

Mar 1st, 2019
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  1. Enter password: *********
  2. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
  3. Your MySQL connection id is 4
  4. Server version: 5.7.10-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  6. Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  8. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
  9. affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
  10. owners.
  12. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
  14. mysql> use root;
  15. ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'root'
  16. mysql> show tables;
  17. ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected
  18. mysql> show databases;
  19. +--------------------+
  20. | Database |
  21. +--------------------+
  22. | information_schema |
  23. | mysql |
  24. | performance_schema |
  25. | sys |
  26. +--------------------+
  27. 4 rows in set (0.45 sec)
  29. mysql> create database openmrs;
  30. Query OK, 1 row affected (0.16 sec)
  32. mysql> show databases;
  33. +--------------------+
  34. | Database |
  35. +--------------------+
  36. | information_schema |
  37. | mysql |
  38. | openmrs |
  39. | performance_schema |
  40. | sys |
  41. +--------------------+
  42. 5 rows in set (0.03 sec)
  44. mysql> ccreate database root;
  45. ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ccreate database root' at line 1
  46. mysql> create database root;
  47. Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)
  49. mysql> use root;
  50. Database changed
  51. mysql> show variables like '%port%'
  52. -> show variables like '%port%';
  53. ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'show variables like '%port%'' at line 2
  54. mysql> show variables like %port%;
  55. ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%port%' at line 1
  56. mysql> show variables like "%port%";
  57. +--------------------------+-------+
  58. | Variable_name | Value |
  59. +--------------------------+-------+
  60. | innodb_support_xa | ON |
  61. | large_files_support | ON |
  62. | port | 3307 |
  63. | report_host | |
  64. | report_password | |
  65. | report_port | 3307 |
  66. | report_user | |
  67. | require_secure_transport | OFF |
  68. +--------------------------+-------+
  69. 8 rows in set (0.41 sec)
  71. mysql> use openmrs;
  72. Database changed
  73. mysql> show variables like "%port%";
  74. +--------------------------+-------+
  75. | Variable_name | Value |
  76. +--------------------------+-------+
  77. | innodb_support_xa | ON |
  78. | large_files_support | ON |
  79. | port | 3307 |
  80. | report_host | |
  81. | report_password | |
  82. | report_port | 3307 |
  83. | report_user | |
  84. | require_secure_transport | OFF |
  85. +--------------------------+-------+
  86. 8 rows in set (0.37 sec)
  88. mysql> use openmrs;
  89. Database changed
  90. mysql> show tables;
  91. +--------------------------------+
  92. | Tables_in_openmrs |
  93. +--------------------------------+
  94. | active_list |
  95. | active_list_allergy |
  96. | active_list_problem |
  97. | active_list_type |
  98. | clob_datatype_storage |
  99. | cohort |
  100. | cohort_member |
  101. | concept |
  102. | concept_answer |
  103. | concept_class |
  104. | concept_complex |
  105. | concept_datatype |
  106. | concept_description |
  107. | concept_map_type |
  108. | concept_name |
  109. | concept_name_tag |
  110. | concept_name_tag_map |
  111. | concept_numeric |
  112. | concept_proposal |
  113. | concept_proposal_tag_map |
  114. | concept_reference_map |
  115. | concept_reference_source |
  116. | concept_reference_term |
  117. | concept_reference_term_map |
  118. | concept_set |
  119. | concept_set_derived |
  120. | concept_state_conversion |
  121. | concept_stop_word |
  122. | concept_word |
  123. | drug |
  124. | drug_ingredient |
  125. | drug_order |
  126. | encounter |
  127. | encounter_provider |
  128. | encounter_role |
  129. | encounter_type |
  130. | field |
  131. | field_answer |
  132. | field_type |
  133. | form |
  134. | form_field |
  135. | form_resource |
  136. | global_property |
  137. | hl7_in_archive |
  138. | hl7_in_error |
  139. | hl7_in_queue |
  140. | hl7_source |
  141. | liquibasechangelog |
  142. | liquibasechangeloglock |
  143. | location |
  144. | location_attribute |
  145. | location_attribute_type |
  146. | location_tag |
  147. | location_tag_map |
  148. | logic_rule_definition |
  149. | logic_rule_token |
  150. | logic_rule_token_tag |
  151. | logic_token_registration |
  152. | logic_token_registration_tag |
  153. | note |
  154. | notification_alert |
  155. | notification_alert_recipient |
  156. | notification_template |
  157. | obs |
  158. | order_type |
  159. | orders |
  160. | patient |
  161. | patient_identifier |
  162. | patient_identifier_type |
  163. | patient_program |
  164. | patient_state |
  165. | person |
  166. | person_address |
  167. | person_attribute |
  168. | person_attribute_type |
  169. | person_merge_log |
  170. | person_name |
  171. | privilege |
  172. | program |
  173. | program_workflow |
  174. | program_workflow_state |
  175. | provider |
  176. | provider_attribute |
  177. | provider_attribute_type |
  178. | relationship |
  179. | relationship_type |
  180. | report_object |
  181. | report_schema_xml |
  182. | role |
  183. | role_privilege |
  184. | role_role |
  185. | scheduler_task_config |
  186. | scheduler_task_config_property |
  187. | serialized_object |
  188. | test_order |
  189. | user_property |
  190. | user_role |
  191. | users |
  192. | visit |
  193. | visit_attribute |
  194. | visit_attribute_type |
  195. | visit_type |
  196. +--------------------------------+
  197. 102 rows in set (0.05 sec)
  199. mysql>
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