
Loser 14

Jul 14th, 2017
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  1. app based summary(google tl). not very accurate and might have unintentional rewrite.
  3. Ch starts with that person outside the stall telling them how she knows smbdy is inside and to open up. Asks why did she locked the toilet door(really?). Rapist fatty then tells FMC how he hopes/believes she will keep quiet about this and say nothing and runs like a fucking rat out the window and FMC stays crying.
  5. MC at the office and he reads a text from bitchy wife how she will bring the divorce papers by 9PM at home and for him to stamp them(smth like this). A colleague(his superior/assistant manager) comes and calls him 'Kim Dae-Ri?' and MC asks him if he goes home now but guy tells him he was out to buy snacks. Then guy asks him what's up with him, why wont he go home and MC tells him how he has things to sort out. Guy then tells him how he looks pale and if he really is okay and MC tells him that he needs a smoke, and guy all surprised asks him if he smoked and MC replies how he wants to try it.
  7. Guy and MC on the rooftop and he tells him smth like it's hard to live without smoking(or to smoke) and to puff it slowly(not sure) and then MC cough violently and goes smth how it was bad. Guy then asks MC if he's suffering and how he too was surprised how he didn't get promoted since it was sure he'd receive it. MC then wonders if it'd be better for him to quit the company, how he cannot longer show his face to his wife and family(not sure). Guy then gives him words of encouragement as to no say that depressing shit and how everybody fails sometime and how to hang on for a while longer(not sure). Then MC goes how he doesn't get it as to why everyone seems to get promoted and why is he the only one left out. Guy goes how there's a reason for that and MC all hyped asks him if he knows the reason as to why he always is passed over when it comes to being promoted. Guy then goes how that's not it/didn't mean it that way and compliments MC on his work ethic, how he's smart and likeable and how he knows it. Tell him to wait it out, try harder and he will surely get promoted.
  9. Cuntboss driving, and he talks business, contracts and how he goes back to the office and will check those out.
  11. MC and he laments that if he goes home now he will really get divorced and how he just needs to sleep at the office(it's 11PM). He hears noise and wonders who it might be and if there are still ppl that still haven't gone home. Wife tells him to wake up and he stammers her name and she asks him if he didn't see the text, why isn't he home to stamp the papers and what is he doing here. He goes how he had business to take care of and plays the fool about the text wife sent him and him not knowing. Bitch hands him the divorce papers and tells him to stamp them.
  13. Cuntboss comes in and he hears wife telling MC to stamp them right now. Bitch yells at him to hurry up and stamp them fast. MC asks her if she's really sure she wants to divorce just cause he failed to get that promotion and asks her 'do you love me honey?' or 'don't you love me honey?' and bitch replies that she doesn't love him and she will go on with the divorce and here cuntboss goes '!!?'. MC then goes how she says these things so easy and how she never once told him that she loved him. Then MC asks her why did she marry him, and if she didn't love him from the start, why did she seduce him. Bitch replies that she doesn't wanna talk about it. MC then tells her to think about it for one week, and if by then she wont change her mind about it he will accept the divorce.
  15. Cuntboss runs after bitch wife, grabs her hand and asks her all desperately 'is that true, are you really going to divorce?'. Tbc ..
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