

May 31st, 2020
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  2. [19:25] {NARRATION} A trip to the spirit realm had been planned long before the final battle of Osrona, yet the means of getting there are now gone. With the death of both High Lady Asta and Lord Chancellor Regulus almost all means to wayfinding there have been taken away and so a new means must be found.
  4. The battle of Osrona was only a week or two ago, most likely still fresh on everyone's minds, the spirits of the Vale are more active than normal with the new appointment of High Lord Finley, as they seemingly show themselves more often.
  6. Yet as four people venture furthur into the Vale along a rugged path something stands in there way. A spirit, but no ordinary one, with a sword by his side and armor he simply stares, as if expecting you to be here all along...
  7. [19:27] "Something tell me you expected us for a very, very long time," he muttered as he stares at the knight and armor that was there. Everything about them screamed meaning, however, he didn't even dare to try to make it a precedent.
  9. "Anyway, we are trying to go the spirit realm, in search of guidance and understanding. Perhaps to map it out to a great degree. You wouldn't see anything wrong with this?"
  10. (Ro)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [19:28] Through the Vale the capable quartet would go all the way up until a spirit blocks their path. Bowing her head to it, the rabbit's tone is polite when she opts to speak up.
  15. "I hope you'll allow us passage. As High Priest Ro here said, our intentions are pure."
  16. (Kalina Octavius)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [19:29] Came along with the others, but as the others spoke up first she would remain quiet and let them speak for the group.
  20. (Amalia Hargrave)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [19:30] Elred examines the area around him, but he doesn't speak -yet- this place felt strong. The amount of energy coming from the area was incredible, but for now it seems they were at a halt.
  24. (Elred Yindove)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [19:39] {NARRATION} "Expecting you, no, somebody, yes." The spirit would state as he examined the group.
  29. "I am Warden Hadrian, slayer of Ameablable, the One Eye'd Serpent, yet that is why I am not here before you."
  31. A simple nod would be given and the spirits around him quickly stopped moving, it was if all of the attention across Esshar was focused on him.
  33. "The passage to the Spirit Realm has been blocked for sometime. The death of your High Lady has caused many spirits to be angered and they now block your path."
  35. A pale blue hand beckoned towards the cave entrance before them as he made a request.
  37. "If you wish to enter the spirit realm then you must clear the path yourself, and in return you'll be rewarded by the Overseer themselves." Out of thin air a piece of Arcanium would appear, only to disappear as quickly as it came. "Is this... acceptable?"
  38. [19:42] "The Ovserseer…?"
  40. The eyes moved over towards the others as he lets a single hum come across. The fact that they would even mention such a thing made the Priest a little worried in the end of it all. The gaze narrowed as steady contemplation continued to go further.
  42. The little moments of time that he took to let it all come across was through. However, he didn't even dare to focus on the Arcanium; to get it was to reward it on another time. Then they let a hum to go through.
  44. "There is a new one? If that is the case, then it is only wise to meet them in due time; perhaps in our demise."
  46. "However, if the way to the spirit realm is to be cleared, then I, Rolim Seira, will go."
  47. (Ro)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [19:44] Though the task sounded simple, Kalina couldn't help but wonder what lied ahead for them. No matter what the case may be it wasn't something that she could leave alone.
  52. To heal the Vale, they also needed to heal the spirits. This seemed like an adequate first step.
  54. "As an aspiring druid, it's my duty to help the spirits find rest. I'm sure Amy here shares the sentiment."
  56. The potential reward wasn't what allured her- it was aiding the spirits.
  57. (Kalina Octavius)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [19:47] A brief pause offered as they all seemed s eager to enter the spirit realm or at least clear the path there. He wasn't sure what 'clear' meant or better yet what they needed to achieve by doing so.
  62. "If there is anything I can assist with then as my duty as Mistseer I'll offer myself to complete the task at hand."
  64. Ready to push forward into the upon.
  65. (Elred Yindove)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [19:47] Amy examines the area around her, normally, she wasn't able to see the spirits. But now, it was as if they were making themselves known intentionally.
  70. Her mother's death has truly caused a stir.
  72. Bespeaking of, the petite fire magess did not view these spirits in quite the same way. Her entire reason for becoming a druid had died with the Lady Asta.
  74. A troubled daughter, having lost her way. Perhaps this trip is exactly what she needs.
  76. Towards Kalina, there is only a small nod in agreement to her words, and to the armored Warden before them. She retains silence.
  77. (Amalia Hargrave)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [19:55] {NARRATION} "Very well then, but allow me to say this -
  82. If you cannot handle this task turn back down. In your quest to restore balance to the Vale you will encounter many enraged spirits. Use caution when dealing with them, for even I cannot predict what they'll do."
  84. "If you have any questions, ask them now, quickly."
  86. And with those words the warden would stay for a moment, only to answer any final questions, and if none were provided? Then he would vanish and the path before them would open.
  87. [19:56] "In the past, we were able to soothe the enraged spirits with bloodletting," they muttered.
  89. "Is it possible that simply giving my precious Teraphim blood to relax them? To kneel towards them even?"
