
Session 01: Walking through Memories

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. [2013-10-26 20:24:47] <CrystalGM> 03====Shadows of the Heart: Session 01====
  2. [2013-10-26 20:25:09] <CrystalGM> Folks say that you never know what will happen in the Empire, from day to day. Whether you end up meeting a life-long friend, an old enemy, or even find something new in this twisted Wasteland. Some are even saying the Princesses have returned. But those drunken idiots wouldn't know their right hoof from their left... right?
  3. [2013-10-26 20:29:17] * Tallie skips merrily through the streets to get some grub with ali-pone
  4. [2013-10-26 20:30:31] * Emerald_Blitz treads the street behind the bouncing little griffon, looking around her at the state of the world. It's... nothing like the Crystal Empire. This CAN'T be the Crystal Empire... The purple alicorn hangs her head and keeps walking.
  5. [2013-10-26 20:31:48] <CrystalGM> 03Exiting the clinic, the griffin and the alicorn can see that the town in the 'dawn' light is extremely busy. Earth ponies and unicorns are moving to and fro, carrying bits of farm equipment, pegasi and griffins are keeping the skies clear, and even colts and fillies are running around with clipboards and paper. Or... at least, they were. As Emerald_Blitz and Tallie move through the town,...
  6. [2013-10-26 20:31:48] <CrystalGM> ...ponies are stopping and bowing to the Alicorn, and murmuring is filling the streets.
  7. [2013-10-26 20:32:08] * Tallie leads Emerald to the local inn and opens the door. "Here we are! Hope you're hungry, doc's paying the tab!"
  8. [2013-10-26 20:33:52] * Emerald_Blitz pokes her head in the doorway, almost scraping her horn on the ceiling. "No, I am really not," she says quietly, looking inside. "I... everyone is staring..."
  9. [2013-10-26 20:34:51] * Tallie looks up at her. "That's cause you're an alicorn. Nobody's seen one of you in, like..." she counts her talons for second. "...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages."
  10. [2013-10-26 20:35:27] <CrystalGM> 03Emerald_Blitz's keen ears can pick up a few of the whispers. "The princesses have returned!" "She'll fix things up, no problem!" "Didn't the night guard find her last night?" "Where's her cutie mark?"
  11. [2013-10-26 20:35:51] <CrystalGM> 03The inn is a large two-story building built out of dark, hardy purple crystal, like the rest of the buildings in Crystal Crossing. On the second floor a sign, the sun breaking the horizon, is in the background of the building's name: Day's Inn.
  12. [2013-10-26 20:36:50] <Emerald_Blitz> "Mmm. I..." Emerald walks in and pauses near the crystal counter, cringing at the scrutiny and commentary. "...I don't belong here."
  13. [2013-10-26 20:37:40] * Tallie looks at the ground for a few moments, then up at Emerald. "Well... no... not really. But I'm sure everything will be okay. If you don't mind the attention that is..."
  14. [2013-10-26 20:39:44] <Emerald_Blitz> "Not just in this town," Emerald says quietly. "Not in this time. Not in this wasteland. Not in this... body." She flares her wings, and shudders. A tear trickles down her face as she stares at the emblem of the rising sun. "...I want to go home, but...home doesn't... isn't..."
  15. [2013-10-26 20:40:31] * Tallie frowns at the alicorn. "Hey... you... you wanna hug?" she asks, a little uncertainly. "Cause... y'know... I can give you one. If you want."
  16. [2013-10-26 20:42:19] <Emerald_Blitz> "No... I'm... I'll be..." Emerald swallows a lump in her throat and looks up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. "I'm... who am I kidding. P-please?" She raises a forehoof, not quite sure what to do.
  17. [2013-10-26 20:43:21] * Tallie takes a big breath and hugs the alicorn. Of course, being tiny, she can only hug her foreleg. Eh, it was something. She shudders a little at the touch.
  18. [2013-10-26 20:46:04] * Emerald_Blitz leans gently against the griffon. The hug isn't easy when she outsizes the girl so much. She sniffles and half-laughs. "I am a splendid mess, am I not..." She looks around the inn's interior, realizing she's probably attracting a great MORE attention.
  19. [2013-10-26 20:47:14] * Tallie looks up at Blitz, letting go. "Eh... I guess you're KINDA pretty..." she mutters. "I guess." She then skips forward. "Now, lets see if we can get a table big enough for your fat ass."
  20. [2013-10-26 20:47:32] <CrystalGM> 03The inside of the inn is also composed of that purple crystal, and on the left is a set of stairs leading up. On the right is an empty dining hall with several long tables, as well as some smaller round tables and a couple booths, clean and empty. Across the counter the pair can see a kitchen with an Earth Pony mare inside. Her blue mane and tail is starting to grey at the roots, though...
  21. [2013-10-26 20:47:32] <CrystalGM> ...her yellow coat is as bright as the sun on the sign. Her cutie mark is a knife over a fork, and she's humming happily to herself as she does the dishes. She doesn't seem to have noticed Tallie and Emerald_Blitz.
  22. [2013-10-26 20:49:46] <Emerald_Blitz> "I object to that," Emerald says, frowning lightly. "My ass is not... wait, is it?" She looks behind herself, almost knocking a chair over with a wing as she turns to try and examine her own flank. "It is certainly LARGER than it was..."
  23. [2013-10-26 20:50:30] * Tallie giggles as she finds a table. "I didn't mean it like fat fat. Just big, but big ass doesn't roll off the tongue so well."
  24. [2013-10-26 20:51:36] * Emerald_Blitz quickly reaches to steady the tipped chair before it falls over, and smiles nervously. "Ah, a joke, then. Sorry, I'm... very much so not myself right now."
  25. [2013-10-26 20:52:17] * Tallie "Evidently." she chirps, sitting down. "I wonder what I'm gonna have..." she mutters, looking at the menu board.
  26. [2013-10-26 20:53:19] * Emerald_Blitz carefully sits on her haunches at the table with Tallie, given that most of the chairs are too small for her. She looks up at the menu and sighs.
  27. [2013-10-26 20:53:40] <CrystalGM> 03The menu board shoes a variety of breakfast items. Pancakes, some rad-bacon, waffles... pretty standard fare. No eggs, unfortunately.
  28. [2013-10-26 20:54:43] * Tallie reads the table and grins. "I'm gonna have... all of it. Yup."
  29. [2013-10-26 20:55:36] * Emerald_Blitz wrinkles her nose. But waffles! They have waffles! "Excuse me, miss," she calls to the yellow mare, "may I have a small order of waffles, please?" She turns to Tallie. "What is so special about the bacon that makes it radical?"
  30. [2013-10-26 20:56:37] * Tallie stands on her chair. "And a serving of everything you have for me!" she calls over. "Thaaaaaanks!" She then sits down and looks up at the alihornhaver. "Its bacon from a rad-hog."
  31. [2013-10-26 20:57:34] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Tallie quizzically. "Rad-hog? And the hog is more radical than a typical hog how? Does it own a scooter and perform tricks at G.A.L.L.o.P.S?"
