
chili massages

Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((WE NEED A LIVING ROOM.))
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn stood in the kitchen hovering over a large pot on the stove filled with bubbling chili. She had her textbook open on the counter next to her, a spoon held in her hand as stirred the hot food while keeping her eyes glued to the book for studying.-
  4. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -Quinn stood in the kitchen hovering over a large pot on the stove filled with bubbling chili. She had her textbook open on the counter next to her, a spoon held in her hand as stirred the hot food while keeping her eyes glued to the book for studying.-
  5. Tsaaq: Penelope's hair flowed behind her as she walked from her bedroom to the stairs with her sketchbook in tow. "Oh Q-t!" She called out. "I was hoping we could celebrate thirsty Thursday together. I've gotten a wonderful lager in the fridge for you.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Penelope's voice, she lifted her eyes from her textbook and turned around to see Penelope coming down the stairs. Her smile spread wide across her face, planting her hand on her hip. "Was that yours I saw in the fridge? That'll go perfectly with the chili I'm making. It seemed appropriate for such a cold day."-
  7. Tsaaq: "Chilli? Does that include beans?" She asked as she pressed her lips together. She walked towards the refridgerator and opened it to grab the two brews and placed them on the kitchen island. "And yes. I purchased that especially for the two of us."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "It does. Are beans okay?" She asked as she turned back to the pot to stir it a bit more, lowering the heat underneath it to just keep it warm. She glanced down into her textbook and grabbed her sticky notes, neatly printing a note for herself about what she'd been reading and sticking it to the open page before turning to walk to the island with Penelope. "How thoughtful of you."-
  9. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose. I don't want to become..." She trailed off and glanced to her left and her right then covered the side of her mouth. "Gassy." She whispered, looking a little embarrassed. "But I'm sure it'll be delicious." She sighed and opened their beers for the two of them. "I like to make you smile?" Penelope grinned.
  10. Covet: Thorn parked outside across the street and walked up the pathway to the house. when he got there, he went to knock on the door before he opened it and walked inside. "Oh my fucking god, it smells awesome in here. Please tell me there's enough for me." He asked as he walked towards the kitchen seeing both of the girls.
  11. Alexithymiaa: (Thorn is like the epitome of tact.)
  12. Covet: [XD]
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Well if you don't want any, I won't be offended." She took the beer from Penelope, holding it up into the air a bit. "Well you're very good at making me smile, so thank you." She took a small sip of her beer, her eyes turning toward the front door when she heard Thorn obnoxiously coming into the house. Calling out to him in a sing songy voice, she rolled her eyes. "There's enough for youuuu."-
  14. Tsaaq: Her eyebrows rose a moment. "It's my pleasure." She said with a grin. "I still want to try it. It smells good and everything." She said before turning to front door. "Good evening. How was your day? Would you like your pipe and slippers?" She asked playfully.
  15. Alexithymiaa: (HAHAHAHA BEST REACTION.)
  16. Covet: "Oh... a pipe and slippers. Why, yes, I would. And a smoking jacket if you have one." He said sticking his tongue out at Penelope. "Quinn, I'm keeping you around just for your food at the very least." He told her as he walked to each of them and gave them a quick kiss. "Three's company totally had it all wrong."
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh at Penelope's comment because that was actually pretty good, taking another quick sip of her beer before leaning in to return Thorn's kiss. "You should have demanded a martini. Isn't that the old 50s thing? Dinner and a martini waiting for men when they got home from work?" She asked, setting her beer down on the counter and going over to stir the chili. "I've honestly never seen Three's Company."-
  18. Tsaaq: "You'd have to purchase that on your own." She said, turning up her nose and pretending to be displeased when he came to kiss her. Still she nuzzled him as he pilled away. "I'd have to learn how to prepare a martini..." She trailed off and squinted her eyes at Thorn. "Me either, how old are you again?"
