
Rebels in Equestria 8

Jul 29th, 2012
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  1. > God, it's these fucking dreams again
  2. > No, they’re more like nightmares
  3. > No matter how hard you try, you can't force yourself to wake up
  4. > You're forced to relive your past in shame
  6. > Thunder cracks overhead, the rain pours down even harder than before
  7. > In the distance you hear the distinct sound of jet fighters engaged in a dog fight
  9. > The road was narrow and destroyed buildings on the side of the roads offered excellent hiding spots
  10. > Your headset springs back to life, this time it’s a familiar voice.
  11. > It’s Boss, the squadron leader.
  12. > “Alright listen up! The first and third halftrack on the convoy is full of supplies we could use. Try to keep the cargo on those intact. The second and fourth are full of Stovie troops, I want those blown to hell. The fifth halftrack is full of prisoners of war and is driven by our inside guys. Do not engage the fifth halftrack! I repeat. DO NOT, engage the fifth halftrack. Those guys are defectors. They’re on our side. Everyone ready? Good. Await my signal to fire.”
  13. > Mac’s voice rings through your headset “Anon! Hey Anon!”
  14. > You speak into your mic, the sound of the rain would drown out your voice from the Estovakians.
  15. “Yeah Mac? What’s up?”
  16. > “You see that technical? That's HMG mounted on the back. We’re going to be in a world of hurt if we don’t take it out. Anon, you're the closest to it. Think you can take care of it ?”
  17. “I'll try. No promises”
  19. > One by one the drivers disembark their vehicles. Many of them are huddled around the first truck trying to change the flat tires.
  20. > You pull out some unlit Molotov cocktails from your bag and some extra magazines.
  21. > You affix a bayonet and a ‘flash suppressor’ onto your hunting rifle.
  22. > Your flash suppressor was nothing more than a car oil filter attached to the muzzle of your weapon.
  23. > The drivers of the fifth halftrack, the defectors, stepped out of their vehicle. They wore a slightly different uniform from the rest of the soldiers.
  24. > “Alright boys, get ready.”
  25. > The defectors began chatting with some of the other troops
  26. > “Hold your fire. Not yet.”
  27. > Using a zippo lighter, you ignite some of the molotovs on hand
  28. > The enemy had finished replacing the tires on the first half track, and returned to their trucks.
  29. > Instead of returning to the cabin of their truck, the defectors climbed into the cargo bay.
  30. > “Alright! That’s the signal! Go Go Go!”
  32. > You spring out of the ditch and start running towards the convoy at full speed.
  33. > You could feel the adrenaline pumping in your veins
  34. > The rest of your squadron popped out of their hiding spots and began firing as well
  35. > They were hiding in a abandoned building from the opposite side of the street
  36. > The sound of thunder and gunfire was absolutely deafening
  37. > At least a dozen Molotovs lit up the night sky before crashing onto the convoy.
  38. > The technical's gunner had turned his back at you and begun firing at the rebels
  39. > You toss your molotov at him, setting him ablaze
  40. > In a panic he falls off the technical and stumbles about
  41. > You charge at him, the sharp bayonet acting as a spear
  42. > The soldier cries in pain as you drive the bayonet deep into his chest
  43. "Fuck you."
  44. > You drop him to the cement and shoot him a few more times for good measure
  45. > You kneel down over the dead body and remove his dogtags, shoving them in your pocket.
