
SV - Pokémon Information (1.0.1) (Part 2)

Nov 11th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Chespin - 56/61/65/48/45/38 (Total: 313) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Bulletproof
  2. Evolutions:
  3. Level: 16
  4. Condition: LEVELUP
  5. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6. Species: Quilladin
  7. Form: 0
  8. Learned Moves:
  9. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  10. Growl @ Lv. 1
  11. Rollout @ Lv. 8
  12. Bite @ Lv. 11
  13. Leech Seed @ Lv. 15
  14. Pin Missile @ Lv. 18
  15. Take Down @ Lv. 27
  16. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 32
  17. Mud Shot @ Lv. 35
  18. Body Slam @ Lv. 42
  19. Pain Split @ Lv. 45
  20. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 48
  21. Egg Moves:
  22. Super Fang, Curse, Belly Drum, Spikes, Synthesis, Wide Guard, Quick Guard
  23. TM Moves:
  24. Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Dig, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Fling, Poison Jab, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Grass Pledge, Bulldoze, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  26. Quilladin - 61/78/95/56/58/57 (Total: 405) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Bulletproof
  27. Evolutions:
  28. Level: 36
  29. Condition: LEVELUP
  30. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  31. Species: Chesnaught
  32. Form: 0
  33. Learned Moves:
  34. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  35. Growl @ Lv. 1
  36. Rollout @ Lv. 8
  37. Bite @ Lv. 11
  38. Leech Seed @ Lv. 15
  39. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 20
  40. Pin Missile @ Lv. 24
  41. Take Down @ Lv. 29
  42. Mud Shot @ Lv. 34
  43. Bulk Up @ Lv. 38
  44. Body Slam @ Lv. 43
  45. Pain Split @ Lv. 47
  46. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 53
  47. TM Moves:
  48. Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Dig, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Fling, Poison Jab, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Grass Pledge, Bulldoze, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  50. Chesnaught - 88/107/122/74/75/64 (Total: 530) - Grass/Fighting - Overgrow/Overgrow/Bulletproof
  51. Learned Moves:
  52. Spiky Shield @ Evolution
  53. Feint @ Lv. 1
  54. Hammer Arm @ Lv. 1
  55. Growl @ Lv. 1
  56. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  57. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  58. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  59. Bite @ Lv. 11
  60. Leech Seed @ Lv. 15
  61. Pin Missile @ Lv. 19
  62. Take Down @ Lv. 29
  63. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 35
  64. Mud Shot @ Lv. 41
  65. Bulk Up @ Lv. 48
  66. Body Slam @ Lv. 54
  67. Pain Split @ Lv. 60
  68. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 66
  69. Giga Impact @ Lv. 78
  70. TM Moves:
  71. Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Dragon Claw, Frenzy Plant, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Close Combat, Fling, Poison Jab, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Grass Pledge, Bulldoze, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  73. Fennekin - 40/45/40/62/60/60 (Total: 307) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Magician
  74. Evolutions:
  75. Level: 16
  76. Condition: LEVELUP
  77. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  78. Species: Braixen
  79. Form: 0
  80. Learned Moves:
  81. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  82. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  83. Ember @ Lv. 5
  84. Howl @ Lv. 11
  85. Flame Charge @ Lv. 14
  86. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  87. Fire Spin @ Lv. 20
  88. Light Screen @ Lv. 25
  89. Psyshock @ Lv. 31
  90. Flamethrower @ Lv. 35
  91. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 38
  92. Psychic @ Lv. 41
  93. Sunny Day @ Lv. 43
  94. Fire Blast @ Lv. 48
  95. Egg Moves:
  96. Hypnosis, Heat Wave, Wish, Copycat, Magic Room
  97. TM Moves:
  98. Take Down, Flamethrower, Psybeam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Psychic, Agility, Light Screen, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Overheat, Mud Shot, Calm Mind, Flare Blitz, Trick Room, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Flame Charge, Foul Play, Stored Power, Fire Pledge, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  100. Braixen - 59/59/58/90/70/73 (Total: 409) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Magician
  101. Evolutions:
  102. Level: 36
  103. Condition: LEVELUP
  104. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  105. Species: Delphox
  106. Form: 0
  107. Learned Moves:
  108. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  109. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  110. Ember @ Lv. 1
  111. Howl @ Lv. 11
  112. Flame Charge @ Lv. 14
  113. Psybeam @ Lv. 18
  114. Fire Spin @ Lv. 22
  115. Light Screen @ Lv. 28
  116. Psyshock @ Lv. 36
  117. Flamethrower @ Lv. 41
  118. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 45
  119. Psychic @ Lv. 49
  120. Sunny Day @ Lv. 52
  121. Magic Room @ Lv. 56
  122. Fire Blast @ Lv. 59
  123. TM Moves:
  124. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Flamethrower, Psybeam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Psychic, Agility, Light Screen, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Overheat, Mud Shot, Calm Mind, Flare Blitz, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Flame Charge, Foul Play, Stored Power, Fire Pledge, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  126. Delphox - 75/69/72/114/100/104 (Total: 534) - Fire/Psychic - Blaze/Blaze/Magician
  127. Learned Moves:
  128. Mystical Fire @ Evolution
  129. Switcheroo @ Lv. 1
  130. Howl @ Lv. 1
  131. Role Play @ Lv. 1
  132. Future Sight @ Lv. 1
  133. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 1
  134. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  135. Ember @ Lv. 1
  136. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  137. Flame Charge @ Lv. 14
  138. Psybeam @ Lv. 18
  139. Fire Spin @ Lv. 22
  140. Light Screen @ Lv. 28
  141. Psyshock @ Lv. 38
  142. Flamethrower @ Lv. 45
  143. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 51
  144. Psychic @ Lv. 57
  145. Sunny Day @ Lv. 62
  146. Magic Room @ Lv. 68
  147. Fire Blast @ Lv. 74
  148. TM Moves:
  149. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Flamethrower, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Psychic, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Blast Burn, Overheat, Mud Shot, Calm Mind, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Flame Charge, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Fire Pledge, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  151. Froakie - 41/56/40/62/44/71 (Total: 314) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Protean
  152. Evolutions:
  153. Level: 16
  154. Condition: LEVELUP
  155. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  156. Species: Frogadier
  157. Form: 0
  158. Learned Moves:
  159. Pound @ Lv. 1
  160. Growl @ Lv. 1
  161. Water Gun @ Lv. 5
  162. Quick Attack @ Lv. 8
  163. Lick @ Lv. 10
  164. Water Pulse @ Lv. 14
  165. Smokescreen @ Lv. 18
  166. Round @ Lv. 21
  167. Fling @ Lv. 25
  168. Smack Down @ Lv. 29
  169. Substitute @ Lv. 35
  170. Bounce @ Lv. 39
  171. Double Team @ Lv. 43
  172. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 48
  173. Egg Moves:
  174. Counter, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Switcheroo, Retaliate
  175. TM Moves:
  176. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Dig, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  178. Frogadier - 54/63/52/83/56/97 (Total: 405) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Protean
  179. Evolutions:
  180. Level: 36
  181. Condition: LEVELUP
  182. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  183. Species: Greninja
  184. Form: 0
  185. Learned Moves:
  186. Pound @ Lv. 1
  187. Growl @ Lv. 1
  188. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  189. Quick Attack @ Lv. 8
  190. Lick @ Lv. 10
  191. Water Pulse @ Lv. 14
  192. Smokescreen @ Lv. 19
  193. Round @ Lv. 23
  194. Fling @ Lv. 28
  195. Smack Down @ Lv. 33
  196. Substitute @ Lv. 40
  197. Bounce @ Lv. 45
  198. Double Team @ Lv. 50
  199. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 56
  200. TM Moves:
  201. Ice Punch, Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Low Kick, Dig, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Gunk Shot, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  203. Greninja - 72/95/67/103/71/122 (Total: 530) - Water/Dark - Torrent/Torrent/Protean
  204. Learned Moves:
  205. Water Shuriken @ Evolution
  206. Night Slash @ Lv. 1
  207. Role Play @ Lv. 1
  208. Haze @ Lv. 1
  209. Pound @ Lv. 1
  210. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  211. Growl @ Lv. 1
  212. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  213. Lick @ Lv. 10
  214. Water Pulse @ Lv. 14
  215. Smokescreen @ Lv. 19
  216. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 23
  217. Spikes @ Lv. 28
  218. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 33
  219. Substitute @ Lv. 42
  220. Extrasensory @ Lv. 49
  221. Double Team @ Lv. 56
  222. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 68
  223. TM Moves:
  224. Ice Punch, Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Dig, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hydro Cannon, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Gunk Shot, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  226. Greninja-1 - 72/95/67/103/71/122 (Total: 530) - Water/Dark - Battle Bond/Battle Bond/Battle Bond
  227. Learned Moves:
  228. Water Shuriken @ Evolution
  229. Night Slash @ Lv. 1
  230. Role Play @ Lv. 1
  231. Haze @ Lv. 1
  232. Pound @ Lv. 1
  233. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  234. Growl @ Lv. 1
  235. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  236. Lick @ Lv. 10
  237. Water Pulse @ Lv. 14
  238. Smokescreen @ Lv. 19
  239. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 23
  240. Spikes @ Lv. 28
  241. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 33
  242. Substitute @ Lv. 42
  243. Extrasensory @ Lv. 49
  244. Double Team @ Lv. 56
  245. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 68
  246. TM Moves:
  247. Ice Punch, Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Dig, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hydro Cannon, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Gunk Shot, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  249. Fletchling - 45/50/43/40/38/62 (Total: 278) - Normal/Flying - Big Pecks/Big Pecks/Gale Wings
  250. Evolutions:
  251. Level: 17
  252. Condition: LEVELUP
  253. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  254. Species: Fletchinder
  255. Form: 0
  256. Learned Moves:
  257. Growl @ Lv. 1
  258. Peck @ Lv. 1
  259. Quick Attack @ Lv. 5
  260. Ember @ Lv. 10
  261. Flail @ Lv. 15
  262. Acrobatics @ Lv. 20
  263. Agility @ Lv. 25
  264. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 30
  265. Tailwind @ Lv. 35
  266. Steel Wing @ Lv. 40
  267. Roost @ Lv. 45
  268. Fly @ Lv. 50
  269. Egg Moves:
  270. Defog, Flame Charge, Quick Guard
  271. TM Moves:
  272. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Air Cutter, Overheat, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Flare Blitz, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Flame Charge, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast
  274. Fletchinder - 62/73/55/56/52/84 (Total: 382) - Fire/Flying - Flame Body/Flame Body/Gale Wings
  275. Evolutions:
  276. Level: 35
  277. Condition: LEVELUP
  278. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  279. Species: Talonflame
  280. Form: 0
  281. Learned Moves:
  282. Flame Charge @ Evolution
  283. Growl @ Lv. 1
  284. Ember @ Lv. 1
  285. Peck @ Lv. 1
  286. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  287. Feint @ Lv. 1
  288. Flail @ Lv. 15
  289. Acrobatics @ Lv. 22
  290. Agility @ Lv. 29
  291. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 36
  292. Tailwind @ Lv. 43
  293. Steel Wing @ Lv. 50
  294. Roost @ Lv. 57
  295. Fly @ Lv. 64
  296. TM Moves:
  297. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Air Cutter, Overheat, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Flare Blitz, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Flame Charge, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast
  299. Talonflame - 78/81/71/74/69/126 (Total: 499) - Fire/Flying - Flame Body/Flame Body/Gale Wings
  300. Learned Moves:
  301. Growl @ Lv. 1
  302. Ember @ Lv. 1
  303. Peck @ Lv. 1
  304. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  305. Feint @ Lv. 1
  306. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 1
  307. Flame Charge @ Lv. 1
  308. Flail @ Lv. 15
  309. Acrobatics @ Lv. 22
  310. Agility @ Lv. 29
  311. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 38
  312. Tailwind @ Lv. 47
  313. Steel Wing @ Lv. 56
  314. Roost @ Lv. 65
  315. Fly @ Lv. 74
  316. Brave Bird @ Lv. 83
  317. TM Moves:
  318. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Air Cutter, Overheat, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Tailwind, U-turn, Flare Blitz, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Flame Charge, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast
  320. Scatterbug - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  321. Evolutions:
  322. Level: 9
  323. Condition: LEVELUP
  324. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  325. Species: Spewpa
  326. Form: 0
  327. Learned Moves:
  328. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  329. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  330. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  331. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  332. Egg Moves:
  333. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  334. TM Moves:
  335. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  337. Scatterbug-1 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  338. Evolutions:
  339. Level: 9
  340. Condition: LEVELUP
  341. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  342. Species: Spewpa
  343. Form: 1
  344. Learned Moves:
  345. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  346. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  347. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  348. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  349. Egg Moves:
  350. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  351. TM Moves:
  352. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  354. Scatterbug-2 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  355. Evolutions:
  356. Level: 9
  357. Condition: LEVELUP
  358. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  359. Species: Spewpa
  360. Form: 2
  361. Learned Moves:
  362. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  363. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  364. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  365. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  366. Egg Moves:
  367. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  368. TM Moves:
  369. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  371. Scatterbug-3 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  372. Evolutions:
  373. Level: 9
  374. Condition: LEVELUP
  375. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  376. Species: Spewpa
  377. Form: 3
  378. Learned Moves:
  379. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  380. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  381. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  382. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  383. Egg Moves:
  384. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  385. TM Moves:
  386. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  388. Scatterbug-4 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  389. Evolutions:
  390. Level: 9
  391. Condition: LEVELUP
  392. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  393. Species: Spewpa
  394. Form: 4
  395. Learned Moves:
  396. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  397. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  398. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  399. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  400. Egg Moves:
  401. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  402. TM Moves:
  403. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  405. Scatterbug-5 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  406. Evolutions:
  407. Level: 9
  408. Condition: LEVELUP
  409. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  410. Species: Spewpa
  411. Form: 5
  412. Learned Moves:
  413. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  414. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  415. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  416. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  417. Egg Moves:
  418. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  419. TM Moves:
  420. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  422. Scatterbug-6 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  423. Evolutions:
  424. Level: 9
  425. Condition: LEVELUP
  426. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  427. Species: Spewpa
  428. Form: 6
  429. Learned Moves:
  430. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  431. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  432. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  433. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  434. Egg Moves:
  435. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  436. TM Moves:
  437. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  439. Scatterbug-7 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  440. Evolutions:
  441. Level: 9
  442. Condition: LEVELUP
  443. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  444. Species: Spewpa
  445. Form: 7
  446. Learned Moves:
  447. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  448. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  449. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  450. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  451. Egg Moves:
  452. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  453. TM Moves:
  454. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  456. Scatterbug-8 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  457. Evolutions:
  458. Level: 9
  459. Condition: LEVELUP
  460. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  461. Species: Spewpa
  462. Form: 8
  463. Learned Moves:
  464. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  465. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  466. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  467. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  468. Egg Moves:
  469. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  470. TM Moves:
  471. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  473. Scatterbug-9 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  474. Evolutions:
  475. Level: 9
  476. Condition: LEVELUP
  477. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  478. Species: Spewpa
  479. Form: 9
  480. Learned Moves:
  481. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  482. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  483. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  484. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  485. Egg Moves:
  486. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  487. TM Moves:
  488. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  490. Scatterbug-10 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  491. Evolutions:
  492. Level: 9
  493. Condition: LEVELUP
  494. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  495. Species: Spewpa
  496. Form: 10
  497. Learned Moves:
  498. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  499. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  500. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  501. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  502. Egg Moves:
  503. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  504. TM Moves:
  505. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  507. Scatterbug-11 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  508. Evolutions:
  509. Level: 9
  510. Condition: LEVELUP
  511. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  512. Species: Spewpa
  513. Form: 11
  514. Learned Moves:
  515. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  516. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  517. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  518. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  519. Egg Moves:
  520. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  521. TM Moves:
  522. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  524. Scatterbug-12 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  525. Evolutions:
  526. Level: 9
  527. Condition: LEVELUP
  528. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  529. Species: Spewpa
  530. Form: 12
  531. Learned Moves:
  532. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  533. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  534. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  535. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  536. Egg Moves:
  537. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  538. TM Moves:
  539. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  541. Scatterbug-13 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  542. Evolutions:
  543. Level: 9
  544. Condition: LEVELUP
  545. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  546. Species: Spewpa
  547. Form: 13
  548. Learned Moves:
  549. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  550. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  551. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  552. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  553. Egg Moves:
  554. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  555. TM Moves:
  556. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  558. Scatterbug-14 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  559. Evolutions:
  560. Level: 9
  561. Condition: LEVELUP
  562. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  563. Species: Spewpa
  564. Form: 14
  565. Learned Moves:
  566. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  567. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  568. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  569. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  570. Egg Moves:
  571. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  572. TM Moves:
  573. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  575. Scatterbug-15 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  576. Evolutions:
  577. Level: 9
  578. Condition: LEVELUP
  579. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  580. Species: Spewpa
  581. Form: 15
  582. Learned Moves:
  583. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  584. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  585. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  586. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  587. Egg Moves:
  588. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  589. TM Moves:
  590. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  592. Scatterbug-16 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  593. Evolutions:
  594. Level: 9
  595. Condition: LEVELUP
  596. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  597. Species: Spewpa
  598. Form: 16
  599. Learned Moves:
  600. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  601. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  602. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  603. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  604. Egg Moves:
  605. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  606. TM Moves:
  607. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  609. Scatterbug-17 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  610. Evolutions:
  611. Level: 9
  612. Condition: LEVELUP
  613. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  614. Species: Spewpa
  615. Form: 17
  616. Learned Moves:
  617. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  618. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  619. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  620. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  621. Egg Moves:
  622. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  623. TM Moves:
  624. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  626. Scatterbug-18 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  627. Evolutions:
  628. Level: 9
  629. Condition: LEVELUP
  630. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  631. Species: Spewpa
  632. Form: 18
  633. Learned Moves:
  634. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  635. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  636. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  637. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  638. Egg Moves:
  639. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  640. TM Moves:
  641. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  643. Scatterbug-19 - 38/35/40/27/25/35 (Total: 200) - Bug/Bug - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  644. Evolutions:
  645. Level: 9
  646. Condition: LEVELUP
  647. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  648. Species: Spewpa
  649. Form: 19
  650. Learned Moves:
  651. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  652. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  653. Stun Spore @ Lv. 6
  654. Bug Bite @ Lv. 15
  655. Egg Moves:
  656. Poison Powder, Rage Powder
  657. TM Moves:
  658. Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  660. Spewpa - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  661. Evolutions:
  662. Level: 12
  663. Condition: LEVELUP
  664. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  665. Species: Vivillon
  666. Form: 0
  667. Learned Moves:
  668. Protect @ Evolution
  669. Harden @ Lv. 1
  670. TM Moves:
  671. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  673. Spewpa-1 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  674. Evolutions:
  675. Level: 12
  676. Condition: LEVELUP
  677. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  678. Species: Vivillon
  679. Form: 1
  680. Learned Moves:
  681. Protect @ Evolution
  682. Harden @ Lv. 1
  683. TM Moves:
  684. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  686. Spewpa-2 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  687. Evolutions:
  688. Level: 12
  689. Condition: LEVELUP
  690. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  691. Species: Vivillon
  692. Form: 2
  693. Learned Moves:
  694. Protect @ Evolution
  695. Harden @ Lv. 1
  696. TM Moves:
  697. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  699. Spewpa-3 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  700. Evolutions:
  701. Level: 12
  702. Condition: LEVELUP
  703. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  704. Species: Vivillon
  705. Form: 3
  706. Learned Moves:
  707. Protect @ Evolution
  708. Harden @ Lv. 1
  709. TM Moves:
  710. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  712. Spewpa-4 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  713. Evolutions:
  714. Level: 12
  715. Condition: LEVELUP
  716. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  717. Species: Vivillon
  718. Form: 4
  719. Learned Moves:
  720. Protect @ Evolution
  721. Harden @ Lv. 1
  722. TM Moves:
  723. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  725. Spewpa-5 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  726. Evolutions:
  727. Level: 12
  728. Condition: LEVELUP
  729. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  730. Species: Vivillon
  731. Form: 5
  732. Learned Moves:
  733. Protect @ Evolution
  734. Harden @ Lv. 1
  735. TM Moves:
  736. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  738. Spewpa-6 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  739. Evolutions:
  740. Level: 12
  741. Condition: LEVELUP
  742. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  743. Species: Vivillon
  744. Form: 6
  745. Learned Moves:
  746. Protect @ Evolution
  747. Harden @ Lv. 1
  748. TM Moves:
  749. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  751. Spewpa-7 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  752. Evolutions:
  753. Level: 12
  754. Condition: LEVELUP
  755. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  756. Species: Vivillon
  757. Form: 7
  758. Learned Moves:
  759. Protect @ Evolution
  760. Harden @ Lv. 1
  761. TM Moves:
  762. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  764. Spewpa-8 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  765. Evolutions:
  766. Level: 12
  767. Condition: LEVELUP
  768. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  769. Species: Vivillon
  770. Form: 8
  771. Learned Moves:
  772. Protect @ Evolution
  773. Harden @ Lv. 1
  774. TM Moves:
  775. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  777. Spewpa-9 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  778. Evolutions:
  779. Level: 12
  780. Condition: LEVELUP
  781. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  782. Species: Vivillon
  783. Form: 9
  784. Learned Moves:
  785. Protect @ Evolution
  786. Harden @ Lv. 1
  787. TM Moves:
  788. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  790. Spewpa-10 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  791. Evolutions:
  792. Level: 12
  793. Condition: LEVELUP
  794. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  795. Species: Vivillon
  796. Form: 10
  797. Learned Moves:
  798. Protect @ Evolution
  799. Harden @ Lv. 1
  800. TM Moves:
  801. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  803. Spewpa-11 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  804. Evolutions:
  805. Level: 12
  806. Condition: LEVELUP
  807. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  808. Species: Vivillon
  809. Form: 11
  810. Learned Moves:
  811. Protect @ Evolution
  812. Harden @ Lv. 1
  813. TM Moves:
  814. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  816. Spewpa-12 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  817. Evolutions:
  818. Level: 12
  819. Condition: LEVELUP
  820. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  821. Species: Vivillon
  822. Form: 12
  823. Learned Moves:
  824. Protect @ Evolution
  825. Harden @ Lv. 1
  826. TM Moves:
  827. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  829. Spewpa-13 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  830. Evolutions:
  831. Level: 12
  832. Condition: LEVELUP
  833. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  834. Species: Vivillon
  835. Form: 13
  836. Learned Moves:
  837. Protect @ Evolution
  838. Harden @ Lv. 1
  839. TM Moves:
  840. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  842. Spewpa-14 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  843. Evolutions:
  844. Level: 12
  845. Condition: LEVELUP
  846. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  847. Species: Vivillon
