dungeon' curiously. It's not everyday - Esker steps forward.
  429. [10:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear shines, and... Asks for you to draw your own blood, Lexon. Just 1 hit point worth of damage.
  430. [10:53 PM] Eon: She glances to Razmik.
  431. [10:53 PM] Faerie: ''Alicia's really diehard for a mage, isn't she? She must be fine''. He hopes.
  432. [10:54 PM] Faerie: He steps up as well, attentive.
  433. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... It seems that if you need to, nosebleeding is fine as well. The spear isn't very picky.
  434. [10:54 PM] Eon: "Sheer determination doesn't mean she'll be fine, though. Anyway, to the task at hand." She glances at the curious ritual.
  435. [10:54 PM] Bot Fodder: "She seems like a real Adventurer," John says with a nod, agreeing. Though, whether this is truly a compliment or not is...
  436. [10:55 PM] Runic: "Alright Speary," Lexon trusts his spear and holds it near the head of it, cutting the palm of his hand with the one of the double pronged edges, bleeding a bit
  437. [10:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Blood spills from your palm, causing the spear to glow.
  438. [10:55 PM] Bot Fodder: (I was secretly hoping Lexon would take the nosebleed option :^) )
  439. [10:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The body of Sern - or more precisely, the wound - glows as well, before a heatless flame seems to devour the surface of the spear wound.
  440. [10:56 PM] Faerie: He keeps conversing with the elf, as the seeming ritual begins to take its course. ''No, of course not. An iron will can't stave off night's fall, but it can certainly carry you to another dawn. It's Written, and I'm partial to that one, myself.'' he smiles
  441. [10:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  442. [10:56 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 18, Result: 18
  443. [10:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Healing, now." Grave requests.
  444. [10:56 PM] Eon: Goodberry.
  445. [10:57 PM] Runic: (Lexon is not one to punch himself in the face!)
  446. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nephelle nods, casting Cure Wounds.
  447. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8+5
  448. [10:57 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 7, Result: 12
  449. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 13...
  450. [10:57 PM] Bot Fodder: "A solid shield might work better," John says in a rarely seen snide comment.
  451. [10:57 PM] Eon: She'll pop them one at a time, all 19.
  452. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern's wound, however, seems to resist healing.
  453. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: One at a time wouldn't be good enough at all.
  454. [10:57 PM] Faerie: LoH stands for Lay on Hands
  455. [10:57 PM] Faerie: Let's see...
  456. [10:57 PM] Eon: Bah. Taking a deep breath.
  457. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave frowns. "It seems that it requests... A lot more than that."
  458. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Death save,
  459. [10:58 PM] Faerie: Focusing, Razmik channels all he has left in him for 25
  460. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20 disadvantage
  461. [10:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 7,6, Result: 13
  462. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... 25?
  463. [10:58 PM] Faerie: Aura of Protection
  464. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's enough, then.
  465. [10:58 PM] Eon: going at the same time as Razmik..
  466. [10:58 PM] Eon: oh. whew.
  467. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern - the real one - is brought back to 1 hit point.
  468. [10:58 PM] Eon: Now apply goodberries :smugsatori:
  469. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The dark elf groans, stirring awake.
  470. [10:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He sits up, his entire body naked, the lean, almost lanky warlord glancing around, confused.
  471. [10:59 PM] Eon: It occurrs to her that Sern probably hasn't eaten in.. how long?
  472. [10:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." He looks at Grave, most of all. As his body and metabolism kicks into full gear, his wound closes naturally.
  473. [10:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Survivor, Advanced.)
  474. [11:00 PM] Eon: (l-like the champion capstone?)
  475. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Where... When- You are a lich." Sern says, confused.(edited)
  476. [11:00 PM] Bot Fodder: John's visage is muted and uninteresting enough for the warlord to not feel completely surrounded by humans in the moment of his waking!
  477. [11:00 PM] Faerie: ''Ffffahh... that does it?'', Razmik asks as his eyes snap open, retracting both hands from the Simulacrum. Was that truly enough?! He seems surprised!
  478. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's been three thousand years." Grave says.
  479. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... A lot has happ- The world. Wait."
  480. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern looks around, confused for a moment.
  481. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  482. [11:01 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 18, Result: 18
  483. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  484. [11:01 PM] Eon: Esker takes a step back. This was their moment, she could tell as much.
  485. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Reaching forth, by sheer will, he tugs at the blackened rose beneath him, and draws forth a greatsword, of ornated design.
  486. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The other Sern looks at the original, emotionless.
  487. [11:01 PM] Mizuki: (Hey, just woke up)
  488. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... This isn't real. This world isn't real." Sern frowns. "What's happening?"
  489. [11:01 PM] Runic: "Woah" Lexon mutters, a bit suprised of the design
  490. [11:01 PM] Eon: "We are not supposed to be here."
  491. [11:01 PM] Runic: "Uh"
  492. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Long story short, the world's destroyed, and we are in the realm of dreamers." Grave says, softly.
  493. [11:02 PM] Runic: "Right" Lexon nods
  494. [11:02 PM] Eon: She'll bring him up to speed, all q- Grave's got it.
  495. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You are with me, and those young ones here are trying to save the world."
  496. [11:02 PM] Bot Fodder: John leans back slightly for a moment in reflection. A mighty ancient warrior, awoken into a strange world after thousands of years? He's Drow, but maybe... could this person possibly be the...(edited)
  497. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Good enough for me." Sern says, standing up, pulling a thin, black robe to cover his body from the air itself.
  498. [11:02 PM] Faerie: ''You've dreamed long enough to wake up in a dream. Nightmare, rather'', Razmik corrects himself on the spot. ''Sorry you had to come back to this...''
  499. [11:03 PM] Eon: (we learnt a lot information wise from Grave, mozu, buckle up!)
  500. [11:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's fine. You are all... Hm." Sern sighs softly, and breaths. "Much has changed in the past three thousand years, haven't it? And this... Dreamstuff..."
  501. [11:03 PM] Eon: Esker nods. A good thing happening to someone she considered a friend was a good thing for her, as well.
  502. [11:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Don't use it too much, Sern." Grave warns. "It's of nightmareish property. Even if you are able to control it, it may have consequences."
  503. [11:04 PM] Eon: As surely as the river flows downstream, every positive occurance trickles from her friends to her.. That was such an elven thing to say.
  504. [11:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern smiles, softly...
  505. [11:04 PM] Eon: "... You can will objects into existence?"
  506. [11:05 PM] Faerie: Glancing to the side momentarily, Razmik opts to give them all some space for now. Something tugs at his heart: the sight was surprisingly moving.
  507. [11:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I should introduce myself." Sern explains. "I am Sern'ril, the Fey Knight."
  508. [11:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  509. [11:05 PM] Eon: Esker's eyebrow shoots up.
  510. [11:06 PM] Faerie: ''How improbable for any of this to be happening, huh.''
  511. [11:06 PM] Eon: Fey Knight? A drow?
  512. [11:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern studies your expression. "I see that you are surprised. Three thousand years ago, the drows danced in the moonlight of Lune. We were capricious - are we still, my old friend?"
  513. [11:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave shakes his head.
  514. [11:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Damn."
  515. [11:07 PM] Eon: "... Fey." The creatures that brought them into this mess. Not that she presumes all Fey were one and the same, of course. She knows better.
  516. [11:07 PM] Faerie: Ah. Razmik nods in understanding, a bit more eager now. ''Well met, fellow Knight! May I ask how your title came to be?''
  517. [11:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... We were capricious, and we forged a bound with the elementals, seeking power."
  518. [11:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern seems surprised. "Hm? You bear the weapon known as Salamander, do you not, sir?"
  519. [11:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I thought you were one of our kind."
  520. [11:08 PM] Bot Fodder: (Something something ancient dark elves dancing naked in the moonlight)
  521. [11:08 PM] Eon: Esker glances at Razmik, then at Salamander. What.(edited)
  522. [11:08 PM] Bot Fodder: (I guess that's the part he misses. :smugpopo: )(edited)
  523. [11:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And you, you hold the regal scepter of Sylph." Sern points to Esker.
  524. [11:09 PM] Eon: "E-Err." That was true..
  525. [11:09 PM] Eon: "I didn't make a pact or anything like that, though.."
  526. [11:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The Feys are not the same Feys now. There was an event known as the Sundering, and much has changed." Grave speaks, slowly. "But that's old news."
  527. [11:10 PM] Bot Fodder: John looks down at his equipment. He doesn't have anything Fey-related, he thinks. Unless his morningstar is...?
  528. [11:10 PM] Faerie: Razmik presents the aforementioned sword. ''I know a powerful elemental entity dwells within this blade; we've felt each other's presence in combat before.'' He pauses.
  529. [11:10 PM] Eon: "I, err, sort of found this?" She can't recall.. and the last moment of it she could, she was already attuned to it.
  530. [11:10 PM] Faerie: ''But 'tis not mine... I've merely borrowed Salamander.''
  531. [11:10 PM] Eon: "... I wonder if I can call out to it." Esker wonders. If she could call out to Orixia..
  532. [11:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A thousand years ago, or so, the elemental feys come to conclusion that the fey's court was too much to stand, and broke off, returning to the elemental realms. You would be more properly a Primordial Knight now, Sern."
  533. [11:11 PM] Eon: Not that she imagines this 'Slyph' to be too interested in her, at any rate.
  534. [11:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern shrugs. "Well, there you have it."
  535. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Controlling of the dreamscape, in which one communicated with the fey spirits - erm, elemental spirits - is a very basic lesson that most of our kind took." Sern looks.
  536. [11:12 PM] Eon: "Mmm.." A power like that..
  537. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "This is all like clay to me." Sern reaches out, playing with a black rose, before changing it to a signet ring.
  538. [11:12 PM] Faerie: ''A good friend of mine told me a bit about Salamander's history, once. It went down a long, now lost line of noble knights... but that's all quite recent compared to what you say.''
  539. [11:13 PM] Eon: Well, it was worth a shot.
  540. [11:13 PM] Eon: "I'll try to reach out to Slyph, probably won't work, but you never know. I'll take 10 minutes, though.."
  541. [11:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern studies all of you. "Well, it doesn't matter. You hold the relics, but you are not one of the order. T'was my mistake."
  542. [11:14 PM] Bot Fodder: ( :thinking: This elemental fey fluff... is it new?)
  543. [11:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "However, that does not change much. My old friend here - You go by Grave now?" Sern looks at Grave, who nods.
  544. [11:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Grave wishes for me to assist you, and assist you I shall." Sern nods.
  545. [11:15 PM] Faerie: Frankly... what kind of knight was Razmik? The child in him hoped to, one day, be deserving of a title starting with ''The'' as well.
  546. [11:15 PM] Bot Fodder: John salutes. "Yes, sir! Welcome, sir!"
  547. [11:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "This nightmareish, fevered dream bears a semblence of reality. It's all strange to me." Sern admits, "But I am sure I can be of service, one way or another."
  548. [11:16 PM] Eon: Unless interrupted..
  549. Esker excuses herself, and kneels, the Rod of Slyph's Investiture in her lap. Reaching out to the voices of the world. Nay, not Orixia's, but specifically of those of the wind. The feeling she had when she chanelled the Rod's power, the protective wind that warded off ranged attacks.. She'll reach out to it.
  550. [11:16 PM] Eon: Commune with Nature, but ritual casting :sadpopo:
  551. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: By this point, the drow warlord's body has fully recovered, and he's equipped himself with mundane gears forged from Dreamstuff.
  552. [11:17 PM] Runic: "Yea, again, welcome" Lexon then unequips his spear, strapping it on his back for future use later on
  553. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100 sylph
  554. [11:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 50, Result: 50
  555. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your Commune with Nature reached the natural world instead.
  556. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It does not seem like Sylph answers you.
  557. [11:18 PM] Eon: Fair enough. Hey Orixia.
  558. [11:18 PM] Eon: "... Do you know of Slyph, by the way?" Well, she was here already.
  559. [11:19 PM] Eon: (I remember having questions to ask her, but I can't recall..)
  560. [11:19 PM] Bot Fodder: (... Are there Gnome fey, too? That'll be awkward. Heh~)
  561. [11:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hmm? The elemental spirit, Sylph? She's an elemental power, one that formed a part of the elemental realms around us. She's an Archomental, by ranking." Orixia answers about what she knows, after thinking about it.
  562. [11:19 PM] Eon: An Archomental.. A high power to be sure.
  563. [11:20 PM] Faerie: ''Well then. Uh, It's a joy to serve alongside the Fey Knight, then!'', Razmik blurts. From knight to another, that's how it worked, right? Likely his superior. He's not quite sure if that meant anything, which confused him slightly.
  564. [11:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Please, call me Sern." Sern smiles, before turning to Grave.
  565. [11:20 PM] Eon: "What do you know of the demon worshippers and those who worshippers of the Cradle, by the way?" If that counts as two questions, so be it.
  566. [11:20 PM] Bot Fodder: (How recognized is Razmik in his own order, back home?)
  567. [11:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Also, we have some unfinished business. Even if you are a lich now." He says, tossing Grave the signet ring.
  568. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Grave catches it, hesitantly. Before putting the Signet Ring on.
  569. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Very well." Grave says, emotionlessly.
  570. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Though I guess I am heading off again." Sern smirks.
  571. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As for Esker...
  572. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "demon worshipper...? I don't quite understand, but if it's about those who worship the false moons, I know of them. They are located in the valleys of ice, and prays to the false moon daily!"
  573. [11:22 PM] Faerie: (Uhh, he started out the week he would have taken his vows. Once he started regularly coming out with fat loot and sick Paladin auras, they realized something fucky was up and went ''alright, you do you. Here's the keys to part of the corporate ladder'')
  574. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern's simulacrum looks at Sern for a bit. "... Well, it worked out well."
  575. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern looks at his simulacrum. :thinking:
  576. [11:23 PM] Eon: Esker nods. Whatever she could offer was valuable.
  577. [11:23 PM] Eon: "Thanks, Orixia."
  578. [11:23 PM] Eon: ... She better not be going too far on that antropomorphism, now.
  579. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Hey, is that made of snow?" Sern says, poking at his simulacrum, who decides to NOT poke back.
  580. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Interesting."
  581. [11:24 PM] Faerie: Excusing himself ('what are they even talking about'), Razmik goes over to a corner of the room.
  582. [11:24 PM] Eon: She'll relay the information to the party.
  583. [11:24 PM] Eon: Though the first bit about Slyph isn't so relevant..
  584. [11:24 PM] Eon: (was that two questions or one, Koga?)
  585. [11:24 PM] Runic: Lexon looks between Sern and his simulacrum, "So do we just have two Sern's now?"
  586. [11:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (1, Esker)
  587. [11:24 PM] Eon: Sweet.
  588. [11:25 PM] Eon: "Do you know how I can contact Slyph properly? I reached you instead when I tried.."
  589. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern's simulacrum nods, his own wound seemingly starting to heal, albeit at a slower rate - now that the curse is gone, on the duplicate as well.
  590. [11:25 PM] Faerie: Something's clawing at him. It's The Itch. The itch to prepare a good meal like he was supposed to for downtime. 'It has been a bit...'
  591. [11:25 PM] Mizuki: (Guys I won't be jumping in tonight, gonna go back to sleeping)
  592. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hm? You'll have to contact the other plane, and look for the elemental planes instead!" Orixia instructs.
  593. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Alright. have a good night's sleep o_o)
  594. [11:25 PM] Bot Fodder: (Aw. Sleep well, Mozu~)
  595. [11:25 PM] Mizuki: (Have fun, see you all tomorrow)
  596. [11:25 PM] Runic: (Alright, good night Mizu)
  597. [11:25 PM] Eon: "... Ah. Thanks." She expected as much, she supposed.
  598. [11:26 PM] Eon: Maybe Nul knew better.
  599. [11:26 PM] Faerie: But it seemed everyone was busy with their own thing. He'd find it counterproductive to interrupt those just to start vomiting words at people.
  600. [11:26 PM] Eon: Esker stands up from her trance.
  601. [11:26 PM] Faerie: (RIP Mizu)
  602. [11:26 PM] Faerie: (2015-2017)
  603. [11:26 PM] Eon: (ruffles mizu)
  604. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Anyways, Sern and his Simulacrum talks with each other in private a bit...
  605. [11:26 PM] Bot Fodder: John looks over at Esker. "Did you find out anything?"
  606. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: While Shadow considers the benefits of having a duplicate.
  607. [11:26 PM] Eon: "What's our immediate plan?"
  608. [11:26 PM] Eon: She'll still relay everything, of course.
  609. [11:27 PM] Eon: "Cultists in the valleys of ice.."
  610. [11:27 PM] Eon: "I don't know if murdering them will do much good, but they might know better about this supposed flock of demons."
  611. [11:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to attend to the cultists, if you wish so.
  612. [11:28 PM] Eon: "Alternatively, I can Divination, but.. err, that's iffy." She's kind of pushing it.
  613. [11:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Their location is known to you, due to circumstances.
  614. [11:28 PM] Faerie: Razmik listens in, raising his hand once Esker's done. ''Seems we aren't done yet in Orixia just yet''
  615. [11:28 PM] Eon: "You think so? Mmm. Lowly cultists might.. or might not know."
  616. [11:28 PM] Bot Fodder: John nods readily. "I think so, too. It's not like beating them will change what's already set in motion, but we can probably learn more about what to do."
