
Day 306.4 Shawn Lucas livechat Wed Aug 23 2017

Aug 23rd, 2017
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  1. Day 306.4 Shawn Lucas livechat Wed Aug 23 2017
  3. Back in Shawn Lucas' Last Steps, Ed, I Mean Seth Rich
  7. Live chat
  8. Reagan Burrell​Gesundheit
  9. Gary Shepard​come on those that want team back together need to tell George
  10. Gwen Sink​the truth will set us free.
  11. Dorkus Blossoming​YES
  12. deken​He did
  13. Mtk Maid​Example fromPod
  14. JD and the Boys​Yes he did
  15. Eileen Flamm​Yes earlier Jason said he hopes him and George can talk in phone
  16. Sue Annon​yes he did
  17. Cherilyn Monroe​seth
  18. JD and the Boys​Wet works
  19. DREAM WALKER​first responders are organise gangstalking goerge
  20. Michael Brown​HB in the OC here!
  21. Dorkus Blossoming​wow
  22. Cherilyn Monroe​ohh
  23. Adebola!!​YOU
  24. Gwen Sink​bless you george
  25. Cosmo Sherry​Thank you K… Did he send it in is it official? Because if it has been sent in he is making it sound like we are a terrorist group! You all realize that right? isn't a game can be arrested for anything
  26. Graham 95​I wonder how much of the US tax dollars actually goes to running the country and benefiting the people? Seems most finds it's way in to corrupt pockets, much like the UK.
  27. Negan 4VP​OH!!!!! SO SHE WAS IN IT FOR CASH??!! that's sad TRISH is just a sponge
  28. Mtk Maid​Sean Lucas example!
  29. deken​Why kill the messenger?
  30. Adebola!!​Kill
  31. MAGA 12​warning
  32. Cherilyn Monroe​only business as they say
  33. JustAintThatWay​Arkancided
  34. MAGA 12​school play
  35. Barbara Alvstad​Hi Michael
  36. AFatalPapercut​Our federal tax dollars we pay every year go back to pay off the US debt to the Federal Reserve. The rest is 1s and 0s.
  37. Amy Beachluver​she got a free vaca w/jason to london
  38. Dewey Bueno​Port is gated, Also there is the San Pedro side, dig, go to Ted Leu's office ect
  39. Gary Shepard​George call Jason and Trish and work out your shit we want the team back
  40. Adebola!!​George
  41. Michael Brown​Hi!
  42. JustAintThatWay​Awkward
  43. Cherilyn Monroe​*giggle*
  44. Cosmo Sherry​Since Dave did file that notice… I feel no choice but to leave the group and all the funding for both because I do not want to be considered in a terrorist group
  45. Mtk Maid​School play deception
  46. Marie Fischer​I am not interested in having them get back together. George has always done well on his own.
  47. Sue Annon​SQUIRREL lol
  48. Kay B.Texas​No, I haven't read it... I just know he was supposed to write one... Sorry
  49. Billy poppins​What was her name lol
  50. Dewey Bueno​or hop in a Truck with a driver on the 710! LOL
  51. J B​Cosmo where on FB?
  52. Michael G​jason wants to patch things up because he know's he goes nowhere without him... looking out for #1 as usual
  53. Sheeple Sorryworld​George is better off alone.
  54. Janiece Turner​If you read the entire 'make an example out of leakers' Podesta email it's not hard to see it has been taken SO out of context.