  47. > You then shift your focus towards the cabin, the occupants completely oblivious to your presence
  48. > The soldier passenger seat was frozen in fear
  49. > As you approached the cabin you were able to get a good look at him
  50. > He was a young man, probably younger than you
  51. > You saw his name and rank embedded on his uniform. Tatarin, Private First Class
  52. > This transport operation was probably one of his first assignments, it would also be his last
  53. > You hold the rifle up to his chest
  54. > You specifically remember this man, he spoke Estovakian. You don’t speak Estovakian at all
  55. > But now in your dreams, for some reason, you are able to make out what he is saying
  56. > "Please. Show some Mercy..I have done nothing wrong...Please, I'll do anyth-"
  57. > His plea for mercy is swiftly met with the end of your bayonet
  58. > [spoiler] Your prevalent disregard for human life disgusts you [/spoiler]
  59. > Feeling accomplished with your work, you move on to the next target
  61. > You aim your rifle at the driver's skull
  62. > The fleshy sound of the bullet's impact puts a coy grin on your face
  63. > Something about made you feel good.
  64. > It's hard to describe the euphoria you achieved by killing the enemy
  65. > Was it the rush of the action? The combat high? The adrenaline?
  66. > Whatever the reason, you felt damn good about killing this Stovie bastard
  67. > His lifeless body spasms for a few moments before going stiff
  70. > You climb into the cabin of the truck
  71. > You grab the dog tags of the men you just killed before rushing back into the fray
  72. > From here you can see inside the cargo bay of the fifth halftrack
  73. > The defectors had released the prisoners and had armed them assault rifles
  74. > You sling your hunting rifle and grab one for yourself
  75. > The prisoners exit the cargo bay and join the skirmish. You stay close behind them
  76. > The enemy troops were NOT expecting this ambush at all
  77. > Setting the rifle to Full-Auto you run into the fray guns blazing
  78. > Estovakian troops are sandwiched between the rebel forces
  79. > They didn't stand a chance
  80. > The firefight ends as quickly as it started
  81. > The convoy is now under rebel control
  83. > Your headset springs back to life with chatter from your squad mates
  84. > The ambush went off without a hitch, there were few rebel casualties
  85. > You turn your attention to the corpses inside the cabin
  86. > Returning only to take any valuables from the corpses
  87. > Much to your surprise, Private Tatarin is still alive
  88. > He's lying in a pool of his own blood, and barely hanging on by a thread
  89. > You rummage through his dying body, looking for any valuables on him
  90. "These are some nice kicks Tatarin. I'm sure you won’t mind if I borrow them."
  91. > You steal his leather boots, replacing your dirty destroyed sneakers.
  92. "Would you look at that. Perfect fit!"
  93. > He mumbles something under his dying breath
  94. > "I...I forgive you Emmerian. Just let go of your ha-"
  95. "Save your fucking breath, you piece of shit."
  96. > You pull out your revolver from its holster
  97. > You load it with one bullet.
  98. > The barrel is aimed between his eyes
  99. > "Anonymous? Why?"
  101. --
  103. > You jolt awake, in your panic you manage to fall off the bed
  104. > Tararin’s final words echo in your ears
  105. > The look of despair on his face is burned into your eyes
  106. > The experience is horrifying
  107. > It takes you some time to recuperate enough to stand
  109. > You clearly recall not being able to understand a word of Estovakian
  110. > But words were so clear in your dream
  111. > It doesn’t make sense
  112. > How did he know your name?
  113. > Was he really pleading for his life like that?
  114. > Just what the fuck is wrong with you?
  115. > The thought sends a cold shiver down your spine
  117. > Your T-Shirt is soaked in a cold sweat, and you’re hyper ventilating
  118. > The realization that all your dreams were once a reality makes you shudder
  119. > All those lives you extinguished
  120. > That guy, Private Tatarin, he didn’t look that much different from you!