  91. These were all valid questions, and hurting them wouldn't be what the Teraphim and druids were about. So as he waited for an answer, Ro would hold on firmly on to his wrist.
  92. (Ro)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [19:57] Kalina glances over at Ro but doesn't speak up herself. It was a fair few questions.
  96. (Kalina Octavius)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [19:57] Elred remained silent for the moment
  100. (Elred Yindove)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [19:57] Hadrian says, "Perhaps, although I cannot answer that for certain."
  104. [19:57] Ro asks, "Your information is helpful, Hadrian. And who is the new Overseer, now that Aschea has passed?"
  105. [19:57] Kalina Octavius asks, " old are you?"
  106. [19:57] Hadrian says, "To speak to Overseer's name is a crime."
  107. [19:58] Ro says, "Understood."
  108. [19:58] Ro says, "Let us go forth."
  109. [19:58] Hadrian says, "I am two hundred years old."
  110. [19:58] Hadrian asks, "Is that all?"
  111. [19:58] Kalina Octavius says, "You don't look a day over a hundred, sir."
  112. [19:58] Kalina Octavius says, "I think that's all."
  113. [19:58] Ro says, "..."
  114. [19:59] Hadrian vanishes.
  115. (Hadrian)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [19:59] Ro rubs his fingers between the bridge of his nose. He loved his human. But this is one of the times where he would need to strangle them.
  119. (Ro)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [20:08] {NARRATION} With the Warden gone, and the way forward clear a cave would lie ahead of them.
  124. Assuming they wished to head forward inside of the cave, stalatites would hang from the ceiling, vine crawled all around the walls and the occasional sound of dripping water could be heard.
  126. Yet despite their being no visible source of light the path would be dimmily lit, eventually leading to a clearing with one thing.
  128. A giant stone statue.
  129. [20:09] Ro didn't move yet, he simply watched as the statue starts to stare down at him. His eyes looking up towards them as he simply lets a simple shrug start to move forward.
  131. Then, in the very end, the only thing that he could do was just let a single groan escape.
  133. "Tell me, spirit, what would you need from us?"
  134. (Ro)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [20:11] Elred thinks he left the witch pot on
  138. (Elred Yindove)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [20:12] Amalia remains silent to let the others speak for the group.
  142. (Amalia Hargrave)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [20:13] Kalina steps into the room alongside the others. It was a still, quiet place, but the statue at the center of it all caught her attention.
  147. Stepping forward, the rabbit girl kneels and brings her hands together, her eyes falling shut in prayer.
  149. "I hope you're able to find peace. Tell of us of whatever ill feelings are plaguing you and we'll do our best to help."
  151. She was certain the spirits could hear her.
  152. (Kalina Octavius)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [20:13] Elred continues listening for the moment a bit curious
  156. (Elred Yindove)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [20:17] {NARRATION} The statue does not do anything. It's a fucking statue.
  161. Yet the spirits around the area show themselves to the group, floating as content as one could be in their forms and yet a strange sound could be heard from the entrance of this opening...
  163. A deep rumbling...
  164. [20:18] Ro asks, "... what is that?"
  165. [20:20] The rumbling was making Ro a bit uneasy. However, it didn't make him take a hostile stance or anything of the sort.
  167. Instead, he would just wait for it to reveal itself with open arms. Though not without going in front of Kalina as he displayed what he would often do with her, protection.
  169. With that said, he would just look directly and wait. Nothing more and nothing less.
  170. (Ro)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. [20:22] Amy turned towards the rumbing that sounded as if it could be someone, or something, approaching them.
  174. (Amalia Hargrave)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [20:23] Elred squints as the statue opens he felt a little uneasy about this. The spirits were tricky just because some a pleasant doesn't mean they all are.
  179. Elred glanced towards the others. "Keep on your guard jsut incase."
  180. (Elred Yindove)
  181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [20:24] Scrambling to her feet, Kalina looks around, mildly panicked.
  185. She'd gotten an answer, but it wasn't what she'd been expecting.
  186. (Kalina Octavius)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [20:36] {NARRATION} "ASTA HARGRAVE!" Would echo throughout the cave!
  193. The spirits that gathered around the statue due to the prayers of Kalina soon vanished out of fright as the ground began to shake.
  197. A lone spirit would appear, clearly different than then the ones they just saw, red, anger, hatred fueled it as it looked at the group and made it's way to the statue, it's eyes turned red as it looked at them and began to move.
  200. [20:38] For a brief second, Ro's eyes went wide as anger was starting to look him square in the eye. The seeds of doubt were already flourished as he gripped his chest entirely.
  202. "It is not our fault that she has passed," he muttered to himself and the spirit after. Eyes resting upon the spirit as he spoke with the same gentleness, "She died with honor, and in her honor and because the foolish king struck at Aschea's heart, that we moved forward to lay siege to the city."
  204. "Knights, clergymen, men who dared fight across were slaughtered as they evacuated."
  206. "For her, we made sure that amany suffered to restore the balance that we now have."
  208. That was his only verification that they did the right thing. And as his heart was beating faster, he simply took a deep breath.
  210. "Allow me to repent for you, angered spirit; my blood, and my pleas for your forgiveness."