  617. [11:28 PM] Eon: "We also don't have much in the way of forcing it out of them. I doubt politely asking does it."
  618. [11:28 PM] Faerie: ''In the worst of cases, we get some more information out of the whole deal. So I say, a visit's due.''
  619. [11:29 PM] Eon: "Mmm. Maybe."
  620. [11:29 PM] Eon: "That'll require going back the spelljammer, then. Any last business here?"
  621. [11:30 PM] Eon: Izfanbnir's hoard was still a possibility, though time was of the essence already.
  622. [11:31 PM] Bot Fodder: John loosens his arms a little. "I'm ready. Let's go 'ask nicely.'"
  623. [11:31 PM] Faerie: ''Besides, demon worship is demon worship. Those would be the kind of heathens we'd be busting up if the plane weren't in danger, either way... wouldn't you say getting rid of that poison wouldn't be good regardless?''
  624. [11:31 PM] Runic: Lexon shrugs, "There's not much left here I gues, we can go slap some cultists around, unless you guys want to quickly make our way to Iz's treasure before that"(edited)
  625. [11:32 PM] Eon: "In a world where we had all the time in the world? I might be inclined to agree. But hmm."
  626. [11:32 PM] Eon: Given the directions they had, how long would it take to traverse the tunnels to Iz's hoard?
  627. [11:32 PM] Eon: Did Iz' tell them what might obstruct them, or anything like that?
  628. [11:33 PM] Bot Fodder: "We still have no idea who this demon host is, or where and how they plan to provide the 'seed' thing. It's our best lead by far."
  629. [11:33 PM] Eon: "Likely Grazz't, remember?"
  630. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: About 2 hours, and there's not much issues about what's in the way - but he's also a fearsome dracolich.
  631. [11:33 PM] Eon: 2 hours back and fro.. Esker suggests they skip it.
  632. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What flees at sight of him might not be so afraid of you.
  633. [11:33 PM] Eon: Ignoring anything even stopping them during both trips.
  634. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If you wish for exact location for Dimension Door, that can be arranged. I'll make a secret roll on your Intelligence, versus a hidden DC.
  635. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Success means you land properly, failure means you.. Don't.
  636. [11:35 PM] Eon: ... What happens when you DDoor into solid wall again?
  637. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Well.
  638. [11:35 PM] Faerie: ''You know...'' Razmik wonders perplexed. ''It's not often that we've had to deal with such kinds of people. We've been lucky so far''
  639. [11:35 PM] Eon: only 4d6 force d-damge, right?
  640. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah.
  641. [11:35 PM] Bot Fodder: John contemplates aloud: the hoard could have something useful to the group's goals, or it could just be gold and jewels. Or even a trap (though the dracolich did seem nice!)
  642. [11:35 PM] Eon: "People. Hah." ... Hold Person.
  643. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But it burns the spell slot.
  644. [11:36 PM] Eon: ... She just stopped preparing Hold Person a while ago NotLikeThis
  645. [11:36 PM] Bot Fodder: (brb restroom)
  646. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (W E W ESKER PLS)
  647. [11:36 PM] Faerie: Undead, monsters and fiends were another, different thing, yes. ''But that's no reason to hesitate. We'll do what it takes, right?''
  648. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern and Sern's simulacrum seems to have finished talking.
  649. [11:36 PM] Eon: (flat int check?)
  650. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well, onward, then?" Sern suggests.
  651. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Flat)
  652. [11:37 PM] Eon: (can be guidanced, surely?)
  653. [11:37 PM] Faerie: Razmik clings onto the assumption that he's not the only one with compulsions about killing fellow humanoids.
  654. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And I am not telling you how you rolled :smugpopo: )
  655. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Guidance is fine.
  656. [11:37 PM] Eon: (well, wouldn't be very secret otherwise :smugsatori: )
  657. [11:37 PM] Eon: (Help from Lexon, who was there when Dracolich-san gave directions?)(edited)
  658. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :thinking: )
  659. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I guess.)
  660. [11:38 PM] Runic: (Not the best to ask for help, but he'll try)
  661. [11:38 PM] Eon: SeemsGood. Shadow is going to have bust out some spellslots, but that seems a lot more reasonable.
  662. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyways, What now?
  663. [11:38 PM] Eon: Either way, that means going back to Spelljammer.
  664. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright. All in accord?
  665. [11:38 PM] Runic: Yup
  666. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You bid your goodbye with Grave.
  667. [11:39 PM] Eon: Esker bows properly. This one was one worthy of respect.
  668. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern seems more curious than anything else, with the world he known a past memory.
  669. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He frowns at the Temple of Lolth. "Who put this piece of crap here?"
  670. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Senate." The simulacrum answered.
  671. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... We have a Senate?"
  672. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Not anymore."
  673. [11:40 PM] Faerie: Was that in Elven?
  674. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Drow dialect, even.
  675. [11:40 PM] Eon: "Drows have a senate? Whaaaaat?"
  676. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He seems a bit quiet, when he noticed the city being long abandoned.
  677. [11:40 PM] Eon: Even through the odd accent, Esker manages to cock an eyebrow.
  678. [11:40 PM] Faerie: Somethingsomething >politics, Razmik coughs for some reason.
  679. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's been a long time, huh?" He grins. "Well, this world's sort of out of space and time itself."
  681. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You travel through the tunnels back to the surface.
  682. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And to the spelljammer, to which Sern raised an eyebrow.
  683. [11:41 PM] Eon: "Yeah. I know."
  684. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "This tower... is it a mage tower? It seems Drow in design."
  685. [11:41 PM] Eon: "It's contrived, I swea-"
  686. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Why are we going in a tower?"
  687. [11:42 PM] Eon: "Oh, it was built.. after you.. Err."
  688. [11:42 PM] Eon: Esker casts Infodump on Sern.
  689. [11:42 PM] Faerie: ''You get used to it, to be honest. My first impressions were less calm, but there's no mistaking it: one is and feels real inside of these nightmares.''
  690. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... You see." The simulacrum explains. "There's been a lot of things. Just go in."
  691. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Alright. Seems legit." Sern shrugs, getting the infodump.
  692. [11:43 PM] Eon: "Shaaaaadow, Recelle, come here for a sec."
  693. [11:43 PM] Eon: "And Lexon, too."
  694. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow hops over to Esker.
  695. [11:43 PM] Runic: "What's up?"
  696. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle looks at Esker. "What's up?"
  697. [11:43 PM] Eon: Slapping Guidance on herself. Help from Lexon.
  698. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Wait, what."
  699. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow seems surprised.
  700. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And then his eyes glint.
  701. [11:43 PM] Eon: "I'm not super good at math, so.. I might need your help calculating this, Recelle."
  702. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Wait, wait, we are gonna do something awesome."
  703. [11:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow seems excited. :excitedfish:
  704. [11:44 PM] Eon: "Shadow knows Dimension Door, so. That trick again."
  705. [11:44 PM] Eon: (assuming everyone is willing to take up to 4d6 force damages.)
  706. [11:44 PM] Eon: (otherwise I have +1, adv, and Guidance for the check.)
  707. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle suggests for pet evacuation first.
  708. [11:45 PM] Eon: Yeaaaah, that makes sense.
  709. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Which is the hellhounds, and the closet-dweller. And note to Augus's party.
  710. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Regardless, with most people out of the way, you can perform the jump.
  711. [11:45 PM] Eon: secret roll :excitedfish:
  712. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: After a few minutes of getting everyone up to speed, and leaving things like pets and simulacrums out of the way,
  713. [11:46 PM] Eon: Actually, why does it even need to be secret? We'll know if we bop into a wall.
  714. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You attempt a jump through spacetime via the Spelljammer!
  715. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (So you don't know how much you failed the DC by, or if it was a result of a low roll)
  716. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The DC is unknown, which is the thing)
  717. [11:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Math? Well, I am not very good at it, but I'll try." Recelle says, helping Esker on the matter, while Esker and Lexon explains the description of the path.
  718. [11:48 PM] Eon: Hey, now, Recelle knew trigo, that's no joke!
  719. [11:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Once divined properly, Recelle gives the coordinate, given some adjustment for spacing, and gives the information to Shadow.
  720. [11:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow rubs his hand.
  721. [11:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Alright, everyone, hold on tight!"
  722. [11:48 PM] Runic: "Err it was somewhere past the Mushroom people... I think?" Not the best to ask(edited)
  723. [11:48 PM] Eon: Esker braces for the worst.
  724. [11:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: .... And, as a final precaution, dismisses Tot temporarily.
  725. [11:48 PM] Eon: Well. The risk would pay off, hopefully.
  726. [11:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A flash of light, as Shadow pulls through the Dimension while employing the Spelljammer...
  727. [11:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Your scenary changed, from the night sky of Orixia, to a cavern!
  728. [11:49 PM] Faerie: (Invoking IL beforehand, is that alright?)
  729. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a large cavern, about 200 x 200 ft in size, and 100ish in height, seemingly carved out of stone by magic.
  730. [11:50 PM] Eon: "Mmm.." That was an encouraging sign.
  731. [11:50 PM] Eon: Dancing Lights via Ring of Shooting Stars, trying to take a better look around.
  732. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: On the ground, there's a relatively pitiful horde of coin and treasure. However, that's only when compared to the vastness of the cavern around you - it's still very sizable.
  733. [11:51 PM] Eon: There might be hidden caches, dragons tend to do that sort of thing, right?
  734. [11:51 PM] Eon: (let me perception meme Kappa)
  735. [11:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sure, go ahead, Esker.
  736. [11:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (IL? IL would need to target 6, but you can do it whlie Esker does the commune from earlier)
  737. [11:52 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+9 does anyone wanna Help? Guidance, as always.
  738. [11:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 2, Result: 11
  739. [11:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You find yourself the proud owner of 7400 GPs, after coin conversion.
  740. [11:52 PM] Eon: (wew please Help :sadpopo: )
  741. [11:52 PM] Faerie: Meanwhile, Razmik seems lost in thought for a good while. How long had it been since that fateful encounter with the Light back in Windsmere?
  742. Truthfully, it had been the first time in Razmik's life he had spurred someone else into action, into something good. Both the Guardians' words and actions, even as his pulse went haywire and his hands shaked at the unknown threat during his first experiences with the ugliness of war...
  743. But the greatness, the selflessness he had spurred those Windsmerian 'soldiers' to! It had all been eye-opening, gut-stirring for Razmik who, in turn, felt inspired by their courage.
  744. Razmik clears his throat to speak... (stay a while, and listen)
  745. [11:52 PM] Eon: roll 1d4(edited)
  746. [11:52 PM] Eon: roll 1d4
  747. [11:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  748. [11:52 PM] Faerie: (Let's just wave our hands then)
  749. [11:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Beside for just the coins, there's a ton of random, low level gears, likely scoured from the nearby underground tribes, or something?
  750. [11:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And, there's the magic items.
  751. [11:53 PM] Runic: Lexon will help Esker search around then(edited)
  752. [11:53 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+9 the meme continues!
  753. [11:53 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 2, Result: 11
  754. [11:53 PM] Eon: ... Alright.
  755. [11:53 PM] Runic: (lol)
  756. [11:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d100
  757. [11:53 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d100]: 59,32, Result: 91
  758. [11:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  759. [11:53 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 35, Result: 35
  760. [11:54 PM] Bot Fodder: Though more than happy with his current equipment (far nicer than any mere guard ought to have) John looks for things that the group can use.
  761. [11:54 PM] Eon: "Mmm. If time at all permits, we should stop by Shadowdale."
  762. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You find a set of ancient leather armor, seemingly taken from hide of some unknown beast.
  763. [11:54 PM] Eon: "Coin isn't worth much until you spend it."
  764. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You find a rod of unknown origin, carved from a white wood.
  765. [11:54 PM] Eon: Would Esker recognise this? As a spellcaster and druid.
  766. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You find a full set of adamantine armor.
  767. [11:55 PM] Faerie: ''After meeting that Merchane vessel? It's likely we won't have a good, practical use for coin for the rest of our lives'', he remarks.
  768. [11:55 PM] Runic: "Man, this place was a lot bigger than I thought it would be" Lexon comments, "impressive place Iz's he says outloud" despite the dracolitch not being present(edited)
  769. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You may identify the leather armor during your rest, or via an identify spell, normally. :smugpopo:
  770. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But go for an /arcane/ int check.
  771. [11:55 PM] Faerie: What kinda adamantine armor?
  772. [11:55 PM] Eon: booo, where was Alicia when you needed her
  773. [11:55 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+1
  774. [11:55 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 5, Result: 6
  775. [11:55 PM] Eon: roll 1d4
  776. [11:55 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  777. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Full Plate.
  778. [11:55 PM] Faerie: (Also, everyone IL for 14 temp HP)
  779. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's... Unknown! Your head hurts.
  780. [11:55 PM] Eon: (14, wew.)
  781. [11:56 PM] Eon: "Bah. Where is Alicia when you need her."
  782. [11:56 PM] Eon: (low rolls all day everyday)
  783. [11:56 PM] Eon: "Anyhow, that seems to be all of it. The risk paid off."
  784. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: So
  785. - leather armor
  786. - adamantine full plate
  787. - white wooden rod
  789. As well as two strange stones, separate from the gems
  790. [11:57 PM] Faerie: Razmik looks at the armor, very suddenly being brutalized over the head by the realization of his own carelessness. ''Oh...''
  791. [11:57 PM] Runic: Lexon will take a look at the strange leather armor since on one else is, maybe he can find out what kind of animal it's made of
  792. [11:57 PM] Eon: gems?
  793. [11:57 PM] Eon: Any diamonds?
  794. [11:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  795. [11:57 PM] Faerie: He should have gotten his set of plate 'fixed' like Alicia had done.
  796. [11:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm, I didn't think about it, but I guess you have a pool of gems.
  797. [11:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 4400 GP in gems, of which can be of any kind.
  798. [11:58 PM] Eon: :thinking:
  799. [11:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon can uh
  800. [11:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: arcane it.
  801. [11:59 PM] Eon: one 1000 gp Agate, 1000 in rubies worth 50 each, and 2400 gp worth of diamonds, split into 48 50 gp diamonds?
  802. [11:59 PM] Runic: Alright arcaning it up for the leather armor right?
  803. [11:59 PM] Bot Fodder: "I wonder if these could be spent to mount some kind of defense," John contemplates aloud. He simply doesn't know how to react to the sight of such riches. So he doesn't.
  804. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yep, go ahead, Lexon.
  805. [11:59 PM] Runic: roll 1d20-1
  806. [11:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 1, Result: 0
  807. [11:59 PM] Faerie: (>48 diamonds)
  808. [11:59 PM] Eon: (wew)
  809. [11:59 PM] Runic: (Heh)
  810. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (literally 0)
  811. [11:59 PM] Eon: These strange stones..
  812. October 21, 2017
  813. [12:00 AM] Eon: Well, these were more interesting.
  814. [12:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those are fairly identifiable with Arcana due to their strange shape.
  815. [12:00 AM] Runic: "Yeah, have absolutely no clue what the heck this is made of" Lexon says gripping the strange leather armor(edited)
  816. [12:00 AM] Eon: A-Arcana..
  817. [12:00 AM] Eon: ALICIA :cryingpopo:
  818. [12:00 AM] Bot Fodder: "Leather?" John suggests.
  819. [12:00 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+1 I think I'm the only one with positive int
  820. [12:00 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 1, Result: 2
  821. [12:00 AM] Eon: Ok.
  822. [12:00 AM] Faerie: Razmik asks Esker about the stones. ''What are those about? Don't look like common spell catalysts.''
  823. [12:00 AM] Eon: RIGGED
  824. [12:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Recelle smacks her forehead.
  825. [12:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+9
  826. [12:01 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 5, Result: 14
  827. [12:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+9
  828. [12:01 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 16, Result: 25
  829. [12:01 AM] Eon: "My head hurts.."
  830. [12:01 AM] Runic: "Well I know it's leather! But I wanna know what kind of animal" Lexon retorts, laughing a bit
  831. [12:01 AM] Faerie: (>+9
  832. R I G G E D)
  833. [12:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I don't know about the leather armor, but here. Those two are ioun stones."
  834. [12:01 AM] Eon: This was not a good day. That Commune really took a bunch out of here..
  835. [12:01 AM] Faerie: (What)
  836. [12:01 AM] Eon: (NANI)
  837. [12:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ioun Stone of Leadership (+2 charisma to max of 20), and Reserve (spellstoring)
  838. [12:01 AM] Faerie: (FYUCIfUCKING)
  839. [12:02 AM] Eon: (hey, someone has a free attunement slot!)
  840. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You can tell from their spiral swirl here..." Recelle gives a quick lesson on Ioun Stone.
  841. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4-1
  842. [12:02 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4-1]: 2, Result: 1
  843. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Ioun Stone currently has a Cure Wounds spell contained within.
  844. [12:03 AM] Eon: ( :thinking: )
  845. [12:03 AM] Bot Fodder: "Ioun stones?" John has apparently heard of these! They were really in fashion among adventurers for some time. The fad wore out after other adventurer in town had a few floating around. "... but, wait, these are used for something?"
  846. [12:03 AM] Eon: (Reserve seems like bad ring of spell storing)
  847. [12:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And... Fuck it, I'll give it to you guys right now, then.
  848. [12:03 AM] Eon: (Leadership, though..)
  849. [12:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The leather armor is a plain +3 leather armor.
  850. [12:03 AM] Bot Fodder: (WEW)
  851. [12:03 AM] Eon: ( :shockedpopo: )
  852. [12:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: the white rod ... is of legendary importance.