  121. > Yet, you ended his life without so much as a second thought
  122. > The urge to vomit strikes and stumble to the bathroom
  123. > You just barely reach the toilet in time before making a mess everywhere
  124. > You regret drinking all that wine
  125. > It’s not a pretty sight, but luckily Rarity and Twilight still seem to be fast asleep
  127. > When you finish, you go to wash up at the sink
  128. > There’s a mirror above the sink
  129. > You gaze into it, looking at your own reflection
  130. > Your stare long and hard at yourself taking note of your physical features
  131. > All the physical activity that came with the rebel activities have kept you in top shape
  132. > You weren’t the going to be the world’s next body building champ, but you were definitely built above average
  133. > It looks like dragging all those cargo crates have finally paid off
  135. > You chuckle as you notice at the tattoo on your arm
  136. > This tattoo held one of the few good memories you have of the resistance
  137. > It was during some weekend in the midst of the war, you and your squadron were enjoying a couple of beers in your off time
  138. > Of course, it didn’t take long for everyone to become shitfaced drunk, including yourself
  139. > Your comrade Mac was somehow able to convince you of letting tattoo the word “WOLVERINES!” on your arm
  140. > The memory of that night is hazy at best
  141. > But you do remember Mac’s drunken words exactly as he worked the needle on your arm
  142. > “We’re the only ones out here fighting for this shiiit. And when this shit’s done with, you think we’re gonna be getting a parade or some shit? Fuck no we aint. Think of this as your medal instead. Be proud to wear it”
  143. > By the end of that night, everyone had the word “Wolverines” tattooed on them one way or another
  145. > However, your involvement in the resistance came with a price
  146. > You sustained many different injuries during your service
  147. > You were shot at countless times
  148. > Hell, you were even burned alive at one point
  149. > The various scars on your body are proof
  151. > You look back up to your face
  152. > Luckily, you managed to keep your handsome face in one piece
  153. > But something is off setting
  155. > It’s your reflection
  156. > The Anonymous staring back at gives has a cold stare. His eyes are rigid, his stare is unforgiving
  157. > He’s nothing more than a killer, a murder
  158. > Is this really the person you’ve become?
  159. > You can’t even stand to look at this person anymore
  160. > You know deep in your gut [spoiler]That’s not you. That’s not the type of person you are. You’re better than that. [/spoiler]
  161. > Stumbling out of the bathroom, you make your way back to the bed
  162. > You try to fall back asleep, but you can’t
  163. > Not after what you just went through
  165. “Fuck it.”
  166. > You exit the bedroom and make your way into the hallway
  167. > A little exploring wouldn’t do you any harm
  168. > Hopefully it will get your mind off the nightmare
  170. > You backtrack your way into the castle
  171. > Much to your advantage, you were barefoot at the moment
  172. > The soft soles of your feet made almost no noise on the marble floors
  173. > On the other hand, the ponies’ hooves made a distinct clopping noise whenever they moved
  174. > You are able to navigate the castle halls without detection, briefly entering rooms that catch your attention
  175. > Your set of sneaking skills would make Iroquois Pliskin damn proud
  177. > One thing is for sure
  178. > This castle is fucking huge
  179. > You make a mental map of what you’ve explored so far
  180. > In the North Wing, there are several theatres and rooms dedicated to music and arts. Your suite is located in this wing
  181. > The center of the castle holds the throne room
  182. > Celestia’s Tower was located in the East Wing. There are several gyms and arenas dedicated to sports such as archery and fencing as well
  183. > The kitchen and dining were located in the Southern Wing. There are several rooms here that house the staff and Royal Guard.
  184. > You take note the huge library and astronomical observatory on the West Wing of the castle.
  185. > After several hours of exploring you become content with your progress
  186. > Your watch reads 3:00 AM
  187. “Fuck.”
  188. > Your body is used to waking up at 4:30
  189. > There’s really no point in going back to bed now
  191. > There was a window near you
  192. > Something outside caught your attention
  193. > There is a huge labyrinth in the garden
  194. > From where you stood you could several statues strewn throughout the maze
  195. “Well well. What do we have here?”
  196. > Well, if you were going to pull an all-nighter you might as well make it interesting
  198. > You can feel the cool breeze against your face as you step outside
  199. > The grass is cold and wet with morning dew
  200. > The full moon illuminates the area in a soft blue light
  202. “Well here goes nothing.”
