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May 3rd, 2018
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  1. A-SWITCH-02#show running-config
  3. !Current Configuration:
  4. !Software Capability "ACCESS ROUTER"
  5. !Image File "N3000_N2000v6.3.0.15"
  6. !System Description "Dell Networking N3048,, Linux 3.6.5-7dc37651"
  7. !System Software Version
  8. !
  9. configure
  10. vlan 10,15,20,25,30,40,45,50,99
  11. exit
  12. vlan 10
  13. name "public-wifi"
  14. exit
  15. vlan 15
  16. name "kiosk"
  17. exit
  18. vlan 20
  19. name "staff"
  20. exit
  21. vlan 25
  22. name "production"
  23. exit
  24. vlan 30
  25. name "cameras"
  26. exit
  27. vlan 40
  28. name "voip"
  29. exit
  30. vlan 45
  31. name "dante"
  32. exit
  33. vlan 50
  34. name "public-hardwire"
  35. exit
  36. vlan 99
  37. name "management"
  38. exit
  39. hostname "A-SWITCH-02"
  40. slot 1/0 3 ! Dell Networking N3048
  41. stack
  42. member 1 4 ! N3048
  43. exit
  44. interface out-of-band
  45. ip address
  46. exit
  47. interface vlan 1
  48. ip address
  49. exit
  50. no passwords min-length
  51. username "admin" password c715120806d6a5decfac9a4af9293e41 privilege 15 encrypted
  52. ip ssh server
  53. spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
  54. spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096
  55. application install hiveagent start-on-boot
  56. !
  57. interface Gi1/0/1
  58. channel-group 1 mode active
  59. description "MLAG_Peer_Link"
  60. switchport mode trunk
  61. exit
  62. !
  63. interface Gi1/0/2
  64. channel-group 1 mode active
  65. description "MLAG_Peer_Link"
  66. switchport mode trunk
  67. exit
  68. !
  69. interface Gi1/0/3
  70. channel-group 21 mode active
  71. description "gi1/0/3_to_A_Switch_01"
  72. switchport mode trunk
  73. exit
  74. !
  75. interface Gi1/0/4
  76. channel-group 22 mode active
  77. description "gi1/0/4_to_A_switch_02"
  78. switchport mode trunk
  79. exit
  80. !
  81. interface Gi1/0/5
  82. channel-group 23 mode active
  83. description "gi1/0/5_to_Video_Production"
  84. switchport mode trunk
  85. exit
  86. !
  87. interface Te1/0/1
  88. channel-group 61 mode active
  89. description "te1/0/1-2_to_MLAG_Peers"
  90. switchport mode trunk
  91. exit
  92. !
  93. interface Te1/0/2
  94. channel-group 61 mode active
  95. description "te1/0/1-2_to_MLAG_Peers"
  96. switchport mode trunk
  97. exit
  98. !
  99. interface port-channel 1
  100. description "MLAG_Peer_Link"
  101. switchport mode trunk
  102. vpc peer-link
  103. exit
  104. !
  105. interface port-channel 21
  106. description "MLAG_to_A_Switch_01"
  107. switchport mode trunk
  108. vpc 21
  109. exit
  110. !
  111. interface port-channel 22
  112. description "MLAG_to_A_Switch_02"
  113. switchport mode trunk
  114. vpc 22
  115. exit
  116. !
  117. interface port-channel 23
  118. description "MLAG_to_Video_Production"
  119. switchport mode trunk
  120. vpc 23
  121. exit
  122. !
  123. interface port-channel 60
  124. description "LAG_to_Closet_B_MLAG"
  125. exit
  126. !
  127. interface port-channel 61
  128. description "LAG_to_Closet_B_MLAG"
  129. switchport mode trunk
  130. vpc 61
  131. exit
  132. snmp-server engineid local 800002a203f8b15661a45c
  133. feature vpc
  134. vpc domain 1
  135. role priority 4
  136. peer-keepalive enable
  137. peer-keepalive destination source
  138. peer detection enable
  139. exit
  140. exit
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