  32. [2013-10-26 20:58:05] <CrystalGM> 03A yelp of surprise, followed by the crashing of pots and pans can be heard from the kitchen. A sopping wet mare emerges a few seconds later, dashing into the dining room. She let's out a an 'Eeep!' as she spots Emerald_Blitz and tries to bow... only to go bowling head over hooves and roll to a stop next to the alicorn. "Sorry Princess... I didn't see you come in..."
  33. [2013-10-26 20:59:45] <Emerald_Blitz> "Oh, my dear I am so sorry," Emerald says, offering the yellow mare a hoof to pull herself up. "And I'm not... well... I suppose by definition..." she adds as she looks back at her wings. "Is your kitchen all right?"
  34. [2013-10-26 21:00:00] * Tallie stifles a laugh and looks at Emerald. "Nah, it stands for Radiation Hog, friendo. Or was it radiated hog... either way, its yummy."
  35. [2013-10-26 21:02:25] <Emerald_Blitz> "Oh." Emerald frowns. "Aftereffect of the balefire... and... you would eat something contaminated with that?" She gives Tallie a quizzical look. "That type of residual magic could kill a pony in mere minutes or moments of exposure, unprotected..."
  36. [2013-10-26 21:02:55] <CrystalGM> 03The mare blushes, taking the offered hoof and standing up. "Oh, its fine. Just another dent in those old pots." She nods to both of them, walking back to the counter and pulling out a towel. She wraps her head in it, and pulls out a clipboard and a pencil. She walks back over. "Alright, sorry for the wait and the mess. I'm Pleasant Day, Owner, Waitress, and, for today, cook. What can I...
  37. [2013-10-26 21:02:55] <CrystalGM> ...get for you both?"
  38. [2013-10-26 21:03:34] <Emerald_Blitz> "Waffles, please," Emerald says politely. "A pleasure to meet you, miss Day."
  39. [2013-10-26 21:04:03] * Tallie nods at Emerald. "They aren't irradiated no more. Just mutated." She looks at the mare behind the counter. "Hey Day! Imma have errrrythang!"
  40. [2013-10-26 21:05:18] <CrystalGM> 03The mare sets the clipboard on the table and starts to write using her mouth. She gets halfway through writing 'errrrythang' before she drops the pencil, looking up at the griffin. "Really Tali? This again? Do you have the caps to cover that?"
  41. [2013-10-26 21:05:47] <Tallie> "No, but the doc's paying for it!"
  42. [2013-10-26 21:06:16] * Emerald_Blitz puts the voucher on the table. "I believe this is to cover the bill?" she says quietly.
  43. [2013-10-26 21:08:07] <CrystalGM> 03Pleasant Day sighs and shakes her head. "Really? Do you have any proof? I don't need Rose Light breathing down my neck when I go in for my..." The mare pauses, looking down at the voucher. "...Oh, you poor, poor mare." She nods to Emerald_Blitz and finishes writing down the order. "Did you want some milk with those waffles? We also have canned peaches and blueberries to offer, Princess..."
  44. [2013-10-26 21:08:58] * Tallie grins.
  45. [2013-10-26 21:09:37] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm..." Emerald starts, then sighs. "...partial to blueberries, yes please. And some milk would be lovely." The alicorn looks at Tallie with amusement. "Do not abuse the doctor's good faith by overeating, young one."
  46. [2013-10-26 21:10:38] <Tallie> "I fix her stuff for nearly nothing though."
  47. [2013-10-26 21:11:14] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs and holds her peace.
  48. [2013-10-26 21:11:43] <Tallie> "I don't get paid much for it. It mostly gets taken up by rent n stuff."
  49. [2013-10-26 21:13:04] <CrystalGM> 03The mare nods, making a small note on the paper before she stashes the pencil behind the clip, and putting the clipboard on her back. "Alright. Your order will be ready 20 minutes, Princess. Your first course will also be ready at that time, Tallie." The mare walks off and heads into the kitchen. Soon the sound of clanking dishes can be heard, as food is being prepped. A click, followed...
  50. [2013-10-26 21:13:04] <CrystalGM> the hiss of static, can be heard in the background. Sweetie Bell's 'How have we come to this' is heard playing in the background.
  51. [2013-10-26 21:13:52] * Tallie rubs her belly and licks her beak. "Mmmmmmbacopancawaffles."
  52. [2013-10-26 21:13:59] <Tallie> "My favourite."
  53. [2013-10-26 21:14:00] <Emerald_Blitz> "Rent?" Emerald frowns. "You're paying rent at your age? Shouldn't your..." She stops. This isn't Equestria anymore. And it's probably not a good idea to ask about her parents. Thankfully, the music comes on. "Oh, I heard that song at the second-to-last Grand Galloping Gala," she says wistfully.
  54. [2013-10-26 21:14:59] * Tallie frowns at Emerald for a moment, but eases up when the aliderp changes the subject. "What's the grand gallowhatsit gallop?"
  55. [2013-10-26 21:15:47] <Militus> The door swings open and a zebra walks in. He is wearing battered armor and bearing weapons, while what portions of his hide that are visible show thin, ropy scars. "Ghost? Are you in here?" he calls out in a strong voice as he walks in.
  56. [2013-10-26 21:16:41] <CrystalGM> 03Pleasant Day's voice responds from the kitchen. "Sorry... Militus, was it? Ghost is out right now. He got pretty badly bitten by some Rad Roaches."
  57. [2013-10-26 21:16:45] <Emerald_Blitz> "A fine dance and celebration by the nobility and royalty," Emerald says. "Inevitably spoiled by something, every single time." She chuckles, then looks at the entryway. The striking purple alicorn tilts her head, her deep purple mane flowing almost like Princess Luna's.
  58. [2013-10-26 21:17:33] * Tallie smirks. "Sounds fancy 'n' pantsy. So... y'know. Lame."
  59. [2013-10-26 21:18:00] <Emerald_Blitz> "It was the high point of my year, every year," Emerald says quietly.
  60. [2013-10-26 21:18:47] * Tallie frowns a little and gently pats Emerald_Blitz. "Its, uh... okay. I think."
  61. [2013-10-26 21:19:00] * Asami follows in behind the zebra, a small dark blue dragon wearing what looks to be fantasy 'Sword Mare' looking armor. She also yells out to the room in general "Yeah Ghostie! come on out we needja forra job!"
  62. [2013-10-26 21:19:18] * Militus sighs. "In that case I thank you anyway Miss Day. I do hope he recovers soon." Noticing the other occupants of the dining room the zebra raises an eyebrow. "Oh, I did not know we had royalty visiting," he smiles and gives a small bow.
  63. [2013-10-26 21:20:27] <Emerald_Blitz> "It's a pity there will never be another," she says, and hunches down to look as small as possible. She either doesn't notice Militus, or doesn't realize she's being addressed.
  64. [2013-10-26 21:20:56] <CrystalGM> 03Pleasant Day's head pokes over the counter, looking down at Asami. "Asami, sorry, he isn't here." She looks between the zebra and the dragon, at what they are wearing and what they are wielding. "Is... there a problem?"
  65. [2013-10-26 21:22:12] <Militus> Unperturbed, Militus turns to address Pleasant. "Unfortunately, Miss Day, the nearest water source is again being menaced by wild animals. We are to clear it and for this we need a scout."