  19. Covet: "That depends, can you make a martini with Whiskey?" He said with a laugh. "I'm not much of a gin or vodka person. But I don't need anything like that, Seeing both your lovely faces is more than enough to come home to." Thorn said suavely with a smug grin. "The fact that there is food just makes it that much better. " He looked at the both of them, "Twenty three, but I know it because my mom watched it when she was a kid. It was about some guy claiming to be gay, but he was dating one of the chicks. But he was living with her and her friend? Some shit like that."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "One of my best friends is a bartender. I'm sure she could teach me, and then I could teach you. But I guess that's fairly pointless if no one here drinks martinis." She brushed off the thought before turning to look at Thorn. "Home? Is this your home now?" She asked with a raise of her brow, turning to get bowls down from the cabinet for them.-
  21. Tsaaq: She squinted her eyes at Thorn. "But he's sleeping with both of them?" She asked. Still not fucking getting the show. "That'd be very nice but I think Thorny wants me to prepare a different drink from him." She said as she turned to Quinn. "I suppose this is technically his home. He's always here after all? Beer?" She asked him as she shashayed to the fridge.
  22. Covet: "Home is where the heart is. And if my heart is here, then yes this is home." He smirked, then shrugged, "I don't need a fancy drink, just two fingers of whiskey, neat." Thorn smelled the ari again as if getting the bowls out made the smell stronger. "Can we grate up some cheese to put on it too?" He asked then shook his head, "No he's not.. that's why I said they had it wrong, He should have been. Would have been a way better show."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Way ahead of you. Penelope, would you be a dear and get the blue bowl with the plastic wrap out of the fridge, please?" She asked her since she was already in the fridge. She started to scoop chili into three bowls, setting them aside one at a time after each was filled. "And there's tostitos chips in the cabinet too. I like my chili with chips." Picking up two bowls, she walked them over to the island in the middle of the kitchen, pushing one toward Thorn and setting the other down for Penelope before grabbing a couple of spoons to pass off as well.-
  24. Tsaaq: She cooed at Thorn and went to grab him a beer and the retrieved the bowls. "Well honey. Technically you're not sleeping with us yet either." She said playfully. "But that's sure to change eventually. I'm just poking fun at you. I hope you know.
  25. Covet: "A woman after my own heart. That's the only way to eat chilli as far as I'm concenred." He said with a laugh, grabbing the chips from the cabinet,and opened them. He looked down at the bowl from Quinn, waiting to dress it up. "I'm sleeping with you, just not.. carnally. Yet. I know, don't worry, I'll get you back later." Thorn said with a smirk.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Sleeping in the most innocent of definitions." She tossed back, trying to add fuel to the fire. She raised her brows, throwing a glance at Penelope. "Hear that? He's going to poke fun at you back, later." She started to laugh, pushing her blonde hair over her shoulder.-
  27. Tsaaq: Penelope rolled her eyes at him. "He's getting no where near my flower until I get to lay and bed and kiss and beautiful blonde." She corrected him with a raise of her index finger. "This does smell delightful." She dipped her spoon into the chili and hummed as she took it between her large lips. She covered her mouth and hummed again. "This is delicious." She said.
  28. Covet: "I see how it is.. So can the two of you hurry up with that already." He said moving his spoon between the both of them with a smirk. He added the extra goodies to his chilli, mixed it up, then took a chip and dipped it into the chilli. He groaned as he ate it and when he was finished with the bite, he looked at Quinn, "How much would I have to pay you to make this for the station?"
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn started to laugh, adding the cheese to her own chili and winking at Penelope. She pulled a chip from the bag and dipped it into her bowl, taking a bite and raising her brows at him. "Remember that time we discussed bribes? Make me an offer I cannot refuse." She licked her lips, leaning into Penelope a bit. "I'm glad you like it."-
  30. Tsaaq: "There are more stipulations." Penelpe stated as she went to dip her spoon in once more. She couldn't help but laugh at Quinn. "Maybe a nice present for Chrismas. Somthing sparkly for her?" She cackled as she added her own chips.