  853. [12:03 AM] Eon: (leather or studded)
  854. [12:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Rod of Resurrection.
  855. [12:03 AM] Eon: :shockedpopo:
  856. [12:03 AM] Faerie:
  858. [12:04 AM] Eon: (oh, any creature, hmm..)
  859. [12:04 AM] Eon: (good for revivify)
  860. [12:04 AM] Eon: :shockedpopo:
  861. [12:04 AM] Faerie: Is that an established artifact.txt
  862. [12:04 AM] Eon: (r-ressurrection?)
  863. [12:04 AM] Bot Fodder: (Note: the Ioun Stones John has seen were probably all cosmetic fakes.)
  864. [12:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: So total loot:
  865. +3 Leather (not studded) armor
  866. Adamantine Full Plate
  867. Rod of Resurrection
  868. Ioun Stone of Leadership
  869. Ioun Stone of Reserve
  870. 7400 GP in coinage
  871. 4400 GP in gems
  872. [12:05 AM] Eon:
  874. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  876. [12:05 AM] Eon: MUH STARBOW
  877. [12:05 AM] Bot Fodder: (Because having gems of power floating around your head makes you look like a boss.)
  878. [12:05 AM] Eon: Stay away!
  879. [12:05 AM] Runic: Lexon'll wear the +3 leather armor instead of his regualr studded leather armor if everyone is fine with that
  880. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Nephelle, of course, fulfills that requirement, if no PCs wish to attune to it.
  881. [12:05 AM] Faerie: (>class-locked gear
  882. WELP)
  883. [12:06 AM] Eon: (for real, though, my attunement slots are pretty locked, though casting Heal is really good)
  884. [12:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow is fine without armor, "I can't be hit anyways, and that golem did a number on ya the other day."
  885. [12:06 AM] Bot Fodder: John examines the adamantine armor. He's only heard of the alloy before, but it certainly seems stronger and heavier than normal steel. He tries to get a sense of what benefits it would have.
  886. [12:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He's totally ignoring the time when he went down like a broken puppet.
  887. [12:06 AM] Faerie: Razmik's slots: Salamander (''No please don't take it away just one more day please''), Ring of Evasion and Cloak of Protection. He's got a free slot.
  888. [12:07 AM] Eon: ... The Rod of Resurrection? Esker's face lights up for a moment, shock and hope mixing.. And then disappointment.
  889. [12:07 AM] Eon: "... Too late."
  890. [12:07 AM] Faerie: ''...Did it hit you hard enough to give you amnesia?'', Razmik wonders out loud.
  891. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "What do you mean?" Shadow glances at Razmik, totally ignoring that.
  892. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "If I stood right back up it doesn't count. Nope."
  893. KogasaGaSagasa pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Today at 12:08 AM
  894. [12:08 AM] Eon: (what does cloak of protection do, again?)
  895. [12:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (For ease of reference, the loot message's pinned)(edited)
  896. [12:08 AM] Faerie: ''Didn't you come back to life in a burst of radiance? I thought I saw something cool like that back then...''
  897. [12:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "H-hush."
  898. [12:08 AM] Faerie: ''But maybe it was my imagination''
  899. [12:08 AM] Faerie: (Cloak's +1 to saves and AC. Raz's AC is 24 passively)(edited)
  900. [12:09 AM] Eon: (Up to you, Rod and Ioun probably is better than cloak and blank)
  901. [12:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Nephelle has 3 free slots :smugpopo: )
  902. [12:09 AM] Eon: (... Please don't go spamming Ressurection, we get one ticket)
  903. [12:09 AM] Faerie: The ring, Razmik has never used in his life.
  904. [12:09 AM] Eon: (yeah, but Nephelle can already cast Heal! :smugpopo: )
  905. [12:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Rod isn't so great on her since she has Heal already)
  906. [12:09 AM] Bot Fodder: John looks up. "Huh. Coming back from the brink of death in a flash of light and power would've looked really cool, but I guess I must be mixed up."
  907. [12:10 AM] Eon: (we can give the Reserve stone to npc, store revivify in it)
  908. [12:10 AM] Faerie: Say, is it possible for any of the divine casters to identify the rod? Like, any significance it may hold? Associated deity or sects? That sort of thing.
  909. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyways, it seems that the items here - the dracolich doesn't consider them to be important to him.
  910. [12:10 AM] Faerie: Well, a Dracolich wouldn't find the ability to resurrect people useful, no...
  911. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The rod in itself does not have any identification, and anyone that used it local has since long gone from the memories of the Orixian natives.
  912. [12:11 AM] Eon: "..." For shame. If only she got here sooner.
  913. [12:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It has, somehow, wounded up here, after a curious journey.
  914. [12:11 AM] Faerie: But Razmik hardly thinks himself able to wield such power: He's no true spellcaster, nor a true Cleric.
  915. [12:12 AM] Runic: Lexon thinks back to the situation, and seeing Shadow go down pretty harshly. "You sure Shadow? I mean, dark leather armor would look pretty cool on you" Lexon says flapping the the leather piece, as if drying it out, "especially one that's magical. Current one have on right now is still pretty hardy, you should wear something protective."
  916. [12:12 AM] Eon: "Well. That was fruitful. Shall we leave? We have business elsewhere." Esker seems a little miffed.
  917. [12:12 AM] Bot Fodder: John, ever practical, suggests keeping it on-hand in case our party is too late to use Revivify.
  918. [12:12 AM] Faerie: (I mean, he doesn't even get 7th level spells!)
  919. [12:12 AM] Eon: (he does now)
  920. [12:12 AM] Faerie: (O-oh)
  921. [12:12 AM] Bot Fodder: "Something wrong?" John asks Esker.
  922. [12:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Eh, I have this." Shadow pats his own clothing, "Good enough for me." He grins at Lexon, wanting him to have it.
  923. [12:13 AM] Eon: "Nah." She shrugs.
  924. [12:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (y no fireball in ioun)
  925. [12:13 AM] Runic: "Alright, just making sure man" Lexon nods
  926. [12:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (alicia would approve)
  927. [12:13 AM] Faerie: Razmik inspects the ioun stones, careful not to mix both up. Were their benefits apparent?
  928. [12:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (triple fireball via Azura)
  929. [12:13 AM] Eon: (wait, can familiars attune to magic items)
  930. [12:13 AM] Eon: (caaaaaan they?)
  931. [12:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (theoretically nothing stops them)
  932. [12:13 AM] Eon: ( :thinking: )
  933. [12:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (in houserule, I demand them to share your attune slots)
  934. [12:13 AM] Eon: (sensible!)
  935. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (so if your familiar attune to a magic item, it counts as if you have 1 less attune slot.)
  936. [12:14 AM] Eon: (I wouldn't let you do it in my game anyway, so that's good)
  937. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (This goes for horses etc)
  938. [12:14 AM] Eon: (it's worse in Mare since there are like 2 familiars)
  939. [12:14 AM] Faerie: (I love how this hoard was ''fuck'' then became ''oh holy fuck what'' in about three sentences)
  940. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Really? It's not like fuckamazingball)
  941. [12:14 AM] Bot Fodder: (Man, it's hard to be happy about being rich as fuck when the world is ending.)
  942. [12:14 AM] Runic: Lexon will unequip his currently worn studded armor, reavling his softer looking clothes and tunic for a brief moment, and wear the newly magical leather armor(edited)
  943. [12:15 AM] Eon: "Unless people wanna go around and poke around for secret entrances, we should go. Time's a wasting."
  944. [12:15 AM] Faerie: (How is it not?! A fucking Legendary rod that actually FEELS legendary. Did you roll for the stones at random?)
  945. [12:15 AM] Bot Fodder: (Had I played a more resourceful character, or at least one more prone to vices, I'd squander the fuck out of that.)
  946. [12:15 AM] Eon: (Res stick is a pretty nice reward, also 'not having to worry about gems')
  947. [12:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (brb, washroom)
  948. [12:16 AM] Eon: Esker will request several diamonds (500 gp worth)
  949. [12:16 AM] Faerie: (Yeah, but also the rod itself is pretty swag. The stone's just icing, but that's my biased opi- TWENTY FUCKING CHARISMA)
  950. [12:16 AM] Bot Fodder: John loads the treasure on to the ship. He thinks Recelle will probably like it!
  951. [12:16 AM] Eon: Should that request go through, we have 38 diamonds worth 50 each left in pool, or 1900.
  952. [12:16 AM] Eon: ... Raz should take the lion's share.
  953. [12:17 AM] Eon: Prone to Revivifying people as he is :smugsatori:
  954. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew, back)
  955. [12:17 AM] Faerie: Razmik's gotten into the habit of collecting diamonds as well, see. He's down to five: Two on his immediate person, two back in the Spelljammer's ''chest of important things''.
  956. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I like the Rod, but the party probably is tight on attune)
  957. [12:17 AM] Eon: (wait, you rolled for legendaries as well)
  958. [12:17 AM] Eon: (it could have been a Holy Avenger)
  959. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Reminder - you can BUY gems with money, if you come down to it.
  960. [12:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I would've rerolled for things that I didn't cared about)
  961. [12:18 AM] Faerie: (A holy avenger there would have been really ''lol wtf'' :sadpopo:)
  962. [12:18 AM] Eon: (hey, campaign's ending, might as well.)
  963. [12:18 AM] Eon: (anyhow, lets go visit some cultists and play some DD?)
  964. [12:18 AM] Faerie: (Imagine a dracolich sleeping on a hoard full of potentially lethal things)
  965. [12:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyhow, there's no secret cache of anything here, nor letters left behind just for you.
  966. [12:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems like the dracolich did not care much for this place beside for stashing the things that he did not care for.
  967. [12:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Toys, games, and the like. That would be his true horde.
  968. [12:19 AM] Eon: All the more for them, then.
  969. [12:19 AM] Eon: ... Very ill fitting a blue dragon, huh?
  970. [12:20 AM] Faerie: (Say, Koga)
  971. [12:20 AM] Bot Fodder: Indeed. :smugpopo:
  972. [12:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sup.)
  973. [12:20 AM] Eon: Esker is reasonably intelligent, she knows they like to hoard gems, right?
  974. [12:20 AM] Eon: Normally, anyway.
  975. [12:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Normally, yes.
  976. [12:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And there's indeed gems in the hoard.
  977. [12:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :smugpopo:
  978. [12:20 AM] Eon: :thinking:
  979. [12:20 AM] Eon: Only adds to the mystery of Iz'.
  980. [12:21 AM] Eon: (I really want to Rod of Res it up, but muh Starbow)
  981. [12:21 AM] Faerie: (The Ioun Stone raises its relevant stat by 2, ''up to a maximum of 20''. Is that locked, or subject to cap modifiers like memetome? I ask because it sounds like there's absolutely nothing that would hint at one over the other, so it could go either way)
  982. [12:21 AM] Bot Fodder: Perhaps some dragons have compelling reasons to value entertainment over splendor...
  983. [12:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I would let you tome limitbreak still)
  984. [12:22 AM] Eon: (It's not practical to keep Starbow around, tbh, Robe of Stars is likely better damage if it comes to that, but muh mahou shoujou memes)
  985. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And Ioun on a barbarian not having 24/24 already after cap would indeed push them up by 2, type of deal)
  986. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Via RAI)
  987. [12:22 AM] Bot Fodder: (I... think the Magical Girl image would be impossible for Esker. :sadpopo: )(edited)
  988. [12:23 AM] Faerie: (So say, if my base CHA is 20 and my cap is 22, it'd bump CHA to 22, the 'actual' limit for the character?)
  989. [12:23 AM] Eon: (Not the heroic, save the world kind, of course.)
  990. [12:23 AM] Bot Fodder: (Is there another kind?)
  991. [12:23 AM] Eon: (weeeell, the fallen kind?)
  992. [12:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yep, Raz)
  993. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Tome is of a more specific which trumps the general of item and mortal stat limit.)
  994. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Alternatively, you can give it to Shadow, whose limit isn't 20 either.)
  995. [12:24 AM] Faerie: (Ahhh. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Good reasoning)
  996. [12:25 AM] Bot Fodder: (Dark Magical Girl Twilight Esker? :thinking: )
  997. [12:25 AM] Faerie: Uhh, what's Shadow attuned to?
  998. [12:25 AM] Eon: (maybe in another timeline)
  999. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I can't fully recall)
  1000. [12:25 AM] Eon: (can we worry about attunement later, Fae? :sadpopo: like during a rest)
  1001. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Anyways, I really don't mean for anyone to give stuff to NPCs :smugpopo: )
  1002. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And yeah)
  1003. [12:25 AM] Faerie: (True)
  1004. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Let's pick up from here and move forward.
  1005. [12:26 AM] Faerie: Razmik'd likely try to gear Nephelle up, anyway.
  1006. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: What do you do? Search the chamber some more?
  1007. [12:26 AM] Bot Fodder: (>Implying Recelle will go home without most of our gold)
  1008. [12:26 AM] Eon: Esker reaffirms her desire to go bop some cultists.
  1009. [12:26 AM] Eon: ... For information, and then decide.
  1010. [12:26 AM] Bot Fodder: John seconds this!
  1011. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, once you are done here, Shadow'll hop you all out.
  1012. [12:26 AM] Faerie: Either the Cloak or the Ring of Evasion, maybe even both...? It wouldn't be good if she got hurt.
  1013. [12:26 AM] Eon: ... And maybe go to Shadowdale to speed shoop.
  1014. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  1015. [12:26 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 53, Result: 53
  1016. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: In midair of Orixia now, you follow the coordinate given and deducted by various parties, to a valley between ice, where a temple made of ice sits.
  1017. [12:27 AM] Eon: "We are here for information, so. Keep them alive, if at all possible."
  1018. [12:27 AM] Bot Fodder: (Considering Neph's previously seen potential for saving heroes from their demise, maybe she's meant to have that staff...)
  1019. [12:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ice is tainted, dark and like obsidian, on the surface, but isn't very large - smaller than that of the one you've visited earlier, even.
  1020. [12:28 AM] Eon: Dark? Like the Black Ice?
  1021. [12:28 AM] Eon: The poisonous Black Ice?
  1022. [12:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Exactly.
  1023. [12:28 AM] Runic: "I think I manage to do that, sure Esker"
  1024. [12:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those are, by the by, the Cultists of the Cradle.
  1025. [12:28 AM] Eon: "... That can't be good."
  1026. [12:29 AM] Faerie: Razmik absentmindedly inspects one of the stones they had gotten. Pink and green...? ''Look at this, Morninglord's color. But also that of Nature.''
  1027. Be it a sign????
  1028. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Due to consideration to the GM, please only bring up to 2 NPCs with you.
  1029. [12:29 AM] Eon: "I don't imagine we're going to knock. How would you people want to go about this?"
  1030. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Familiars etc don't count toward this limit.
  1031. [12:29 AM] Eon: The important on- wait there's a high level npc right there
  1032. [12:29 AM] Bot Fodder: John grunts, looking down. "I hope this goes better than the last time..."
  1033. [12:29 AM] Eon: (Do we bring Sern? :thinking: )
  1034. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern seems more curious than anything else, in full gear.
  1035. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I don't imagine there's too much trouble down there, but we can practice our teamwork a bit."
  1036. [12:30 AM] Eon: (we could just Shadow Recelle like good old times, but Sern Merlin is :thinking: )
  1037. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Sern will severely kill your XP, obviously. If there's any down there.
  1038. [12:30 AM] Faerie: ''Depends. Maybe if we strike enough of an impression into them, they'll stand down without a fight?''
  1039. [12:31 AM] Faerie: Razmik is wishful.
  1040. [12:31 AM] Eon: (S-Shadow Recelle!)
  1041. [12:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Like "You are getting 10%".)
  1042. [12:31 AM] Eon: "I'm not too familiar with intimidation, no."
  1043. [12:31 AM] Faerie: (Is that for combat only?)
  1044. [12:31 AM] Bot Fodder: (TFW can't come up with IC reasons not to bring him.)
  1045. [12:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Well, mostly. )
  1046. [12:32 AM] Eon: "And unlike some druids, I don't really have enchantment spells ready.." She muses.
  1047. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern seems up to it, not overly concerned about much.
  1048. [12:32 AM] Faerie: ''I'm not one for violence, spoken or otherwise. We know our duty, though...''
  1049. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow, Recelle, and Nephelle are all pretty ok with going with you.
  1050. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: For odd-ball choices, you have Augus's party,
  1051. [12:32 AM] Eon: (Eon would prefer Shadow Recelle, just like good old times.)
  1052. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: or the Hellhound + Closet for the golden duo
  1053. [12:32 AM] Faerie: (DYNAMIC DUO)
  1054. [12:33 AM] Faerie: (What's Augus' CHA at?)
  1055. [12:33 AM] Eon: (Though, maybe Augus party has someone with Detect Thoughts or Charm Person.)
  1056. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Like 20)
  1057. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus's party all have hold person, for the most parts.
  1058. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Any spellcasters there carry either Tasha's or Hold Person
  1059. [12:33 AM] Runic: (Hmmm)
  1060. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nirvain has better, as previously demonstrated.
  1061. [12:33 AM] Eon: Esker wonders if they use it often..
  1062. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Their party's designed to PvP you guys originally, after all...)