  66. [2013-10-26 21:22:50] <Asami> Well yeah...otherwise I'd still be at the store minding business!, I'm not keen on 'adventuring' for adventuring's sake Miss Day...but yeah they want me to go fry some of the local wildlife by the moat I think? Stripes here aint told me the nitty gritty on it yet
  67. [2013-10-26 21:24:29] * Tallie pats Emerald_Blitz again. "We'll just have to make our own Grand Groping Goose."
  68. [2013-10-26 21:24:47] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. But she finds her ear perking backward toward the conversation. The song... she only half-remembered it, and it was bothering her. "Excuse me," she says quietly. "Is that this town's only water source?"
  69. [2013-10-26 21:25:20] * Militus looks at Asami. "The job is really quite simple. We are to go to the resevoir, ascertain how many dangerous animals are present, and kill them. We must also burn any corpses of those unfortunate enough to have been killed already, for obvious reasons."
  70. [2013-10-26 21:27:36] * Tallie looks over at Militus. "Did they break the pumps?"
  71. [2013-10-26 21:27:37] * Asami The dragon smirks at Militus "yeah about about we just chase em off and let me cook the dead ones? gets the same thing done and without all the killdeathkillmaim parts...yeah? " Asami looks at the alicorn with wide eyes as she nods "Well yeah all the other ones are frozennnnwow an alicorn! thats sooooo awesome!
  72. [2013-10-26 21:29:59] * Emerald_Blitz looks away, looking uncomfortable. "The doctor was kind enough to take me in, and I was apparently rescued by one of your militia," she says in a deep alto. "If I might be of assistance..."
  73. [2013-10-26 21:30:20] <Militus> "Chasing the animals off is acceptable, if we can manage it. Just remember Asami, to only harvest the safe meat. It wouldn't do to serve corruption on a platter." Militus says seriously.
  74. [2013-10-26 21:31:08] * Militus turns to Tallie. "No, as far as is known the facilities are fine. We merely need to make the area safe again."
  75. [2013-10-26 21:32:37] <CrystalGM> 03Pleasant Day looks worried at the news. "Oh... I hope monoliths haven't started to grow... if it corrupts the reservoir, the town's going to be in quite a bit of trouble..."
  76. [2013-10-26 21:32:51] * Tallie nods. "Great. Don't want to have to fix them again." She looks at Emerald_Blitz. "It's only been a week since the last time."
  77. [2013-10-26 21:33:05] * Emerald_Blitz looks confused at all the unfamiliar terms. "Is... something wrong?"
  78. [2013-10-26 21:33:28] * Asami chuckles and nods while walking right up in the alicorns personal space as she oggles Emerald with her eyes "You are simply too awesome for words miss..but let me introduce maself, I'm Asami Anzai, of Good Ear's Officers Goods shop!, and myself I run the Anzai Shipping company where for a meager 50 caps I will bonafide guarrantee get you the buck, or mare, of your dreams! Or your caps back"
  79. [2013-10-26 21:34:27] * Militus looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Ah, forgive me my lady." He smiles. "You are new here, yes? So I assume you do not know of the corruption?"
  80. [2013-10-26 21:35:03] <Tallie> "Corruption is, like.... bad, yo."
  81. [2013-10-26 21:35:09] <Emerald_Blitz> "Er... I..." Emerald leans back away from the small dragon. "Caps? Corruption? Monoliths? I... I didn't even know what radiation was five minutes ago..."
  82. [2013-10-26 21:37:14] * Militus rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Well, far be it from me to impose upon royalty, but as you have asked to help I shall propose this: if you accompany me on this mission I will freely answer your questions. This is agreeable, yes?"
  83. [2013-10-26 21:37:38] <Asami> I gotta say though that you'd be a challenge miss Alicorn...not many princes out and about these days but challenge accepted should you choose to partake of my business!" Asami will step back at that and glance to Militus "Dunn worry about me harvesting sweetie...I just sell the stuff, I have no clue how ya prep it"
  84. [2013-10-26 21:39:30] * Tallie looks at each of the others with concern. "Can.... can this wait till after breakfast? I didn't get to eat this morning."
  85. [2013-10-26 21:39:31] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the zebra with apprehension, speaking right over the strange and talkative young dragon's head. "Forgive me, Militus was it? I am... not accustomed to trusting... your kind. I mean no offense. But your proposition seems acceptable. I just need to acquire some new equipment from..." She pulls a paper voucher off the table and looks at it, then looks down at Asami. "...your store."
  86. [2013-10-26 21:40:06] <Militus> "Asami, you should know that I mean to avoid harvesting the portions of meat where the corruption gathers," Militus says patiently, "Corruption cannot be cleansed by mere cooking techniques."
  87. [2013-10-26 21:41:48] * Asami snerks and headshakes "naww thats Good Ear's shop...I'm just the front clerk so he can tend his garden more often but we can go and getcha whatever ya need? So long as ya got caps of course...
  88. [2013-10-26 21:42:14] * Tallie pouts. "breakfast?" she whimpers.
  89. [2013-10-26 21:42:32] * Emerald_Blitz glares at the small dragon. "Yes. I am in need of a weapon and barding. And I am not interested in the purchase of a whore," she adds pointedly. "Now if you will excuse me, I will gladly help as soon as I have had my waffles and blueberries."
  90. [2013-10-26 21:42:34] * Militus smiles at Emerald_Blitz. "I take no offense, ma'am. There are few, if any, who are innocent in this world," he says sadly.
  91. [2013-10-26 21:42:57] * Tallie grins. "Breakfast!"
  92. [2013-10-26 21:43:14] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "I remember the days when that wasn't true," she says, and turns back to Tallie. "A very... diverse town you have here."
  93. [2013-10-26 21:43:25] * Tallie nods. "Good breakfast too."
  94. [2013-10-26 21:44:37] * Asami blinks at Emerald "Uhm....we don't sell whores...ya gotta hit up the local brothel for them types.
  95. [2013-10-26 21:46:15] * Emerald_Blitz blinks back at Asami. "Then what, exactly, were you offering to sell me the moment you walked in the door?" she asks.
  96. [2013-10-26 21:48:50] * Militus is still gentle and patient. "Asami, you advertised getting the fair lady the mare or buck of her dreams for a mere fifty caps. It is not unreasonable she assumed you were offered the services of a whore to her."
  97. [2013-10-26 21:49:39] * Asami gives a funny looking headtilt for a moment and then ahhhs with a smile, and then the dragon produces a notebook "Ahh that, its my Shipping services, for the purchase of 50 caps, single mares and bucks give me their names, addresses, likes and dislikes, and then I see about finding them a compatible husband or wife and arrange dates times etc etc..
  98. [2013-10-26 21:50:03] <CrystalGM> 03A few minutes later, Pleasant Day returns carrying a tray with a pair of plates on it, and two glasses of milk. Both plates have waffles on it, one with 'fresh' blueberries on it, the other has syrup and three strips of bacon on the side. Both plates have a knife and fork on a cloth napkin. She carefully maneuvers the tray onto the table, set up "The rest will be out shortly... but......