  848. Form: 14
  849. Learned Moves:
  850. Protect @ Evolution
  851. Harden @ Lv. 1
  852. TM Moves:
  853. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  855. Spewpa-15 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  856. Evolutions:
  857. Level: 12
  858. Condition: LEVELUP
  859. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  860. Species: Vivillon
  861. Form: 15
  862. Learned Moves:
  863. Protect @ Evolution
  864. Harden @ Lv. 1
  865. TM Moves:
  866. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  868. Spewpa-16 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  869. Evolutions:
  870. Level: 12
  871. Condition: LEVELUP
  872. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  873. Species: Vivillon
  874. Form: 16
  875. Learned Moves:
  876. Protect @ Evolution
  877. Harden @ Lv. 1
  878. TM Moves:
  879. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  881. Spewpa-17 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  882. Evolutions:
  883. Level: 12
  884. Condition: LEVELUP
  885. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  886. Species: Vivillon
  887. Form: 17
  888. Learned Moves:
  889. Protect @ Evolution
  890. Harden @ Lv. 1
  891. TM Moves:
  892. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  894. Spewpa-18 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  895. Evolutions:
  896. Level: 12
  897. Condition: LEVELUP
  898. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  899. Species: Vivillon
  900. Form: 18
  901. Learned Moves:
  902. Protect @ Evolution
  903. Harden @ Lv. 1
  904. TM Moves:
  905. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  907. Spewpa-19 - 45/22/60/27/30/29 (Total: 213) - Bug/Bug - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Friend Guard
  908. Evolutions:
  909. Level: 12
  910. Condition: LEVELUP
  911. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  912. Species: Vivillon
  913. Form: 19
  914. Learned Moves:
  915. Protect @ Evolution
  916. Harden @ Lv. 1
  917. TM Moves:
  918. Protect, Iron Defense, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  920. Vivillon - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  921. Learned Moves:
  922. Gust @ Evolution
  923. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  924. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  925. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  926. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  927. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  928. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  929. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  930. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  931. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  932. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  933. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  934. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  935. TM Moves:
  936. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  938. Vivillon-1 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  939. Learned Moves:
  940. Gust @ Evolution
  941. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  942. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  943. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  944. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  945. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  946. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  947. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  948. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  949. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  950. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  951. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  952. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  953. TM Moves:
  954. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  956. Vivillon-2 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  957. Learned Moves:
  958. Gust @ Evolution
  959. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  960. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  961. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  962. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  963. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  964. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  965. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  966. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  967. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  968. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  969. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  970. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  971. TM Moves:
  972. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  974. Vivillon-3 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  975. Learned Moves:
  976. Gust @ Evolution
  977. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  978. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  979. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  980. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  981. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  982. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  983. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  984. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  985. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  986. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  987. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  988. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  989. TM Moves:
  990. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  992. Vivillon-4 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  993. Learned Moves:
  994. Gust @ Evolution
  995. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  996. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  997. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  998. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  999. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1000. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1001. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1002. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1003. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1004. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1005. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1006. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1007. TM Moves:
  1008. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1010. Vivillon-5 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1011. Learned Moves:
  1012. Gust @ Evolution
  1013. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1014. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1015. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1016. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1017. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1018. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1019. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1020. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1021. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1022. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1023. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1024. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1025. TM Moves:
  1026. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1028. Vivillon-6 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1029. Learned Moves:
  1030. Gust @ Evolution
  1031. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1032. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1033. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1034. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1035. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1036. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1037. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1038. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1039. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1040. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1041. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1042. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1043. TM Moves:
  1044. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1046. Vivillon-7 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1047. Learned Moves:
  1048. Gust @ Evolution
  1049. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1050. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1051. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1052. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1053. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1054. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1055. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1056. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1057. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1058. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1059. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1060. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1061. TM Moves:
  1062. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1064. Vivillon-8 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1065. Learned Moves:
  1066. Gust @ Evolution
  1067. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1068. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1069. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1070. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1071. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1072. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1073. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1074. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1075. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1076. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1077. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1078. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1079. TM Moves:
  1080. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1082. Vivillon-9 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1083. Learned Moves:
  1084. Gust @ Evolution
  1085. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1086. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1087. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1088. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1089. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1090. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1091. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1092. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1093. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1094. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1095. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1096. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1097. TM Moves:
  1098. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1100. Vivillon-10 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1101. Learned Moves:
  1102. Gust @ Evolution
  1103. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1104. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1105. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1106. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1107. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1108. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1109. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1110. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1111. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1112. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1113. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1114. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1115. TM Moves:
  1116. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1118. Vivillon-11 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1119. Learned Moves:
  1120. Gust @ Evolution
  1121. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1122. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1123. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1124. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1125. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1126. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1127. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1128. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1129. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1130. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1131. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1132. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1133. TM Moves:
  1134. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1136. Vivillon-12 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1137. Learned Moves:
  1138. Gust @ Evolution
  1139. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1140. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1141. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1142. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1143. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1144. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1145. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1146. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1147. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1148. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1149. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1150. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1151. TM Moves:
  1152. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1154. Vivillon-13 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1155. Learned Moves:
  1156. Gust @ Evolution
  1157. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1158. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1159. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1160. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1161. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1162. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1163. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1164. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1165. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1166. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1167. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1168. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1169. TM Moves:
  1170. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1172. Vivillon-14 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1173. Learned Moves:
  1174. Gust @ Evolution
  1175. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1176. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1177. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1178. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1179. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1180. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1181. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1182. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1183. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1184. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1185. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1186. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1187. TM Moves:
  1188. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1190. Vivillon-15 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1191. Learned Moves:
  1192. Gust @ Evolution