  55. Rachel Hubbard​Hi George !!
  56. Adebola!!​Foggy Bottom
  57. Lysistrata​George I love animals too ❤️
  58. Jennifer Madison​Cosmo what are you talking about
  59. AFatalPapercut​lmfao you're not going to be in trouble for donating money to someone
  60. deken​Seth
  61. Michael Brown​in the IE now buying rehabbing selling houses
  62. Barbara Alvstad​Im helping with Catalina channel swim Friday-Sat, going to San Pedro, should I check out the port?
  63. Negan 4VP​GEORGE💕❤️💕
  64. JustAintThatWay​Rich
  65. Cherilyn Monroe​wow
  66. Lynn Delaney​Leave George to make his own decisions. Let J and T do their own thing. The rally was good!
  67. Rod H​George needs a dog,, Travels with Charlie"
  68. Amy Beachluver​@Cosmo Sherry we didn't sign anything
  69. Captain Diligence​Justice is coming
  70. Michael Brown​cant be here every minute
  71. Laurie P​@cosmo George should address this since he is working with Dave
  72. Cosmo Sherry​CSTT Facebook it's a three-page a legal document and I suggest everyone go read it
  73. Jeff Collins​Imran Khan? You're either a Howard Stern fan or a follower of Pakistani politics. Although that name in Pakistan is apparently like Joe Smith here.
  74. Dorkus Blossoming​he does need a dog..
  75. Gary Shepard​George stuff out in the open deal with it and put your team back together
  76. DREAM WALKER​goerge is being gangstalked by the deep state
  77. JustAintThatWay​Statue for Seth - someday
  78. Adebola!!​What happen to VA?
  79. Cosmo Sherry​Amy I know we did not sign it but we did except to be part of this group by joining that Facebook and for those of us who have donated
  80. Dorkus Blossoming​laggy video
  81. Cherilyn Monroe​buffering
  82. 74MKH​Buffering
  83. Michael Brown​dws is supposed to be speaking in FL
  84. Sue Annon​yes a guard dog buddy
  85. Radioactive Banana​buffering
  86. Cherilyn Monroe​sir
  87. chicky rogue​hetall
  88. McChomhghaill MacChomhghaill​Go George!!! :-)
  89. Mtk Maid​Back
  90. deken​Hmmmm
  91. JustAintThatWay​Buffy the Livestrream Killer
  92. Amy Beachluver​@Gary Shepard you know George was doing all this for many days by himself, right?
  93. Lynn Delaney​What is the 1eleven
  94. Billy poppins​Refresh
  95. AFatalPapercut​You're not going to be in trouble for donating to or joining a facebook group.
  96. Cherilyn Monroe​i adore live streams
  97. Mtk Maid​Sis
  98. Ellis Bell​Conspiracy ANALYST you are
  99. Adebola!!​I Will Exchange for a CHEESEBURGER
  100. Dorkus Blossoming​acre 121...hmmmm
  101. Gary Shepard​George Jason and Trish helped you put out a better team effort
  102. Michael Brown​whimpy!
  103. Eileen Flamm​A big German Shepherd for George
  104. DREAM WALKER​fbi is hitting goerges live feeds
  105. Gregory Johnston​Following since ~140, Great work George. Just don't get how a true American gives money and support to Bernie the socialist/communist.??
  106. Jude Griffith​YouTube blacked???
  107. JustAintThatWay​Scribbling notes madly!
  108. Cherilyn Monroe​*sips hot frothy beverage*
  109. Mtk Maid​Seth witness for Fitrakis
  110. Lysistrata​George is talking truth. That I know.
  111. chicky rogue​fuck jasontrish
  112. Marie Fischer​what site do we go to so we can donate
  113. Peacock​Jason referring to it as a dust up was vile. watch your 💰
  114. Dorkus Blossoming​mastiff for george
  115. Cosmo Sherry​Call me a wimp go ahead but I don't need any legal trouble
  116. DREAM WALKER​gary goerge is different
  117. MAGA 12​Seth Rich leaked to wikileaks....
  118. Lynn Delaney​Eileen I agree!
  119. JustAintThatWay​@CM hehe
  120. Dora Pitman​💕 😿
  121. Cosmo Sherry​I'm old enough where I am passed name calling affecting me
  122. trumpmovement2 Maga​My German Shepherd's name is Karma..I should send her to George for Protection
  123. Michael Brown​pay you tues for a hamburger today
  124. Cherilyn Monroe​jason has a bad attitude, well, its true
  125. Sheeple Sorryworld​JustAintThatWay He will upload this and then you can slow it down
  126. Amelie Dauphine​How does George continue such brilliant work on 3 hours of sleep. What a mind!
  127. Eileen Flamm​it's okay hi to FBI agents in the field good guys
  128. JustAintThatWay​@SS Cool
  129. Cherilyn Monroe​hee
  130. Terry Hand​The link to Trish (& George) on Twitter ... is found in Mr. Solitude comment after Jasons comments on todays Mr. Hudson interview. Near bottom of replies to Kelley Southworth. I' stunned at Trish.
