
Hoenn episode 6

Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. Hoenn Episode 6
  2. [Thursday]
  3. [Afternoon]
  5. [Soleil]
  7. So here I am, in my quarters in the base in Mauville ready for my own personal mission to seduce that Jalen guy to Team Aqua as I come out of the shower wrapped in a towel...when I get a call on my PokeNAV. "Who the hell would call me at 8AM so early?" I pick it up and place it to my ear. "Hello, who's this?"I'm agitated and will unleash all my rage on who dared to disturb me after I get done showering.. "Why, it's your lovely mother!~" Oh shit, mom! ABORT! ABORT! I fumble the NAV in my hand and place it back to my ear, more worried and hiding my previous anger now. "Hey mom! What's up?" "Mommy need a favor from you~" Here, I mentally groan...whenever Mom's using that tone in her voice, it's something I don't really wanna do.... "You need to travel to Team Aqua with me and the others to Meteor Falls." Damnit, that will put a wrench to my plans on getting that guy...I gotta let Mom know. "Hey Mom? Can I not come with you on that trip?" A pause on the other side...."How come, sweetie?" Here goes nothing. "Weeelll, There's this guy that I me-" "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW MY LITTLE LEILY GOT HERSELF A BOYFRIEND!!!~" Damnit, I shouldn't had started off like that...."No Mom....It's not like that, Look I'm sure Leo told you of our report earlier today, This is the same guy who toppled a Team Magma mission...and I wanna recruit him through any means possible..." I hope she see my point of view here...
  9. "Ahh...That guy...Jalen, right?...Hmm...Tell you what, You accompany me on this trip like I ask...and then after that, you can go get this boy however you want...Tho I bet you want him for more...personal reasons~." I'm so glad she's not here to see my face that's as red as a Marcargo now. "Okbyemomseeyoulater!" "Bye sweetie~" We both hang up on each other as I sigh in relief. On the one hand...I have to travel with Leo....Urgh...on the other hand...I can get that Jalen guy to come with me to Aqua! "Yes!, Just you wait, Jalen! You gonna come with me AND in me pretty soon in Team Aqua!!~"
  12. After that, some time later after I put on my Team Aqua Uniform of the Captain Status~~Shelly's outfit from ORAS~~ showing my status above the grunts, but below Leo who's second in command. I head out and meet the grunts with Gerome, Peri, and Beruka grouped under my squad....Charlotte, Niles, Ophelia(Close friend of mines...although she space the fuck out a lot) is with other grunts lead by Silas. My squad is to head to Verdanturf Town to meet with Mom and then head over to Meteor Falls....Gonna be quite a trek, but we should be fine.. "ALLRIGHT, PEOPLE!" I yell to get their attention... "LET'S ROLL OUT!" And so...we move out of that Fish Shop and make all way towards where we need to go...
  14. [Jalen]
  15. [Afternoon to Evening]
  17. Virion was very easy for me, with Combusken pretty much soloing the whole challenge...He was quite surprised by it and claimed me as his 2nd toughest challenger after Siegbert...I shrug and take the Badge from him along with TM Thunderbolt!! Nice of him to do that, I apply it to Kirlia, now I have something for those pesky Water types until I get a Grass type. I head over to the Center and heal my team. After that, I head over to the Mauville Mall and do some shopping cause the next town is Fallabor Town and that's quite a way to travel to. So after stocking up on medicines and repels, I leave the mall and make my way to the northern route....But then I see 2 Magma Grunts ahead talking to each other, I press myself against a wall to overhear the discussion...peeking over it, I notice it's Kagero AKA Tits Mcgee speaking to that girl with the blue hair and demon glare.
  19. "Oboro, you ready to go? You know Selena hates to wait.." "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's head out and meet with them." Huh, Seems Team Magma's on the move as well...Come to think of it, Haven't heard much of Team Aqua as well. Odd huh? No matter, those 2 Grunts move on out and after some time to make sure they are gone, I move out as well to the next route.
  22. Route 111 is a steep route where you travels upward before heading through a fucking volcano with a fucking Sandstorm that rage forever to the east of it....Nevermind, this is a crazy route, jesus fuck. Not to mention those 2 Magma girls are nowhere in sight(Either they can fly, or they can haul ass pretty damn quick, goddamn.)I look over the lake with the sun setting over it, it makes a rather nice pic....wish I could paint to capture this moment...But as I shake my head and turn to walk towards Mt.Chimmey....Someone call out to me...I turn and groan, for it's none other than Siegbert.
  24. "Halt, peasant, we shall do battle." He take a Pokeball out and hold it out against me. "Ummm...Why?" "Why?" He smirks and crosses his arm. "You'e a trainer like I am, why should we NOT battle?" "Hmmmmm...." Feigning wonder while rubbing my chin. "OH!" I snap my finger and point at him. "Maybe it's cause you have 6 mons already with 3 of them being the Hoenn Starters and the others being Psuedo Legendaries!!" Siegbert scoffs in a arrogant manner, as expected of this brat. "Not my fault that my dad have the finances to grant me the team that fits my needs!" I roll my eyes at him and sigh..."Tell you what, scum..." He throw his Pokeball out and release his Combusken that shares his trainer's own arrogance demeanor. "Let's have a good old mirror match, present your pathetic cock and watch as mines beat it down!"