  1063. [12:34 AM] Faerie: Razmik would ask Augus how they dealt with cultists back home
  1064. [12:34 AM] Eon: Grumbling at causality for favoring them like that, she'll vote for Shadow and Recelle
  1065. [12:34 AM] Faerie: (I knew it, haha)
  1066. [12:34 AM] Eon: (pfff, I wonder.)
  1067. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hm? We hang them."
  1068. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus stats, matter-of-factly.
  1069. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Some frost giants will devote themselves and ... Merge? With a troll."
  1070. [12:35 AM] Eon: Esker cringes at the sound of that. Merge?
  1071. [12:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Those ones abandon the Ordning and... We hang them."
  1072. [12:35 AM] Faerie: ''Ah. Is that part of the Ordning?'', Razmik is curious.
  1073. [12:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No. It's akin to us paladins abandoning our vow." Augus frowns. "It's unacceptable in our society - but that's our style of cultists."
  1074. [12:36 AM] Eon: "Cultists of whom, though?"
  1075. [12:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Oh, I guess frost giants can worship demons as well? But I haven't noticed any."
  1076. [12:36 AM] Eon: Though, that was neither here not there. She's ready to go down.
  1077. [12:36 AM] Eon: Unless people wanna parachute down :smugsatori:
  1078. [12:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus shrugs. "I don't really know. I know how to deal with them, but not how to join them - never cared to find out."(edited)
  1079. [12:36 AM] Bot Fodder: "We'll soon find out," John says, still staring down at the obsidian-like ice.
  1080. [12:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Frost Giant logics, it seems, rubbed off Augus.
  1081. [12:37 AM] Eon: "That ice is likely poisonous, like those on Agathys. Be careful, the rest of you."
  1082. [12:37 AM] Eon: It's really weird, how she could just rub her face on it and not be too much worse for wear.
  1083. [12:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The others organize to surround the temple, in case any cultists run for it.
  1084. [12:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle and Shadow will delve the temple's depth with you.
  1085. [12:38 AM] Faerie: ''Truly unforgivable acts are few and far between, but that sounds like it fits the bill nicely, then'', Raz remarks. ''Still, this time we have a practical reason for not slaughtering them, at least''
  1086. [12:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well, they eat the troll, and become troll-like in nature. Grow second head, sometimes. Horror story for bedtime." Augus grins.
  1087. [12:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Anyways, you guys do your thing, I'll hold the fort outside."
  1088. [12:39 AM] Eon: "They.. what? The things people do for power.."
  1089. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow salutes. "Aye!"
  1090. [12:39 AM] Eon: Troll meat must be terribly stringy and rubbery, she imagines.
  1091. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle brings the group down closer, so people won't have to... like, drop.
  1092. [12:39 AM] Bot Fodder: That would be good!
  1093. [12:39 AM] Runic: "Alright Augus, hopefully things go well enough" Lexon waves(edited)
  1094. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Before you leave, just as a precaution,
  1095. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your spellcaster allies cast Protection from Good and Evil upon each one of you.
  1096. [12:40 AM] Faerie: Razmik hums to himself, giving the giant a thumbs up. ''That's that. I trust nothing will get past you?''
  1097. [12:40 AM] Eon: Man, Esker wishes she could do that!
  1098. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus grins, saying nothing.
  1099. [12:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sern nods. "Don't worry. If any get out, I can practice a bit. Haven't swung a sword in three thousand years."
  1100. [12:41 AM] Eon: (really though, why don't druids get prot. from good and evil?)
  1101. [12:41 AM] Faerie: (Dunno, probably the spell name. Even though it also protects from elementals and aberrations :sadpopo:)
  1102. [12:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You all prepare to delve the temple... Which stands silently. If anyone's inside, they haven't noticed you out here on a spelljammer.
  1103. [12:42 AM] Eon: Esker holds up a finger.
  1104. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (druids are the unwanted child of WotC :cryingpopo: )
  1105. [12:42 AM] Eon: ... Do they want to try sneak?
  1106. [12:42 AM] Eon: (I am just itching to Pass Without Trace)
  1107. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow puts on Tot.
  1108. [12:42 AM] Eon: Fuck it, you guys don't get to ask :smugpopo: Pass Without Trace.
  1109. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot stares down at Shadow. Putting Tot on the head doesn't increase one's sneakiness, contray to popular belief.
  1110. [12:43 AM] Eon: Esker will volunteer to scout ahead by about 30 feet.
  1111. [12:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Seems fine.
  1112. [12:43 AM] Faerie: Razmik's stopped as he's about to go fetch Interloper. ''Ah. I understand :sadpopo:''
  1113. [12:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You enter the temple... And find a staircase in the main chamber, spiraling downward. There's also steps of ice going up to the roof - but you know from outside that it doesn't contain anyone interesting.
  1114. [12:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unless they were invisible.
  1115. [12:44 AM] Faerie: ''Take Lexon with you, will you? In case anything happens''
  1116. [12:44 AM] Runic: "Hmm? Oh sure, I can help scout"
  1117. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow volunteer to sneak as well!
  1118. [12:44 AM] Eon: (c-can I roll steath for fun, please :sadpopo: )
  1119. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle would, as well, but she's not as pressed for it.
  1120. [12:44 AM] Eon: (I invested memes into this!)
  1121. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Shadow..." Recelle holds onto Shadow, gripping his shoulder hard.
  1122. [12:44 AM] Faerie: (are you ready for the 1 crit fail :smugsatori:)
  1123. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow whimpers, reined in.
  1124. [12:44 AM] Eon: (I have +17 and advantage)
  1125. [12:45 AM] Bot Fodder: John stays with the body of the group. Nothing short of a silence spell can fully mask the clank of his gear. He inspects the place as thoroughly as possible as the group proceeds in, attempting to guess the purpose of each room, or perhaps when they were last used.
  1126. [12:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Good boy." Recelle gently brushes Tot on top of Shadow's head.
  1127. [12:45 AM] Runic: (tell that to Dicebot Eon)
  1128. [12:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1129. [12:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You scout ahead; Go for it, whoever's scouting. Give me a stealth check.
  1130. [12:45 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+17
  1131. [12:45 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+17]: 13, Result: 30
  1132. [12:45 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+17
  1133. [12:45 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+17]: 14, Result: 31
  1134. [12:46 AM] Bot Fodder: (Also: have to shower within 45 minutes.)
  1135. [12:46 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+11
  1136. [12:46 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 1, Result: 12
  1137. [12:46 AM] Runic: (WEW)
  1138. [12:46 AM] Eon: ... As a side, I make no noise while moving.
  1139. [12:46 AM] Eon: REEEEEEE
  1140. [12:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You meld into the shadow, as part of it.
  1141. [12:46 AM] Faerie: Raz shoots Recele a glance. ''G-good boy?'' ...wasn't Shadow older than him, Alicia, Lexon and John?
  1142. [12:46 AM] Eon: You're ruining my fantasy :sadpopo:
  1143. [12:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Lexon, however, tumbled down accidentally.
  1144. [12:46 AM] Faerie: (Is that with Pass?)
  1145. [12:46 AM] Eon: Esker glares.
  1146. [12:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Only a few steps, mind you.
  1147. [12:46 AM] Faerie: (It's a flat +10)
  1148. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Down the stairs, you see a few cultists turning toward you, surprised. Clad in dark robe and wielding daggers, they seem to be praying previously.
  1149. [12:47 AM] Eon: (Lexon actually got a 23, apparently)
  1150. [12:47 AM] Runic: In that moment, Lexon thinks to himself, 'Crud', followed by a patterns of groans and grunts as he decents downwards
  1151. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (what)
  1152. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright
  1153. [12:47 AM] Eon: (expertise stealth, pass without trace)
  1154. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultists mutters.
  1155. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Must've been the wind."
  1156. [12:47 AM] Eon: (err, 22)
  1157. [12:48 AM] Runic: (It was a 1... but fine)
  1158. [12:48 AM] Eon: Esker briefly considers shooting an arrow into their heads.
  1159. [12:48 AM] Bot Fodder: (... Sudden urge to start shooting them with a bow)(edited)
  1160. [12:48 AM] Eon: (min roll 22)
  1161. [12:48 AM] Faerie: (Skyrim stealth archer memes)
  1162. [12:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Three of the robed cultists formed the leadership, whlie 16 others are worshipping a dead carcass.
  1163. [12:48 AM] Faerie: (Ah, carry on, I need a sandwich or something :sadpopo:)
  1164. [12:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The dead carcass of some bulbous ball of flesh.
  1165. [12:48 AM] Eon: Esker raises a hand to halt the others behind, as they approach. Figuring out what they were doing was important.
  1166. [12:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I am hungry as well, but fuck you kappa )
  1167. [12:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1168. [12:49 AM] Eon: ... Did it look familiar? Like that one time a Dark Young poofed on their bridge?
  1169. [12:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hmm.
  1170. [12:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The anatomy's all wrong.
  1171. [12:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: But... Mayhaps.
  1172. [12:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's some similarities, but it looks strange, wrong, and... Well.
  1173. [12:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You may study it, if you wish. Nature check.
  1174. [12:50 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+9 I'm actually kinda ok at these
  1175. [12:50 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 7, Result: 16
  1176. [12:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1177. [12:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Give me a wisdom saving throw.
  1178. [12:50 AM] Eon: :shockedpopo:
  1179. [12:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Protection from Good and Evil for advantage.
  1180. [12:50 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+10
  1181. [12:50 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 12, Result: 22
  1182. [12:50 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+10
  1183. [12:50 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 14, Result: 24
  1184. [12:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are just fine.
  1185. [12:50 AM] Eon: W-what is it?
  1186. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: As you study it, you realize it to be... A part of the moon.
  1187. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A maddening whisper within your mind softly caresses your brain, as you observe the fleshy orb.
  1188. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's part of Shub-Niggurath.
  1189. [12:51 AM] Eon: Internally, 'Sweet Mielikki what the fuck'.
  1190. Externally, '...'
  1191. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A fleshy stub, likely an abandoned cyst.
  1192. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's ... Hopefully dead? It lies still, unmoving and uncaring.
  1193. [12:52 AM] Eon: Her insides churn a little, though her outward appearance remains stoic. She needs to keep hidden, of course.
  1194. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The other cultists chants, worshipping in their Deep Speech.
  1195. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 16 normals and 3 head cultists.
  1196. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Do you wish to study it as well, Lexon?
  1197. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :smugsatori:
  1198. [12:52 AM] Eon: Esker will point to the thing and shake her head, anyhow :smugpopo:
  1199. [12:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That, in itself, is a trap. :ok_hand: )
  1200. [12:53 AM] Eon: Shuffle back to the group? She motions to Lexon.
  1201. [12:53 AM] Runic: Lexon will assume Esker's got the observation handled :thumbsup:
  1202. [12:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You pantomime to the party dwarf. Erm, party lancer. Erm. Monk. Thing. LEXON.
  1203. [12:53 AM] Runic: Yes?
  1204. [12:53 AM] Eon: Whatever Lexon was!
  1205. [12:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You two, after some agreement, move back?
  1206. [12:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Back in the foyer space, then. The staircase itself isn't very deep.
  1207. [12:54 AM] Eon: "So. Err."
  1208. [12:54 AM] Eon: "There's a piece of the Cradle, there."
  1209. [12:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's more rooms down there, from what you could've tell - it's the main underground chamber, seemingly for worship.
  1210. [12:54 AM] Eon: "... A piece of the Mother of A Thousand Young."
  1211. [12:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "What." Shadow answers.
  1212. [12:55 AM] Eon: "Yes."
  1213. [12:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Sorry, I don't understand."
  1214. [12:55 AM] Eon: "... I suggest not looking at it."
  1215. [12:55 AM] Runic: "Mhm, me neither Shadow, but sounds bad" Lexon says honestly on Esker's explanation(edited)
  1216. [12:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Alright, I don't understand much, but I'll, uh... I'll do that. Yeah."
  1217. [12:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle sighs. "Seems good."
  1218. [12:55 AM] Eon: "I have a pretty strong will, so I should be fine. But the rest of you.."
  1219. [12:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Charismatic aura of protection extrudes from Razmik.
  1220. [12:56 AM] Eon: "Given, with Razmik besides us and Protection from Good and Evil, might be fine?"
  1221. [12:56 AM] Bot Fodder: "How should we deal with it?"
  1222. [12:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The peice of the Cradle will be treated as if a Gaze attack, similar to that of medusa.
  1223. [12:56 AM] Eon: "There are 16 cultists in there. Chanting at the moment. They don't expect an attack, at any rate."
  1224. [12:57 AM] Eon: "... Call me insane, but having a piece of the Cradle might be useful."
  1225. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: However, if engaged in combat, the cultists will know to take advantage of the Cradle, so averting your gaze to the Cradle will be the same for the cultists as well.
  1226. [12:57 AM] Eon: "Should we ever need to, knowing what or doesn't work against it is useful."
  1227. [12:57 AM] Runic: "Like, we could take out all the cultists guys first... there's also a chance we could nab it right in front of them before we fight or something."
  1228. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Insanely useful?" Recelle suggests, jokingly.
  1229. [12:57 AM] Eon: "Hah."
  1230. [12:57 AM] Bot Fodder: John prepares a sack and gives Esker a thumbs up.
  1231. [12:57 AM] Eon: ... Man, Alicia would have a field day with 16 people clumped up like that..
  1232. [12:58 AM] Eon: "Regardless, we are to take them alive, as many as we can."
  1233. [12:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: I won't bother with roll20 map, but it's basically,
  1234. [12:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1236. [12:59 AM] Eon: "There's probably too many for us to knock out quickly, and I'm not.. really suitable for knocking people out."
  1237. [12:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: a line of cultists looking and worshipping the ball, while the three lead the ceremony from the other side
  1238. [12:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: and you would be approachign the group from "down"
  1239. [1:00 AM] Eon: Haste might be good :thinking:
  1240. [1:00 AM] Eon: Or wholly excessive. Did they look powerful to her? Or just everyday folk gone mad by an eldritch taint.
  1241. [1:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1242. [1:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  1243. [1:00 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 61, Result: 61
  1244. [1:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sure, seems powerful.
  1245. [1:01 AM] Eon: "Let's not leave anything to chance, I'll Haste.. Err."
  1246. [1:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Probably - I mean, beside you you have Shadow, who's trying and failing to balance a cat on top of his head.
  1247. [1:01 AM] Eon: She scratches her head.
  1248. [1:01 AM] Bot Fodder: John already looks ready to sprint.
  1249. [1:01 AM] Eon: "John will do, I suppose."
  1250. [1:01 AM] Runic: "Like, I've been trying to learn how to knock people out from a single punch but... that hasn't been working out so far, choke holding someone is the only one that is a guarantee, a bit slowly, but it works" Lexon utters, "So maybe 3 guys at a best I could knock out at a time, anyway, I'm ready whenever"(edited)
  1251. [1:02 AM] Eon: "Hopefully we get the element of surprise."
  1252. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I don't... Uh..." Recelle shrugs. "I'll try."
  1253. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle has no real way to apply nonlethal strikes.
  1254. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Guns are problematic like that.
  1255. [1:02 AM] Eon: Neither does Esker!
  1256. [1:03 AM] Eon: She'll like Haste and.. :sadpopo: in corner with Recelle.
  1257. [1:03 AM] Runic: ("I shoot him in the face... nonlethally" )
  1258. [1:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle joins you in the corner :sadpopo:
  1259. [1:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyways, once you are prepared, let me know.
  1260. [1:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take all the actions you require.
  1261. [1:03 AM] Runic: Ready
  1262. [1:03 AM] Faerie: (Hello, back)
  1263. [1:03 AM] Eon: Unlimited?
  1264. [1:03 AM] Eon: :thinking:
  1265. [1:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (welcome back)
  1266. [1:03 AM] Faerie: (It took me like 40 hours to make a sandwich :sadpopo:)
  1267. [1:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can prepare as much as you want, I guess.
  1268. [1:04 AM] Bot Fodder: (I have a question. What kind of action would throwing a sack over the orb require? Is it just item interaction?)
  1269. [1:04 AM] Eon: GM, does Readying Starbow require conc.? It's not a spell per se.
  1270. [1:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Uhhhh, I guess you don't need conc for readying Starbow.
  1271. [1:04 AM] Eon: Alright. Haste on John.
  1272. [1:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's as a normal attack on disadvantage.
  1273. [1:05 AM] Eon: Ready Starbow at the mook looking ones.
  1274. [1:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle readies her weapon, pistols ready.
  1275. [1:05 AM] Runic: Lexon will rush in, punching one cultist, applying a Stunning Strike, then (if allowed) he'll follow up with a flurry of blows punching two more, both with Stunning Strikes applied, all making a CON DC of 12.(edited)
  1276. [1:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow ponders, and nods.
  1277. [1:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That would be nice. When ready, let me know and we'll proceed with initiative.
  1278. [1:06 AM] Bot Fodder: John crouches down on his haunches, then looks back at the others one last time for his signal.
  1279. [1:06 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+3 in advance
  1280. [1:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 19, Result: 22
  1281. [1:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4 NPCs
  1282. [1:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 2, Result: 6
  1283. [1:06 AM] Runic: roll 2d20 +3 intiative in advance as well
  1284. [1:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 16,4, Result: 20
  1285. [1:06 AM] Runic: 19
  1286. [1:07 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+1
  1287. [1:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 14, Result: 15
  1288. [1:08 AM] Faerie: Okay, okay, Razmik plants Salamander's scabbard against the ground, grabbing hold of it. His auras all subside at once, for a moment, before returning back
  1289. [1:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20
  1290. [1:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 10,10, Result: 20
  1291. [1:08 AM] Faerie: Don the Mantle, Sacred Weapon, Bless scumcast
  1292. [1:08 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20 init
  1293. [1:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 20, Result: 20
  1294. [1:08 AM] Eon: (all out! :surprisedpopo: )
  1295. [1:08 AM] Eon: (remind me what don the mantle does)
  1296. [1:09 AM] Faerie: Bless as the level 1 cast, on John, Lexon and...