  203. > You enter the labyrinth
  204. > If you jump up, you are barely able to see above the bushes
  205. > Traversing the maze is somewhat difficult, but it’s mostly just tedious
  206. > When you lose your bearings, you take a quick bunny hop to find the nearest landmark
  207. > In this case, it’s a large statue sitting in a corner of the labyrinth
  208. > You forget all about your nightmare from earlier
  209. > The labyrinth becoming the center of your focus
  211. > You reach a small clearing
  212. > There is a statue in the center of the clearing
  213. > It’s the statue of some sort of creature
  214. > It looks like it’s made of several animals stitched together, what was that called again? A chimera?
  215. “Man, you’re one UGLY motherfucker”
  216. > There is a plaque in front of it
  217. > It reads “Discord : God of Chaos”
  218. “Hmm.”
  219. > God of Chaos?
  220. > You juggle the thought in your mind
  221. > Do the ponies still believe in gods?
  222. > Perhaps there are actual gods living among the ponies here?
  223. > What kinds of religion do the ponies believe in?
  224. > Are there even religions here?
  225. > In the midst of your thoughts you don’t even notice yourself leaning up against the statue
  226. > As soon as your body makes contact with the stature a piercing headache hits you
  227. > Your vision blurs
  228. > Your ears ring as if they just heard an explosion
  229. > The headache is so great, it sends you to knees
  231. --
  233. > The headache stops and slowly your senses return to normal
  234. > The labyrinth is nowhere in sight
  235. > Instead, you find yourself in back in the city
  236. > You stand in front of the destroyed ruins of an old shopping center
  237. > This used to be a makeshift hospital run by the Resistance
  238. > It was just on the receiving end of a fierce bombing run
  240. > There are several people trapped inside the collapsed building, some of them rebel fighters. But many of them were civilians
  241. > But without the proper equipment, there is no way you could pull them from the rubble
  242. > Their cries for help fill the air
  243. > The building quickly catches fire and eventually the screams for help stop
  245. > You were one of the lucky few that was pulled from the wreckage
  246. > You were inside the building when the first bomb hit, the blast knocked you unconscious
  247. > The last thing you remember was the sound of a huge sonic boom, then a huge explosion
  248. > It was a fuel air bomb that went off near, the heat wave created from the blast burned a large portion of your skin
  249. > It looked like your skin was melting
  250. > You reeked of burning flesh and gasoline
  251. > There were many other’s in similar condition to you, however, their injuries nowhere as near as bad as yours
  253. > Much of your back had been singed
  254. > Any sort of movement had been met with pain
  255. > Even with the heavy doses of morphine, the pain was excruciating
  257. > There is the burning wreckage of an A-10 Fighter Plane not too far from here
  258. > He was shot down by a Rebel SAM site
  259. > You and your squad are circled around a lone Estovakian pilot that was pulled from the wreckage
  260. > He has been tied up and blindfolded
  262. > Your attempts to interrogate him have been useless
  263. > He has been trained against all methods of interrogation
  264. > The bastard won’t break
  266. > For a while, you all just stood around him motionless
  267. > “What should we do with him?” Someone asked
  268. > More silence
  270. > The only emotion you felt was rage
  271. > No sympathy, no remorse
  272. > Just blind fury
  273. > You stepped forward
  274. “I know.”
  275. > You pulled out one of the Molotovs you had in your bag and began pouring the gasoline on the pilot
  276. “Burn him.”
  277. > This really freaked out the pilot, he finally spoke out
  278. > “No. You cannot! Geneva Convention prohibits any military from torturing their prisoners!” His accent was thick
  279. > You began to pour another bottle on his head
  280. “We’re not military.”
  282. > By now more rebels have joined you
  283. > One of them even goes as far as breaking the bottle over his head
  284. > Any resistance from the pilot is met with the end of your boot
  285. > “Please! No!” The pilot is in hysterics
  286. > Occasional he swallows some of the gasoline being poured on him
  287. > He vomits on the street before collapsing in it
  288. > [spoiler] Oh god. Are you really going to go through with this? [/spoiler]
  289. > You take a couple steps back
  290. > You pull out a zippo lighter and toss it at the pilot
  292. > He is instantly engulfed by the flames
  293. > He screams and struggles
  294. > It’s actually quite disturbing
  295. > Several other rebels either turn away or lose their lunch
  297. > But you?
  298. > You simply watch in fascination
  299. > It looks painful
  300. > No one should ever have to go through this
  301. > Yet, you just did?
  303. > What gives you the right?
  304. > You remember the hospital this man just demolished
  305. > There are people still trapped in the rubble
  306. > Compared to those people, this pilot is lucky
  307. > His death will be quick
  308. > Those poor souls trapped under the tons of concrete?
  309. > They will have to wait until they either die of exhaustion, starvation or from their wounds
  310. > They are the ones that will suffer the most
  312. > By now the man has stopped struggling
  313. > His clothes has since long burned off
  314. > The only thing that remains is his charred corpse and some of his weapons
  315. > You limp over to the body and yank the dog tags from his neck
  316. > You shove them in your pocket
  317. > His corpse reeks of gasoline and charred flesh
  318. > You don’t know why you just did that
  320. > You ponder if this is all justified
  321. > If this is anyway to treat your fellow man
  322. > Because honestly, what’s the difference between you and that pilot?
  323. > The difference between your ‘comrades’ and your ‘enemies’
  324. > You eventually reach a conclusion, answering your own question
  325. > The difference? You live here. This is your home. Not theirs.
  327. > The rebels soon disperse
  328. > Many of them load back onto the convoys from earlier tonight
  329. > The higher ups will not be happy with the loss of one of their most active hospitals
  330. > You hop on a pickup truck and drive off in the distance
  331. > Leaving the charred body behind
  332. > They will have to learn you are a force to be reckoned with
  334. > The truck drives off onto the highway
  335. > The crash site becomes farther and father away
  336. > The night sky eventually becomes bright with light
  337. > It’s so bright you have to shield your eyes with light
  338. > Eventually the light subsides
  339. > Once your eyes adjust you can make out the Discord Statue once more
  341. > You struggle to stand up once more
  342. > There are tears flowing from your eyes
  343. > Once again, your body is stiff
  344. > It’s near impossible to stop yourself from trembling
  345. > It takes all your strength to pull yourself together
  347. > You continue on with the labyrinth
  348. > Your mind and body exhausted
  349. > You find it difficult to keep your balance
  350. > Walking soon becomes too much of a challenge
  351. > Your movements are nothing more than a steady limp
  353. > Somehow, you’ve made it to the center of the labyrinth
  354. > As you make into the clearing you take a good look around you
  355. > From here you can clearly see the entirety of the night sky
  356. > All the stars seem to shine more intensely here
  357. > There is a beautiful fountain in the center of the clearing
  358. > The way the moonlight shines of the flowing water is just breathtaking
  359. > The sweet aroma of flowers fills your senses, a wonderful scent in contrast to the stench of burnt flesh
  360. > As you make your way towards the fountain you notice a figure sitting on a bench adjacent to the fountain
  361. > Details become more clear as your approach the figure
  363. > It’s a pony, another alicorn to be specific
  364. > By it’s shape and body you can tell she’s female
  365. > She’s dark blue in color with a moon tattoo on her flank
  366. > Her mane flows freely in the wind; it is an exact replica of the night sky. Stars and everything
  367. > She is completely focused on the night sky
  368. > As you become close enough she turns to see you
  370. > She get’s a good look at you before returning to star gazing
  371. > “We didn’t expect to have company tonight.”
  372. > Her voice is beautiful; it’s actually soothing
  373. > She pat’s the empty spot next to her on the bench
  374. > “Come. Sit”
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