  131. MAGA 12​WAT
  132. Cosmo Sherry​It's because of his training
  133. Sue Annon​Jason and Trish are perfect together! ha
  134. Rod H​George likes it on his own.
  135. Lynn Delaney​Let it go Cherilyn
  136. Gary Shepard​I agree George #1 but Jason and Trish polished him
  137. Mtk Maid​Who was it?
  138. Adebola!!​Get out of my neighborhood
  142. Gary Shepard​I agree George #1 but Jason and Trish polished him
  143. Mtk Maid​Who was it?
  144. Adebola!!​Get out of my neighborhood
  145. Katrina White​@trumpmovement2 Maga my dogs name is KARMA TOO!! she a rottie
  146. Michael Brown​jason wants to have a phone hudson wants everything one working together
  147. Dire Straights​ShARE BLUE MEDIA .com
  148. MAGA 12​Do we have a death certificate For Shawn Lucas?
  149. Lynn Delaney​Noo Jand T slowed him down
  150. Cam Dunbar​thats a leap!
  151. Cherilyn Monroe​thats my thought
  152. Graham 95​Death certificate for Shawn Lucas?
  153. trumpmovement2 Maga​George if you want a Dog for Protection..I have a beautiful White German Shepherd named Karma
  154. Cherilyn Monroe​exactly
  155. Amy Beachluver​George is already polished
  156. Foe Hammer​whoa!!
  157. DREAM WALKER​everyong youtube search the term goverment funded organised gangstalking
  159. MAGA 12​@Graham 95 that's what I'm wondering
  160. Angry Cascadian​Am I the only one getting a shitty feed????
  161. McChomhghaill MacChomhghaill​Adebola get out out of our country
  162. trumpmovement2 Maga​@Katrina White awesome!
  163. CelNav​Now I saw Jason by himself!
  164. helen edgar​Lily Canna appears Jason does not trust georg & wants contol NO show is good when it is structured to the point of contol IT's Like being censored WAS interesting with 3 now hummmmm Georg takes cake
  165. Dire Straights​Share Blue Media is a Soros Media Co
  166. Lynn Delaney​Me too Negan 4VP
  167. chicky rogue​me 2 solo george rocks
  168. Dorkus Blossoming​scrub dub dub
  169. MAGA 12​@Graham 95 I know ppl have talked about the drugs in his body so an autopsy seems to have happended
  171. Charlotte Grove​George is a guy who works best alone. Jason does a great job interviewing. Maybe George wants to protect them as it is getting dicey.
  172. Sue Annon​yep George needs a dog named Shakespeare
  174. Mtk Maid​May 31 - evidence
  175. Michael Brown​beach bit
  176. chicky rogue​Frnchise HRC!
  177. Barbara Alvstad​Chopras
  178. JustAintThatWay​MOteef
  179. Dire Straights​awww @Sue yes
  180. Michael Brown​bleach bit
  181. Gary Shepard​saluting just to salute is insulting
  183. Eileen Flamm​Maybe Matt Couch has death certificate on Shawn Lucas not sure who has
  184. Dorkus Blossoming​NO WAY
  185. Sue Annon​😃
  186. Lynn Delaney​yes, Jason is a good interviewer. Positivity
  187. Cherilyn Monroe​holding the flag sir
  188. helen edgar​No georg don't ask for it Blessings
  189. Dorkus Blossoming​KNOCK IT OFF GEORGE...
  190. Barbara Alvstad​get a dog for protection
  191. JustAintThatWay​POL everyday Geo
  192. MAGA 12​CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON? So the Chopras leaked the wikileaks? Why would the Chopras do that after Lucas got KILLED?!?!?!
  193. Dire Straights​GEORGE come on your not going to become food
  194. trumpmovement2 Maga​Are we going today
  195. Janiece Turner​Same people who hacked Stratfor: same people who set up an op instead of calling Stratfor
  196. Charlotte Grove​Need a crowd on Sept 1st in D.C at the hearing
  197. Gary Shepard​put your team back together George
  198. Mtk Maid​Seth witness for Fitrakis
  199. Charlotte Backus​Not going to happen George. We are praying for your safety
  200. Adebola!!​CHEESE
  201. Barbara Alvstad​Interamerican
  202. MAGA 12​@George Webb What about ASSANGE and Seth Rich hints?!?!?!
  203. Steep Hill​¿quién se beneficia? & (Braverman) "follow the money"
  204. McChomhghaill MacChomhghaill​Adebola is AI bot
  205. Sue Annon​This is bg
  206. Graham 95​@MAGA 12 do we know much about Lucas. cause of death, where, hospital?
  207. Adebola!!​THOMAS
  208. Barbara Alvstad​Godnight
  209. Katou bergeron​later GW take care and be safe ...
  210. MAGA 12​Noooo george!!!!!!
  211. Dorkus Blossoming​love ya
  212. deken​take care
  213. Eileen Flamm​We love ya George
  214. Sheeple Sorryworld​Peace and love to all.
  215. Jude Griffith​Trump gonna pardon Assange, for testifying
  216. trumpmovement2 Maga​@Gary Shepard george is better on his own
  217. Rachel Hubbard​Night !
  218. Sue Annon​Later George
  219. Michael Brown​soylent green
  220. JustAintThatWay​GW - A hero for the rest of us.
  221. CelNav​John Ramos also left Jason! He had a socila media group.
  222. Gary Shepard​you were better with the team
  223. chicky rogue​❤ shoelace guards the horseshoe
  224. JD and the Boys​Night
  227. Live chat
  228. Gary Shepard​George call Jason and Trish and work out your shit we want the team back
  229. Adebola!!​George
  230. Michael Brown​Hi!
  231. JustAintThatWay​Awkward
  232. Cherilyn Monroe​*giggle*
  233. Cosmo Sherry​Since Dave did file that notice… I feel no choice but to leave the group and all the funding for both because I do not want to be considered in a terrorist group
  234. Mtk Maid​School play deception
  235. Marie Fischer​I am not interested in having them get back together. George has always done well on his own.
  236. Sue Annon​SQUIRREL lol
  237. Kay B.Texas​No, I haven't read it... I just know he was supposed to write one... Sorry
  238. Billy poppins​What was her name lol
  239. Dewey Bueno​or hop in a Truck with a driver on the 710! LOL
  240. J B​Cosmo where on FB?
  241. Michael G​jason wants to patch things up because he know's he goes nowhere without him... looking out for #1 as usual
  242. Sheeple Sorryworld​George is better off alone.
  243. Janiece Turner​If you read the entire 'make an example out of leakers' Podesta email it's not hard to see it has been taken SO out of context.