  211. (Ro)
  212. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. [20:40] The High Lady's name.
  216. Kalina's eyes widen and she could feel the spirits that'd gathered fade away. With so many angered spirits out and about in the Vale, there was no way that even those left untainted could be at ease.
  218. "I-I'm sorry. We can help you, just please listen to us!"
  220. She wouldn't attempt to face the spirit unless she had to. Her nature magic was meant to protect, not harm- it always had been. Using it to bring great harm to others even for the greater good of the spirits and Aschea was painful for her.
  222. But if she needed to, Kalina had the resolve to do it all the same. Just as she had during the war for the balance.
  223. (Kalina Octavius)
  224. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  226. [20:42] What happened? It seemed like an angry spirit approaching them? He could attempt to stop it with two different methods. Reason was on the table, but with angry spirits they needed to be forced into reason by any means.
  228. "No, it's the fault of our enemies and in her name we continue pushing forward. Attempting to sway us with words will not work unfortunately.
  230. We continue pushing forward to ensure her death doesn't go in vain, what would it take to ease this anger you've developed?"
  232. Elred remained clam unsure o the response he'd receive from the spirit.
  233. (Elred Yindove)
  234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. [20:49] Amy jumped slightly in fright as the fury of the spirit was let out throughout the cave. It's sonic assault shocking her briefly before she focused upon it's translucent figure.
  238. The lingering occult pall over her eyes refusing to let her see the world in color, she is not able to see the red spirit as it is- but she doesn't need color to see that it was angry.
  240. Yet, she wasn't even there. How could she be blamed for letting her die?
  242. "I wasn't there to witness my mother's fall, but perhaps I should have been. If it is an oblation you want, I will bleed for her, in order to make up for that." She would say towards the spirit's accusation.
  244. She doesn't deny it.
  245. (Amalia Hargrave)
  246. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. [20:54] {NARRATION} "YOU OFFER ME BLOOD?"
  250. With those words the ground would continue to shake, the vines that covered the walls began to move and wrap around the statue, wildly flailing like whips. It was clear force would be needed.
  252. It was as if on instinct the statue would lift up it's foot, aiming to step right on Ro!
  256. [20:56] getting rid of the tutorial!
  257. (Statue)
  258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. [21:04] {Won Dangerous RPB against Statue}
  261. [21:04] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  262. [21:04] ** Elred Yindove has inflicted an injury upon Statue. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  263. [21:05] {NARRATION} Kalaina RP and then everyone else!
  264. [21:12] Despite their attempts to appease the spirit before them, it ended up being far too angry to reason with them. A multitude of vines sprout at her feet bearing those very same violet flowers she'd become fond of, prepared to defend her at a moment's notice.
  266. "I'm so sorry! I don't want to do this, but we'll fight you if it means saving you!"
  268. Even if it meant harm befalling her, Kalina would do what she could to soothe it. She rushes in alongside her foes through fields of flowers, magma, and an accumulation of their various magics. In the end, she spots an opportunity to restrain it as her own vines fend off those coiled around the statue.
  270. They'd weave around the statue then to hold it firmly in place and she brings her hands back together, a plea made in the midst of the turmoil.
  272. "Please trust that we'll make things right. None of us wished for the High Lady's death and we regret being unable to preserve her life, but for the sake of the spirits and our people we'll do what we can to restore the balance!"
  274. She wouldn't harm the spirit nor the statue if she could help it. Kalina simply wished for it to hear their voices and understand their pure intentions.
  275. (Kalina Octavius)
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. [21:15] Ro wasn't the type to really lay there and die for anyone -- but this was a spirit, so when he closed his eyes he was ready for his death. So when the foot was coming in and stopped, it was proof that it wasn't his time to perish.
  280. His eyes went over towards the two others that worked in tandem, only having the briefest of moments of time to beat back the golemn. Illusionary prowess as well as the utilization of magma and nature were all coming across. It was enough to have him move and join in with his own ephemeral blows.
  282. A single emerald went around his chest, only to magnify it through the variants of the ephemeral blows and umber. To keep beating it back until the spirit left it's very body.
  284. And it was with that, it was easily defeated.
  286. "Spirit, please take caution. And to take my blood as well."
  288. A simple cut, and he lets it pour for a few seconds of the moment and letting it all rest there.
  290. "Take it in kind, for we will make things right."
  291. (Ro)
  292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. [21:18] The fight was intense, but that wasn't all she wrote the ground seemed to work against the man. He wasn't sure what happened, but each step he seemed to have his movements hindered.
  296. The illusion provided enough cover with the clone to allow Elred to move out of the way. Within the illusion Elred seemed to close the distance with the guardian in a matter of seconds, odd..
  298. He wasn't sure what happened, but he managed to strike the guardian almost instantly. The conclusion was at hand and they seemed to have come out decently well.
  300. "Our resolve is clear and we'll continue to push forward despite your feelings. We couldn't prevent the death and we all morn her, but we'll continue pushing forward like she wished.
  302. Respect our resolve."
  304. Elred continued staring at the spirit; while he felt weird he managed to shake it off.
  305. (Elred Yindove)
  306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. [21:25] Amy shook her head slowly, this spirits anger was beyond reason. As such was the case with most emotions when they reach extremes. They offered it blood, and it sought death.
  310. It would only be given blood.
  312. As they leapt to the forefront, to fight it down into a state that could be appeased, or at least reasoned with. Life bloomed around her as the cold earth shook and rumbled within the cave in response to her magic.
  314. Strangely, there is very little in the way of magma used by the woman. Something that those who've seen her fight before might be able to notice.
  316. "The blood of her own, freely offered. I am sorry, I should have been there."
  318. Like Ro, she too would take out a small ritualized dagger and slicing at her palm, she clenches her hand into a fist to let the blood drip downwards towards the ground.
  319. (Amalia Hargrave)
  320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. [21:31] {NARRATION} It was a combined effort to take the spirit down.
  324. With Ro’s illusionary skills and Eldred’s quick strikes, the statue would begin to slow down. Dissorinteded and battered the ground still continued to shake, as it continued to go on it's tirade.
  326. Amaila's use of magic restrained it, and it began to slow, even more so at the blood that was offered.
  328. And then, Kalina's voice reached the spirit.
  330. "Is she really gone?"
  332. "Why did it happen? Is she in a better place? She did so much, she did so much and yet now..."
  334. The spirit began to subside and the statue came to a halt, expecting an answer from Kalina, the girl who reached out to it.
  336. [21:37] As the rage of the spirit is quelled both from her words as well as the blood sacrificed by those with her, Kalina's vines slink down to release the statue. Her features soften though a tinge of sorrow lingers in her teal gaze.
  338. "Lady Asta fought hard to defend the balance till the very end in the final battle against Osrona. She fell to the Mad King of Osrona, the man who married a witch in a narrow defeat. I've no doubt she's now in Vanaheim resting peacefully."
  340. It was something Kalina sincerely believed in herself.
  342. "Her sacrifice wasn't in vain. The war was won and we have every intention of continuing forward as she would've wished."
  343. (Kalina Octavius)
  344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. [21:41] {NARRATION} The spirit would leave the statue and appear before the group although no words would be spoken.
  348. The other spirits that disappeared finally came back and hovered around this one misguided spirit as if comforting it. The death of The High Lady affected all, not just the living.
  350. A quick tremor would fill the cave and a part of the wall would collapse revealing the rest of the path and as for the spirit?
  352. It was clear it was finally at peace.
  353. [21:41] "May we find peace through the entirety of our lives, both in living and in death," he said with a smile coming across and nodding at the others. "Let us go forth."
  354. (Ro)
  355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. [21:51] {NARRATION} The path that would be relaved was long and winding as it slowly became darker. A wave of coldness would rush over the group sending chills down their spine.
  359. The spirits that lingered around them vanished slowly, they no longer watched over them as they went deeper into the Vale.
  361. But with every path there is an end and this one had three doors!
  363. The first door had the symbol of fire over it.
  365. The second was an engraving of a mountain.
  367. And the third and final one had waves.
  369. Yet their was an idol in the center of this room with parchment on top, one would have to get closer in order to read it.
  370. [21:53] Well, there were a few doors and each of them had different degrees of danger behind it. Luckily, Ro had some tact with him. So when he looked at Elred he gave them just a simple nod of approval.
  372. "Use one of your clones to go into the center of the room to read it. It should be physical enough," he muttered. "As for me, I will use one of my clones to go towards the mountain."
  374. That said, he would manipulate the shadows of the area, only adding it to his will before forming a clone. That clone was physical in a lot of ways, and as such, it would make the most sense.
  376. So as the SHADOW CLONE moved over towards the second door with the mountain engraved, it would give only a simple knock and a push to open. What would happen right now?
  377. (Ro)
  378. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. [21:56] Kalina stands back for this one. Since Ro had a bright idea, she wanted to see how it'd play out.
  382. Her mind was also still on those adorable spirits from before.
  383. (Kalina Octavius)
  384. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386. [21:57] Snapping his fingers the clone appeared from behind Elred and began approaching the center of the room. Elred should be able to relay the information the clone seen while reaching the center of the room.
  388. "I would have suggest the same thing, but let's not carry this out any longer."
  390. Elred's copy would continue approaching and if successful Elred would be able to obtain the information. This put them a little to no risk at the moment and he's lucky he decided to take up illusion magic after-all.
  391. (Elred Yindove)
  392. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  394. [22:00] {NARRATION} Written on the parchment is the following:
  396. 'Balance between the two. Here lies the stability of the spirit realm itself.'
  398. Yet would that matter? For as Ro's clone opened the middle door, nothing would happen well...
  400. "YOU FIGURED IT OUT TOO FAST!" A shriek would escape the hallway and the air would become static. This was another spirit, no, it was clearly a wraith.
  404. Their actions released it and it quickly began moving towards with, eletricity quickly following suit...
  405. [22:02] Ro says, "Hm."
  406. [22:02] Ro asks, "Kalina?"
  407. [22:02] Ro says, "I think I shouldn't ever guess right things again."
  408. [22:04] Well this was unexpected.
  410. With a hesitant nod to Ro, she spawns her vines back out from the stones. It seemed there was no way around the wraith's 'trap' despite them figuring it.
  412. "Ah, I wonder if we can calm this one down..."
  414. Kalina could only hope it was possible. It seemed more than likely they'd have to defeat it first again.
  415. (Kalina Octavius)
  416. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. [22:06] Elred chuckled it seemed Ro was quick to find the right answer, but he though he should share the information before the battle took place.
  420. "When it comes to wraiths we'll likely have to fight this; however, the message read 'Balance between the two. Here lies stability of the spirit realm itself.
  422. It might not mean much, but at least we all have this information moving forward."
  424. Elred wasn't sure if that was for this trial or not, but information shouldn't be kept secret.
  426. Elred drew his weapon prepared to fight off this spirit should it come to that.
  427. (Elred Yindove)
  428. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  430. [22:07] "Well... Elred," they muttered as he turns over to look at him. "It means Teraheim… and this one is pissed. Very pissed."
  432. Ro was used to things being pissed.
  434. Too pissed, maybe. This wasn't going to be pretty.
  435. (Ro)
  436. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. [22:08] Angry Wraith exclaims, "I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!"
  439. [22:08] Ro says, "..."
  440. [22:08] Ro asks, "What did I do?"
  441. [22:09] Elred Yindove says, "You guessed right."
  442. [22:10] Kalina Octavius says, "This would make sense if it were a woman. You're terrible with women."
  443. [22:10] Kalina Octavius says, "Both of you are."
  444. [22:10] Ro says, "..."
  445. [22:11] Ro says, "I wasn't terrible with you, I think I made the right choice with you. Other women seem to hate me..."
  446. [22:11] Ro says, "Del being one."
  447. [22:11] Elred Yindove says, "..."
  448. [22:11] Amy observed as Ro and Elred both used their respective clones to explore ahead of them, she hung back with Kalina as they did so. The scepter was taken into her hand and she brandished it as she reached into a pouch and took out a small seed from the many within it.
  450. "Too smart for your own good, Ro.. Be dumber next time." She would say, shallowly towards the Teraphim, clearly making a small joke over the situation.
  452. A little surprising she can even make a joke right now.
  454. "Peace, spirit. We meant no offense." She would say towards it, a small attempt made at resolving the wraith's anger.
  455. (Amalia Hargrave)
  456. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  458. [22:12] Elred Yindove says, "<I feel attack>"
  459. [22:15] Angry Wraith exclaims, "IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO PAY!"
  460. [22:15] Ro says, "..."
  461. [22:15] Ro asks, "Me?"
  462. [22:32] {Won Restrained RPB against Angry Wraith}
  463. [22:36] "Oh dear wraith... return to where you belong and let them all come to rest upon the greatest places where they belong. For you have done so much, and done so, so much to begin with."
  465. The compilation of people that were there was enough to bring the lightning down.
  467. Kalina and Amalia with the simple help of the magma and nature, keeping them up even though it was hard to do so. However, their greatest asset of control was the most effective and appeasing.
  469. Following that was the combination of the two crystal and illusion magi -- Ro and Elred. As Elred beats down upon the wraith, Ro would send shard and shard of crystal and metaphysics, only manipulating the umber with his claw and shattering through their defenses. It wasn't pleasing at all for the Wraith.
  471. And soon enough, it was beaten and pushed back further, and when that single emerald shot over to it and bring it down at last, the Wraith would find itself entrapped inside the Crystal.
  473. "As for you? You will wait until it is over to calm down. Then you're going to rest in the spirit realm for a good, long while."
  475. Though, upon seeing Kalina hurt? He went over with worried eyes.
  477. "Hey?! You alright?"
  478. (Ro)
  479. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  481. [22:37] {Lost Restrained RPB against Angry Wraith}
  482. [22:39] Quelling this spirit unfortunately wasn't as easy as the last. She was forced to stay on her feet a whole lot more and, at one point, the wraith's lightning and plasma was able to overwhelm her. Kalina receives a painful sear to her leg that causes her to stumble and nearly fall right on her face.
  484. Luckily, with the others present watching her back, she's able to remain strong till the end and aid Ro in subduing the displeased entity. A pained smile is flashed to the concerned Teraphim. "Y-yeah..."
  486. With this, her eyes move to Amalia.
  488. "...Amy, you wouldn't happen to have any healing elixirs on you, would you?"
  490. It didn't appear as if she'd be the only one needing one.
  491. (Kalina Octavius)
  492. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  494. [22:40] ** Angry Wraith has inflicted an injury upon Elred Yindove. ("Seared Chest", "During the fight with the angry wraith, plasma and lightning would strike everywhere and eventually find it's mark right on Eldred's chest. The burn would cover the majorty of it and would take time to heal, and when done? A clear and obvious scar would take it's place.", "Temporary", "Duration: Long (12 days)") **
  495. [22:46] Elred attempted to close the distance with the spirit as he done before it felt almost as he was fading out of reality. This feeling was odd, but it appeared to always bring him just a little closer to the target time could it be..?
  497. Elred seemed to miss his mark as he appeared directly in front of the wraith as he began charging his energy. Elred was in shock, but he felt as if he couldn't react in time.
  499. He placed the shield in-front of him to block the blast, but to no avail it didn't seem to be enough. The attack left a deep gasp upon his chest seemingly breaking through his shield and armor.
  501. "..Tsk tsk.. I keep messing with forces I don't understand fully."
  503. Elred placed a hand over his wound and glanced at Kalina, shaking his head a little his slowly approached her. They'd likely smell charred flesh coming from his chest area.
  505. "Hey, you'll need this so we can continue pushing forward" He'd glance towards Amy. "You should save your energy we still have a long way to go." Did Elred have more to offer? It likely didn't matter. He'd use crystal to cover the wound for now and continue pushing forward.
  506. (Elred Yindove)
  507. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  509. [22:47] {Item} You drop Lax Essence.
  510. [22:49] Amy stood in the back as far as she could from the wraith, and used her plants and control over the earth to harass and impede the wraith at every turn.
  512. When it finally went down, she rushed forwards look over Kalina before giving a faint nod towards her. "Of course I do. Why do you think I was so late?" She takes out several vials of the healing elixir, as well as jars of lax essence, but pauses at Elred's words.
  514. "I'll be fine, if you want me to heal both of you, I can do it now. If not, at least use Lax to relieve the pain." She would say, her concern for the two of them now that she's noticed the faint acrid stench of charred flesh from Elred as well.
  515. (Amalia Hargrave)
  516. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  518. [22:50] {Item} You drop Elixir Of Healing.
  519. [22:50] {Item} You drop Lax Essence.
  520. [22:50] {Item} You picked up Lax Essence. Dropped by Elred Yindove. .
  521. [22:50] {Item} You picked up Elixir Of Healing. Dropped by Elred Yindove. .
  522. [22:53] The jar passed off to her by Elred is taken in hand and she bows her head. "Thank you, Mister Elred," Kalina murmurs gratefully. While crouching down to apply the soothing substance to her wound she sets her sights back up on Amalia.
  524. "If that wraith was any indication, I think we'll be needing more for whatever's ahead. Let's keep going now, yeah?"
  525. (Kalina Octavius)
  526. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  528. [22:57] Elred Yindove says, "elred went to myll and they smashed"
  529. [22:59] {NARRATION} "GAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
  531. The wraith would howl like a banshee and the entire tunnel would begin to shake! Vine tangled around it as it continued to shoot lightning and pure plasma out.
  533. A bolt would eventually hit Kalina's leg, and one would graze Elred's chest, leaving a mark yet they would heal with time.
  535. Yet as Ro's chanting and the constent strikes in the wraith would continue to holler out!
  539. IT'S NOT FAIR, IT'S NOT FAIR, IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  541. And with that, it was gone, and the group could continue down the path.
  542. [23:07] {NARRATION} With the wraith defeated and the path cleared it would lead to another room, one similar to the three doors but this one was different than the list.
  544. Upon the wall was an inscription which could clearly be read...
  547. ' For the Coven one would know, he who started it all with a sacrifice. The night the useless had fallen upon Moonfall. A knight slain for The Baron, another mislead and tricked into coming. A night we will honor for all and yet, I ask you:
  549. Who organized it? '
  551. ------------------------------------------------
  553. Lined along the walls were clear and obvious traps, all aimed to the center where a device could clearly be seen.
  555. All 26 letters of the alphabet were present and a big button one could clearly pressed.
  557. And worst of all? Tyrium, lined on the floors to drain ones mana.
  558. [23:08] Ro says, "Atreus Ghede..."
  559. [23:09] Ro says, "The grandfather of Finley..."
  560. [23:11] In a new room now, the group faced another obstacle. She examines the inscriptions clearly though... it wasn't something she knew the answer of. Luckily for her, Ro was a little more knowledgeable.
  562. Her vines creep back out and she guides them to organize the letters to write out 'A T R E US G H E D E'. Once they were done? A vine slaps down against the button. Kalina would trust his judgment on it since he'd done so well on the last puzzle.
  564. Besides that, she wasn't risking going in and doing it herself when her vines could do it for her.
  565. (Kalina Octavius)
  566. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  568. [23:14] Amy blinked at Ro in surprise.
  570. How did he know about Finley's grandfather? Had he told others after her.. Clearly so.
  572. Still, Ro's answer did make enough sense to her, considering who the man was. She kept silent and let the answer stand, and watched as Kalina used her vines to arrange the letters appropriately.
  573. (Amalia Hargrave)
  574. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  576. [23:21] {NARRATION} CLICK!
  578. An audible sound would echo through out the room, only for the wall to turn to reveal another inscription.
  580. ' The true Supreme of the Coven. The one who brought man's worst nightmares back to this retched country. Yet she started with a simple act, a ritual, the first one that she lead, an act that forced the First Light to fall back to their pitful city...
  582. What was it? '
  583. [23:22] "Annabelle Lockwood."
  585. There was something dark that was coming across, and only making it that much more disgusting to handle. The more these names came, the more that his blood was starting to ache.
  587. "What kind of game is this?"
  588. (Ro)
  589. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  591. [23:23] Elred Yindove says, "I think you answered wrong."
  592. [23:23] Ro starts to put the pieces together to form A N N A B E L L E and L O C K W O O D.
  593. (Ro)
  594. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  596. [23:23] Ro says, "No, I just had to put the thing in."
  597. [23:25] Kalina Octavius says, "..."
  598. [23:25] {NARRATION} An arrow shoots out and narrowly misses!
  600. Perhaps it won't happen again...
  601. [23:26] Kalina Octavius says, "This game is hard."
  602. [23:26] Kalina Octavius says, "And scary."
  603. [23:26] Her vines retreat back as Kalina rubs her chin.
  604. (Kalina Octavius)
  605. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. [23:27] "That... was close."
  609. Ro just took a second to let it ponder, from all the records that they were able to do, the only thing that they read was just letting it all come across.
  611. …
  614. …
  617. …
  620. "They made a fog of fear; a fog that made the first light not see, if I recall from what I read in the vault when Asta was alive... Lives were lost."
  622. "Some were used for rituals..."
  624. A single tap on the chin. "Perhaps that's it?"
  625. (Ro)
  626. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  628. [23:28] Ro puts in FOG.
  629. (Ro)
  630. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  632. [23:28] Kalina Octavius says, "You're very good at spelling, Ro."
  633. [23:28] Amalia Hargrave says, "..."
  634. [23:28] Ro says, "I suck at a lot of other things."
  635. [23:28] ????? exclaims, "HEHEHEHEHEHE!"
  636. [23:28] ????? exclaims, "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!"
  637. [23:29] Kalina Octavius says, "-"
  638. [23:30] Kalina Octavius asks, "H-huh?"
  639. [23:30] Amalia Hargrave says, "It might have been.."
  640. [23:31] Amalia Hargrave asks, "The banshee?"
  643. "Ashes ashes dust to dust!
  645. The Devil's after both of us!"
  647. When the center button was pressed a shadow visage would appear before them. It's head slighty canted to the side as it looked upon the group and it would simply smile!
  649. "Hello Tweryphim, how are you doing? I hope you're doing well!"
  652. [23:33] With a startling laugh breaking the otherwise silent area, Kalina's vines ease back over towards her defensively. A chill creeps down her spine as she wearily eyes the shadowy figure before them.
  654. It didn't look like any spirit she'd ever seen before. Perhaps it was something else?
  656. "Who are you and why are you here?"
  657. (Kalina Octavius)
  658. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  660. [23:34] Elred cants his head for a moment he started to get the odd idea that this was personal. He didn't really care for the play on words, but whatever this was knew they were Teraphim though the spirit was yet to be determined.
  662. "Hmm? Who might you be to address us as such?"
  663. (Elred Yindove)
  664. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  666. [23:37] "Who..."
  668. There was no reason for anyone else to be here, so everything that happens to begin with was just to worry. Their eyes narrowed as the 'priest' just looked directly at them.
  670. "Why are you here?"
  672. So much confusion.
  673. (Ro)
  674. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  676. [23:39] Amy blinks several times as an abrupt peal of laughter rings through the environment. A shadowy visage appears before them and the others with her all question the person in front of them.
  678. She remains silent, in order to not repeat the same questions a fourth time.
  679. (Amalia Hargrave)
  680. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  682. [23:44] {NARRATION} " Who I am is not important you little Twerhphims and Humwans!"
  684. Scarlet eyes scanned them with a wicked smile. Chills would run down their back as occultism began overcome the being before them, it was clear this was nothing like before.
  686. "What matters is what you're doing!"
  690. Mana would begin gather in a concentrated area, a powerful attack was clearly being conjured.
  693. [23:46] "It's the remnants of a witch that has long since passed."
  695. "Cleanse it -- they refuse to go to Helheim where they belong."
  697. Their eyes focused between all of them, only knowing that it was time for them to bring the end of this horrible, horrible monster. His albino eyes were focused upon them, and letting everything start to come across.
  699. As an emerald, it moved up towards to release these shards of crystals that were controlled by their very own will. And with their will, it would only flourish and increasing it ten times.
  701. "Come. My dear family. My beloved."
  703. "Let's heal our home."
  704. (Ro)
  705. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  707. [23:49] Occult was booming in the area it seemed the deeper they traveled the more tainted the spirits became, but unlike the wraith this would be attacked no question.
  709. "Without a second thought those who refused to pass on will meet my blade. Prepare yourself occultist for you will be freed from this torture."
  711. Elred was prepared to strike, but just like before he needed to approach carefully. He wanted to get this done without anyone being hurt or taking damage in battle.
  713. They've had a decent record thus far.
  714. (Elred Yindove)
  715. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  717. [23:54] This was no mere displeased spirit. No, this was something more.
  719. Something genuinely wicked- A witch's spirit.
  721. Recent memories of burning buildings, the screams, the piles of corpses, and the feeling of despair that'd strangled her in the moment came back to her. Just like before, she'd have to fight with her life on the line. She'd have to use her nature to harm rather than to merely protect herself and others for a just cause that she truly believed in.
  723. If it were for Aschea, surely any pain she felt from it was worth it. Surely she wasn't wrong in her cause. If she were, then...
  725. Kalina would never be able to forgive herself for what she'd done. It was all she could do to continue down this path.
  727. "Slaughter us? You're no better than them! You're just another horrible, evil thing ruining the balance!" Kalina screams. The voice of her companions reached her. It was enough.
  729. As violet petals drift from her vines, thorns emerge along the length of green as they surge towards their enemy collectively. For her people, Aschea, and everything she believed in, the traumatized rabbit would fight till the very end.
  731. All so that the spirits once more would be able to find peace.
  732. (Kalina Octavius)
  733. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  735. [23:55] Amy frowns towards the shadow figure.
  737. "Kalina is not a Teraphim or a Human.. How rude.."
  739. Yet this was clearly a witch, or the remnant of one. It's fate was already assured when it met with the Teraphim. Amy herself had little warmth to spare for them.
  741. Her hand came forwards to begin to draw a series of runes into the air in front of her. Runes designed to protect and diffuse occult energy. "Cleanse it we shall." She would say simply, the way forwards made all too clear for the group.
  742. (Amalia Hargrave)
  743. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  744. [00:30] ** ????? has inflicted an injury upon Elred Yindove. ("Vengeful Spirits", "During the battle with the witch's reminent a powerful swipe of occultic energy would slash Elred over the chest, marking him with a mark. The local spirits in the area would be drawn to it but not for good reasons...", "Temporary", "Duration: Long (12 days)") **
  745. [00:36] Compared to what they'd faced before, their current opponent was a true nightmare. It was a formidable force of evil that Kalina wouldn't back down from.
  747. After how far they'd come together, she couldn't.
  749. The flowery, thorn covered vines she'd called forth lash against the unnatural spirit as Kalina runs around in her attempt to avoid the waves of shadows, chains, and other such things it threw their way. Though not the most upfront combatant present, she was nonetheless able to assist through waves of lava, suffocating spores, and her all too persistent vines.
  751. Right as a particularly frightening beam was about to strike her, Kalina finds herself tossed out of the way by Ro. It ends up being a hard fought battle and, by the end of it all, the rabbit girl was barely hanging in there. Contempt fills her eyes as her vines cling to the unnatural spirit in order to give Ro the opportunity to seal it once and for all.
  753. "I-Is it over...?"
  755. She couldn't tell nor did she know the extent of the damage done to her allies.
  756. (Kalina Octavius)
  757. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  759. [00:38] A sickening pressure would be surrounding Elred followed him coughing up plenty of blood. The area of his chest he covered with crystal would began oozing dark goo, dripping on the ground.
  761. Elred was position on his legs and the vision old Moonfall were flashing though his mind. The evil spirits began circling his body. Tugging at his cape and filling his eyes with terrible whispers.
  763. Elred eyes turned a deep red, slowly banging on the side of his head. He could usually end them off, but the amount of spirits attacking him at the moment felt like they were in the thousands.
  765. He wanted to scream, but he could a least hold that in, but for now this was a pain he never wanted. The dark goo continue to ooze around him as his hand was placed over his chest.
  767. Glancing at the others they seem fine, but at least they avoided most of the damage. They still had long lives to live and it's best he deals with this.
  769. He stood up his arms feel to his side, slowlyfalling over his clone held him up. He seemed complete drained from this task, but it was over.
  771. "--"
  773. Elred couldn't even fully speak, but he forced himself to his feel and almost tumbled over.
  775. "--If more dark come-- must smite it no mater what."
  777. Elred eyes closed and remained closed for a while he was tired of seeing the spirits. He was tired of hearing them and he ripped a piece of fabric and tired it around his head.
  779. "--Keep pushing forward--"
  781. His weapon in hand and the broken shield in the other.
  782. (Elred Yindove)
  783. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  785. [00:57] This occult spirit was horrifyingly strong.
  787. It's occult was stronger even than the creature she had faced when she had stumbled onto a temple dedicated to Amalia Edelaide herself.
  789. Seeds were strewn through the aging world of the spirit realm, mana injected into the seed to spur it's growth. Fields of exotic flowers began to spit a caustic acid towards the spirit that broke down it's shadowy figure.
  791. But her blows were only supportive in nature. Pun intended.
  793. She kept her distance, using waves of earth, to confound and slow down the spirit as it chased after the party, walls of rock erupted from beneath it's feet to send it away from them. A beautiful tree was grown, one that radiated the power of pure life that bolstered Elred specifically and others throughout the long, grueling battle with the spirit.
  795. So focused that she was upon helping others within the group, she did not realize that the spirit was approaching her, and fora moment, she disappeared as a swathe of occult energy washed over her and momentarily hid her from the sight of others.
  797. When she emerged, her whole body seemed to have become deeply suffused with the evil mana. The occult shadow that lingered over her eyes immediately surged in response to the additional occult energy suddenly found within her, and within seconds, she would find herself completely blinded.
  799. Thankfully, the fight was already over.
  801. She wouldn't have been of any help like this had it happened in the middle of it.
  803. "..."
  804. (Amalia Hargrave)
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