  1297. [1:09 AM] Faerie: (does Esker plan to keep behind?)
  1298. [1:09 AM] Eon: (do yourself)
  1299. [1:09 AM] Eon: (I don't want to pew too much, I can't non-lethal)
  1300. [1:09 AM] Faerie: Okay, then Razmik
  1301. [1:09 AM] Runic:
  1303. [1:10 AM] Eon: (oh its just Crusader Mantle?)
  1304. [1:10 AM] Eon: (mfw when people have like, holy flaming swords, and they can non-lethal :smugsatori: )
  1305. [1:10 AM] Eon: (I SMITE HIM WITH MY HOLY AVENGER - non-lethally)
  1306. [1:10 AM] Faerie: (Yeah, it's Crusader's Mantle >without concentration)
  1307. [1:11 AM] Bot Fodder: (Can John run past the unprepared line of cultists? Actually, if he dashes, I suppose he has enough movement to go around them, even.)
  1308. [1:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Not very efficiently - they form an effective wall.)
  1309. [1:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Someone needs to drop before you are able to clear them, or if you are able to fly.)
  1310. [1:13 AM] Eon: Is it my turn?
  1311. [1:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Are you ready to start?
  1312. [1:13 AM] Faerie: Razmik grasps Ioun's pink-and-green marble in his right hand, something about its presence oddly soothing to the senses. Even without having attuned to it, he feels... at ease, unshakeable, even. Assured thusly, he takes a deep breath in.
  1313. All the artifact's doing, no doubt.
  1314. [1:13 AM] Eon: Yeah, I think we all are
  1315. [1:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: If so... The group of you rushes into the basement, down the stair, engaging the cultists.
  1316. [1:13 AM] Faerie: Sure.
  1317. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultists are surprised, despite the noise.
  1318. [1:14 AM] Faerie: ...Salamander as bonus action because I'm a scumbag :smugpopo:
  1319. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker, you first.
  1320. [1:14 AM] Eon: Esker scans her surroundings. Hmm.. They didn't really need all of them, did they? She doubts the chump level cultists knew too much anyway. She'll aim for those that would body block her allies. It's hard to do that when you're not looking at them, averting the Cradle piece, but hey. Concentrating both shots on one.
  1321. [1:14 AM] Faerie: (We're gonna dunk these kids so non-lethally)
  1322. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Seems fine Razmik, as part of prep.)
  1323. [1:14 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+11 dis though
  1324. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 8, Result: 19
  1325. [1:14 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+11 don't 1
  1326. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 10, Result: 21
  1327. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That would be a hit.
  1328. [1:14 AM] Eon: roll 1d10+5 lightning
  1329. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 3, Result: 8
  1330. [1:14 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+11
  1331. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 20, Result: 31
  1332. [1:14 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+11
  1333. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 15, Result: 26
  1334. [1:14 AM] Eon: roll 1d10+5
  1335. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 5, Result: 10
  1336. [1:15 AM] Eon: She lowers her bow. She heard it hit. Hopefully that paves the way. Pass.
  1337. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultist, shocked, let out a cry, before the second shot silenced him, he falling over. The cultist you fired at seems to have fallen in combat.
  1338. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, your turn.
  1339. [1:15 AM] Eon: Good. She didn't gain any pleasure from shooting people like this, but it must be done.
  1340. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: As you enter, shouting and kicking down folks, the head cultists seems surprised for a moment, but quickly come to the conclusion to shout loudly, chanting, "The Cradle delivers the End! Harbringer of the End, grant us faithful the End!" The chants and prayers reach a quick crescendo, and... For some reason, nothing seems to happen.
  1341. [1:16 AM] Eon: "... Knock those out quickly, we can't risk them pulling anything." Esker hurriedly shouts, still looking away from the putrid cyst.
  1342. [1:17 AM] Faerie: Razmik will deliver them to the End... of consciousness! Non-lethally, possibly. (Don't ask me how the fuck this works out)
  1343. [1:17 AM] Bot Fodder: (Back of the sword! :smugpopo: )
  1344. [1:17 AM] Faerie: He springs in, scanning for his mark, wordless. (Not averting his eyes)
  1345. [1:17 AM] Faerie: (Zornhaus haven't been invented yet!)
  1346. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hmm.
  1347. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: First, Wisdom save at advantage...
  1348. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Not that I think you CAN fail.(edited)
  1349. [1:18 AM] Eon: ( :thinking: don't tempt the double 1s)
  1350. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The 15 remaining cultists try to block your way.
  1351. [1:18 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+10
  1352. [1:18 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 3, Result: 13
  1353. [1:18 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+10
  1354. [1:18 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 14, Result: 24
  1355. [1:18 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  1356. [1:18 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 1, Result: 1
  1357. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Whoop.
  1358. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Can you be charmed?
  1359. [1:18 AM] Faerie: (Whoop whoop)
  1360. [1:19 AM] Faerie: Can't
  1361. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 6d8
  1362. [1:19 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [6d8]: 2,4,8,6,5,3, Result: 28
  1363. [1:19 AM] Faerie: Probably not even if he wanted to. That probably doesn't do Razmik's love life any favors, but...
  1364. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take 28 psychic damage.
  1365. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And you are charmed - can't.
  1366. [1:19 AM] Faerie: (Vowsb4hoes)
  1367. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Protection from Evil and Good's there anyway.
  1368. [1:19 AM] Eon: (e-even with a 25?)
  1369. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Oh wait)
  1370. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: No no, you are fine. Ignore me.
  1371. [1:20 AM] Eon: ( :thinking: )
  1372. [1:20 AM] Faerie: O-oh
  1373. [1:20 AM] Faerie: (scary)
  1374. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: I thought Razmik had DISadvantage for some reason.
  1375. [1:20 AM] Bot Fodder: (Lel, I thought Nya-san had come back to play)
  1376. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: eats description
  1377. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The fleshy bulb of flesh and insanity doesn't faze you much, Razmik.
  1378. [1:21 AM] Faerie: (:historyeater:)
  1379. [1:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hypnotic, oozing, delicious, sweet scent of the necta-
  1380. [1:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's fine.
  1381. [1:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You do not have a strange need to take it inside you.
  1382. [1:21 AM] Faerie: After seeing Hastur in the flesh (SORT OF), I wouldn't imagine so... what's that smell, though?
  1383. [1:21 AM] Faerie: (Coming from the shard?)
  1384. [1:21 AM] Eon: (quick, dunk the garland on him)
  1385. [1:21 AM] Bot Fodder: (It's the call of motherhood.)
  1386. [1:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The common cultists chants. "The End is nigh! The End is nigh!"
  1387. [1:22 AM] Eon: "For you, maybe." A certain druid mocks dryly.
  1388. [1:22 AM] Faerie: Anyways, Raz'll run past the Common Cultists, onto Rare Cultist territory
  1389. [1:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Two of them attempt to stop you.
  1390. [1:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6 grapple
  1391. [1:23 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 10, Result: 16
  1392. [1:23 AM] Faerie: (I have a question and it's kind of important. Is the fleshthing a creature?)
  1393. [1:23 AM] Eon: While she's not entirely surprised they were unfazed by a comrade's death..
  1394. [1:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6 grapple
  1395. [1:23 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 6, Result: 12
  1396. [1:23 AM] Faerie: Woaow. Two attempts?
  1397. [1:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Considered to be one.)
  1398. [1:23 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+8 Athletics
  1399. [1:23 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 12, Result: 20
  1400. [1:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The first one is batted away, stumbling, as she's unable to hold onto you.
  1401. [1:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your charge continues, when the second cultists reaches for you!
  1402. [1:24 AM] Faerie: Any of the high-end cultists look like spellcasters? Razmik'd find it in good reason to disable those first
  1403. [1:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: They ALL look like spellcasters, even the common cultists.
  1404. [1:24 AM] Faerie: (What do you mean ''all of them'')
  1405. [1:24 AM] Faerie: (FFFFFFFFF)
  1406. [1:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: For what it's worth, the three head honcho cultists are wearing the same robe as the common cultists, and doesn't seem very distinguishable.
  1407. [1:25 AM] Faerie: Razmik simply... runs, then. As fast and hard as he's able. He'll stand next to one of those three (how far away from each other are they?), shouting a warning before striking
  1408. [1:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Do you wish to avoid the flesh ball?
  1409. [1:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (They are about 5ft away from each other.)
  1410. [1:26 AM] Bot Fodder: (This is dumb of me to ask so late, but how large is this fleshball?)
  1411. [1:26 AM] Faerie: Yeah, probably for the best. He'll position himself between two of them
  1412. [1:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (about 10x10ft or so)
  1413. [1:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1414. [1:27 AM] Faerie: (Yeah. Also, does it have hit points? You mentioned it was dead, but that was narratively)
  1415. [1:27 AM] Bot Fodder: (That large? Damn.)
  1416. [1:27 AM] Faerie: ''Don't die!'', he simply yells before going for the overhead swing.
  1417. [1:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It totally does. Even the wall and your armor do.)
  1418. [1:27 AM] Bot Fodder: (Do we have a tarp or something large enough to cover it?)
  1419. [1:27 AM] Eon: (Alicia has a Bag of Holding NotLikeThis)
  1420. [1:28 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13 Sallie
  1421. [1:28 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 7, Result: 20
  1422. [1:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I won't." The cultist says. "Or rather, we all will." Before taking your blow, grunting.
  1423. [1:28 AM] Faerie: (Is it concentrating on anything?)
  1424. [1:28 AM] Faerie: roll 1d8+5 slashing
  1425. [1:28 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 8, Result: 13
  1426. [1:28 AM] Faerie: roll 2d6 fire
  1427. [1:28 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 1,3, Result: 4
  1428. [1:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: No, but... You slice through the robe, cutting into... Ice.
  1429. [1:28 AM] Faerie: I-Ice?
  1430. [1:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Chilling, cold ice of Agathys!
  1431. [1:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take 25 cold damage.
  1432. [1:28 AM] Eon: (KOGA)
  1433. [1:28 AM] Faerie: (WEW)
  1434. [1:29 AM] Eon: (IS AOA YOUR MAGICAL REALM)
  1435. [1:29 AM] Faerie: IT IS
  1436. [1:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He smiles, looking at Razmik, before the smile develop into a grin.
  1437. [1:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The Cradle protects us until the time."
  1438. [1:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The ordained time is coming."
  1439. [1:30 AM] Faerie: That puts him at... 94, or 1 below his max HP. Razmik feels fuckin' fantastic still, even as the ice shatters against him.
  1440. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "For you... You'll not live to see it!" He snarls.
  1441. [1:30 AM] Faerie: Checking for AoA, is it gone?
  1442. [1:30 AM] Eon: (Well fuck this is a no joke fight, busting out the big guns.)
  1443. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Still there.
  1444. [1:30 AM] Faerie: Does the fleshbulb also look encased in ice for reasons?
  1445. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nope.
  1446. [1:30 AM] Eon: (... I don't have any big guns. Conc already taken.)
  1447. [1:31 AM] Bot Fodder: (Welp. RIP my shower, then.)
  1448. [1:31 AM] Eon: (please do your 4 attacks quickly :sadpopo: )
  1449. [1:31 AM] Faerie: (Okay, this is pretty cockblock tier. Hm...)
  1450. [1:32 AM] Faerie: (What damage does AoA deal, anyway? John might not care much about those)
  1451. [1:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Cold.)
  1452. [1:32 AM] Bot Fodder: (John has resistance vs. Cold. Better than nothing.)
  1453. [1:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Unless it's from Shadow's homebrew™ custom™ chuuni™ spell)
  1454. [1:33 AM] Bot Fodder: (How much temp HP should he have?)
  1455. [1:34 AM] Eon: (14 from IL)
  1456. [1:34 AM] Faerie: Well, then. Taken aback by the sudden pain spreading through his whole torso, Razmik recoils before...
  1457. [1:34 AM] Faerie: (This is bad, haha)
  1458. [1:34 AM] Faerie: Am I able to step forward next to the fleshbulb?
  1459. [1:34 AM] Faerie: (They've got AoA for 25, too)
  1460. [1:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yep, taking opportunity attacks.
  1461. [1:34 AM] Eon: (d-do I Nul? I'm not sure if I want to..)
  1462. [1:35 AM] Eon: (She might be able to clean house, or at least break AoA)
  1463. [1:35 AM] Faerie: Razmik takes them both, then :sadpopo:
  1464. [1:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1465. [1:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Warcaster triggers, which means you can trigger your Mage Slayer.
  1466. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those two casts spell before you!
  1467. [1:36 AM] Eon: (wew, they have warcaster NotLikeThis)
  1468. [1:36 AM] Faerie: (We were playing Magic all along)
  1469. [1:36 AM] Eon: (Alright, alright, I have to bust out Nul.)
  1470. [1:36 AM] Faerie: They're up, saving Reaction.
  1471. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1472. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: First cultist casts Shocking Grasp.
  1473. [1:36 AM] Faerie: Whatever they cast, they get disadvantage on as Razmik is within 5 feet
  1474. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20 advantage on your metal armor
  1475. [1:36 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 2, Result: 2
  1476. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He curses, as you disrupted his concentration!
  1477. [1:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20 advantage seocnd cultist
  1478. [1:37 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 11, Result: 11
  1479. [1:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unfortunately, that doesn't touch you either.
  1480. [1:37 AM] Faerie: Targetting AC? ...Okay :sadpopo:
  1481. [1:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The lightning leaps from their pawn, but you manage to deflect them both one way or another, your knowledge of how mages operate handy.
  1482. [1:38 AM] Faerie: ''Have it your way!'', Razmik is more than glad to bring to this... thing the end they so much speak of.
  1483. [1:38 AM] Faerie: (''Magic is an abomination!'' -AntiFun)
  1484. [1:39 AM] Faerie: Attacking the bulb, go?
  1485. [1:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go right ahead.
  1486. [1:39 AM] Faerie: roll1d20+13
  1487. [1:39 AM] BOTDiceBot: Syntax: roll XdY+number, can have +'s and -'s after it.
  1488. [1:39 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13
  1489. [1:39 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 10, Result: 23
  1490. [1:39 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  1491. [1:39 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 2, Result: 2
  1492. [1:39 AM] Faerie: (I forgot Mantle on the cultist-san, fug)
  1493. [1:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No" "Don't hurt us" "AHHHH"
  1494. Sudden scream rings out from the bulb, as hundreds of mouth opens and scream, gibbering, from the searing pain of your strike.
  1495. [1:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go ahead, roll your damage.
  1496. [1:40 AM] Faerie: (Oh, geez)
  1497. [1:40 AM] Faerie: roll 1d8+5 slashing
  1498. [1:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 4, Result: 9
  1499. [1:40 AM] Faerie: roll 2d6 fire
  1500. [1:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 4,4, Result: 8
  1501. [1:40 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4 radiant
  1502. [1:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 1, Result: 1
  1503. [1:40 AM] Eon: "... Don't spare it." Esker muses grimly.
  1504. [1:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hundreds of mouths scream, as your blade strike it.... Is that chitin?
  1505. [1:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's hard, much harder than flesh would suggest.
  1506. [1:41 AM] Faerie: Like a shell...?
  1507. [1:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It squirms, and tendrils reach out, fleshy pink in color.
  1508. [1:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You fool!" One of the cultist leader shouts.
  1509. [1:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ball of flesh whimpers and rises, gibbering unintellgibly.
  1510. [1:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "N-no" "We can't" "Must"
  1511. "Kill you all..."
  1512. [1:42 AM] Faerie: Did the voices coming from it sound scared?
  1513. [1:42 AM] Faerie: Bonus action Tunnel Fighter, pass
  1514. [1:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A foul wind seems to carry it upward, as the ball floats, malevolent.
  1515. [1:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, your turn.
  1516. [1:42 AM] Faerie: (>floats
  1517. UHHH)
  1518. [1:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The voices? Insight.
  1519. [1:42 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5
  1520. [1:42 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 3, Result: 8
  1521. [1:42 AM] Eon: Float? How high?
  1522. [1:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can't tell. They are maddening in nature.
  1523. [1:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Like... 2 feet up from the ground?
  1524. [1:43 AM] Faerie: Hard to pay attention with all that YELLING and oh god the ice frickin' burns.
  1525. [1:43 AM] Eon: Within skewering range for the frontliners, hmm.
  1526. [1:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yep.
  1527. [1:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It doesn't seem to be fazed much by your strike, their confusion voices and screams unbecoming.
  1528. [1:44 AM] Runic: Quickly seeing one of the cultists go down pretty easily, Lexon deviates his original plan slightly, and decides go for the more guranteed knockout for the first attack by donning his Spear, he lashes it out at one of the cultist attempting to knock him out nonlethaly.
  1529. [1:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The voice that cries out for your blood, however, is very much female.
  1530. [1:44 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+13
  1531. [1:44 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 12, Result: 25
  1532. [1:44 AM] Eon: (I'm not too sure if skewering it is correct, but it appears the cultists aren't too offensive focused, except for level 5 AoA :thinking: , go for the ball, I think?)
