
Twice's thoughts on some people//me trying to think of connections

Apr 27th, 2024
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  1. Atli (You have the right idea. Life is worth living and helping people is a good goal. I like you, we should talk more. I hope you are fine with me visiting you on guard duty again, to pass the time until you rotate out.)
  3. Keziah ( You are fun to be around. At least you have the strength to help people. Maybe I should ask you for a spar some day. Maybe if I can figure it out, I can not only stop being awkward around Indra, I can maybe help those left behind in the Hedge. As of now, at least I'm confident in my dream fighting)
  5. Nil (Respects their vibe. May be a Autumn courtier but seems to like to have fun. Also can talk to them about the time in the Circus. Its nice to talk to someone...and maybe, it can help him find his old performance partner. At least get a clue)
  7. Najma (likes talking about places she travelled, more or less just wants to learn more about the world)
  9. Nicholas (He got interested by the idea of entering dreams when listening to him talk. What really got his interest is that apparently he is trying to put together a team to go back into the Hedge. He is...wary of that, going back too deeply, might be his only chance to find his circus partner. Or even try and rescue the kittens still trapped by Grimalkin. There are souls he had no choice but to leave behind. He couldn't protect them. Still, has to be the weirdest roommate he ever had before finding his own flat.)
  11. Virginia (He has respect for her. Anyone that can untangle the strange laws of the Fae, on top of escaping the Old Cat to get back to their kid deserves as much. Kinda scary though but. She's cool. He wishes he had the heard for figuring out laws though.)
  13. Poppet Annie (I am so so sorry for the headache I must have given you trying to make papers for someone clearly not from this Country. I like the things you make though. I want to be better friends hopefully one day. Also...want to talk to you about a project. But...maybe its too odd, hm.)
  15. --
  16. Mami (You. You are cool. I want to study you. I also want to listen to whatever weird shit happened in the Circus with you and maybe bad-mouth the Man in the Tailcoat...and maybe ask, if you ever noticed a certain lost, about yay high and...)
  18. Indra (I don't know hoe to put this simply, I wish I could do what you can. Be both fun and also strong enough to protect. I admire you...I wish I could talk less awkwardly too. God I'm pathetic, I just want to help the best I can like Keziah.)
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