  31. Covet: "More stipulations?" Thorn said with a groan. "I'm never going to get laid." He mumbled then raised an eyebrow. "What level of sparkly are we talking about? A few sequins, or full blown diamond disco ball?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Ohhh, sparkly?" She asked with a bit of a laugh, eyeing Thorn before taking another bite of chili chip. "I guess you'll just have to figure it out. Hopefully you won't be wrong and miss out on more chili." She started to laugh, hopping up to sit on the island and crossing one leg over the other.-
  33. Tsaaq: Penelope leaned her elbows on the kitchen island with her awesome ass just sticking out. "Well, I like rules. You should know by now Thorny." She grinned. "You can't simply pry my legs open and expect compliance. I thought we agreed that it wouldn't be as fun without a chase." She began to snicker. "You proposed this by the way." She waited her hand between the three of them. "So no grumbling."
  34. Covet: Thorn huffed. "Fickle woman, using my own words against me." He scowled then softened his look, " I stand by all of that. Mostly, because where I could actually be some whiney douchebag about not getting laid, nobody wants to fuck that guy. And I can't get greedy when I've got you two as is."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Cry about it." She waved her chip at him, taking another bite and bouncing her foot through the air. "But you're absolutely right, you can't get greedy. And I don't think you are. Impatient maybe, but not greedy." She brushed her hands together to get rid of the crumbs, looking over at him again. "And please don't get me anything sparkly. I was just kidding. You should know well enough how to bribe me by now."-
  36. Tsaaq: "There's food that's sparkly." Penelope said with a raise of her eyebrow. "Perhaps we can arrange something tonight. But chili isn't very sexy... Or maybe it is. Teach me new things?"
  37. Covet: Thorn looked them both over, "Can you really blame a guy for being impatient? I do. I'll make sure to get you dinner at some place like... Cheekcake factory." He said knowing there was better places, but he couldn't think of any immediately on the fly. "They make edible glitter, they put it on cakes and things, so making food sparkly is totally possible, but. with Chilli... maybe not."
  38. Alexithymiaa: "I'm going to have to say no to chili being sexy, too. There will be other times." She said with a smile to Penelope, pursing her lips. "If you honestly think I'm going to make a batch of chili enough to feed your entire station for one dinner at some restaurant, you are sorely mistaken my dear Thorn. You are clearly not remembering our conversation. The more effort on my part, the bigger the bribe on yours."-
  39. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Thorn. "I'll get you some glittery cupcakes Q-t. My sweet." She said with a smile. "And it won't be a bribe but out of the sheer want to lavish you with lovely things." She giggled. "I guess we could have dessert and it would be sexy again?" She suggested.
  40. Covet: Thorn groaned. "What if I buy all the stuff you need to make it? That's effort right?" He argued with Quinn. "Wait.. if you get her glittery cupcakes, then that means I can't do it to bribe her." He said then raised his eyebrows, Sexy dessert, like... topless sundaes?"
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Why thank you Penelope." She leaned over and pecked the female's lips before sitting up again. "You're still thinking very small here, Thorn. I don't need you to buy the ingredients." She started to laugh, slipping down from the island and walking over to the pot of chili to look inside and see how much was left in there. "You can start by putting the leftovers away if you feel so inclined."-
  42. Tsaaq: Penelope stood up straight. "I'm not taking off this nightie. It's pure silk." She smiled and leaned into Quinn's kiss. "Precisely. She just deserves the nicest of things in general." She went to put her things in the sink.
  43. Covet: Frowning Thorn ate another few bites of Chilli before he went over to the cupboard getting out some containers to put the leftovers in . "So You just want me to be your house boy? That's how I Bribe you?" He asked looking over at the two girls, entertained, even if he was slightly annoyed. "Well, then I don't know how we're making Dessert sexy."