  1193. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1194. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1195. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1196. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1197. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1198. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1199. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1200. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1201. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1202. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1203. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1204. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1205. TM Moves:
  1206. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1208. Vivillon-16 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1209. Learned Moves:
  1210. Gust @ Evolution
  1211. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1212. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1213. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1214. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1215. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1216. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1217. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1218. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1219. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1220. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1221. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1222. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1223. TM Moves:
  1224. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1226. Vivillon-17 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1227. Learned Moves:
  1228. Gust @ Evolution
  1229. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1230. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1231. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1232. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1233. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1234. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1235. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1236. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1237. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1238. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1239. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1240. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1241. TM Moves:
  1242. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1244. Vivillon-18 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1245. Learned Moves:
  1246. Gust @ Evolution
  1247. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1248. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1249. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1250. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1251. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1252. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1253. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1254. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1255. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1256. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1257. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1258. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1259. TM Moves:
  1260. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1262. Vivillon-19 - 80/52/50/90/50/89 (Total: 411) - Bug/Flying - Shield Dust/Compound Eyes/Friend Guard
  1263. Learned Moves:
  1264. Gust @ Evolution
  1265. Poison Powder @ Lv. 1
  1266. Stun Spore @ Lv. 1
  1267. Sleep Powder @ Lv. 1
  1268. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  1269. Light Screen @ Lv. 12
  1270. Psybeam @ Lv. 17
  1271. Supersonic @ Lv. 21
  1272. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 25
  1273. Safeguard @ Lv. 31
  1274. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 35
  1275. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 45
  1276. Hurricane @ Lv. 50
  1277. TM Moves:
  1278. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Air Cutter, Iron Defense, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Draining Kiss, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Pounce
  1280. Litleo - 62/50/58/73/54/72 (Total: 369) - Fire/Normal - Rivalry/Unnerve/Moxie
  1281. Evolutions:
  1282. Level: 35
  1283. Condition: LEVELUP
  1284. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1285. Species: Pyroar
  1286. Form: 0
  1287. Learned Moves:
  1288. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1289. Leer @ Lv. 1
  1290. Ember @ Lv. 5
  1291. Work Up @ Lv. 8
  1292. Headbutt @ Lv. 11
  1293. Noble Roar @ Lv. 15
  1294. Take Down @ Lv. 20
  1295. Fire Fang @ Lv. 23
  1296. Endeavor @ Lv. 28
  1297. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 33
  1298. Flamethrower @ Lv. 36
  1299. Crunch @ Lv. 39
  1300. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 43
  1301. Incinerate @ Lv. 46
  1302. Overheat @ Lv. 50
  1303. Egg Moves:
  1304. Fire Spin, Yawn, Flare Blitz, Entrainment
  1305. TM Moves:
  1306. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Flame Charge, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Snarl, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1308. Pyroar - 86/68/72/109/66/106 (Total: 507) - Fire/Normal - Rivalry/Unnerve/Moxie
  1309. Learned Moves:
  1310. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1311. Leer @ Lv. 1
  1312. Ember @ Lv. 1
  1313. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 1
  1314. Work Up @ Lv. 1
  1315. Headbutt @ Lv. 11
  1316. Noble Roar @ Lv. 15
  1317. Take Down @ Lv. 20
  1318. Fire Fang @ Lv. 23
  1319. Endeavor @ Lv. 28
  1320. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 33
  1321. Flamethrower @ Lv. 38
  1322. Crunch @ Lv. 42
  1323. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 48
  1324. Incinerate @ Lv. 51
  1325. Overheat @ Lv. 57
  1326. TM Moves:
  1327. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Flame Charge, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Snarl, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1329. Flabébé - 44/38/39/61/79/42 (Total: 303) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1330. Evolutions:
  1331. Level: 19
  1332. Condition: LEVELUP
  1333. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1334. Species: Floette
  1335. Form: 0
  1336. Learned Moves:
  1337. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1338. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1339. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 6
  1340. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1341. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1342. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1343. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  1344. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 24
  1345. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 28
  1346. Synthesis @ Lv. 33
  1347. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 37
  1348. Moonblast @ Lv. 41
  1349. Petal Dance @ Lv. 45
  1350. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  1351. Egg Moves:
  1352. Endeavor, Copycat, Tearful Look
  1353. TM Moves:
  1354. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1356. Flabébé-1 - 44/38/39/61/79/42 (Total: 303) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1357. Evolutions:
  1358. Level: 19
  1359. Condition: LEVELUP
  1360. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1361. Species: Floette
  1362. Form: 1
  1363. Learned Moves:
  1364. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1365. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1366. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 6
  1367. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1368. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1369. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1370. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  1371. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 24
  1372. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 28
  1373. Synthesis @ Lv. 33
  1374. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 37
  1375. Moonblast @ Lv. 41
  1376. Petal Dance @ Lv. 45
  1377. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  1378. Egg Moves:
  1379. Endeavor, Copycat, Tearful Look
  1380. TM Moves:
  1381. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1383. Flabébé-2 - 44/38/39/61/79/42 (Total: 303) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1384. Evolutions:
  1385. Level: 19
  1386. Condition: LEVELUP
  1387. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1388. Species: Floette
  1389. Form: 2
  1390. Learned Moves:
  1391. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1392. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1393. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 6
  1394. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1395. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1396. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1397. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  1398. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 24
  1399. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 28
  1400. Synthesis @ Lv. 33
  1401. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 37
  1402. Moonblast @ Lv. 41
  1403. Petal Dance @ Lv. 45
  1404. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  1405. Egg Moves:
  1406. Endeavor, Copycat, Tearful Look
  1407. TM Moves:
  1408. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1410. Flabébé-3 - 44/38/39/61/79/42 (Total: 303) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1411. Evolutions:
  1412. Level: 19
  1413. Condition: LEVELUP
  1414. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1415. Species: Floette
  1416. Form: 3
  1417. Learned Moves:
  1418. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1419. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1420. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 6
  1421. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1422. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1423. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1424. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  1425. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 24
  1426. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 28
  1427. Synthesis @ Lv. 33
  1428. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 37
  1429. Moonblast @ Lv. 41
  1430. Petal Dance @ Lv. 45
  1431. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  1432. Egg Moves:
  1433. Endeavor, Copycat, Tearful Look
  1434. TM Moves:
  1435. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1437. Flabébé-4 - 44/38/39/61/79/42 (Total: 303) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1438. Evolutions:
  1439. Level: 19
  1440. Condition: LEVELUP
  1441. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1442. Species: Floette
  1443. Form: 4
  1444. Learned Moves:
  1445. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1446. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1447. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 6
  1448. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1449. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1450. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1451. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  1452. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 24
  1453. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 28
  1454. Synthesis @ Lv. 33
  1455. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 37
  1456. Moonblast @ Lv. 41
  1457. Petal Dance @ Lv. 45
  1458. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  1459. Egg Moves:
  1460. Endeavor, Copycat, Tearful Look
  1461. TM Moves:
  1462. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1464. Floette - 54/45/47/75/98/52 (Total: 371) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1465. Evolutions:
  1466. Level: 0
  1467. Condition: ITEM
  1468. Parameters: [7, 0, 0, 0]
  1469. Species: Florges
  1470. Form: 0
  1471. Learned Moves:
  1472. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1473. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1474. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  1475. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1476. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1477. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1478. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 25
  1479. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 27
  1480. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 33
  1481. Synthesis @ Lv. 38
  1482. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 43
  1483. Moonblast @ Lv. 46
  1484. Petal Dance @ Lv. 51
  1485. Solar Beam @ Lv. 58
  1486. TM Moves:
  1487. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1489. Floette-1 - 54/45/47/75/98/52 (Total: 371) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1490. Evolutions:
  1491. Level: 0
  1492. Condition: ITEM
  1493. Parameters: [7, 0, 0, 0]
  1494. Species: Florges
  1495. Form: 1
  1496. Learned Moves:
  1497. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1498. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1499. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  1500. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1501. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1502. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1503. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 25
  1504. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 27
  1505. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 33
  1506. Synthesis @ Lv. 38
  1507. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 43
  1508. Moonblast @ Lv. 46
  1509. Petal Dance @ Lv. 51
  1510. Solar Beam @ Lv. 58
  1511. TM Moves:
  1512. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1514. Floette-2 - 54/45/47/75/98/52 (Total: 371) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1515. Evolutions:
  1516. Level: 0
  1517. Condition: ITEM
  1518. Parameters: [7, 0, 0, 0]
  1519. Species: Florges
  1520. Form: 2
  1521. Learned Moves:
  1522. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1523. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1524. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  1525. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1526. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1527. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1528. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 25
  1529. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 27
  1530. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 33
  1531. Synthesis @ Lv. 38
  1532. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 43
  1533. Moonblast @ Lv. 46
  1534. Petal Dance @ Lv. 51
  1535. Solar Beam @ Lv. 58
  1536. TM Moves:
  1537. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1539. Floette-3 - 54/45/47/75/98/52 (Total: 371) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1540. Evolutions:
  1541. Level: 0
  1542. Condition: ITEM
  1543. Parameters: [7, 0, 0, 0]
  1544. Species: Florges
  1545. Form: 3
  1546. Learned Moves:
  1547. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1548. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1549. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  1550. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1551. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1552. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1553. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 25
  1554. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 27
  1555. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 33
  1556. Synthesis @ Lv. 38
  1557. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 43
  1558. Moonblast @ Lv. 46
  1559. Petal Dance @ Lv. 51
  1560. Solar Beam @ Lv. 58
  1561. TM Moves:
  1562. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1564. Floette-4 - 54/45/47/75/98/52 (Total: 371) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1565. Evolutions:
  1566. Level: 0
  1567. Condition: ITEM
  1568. Parameters: [7, 0, 0, 0]
  1569. Species: Florges
  1570. Form: 4
  1571. Learned Moves:
  1572. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1573. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1574. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  1575. Safeguard @ Lv. 10
  1576. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  1577. Wish @ Lv. 20
  1578. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 25
  1579. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 27
  1580. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 33
  1581. Synthesis @ Lv. 38
  1582. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 43
  1583. Moonblast @ Lv. 46
  1584. Petal Dance @ Lv. 51
  1585. Solar Beam @ Lv. 58
  1586. TM Moves:
  1587. Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1589. Florges - 78/65/68/112/154/75 (Total: 552) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1590. Learned Moves:
  1591. Solar Beam @ Lv. 1
  1592. Petal Dance @ Lv. 1
  1593. Safeguard @ Lv. 1
  1594. Synthesis @ Lv. 1
  1595. Wish @ Lv. 1
  1596. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 1
  1597. Grass Knot @ Lv. 1
  1598. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 1
  1599. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  1600. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1601. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1602. Moonblast @ Lv. 5
  1603. TM Moves:
  1604. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1606. Florges-1 - 78/65/68/112/154/75 (Total: 552) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1607. Learned Moves:
  1608. Solar Beam @ Lv. 1
  1609. Petal Dance @ Lv. 1
  1610. Safeguard @ Lv. 1
  1611. Synthesis @ Lv. 1
  1612. Wish @ Lv. 1
  1613. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 1
  1614. Grass Knot @ Lv. 1
  1615. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 1
  1616. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  1617. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1618. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1619. Moonblast @ Lv. 5
  1620. TM Moves:
  1621. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1623. Florges-2 - 78/65/68/112/154/75 (Total: 552) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1624. Learned Moves:
  1625. Solar Beam @ Lv. 1
  1626. Petal Dance @ Lv. 1
  1627. Safeguard @ Lv. 1
  1628. Synthesis @ Lv. 1
  1629. Wish @ Lv. 1
  1630. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 1
  1631. Grass Knot @ Lv. 1
  1632. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 1
  1633. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  1634. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1635. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1636. Moonblast @ Lv. 5
  1637. TM Moves:
  1638. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1640. Florges-3 - 78/65/68/112/154/75 (Total: 552) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1641. Learned Moves:
  1642. Solar Beam @ Lv. 1
  1643. Petal Dance @ Lv. 1
  1644. Safeguard @ Lv. 1
  1645. Synthesis @ Lv. 1
  1646. Wish @ Lv. 1
  1647. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 1
  1648. Grass Knot @ Lv. 1
  1649. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 1
  1650. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  1651. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1652. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1653. Moonblast @ Lv. 5
  1654. TM Moves:
  1655. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1657. Florges-4 - 78/65/68/112/154/75 (Total: 552) - Fairy/Fairy - Flower Veil/Flower Veil/Symbiosis
  1658. Learned Moves:
  1659. Solar Beam @ Lv. 1
  1660. Petal Dance @ Lv. 1
  1661. Safeguard @ Lv. 1
  1662. Synthesis @ Lv. 1
  1663. Wish @ Lv. 1
  1664. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 1
  1665. Grass Knot @ Lv. 1
  1666. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 1
  1667. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  1668. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1669. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 1
  1670. Moonblast @ Lv. 5
  1671. TM Moves:
  1672. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  1674. Skiddo - 66/65/48/62/57/52 (Total: 350) - Grass/Grass - Sap Sipper/Sap Sipper/Grass Pelt
  1675. Evolutions:
  1676. Level: 32
  1677. Condition: LEVELUP
  1678. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1679. Species: Gogoat
  1680. Form: 0
  1681. Learned Moves:
  1682. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1683. Growth @ Lv. 1
  1684. Vine Whip @ Lv. 7
  1685. Tail Whip @ Lv. 9
  1686. Leech Seed @ Lv. 12
  1687. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 13
  1688. Worry Seed @ Lv. 16
  1689. Synthesis @ Lv. 20
  1690. Take Down @ Lv. 22
  1691. Bulldoze @ Lv. 26
  1692. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 30
  1693. Bulk Up @ Lv. 34
  1694. Double-Edge @ Lv. 38
  1695. Horn Leech @ Lv. 42
  1696. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 45
  1697. Egg Moves:
  1698. Defense Curl, Rollout, Milk Drink, Grassy Terrain
  1699. TM Moves:
  1700. Body Slam, Take Down, Surf, Solar Beam, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Bullet Seed, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1702. Gogoat - 123/100/62/97/81/68 (Total: 531) - Grass/Grass - Sap Sipper/Sap Sipper/Grass Pelt
  1703. Learned Moves:
  1704. Aerial Ace @ Evolution
  1705. Earthquake @ Lv. 1
  1706. Growth @ Lv. 1
  1707. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  1708. Vine Whip @ Lv. 1
  1709. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1710. Leech Seed @ Lv. 12
  1711. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 13
  1712. Worry Seed @ Lv. 16
  1713. Synthesis @ Lv. 20
  1714. Take Down @ Lv. 22
  1715. Bulldoze @ Lv. 26
  1716. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 30
  1717. Bulk Up @ Lv. 34
  1718. Double-Edge @ Lv. 40
  1719. Horn Leech @ Lv. 47
  1720. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 55
  1721. Milk Drink @ Lv. 58
  1722. TM Moves:
  1723. Body Slam, Take Down, Surf, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1725. Skrelp - 50/60/60/60/60/30 (Total: 320) - Poison/Water - Poison Point/Poison Touch/Adaptability
  1726. Evolutions:
  1727. Level: 48
  1728. Condition: LEVELUP
  1729. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1730. Species: Dragalge
  1731. Form: 0
  1732. Learned Moves:
  1733. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1734. Smokescreen @ Lv. 1
  1735. Acid @ Lv. 5
  1736. Water Gun @ Lv. 10
  1737. Tail Whip @ Lv. 15
  1738. Double Team @ Lv. 20
  1739. Poison Tail @ Lv. 25
  1740. Water Pulse @ Lv. 30
  1741. Toxic @ Lv. 35
  1742. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 40
  1743. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 45
  1744. Sludge Bomb @ Lv. 50
  1745. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 55
  1746. Egg Moves:
  1747. Haze, Acid Armor, Twister, Dragon Tail
  1748. TM Moves:
  1749. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Thunderbolt, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Facade, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Dragon Pulse, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Dragon Tail, Play Rough, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  1751. Dragalge - 65/75/90/97/123/44 (Total: 494) - Poison/Dragon - Poison Point/Poison Touch/Adaptability
  1752. Learned Moves:
  1753. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1754. Acid @ Lv. 1
  1755. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  1756. Smokescreen @ Lv. 1
  1757. Tail Whip @ Lv. 15
  1758. Double Team @ Lv. 20
  1759. Poison Tail @ Lv. 25
  1760. Water Pulse @ Lv. 30
  1761. Toxic @ Lv. 35
  1762. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 40
  1763. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 45
  1764. Sludge Bomb @ Lv. 52
  1765. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 59
  1766. Outrage @ Lv. 66
  1767. TM Moves:
  1768. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Facade, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Draco Meteor, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Play Rough, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  1770. Clauncher - 50/53/62/58/63/44 (Total: 330) - Water/Water - Mega Launcher/Mega Launcher/Mega Launcher
  1771. Evolutions:
  1772. Level: 37
  1773. Condition: LEVELUP
  1774. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1775. Species: Clawitzer
  1776. Form: 0
  1777. Learned Moves:
  1778. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  1779. Splash @ Lv. 1
  1780. Vise Grip @ Lv. 5
  1781. Flail @ Lv. 10
  1782. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 15
  1783. Smack Down @ Lv. 20
  1784. Hone Claws @ Lv. 25
  1785. Water Pulse @ Lv. 30
  1786. Swords Dance @ Lv. 35
  1787. Aura Sphere @ Lv. 40
  1788. Bounce @ Lv. 45
  1789. Muddy Water @ Lv. 50
  1790. Crabhammer @ Lv. 55
  1791. Egg Moves:
  1792. Bubble Beam, Aqua Tail, Entrainment
  1793. TM Moves:
  1794. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Waterfall, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Venoshock, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Pounce, Chilling Water
  1796. Clawitzer - 71/73/88/120/89/59 (Total: 500) - Water/Water - Mega Launcher/Mega Launcher/Mega Launcher
  1797. Learned Moves:
  1798. Vise Grip @ Lv. 1
  1799. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  1800. Splash @ Lv. 1
  1801. Flail @ Lv. 1
  1802. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 1
  1803. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 1
  1804. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 1
  1805. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 15
  1806. Smack Down @ Lv. 20
  1807. Hone Claws @ Lv. 25
  1808. Water Pulse @ Lv. 30
  1809. Swords Dance @ Lv. 35
  1810. Aura Sphere @ Lv. 42
  1811. Bounce @ Lv. 49
  1812. Muddy Water @ Lv. 56
  1813. Crabhammer @ Lv. 63
  1814. TM Moves:
  1815. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Waterfall, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Venoshock, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Pounce, Chilling Water
  1817. Sylveon - 95/65/65/110/130/60 (Total: 525) - Fairy/Fairy - Cute Charm/Cute Charm/Pixilate
  1818. Learned Moves:
  1819. Disarming Voice @ Evolution
  1820. Baton Pass @ Lv. 1
  1821. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1822. Take Down @ Lv. 1
  1823. Double-Edge @ Lv. 1
  1824. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  1825. Bite @ Lv. 1
  1826. Growl @ Lv. 1
  1827. Copycat @ Lv. 1
  1828. Covet @ Lv. 1
  1829. Charm @ Lv. 1
  1830. Helping Hand @ Lv. 1
  1831. Sand Attack @ Lv. 5
  1832. Quick Attack @ Lv. 10
  1833. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 15
  1834. Swift @ Lv. 20
  1835. Light Screen @ Lv. 25
  1836. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 30
  1837. Misty Terrain @ Lv. 35
  1838. Skill Swap @ Lv. 40
  1839. Psych Up @ Lv. 45
  1840. Moonblast @ Lv. 50
  1841. Last Resort @ Lv. 55
  1842. TM Moves:
  1843. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Skill Swap, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Giga Impact, Psyshock, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1845. Hawlucha - 78/92/75/74/63/118 (Total: 500) - Fighting/Flying - Limber/Unburden/Mold Breaker
  1846. Learned Moves:
  1847. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1848. Hone Claws @ Lv. 1
  1849. Wing Attack @ Lv. 4
  1850. Detect @ Lv. 8
  1851. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 12
  1852. Encore @ Lv. 16
  1853. Feather Dance @ Lv. 20
  1854. Brick Break @ Lv. 24
  1855. Bounce @ Lv. 28
  1856. Taunt @ Lv. 32
  1857. Roost @ Lv. 36
  1858. Swords Dance @ Lv. 40
  1859. Flying Press @ Lv. 44
  1860. High Jump Kick @ Lv. 48
  1861. Endeavor @ Lv. 52
  1862. Sky Attack @ Lv. 56
  1863. Egg Moves:
  1864. Mean Look, Cross Chop, Feint, Defog, Entrainment, Quick Guard
  1865. TM Moves:
  1866. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1868. Dedenne - 67/58/57/81/67/101 (Total: 431) - Electric/Fairy - Cheek Pouch/Pickup/Plus
  1869. Learned Moves:
  1870. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  1871. Nuzzle @ Lv. 1
  1872. Tackle @ Lv. 5
  1873. Charge @ Lv. 10
  1874. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 15
  1875. Charm @ Lv. 20
  1876. Parabolic Charge @ Lv. 25
  1877. Volt Switch @ Lv. 30
  1878. Rest @ Lv. 35
  1879. Snore @ Lv. 35
  1880. Discharge @ Lv. 40
  1881. Play Rough @ Lv. 45
  1882. Super Fang @ Lv. 50
  1883. Entrainment @ Lv. 55
  1884. Thunder @ Lv. 60
  1885. Egg Moves:
  1886. Covet, Magnet Rise, Tearful Look
  1887. TM Moves:
  1888. Thunder Punch, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Dig, Agility, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  1890. Carbink - 50/50/150/50/150/50 (Total: 500) - Rock/Fairy - Clear Body/Clear Body/Sturdy
  1891. Learned Moves:
  1892. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1893. Harden @ Lv. 1
  1894. Guard Split @ Lv. 5
  1895. Smack Down @ Lv. 10
  1896. Flail @ Lv. 15
  1897. Ancient Power @ Lv. 20
  1898. Rock Polish @ Lv. 25
  1899. Light Screen @ Lv. 30
  1900. Rock Slide @ Lv. 35
  1901. Skill Swap @ Lv. 40
  1902. Power Gem @ Lv. 45
  1903. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 50
  1904. Moonblast @ Lv. 55
  1905. Stone Edge @ Lv. 60
  1906. TM Moves:
  1907. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Skill Swap, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Rock Blast, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  1909. Goomy - 45/50/35/55/75/40 (Total: 300) - Dragon/Dragon - Sap Sipper/Hydration/Gooey
  1910. Evolutions:
  1911. 0:
  1912. Level: 40
  1913. Condition: LEVELUP
  1914. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1915. Species: Sliggoo
  1916. Form: 0
  1917. 1:
  1918. Level: 0
  1919. Condition: UNKNOWN_61
  1920. Parameters: [1, 0, 0, 0]
  1921. Species: Sliggoo
  1922. Form: 0
  1923. Learned Moves:
  1924. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1925. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  1926. Water Gun @ Lv. 5
  1927. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 10
  1928. Protect @ Lv. 15
  1929. Flail @ Lv. 20
  1930. Water Pulse @ Lv. 25
  1931. Rain Dance @ Lv. 30
  1932. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 35
  1933. Curse @ Lv. 41
  1934. Body Slam @ Lv. 45
  1935. Muddy Water @ Lv. 50
  1936. Egg Moves:
  1937. Counter, Life Dew
  1938. TM Moves:
  1939. Body Slam, Take Down, Thunderbolt, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  1941. Sliggoo - 68/75/53/83/113/60 (Total: 452) - Dragon/Dragon - Sap Sipper/Hydration/Gooey
  1942. Evolutions:
  1943. Level: 50
  1944. Condition: WEATHER_RAIN
  1945. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  1946. Species: Goodra
  1947. Form: 0
  1948. Learned Moves:
  1949. Acid Spray @ Evolution
  1950. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1951. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  1952. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  1953. Acid Armor @ Lv. 1
  1954. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  1955. Protect @ Lv. 15
  1956. Flail @ Lv. 20
  1957. Water Pulse @ Lv. 25
  1958. Rain Dance @ Lv. 30
  1959. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 35
  1960. Curse @ Lv. 43
  1961. Body Slam @ Lv. 49
  1962. Muddy Water @ Lv. 56
  1963. TM Moves:
  1964. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Acid Spray, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  1966. Sliggoo-1 - 58/75/83/83/113/40 (Total: 452) - Steel/Dragon - Sap Sipper/Shell Armor/Gooey
  1967. Evolutions:
  1968. Level: 50
  1969. Condition: WEATHER_RAIN
  1970. Parameters: [1, 0, 0, 0]
  1971. Species: Goodra
  1972. Form: 1
  1973. Learned Moves:
  1974. Shelter @ Evolution
  1975. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  1976. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  1977. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  1978. Acid Armor @ Lv. 1
  1979. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  1980. Protect @ Lv. 15
  1981. Flail @ Lv. 20
  1982. Water Pulse @ Lv. 25
  1983. Rain Dance @ Lv. 30
  1984. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 35
  1985. Curse @ Lv. 43
  1986. Iron Head @ Lv. 49
  1987. Muddy Water @ Lv. 56
  1988. TM Moves:
  1989. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Acid Spray, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Chilling Water
  1991. Goodra - 90/100/70/110/150/80 (Total: 600) - Dragon/Dragon - Sap Sipper/Hydration/Gooey
  1992. Learned Moves:
  1993. Aqua Tail @ Evolution
  1994. Tearful Look @ Lv. 1
  1995. Feint @ Lv. 1
  1996. Poison Tail @ Lv. 1
  1997. Acid Spray @ Lv. 1
  1998. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  1999. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2000. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  2001. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  2002. Protect @ Lv. 15
  2003. Flail @ Lv. 20
  2004. Water Pulse @ Lv. 25
  2005. Rain Dance @ Lv. 30
  2006. Curse @ Lv. 43
  2007. Body Slam @ Lv. 49
  2008. Muddy Water @ Lv. 58
  2009. Power Whip @ Lv. 67
  2010. TM Moves:
  2011. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Dragon Claw, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Draco Meteor, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  2013. Goodra-1 - 80/100/100/110/150/60 (Total: 600) - Steel/Dragon - Sap Sipper/Shell Armor/Gooey
  2014. Learned Moves:
  2015. Iron Tail @ Evolution
  2016. Shelter @ Lv. 1
  2017. Acid Spray @ Lv. 1
  2018. Feint @ Lv. 1
  2019. Tearful Look @ Lv. 1
  2020. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  2021. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2022. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  2023. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  2024. Protect @ Lv. 15
  2025. Flail @ Lv. 20
  2026. Water Pulse @ Lv. 25
  2027. Rain Dance @ Lv. 30
  2028. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 35
  2029. Curse @ Lv. 43
  2030. Iron Head @ Lv. 49
  2031. Body Slam @ Lv. 49
  2032. Muddy Water @ Lv. 58
  2033. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 67
  2034. TM Moves:
  2035. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Rock Tomb, Dragon Claw, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Chilling Water
  2037. Klefki - 57/80/91/80/87/75 (Total: 470) - Steel/Fairy - Prankster/Prankster/Magician
  2038. Learned Moves:
  2039. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  2040. Tackle @ Lv. 4
  2041. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 8
  2042. Torment @ Lv. 12
  2043. Fairy Lock @ Lv. 16
  2044. Metal Sound @ Lv. 20
  2045. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 24
  2046. Recycle @ Lv. 28
  2047. Imprison @ Lv. 32
  2048. Flash Cannon @ Lv. 36
  2049. Play Rough @ Lv. 40
  2050. Magic Room @ Lv. 44
  2051. Foul Play @ Lv. 48
  2052. Last Resort @ Lv. 52
  2053. Egg Moves:
  2054. Magnet Rise, Switcheroo
  2055. TM Moves:
  2056. Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Imprison, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  2058. Bergmite - 55/69/85/32/35/28 (Total: 304) - Ice/Ice - Own Tempo/Ice Body/Sturdy
  2059. Evolutions:
  2060. Level: 37
  2061. Condition: LEVELUP
  2062. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2063. Species: Avalugg
  2064. Form: 0
  2065. Learned Moves:
  2066. Harden @ Lv. 1
  2067. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  2068. Tackle @ Lv. 3
  2069. Powder Snow @ Lv. 6
  2070. Curse @ Lv. 9
  2071. Icy Wind @ Lv. 12
  2072. Protect @ Lv. 15
  2073. Avalanche @ Lv. 18
  2074. Bite @ Lv. 21
  2075. Ice Fang @ Lv. 24
  2076. Iron Defense @ Lv. 27
  2077. Recover @ Lv. 30
  2078. Crunch @ Lv. 33
  2079. Take Down @ Lv. 36
  2080. Blizzard @ Lv. 39
  2081. Double-Edge @ Lv. 42
  2082. Egg Moves:
  2083. Mist, Mirror Coat, Aurora Veil
  2084. TM Moves:
  2085. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  2087. Avalugg - 95/117/184/44/46/28 (Total: 514) - Ice/Ice - Own Tempo/Ice Body/Sturdy
  2088. Learned Moves:
  2089. Body Slam @ Evolution
  2090. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  2091. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  2092. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  2093. Harden @ Lv. 1
  2094. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2095. Curse @ Lv. 9
  2096. Icy Wind @ Lv. 12
  2097. Protect @ Lv. 15
  2098. Avalanche @ Lv. 18
  2099. Bite @ Lv. 21
  2100. Ice Fang @ Lv. 24
  2101. Iron Defense @ Lv. 27
  2102. Recover @ Lv. 30
  2103. Crunch @ Lv. 33
  2104. Take Down @ Lv. 36
  2105. Blizzard @ Lv. 41
  2106. Double-Edge @ Lv. 46
  2107. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 51
  2108. TM Moves:
  2109. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  2111. Avalugg-1 - 95/127/184/34/36/38 (Total: 514) - Ice/Rock - Strong Jaw/Ice Body/Sturdy
  2112. Learned Moves:
  2113. Rock Slide @ Evolution
  2114. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  2115. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  2116. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  2117. Harden @ Lv. 1
  2118. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2119. Curse @ Lv. 9
  2120. Icy Wind @ Lv. 12
  2121. Protect @ Lv. 15
  2122. Avalanche @ Lv. 18
  2123. Bite @ Lv. 21
  2124. Ice Fang @ Lv. 24
  2125. Iron Defense @ Lv. 27
  2126. Recover @ Lv. 30
  2127. Crunch @ Lv. 33
  2128. Take Down @ Lv. 36
  2129. Blizzard @ Lv. 41
  2130. Double-Edge @ Lv. 46
  2131. Stone Edge @ Lv. 51
  2132. Mountain Gale @ Lv. 61
  2133. TM Moves:
  2134. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Rock Blast, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  2136. Noibat - 40/30/35/45/40/55 (Total: 245) - Flying/Dragon - Frisk/Infiltrator/Telepathy
  2137. Evolutions:
  2138. Level: 48
  2139. Condition: LEVELUP
  2140. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2141. Species: Noivern
  2142. Form: 0
  2143. Learned Moves:
  2144. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2145. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  2146. Gust @ Lv. 4
  2147. Supersonic @ Lv. 8
  2148. Double Team @ Lv. 12
  2149. Wing Attack @ Lv. 16
  2150. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2151. Air Cutter @ Lv. 24
  2152. Whirlwind @ Lv. 28
  2153. Super Fang @ Lv. 32
  2154. Air Slash @ Lv. 36
  2155. Screech @ Lv. 40
  2156. Roost @ Lv. 44
  2157. Tailwind @ Lv. 49
  2158. Hurricane @ Lv. 52
  2159. Egg Moves:
  2160. Dragon Rush, Defog
  2161. TM Moves:
  2162. Fly, Take Down, Solar Beam, Psychic, Agility, Swift, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Tailwind, U-turn, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, X-Scissor, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Claw, Draco Meteor, Acrobatics, Wild Charge, Hurricane, Tera Blast
  2164. Noivern - 85/70/80/97/80/123 (Total: 535) - Flying/Dragon - Frisk/Infiltrator/Telepathy
  2165. Learned Moves:
  2166. Dragon Pulse @ Evolution
  2167. Gust @ Lv. 1
  2168. Moonlight @ Lv. 1
  2169. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2170. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  2171. Supersonic @ Lv. 1
  2172. Double Team @ Lv. 12
  2173. Wing Attack @ Lv. 16
  2174. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2175. Air Cutter @ Lv. 24
  2176. Whirlwind @ Lv. 28
  2177. Super Fang @ Lv. 32
  2178. Air Slash @ Lv. 36
  2179. Screech @ Lv. 40
  2180. Roost @ Lv. 44
  2181. Tailwind @ Lv. 51
  2182. Hurricane @ Lv. 56
  2183. Boomburst @ Lv. 62
  2184. TM Moves:
  2185. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Agility, Swift, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Water Pulse, Tailwind, U-turn, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, X-Scissor, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Draco Meteor, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Hurricane, Tera Blast
  2187. Diancie - 50/100/150/100/150/50 (Total: 600) - Rock/Fairy - Clear Body/Clear Body/Clear Body
  2188. Learned Moves:
  2189. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2190. Harden @ Lv. 1
  2191. Diamond Storm @ Lv. 1
  2192. Guard Split @ Lv. 7
  2193. Smack Down @ Lv. 14
  2194. Flail @ Lv. 21
  2195. Ancient Power @ Lv. 28
  2196. Rock Polish @ Lv. 35
  2197. Light Screen @ Lv. 42
  2198. Rock Slide @ Lv. 49
  2199. Skill Swap @ Lv. 56
  2200. Power Gem @ Lv. 63
  2201. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 70
  2202. Moonblast @ Lv. 77
  2203. Stone Edge @ Lv. 84
  2204. TM Moves:
  2205. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Skill Swap, Fake Tears, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Psyshock, Stored Power, Bulldoze, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Body Press, Tera Blast, Snowscape
  2207. Hoopa - 80/110/60/150/130/70 (Total: 600) - Psychic/Ghost - Magician/Magician/Magician
  2208. Learned Moves:
  2209. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  2210. Ally Switch @ Lv. 1
  2211. Destiny Bond @ Lv. 1
  2212. Astonish @ Lv. 6
  2213. Trick @ Lv. 10
  2214. Light Screen @ Lv. 15
  2215. Psybeam @ Lv. 19
  2216. Skill Swap @ Lv. 25
  2217. Guard Split @ Lv. 29
  2218. Power Split @ Lv. 29
  2219. Phantom Force @ Lv. 35
  2220. Zen Headbutt @ Lv. 46
  2221. Trick Room @ Lv. 50
  2222. Wonder Room @ Lv. 50
  2223. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 55
  2224. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 68
  2225. Psychic @ Lv. 75
  2226. Hyperspace Hole @ Lv. 85
  2227. TM Moves:
  2228. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Rock Tomb, Calm Mind, Fling, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Gunk Shot, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Foul Play, Phantom Force, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  2230. Hoopa-1 - 80/160/60/170/130/80 (Total: 680) - Psychic/Dark - Magician/Magician/Magician
  2231. Learned Moves:
  2232. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  2233. Destiny Bond @ Lv. 1
  2234. Ally Switch @ Lv. 1
  2235. Astonish @ Lv. 6
  2236. Trick @ Lv. 10
  2237. Light Screen @ Lv. 15
  2238. Psybeam @ Lv. 19
  2239. Skill Swap @ Lv. 25
  2240. Guard Split @ Lv. 29
  2241. Power Split @ Lv. 29
  2242. Knock Off @ Lv. 46
  2243. Trick Room @ Lv. 50
  2244. Wonder Room @ Lv. 50
  2245. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 55
  2246. Psychic @ Lv. 75
  2247. Hyperspace Fury @ Lv. 85
  2248. TM Moves:
  2249. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Rock Tomb, Calm Mind, Fling, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Gunk Shot, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Foul Play, Phantom Force, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  2251. Volcanion - 80/110/120/130/90/70 (Total: 600) - Fire/Water - Water Absorb/Water Absorb/Water Absorb
  2252. Learned Moves:
  2253. Steam Eruption @ Lv. 1
  2254. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  2255. Fire Spin @ Lv. 1
  2256. Leer @ Lv. 6
  2257. Weather Ball @ Lv. 12
  2258. Flame Charge @ Lv. 18
  2259. Water Pulse @ Lv. 24
  2260. Scary Face @ Lv. 30
  2261. Incinerate @ Lv. 36
  2262. Stomp @ Lv. 42
  2263. Scald @ Lv. 48
  2264. Take Down @ Lv. 54
  2265. Mist @ Lv. 60
  2266. Haze @ Lv. 60
  2267. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 66
  2268. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 78
  2269. Overheat @ Lv. 84
  2270. Explosion @ Lv. 90
  2271. TM Moves:
  2272. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Earthquake, Dig, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Overheat, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Fling, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Misty Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast
  2274. Rowlet - 68/55/55/50/50/42 (Total: 320) - Grass/Flying - Overgrow/Overgrow/Long Reach
  2275. Evolutions:
  2276. Level: 17
  2277. Condition: LEVELUP
  2278. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2279. Species: Dartrix
  2280. Form: 0
  2281. Learned Moves:
  2282. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2283. Growl @ Lv. 1
  2284. Leafage @ Lv. 3
  2285. Astonish @ Lv. 6
  2286. Peck @ Lv. 9
  2287. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 12
  2288. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  2289. Synthesis @ Lv. 18
  2290. Pluck @ Lv. 21
  2291. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 24
  2292. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 27
  2293. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 30
  2294. Feather Dance @ Lv. 33
  2295. Brave Bird @ Lv. 36
  2296. Egg Moves:
  2297. Double Team, Confuse Ray, Knock Off, Roost, Defog
  2298. TM Moves:
  2299. Swords Dance, Take Down, Solar Beam, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Air Slash, Energy Ball, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grass Pledge, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2301. Dartrix - 78/75/75/70/70/52 (Total: 420) - Grass/Flying - Overgrow/Overgrow/Long Reach
  2302. Evolutions:
  2303. Level: 34
  2304. Condition: LEVELUP
  2305. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2306. Species: Decidueye
  2307. Form: 0
  2308. Learned Moves:
  2309. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2310. Growl @ Lv. 1
  2311. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  2312. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  2313. Peck @ Lv. 9
  2314. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 12
  2315. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  2316. Synthesis @ Lv. 20
  2317. Pluck @ Lv. 25
  2318. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 30
  2319. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 35
  2320. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 40
  2321. Feather Dance @ Lv. 45
  2322. Brave Bird @ Lv. 50
  2323. TM Moves:
  2324. Swords Dance, Take Down, Solar Beam, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Magical Leaf, Tailwind, Seed Bomb, Air Slash, Energy Ball, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grass Pledge, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2326. Decidueye - 78/107/75/100/100/70 (Total: 530) - Grass/Ghost - Overgrow/Overgrow/Long Reach
  2327. Learned Moves:
  2328. Spirit Shackle @ Evolution
  2329. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  2330. Phantom Force @ Lv. 1
  2331. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 1
  2332. U-turn @ Lv. 1
  2333. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  2334. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2335. Spite @ Lv. 1
  2336. Growl @ Lv. 1
  2337. Peck @ Lv. 9
  2338. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 12
  2339. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  2340. Synthesis @ Lv. 20
  2341. Pluck @ Lv. 25
  2342. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 30
  2343. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 37
  2344. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 44
  2345. Feather Dance @ Lv. 51
  2346. Brave Bird @ Lv. 58
  2347. TM Moves:
  2348. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Imprison, Air Cutter, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Frenzy Plant, Magical Leaf, Tailwind, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Air Slash, Energy Ball, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Hex, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Hurricane, Phantom Force, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2350. Decidueye-1 - 88/112/80/95/95/60 (Total: 530) - Grass/Fighting - Overgrow/Overgrow/Scrappy
  2351. Learned Moves:
  2352. Triple Arrows @ Evolution
  2353. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2354. Growl @ Lv. 1
  2355. U-turn @ Lv. 1
  2356. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 1
  2357. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  2358. Peck @ Lv. 9
  2359. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 12
  2360. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  2361. Synthesis @ Lv. 20
  2362. Pluck @ Lv. 25
  2363. Bulk Up @ Lv. 30
  2364. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 37
  2365. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 44
  2366. Feather Dance @ Lv. 51
  2367. Brave Bird @ Lv. 58
  2368. TM Moves:
  2369. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Air Cutter, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Frenzy Plant, Bulk Up, Magical Leaf, Tailwind, U-turn, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Seed Bomb, Air Slash, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Grass Pledge, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2371. Yungoos - 48/70/30/30/30/45 (Total: 253) - Normal/Normal - Stakeout/Strong Jaw/Adaptability
  2372. Evolutions:
  2373. Level: 20
  2374. Condition: NOON
  2375. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2376. Species: Gumshoos
  2377. Form: 0
  2378. Learned Moves:
  2379. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2380. Leer @ Lv. 3
  2381. Payback @ Lv. 7
  2382. Sand Attack @ Lv. 10
  2383. Work Up @ Lv. 13
  2384. Bite @ Lv. 19
  2385. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 22
  2386. Super Fang @ Lv. 25
  2387. Take Down @ Lv. 28
  2388. Scary Face @ Lv. 31
  2389. Crunch @ Lv. 34
  2390. Yawn @ Lv. 37
  2391. Thrash @ Lv. 40
  2392. Rest @ Lv. 43
  2393. Egg Moves:
  2394. Endeavor, Last Resort, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang
  2395. TM Moves:
  2396. Take Down, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  2398. Gumshoos - 88/110/60/55/60/45 (Total: 418) - Normal/Normal - Stakeout/Strong Jaw/Adaptability
  2399. Learned Moves:
  2400. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  2401. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2402. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2403. Payback @ Lv. 1
  2404. Work Up @ Lv. 13
  2405. Bite @ Lv. 19
  2406. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 23
  2407. Super Fang @ Lv. 27
  2408. Take Down @ Lv. 31
  2409. Scary Face @ Lv. 35
  2410. Crunch @ Lv. 39
  2411. Yawn @ Lv. 43
  2412. Thrash @ Lv. 47
  2413. Rest @ Lv. 52
  2414. TM Moves:
  2415. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Low Sweep, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  2417. Crabrawler - 47/82/57/42/47/63 (Total: 338) - Fighting/Fighting - Hyper Cutter/Iron Fist/Anger Point
  2418. Evolutions:
  2419. 0:
  2420. Level: 0
  2421. Condition: PLACE_SNOW_MOUNTAIN
  2422. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2423. Species: Crabominable
  2424. Form: 0
  2425. 1:
  2426. Level: 0
  2427. Condition: ITEM
  2428. Parameters: [52, 0, 0, 0]
  2429. Species: Crabominable
  2430. Form: 0
  2431. Learned Moves:
  2432. Vise Grip @ Lv. 1
  2433. Rock Smash @ Lv. 5
  2434. Leer @ Lv. 9
  2435. Bubble Beam @ Lv. 13
  2436. Protect @ Lv. 17
  2437. Brick Break @ Lv. 22
  2438. Slam @ Lv. 25
  2439. Payback @ Lv. 29
  2440. Reversal @ Lv. 33
  2441. Crabhammer @ Lv. 37
  2442. Iron Defense @ Lv. 42
  2443. Dynamic Punch @ Lv. 45
  2444. Close Combat @ Lv. 49
  2445. Egg Moves:
  2446. Focus Punch, Superpower, Endeavor, Wide Guard
  2447. TM Moves:
  2448. Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Earthquake, Dig, Swift, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Close Combat, Fling, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Zen Headbutt, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  2450. Crabominable - 97/132/77/62/67/43 (Total: 478) - Fighting/Ice - Hyper Cutter/Iron Fist/Anger Point
  2451. Learned Moves:
  2452. Ice Punch @ Evolution
  2453. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2454. Protect @ Lv. 1
  2455. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  2456. Bubble Beam @ Lv. 17
  2457. Brick Break @ Lv. 22
  2458. Slam @ Lv. 25
  2459. Avalanche @ Lv. 29
  2460. Reversal @ Lv. 33
  2461. Ice Hammer @ Lv. 37
  2462. Iron Defense @ Lv. 42
  2463. Dynamic Punch @ Lv. 45
  2464. Close Combat @ Lv. 49
  2465. TM Moves:
  2466. Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Swift, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Close Combat, Fling, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Zen Headbutt, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  2468. Oricorio - 75/70/70/98/70/93 (Total: 476) - Fire/Flying - Dancer/Dancer/Dancer
  2469. Learned Moves:
  2470. Pound @ Lv. 1
  2471. Growl @ Lv. 4
  2472. Peck @ Lv. 6
  2473. Helping Hand @ Lv. 10
  2474. Air Cutter @ Lv. 13
  2475. Baton Pass @ Lv. 16
  2476. Feather Dance @ Lv. 20
  2477. Acrobatics @ Lv. 23
  2478. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 26
  2479. Roost @ Lv. 30
  2480. Flatter @ Lv. 33
  2481. Air Slash @ Lv. 36
  2482. Revelation Dance @ Lv. 40
  2483. Agility @ Lv. 43
  2484. Hurricane @ Lv. 47
  2485. Egg Moves:
  2486. Attract, Safeguard, Pluck, Defog, Quiver Dance
  2487. TM Moves:
  2488. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Calm Mind, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2490. Oricorio-1 - 75/70/70/98/70/93 (Total: 476) - Electric/Flying - Dancer/Dancer/Dancer
  2491. Learned Moves:
  2492. Pound @ Lv. 1
  2493. Growl @ Lv. 4
  2494. Peck @ Lv. 6
  2495. Helping Hand @ Lv. 10
  2496. Air Cutter @ Lv. 13
  2497. Baton Pass @ Lv. 16
  2498. Feather Dance @ Lv. 20
  2499. Acrobatics @ Lv. 23
  2500. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 26
  2501. Roost @ Lv. 30
  2502. Flatter @ Lv. 33
  2503. Air Slash @ Lv. 36
  2504. Revelation Dance @ Lv. 40
  2505. Agility @ Lv. 43
  2506. Hurricane @ Lv. 47
  2507. Egg Moves:
  2508. Attract, Safeguard, Pluck, Defog, Quiver Dance
  2509. TM Moves:
  2510. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Calm Mind, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2512. Oricorio-2 - 75/70/70/98/70/93 (Total: 476) - Psychic/Flying - Dancer/Dancer/Dancer
  2513. Learned Moves:
  2514. Pound @ Lv. 1
  2515. Growl @ Lv. 4
  2516. Peck @ Lv. 6
  2517. Helping Hand @ Lv. 10
  2518. Air Cutter @ Lv. 13
  2519. Baton Pass @ Lv. 16
  2520. Feather Dance @ Lv. 20
  2521. Acrobatics @ Lv. 23
  2522. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 26
  2523. Roost @ Lv. 30
  2524. Flatter @ Lv. 33
  2525. Air Slash @ Lv. 36
  2526. Revelation Dance @ Lv. 40
  2527. Agility @ Lv. 43
  2528. Hurricane @ Lv. 47
  2529. Egg Moves:
  2530. Attract, Safeguard, Pluck, Defog, Quiver Dance
  2531. TM Moves:
  2532. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Calm Mind, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2534. Oricorio-3 - 75/70/70/98/70/93 (Total: 476) - Ghost/Flying - Dancer/Dancer/Dancer
  2535. Learned Moves:
  2536. Pound @ Lv. 1
  2537. Growl @ Lv. 4
  2538. Peck @ Lv. 6
  2539. Helping Hand @ Lv. 10
  2540. Air Cutter @ Lv. 13
  2541. Baton Pass @ Lv. 16
  2542. Feather Dance @ Lv. 20
  2543. Acrobatics @ Lv. 23
  2544. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 26
  2545. Roost @ Lv. 30
  2546. Flatter @ Lv. 33
  2547. Air Slash @ Lv. 36
  2548. Revelation Dance @ Lv. 40
  2549. Agility @ Lv. 43
  2550. Hurricane @ Lv. 47
  2551. Egg Moves:
  2552. Attract, Safeguard, Pluck, Defog, Quiver Dance
  2553. TM Moves:
  2554. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Calm Mind, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2556. Rockruff - 45/65/40/30/40/60 (Total: 280) - Rock/Rock - Keen Eye/Vital Spirit/Steadfast
  2557. Evolutions:
  2558. 0:
  2559. Level: 25
  2560. Condition: NOON
  2561. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2562. Species: Lycanroc
  2563. Form: 0
  2564. 1:
  2565. Level: 25
  2566. Condition: NIGHT
  2567. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2568. Species: Lycanroc
  2569. Form: 1
  2570. Learned Moves:
  2571. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2572. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2573. Sand Attack @ Lv. 4
  2574. Double Team @ Lv. 8
  2575. Rock Throw @ Lv. 12
  2576. Howl @ Lv. 16
  2577. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2578. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 24
  2579. Roar @ Lv. 28
  2580. Rock Slide @ Lv. 32
  2581. Crunch @ Lv. 36
  2582. Scary Face @ Lv. 40
  2583. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 44
  2584. Stone Edge @ Lv. 48
  2585. Egg Moves:
  2586. Thrash, Endeavor, Last Resort
  2587. TM Moves:
  2588. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Earth Power, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2590. Rockruff-1 - 45/65/40/30/40/60 (Total: 280) - Rock/Rock - Own Tempo/Own Tempo/Own Tempo
  2591. Evolutions:
  2592. Level: 25
  2593. Condition: EVENING
  2594. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2595. Species: Lycanroc
  2596. Form: 2
  2597. Learned Moves:
  2598. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2599. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2600. Sand Attack @ Lv. 4
  2601. Double Team @ Lv. 8
  2602. Rock Throw @ Lv. 12
  2603. Howl @ Lv. 16
  2604. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2605. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 24
  2606. Roar @ Lv. 28
  2607. Rock Slide @ Lv. 32
  2608. Crunch @ Lv. 36
  2609. Scary Face @ Lv. 40
  2610. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 44
  2611. Stone Edge @ Lv. 48
  2612. Egg Moves:
  2613. Thrash, Endeavor, Last Resort
  2614. TM Moves:
  2615. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Earth Power, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2617. Lycanroc - 75/115/65/55/65/112 (Total: 487) - Rock/Rock - Keen Eye/Sand Rush/Steadfast
  2618. Learned Moves:
  2619. Sucker Punch @ Evolution
  2620. Accelerock @ Lv. 1
  2621. Quick Guard @ Lv. 1
  2622. Double Team @ Lv. 1
  2623. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  2624. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  2625. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2626. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2627. Rock Throw @ Lv. 12
  2628. Howl @ Lv. 16
  2629. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2630. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 24
  2631. Roar @ Lv. 30
  2632. Rock Slide @ Lv. 36
  2633. Crunch @ Lv. 42
  2634. Scary Face @ Lv. 48
  2635. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 54
  2636. Stone Edge @ Lv. 60
  2637. TM Moves:
  2638. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Rock Blast, Close Combat, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Drill Run, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2640. Lycanroc-1 - 85/115/75/55/75/82 (Total: 487) - Rock/Rock - Keen Eye/Vital Spirit/No Guard
  2641. Learned Moves:
  2642. Counter @ Evolution
  2643. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  2644. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2645. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2646. Double Team @ Lv. 1
  2647. Reversal @ Lv. 1
  2648. Endure @ Lv. 1
  2649. Taunt @ Lv. 1
  2650. Rock Throw @ Lv. 12
  2651. Howl @ Lv. 16
  2652. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2653. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 24
  2654. Roar @ Lv. 30
  2655. Rock Slide @ Lv. 36
  2656. Crunch @ Lv. 42
  2657. Scary Face @ Lv. 48
  2658. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 54
  2659. Stone Edge @ Lv. 60
  2660. TM Moves:
  2661. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Rock Blast, Close Combat, Fling, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Low Sweep, Foul Play, Bulldoze, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2663. Lycanroc-2 - 75/117/65/55/65/110 (Total: 487) - Rock/Rock - Tough Claws/Tough Claws/Tough Claws
  2664. Learned Moves:
  2665. Crush Claw @ Evolution
  2666. Accelerock @ Lv. 1
  2667. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 1
  2668. Taunt @ Lv. 1
  2669. Endure @ Lv. 1
  2670. Quick Guard @ Lv. 1
  2671. Reversal @ Lv. 1
  2672. Double Team @ Lv. 1
  2673. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  2674. Counter @ Lv. 1
  2675. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2676. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2677. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  2678. Rock Throw @ Lv. 12
  2679. Howl @ Lv. 16
  2680. Bite @ Lv. 20
  2681. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 24
  2682. Roar @ Lv. 30
  2683. Rock Slide @ Lv. 36
  2684. Crunch @ Lv. 42
  2685. Scary Face @ Lv. 48
  2686. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 54
  2687. Stone Edge @ Lv. 60
  2688. TM Moves:
  2689. Swords Dance, Take Down, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Rock Blast, Close Combat, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Drill Run, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2691. Mareanie - 50/53/62/43/52/45 (Total: 305) - Poison/Water - Merciless/Limber/Regenerator
  2692. Evolutions:
  2693. Level: 38
  2694. Condition: LEVELUP
  2695. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2696. Species: Toxapex
  2697. Form: 0
  2698. Learned Moves:
  2699. Poison Sting @ Lv. 1
  2700. Peck @ Lv. 1
  2701. Wide Guard @ Lv. 5
  2702. Bite @ Lv. 10
  2703. Venoshock @ Lv. 15
  2704. Recover @ Lv. 20
  2705. Pin Missile @ Lv. 25
  2706. Toxic Spikes @ Lv. 30
  2707. Liquidation @ Lv. 35
  2708. Acid Spray @ Lv. 40
  2709. Poison Jab @ Lv. 45
  2710. Toxic @ Lv. 50
  2711. Egg Moves:
  2712. Haze, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Infestation
  2713. TM Moves:
  2714. Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Pounce, Chilling Water
  2716. Toxapex - 50/63/152/53/142/35 (Total: 495) - Poison/Water - Merciless/Limber/Regenerator
  2717. Learned Moves:
  2718. Baneful Bunker @ Evolution
  2719. Poison Sting @ Lv. 1
  2720. Bite @ Lv. 1
  2721. Peck @ Lv. 1
  2722. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  2723. Venoshock @ Lv. 15
  2724. Recover @ Lv. 20
  2725. Pin Missile @ Lv. 25
  2726. Toxic Spikes @ Lv. 30
  2727. Liquidation @ Lv. 35
  2728. Acid Spray @ Lv. 42
  2729. Poison Jab @ Lv. 49
  2730. Toxic @ Lv. 56
  2731. TM Moves:
  2732. Body Slam, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Giga Impact, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Hex, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Pounce, Chilling Water
  2734. Mudbray - 70/100/70/45/55/45 (Total: 385) - Ground/Ground - Own Tempo/Stamina/Inner Focus
  2735. Evolutions:
  2736. Level: 30
  2737. Condition: LEVELUP
  2738. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2739. Species: Mudsdale
  2740. Form: 0
  2741. Learned Moves:
  2742. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  2743. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  2744. Iron Defense @ Lv. 4
  2745. Double Kick @ Lv. 8
  2746. Bulldoze @ Lv. 12
  2747. Stomp @ Lv. 16
  2748. Strength @ Lv. 20
  2749. Counter @ Lv. 24
  2750. High Horsepower @ Lv. 28
  2751. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 32
  2752. Earthquake @ Lv. 36
  2753. Mega Kick @ Lv. 40
  2754. Superpower @ Lv. 44
  2755. Egg Moves:
  2756. Double-Edge, Roar, Fissure, Endeavor, Smack Down
  2757. TM Moves:
  2758. Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Earthquake, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Earth Power, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Low Sweep, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  2760. Mudsdale - 100/125/100/55/85/35 (Total: 500) - Ground/Ground - Own Tempo/Stamina/Inner Focus
  2761. Learned Moves:
  2762. Double Kick @ Lv. 1
  2763. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  2764. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  2765. Iron Defense @ Lv. 1
  2766. Bulldoze @ Lv. 12
  2767. Stomp @ Lv. 16
  2768. Strength @ Lv. 20
  2769. Counter @ Lv. 24
  2770. High Horsepower @ Lv. 28
  2771. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 34
  2772. Earthquake @ Lv. 40
  2773. Mega Kick @ Lv. 46
  2774. Superpower @ Lv. 52
  2775. TM Moves:
  2776. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Low Sweep, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  2778. Fomantis - 40/55/35/50/35/35 (Total: 250) - Grass/Grass - Leaf Guard/Leaf Guard/Contrary
  2779. Evolutions:
  2780. Level: 34
  2781. Condition: NOON
  2782. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2783. Species: Lurantis
  2784. Form: 0
  2785. Learned Moves:
  2786. Fury Cutter @ Lv. 1
  2787. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  2788. Growth @ Lv. 5
  2789. Ingrain @ Lv. 10
  2790. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  2791. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 20
  2792. Slash @ Lv. 25
  2793. X-Scissor @ Lv. 30
  2794. Synthesis @ Lv. 35
  2795. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 40
  2796. Sunny Day @ Lv. 45
  2797. Solar Beam @ Lv. 50
  2798. Egg Moves:
  2799. Worry Seed, Defog
  2800. TM Moves:
  2801. Swords Dance, Take Down, Solar Beam, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Fling, Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2803. Lurantis - 70/105/90/80/90/45 (Total: 480) - Grass/Grass - Leaf Guard/Leaf Guard/Contrary
  2804. Learned Moves:
  2805. Petal Blizzard @ Evolution
  2806. Growth @ Lv. 1
  2807. Solar Beam @ Lv. 1
  2808. Fury Cutter @ Lv. 1
  2809. Ingrain @ Lv. 1
  2810. Night Slash @ Lv. 1
  2811. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  2812. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 15
  2813. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 20
  2814. Slash @ Lv. 25
  2815. X-Scissor @ Lv. 30
  2816. Synthesis @ Lv. 37
  2817. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 44
  2818. Sunny Day @ Lv. 51
  2819. Solar Blade @ Lv. 63
  2820. TM Moves:
  2821. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Brick Break, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Fling, Poison Jab, Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Grassy Terrain, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2823. Salandit - 48/44/40/71/40/77 (Total: 320) - Poison/Fire - Corrosion/Corrosion/Oblivious
  2824. Evolutions:
  2825. Level: 33
  2826. Condition: FEMALE
  2827. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2828. Species: Salazzle
  2829. Form: 0
  2830. Learned Moves:
  2831. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  2832. Poison Gas @ Lv. 1
  2833. Smog @ Lv. 5
  2834. Ember @ Lv. 10
  2835. Poison Fang @ Lv. 15
  2836. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 20
  2837. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 25
  2838. Incinerate @ Lv. 30
  2839. Venoshock @ Lv. 35
  2840. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 40
  2841. Flamethrower @ Lv. 45
  2842. Toxic @ Lv. 50
  2843. Endeavor @ Lv. 55
  2844. Egg Moves:
  2845. Sand Attack, Mud-Slap, Fake Out, Belch
  2846. TM Moves:
  2847. Take Down, Flamethrower, Thunder Wave, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Poison Tail, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Flare Blitz, Poison Jab, Dragon Pulse, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Fire Fang, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2849. Salazzle - 68/64/60/111/60/117 (Total: 480) - Poison/Fire - Corrosion/Corrosion/Oblivious
  2850. Learned Moves:
  2851. Fire Lash @ Evolution
  2852. Endeavor @ Lv. 1
  2853. Knock Off @ Lv. 1
  2854. Torment @ Lv. 1
  2855. Swagger @ Lv. 1
  2856. Poison Gas @ Lv. 1
  2857. Encore @ Lv. 1
  2858. Ember @ Lv. 1
  2859. Disable @ Lv. 1
  2860. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  2861. Smog @ Lv. 1
  2862. Pound @ Lv. 1
  2863. Poison Fang @ Lv. 15
  2864. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 20
  2865. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 25
  2866. Incinerate @ Lv. 30
  2867. Venoshock @ Lv. 37
  2868. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 44
  2869. Flamethrower @ Lv. 51
  2870. Toxic @ Lv. 58
  2871. TM Moves:
  2872. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Poison Tail, Dragon Dance, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Flare Blitz, Poison Jab, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Fire Fang, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Acrobatics, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2874. Bounsweet - 42/30/38/30/38/32 (Total: 210) - Grass/Grass - Leaf Guard/Oblivious/Sweet Veil
  2875. Evolutions:
  2876. Level: 18
  2877. Condition: LEVELUP
  2878. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2879. Species: Steenee
  2880. Form: 0
  2881. Learned Moves:
  2882. Splash @ Lv. 1
  2883. Play Nice @ Lv. 4
  2884. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 8
  2885. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 12
  2886. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 16
  2887. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 20
  2888. Flail @ Lv. 24
  2889. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 28
  2890. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 32
  2891. Egg Moves:
  2892. Synthesis, Endeavor, Acupressure
  2893. TM Moves:
  2894. Take Down, Solar Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2896. Steenee - 52/40/48/40/48/62 (Total: 290) - Grass/Grass - Leaf Guard/Oblivious/Sweet Veil
  2897. Evolutions:
  2898. Level: 0
  2899. Condition: WAZA
  2900. Parameters: [23, 0, 0, 0]
  2901. Species: Tsareena
  2902. Form: 0
  2903. Learned Moves:
  2904. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 1
  2905. Splash @ Lv. 1
  2906. Flail @ Lv. 1
  2907. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  2908. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  2909. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 16
  2910. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  2911. Stomp @ Lv. 28
  2912. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 34
  2913. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 40
  2914. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 46
  2915. TM Moves:
  2916. Take Down, Solar Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Fling, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2918. Tsareena - 72/120/98/50/98/72 (Total: 510) - Grass/Grass - Leaf Guard/Queenly Majesty/Sweet Veil
  2919. Learned Moves:
  2920. Trop Kick @ Evolution
  2921. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 1
  2922. Splash @ Lv. 1
  2923. Flail @ Lv. 1
  2924. Swagger @ Lv. 1
  2925. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  2926. Power Whip @ Lv. 1
  2927. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  2928. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 16
  2929. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 22
  2930. Stomp @ Lv. 28
  2931. Teeter Dance @ Lv. 34
  2932. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 40
  2933. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 46
  2934. High Jump Kick @ Lv. 58
  2935. TM Moves:
  2936. Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  2938. Oranguru - 90/60/80/90/110/60 (Total: 490) - Normal/Psychic - Inner Focus/Telepathy/Symbiosis
  2939. Learned Moves:
  2940. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  2941. Taunt @ Lv. 1
  2942. After You @ Lv. 5
  2943. Calm Mind @ Lv. 10
  2944. Stored Power @ Lv. 15
  2945. Psych Up @ Lv. 20
  2946. Quash @ Lv. 25
  2947. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 30
  2948. Zen Headbutt @ Lv. 35
  2949. Trick Room @ Lv. 40
  2950. Psychic @ Lv. 45
  2951. Instruct @ Lv. 50
  2952. Foul Play @ Lv. 55
  2953. Future Sight @ Lv. 60
  2954. Egg Moves:
  2955. Dream Eater, Yawn, Extrasensory, Last Resort
  2956. TM Moves:
  2957. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Calm Mind, Fling, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Bulldoze, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  2959. Passimian - 100/120/90/40/60/80 (Total: 490) - Fighting/Fighting - Receiver/Receiver/Defiant
  2960. Learned Moves:
  2961. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  2962. Leer @ Lv. 1
  2963. Rock Smash @ Lv. 5
  2964. Focus Energy @ Lv. 10
  2965. Beat Up @ Lv. 15
  2966. Scary Face @ Lv. 20
  2967. Take Down @ Lv. 25
  2968. Fling @ Lv. 30
  2969. Bulk Up @ Lv. 35
  2970. Thrash @ Lv. 40
  2971. Double-Edge @ Lv. 45
  2972. Close Combat @ Lv. 50
  2973. Reversal @ Lv. 55
  2974. Giga Impact @ Lv. 60
  2975. Egg Moves:
  2976. Counter, Seismic Toss, Quick Attack, Knock Off, Feint, Quick Guard
  2977. TM Moves:
  2978. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  2980. Sandygast - 55/55/80/70/45/15 (Total: 320) - Ghost/Ground - Water Compaction/Water Compaction/Sand Veil
  2981. Evolutions:
  2982. Level: 42
  2983. Condition: LEVELUP
  2984. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  2985. Species: Palossand
  2986. Form: 0
  2987. Learned Moves:
  2988. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  2989. Harden @ Lv. 1
  2990. Astonish @ Lv. 5
  2991. Sand Tomb @ Lv. 10
  2992. Mega Drain @ Lv. 15
  2993. Sand Attack @ Lv. 20
  2994. Bulldoze @ Lv. 25
  2995. Hypnosis @ Lv. 30
  2996. Giga Drain @ Lv. 35
  2997. Iron Defense @ Lv. 40
  2998. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 45
  2999. Earth Power @ Lv. 50
  3000. Shore Up @ Lv. 55
  3001. Sandstorm @ Lv. 60
  3002. Egg Moves:
  3003. Curse, Destiny Bond, Ancient Power, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow
  3004. TM Moves:
  3005. Earthquake, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Fling, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Hex, Bulldoze, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3007. Palossand - 85/75/110/100/75/35 (Total: 480) - Ghost/Ground - Water Compaction/Water Compaction/Sand Veil
  3008. Learned Moves:
  3009. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  3010. Harden @ Lv. 1
  3011. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3012. Sand Tomb @ Lv. 1
  3013. Mega Drain @ Lv. 15
  3014. Sand Attack @ Lv. 20
  3015. Bulldoze @ Lv. 25
  3016. Hypnosis @ Lv. 30
  3017. Giga Drain @ Lv. 35
  3018. Iron Defense @ Lv. 40
  3019. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 47
  3020. Earth Power @ Lv. 54
  3021. Shore Up @ Lv. 61
  3022. Sandstorm @ Lv. 68
  3023. TM Moves:
  3024. Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Fling, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Hex, Bulldoze, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3026. Komala - 65/115/65/75/95/65 (Total: 480) - Normal/Normal - Comatose/Comatose/Comatose
  3027. Learned Moves:
  3028. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  3029. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  3030. Stockpile @ Lv. 6
  3031. Spit Up @ Lv. 6
  3032. Swallow @ Lv. 6
  3033. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 11
  3034. Yawn @ Lv. 16
  3035. Slam @ Lv. 21
  3036. Flail @ Lv. 26
  3037. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 31
  3038. Psych Up @ Lv. 36
  3039. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 41
  3040. Thrash @ Lv. 46
  3041. Egg Moves:
  3042. Sing, Charm, Wish, Superpower, Play Rough
  3043. TM Moves:
  3044. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Trailblaze
  3046. Mimikyu - 55/90/80/50/105/96 (Total: 476) - Ghost/Fairy - Disguise/Disguise/Disguise
  3047. Learned Moves:
  3048. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  3049. Splash @ Lv. 1
  3050. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3051. Copycat @ Lv. 1
  3052. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 1
  3053. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 6
  3054. Double Team @ Lv. 12
  3055. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 18
  3056. Mimic @ Lv. 24
  3057. Hone Claws @ Lv. 30
  3058. Slash @ Lv. 36
  3059. Shadow Claw @ Lv. 42
  3060. Charm @ Lv. 48
  3061. Play Rough @ Lv. 54
  3062. Pain Split @ Lv. 60
  3063. Egg Moves:
  3064. Curse, Destiny Bond
  3065. TM Moves:
  3066. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Bulk Up, Fling, Dark Pulse, X-Scissor, Drain Punch, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Trick Room, Hex, Phantom Force, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  3068. Mimikyu-1 - 55/90/80/50/105/96 (Total: 476) - Ghost/Fairy - Disguise/Disguise/Disguise
  3069. Learned Moves:
  3070. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  3071. Splash @ Lv. 1
  3072. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3073. Copycat @ Lv. 1
  3074. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 1
  3075. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 6
  3076. Double Team @ Lv. 12
  3077. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 18
  3078. Mimic @ Lv. 24
  3079. Hone Claws @ Lv. 30
  3080. Slash @ Lv. 36
  3081. Shadow Claw @ Lv. 42
  3082. Charm @ Lv. 48
  3083. Play Rough @ Lv. 54
  3084. Pain Split @ Lv. 60
  3085. TM Moves:
  3086. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Bulk Up, Fling, Dark Pulse, X-Scissor, Drain Punch, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Trick Room, Hex, Phantom Force, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  3088. Bruxish - 68/105/70/70/70/92 (Total: 475) - Water/Psychic - Dazzling/Strong Jaw/Wonder Skin
  3089. Learned Moves:
  3090. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  3091. Astonish @ Lv. 4
  3092. Confusion @ Lv. 9
  3093. Bite @ Lv. 12
  3094. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 17
  3095. Disable @ Lv. 20
  3096. Psyshock @ Lv. 25
  3097. Crunch @ Lv. 28
  3098. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 33
  3099. Screech @ Lv. 36
  3100. Psychic Fangs @ Lv. 41
  3101. Wave Crash @ Lv. 44
  3102. Egg Moves:
  3103. Super Fang, Poison Fang, Water Pulse, Ice Fang
  3104. TM Moves:
  3105. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Ice Fang, Trick Room, Psyshock, Venoshock, Psychic Terrain, Psychic Fangs, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3107. Magearna - 80/95/115/130/115/65 (Total: 600) - Steel/Fairy - Soul-Heart/Soul-Heart/Soul-Heart
  3108. Learned Moves:
  3109. Gyro Ball @ Lv. 1
  3110. Helping Hand @ Lv. 1
  3111. Defense Curl @ Lv. 6
  3112. Rollout @ Lv. 12
  3113. Iron Defense @ Lv. 18
  3114. Magnetic Flux @ Lv. 24
  3115. Psybeam @ Lv. 30
  3116. Aurora Beam @ Lv. 36
  3117. Lock-On @ Lv. 42
  3118. Shift Gear @ Lv. 48
  3119. Trick @ Lv. 54
  3120. Iron Head @ Lv. 60
  3121. Aura Sphere @ Lv. 66
  3122. Flash Cannon @ Lv. 72
  3123. Pain Split @ Lv. 78
  3124. Zap Cannon @ Lv. 84
  3125. Fleur Cannon @ Lv. 90
  3126. TM Moves:
  3127. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Imprison, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Stored Power, Volt Switch, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Eerie Impulse, Dazzling Gleam, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape
  3129. Magearna-1 - 80/95/115/130/115/65 (Total: 600) - Steel/Fairy - