

Dec 5th, 2016
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  1. Basics:
  3. 2 stock with a 6-minute time limit for Singles.
  4. No items, no equipment, no customs
  5. Mii fighters are allowed following the guidelines below
  6. Sets are best-of-three games except, in most cases, for Winners, Losers and Grand Finals, which are best-of-five time permitting
  7. Pools are subject to Tournament Organizer decision; double elimination Top 32 in the event of pools
  9. ---
  11. Mii usage:
  13. Players that wish to use Miis must create them using default (guest) Miis in the customs menu. Players should name the Mii after the specials given to the character. (For instance, a Mii Swordsman with Gale Strike, Chakram, Hero's Spin and Blade Counter should be named 1331.)
  14. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, combatants are encouraged (but not required!) to answer any questions any opponents has about the custom moveset their Mii has.
  16. ---
  18. Stage selection:
  20. Cambridge Smash follows a one-ban starter/counterpick system for stage selection. The combatants will play Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who strikes first. Striking will then go 1-2-1 using the starter list, and the first match will be played on the remaining stage. (Spelled out: the winner of Rock, Paper, Scissors will strike one stage from the list of five starter stages. The other player will then strike two. This leaves two stages for the first player to choose between.)
  21. Following game 1 (or game 2 if applicable), the winner of that game bans one stage from the full stage list. The loser of the previous game then chooses among any of the stages that remain. Bans are static throughout the set, except in best-of-5 matches.
  22. We observe Dave’s Stupid Rule, meaning that a player may not choose a stage they have won on previously in the set. That may be overridden by the Gentleman’s Rule, which allows any stage, even those not on the legal stage list, to be played on if all players agree.
  24. Starters:
  25. Battlefield[/Miiverse]*
  26. Dreamland 64
  27. Palutena's Temple Ω[/Final Destination/Other Ω]*
  28. Smashville
  29. Town & City
  31. Counterpicks:
  32. Duck Hunt
  33. Lylat Cruise
  35. *For Game 1, the first stage listed is the stage played on, barring mutual agreement on another variant. For subsequent games, the player making the selection chooses which of the versions listed to go to. In striking and banning, removing Final Destination or Battlefield removes its alternative choices (Omega stages and Miiverse, respectively). Omega versions of stages that are banned are also banned when counterpicking an Omega.
  37. ---
  39. Order of selection during matches:
  41. Before the initial game, characters are selected first. Players may request a blind selection for character. If any player requests a blind selection, a third party will be privately informed of each player's selection separately and then will confirm those selections aloud as the players choose them. Stage striking is done as outlined above following character selection.
  42. After the first, second, third or fourth games, the player(s) who won the previous game bans one stage observing the rules outlined above. Those who lost the previous game then choose from the eligible remaining stages (observing Dave's Stupid Rule as necessary). The player(s) who won the previous game then declare(s) and select(s) their characters. Following that, those who lost the previous game declare and select their characters. The game is then played on the stage selected.
  44. ---
  46. Miscellaneous rules:
  48. Coaching is allowed: Under the condition the Tournament Organizer and all parties associated are aware of this, and have agreed to it. If any parties have any complaints about coaching of any type, please seek out the Tournament Organizer. Coaches can only coach before or after a match, not during. Disrupting the match will result in a warning, and eventually a disqualification if continued. (See disruption rule)
  50. Stalling is banned: The act of stalling is the act of intentionally making the game unplayable, such as becoming invisible, continuing infinites, performing chain grabs or using uninterruptible moves past 300%, and reaching a position on the stage that your opponent can never reach. Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.
  52. Disruption: Disrupting the game is the act of intentionally affecting the performance of the players through any means. This can include, but not limited to, shoving, hitting, trash talking, or turning off the game. If a disruption occurs that is not caused by one of the players, the match that was disrupted will be replayed. If the game is disrupted by a player currently playing, that player will receive penalties, usually losing that set or match. If it was accidental, I.E, falling over in a chair, the match is replayed.
  54. Suicide moves (Bowsercide, Ganoncide, Wariocide, Kirbicide, Dedede's Inhale, ROB's and Kirby's up-throws on a moving platform, etc) that result in a kill on all player's last stocks do not receive special treatment; that is, the character featured on the victory screen is considered the winner regardless of the use of a suicide move. In the event the game goes into Sudden Death, Sudden Death should not be played. Instead, a one-stock, three-minute tie-breaker is played with the same characters on the same stage. The winner of this tie-breaker is considered to be the winner of the game it resulted from.
  56. Timed-out matches are resolved by comparing (in order) stocks then damage percentages. If all players have identical stock counts and damage at the end of a game, a one-stock, three-minute tie-breaker game is played with the same characters on the same stage. The winner of this tie-breaker is considered to be the winner of the game it resulted from.
  58. *Please keep in mind that the word of the tournament organizer can override any of these rules at any time, regardless of the current situation, as long as it is within logic.
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