  44. Alexithymiaa: -She raised her brows as she considered his words, looking at Penelope. "I like the sound of house boy, how about you?" She asked her before looking at Thorn again. "That wasnt actually my intent, but you just make the idea sound so good."-
  45. Tsaaq: "Oooo house boy sounds adorable." She applauded softly. "Well you can star with taking off your shirt. Then perhaps when we get to the room upstairs I'll take off my shirt as well. Granted... I'll have to brush my teeth before we meet in the bedroom."
  46. Covet: "So long as you don't make me run around in speedo shorts and an apron, I'll suffer with the title." He said then looked at the two of them. "I'll take off my shirt, after I'm done putting hot Chilli into bowls. I'm not risking a scald scar for the sake of sexiness."
  47. Alexithymiaa: "Ohhhh speedo shorts." Her face lit up with a smile, tapping her index finger against her chin. "Has anyone ever told you that you should quit while you're ahead? Because really if anyone is going to make this worse for you, it's going to be you."-
  48. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "No speedo shorts. I'm into boxer briefs." She said. "Take your time. No rush here if you want to see my nipples." She waved her index finger at Thorn. "You like speedo shorts?" She asked Quinn with a raise of her eyebrow.
  49. Covet: "That wasn't a suggestion! I never know when I'm behind or ahead, so you see the problem this creates with stategic planning?" Thorn said as he finished filling the containers and started putting lids on them so they could be moved to the fridge. "I can be okay with boxer briefs. Snug, but not hugging my nuts and ass."
  50. Alexithymiaa: "What's not to like?" She asked Penelope with a bit of a laugh, watching Thorn put the things away. "You know... that's kind of the point, in case you were unsure. They're supposed to be tight."-
  51. Tsaaq: "Oh stop fussing." Penelope sighed and went to bring her hands to his shoulders and began to massage the space between them. "I do think I'd like to see that... When swimsuit season comes around."
  52. Covet: "Okay, but too tight keeps the nuts too warm, and I'm eventually going to need my swimmers, so I don't want to prematurely boil them in a pair of skin tight ballsweat makers." Thorn said, vulgarly talking about his junk while Penelope started to rub his shoulder's. His eyes rolled back and he leaned into it, " can't make me." He said with much less of a fight.
  53. Alexithymiaa: "Anddddddd mood gone. Cool." She said with a roll of her eyes after his comments, picking up her beer from the counter and finishing it off before tossing the empty can. "Are you two ready to head upstairs?"-
  54. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and continued to massage Thorn. "Ready when you are dear. I just have to brush my teeth." She smiled. "But we should make our way up the stairs."
  55. Covet: All Thorn could do was chuckle at Quinn's comment, He reached over to polish off his beer, as well. "I need teeths brushed, bowl sink things done." He mumbled at Penny's massaging. "Stoooop...I need to function for two seconds." He said begrudgingly.
  56. Alexithymiaa: "You can do the dishes in the morning after you make us breakfast." She said with a smile, leaning in to kiss Penelope's cheek and then Thorn's. "I'm going to go change and get ready for bed. Meet you in ten minutes?" She asked before grabbing her textbook from the counter and wandering off upstairs to her bedroom.-
  57. Tsaaq: "Sounds perfect." She said to Quinn and giggled as she leaned into the cheek kiss. "Fine. You get no more massages." She said. She went to kiss his cheek as well and went towards the downstairs bathroom to brush her teeths immediately!
  58. Covet: "What? When was... There better be some sort of reward for being this nice to you two!" He hollared after Quinn as she went upstairs, then put his bowl into the sink with the other dishes, including the crock pot he'd be washing in the morning. Confiscating another bathroomm he did the toothbrush things and stripped out of his clothes so he could do the bed things with the girls.
  59. Alexithymiaa: (Hes getting chili for the whole station! Thats the deal!)
  60. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooooo.))
  61. Covet: [XD This greedy asshole]
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