Guest User


a guest
Jun 5th, 2021
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  1. <color=red> what are in the red are always permanent rules </color>
  2. <color=lime> these can be broken if its Monday,Thursday,Sunday </color>
  3. <color=lime> 1: NO Killing on sight unless they are really being a butthole </color>
  4. <color=lime> 2: No Teamkilling if you are seen doing that by a mod you will be ban for 1 day or more </color>
  5. <color=red> 3: Do Not ask for mod I may give it to you like noclip for like 30 sec if there's not many players and your are not important for the round to end </color> <color=red> 4: there will be events on the server if you ask me its up to you </color>
  6. <color=red> 5: Don't Be racist or ban for 2 days or more </color>
  7. <color=red> 6: PLS DONT STREAM SNIPE ME OR I WILL BE MEGA SAD :( </color>
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