  1533. [1:44 AM] Runic: roll 1d6+10
  1534. [1:44 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+10]: 4, Result: 14
  1535. [1:44 AM] Runic: roll 1d12
  1536. [1:44 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d12]: 7, Result: 7
  1537. [1:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That would be a hit - and a down.
  1538. [1:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The common cultist falls on the group with an unceremonous flop.
  1539. [1:45 AM] Faerie: Some way or another, Raz shrugs most of the icy blast off. But being resilient didn't mean it didn't hurt like all hell! Raising Salamander overhead, he assumes The Stance™
  1540. [1:45 AM] Runic: He follows up with a flurry of blows, infused with stunning strikes, a strike with his left, and shoulder tackle with his... shoulder, against two more
  1541. [1:45 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+10
  1542. [1:45 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 4, Result: 14
  1543. [1:45 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+10
  1544. [1:45 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 20, Result: 30
  1545. [1:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: both are hits, one of which criticals.
  1546. [1:45 AM] Runic: roll 1d4+6 first hit
  1547. [1:45 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+6]: 4, Result: 10
  1548. [1:45 AM] Runic: roll 2d4+6 second hit
  1549. [1:45 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d4+6]: 4,1, Result: 11
  1550. [1:46 AM] Faerie: (>flurry of spears)
  1551. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your shoulder tackle crumbles the man on one side, while the normal strike fell another. They are falling left and right.
  1552. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Despite this, the cultists stand firm, chanting the same phrase...
  1553. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The End is nigh!"
  1554. [1:46 AM] Eon: (Thinning about the crowd might be good, but mmm..)
  1555. [1:46 AM] Runic: Not needing to stunning strike, Lexon conserves his Ki and stands his ground, ready to throw out another set of attacks(edited)
  1556. [1:46 AM] Runic: End turn
  1557. [1:47 AM] Bot Fodder: (If you kill them, there won't be as many to sacrifice :smugpopo: )
  1558. [1:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, your turn.
  1559. [1:48 AM] Bot Fodder: A small fan of dust and debris erupts across the floor where John had been crouching. With Esker's Haste augmenting his natural foot speed, John whispers through the opening Lexon leaves, attempting to catch up to Razmik. He tries to place himself in the midst of the three leaders, moving past the Ball of Ugliness in the center.
  1560. [1:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That will work. There was no one able to stop you.
  1561. [1:49 AM] Bot Fodder: (Do I need a wisdom save for seeing the ball?)
  1562. [1:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Yep.
  1563. [1:50 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11 Wisdom plus Paladin aura adv.
  1564. [1:50 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 16, Result: 27
  1565. [1:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You did not bother averting your gaze, even though you could of, John.
  1566. [1:51 AM] Bot Fodder: W-well, he has to see where he's going! Once in spearing-range, he strikes at the same target Razmik did.
  1567. [1:52 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12
  1568. [1:52 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 16, Result: 28
  1569. [1:52 AM] Eon: (which one?)
  1570. [1:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Come to your end!" He shouts, taking the strike in stride.
  1571. [1:52 AM] Bot Fodder: (Er, same cultist, sorry.)
  1572. [1:52 AM] Eon: (Raz hit two seperate enemies)
  1573. [1:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit, take 25 cold damage.
  1574. [1:52 AM] Bot Fodder: Prepared after seeing Razmik, John takes the damage, relying on his armor to ward off some of the chill.
  1575. [1:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Brothers and sisters, it's time! We shall perform the rite as promised, once we get rid of those idiots!" One of them screams, even as the strike hits one of the leader.
  1576. [1:53 AM] Eon: (we are scattering our damage all over the place. What are we focusing on?)(edited)
  1577. [1:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Focus on dying, obviously!)
  1578. [1:53 AM] Eon: "Shoot the Cradle!" She'll command. What a mess..
  1579. [1:54 AM] Faerie: (John's bringing down that guy's AoA, Lexon's thinning their numbers. We probably can meme the fleshthing something fierce after we get some breathing room)
  1580. [1:54 AM] Bot Fodder: (Personally? I don't think we should try to focus down a big glob of meat while three or more casters have free reign to pulverize us.)
  1581. [1:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Alright, go for it)
  1582. [1:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :excitedfish: )
  1583. [1:54 AM] Eon: (they got to Warcaster and they cantripped instead, so)
  1584. [1:54 AM] Faerie: (Reminder that Mantle gives 1d4 radiant damage to all attack rolls within 30 feet)
  1585. [1:54 AM] Eon: (so I'll just take them, tbh. Cultist mooks are mooks)
  1586. [1:54 AM] Bot Fodder: The strike is sudden and violent! [Menacing Attack,WIS DC 19](edited)
  1587. [1:54 AM] Runic: (Oh yeah, keep forgetting, though I did get my knock outs anyway)
  1588. [1:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4
  1589. [1:55 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 4, Result: 8
  1590. [1:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4 dark devo
  1591. [1:55 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 17, Result: 21
  1592. [1:55 AM] Faerie: (Hm. Bless too, that's 1d4 to attack rolls and saves)
  1593. [1:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultist grits his teeth from the strike, grunting.
  1594. [1:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I will END YOU." He sneers. "But first..."
  1595. [1:55 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 2d10+8 damage
  1596. [1:55 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d10+8]: 4,1, Result: 13
  1597. [1:56 AM] Bot Fodder: Another thrust comes by the time the N of 'end' leaves his mouth. John seems to be holding back very little...
  1598. [1:56 AM] Bot Fodder: (Is the armor down yet)
  1599. [1:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... That would be enough damage to shatter the armor of Agathys it donned, yes.
  1600. [1:57 AM] Eon: (mantle)
  1601. [1:57 AM] Bot Fodder: (Phew)
  1602. [1:57 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d4
  1603. [1:57 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  1604. [1:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The radiant energy rushes forth and strikes at the cultist.
  1605. [1:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He laughs, as if tickled, blood flushing to his face.
  1606. [1:58 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12 attack two
  1607. [1:58 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 15, Result: 27
  1608. [1:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's another hit.
  1609. [1:58 AM] Bot Fodder: A sideways blow with the haft!
  1610. [1:59 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+8
  1611. [1:59 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+8]: 7, Result: 15
  1612. [1:59 AM] Bot Fodder: ("Nonlethal" unless otherwise speficied, John will pull his punches if he thinks it'll kill one.)(edited)
  1613. [1:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1614. [2:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultist doesn't seem very fazed by what's going on, as blood blossom on his robe.
  1615. [2:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The scarlet flower drips slowly, as he grins, preparing for the ritual.
  1616. [2:00 AM] Eon: (how far is Razmik from me?)
  1617. [2:01 AM] Bot Fodder: Moving right along... [Action Surge] John swings and batters the man with a single minded brutality. "I don't think so... You're under arrest!"
  1618. [2:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (About 25ft ahead of you or so, give or take 5ft)
  1619. [2:01 AM] Bot Fodder: ... Yeah, brutality.
  1620. [2:01 AM] Faerie: (POLICE BRUTALITY REEE)
  1621. [2:01 AM] Eon: (Mmm, would it be hilarious meta if I walked towards him for aura)
  1622. [2:02 AM] Bot Fodder: (Whoops, mantle, right)
  1623. [2:02 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d4
  1624. [2:02 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 1, Result: 1
  1625. [2:02 AM] Bot Fodder: (total: 32 so far)
  1626. [2:02 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12
  1627. [2:02 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 20, Result: 32
  1628. [2:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's a critical.
  1629. [2:03 AM] Bot Fodder: (Does Razmik want to move anywhere? I can Maneuvering Strike here.)
  1630. [2:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: As your shaft sinks into the cultist solidly, his expression changes a bit. As if noticing a finality in his action, he nods solemnly to the other two cult leaders.
  1631. [2:05 AM] Faerie: (Not right now, not really. He's (was) between two cultistcasters before you fucked one of them up beyond belief)
  1632. [2:05 AM] Bot Fodder: The whirlwind of hard wood and gleaming steel eclipses much of the room from the cultist's view, making it hard to even see his allies behind it. [Distracting Attack]
  1633. [2:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He doesn't mind.
  1634. [2:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go for it.
  1635. [2:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  1636. [2:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 3, Result: 3
  1637. [2:06 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 4d10+8 damage + superiority + crit
  1638. [2:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d10+8]: 3,3,2,1, Result: 17
  1639. [2:07 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 2d4 crit mantle?
  1640. [2:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d4]: 1,2, Result: 3
  1641. [2:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1642. [2:07 AM] Eon: (on tactics side, it seems like they don't have too much HP, ignoring the AoA)
  1643. [2:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything else?
  1644. [2:07 AM] Eon: (You still have like 3 more attacks, ree)
  1645. [2:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Brothers, let us."
  1646. [2:07 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12 extra attack
  1647. [2:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 15, Result: 27
  1648. [2:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You follow up with your strike, solid blow against the man.
  1649. [2:08 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+8
  1650. [2:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+8]: 3, Result: 11
  1651. [2:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man's expression stays the same, if only steeled in his hatred.
  1652. [2:09 AM] Faerie: (Those low rolls on the crit, man)
  1653. [2:10 AM] Bot Fodder: "Grr... stop resisting!" John takes a final swing. If he can't put this guy on the floor, he can at least give his allies a chance to finish it. [BA, Polearm Master]
  1654. [2:10 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12
  1655. [2:10 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 18, Result: 30
  1656. [2:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright. That's a hit.
  1657. [2:10 AM] Eon: (You're hasted)
  1658. [2:10 AM] Eon: (And mantle.)
  1659. [2:10 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ohh, right, one more lel)
  1660. [2:10 AM] Eon: (You are techincally blessed.)
  1661. [2:11 AM] Eon: (Just roll, sheesh)
  1662. [2:11 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 2d4+8 damage plus mantle
  1663. [2:11 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d4+8]: 1,3, Result: 12
  1664. [2:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It's been 30 minutes.)
  1665. [2:11 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12
  1666. [2:11 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 3, Result: 15
  1667. [2:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That one is a miss!
  1668. [2:11 AM] Eon: (Bless)
  1669. [2:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Well, that'a hit then. AC of 15.(edited)
  1670. [2:11 AM] Bot Fodder: (I have mantle AND bless?)
  1671. [2:11 AM] Eon: (Cultists are also surprised)
  1672. [2:12 AM] Eon: (So technically they couldn't have reacted)
  1673. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (They are not very surprised, since not all of you are sneaking when you go down the stairs)
  1674. [2:12 AM] Faerie: (Yeah, mantle and bless)
  1675. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (They were surprised in the sense that you just... Came down like that)
  1676. [2:12 AM] Eon: ( :thinking: ah, not mechanically, gotcha.)
  1677. [2:12 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+8
  1678. [2:12 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+8]: 2, Result: 10
  1679. [2:12 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d4
  1680. [2:12 AM] Faerie: (Now you understand why I feel dirty)
  1681. [2:12 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 2, Result: 2
  1682. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1683. [2:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The final strike seems to ... Sink into the man.
  1684. [2:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He grins, suddenly.
  1685. [2:13 AM] Bot Fodder: John grits his teeth and glares, catching his breath. Pass!
  1686. [2:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: On start of the cultist's turn, Razmik and John, make 3 wisdom save.
  1687. [2:14 AM] Bot Fodder: (T-this is why I try not to Surge often :sadpopo: )
  1688. [2:14 AM] Faerie: (These guys are buff as shit)
  1689. [2:14 AM] Eon: (I'm going to be annoyed if that doesn't down him)
  1690. [2:14 AM] Eon: (It didn't fuck)
  1691. [2:14 AM] Faerie: (Very well)
  1692. [2:14 AM] Eon: (There isn't much consideration for rolling 6 dice.)
  1693. [2:14 AM] Faerie: (Is this a spell? For Mage Slayer on the ones within 5 feet)
  1694. [2:14 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+10 first save
  1695. [2:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 9, Result: 19
  1696. [2:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No, aura)
  1697. [2:14 AM] Eon: (Even so, there is no reason to take half an hour doing 'I attack 6 times.')
  1698. [2:14 AM] Bot Fodder: (I need to shower, can I roll the 3 wisdom saves now?)
  1699. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... YES, you do it RIGHT NOW.)
  1700. [2:15 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4 on first save
  1701. [2:15 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  1702. [2:15 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+10 second save
  1703. [2:15 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 15, Result: 25
  1704. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The cultist's turn.)
  1705. [2:15 AM] Bot Fodder: (Oh derp.)
  1706. [2:15 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11
  1707. [2:15 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 8, Result: 19
  1708. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unfortunately, you can't mage slayer since you move away from the cultists to strike at the ball.
  1709. [2:15 AM] Faerie: (Oh, fug. Redact that)
  1710. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Die." He merely says, pointing at John. Constitution saving throw for John as well.
  1711. [2:16 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11 second save
  1712. [2:16 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 19, Result: 30
  1713. [2:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (just roll 3 d20s at once since you are making three checks)
  1714. [2:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (but well)
  1715. [2:16 AM] Eon: (I would be afraid, but lol +11 and aura and bless.)
  1716. [2:16 AM] Eon: (Its silly.)
  1717. [2:16 AM] Faerie: (Always rember hapy day Bless)(edited)
  1718. [2:16 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 2d20 First WIS (+11), second CON (+12)
  1719. [2:16 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 4,11, Result: 15
  1720. [2:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 7d8+30 finger of death
  1721. [2:17 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [7d8+30]: 2,2,8,5,5,3,6, Result: 61
  1722. [2:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take 30 necrotic damage,
  1723. [2:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: and due to failure to save, 10 psychic damage for John.
  1724. [2:17 AM] Faerie: (KIDDY GLOVES = OFF)
  1725. [2:17 AM] Eon: (Eh. We can take those.)
  1726. [2:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: As that did not do much, the cultist humphs... And misty steps, disappearing.
  1727. [2:18 AM] Eon: (So. I really think we should focus the ball.)
  1728. [2:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Another points finger at John and shouts a curse.
  1729. [2:18 AM] Eon: (Cultists are buff as fuck)
  1730. [2:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are Hexed, and bolts of force slam into you.
  1731. [2:19 AM] Faerie: (Yeah, what assholes)
  1732. [2:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d20
  1733. [2:19 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d20]: 13,7,3, Result: 23
  1734. [2:19 AM] Bot Fodder: "Urk...!" John stiffens, attempting to endure the onslaught.
  1735. [2:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: .... 1 hit.
  1736. [2:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d10+5
  1737. [2:19 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 9, Result: 14
  1738. [2:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6 hex
  1739. [2:19 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 4, Result: 4
  1740. [2:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 14 force and 4 necrotic damage later, the second warlock's done.
  1741. [2:20 AM] Eon: If at all possible, Esker requests advantage on the Cradle piece.
  1742. [2:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The third warlock sighs softly, and follows up with a finger pointed toward the guard once more.
  1743. [2:20 AM] Eon: She would really really like to make her next attack hit.
  1744. [2:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A strange hum comes into your mind.
  1745. [2:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, wisdom save.
  1746. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The piece of Cradle gibbers softly...
  1747. [2:21 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11
  1748. [2:21 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 8, Result: 19
  1749. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Disadvantage.
  1750. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh, doesn't matter.
  1751. [2:21 AM] Faerie: (Bless)
  1752. [2:21 AM] Bot Fodder: (Does Disad. cancel out due to protection?)
  1753. [2:21 AM] Eon: (Prot. From Good/Evil)
  1754. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh, maybe it does.
  1755. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Protection doesn't matter.
  1756. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Humanoid.
  1757. [2:21 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11
  1758. [2:21 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 3, Result: 14
  1759. [2:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Bless dice, please.
  1760. [2:21 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 2d4 first and second
  1761. [2:21 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d4]: 1,2, Result: 3
  1762. [2:22 AM] Bot Fodder: .... [Indomitable]
  1763. [2:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: With a cackle, you feel your body seizing up.
  1764. [2:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1765. [2:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Disadvantage on the check still.
  1766. [2:22 AM] Faerie: (YEAH BOY)
  1767. [2:22 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11
  1768. [2:22 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 13, Result: 24
  1770. [2:22 AM] Eon: (so, so many saves.)
  1771. [2:22 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+11
  1772. [2:22 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 1, Result: 12
  1773. [2:22 AM] Bot Fodder: (Pff)
  1774. [2:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nope.
  1775. [2:22 AM] Faerie: ([Screams externally])
  1776. [2:23 AM] Eon: (I am really glad we have a paladin, by the way.)
  1777. [2:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your body feels as if strings are tied upon you. The Cradle whispers softly.
  1778. [2:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Hold the fort." He says, before misty stepping away... Leaving a Dominated John in place.
  1779. [2:23 AM] Faerie: Dominated?
  1780. [2:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yep.
  1781. [2:23 AM] Eon: Ah. Following up on the request, can Tot give advantage to Esker? ;-;
  1782. [2:24 AM] Faerie: That's a charm
  1783. [2:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1784. [2:24 AM] Eon: (pffff.)
  1785. [2:24 AM] Bot Fodder: (... Oh.)
  1786. [2:24 AM] Eon: (paladins no sell everything, sheesh)
  1787. [2:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, nevermind that then. Indomiable is still used up just fine.
  1788. [2:24 AM] Faerie: ''Fight- Fight on, John! Fight-''
  1789. [2:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Realizing that it did not work, they try something else slightly different. They've retreated beyond your sight collectively.
  1790. [2:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The piece of Cradle stirs.