  244. Rachel Hubbard​Hi George !!
  245. Adebola!!​Foggy Bottom
  246. Lysistrata​George I love animals too ❤️
  247. Jennifer Madison​Cosmo what are you talking about
  248. AFatalPapercut​lmfao you're not going to be in trouble for donating money to someone
  249. deken​Seth
  250. Michael Brown​in the IE now buying rehabbing selling houses
  251. Barbara Alvstad​Im helping with Catalina channel swim Friday-Sat, going to San Pedro, should I check out the port?
  252. Negan 4VP​GEORGE💕❤️💕
  253. JustAintThatWay​Rich
  254. Cherilyn Monroe​wow
  255. Lynn Delaney​Leave George to make his own decisions. Let J and T do their own thing. The rally was good!
  256. Rod H​George needs a dog,, Travels with Charlie"
  257. Amy Beachluver​@Cosmo Sherry we didn't sign anything
  258. Captain Diligence​Justice is coming
  259. Michael Brown​cant be here every minute
  260. Laurie P​@cosmo George should address this since he is working with Dave
  261. Cosmo Sherry​CSTT Facebook it's a three-page a legal document and I suggest everyone go read it
  262. Jeff Collins​Imran Khan? You're either a Howard Stern fan or a follower of Pakistani politics. Although that name in Pakistan is apparently like Joe Smith here.
  263. Dorkus Blossoming​he does need a dog..
  264. Gary Shepard​George stuff out in the open deal with it and put your team back together
  265. DREAM WALKER​goerge is being gangstalked by the deep state
  266. JustAintThatWay​Statue for Seth - someday
  267. Adebola!!​What happen to VA?
  268. Cosmo Sherry​Amy I know we did not sign it but we did except to be part of this group by joining that Facebook and for those of us who have donated
  269. Dorkus Blossoming​laggy video
  270. Cherilyn Monroe​buffering
  271. 74MKH​Buffering
  272. Michael Brown​dws is supposed to be speaking in FL
  273. Sue Annon​yes a guard dog buddy
  274. Radioactive Banana​buffering
  275. Cherilyn Monroe​sir
  276. chicky rogue​hetall
  277. McChomhghaill MacChomhghaill​Go George!!! :-)
  278. Mtk Maid​Back
  279. deken​Hmmmm
  280. JustAintThatWay​Buffy the Livestrream Killer
  281. Amy Beachluver​@Gary Shepard you know George was doing all this for many days by himself, right?
  282. Lynn Delaney​What is the 1eleven
  283. Billy poppins​Refresh
  284. AFatalPapercut​You're not going to be in trouble for donating to or joining a facebook group.
  285. Cherilyn Monroe​i adore live streams
  286. Mtk Maid​Sis
  287. Ellis Bell​Conspiracy ANALYST you are
  288. Adebola!!​I Will Exchange for a CHEESEBURGER
  289. Dorkus Blossoming​acre 121...hmmmm
  290. Gary Shepard​George Jason and Trish helped you put out a better team effort
  291. Michael Brown​whimpy!
  292. Eileen Flamm​A big German Shepherd for George
  293. DREAM WALKER​fbi is hitting goerges live feeds
  294. Gregory Johnston​Following since ~140, Great work George. Just don't get how a true American gives money and support to Bernie the socialist/communist.??
  295. Jude Griffith​YouTube blacked???
  296. JustAintThatWay​Scribbling notes madly!
  297. Cherilyn Monroe​*sips hot frothy beverage*
  298. Mtk Maid​Seth witness for Fitrakis
  299. Lysistrata​George is talking truth. That I know.
  300. chicky rogue​fuck jasontrish
  301. Marie Fischer​what site do we go to so we can donate
  302. Peacock​Jason referring to it as a dust up was vile. watch your 💰
  303. Dorkus Blossoming​mastiff for george
  304. Cosmo Sherry​Call me a wimp go ahead but I don't need any legal trouble
  305. DREAM WALKER​gary goerge is different
  306. MAGA 12​Seth Rich leaked to wikileaks....
  307. Lynn Delaney​Eileen I agree!
  308. JustAintThatWay​@CM hehe
  309. Dora Pitman​💕 😿
  310. Cosmo Sherry​I'm old enough where I am passed name calling affecting me
  311. trumpmovement2 Maga​My German Shepherd's name is Karma..I should send her to George for Protection
  312. Michael Brown​pay you tues for a hamburger today
  313. Cherilyn Monroe​jason has a bad attitude, well, its true
  314. Sheeple Sorryworld​JustAintThatWay He will upload this and then you can slow it down
  315. Amelie Dauphine​How does George continue such brilliant work on 3 hours of sleep. What a mind!
  316. Eileen Flamm​it's okay hi to FBI agents in the field good guys
  317. JustAintThatWay​@SS Cool
  318. Cherilyn Monroe​hee
  319. Terry Hand​The link to Trish (& George) on Twitter ... is found in Mr. Solitude comment after Jasons comments on todays Mr. Hudson interview. Near bottom of replies to Kelley Southworth. I' stunned at Trish.