  99. [2013-10-26 21:50:03] <CrystalGM> ...Tallie? Princess? I can cook the rest of the food later, treat you all to lunch, even, but I was serious about the reservoir. If the Monolith's start growing their, we'll have to build a new one, and that takes materials we just don't have."
  100. [2013-10-26 21:50:16] <CrystalGM> ((*there))
  101. [2013-10-26 21:50:58] * Tallie nods, grinning and holding her knife and fork. "Sounds good to me!" She quickly cuts into the waffles and starts eating. nomnomnomnomnonomnom
  102. [2013-10-26 21:51:12] * Militus is serious. "Yes, we cannot wait too long to clear the resevior. I hate to rush your lunch, ma'am, but we must not tarry too much longer."
  103. [2013-10-26 21:51:22] <Militus> *breakfast
  104. [2013-10-26 21:51:44] <Tallie> "Nom."
  105. [2013-10-26 21:53:13] * Emerald_Blitz watches the dragon explain, but ends up shaking her head. "That's very strange, little one. As amusing as that is, I would rather not put that much information about me in anyone's hands." She leans down and takes a very un-Princess-like bite of her waffles. "I merely need some weaponry and basic equipment, and I can assist you as much as you need."aponry
  106. [2013-10-26 21:54:45] * Asami looks up at Militus with a shrug "Well we could go on ahead and see whats there and her 'Highness' could always catchup when she's done eating?
  107. [2013-10-26 21:55:59] * Militus shakes his head. "I am loathe to split such a small force when I have no knowledge of what is waiting for us. Should we find ourselves in trouble alone, we will have no help to call on."
  108. [2013-10-26 21:56:02] * Tallie puts a wraps a slice of bacon around a small chunk of waffle and devours it. "Naaaaaaaahomph. nomnom."
  109. [2013-10-26 21:56:09] * Emerald_Blitz finishes her waffle in two more bites. Apparently she was hungrier than she'd anticipated. Emerald picks up a napkin and wipes the blueberry syrup from her mouth. "There," she says. "Now, if you would kindly show me to your place of employment?" she asks Asami.
  110. [2013-10-26 21:57:16] <Asami> Ohh...sure PrincessIdon'tknowyournamecauseyou'veneverofferedit? I'm good to go as soon as you are
  111. [2013-10-26 21:59:37] <Emerald_Blitz> "Blitz. Captain Emerald Blitz," Emerald says, standing up to her full and very impressive height. "And please... stop addressing me as Princess. Even if I had earned that title, there's no Equestria to be princess of anymore." She hangs her head. "Let us depart."
  112. [2013-10-26 22:00:19] <Tallie> "WAIT!" she holds up her last slice of bacon to Emerald_Blitz. "Ya GOTTA try this!:
  113. [2013-10-26 22:00:58] * Emerald_Blitz wrinkles her nose. "Bacon is, I'm sure, fine for griffons like yourself, but don't think..."
  114. [2013-10-26 22:01:25] <Tallie> "Eat!"
  115. [2013-10-26 22:01:26] [INFO] There is nothing to tab-complete. Use F6 to cycle through the user list, input box and the chat output.
  116. [2013-10-26 22:01:35] <Militus> "Pleased to meet you, Captain Emerald_Blitz," Militus bows. "If you will not have that bacon, then I shall relieve you of it, ma'am."
  117. [2013-10-26 22:01:57] <Asami> Never turn down good bacon Cap'n..." Asami walks over towards the door and waits for the others to leave
  118. [2013-10-26 22:01:59] * Tallie looks at Militus. "Pffff, no. If she doesn't take it, its mine.
  119. [2013-10-26 22:02:31] * Militus grins and shrugs. "It was worth a try."
  120. [2013-10-26 22:02:52] * Emerald_Blitz grimaces, and gingerly takes the bacon in her teeth. Eh, it tastes of meat... but there's a strange warmth to it. Something pure, and warm and wholesome... Emerald's eyes light up and she quickly chews the rest of it down. "What...?" she says. "What was that cooked with? It was, for meat, delicious!"
  121. [2013-10-26 22:03:39] * Tallie "Cooked in bacon grease, duh!" She picks up her last waffle and hops off the chair. "Les'go!" she says, nomming it like a giant cookie.
  122. [2013-10-26 22:04:29] * Militus turns to leave. "Yes, we should go. If you have more question, Captain Blitz, I will happily field them as we travel. It is only fair, as per our agreement."
  123. [2013-10-26 22:05:00] <CrystalGM> 03Pleasant Day smiles at Emerald_Blitz. "The local zebra supply me with it. They won't share the way they season it with me. West Village makes quite a bit of it, as I hear." The mare starts taking the dishes, cleaning up after the breakfast.
  124. [2013-10-26 22:05:42] <Emerald_Blitz> "I do..." Emerald says, licking her lips. "I...may have more at lunch. And I have several more questions. But armaments first."
  125. [2013-10-26 22:06:08] * Tallie nom nom noms, walking to the door, talons covered in syrup. Honeytallie don't care.
  126. [2013-10-26 22:06:26] * Emerald_Blitz follows the strangely polite zebra.
  127. [2013-10-26 22:07:05] * Tallie licks her talons clean and lets out a tremendous burp. "Dems good eating!" She grins at the group. "So when's lunch?"
  128. [2013-10-26 22:07:49] <CrystalGM> 03Pleasant Day smiles and nods. "I'll have some waiting for you." She continues cleaning as you all leave.
  129. [2013-10-26 22:08:47] * Militus stops at the door and looks around. "So, are we all prepared to leave?"
  130. [2013-10-26 22:08:49] * Asami will lead the lot of them to Good Ear's shop, wich is about 2 blocks up the street from our present locale "Come on ponies and gentlecolts! Shopping waits for no mare!
  131. [2013-10-26 22:09:35] * Tallie skips along. "I'll meet you guys here, imma grab my stuff." She skips along to the mechanics' place.
  132. [2013-10-26 22:10:36] <Tallie> *there.
  133. [2013-10-26 22:10:59] * Militus looks to Emerald_Blitz. "Come, let us walk and talk. Simply follow Asami, she will lead us to the store."
  134. [2013-10-26 22:12:38] * Emerald_Blitz follows the strange pair, waving to Tallie as she departs. "So... the outcome of the war. I see that some of your people survived as well," she says. "Is there... any resentment still, or has two hundred years managed to quell the bitterness?"
  135. [2013-10-26 22:14:08] * Militus sighs. "It...varies heavily, depending on where one is and who one is talking to. Most ponies are suspicious of my kind and we reciprocate, but violence is not assured unless the Rangers or Legionnaires become involved."
  136. [2013-10-26 22:14:13] * Tallie soon returns with her gear. Grenade launcher, revolver, leather armour, and goggles.
  137. [2013-10-26 22:14:40] <Asami> yepyup! trot onboard the train to Capsville and the finest goods this city has to buy!" The dragoness will walk a short ways ahead, guiding them to the store in however long it takes to get there "Resentment? I dunno...I've never had a 'hate'on' for Alicorns...should we?" She idly blurts out while walking
  138. [2013-10-26 22:16:03] * Tallie skips towards the group and under Emerald_Blitz without realizing it. She appears out on the other side, then looks at the alicorn. "Gawrsh you ARE tall..."
  139. [2013-10-26 22:16:48] <Militus> "Oh, yes, Asami raises a valid point, Captain Blitz. You are lucky to have been found here. If you will excuse me, 'your kind' is not often taken to so readily in other parts of the Wasteland."
  140. [2013-10-26 22:17:35] <Emerald_Blitz> "I see. It is... difficult for me to grasp," Emerald says, then looks down at Asami. "I was speaking of the zebra and ponies. In the war. Which I witnessed the horrible end of." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, hoof over her chest, then releases it and gestures outward. "For me it seems only a day or so has passed since then. My resentment toward the zebra still burns for the...
  141. [2013-10-26 22:17:36] <Emerald_Blitz> ...slaying of my Princesses. But I cannot hold it against anyone two centuries removed from the act." She looks back at Militus. "Well, that raises two more questions. There are other Princesses? And also... I have heard many mentions of caps. As currency. Do explain."
  142. [2013-10-26 22:19:02] <Emerald_Blitz> "I see. It is... difficult for me to grasp," Emerald says, then looks down at Asami. "I was speaking of the zebra and ponies. In the war. Which I witnessed the horrible end of." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, hoof over her chest, then releases it and gestures outward. "For me it seems only a day or so has passed since then. My resentment toward the zebra still burns for the...
  143. [2013-10-26 22:19:03] <Emerald_Blitz> ...slaying of my Princesses. But I cannot hold it against anyone two centuries removed from the act." She looks back at Militus. "The dragon raises another question. I have heard many mentions of caps. As currency. Do explain."
  144. [2013-10-26 22:19:25] <Tallie> "There's other alicornies, but they're the bad guys. A few screws short of a triple piston sparkled powered engine, if you know what I'm saying."
  145. [2013-10-26 22:20:09] * Asami stops in her tracks and does an about face, staring up at the alicorn in awe "'re 2 centuries old?
  146. [2013-10-26 22:21:11] <CrystalGM> ((*Scratch Tallie's last post. Alicorns are not well-known.))
  147. [2013-10-26 22:21:37] * Militus grins and chuckles. "Yes, a peculiar monetary system that has arisen since the end of the old world. Caps are currrency, Captain. Bottlecaps, to be precise. You will need to acquire some in order to purchase anything here. Also, it means that if you should have a cola, be sure to save the cap."
  148. [2013-10-26 22:21:41] <Tallie> ((Scratchy scratchy))
  149. [2013-10-26 22:23:16] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "I suppose they're a durable enough material," she says almost to herself. "Well, I have this voucher from the good doctor. Will this do in lieu of caps? I do hope so, as I have none of the latter." She hands Asami the voucher. "And... I do not actually know. It seems so. But I am missing centuries' worth of memories somehow."
  150. [2013-10-26 22:25:44] * Tallie walks along with the others. "So... something mind wiped you?" she asks, craning her neck at almost 90 degrees to talk to Emerald_Blitz.
  151. [2013-10-26 22:27:16] <Emerald_Blitz> "The doctor said something about memory orb sickness," Emerald_Blitz says, but frowns. "I know that my memories have been tampered with. I am *very* much aware that something is missing. Not exactly what, but I know they've been altered. I don't remember anything since..." She looks down. "...since my last failed mission."
  152. [2013-10-26 22:27:47] <Asami> Dang...and uhm *looks at the voucher and nods* "yeah this looks good to go...though for future reference we also take gold bits and gems as trade in
  153. [2013-10-26 22:29:09] * Emerald_Blitz nods and enters the store.
  154. [2013-10-26 22:29:13] * Tallie frowns. "Damn... that's sucks, dude." she continues walking along side her. "So you're from the days when everything wasn't fucked, right?"
  155. [2013-10-26 22:29:21] <Militus> "Oh, captain?" Militus becomes more serious. "I would be remiss if I did not explain Corruption to you. It is not just to sate your curiosity, but also for your safety and ours."
  156. [2013-10-26 22:30:31] <Emerald_Blitz> "Appreciated," Emerald says. "And monoliths too." She looks down at Tallie. "When I was born, everything was still colorful and wonderful, but for more than half my life, the world was slowly tearing itself apart. But nothing like it is now."
  157. [2013-10-26 22:31:22] * Asami enters the shop and heads over behind the counter to take a seat "Ya got about 300 caps cash equivalency in this voucher Cap' shop away and lemme know when yer ready and I will ring ya up.
  158. [2013-10-26 22:31:46] <CrystalGM> 03The only way to tell the store apart from the other buildings is a sign. It is of an ear of corn, with five stars lined up on it like they would on a military uniform. Inside are book shelves against walls and display cases of... oh god, what is this JUNK?! Wait... it looks like they are seriously selling this... and a careful eye can spot things in good repair amongst the shelves of bits...
  159. [2013-10-26 22:31:46] <CrystalGM> ...and bobs. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure, right?
  160. [2013-10-26 22:31:50] * Tallie nods. "well... at least you're still alive, right?"
  161. [2013-10-26 22:33:18] <Militus> "Monoliths are tied closely to corruption, Captain. They are a major source of it. They spring up if any sizable creature's corpse is left unattended for more than a day."
  162. [2013-10-26 22:33:35] |<-- Asami has left (Connection closed)
  163. [2013-10-26 22:34:21] -->| Asami ( has joined #FoECrystal
  164. [2013-10-26 22:35:37] * Emerald_Blitz doesn't respond to that. Instead she steps in and begins looking around for suitable armaments. She spots an Ironshod 80, and a decent farm rifle. In addition, she purchases several other army surplus supplies, and some medical supplies as well. And, with a gasp, finds a Lunar Army Field Dress hat, with captain's bars. She lifts it from the bin of junk tenderly and puts it on her head,...
  165. [2013-10-26 22:35:38] * Emerald_Blitz ...correcting for the horn. Emerald steps in front of the shop's mirror, stands at attention, and salutes. And begins silently crying again.
  166. [2013-10-26 22:36:39] * Tallie waddles over and looks up at Blitz again. "Want another hug?"
  167. [2013-10-26 22:37:18] * Militus steps up to Emerald_Blitz. "Tears for comrades lost, Captain?" he asks softly.
  168. [2013-10-26 22:38:53] * Asami will just sit there and wait while Emerald does her shopping, giving an idle glance over at Militus as an idea comes to her "So Militus...ya interested in going on my Single Bucks and Mare's list?
  169. [2013-10-26 22:40:02] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head and sniffs. "Yes. For friends and family and a country... I'll never see again," she says, taking the hat off and putting it on the pile of gear to purchase. "I have a brand new life. New in... every aspect." She holsters the shotgun and tucks bandages into a saddlebag. "No, little dragon, and please refrain from asking me again," she says. "I have not yet figured out who I...
  170. [2013-10-26 22:40:03] * Militus looks away from Emerald for a moment. "No, Asami. I thank you for your concern, but I think it would be best that I do not pursue relations with anyone at present."
  171. [2013-10-26 22:40:04] * Emerald_Blitz yet, and there is but little point in asking anyone else to put up with that until I do."
  172. [2013-10-26 22:40:59] <CrystalGM> ((*Scratch last point about that list.))
  173. [2013-10-26 22:41:12] * Tallie blinks. "So... that's a no. Cool." She goes about looking at some of the wares in the store. "Doobiedoobiedoo..."
  174. [2013-10-26 22:42:11] * Militus sighs. "Even I cannot understand your pain, Captain. I too have lost much, but not as much as you have. And what you lost was taken from you, what I lost...well, let us not speak of such things."
  175. [2013-10-26 22:43:13] <Asami> Aww C'mon couldn't 'hurtcha' to try somethin new every now and then...but fine I get it Mister plays impossible to get" with that she giggles and headshakes "So Tallie are you shopping for anything in particular? Or just browsing?"
  176. [2013-10-26 22:43:34] <Emerald_Blitz> "As you wish," Emerald says to Militus, pushing the stack of gear across the counter. "I believe this is all I need."
  177. [2013-10-26 22:43:59] * Tallie shakes her head. "Nah, just lookin..." she says, poking something. What was it? It looked funny though. Oh wait, its a hat. Whoops.
  178. [2013-10-26 22:44:25] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the armor. "I don't suppose you have anything larger...? I seem to have outgrown... well, everything."
  179. [2013-10-26 22:46:42] * Asami nodsnods and examines the desired pile of goods, then going to her register and writing some notes down for a few moments "Interesting selections there Cap'n...afraid no shop in town has anything your size, no offense but yer freakin huge compared to most ponies Cap'n. Maybe Tallie could weld you some sorta suit if you get the materials but til then yer just outta luck
  180. [2013-10-26 22:47:13] <Asami> And this is all in order, your change is 1 cap...try not to spend it all in one place
  181. [2013-10-26 22:47:21] * Tallie shrugs at Asami. "Maybe. If you got the parts."
  182. [2013-10-26 22:48:00] <Militus> "Where was I? Oh, yes, corruption. I must ask for your full attention, Captain Blitz, as understanding corruption is quite important."
  183. [2013-10-26 22:48:36] * Asami looks over at Tallie and shrugs back "heck if I're the welding genius you go through the shop and see if there's anything suitable?
  184. [2013-10-26 22:48:53] * Tallie shakes her head. "Nah. I'm skint."
  185. [2013-10-26 22:50:04] * Emerald_Blitz takes the bottlecap with her hoof and looks at it. "Sparkle-Cola," she says wistfully. "Took a tour of a bottling plant when I was a foal... I think." She frowns. "I'm... not sure. I remember the sign, and the bottle press, and..." her face screws up as she thinks. Her horn softly glows green, and the bottle cap floats into the air. "Sorry, Militus. I'm paying at-whaaoh." She drops the...
  186. [2013-10-26 22:50:06] * Emerald_Blitz ...telekinesis and the cap along with it. "Paying attention."
  187. [2013-10-26 22:52:07] <Militus> "Good." Militus grows deadly serious. "Corruption is a fell energy that pervades what is left of this empire. It builds in every living thing here, manifesting in unusual powers beyond one's normal abilities. If used wisely, it can be a powerful weapon.
  188. [2013-10-26 22:52:35] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "I assume by your tone that there is a terrible downside."
  189. [2013-10-26 22:52:46] <Asami> yeah it kills you
  190. [2013-10-26 22:52:49] <Tallie> "But we ain't evil, so we ain't gonna make weapons outta it."
  191. [2013-10-26 22:53:29] <Militus> "However, should it build up too heavily in a may /wish/ it were as simple as what Asami says."
  192. [2013-10-26 22:54:16] <Emerald_Blitz> "I see," Emerald_Blitz says. "And it gets into animals and the water supply?"
  193. [2013-10-26 22:54:59] * Militus tilts his head from side to side, showing the scars on his neck. They are small enoug they only are apparent as what they are from close up, but there are enough the the patters can be seen from further away. They trace their paths across Militus' flesh like macabre veins.
  194. [2013-10-26 22:55:19] * Asami rolls her eyes and grins at the zebra "Aww C'mon Milly...don't scare the 200year old AliCaptain out of her hooves now...she's in good company so she's fine..I mean..just ease into the 'everything sucks' explanations to make 'em a lil more palatable?
  195. [2013-10-26 22:56:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "No," Emerald says. "I need to know the extent of what I'm getting into, as soon as possible. Go on, Militus. What did that to you?"
  196. [2013-10-26 22:57:46] <Militus> "These scars are souveniers of being 'lucky' enough to survive a manifesting. And yes, it is in the animals. Water may be pure as long as no Monoliths are nearby. Corruption is in many places. You should get sun exposure when possible, as that dissipates the corruptives energies."
  197. [2013-10-26 22:58:11] <Tallie> "Aight, the summery is, shit's fucked, everything's bad, we're all miserable, and the world's ended."
  198. [2013-10-26 22:58:38] * Asami nodsnods "manifestin's when your soul jumps out of yer body and tries to eat you...literally...that happens if you get too wicked
  199. [2013-10-26 22:59:34] * Emerald_Blitz looks away from Tallie. "I take it the corruption builds up to a point where it is similar to a necromantic effect, then?" she asks Militus. "I studied some of the foul magic the zebras used in the war. This sounds... similar, but not the same."
  200. [2013-10-26 23:01:35] <Militus> "Not necromantic. As Asami says, a manifestation is when the darkness inside you takes form, empowered by the Corruption. Given that creatures of your kind are said to be quite powerful, Captain Blitz, it is imperative that you avoid this, both for you own sake and for everyone around you." As he finishes his voice wavers and he blinks back tears.
  201. [2013-10-26 23:03:38] <Asami> Speak for yourself Tallie...I'm far from miserable
  202. [2013-10-26 23:03:48] * Tallie looks at a few doohickeys and flippityfloops to pass the time.
  203. [2013-10-26 23:04:03] <Emerald_Blitz> "Steady on," Emerald says, nodding to Militus. "Thank you. I am lucky to have had someone so knowledgeable to explain it. Much more helpful than some." She looks at Tallie and snorts. "I will do my best to avoid it."
  204. [2013-10-26 23:04:04] * Tallie looks at Asami. "I ain't miserable either. That's just how it is."
  205. [2013-10-26 23:04:26] * Tallie looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Oi. Less of the snorting."
  206. [2013-10-26 23:05:07] <CrystalGM> 03Into the shop walks a corpse. Her... well, it looks like it might be a her, has only a few strands of golden hair and the tattered remains of feathers on her wings. She's wearing a chalkboard on a string around her neck. She looks around before writing something on it. The message reads "Is Golden Ear in?"
  207. [2013-10-26 23:05:38] * Militus regains his composure. "As I said, Captain. Sunlight. Direct sunlight is the only way to dissipate the Corruption. Perhaps your Sun Princess still watches over us in some way after all."
  208. [2013-10-26 23:06:23] <Emerald_Blitz> "Oh, I am so very sorry," Emerald says with a half-laugh. "I should have seen the intrinsic value of ''everything is bad and we're all miserable" as far as advice goes." She turns to see the newcomer, and nearly backs into the counter. "Dead pony walking... oh my..."
  209. [2013-10-26 23:07:13] * Tallie shrugs. "I've had worse. Besides, I don't no nothing about magical whimmywhams anyway. Want help building an engine or fixing something? I'm the gal you need."
  210. [2013-10-26 23:07:14] * Militus arches an eyebrow and looks at Emerald_Blitz. "I suppose you shall want to know of ghouls now?"
  211. [2013-10-26 23:07:55] * Asami nods to the ghoul pegasus and smiles "yeah he's upstairs...I can go fetch em if ya need me to..ohh by the by..I don't suppose you've brought anymore of them books you write for the shop have ya?" Asami hops down off the stool behind the counter as she starts to head up the stairs
  212. [2013-10-26 23:09:00] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "Saw a few on the way in to Maripony. Some were still, well, alive, as far as one could be after soaking up that much of the magical residue. They were dead... just didn't know it yet." She takes a step forward. "Some were still intelligent, others not so much... Excuse me, miss...?"
  213. [2013-10-26 23:10:50] <CrystalGM> 03The ghoul smiles at the alicorn, a few teeth hanging on her gums. She erases the board and writes on it again. "I have about half a dozen. Could you get him for me?" Once Asami has acknowledged the writing, the pegasus mare erases the board and starts writing again. "Hi! I'm Ditzy Doo of Absolutely Everything! Why do you look like one of the Princesses?"
  214. [2013-10-26 23:12:20] * Asami heads on up the stairs and out of sight, looking for her boss in the place he usually is...his wierd tree gardens "hey boss!, DeeDee's here to see you!"
  215. [2013-10-26 23:12:38] * Emerald_Blitz puts a hoof to her face. "I have no idea. Really, I wish I did," she says. "Were you... alive before the war as well?"
  216. [2013-10-26 23:12:58] * Tallie looks at the ghoul and smiles. "Sup D-Dizzle. What's happenin?"
  217. [2013-10-26 23:14:45] <CrystalGM> 03The ghoul nods to Emerald_Blitz, and gives a wet giggle as Tallie greets her. After a quick erasing, she writes "Yeah! I worked with a moving company out of Cloudsdale."
  218. [2013-10-26 23:15:04] * Militus smiles. "Miss Doo, it is good to see you again. Captain Blaze," he gestures to the alicorn, "will likely be in need of a copy of your book if you have extras. She to the Wasteland, and it is not kind to those who make mistakes."
  219. [2013-10-26 23:15:58] <CrystalGM> 03The chalk-white unicorn looks up from his topiary. "Oh! She's in early. I'll be down in a minute... are you going to be staying in the shop, or do you still need to help out Militus?"
  220. [2013-10-26 23:16:15] <Emerald_Blitz> "Where Rainbow Dash was from," Emerald says. "It was hit not long after Maripony... I'm sorry, Miss Doo." She lowers her wings. "And it's Blitz. Captain Emerald Blitz, Lunar Army, Second Infantry."
  221. [2013-10-26 23:17:42] <Asami> unfortunately I still have to go do that thing in the place with Milly yeah..ohh and by the by boss, Doc Rose' sent an Alicorn here with a cap voucher that she's footin the bill for...ya really should come on down and get an eyeful of her...she's quite the looker
  222. [2013-10-26 23:20:03] <CrystalGM> 03"A free copy to every..." The ghoul stops writing as she hears what Emerald says. She erases the board again, and writes "I'm sorry. I never knew any captains." The ghoul looks up at the alicorn, and one eye slowly drifts out of alignment.
  223. [2013-10-26 23:20:59] <CrystalGM> 03"Ah, Asami, are you really trying to set me up again? You remember how that last date went? That poor pie..." Good Ear shakes his head, his yellow and green striped mane swishing.
  224. [2013-10-26 23:21:00] * Emerald_Blitz gasps, and her eyes go wide. She points at the pegasus' eyes. "You! I know you! Princess Sparkle mentioned you once! Did you drop an anvil on her once?"
  225. [2013-10-26 23:22:37] <CrystalGM> 03The rotting flesh around Ditzy's cheeks... brightens? with a slight green glow. It almost looks like she is blushing. "No, I almost hit her. How did you know about that? Did she record it in a memory orb?"
  226. [2013-10-26 23:22:38] * Tallie blinks, looking at Emerald_Blitz and Double-d-dizzle. "What? Anvil? Did she die instantly? Cause that's what should've happened. Logic n stuffs."
  227. [2013-10-26 23:22:48] * Asami groans and shakes her arms at Golden Ear in frustration " do realize I just said there alicorn...downstairs...right? pull the corn out of your ears...there-is-an-alicorn-in-your-store-downstairs-right-now"
  228. [2013-10-26 23:25:47] <CrystalGM> 03Good Ear rolls his orange eyes and stands up. "Alright, alright. I'll come down and see this mare. But I swear if this is another attempt to set me up..." The unicorn shakes his head. "You'll be cleaning out the Brahmin pens for a week."
  229. [2013-10-26 23:26:42] * Militus sighs and grins. "Tallie, you should know that ponies are crazy. They often do astounding things because they do not know they can't."
  230. [2013-10-26 23:27:04] * Asami rolls her own eyes as well and follows Good Ear back down while muttering "don't I already do that here?"
  231. [2013-10-26 23:27:59] <Emerald_Blitz> "I... I met her once," Emerald_Blitz says, crouching down so she's on the same level as the pegasus mare. "She visited the Ministry of Arcane Science hub where I was stationed. I..." She blushes. "She was a very talkative and outstanding mare. Very smart and very personable. It's why I... wait!" Emerald stands back up. "Princess Sparkle! Have you seen her since Maripony was destroyed? I must...
  232. [2013-10-26 23:28:01] <Emerald_Blitz> ...know!"
  233. [2013-10-26 23:30:11] <CrystalGM> 03Ditzy shakes her head. "No... no one goes to Maripony. Especially with how Tainted it is."
  234. [2013-10-26 23:30:44] * Emerald_Blitz looks absolutely crestfallen. "Oh.... oh I see. Is... is Taint anything like corruption?"
  235. [2013-10-26 23:32:20] <CrystalGM> 03Good Ear follows the dragoness downstairs. "No, you'd be taking my week in addition to your own." Good Ear follows down the stairs and gets in sight of the alicorn talking to the ghoul. He stands on the landing... jaw hanging open.
  236. [2013-10-26 23:33:04] * Asami sidesteps out of the way grinning "Toldjaso Boss"
  237. [2013-10-26 23:34:32] <CrystalGM> 03The ghoul shakes her head before running back outside. She takes off... though how, on those wings, will forever be a mystery. In short order she returns with a book in her mouth. She gives it to Emerald_Blitz. The title reads 'The Wasteland Survival Guide: Northern Empire Edition. Written by Ditzy Doo'.
  238. [2013-10-26 23:35:04] * Militus turns to regard Asami and Good Ear as they enter. "Ah, Mr. Ear. So good to see you. I do hope you'll take the time to greet our esteemed guest?"
  239. [2013-10-26 23:36:06] * Tallie bleep bloops a switch on an old toy, then giggles.
  240. [2013-10-26 23:36:07] * Emerald_Blitz smiles halfheartedly. "Thank you, miss Doo," she says. "I'll try and stay alive." She takes the book in her hoof and flips through a couple pages, not noticing the proprietor arrive.