  26. ...Now...What he don't know is that my Combusken's actually pretty fucking good consider all the wins he have under his belt. That being said...Siegbert's no slouch either, I'm sure despite him getting one hell of a headstart on me and others...he's not all talk. Regardless..."Go, Combusken!" My own Combusken come out and get into his stance, more calmer and prepared-looking than Siegbert's.
  28. "Your move, scum!" He'll regret letting me have the 1st move. "Bulk up!" "!" He wasn't expecting that with my Combusken doing some martial-arts stances and honing his muscles up with a red glow, I used that Bulk Up TM on my Combusken, yh, it's a good move for the most part and here it's making it worth the teaching..."Grrr, Use Double Kick now!!" The enemy Combusken growls and run towards mines and leap towards him with one kick out ready to connect, Mines block the 1st kick and receive the other to his face...but he take it in stride due to the Bulk Up. "Flame Charge after you throw him!" Combusken grabs the leg he block and toss him towards Siegbert off the ground a bit and jet towards him with his legs on fire and shoulder bash him towards the ground. Although it didn't hurt much due to the Fire resistance, I got the SPE boost on Combusken.
  30. Now I can go on the offensive, "Low Sweep!" "Dodge and Double Kick!" Siegbert's get up and tries to jump over the low kick, but mines, without me telling him to, does a feint and mistime Siegbert's by making him land on the ground before he lash out with the Low Sweep. Siegbert's trips on the ground and right before he hit it...."DOUBLE KICK, NOW!" rising up with momentum from the earlier low sweep, my Combusken lash out with 2 kicks in rapid succession straight on the chest of Siegbert's. Sending his crashing to the ground KO'ED.
  32. "....Tch, I was going easy on you..." Siegbert with the johns already I see, he return his Combusken and walk back towards Mauville City, presumably to heal and pick up Ashley I suppose. "Next time we fight, I won't be holding back, trash!" "Sure thing, you prissy lil bitch!" I shout out towards him. Proud of my own Combusken, I pat his head and return him as I make my way towards Mt. Chimmey. The sun had set during our battle and so it is now night time, Damnit I'll need to spend the night at the Cable Inn near Mt. Chimmey.
  35. [3rd person]
  37. 2 people were watching that match between Jalen and Siegbert. A Pair of twin brothers wearing Magma apparel in a ninjaesque style...The redhead nods towards his brother, a greenhead who was holding a camera, and together...they take off towards the desert with their Anti-Desert cloak on to cover their faces. With quick and light movement, they make quite a progress over the desert and in 20 mins, with hardly any stamina lost, they leave the desert and continue on treking through the woods...eventually finding 4 teens before them is Takumi, in his usual stance of arms crossed and having a perma-bitchface on. the other is Oboro, who's a bit happy upon seeing the 2 ninjas. The other one is Kagero who had a Pokeball out, but sighs upon seeing who the 2 are...and the last one is a girl wearing glasses and red hair in pigtails dressed with a longcoat with the "M" on her collar, and her arms next to her sides in an imposing manner.
  39. [Selena]
  41. The Sendo bros arrived before me and everyone else with what I hope is a successful mission. "Report, Saizo." "My liege...We have obtained the data you requested regarding the current target known as Jalen." Kaze hand Oboro the camera who give it to me for my viewing pleasure."Excellent work, Saizo. You may go to my mother on the top of Mt.Chimmey, Kaze, you stay with us." "Yes, ma'am!" "So it shall be done." Saizo disappears with quick movement as Kaze stands up and have his arms behind his back.
  43. "Now....Do we remember our current mission?" I adjust my glasses to get my point across to them as Oboro speaks up. "Yes, Our mission to promote the growth of humanity is to find the one called Professor Cosmo and escort him to where he found the crater where the Meteorite from space had landed on." "Then..." Here, Kagero takes over. "We shall extort the meteorite from him and bring it to Lady Caeldori and hopefully receive a Mega Stone that's enough for us." I nod at the both of them. "Good, very good..." I turn my attention to the camera and look over the battle...Hmm...He doesn't seem to be too bad, but he doesn't seem to rely too much on planning out for the long term...something that I can capitalize on if we ever duel. "He's not that tough, I can beat him if I face him again...." Rolling my eyes at the claim of Takumi here, I couldn't help myself but replied here.
  45. "You seem to forget how badly he beaten you in the Slateport Museum....By all means if you gonna battle him, pls don't have the future of our mission weigh on it." "!" Takumi bristles at the fact that he did indeed lost quite badly. "I'll crush him! I promise you that, Sele-" "LADY..." My voice have a harsh tone to it as I remind him the pecking order, he pause for a moment, clearly upset, but he does heed it. "Lady Selena...". " we have no time to waste, for every second we waste...." "It's a second Team Aqua catch up to us." I nod at Oboro. "Correct, now let's go." We then slowly walk out of the woods and through the Ash-covered fields before Fallabor Town....Home of our current objective.
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