  320. MAGA 12​WAT
  321. Cosmo Sherry​It's because of his training
  322. Sue Annon​Jason and Trish are perfect together! ha
  323. Rod H​George likes it on his own.
  324. Lynn Delaney​Let it go Cherilyn
  325. Gary Shepard​I agree George #1 but Jason and Trish polished him
  326. Mtk Maid​Who was it?
  327. Adebola!!​Get out of my neighborhood
  328. Katrina White​@trumpmovement2 Maga my dogs name is KARMA TOO!! she a rottie
  329. Michael Brown​jason wants to have a phone hudson wants everything one working together
  330. Dire Straights​ShARE BLUE MEDIA .com
  331. MAGA 12​Do we have a death certificate For Shawn Lucas?
  332. Lynn Delaney​Noo Jand T slowed him down
  333. Cam Dunbar​thats a leap!
  334. Cherilyn Monroe​thats my thought
  335. Graham 95​Death certificate for Shawn Lucas?
  336. trumpmovement2 Maga​George if you want a Dog for Protection..I have a beautiful White German Shepherd named Karma
  337. Cherilyn Monroe​exactly
  338. Amy Beachluver​George is already polished
  339. Foe Hammer​whoa!!
  340. DREAM WALKER​everyong youtube search the term goverment funded organised gangstalking
  342. MAGA 12​@Graham 95 that's what I'm wondering
  343. Angry Cascadian​Am I the only one getting a shitty feed????
  344. McChomhghaill MacChomhghaill​Adebola get out out of our country
  345. trumpmovement2 Maga​@Katrina White awesome!
  346. CelNav​Now I saw Jason by himself!
  347. helen edgar​Lily Canna appears Jason does not trust georg & wants contol NO show is good when it is structured to the point of contol IT's Like being censored WAS interesting with 3 now hummmmm Georg takes cake
  348. Dire Straights​Share Blue Media is a Soros Media Co
  349. Lynn Delaney​Me too Negan 4VP
  350. chicky rogue​me 2 solo george rocks
  351. Dorkus Blossoming​scrub dub dub
  352. MAGA 12​@Graham 95 I know ppl have talked about the drugs in his body so an autopsy seems to have happended
  354. Charlotte Grove​George is a guy who works best alone. Jason does a great job interviewing. Maybe George wants to protect them as it is getting dicey.
  355. Sue Annon​yep George needs a dog named Shakespeare
  357. Mtk Maid​May 31 - evidence
  358. Michael Brown​beach bit
  359. chicky rogue​Frnchise HRC!
  360. Barbara Alvstad​Chopras
  361. JustAintThatWay​MOteef
  362. Dire Straights​awww @Sue yes
  363. Michael Brown​bleach bit
  364. Gary Shepard​saluting just to salute is insulting
  366. Eileen Flamm​Maybe Matt Couch has death certificate on Shawn Lucas not sure who has
  367. Dorkus Blossoming​NO WAY
  368. Sue Annon​😃
  369. Lynn Delaney​yes, Jason is a good interviewer. Positivity
  370. Cherilyn Monroe​holding the flag sir
  371. helen edgar​No georg don't ask for it Blessings
  372. Dorkus Blossoming​KNOCK IT OFF GEORGE...
  373. Barbara Alvstad​get a dog for protection
  374. JustAintThatWay​POL everyday Geo
  375. MAGA 12​CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON? So the Chopras leaked the wikileaks? Why would the Chopras do that after Lucas got KILLED?!?!?!
  376. Dire Straights​GEORGE come on your not going to become food
  377. trumpmovement2 Maga​Are we going today
  378. Janiece Turner​Same people who hacked Stratfor: same people who set up an op instead of calling Stratfor
  379. Charlotte Grove​Need a crowd on Sept 1st in D.C at the hearing
  380. Gary Shepard​put your team back together George
  381. Mtk Maid​Seth witness for Fitrakis
  382. Charlotte Backus​Not going to happen George. We are praying for your safety
  383. Adebola!!​CHEESE
  384. Barbara Alvstad​Interamerican
  385. MAGA 12​@George Webb What about ASSANGE and Seth Rich hints?!?!?!
  386. Steep Hill​¿quién se beneficia? & (Braverman) "follow the money"
  387. McChomhghaill MacChomhghaill​Adebola is AI bot
  388. Sue Annon​This is bg
  389. Graham 95​@MAGA 12 do we know much about Lucas. cause of death, where, hospital?
  390. Adebola!!​THOMAS
  391. Barbara Alvstad​Godnight
  392. Katou bergeron​later GW take care and be safe ...
  393. MAGA 12​Noooo george!!!!!!
  394. Dorkus Blossoming​love ya
  395. deken​take care
  396. Eileen Flamm​We love ya George
  397. Sheeple Sorryworld​Peace and love to all.
  398. Jude Griffith​Trump gonna pardon Assange, for testifying
  399. trumpmovement2 Maga​@Gary Shepard george is better on his own
  400. Rachel Hubbard​Night !
  401. Sue Annon​Later George
  402. Michael Brown​soylent green
  403. JustAintThatWay​GW - A hero for the rest of us.
  404. CelNav​John Ramos also left Jason! He had a socila media group.
  405. Gary Shepard​you were better with the team
  406. chicky rogue​❤ shoelace guards the horseshoe
  407. JD and the Boys​Night
  408. Michael Brown​call jason
  409. Dorkus Blossoming​he better come back after drinks
  410. Kay B.Texas​Where is Dave's letter?
  411. MAGA 12​@Graham 95 yea the becks know a lot about him and his death. they might have seen the autopsy b/c they know about the strange cocktail of drugs in his body
  412. Charlotte Backus​Thank you George Webb! Goodnight.
  413. Cherilyn Monroe​have a powerful night
  414. Mtk Maid​Sean Lucas found in girlfriends home in shower, I believe
  415. Eileen Flamm​I hope POTUS pardons Assange he did nothing wrong
  416. Negan 4VP​NO GEORGE!!!! DONT SAY THAT!!!!
  417. Foe Hammer​Be wise scrunchie brother. thank you.
  418. Lysistrata​George you are the greatest
  419. Rebecca Makara​Yes Michael Brown
  420. chicky rogue​tub i heard
  421. Sheeple Sorryworld​George is way better alone, uncensored.
  422. Dire Straights​SHARE BLUE MEDIA is a Soros Media Co. = David...???
  423. Dewey Bueno​People the investigation is moving let it be, I still smell outside interference When snipe appears walk away is a distraction
  424. Mihaela Andreeva​George!!!!!! YOU WONT END UP SUICIDED !!! FULL POINT!!! DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!
  425. Gary Shepard​get Trish and Jason back
  426. Kim Altamirano​Great work! May God bless you George!
  427. lansing street blues​gary shepard. no . can't you see what happened?