  241. [2013-10-26 23:36:25] <CrystalGM> 03Good Ear blinks twice before he reaches up with a hoof and closes his jaw. "Um, err, yes. How can the Officer Goods branch of Absolutely Everything help you today, Princess?"
  242. [2013-10-26 23:37:39] <CrystalGM> 03Ditzy smiles and nods to the alicorn. "Good. Equestria needs the princesses again. Even if they haven't found out who they are yet."
  243. [2013-10-26 23:37:45] * Asami will whisper behind Good Ear "psst...her name is Captain Emerald Biltz Boss"
  244. [2013-10-26 23:38:43] * Emerald_Blitz lowers the book. "Thanks... I do hope I can live up to that." She looks over at the new arrival. "Oh, I believe your assistant has already helped me as much as I need, mister...?"
  245. [2013-10-26 23:41:22] <CrystalGM> 03"Good Ear, your high...I mean Captain Blitz." The unicorn trots over to the ghoul. "So, your here to pick up the latest odds and ends?" The ghoul nods. "Alright. I'll go ahead and get them for you. I'll just be a second."
  246. [2013-10-26 23:42:00] * Militus pulls out his sword and idly inspects it, to be sure it's sharp.
  247. [2013-10-26 23:43:17] <Emerald_Blitz> "Mister Good Ear. You are quite fortunate to have a baby dragon as an assistant," Emerald says. "That was once an honor reserved only for the most talented young unicorns at Princess Celestia's school. I do hope you appreciate her properly."
  248. [2013-10-26 23:43:49] * Asami blushes at the compliment
  249. [2013-10-26 23:44:44] * Tallie picks her goggles off her head and adjusts her feather-ponytail. She then wipes down the lenses of the goggles and puts them back on her head.
  250. [2013-10-26 23:46:03] * Emerald_Blitz begins putting her purchases in her saddlebags, and slinging the shotgun and rifle along her sides, through the pack straps and holsters.
  251. [2013-10-26 23:46:59] <Militus> "Tallie," Militus does not look up from his inspection, "as Ghost is indisposed, would you be capable of serving as our scout at the resevoir? Even if you cannot hide as well as he can, being able to fly should be suitable to keep risks to a minimum."
  252. [2013-10-26 23:47:27] <CrystalGM> 03Good Ear nods. "She's a good assistant. I'm lucky to have her. She really has a talent for buying and selling." Good Ear nods to the dragoness. "And she isn't too bad at cleaning up after the Brahmin, so that's nice." Good Ear gives a wry smile.
  253. [2013-10-26 23:47:40] * Tallie looks at her wings and frowns at Militus. "Dude... you know I'm not so good at... that."
  254. [2013-10-26 23:49:22] * Asami smirks and headshakes "by the by boss, that Zebra mare said she'd be by later today to talk to you should you 'be available' and not elsewhere
  255. [2013-10-26 23:49:47] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm afraid I cannot help you there," Emerald_Blitz says. "I would if I could fly." She looks back at Good Ear. "Well, treat her with the respect she deserves, and I'm sure she will treat you the same." She looks at Asami. "In theory."
  256. [2013-10-26 23:50:12] * Militus sighs. "Indeed. I am, however, wary of going into any situation without adequate information. Particularly when the situation holds a not-inconsiderable chance of death." He looks over at Emerald_Blitz. "Perhaps our new acquaintance could be of service..."
  257. [2013-10-26 23:50:24] * Tallie points at Emerald_Blitz's wings. "You CAN fly."
  258. [2013-10-26 23:50:31] <CrystalGM> 03Good Ear frowns as he looks at Militus and Tallie. "What do you mean the reservoir? Is something wro..." Good Ear stops talking and the chalk-white unicorn turns bright red.
  259. [2013-10-26 23:51:35] * Emerald_Blitz looks over her back. "Oh. Um. Yes, I suppose I can," she says. "Well, I shall be more useful than initially anticipated." She looks back at Good Ear. "Hmm. Strikes me as I was speaking to a white stallion, not a red one..."
  260. [2013-10-26 23:52:01] * Militus looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Tallie is quite right, Captain. You have a very impressive set of wings." He turns to Good Ear. "The resevior appears to have becomes a hunting ground for wild animals."
  261. [2013-10-26 23:53:35] <CrystalGM> 03"I-I-I have no idea what your talking about. Just because Xaelah is coming by doesn't mean-" The unicorn shuts up, and blushes harder now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak.
  262. [2013-10-26 23:55:03] <CrystalGM> 03The stallion is blushing so hard his cutie mark, an ear of corn, looks like its about to start popping.
  263. [2013-10-26 23:55:16] * Emerald_Blitz actually laughs. A deep mellow alto laugh. "I suppose I should clear out of your shop then so you can close for lunch," she says. "Well, Militus? Shall we go and check on your beasties?"
  264. [2013-10-26 23:57:41] <Militus> "Of course, Captain. The sooner the better." He spares a genuine smile for Good Ear. "And I am happy to hear of your good fortune, Mr. Ear. Do be careful, though. Zebra mares are...dangerous when angered."
  265. [2013-10-26 23:59:14] <CrystalGM> 03The stallion shakes his head. "I-I-I seem to need to close the shop for an urgent appointment. I'm afraid I'll have to get things..." Good Ear's eyes widen in trepidation for a moment before narrowing. "Out! OUT!" The blushing unicorn flails his hooves and starts to chase the adventurers out of his shop.
  266. [2013-10-26 23:59:17] * Asami leans over and whispers to Good Ear "just talk to her Boss? she's just coming by to apologize and make things square with ya..She does like you so at least give it a try...I'll do your Brahmin work if ya try okay?"
  267. [2013-10-26 23:59:40] <Emerald_Blitz> "One shot me once," Emerald says on her way out the door. "They're tougher than they look." She steps out, still laughing.
  268. [2013-10-27 00:00:08] <CrystalGM> 03Good Ear turns to the dragoness and glares at her. He points with a single hoof, toward the door.
  269. [2013-10-27 00:00:59] <Asami> I'm just sayin the truth Boss but okay okay...I'm going already eeesh" As Asami steps out the door finally with a grinning smile
  270. [2013-10-27 00:02:36] <CrystalGM> 03The door is enveloped in the orange glow of the unicorn's telekinesis before it slams shut.
  271. [2013-10-27 00:02:40] * Militus follows Emerald_Blitz outside. "Yes, for zebras no distinctions are made between male and female in the arts of war. Of course, this sometimes works out well. Some prefer their partners to have a little fight in them."
  272. [2013-10-27 00:02:46] * Tallie skips out after Emerald_Blitz. "Nice to see you laugh, Alidude."
  273. [2013-10-27 00:03:50] <CrystalGM> 03Having angered a shop owner and worried an innkeeper, the party sets forth! What further chaos will they cause? Find out, next week!
  274. [2013-10-27 00:03:56] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "I feel better knowing that I am not the only one who survived the war in one form or another," she says. "And truth be told, Militus, I wouldn't know. I was busy fighting against the zebra, not making love to them."
  275. [2013-10-27 00:04:27] <CrystalGM> ====Shadows of the Heart Session 1: End====
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