  1791. [2:25 AM] Faerie: Aurora of Devotion! Or Aura, you guess. Razmik isn't a naturally-occuring phenomenon.
  1792. [2:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultists that were downed glows with a strange, blue light. They stand back up, though... Changed. Their skin is like scales, and their eyes an omnious blue glow.
  1793. [2:26 AM] Bot Fodder: John gasps for air, leaning on his spear for support. "I... I'm all right! I'm..." He seems to insist, and clunks his helmet against the shaft. Hard. "... Okay. Okay. Now I'm all right."
  1794. [2:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Reaction to Mage Slayer, if you wish, Razmik.
  1795. [2:26 AM] Faerie: Against who?
  1796. [2:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The piece of Cradle.
  1797. [2:26 AM] Faerie: Alright, taking it
  1798. [2:27 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13 that's his Reaction
  1799. [2:27 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 5, Result: 18
  1800. [2:27 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  1801. [2:27 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  1802. [2:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 22 is a hit.
  1803. [2:27 AM] Faerie: roll 1d8+5 slashing
  1804. [2:27 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 6, Result: 11
  1805. [2:27 AM] Faerie: roll 2d6 fire
  1806. [2:27 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,6, Result: 12
  1807. [2:27 AM] Eon: (I really really want adv against the Cradle :sadpopo: )
  1808. [2:27 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4 radiant
  1809. [2:27 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  1810. [2:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The searing blade cuts into it!
  1811. [2:27 AM] Faerie: Declaring a Smite, second level
  1812. [2:27 AM] Faerie: Is it a fiend?
  1813. [2:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A brilliant burst envelops it!
  1814. [2:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alas, it is aberration.
  1815. [2:28 AM] Faerie: roll 3d8 radiant, then
  1816. [2:28 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d8]: 6,5,3, Result: 14
  1817. [2:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It bleeds a little... Strange, sickly yellow pus flows.
  1818. [2:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4+8
  1819. [2:29 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+8]: 3, Result: 11
  1820. [2:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: oops
  1821. [2:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d4
  1822. [2:29 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4]: 3,3,4, Result: 10
  1823. [2:29 AM] Faerie: ''--On!'', Razmik finishes before turning by the hip to part at it once more. ''Uooooh!''
  1824. [2:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Before its wound, and all the cultists, heal. Chitin forms on them, including the ball of flesh.
  1825. [2:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And then, all of them underwent some sort of strange... Mutation. Claws, scales, protruding eyes. Not the piece of cradle, however.
  1826. [2:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The 4 healed cultists changed.
  1827. [2:30 AM] Eon: (Yeah. Lets focus the Cradle, shall we?)
  1828. [2:30 AM] Bot Fodder: (ok, I do need at least a few minutes...)
  1829. [2:30 AM] Runic: (Finnnneeeee)
  1830. [2:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Angel of Genetic Chimera, once that is done, looks upon Razmik...
  1831. [2:31 AM] Faerie: (A-angel? Genetic? Chimera? Uh
  1832. Oh.)
  1833. [2:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A mouth spits out a cursed word at Razmik. Make me a wisdom saving throw.
  1834. [2:31 AM] Faerie: He starest it down, too. Like the sickly kid in class standing up to the Top Bully
  1835. [2:32 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+10 wis
  1836. [2:32 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 1, Result: 11
  1837. [2:32 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  1838. [2:32 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 2, Result: 2
  1839. [2:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 4d4
  1840. [2:32 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d4]: 2,1,4,1, Result: 8
  1841. [2:32 AM] Faerie: (Oh no.)
  1842. [2:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take 8 psychic damage.
  1843. [2:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have disadvantage to your next attack roll.
  1844. [2:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel the voice of a lost child whispering to you, Razmik. "You... have done wrong, mister..."
  1845. [2:33 AM] Faerie: A few droplets leave Razmik's body through the nose, but he's otherwise undeterred. Or...
  1846. [2:33 AM] Faerie: Maybe not so. Razmik wonders if he's heard the voice before
  1847. [2:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The 16 cultists. They form a wall around Razmik and Lexon, and take Dodge. They are, however, more hesitant about the human whose within a strange stance. The rest takes a line as well, readying...
  1848. [2:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Give us the blessing of the End!" They should.
  1849. [2:34 AM] Eon: (is it cultist rail gun time)
  1850. [2:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Legendary Action,
  1851. [2:34 AM] Faerie: (Do any of them trigger AoOs :smugpopo:)
  1852. [2:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultists screams in joy, as one near Razmik explodes in a gory shower. Dexterity saving throw.
  1853. [2:35 AM] Faerie: Oh jeez.
  1854. [2:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20 for the other two around him
  1855. [2:35 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 20,20, Result: 40
  1856. [2:35 AM] Eon: (fucking aplomb)
  1857. [2:35 AM] Runic: (Err Dicebot)
  1858. [2:35 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5
  1859. [2:35 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 19, Result: 24
  1860. [2:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 4d8 magical piercing
  1861. [2:35 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  1862. [2:35 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d8]: 5,4,7,3, Result: 19
  1863. [2:35 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  1864. [2:35 AM] Faerie: Razmik's reaction's sealed
  1865. [2:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take half, or 9.
  1866. [2:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The two cultists around the blast tries to evade as much as they could for their dark purpose,
  1867. [2:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: but takes the blunt of it, and... Explodes.
  1868. [2:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Two dexterity saving throws, please.
  1869. [2:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20 for the two nearby the two blasts
  1870. [2:36 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 10,8, Result: 18
  1871. [2:36 AM] Faerie: Gross. Razmik ducks just in time f-
  1872. [2:36 AM] Faerie: ''Crud!''
  1873. [2:36 AM] Eon: (chain reaction :excitedfish: )
  1874. [2:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 8d8 piercing in total
  1875. [2:36 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [8d8]: 7,2,7,4,6,1,8,4, Result: 39
  1876. [2:36 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 dex
  1877. [2:36 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 19, Result: 24
  1878. [2:36 AM] Faerie: Assuming pass
  1879. [2:37 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 second save
  1880. [2:37 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 19, Result: 24
  1881. [2:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (DC 11, so... )
  1882. [2:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take 20 magical piercing
  1883. [2:37 AM] Faerie: (So 29 total?)
  1884. [2:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The two that did not dodge once again, explodes as well, in a storm of gory spikes.
  1885. [2:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 2 more dexterity saving throws.
  1886. [2:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And then the last 3.
  1887. [2:37 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ok, here.)
  1888. [2:38 AM] Faerie: Razmik's defensive stance proves useful in ways nature never intended. He ducks, and bobs and weaves and what-the-hell-is-he-hugging-the-floor-now-why
  1889. [2:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 4d8 piercing (As only one last one was affected by the healing word earlier...)
  1890. [2:38 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d8]: 6,4,5,7, Result: 22
  1891. [2:38 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 dex save
  1892. [2:38 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 11, Result: 16
  1893. [2:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The rest of them explodes harmlessly, but take 11 more magical piercing.
  1894. [2:38 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 second (second) save
  1895. [2:38 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 2, Result: 7
  1896. [2:38 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4 Bless
  1897. [2:38 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  1898. [2:38 AM] Faerie: Pass :sadpopo:
  1899. [2:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The 8 pieces of gore on the floor, from a storm of dead cultists exploding into shards, seems to serve as a grim reminder of what they are about to do,
  1900. [2:39 AM] Eon: (I would ask why we're not rolling conc saves, but.. I think Raz passes all of them automatically)
  1901. [2:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... As the 8 surrounding Lexon sings for the end.
  1902. [2:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah, just about.)
  1903. [2:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: But first, it's the NPCs's turn.
  1904. [2:39 AM] Eon: (please gib adv ;-;)
  1905. [2:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oi! Leave my boy Lexon along!" Shadow shouts, charging in.
  1906. [2:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+12 acrobatics
  1907. [2:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 2, Result: 14
  1908. [2:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Is that enough.
  1909. [2:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... No. Shadow attempts to squeeze past the crowd, unsuccessfully. He land prone, instead, next to the cultists.
  1910. [2:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: He stand back up, because that was something magical.
  1911. [2:40 AM] Faerie: (SHADOW NO)
  1912. [2:41 AM] Runic: (1 away from just straight out tripping and slamming his face into the ground, yeesh)
  1913. [2:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Fuck it."
  1914. [2:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow shake the two nearest him.
  1915. [2:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+10
  1916. [2:41 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 8, Result: 18
  1917. [2:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+10
  1918. [2:41 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+10]: 12, Result: 22
  1919. [2:41 AM] Runic: "I appreciate the attempt Shadow!" Lexon yells, trying to motivate him
  1920. [2:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The two cultists drop on the floor, unconscious.
  1921. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle sighs. "What the hell, Shadow." And fires at the orb of flesh, as Esker suggested. "Go forth, elemental!" She commands, verbally, as well.
  1922. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+11
  1923. [2:42 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 11, Result: 22
  1924. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+11
  1925. [2:42 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 1, Result: 12
  1926. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The second shot went wide, but the first shot strikes the creature!
  1927. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 5d6
  1928. [2:42 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [5d6]: 4,3,2,2,6, Result: 17
  1929. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d10+5
  1930. [2:42 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 1, Result: 6
  1931. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 con
  1932. [2:42 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 8, Result: 13
  1933. [2:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Uh. Hm.
  1935. [2:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... A strange quiet envelops the piece of Cradle.
  1936. [2:43 AM] Eon: (mantle if she's close enough)
  1937. [2:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: NotLikeThis
  1938. [2:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle glares at Shadow, whose still trying his best to help out Lexon.
  1939. [2:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Legendary Action ... Silenced.
  1940. Shapeless Spell.
  1941. [2:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The creatre spurts, grows, changes, morphs.
  1942. [2:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sec)
  1943. [2:45 AM] Bot Fodder: John backs away a step, mouth hanging wide open. He was this sure things couldn't get any weirder.
  1944. [2:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Giant maw surged forth, as it roars silently, and it grows to the ceiling...
  1945. [2:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It shape into a Tyrannosaurus Rex, except with tendrils of flesh, eyes everywhere over the tough skin, and oozing that strange, sweet nectar.
  1946. [2:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental, silent until this point, rushes past everyone and slams at the creature.
  1947. [2:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  1948. [2:46 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 8, Result: 8
  1949. [2:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d8+4
  1950. [2:47 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d8+4]: 8,2, Result: 14
  1951. [2:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  1952. [2:47 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 17, Result: 22
  1953. [2:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The TRex reels back, as the water rushes at it, forming into a liquid fist with an uppercut.
  1954. [2:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7
  1955. [2:47 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 5, Result: 12
  1956. [2:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: However, the monster quickly dodges the followup strike.
  1957. [2:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker.
  1958. [2:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your turn (washroom)
  1959. [2:48 AM] Eon: Esker hears it all, the yelps and shouts of the cultists as they flop, even as the chanting continues. But that's.. not important, right now. She had an arrow with the Cradle's name on it. Well, not really, but you can pretend when you have an Arrow of Aberration Slaying! A thin, almost ethereal bowstring guiding the shot.. She takes aim. She could look at it and brave it, or.. Hmm.
  1960. She decides to reach for Razmik's image. His presence, soothing to the mind, and encouraging to the heart. Against all sense, she waltz into the foray. She needed to get a good shot. Not looking away once she's within aura range.
  1961. "Whatever is in this world, you're should not be in it." Bah. The cultists were getting in the way, ah, Shadow got them. Ah, It got bigger.
  1962. [2:48 AM] Faerie: (M A N T L E? :excitedfish:)
  1963. [2:48 AM] Eon: (Did Tot Help me :sadpopo: )
  1964. [2:48 AM] Eon: (I really don't wanna pull a rogue and miss)
  1965. [2:48 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+14 wis adv
  1966. [2:48 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+14]: 9, Result: 23
  1967. [2:48 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+14
  1968. [2:48 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+14]: 19, Result: 33
  1969. [2:48 AM] Eon: Yeah, think I'm fine.
  1970. [2:48 AM] Faerie: (Oh, SHIT, happening)
  1971. [2:48 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+9 please for the love of
  1972. [2:48 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 15, Result: 24
  1973. [2:49 AM] Eon: crit fish Kappa
  1974. [2:49 AM] Eon: roll 1d8+5
  1975. [2:49 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 2, Result: 7
  1976. [2:49 AM] Faerie: (Arrow doesn't refresh at dawn, right?)
  1977. [2:49 AM] Eon: roll 6d10 dc 17 con for half
  1978. [2:49 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [6d10]: 2,5,3,6,10,10, Result: 36
  1979. [2:49 AM] Eon: roll 1d4 radiant mantle.
  1980. [2:49 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  1981. [2:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot assists Esker regardless!
  1982. [2:49 AM] Eon: roll 1d20+9 CRIT
  1983. [2:49 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 16, Result: 25
  1984. [2:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And that's a hit, yes.
  1985. [2:49 AM] Eon: aw. Still good.
  1986. [2:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  1987. [2:49 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 4, Result: 9
  1988. [2:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's a failure.
  1989. [2:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The fleshy ball screams silently, as its morphic form shifts back into that of a fleshy ball.
  1990. [2:50 AM] Eon: "Ngh." Jubliation with a precise shot.. and she immediately turns away.
  1991. [2:50 AM] Eon: Pass.
  1992. [2:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik.
  1993. [2:50 AM] Faerie: The mystery child's accusation, the shower of gore, viscera and bones raining down on him - and how to forget, the lovely explosions? Razmik finds himself simply overwhelmed by the onslaught! Reeling, about to fall to one of his knees, a sharp image is painted on his mind.
  1994. That of Alicia and Nephelle! Not being there, Razmik must improvise their reactions for himself. Would Alicia as much as wince at the pain? No. Would Razmik, after picturing Nephelle egging them all on? Hell no!
  1995. [2:51 AM] Bot Fodder: He still has John. YOU ALL STILL HAVE JOHN
  1996. [2:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, go right ahead.
  1997. [2:51 AM] Faerie: ''Come! Come, you cowards! Potshotting scum!! Break your gazes on this!'', shouting for attention, inviting everyone hostile in the vicinity to gun after him.
  1998. [2:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The temple trembles a bit, as if in response to your cry.
  1999. [2:52 AM] Faerie: Attack on Titanrosaurus Rex
  2000. [2:52 AM] Eon: Even without looking, Esker can feel Razmik's proclaimation. Inspiring.. but did he have to be so loud? Just as well.
  2001. [2:52 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13
  2002. [2:52 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 11, Result: 24
  2003. [2:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Cradle shudders.
  2004. [2:53 AM] Faerie: (Hit?)
  2005. [2:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Do you have disadvantage still?
  2006. [2:53 AM] Faerie: Oohh, true. The child!
  2007. [2:53 AM] Faerie: Razmik can't feel but... feel... a pang of guilt.
  2008. [2:53 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13 dis
  2009. [2:53 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 5, Result: 18
  2010. [2:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can't ignore the child.
  2011. [2:53 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  2012. [2:53 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  2013. [2:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: But, you can overcome it.
  2014. [2:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit.
  2015. [2:54 AM] Faerie: You can't wash your hands of the blood you've spilled. But! You can make sure you never as much as draw blood for anything other than a just cause. Sometimes, that was enough.
  2016. [2:54 AM] Faerie: roll 1d8+5 slashing
  2017. [2:54 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 3, Result: 8
  2018. [2:54 AM] Faerie: roll 2d6 fire
  2019. [2:54 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 3,5, Result: 8
  2020. [2:54 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4 radiant
  2021. [2:54 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 3, Result: 3
  2022. [2:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's a penumatic hiss, as the creature seems to ... Deflate.
  2023. [2:55 AM] Faerie: (This thing's probably immune to a billion different effects)
  2024. [2:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It withers, burning from the holy flame.
  2025. [2:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... A chunk of black ice falls, and shatters near your feet, Razmik. The temple rumbles. The cultists - remaining ones, at least, cheers. "The End! It comes!"
  2026. [2:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The piece of cradle burns, immolated, and shrinks, before turning into ash in silent agony.
  2027. [2:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle is very, very glad that the silencing shot spared them the worst of it.
  2028. [2:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100 something
  2029. [2:56 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 25, Result: 25
  2030. [2:57 AM] Eon: "Is it over? Capture the cultists, quickly now."
  2031. [2:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's never over. The rumbling continues.
  2032. [2:57 AM] Faerie: ''Don't give up, Johnathan, not yet!'', Razmik reminds the guard not to follow the light at the end of the tunnel in case he gets fingered again :sadpopo:
  2033. [2:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The area seems to be heating up, strangely. The ice around you is melting, pooling into black liquid, which drips and drops, washing everywhere. A potent poison in itself.
  2034. [2:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything else, Razmik?
  2035. [2:58 AM] Bot Fodder: Countless times did John feel Razmik's presence steel him today. To inspire and empower the small and the plain -- that was the true strength of a knight. And Razmik had grown strong indeed their time together, that much was certain. John, haggard after a maddening fight, watches the Paladin's back and straightens himself up. To be worthy of his company, John would have to be strong as well. "Sir, no, sir." The guard grins.(edited)
  2036. [2:58 AM] Faerie: Before taking hold of Salamander both hands and making a mess out of the t-rex's insides with it
  2037. [2:58 AM] Faerie: Razmik coughs up, spitting to his side.
  2038. [2:58 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13 multiattack
  2039. [2:58 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 11, Result: 24
  2040. [2:59 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4 I guess
  2041. [2:59 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 2, Result: 2
  2042. [2:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are unable, as the creature does not exist.
  2043. [2:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The monstrous dinosaur form was shattered, and your previous strike turned it into cinder.
  2044. [2:59 AM] Faerie: (Wait, it actually deflated out of existing? I thought it just shrunk a bit, my bad)
  2045. [3:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4-1
  2046. [3:00 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4-1]: 3, Result: 2
  2047. [3:00 AM] Faerie: So that's one strike Razmik'll have to redirect. Who was still within 5 feet of him?
  2048. [3:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Uh...
  2049. [3:00 AM] Eon: The cult leaders.. did they Misty Step to places unknown?
  2050. [3:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: They seems to have disappeared, against all rhymes and reasons.
  2051. [3:00 AM] Faerie: (Yeah, they all skedaddled I think)
  2052. [3:00 AM] Eon: Misty Step usually requires seeing the place you whoop to, so there might be an illusion.
  2053. [3:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Wisdom check, Esker.
  2054. [3:01 AM] Eon: Straight?
  2055. [3:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Also, I guess you can cut a cultist down, Razmik, by rushing beside the gang around Lexon.
  2056. [3:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Straight, yes.
  2057. [3:02 AM] Eon: Roll 1d20+5 Doubt I can Guidance? Given combat
  2058. [3:02 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 18, Result: 23
  2059. [3:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: pls no guidance.jpg
  2060. [3:02 AM] Faerie: (Koga, can you stonecunning in combat)
  2061. [3:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You ... Thought about that and took a quick look around the room for illusion or the like, before noticing the black ice in the ceiling seemingly to have cracks.
  2062. [3:03 AM] Bot Fodder: (Oh boy)
  2063. [3:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Putting two and two together... They've misty stepped upward, through the sight provided by the crack. They likely proceeded to the outside.
  2064. [3:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unfortunately for them, you've setup an ambush outside anyhow.
  2065. [3:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yes Razmik)
  2066. [3:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Do you have stonecunning.jpg)
  2067. [3:03 AM] Faerie: Razmik goes forth! To Lexon, as the ones near John de-materialized somehow.
  2068. [3:04 AM] Faerie: (Just asking for future reference)
  2069. [3:04 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+13 whack-a-whacko
  2070. [3:04 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 9, Result: 22
  2071. [3:04 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  2072. [3:04 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  2073. [3:04 AM] Bot Fodder: (Were there any near John, other than the leaders who fled?)
  2074. [3:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit, of course.
  2075. [3:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (no.)
  2076. [3:04 AM] Faerie: (Don't think so, I would've gone there instead)
  2077. [3:04 AM] Faerie: roll 1d8+5 slash
  2078. [3:04 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+5]: 6, Result: 11
  2079. [3:05 AM] Faerie: roll 2d6 fire
  2080. [3:05 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,4, Result: 10
  2081. [3:05 AM] Faerie: roll 1d4
  2082. [3:05 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  2083. [3:05 AM] Faerie: I...
  2084. [3:05 AM] Faerie: Wanna call nonlethal
  2085. [3:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You down the cultist without much effort. Lethally or otherwise.
  2086. [3:05 AM] Faerie: But that feels REALLY weird.
  2087. [3:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Actually.
  2088. [3:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 25?
  2089. [3:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You don't get a choice.
  2090. [3:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Massive damage, the man's dead.
  2091. [3:06 AM] Faerie: OH SHIT
  2092. [3:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit Point of 10, so...
  2093. [3:06 AM] Faerie: '-shit', and off he goes! 'Focus, Razmik...'
  2094. [3:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Even if you meanted for your strike to be nonlethal, the blunt trauma from your magic sword connecting, the holy and magical flame that followed, and all that, enveloped the man, who burns without complain.
  2095. [3:07 AM] Faerie: If Razmik's able, he'll surround himself with as many cultists as possible, not willing to give up focus just yet (Tunnel Fighter)
  2096. [3:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  2097. [3:07 AM] Faerie: (Taking any OAs. And Pass)(edited)
  2098. [3:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Initiative 20,
  2099. [3:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: the temple trembles.
  2100. [3:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Black ice melts and rains down. Constitution against poison, DC 17.
  2101. [3:08 AM] Eon: Imm-
  2102. [3:08 AM] Runic: Everyone?
  2103. [3:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: failure = Poisoned, and unable to benefit from transportation spells etc.
  2104. [3:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Everyone but Esker.
  2105. [3:08 AM] Eon: Well you already know.
  2106. [3:08 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+2
  2107. [3:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 7, Result: 9
  2108. [3:08 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+12
  2109. [3:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 9, Result: 21
  2110. [3:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  2111. [3:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 7, Result: 7
  2112. [3:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  2113. [3:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 16, Result: 16
  2114. [3:09 AM] Faerie: (Whoa, Esker's immune to its secondary effects as well. Neat.)
  2115. [3:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow blinks. "Uh... Fuck." And coughs.
  2116. [3:09 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20+12 CON save
  2117. [3:09 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 11, Result: 23
  2118. [3:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... A piece of black ice falls from the ceiling, dropping down and crushing a cultist on the side of Lexon, killing him instantly.
  2119. [3:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, speaking of the devil, your turn.
  2120. [3:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The temple is melting and coming down.
  2121. [3:10 AM] Bot Fodder: John doesn't need to be a dwarf to sense what's coming next. "Grab one of the survivors and let's go!" he calls.
  2122. [3:12 AM] Runic: Lexon, not wanting to stop with the assault of attacks on the cultists, continues on, throwing out another savage blow from his spear at one of them
  2123. [3:12 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+13
  2124. [3:12 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+13]: 7, Result: 20
  2125. [3:12 AM] Runic: roll 1d6+9
  2126. [3:12 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+9]: 1, Result: 10
  2127. [3:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's a hit.
  2128. [3:12 AM] Eon: Esker grimaces.. Black ice and slush, like some sort of reverse snow.. This was not time to wonder. They had to get out, maybe grab a cultist or two..
  2129. [3:12 AM] Runic: Non-lethal btw
  2130. [3:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Aye.
  2131. [3:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The cultist goes down without a complain, smiling.
  2132. [3:13 AM] Eon: "Drag them out! As many as you can."
  2133. [3:13 AM] Runic: Also, with another flurry of blows, Lexon punches and jabs two more cultists
  2134. [3:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alrighty, go for it.
  2135. [3:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :3c
  2136. [3:13 AM] Runic: roll 2d20 +10
  2137. [3:13 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 12,19, Result: 31
  2138. [3:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Both are hit.
  2139. [3:13 AM] Runic: roll 2d4 +6
  2140. [3:13 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d4]: 1,3, Result: 4
  2141. [3:13 AM] Bot Fodder: (Is this the ending to Inglorious Bastards?)
  2142. [3:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: One of them stumbled.
  2143. [3:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The other falls unceremonously.
  2144. [3:14 AM] Runic: Alright end turn
  2145. [3:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John's turn.
  2146. [3:14 AM] Faerie: Coughing and hacking (in both senses of the word) once again, Razmik breathes in with effort. He didn't like the thought of staying in there for too long, given the now pestilent air starting to surround them. But that's not all. ''Not looking good. Make sure you remain safe too!'', he says eyeing Shadow, then Lexon.
  2147. [3:14 AM] Runic: (Just remembered that Lexon is indeed poisioned so disadvantage, but that doens't really matter does it? With +10/+13 to hits I mean)
  2148. [3:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :thinking: )
  2149. [3:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Well, don't worry too much about that.)
  2150. [3:15 AM] Bot Fodder: John swings into motion again, this time toward the exit. He attempts to grab one (or two) of the unconcious cultists on the ground!(edited)
  2151. [3:16 AM] Eon: (Use your Haste action to dash)
  2152. [3:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, seems fine.
  2153. [3:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are under mobile and Haste, which lets you... Dragging the cultists, move at 20ft on movement.
  2154. [3:16 AM] Runic: Despite his weakened state, Lexon muscles still hold on, landing each and every strike on his targets, however, one manages to stand slightly due to this.
  2155. [3:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Given that you dash, you make it out of the temple.
  2156. [3:16 AM] Eon: How far to the exit? If we can't afford dragging people out, we can just go after the leaders- Whew
  2157. [3:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 25 up the stair, and then 10 ft out.
  2159. [3:17 AM] Bot Fodder: (Do I need to drag to get the ones that are KO'ed?)
  2160. [3:17 AM] Eon: Esker glares at the unconscious bodies. She.. really can't.
  2161. [3:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yes.
  2162. [3:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow looks around, decide that it's not worth it. "Shit. Uh."
  2163. [3:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow reaches out to Lexon. "Grab on!" And...
  2164. [3:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20-1 wisdom
  2165. [3:18 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 9, Result: 8
  2166. [3:18 AM] Bot Fodder: Ok, John dashes out and uses any extra movement to return in pace with his comrades.
  2167. [3:18 AM] Faerie: (FUCK)
  2168. [3:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20-1 disadvantage
  2169. [3:18 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 12, Result: 11
  2170. [3:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow casts Dimension Door. The spell fizzles.
  2171. [3:18 AM] Faerie: (Shadow and Lexon are both under the agathys ice, right? Can't teleport?)
  2172. [3:18 AM] Eon: "..." Esker facepalms.
  2173. [3:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Blinking for a moment, Shadow curses loudly, and drags Lexon with him for 15 ft up the stair.
  2174. [3:19 AM] Runic: (Nah, we just got smacked by a piece of ice... for now)
  2175. [3:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle dashes past the two.
  2176. [3:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hurry up!" Recelle shouts, worried.
  2177. [3:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker, your turn.
  2178. [3:19 AM] Eon: Wew
  2179. [3:19 AM] Eon: Errrrrrr.
  2180. [3:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Right, wait.
  2181. [3:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sorry.
  2182. [3:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Water elemental's turn.
  2183. [3:20 AM] Eon: Let me quickly double check if I can do more than run out.
  2184. [3:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Carry those fools!" Recelle commands.
  2185. [3:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental rushes over the fallen cultists - and the live ones.
  2186. [3:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20
  2187. [3:20 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 20,14, Result: 34
  2188. [3:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: One of them resists,
  2189. [3:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental continues its charge.
  2190. [3:20 AM] Runic: "Alright, alright, I'm coming" Lexon yells grabbing Shadow's hand in return, letting Shadow guide Lexon back up
  2191. [3:20 AM] Faerie: (Can Interloper interlope if Raz calls her out of the spelljammer?)
  2192. [3:20 AM] Eon: (How many cultists left?)
  2193. [3:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Grapples Lexon and Shadow, which falls under "fools".
  2194. [3:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental finishes dashing, right out of the temple, grappling onto three creatures.
  2195. [3:21 AM] Eon: (If its not a concern, I can literally walk out 35 feet, because wood elf best elf)
  2196. [3:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are about 6 cultists, in various states.(edited)
  2197. [3:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Rest of them are dead.
  2198. [3:21 AM] Eon: (9-96?)
  2199. [3:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 6 cultists.
  2200. [3:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Math was hard. Ahem.
  2201. [3:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Another piece, a large chunk, flies down and stabs into a dead cultist, with a ploop sound.
  2202. [3:23 AM] Bot Fodder: (>Gmod ragdoll noise)
  2203. [3:24 AM] Faerie: (wew)
  2204. [3:24 AM] Eon: Esker surveys her surroundings. They already got several out, and with any luck, their companions could circle and trap the leaders. Trying to save all of them would be folly, she imagines.
  2205. [3:24 AM] Eon: Something about diminishing returns.
  2206. [3:24 AM] Eon: (who's turn is it?)
  2207. [3:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yours.
  2208. [3:25 AM] Eon: Ah.
  2209. [3:25 AM] Eon: My 35 movement should be enough to get out, so..
  2210. [3:25 AM] Eon: Slap Guidance on.. Razmik, I guess.
  2211. [3:25 AM] Eon: Walk out of temple.
  2212. [3:25 AM] Eon: Pass.
  2213. [3:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright. You got out just fine.
  2214. [3:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, your turn.
  2215. [3:25 AM] Eon: (Haste ends)
  2216. [3:25 AM] Faerie: Surprised by the sudden rumbling (did they do that?), Razmik hurriedly surveys the are for anyone in need of help, from their side. None of the Guardians would be getting crushed like those other morons. ''Remember!'', he shares a slight suspicion he had. ''This dark power feeds on their deaths!''
  2217. [3:25 AM] Eon: (John gets bonked)
  2218. [3:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Kappa)
  2219. [3:26 AM] Bot Fodder: John topples outside, dropping his cultist. "Oof!"
  2220. [3:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The other cultists don't seem to be worried.
  2221. [3:26 AM] Faerie: Other than that, shit, he's pretty deep in. How far away from the exit? Was everyone else outside already?
  2222. [3:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You don't know - everyone else's booked it.
  2223. [3:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Also, another chunk of ice falls right next to you, on a pile of gore.
  2224. [3:26 AM] Eon: "And ours too if we don't hurry out! Don't try to do too much!" She'll holler back, Razmik really had no indoor voice..
  2225. [3:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It splatters all over.
  2226. [3:26 AM] Faerie: ''A-already?!''
  2227. [3:26 AM] Eon: (that's code for get out or get squished)
  2228. [3:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I am rock falling.)
  2229. [3:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  2230. [3:27 AM] Eon: (ice)
  2231. [3:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  2232. [3:27 AM] Faerie: Can't dash and drag unconscious people at the same time, right?
  2233. [3:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can if you have extra action.
  2234. [3:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2235. [3:27 AM] Faerie: :thinking:
  2236. [3:27 AM] Eon: We got 4 out, right?
  2237. [3:27 AM] Runic: (Or a rouge, but er)
  2238. [3:27 AM] Faerie: (Fuck that noise, familia.)
  2239. [3:28 AM] Eon: That's more than what Esker was expecting.
  2240. [3:28 AM] Faerie: Like a scared dog running away from a fire, Razmik runs the hell out of there
  2241. [3:28 AM] Bot Fodder: (You're not a Paladin of Redemption, don't feel too bad~)
  2242. [3:28 AM] Eon: (or did the 4 include Shadow and Lexon)
  2243. [3:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Above, for those that have made it out... The temple is collapsing, as another "angel" - the miniature sun version - seems to have been summoned and bursted, causing the temple's structural integrity to fall apart, even as others book for it. The cultists that summoned it, the exceptionally wounded one, sacrificed himself for that. The other two is in custody of the rest of your party, however, unconscious. Sern seems unconcerned, having dropped them with this blade after everyone dogpiled them with spells.
  2244. [3:28 AM] Eon: (and thus only two cultists were actually cultists)
  2245. [3:29 AM] Faerie: He tumbles for the last few feet, trying to close the distance as fast as humanly possible in armor. ''Ooff!''
  2246. [3:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: As Razmik steps out of the temple, with a loud rumble, the temple of ice collapses onto itself.
  2247. [3:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You... Got your cultists, at least.
  2248. [3:30 AM] Eon: "... Well. We got what we came here for."
  2249. [3:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 3 normals and 2 leaders.
  2250. [3:30 AM] Bot Fodder: John staggers to his feet, staring at the ruin behind him. "Close one! Is everyone all right?"
  2251. [3:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow is still poisoned, and wasted a spell slot.
  2252. [3:30 AM] Eon: There was nothing to really to look back to. They got what they wanted, everyone is more or less fine.
  2253. [3:30 AM] Faerie: ''Yeah! Everyone made it! That...''
  2254. [3:30 AM] Bot Fodder: Poor baby!
  2255. [3:30 AM] Eon: "We should get to questioning, quickly."
  2256. [3:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot is busy pulling on Shadow's hair. "You are a frigging idiot!"
  2257. [3:31 AM] Faerie: Razmik repositions himself to rest for a few seconds, catching his breath. ''Thank the Heavens for that''
  2258. [3:31 AM] Runic: "Yeah... just about" Lexon exclaims, in between breaths. "Jeez that black ice is slowing me down"
  2259. [3:31 AM] Eon: "Bring them all into the spelljammer, tie them up.." Esker muses.
  2260. [3:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow pats Lexon. "Hey, we made it out."
  2261. [3:31 AM] Eon: How to actually make them talk..
  2262. [3:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yes." Recelle walks over to Shadow. "You did."
  2263. [3:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Shadow shudders.
  2264. [3:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle smiles.
  2265. [3:31 AM] Eon: Esker gives a cheeky side glance at the two.
  2266. [3:32 AM] Eon: And whistles the tune of wedding bells. The elven kind of course.
  2267. [3:32 AM] Eon: ... Not that the either of them should be familiar with such a thing.
  2268. [3:32 AM] Runic: "Yeah, thanks man" Lexon says, "I though we could get more of these guys, guess not, my bad"
  2269. [3:32 AM] Bot Fodder: Spattered with gore belonging to many parties, John gives his aching back a quick pound and takes up packmule duty. It's an enviable display of tirelessness, at least.
  2270. [3:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... 2200 XP in total, including for non-attendents.
  2272. [3:33 AM] Eon: SeemsGood
  2273. [3:33 AM] Eon: that was fruitful.
  2274. [3:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The questioning will come later.
  2275. [3:33 AM] Eon: Grave got us a lot of infor
  2276. [3:33 AM] Eon: Should we rp it out or?
  2277. [3:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You've spent an hour or so between all those things.
  2278. [3:33 AM] Eon: Do we have an interrogation specialist
  2279. [3:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ah, it'll come later one way or another.
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