  428. Cindy Rodberg​Scrunchies rule
  429. chicky rogue​ty no one HANDLES GW
  430. Graham 95​@MAGA 12 thanks, will have to look up about it.
  431. Charlotte Grove​Need to get this all out to the public any way we can.
  432. Dewey Bueno​That is a Troll
  433. JustAintThatWay​Stay scrunchy y'all. Peace & love
  434. MAGA 12​😴😴😴😴😴Does anyone else hate how every week we keep hearing "big story coming" "tjhing about to blow up" and then its the same old shit and the media doesn't report on anything???😴😴😴😴😴
  435. Mihaela Andreeva​God bless you George!!!!
  436. Negan 4VP​❤️❤️❤️
  437. pushme pullyou​im good gary Shepard
  438. Sheeple Sorryworld​Remember to give it a thumbs up.
  439. Eileen Flamm​And Pardon Sheriff Joe !he's 85 yrs old with a sick wife he did nothing wrong!
  440. Katou bergeron​later kids :>)
  441. Arden Reciprocity​@chicky rogue Happy to see, you and I agree 100%
  442. MAGA 12​@Graham 95 check out the livestream on Jason channel they did in Florida with the Becks....shouldhave it all in there
  443. Gary Shepard​George your #1 but Trish and Jason polished your stuff
  444. Celia Harrison​I would stay away from Trish and Jason.
  445. Dewey Bueno​Outside interference everywhere stay focused watch what you want, To Infinity and Beyond!
  446. Peacock​Jason wanted to control show times and direction of the investigation. SCREW THAT
  447. Lysistrata​I nearly unfollowed George when he started working with Jason
  448. Dire Straights​done
  449. Jennifer Madison​Maga's frustrating
  450. chicky rogue​;0 right back atcha and ps thanks for reminding me to upvote like
  451. Sheeple Sorryworld​Gary Shepard you are trolling, not good.
  452. Sue Annon​SCRUNCH the like button
  453. lindafnichris​Maga 12 👍👍
  454. MAGA 12​@Gary Shepard I wish someone could present George's stuff more concisely like jason sorta did
  455. Amy Beachluver​Maybe Gary is Jason
  456. Foe Hammer​i missed it is george ok?
  457. MAGA 12​@Foe Hammer he's a okay
  458. Katou bergeron​GW ok
  459. Dewey Bueno​Then watch Jason I like it this way
  460. pushme pullyou​i think he is worried for life
  461. MAGA 12​@lindafnichris 200 Riverside Blvd #12M, New York, NY 10069
  462. Eileen Flamm​Yes Jason gotta let George lead maybe that would help but better if they are together safety in numbers !!
  463. Charlotte Grove​Yes sometimes George needs focus Jason did a good job
  464. Foe Hammer​sweet thank you scrunchers
  465. Lysistrata​Yes up vote this video. Helps get then more press and tweet
  466. Gary Shepard​nope I live in Cheney Ks  and I really kinda hated Jason
  468. Myal​Has George considered a body guard?
  469. lansing street blues​is that you Jason? using the name gary shepard?
  470. MAGA 12​@Dewey Bueno I'm not asking for Jason, im asking for less rambling storytelling time and 6 25min vids a day
  471. Eileen Flamm​lol Gary I' Illinois
  472. Arden Reciprocity​Move forward New sources will come to aid GW
  473. MAGA 12​@Negan 4VP he's ok 100%
  474. Sheeple Sorryworld​They why are you pushing for them to get together?
  475. Negan 4VP​LOL @Lansing
  476. Dire Straights​@ ShareBlue d o t co m
  478. Kay B.Texas​George ur a BEAST! We'll be Waiting Right Here For You!
  479. Eileen Flamm​Safety in numbers is my reason
  480. MAGA 12​Let's get Brainy BLonde baaaccckkk
  481. Jennifer Madison​MAGA good idea
  482. Dewey Bueno​MAGA this is not about what people want in production some like it this way
  483. Cam Dunbar​The evidence is coming too fast to put through a Studio environment
  484. pushme pullyou​i love it this way
  485. Gary Shepard​had issues with him when they got thumb drive with from Trish and I let Jason know it I think he is rather stupid at time
  486. Dewey Bueno​Thanks George!
  487. Dire Straights​@Dewey yeppers
  488. Jennifer Madison​Ed who is ed
  489. MAGA 12​@Dewey Bueno fuck production! But I'd love to have Brainy BLond and @George Webb get together soon!
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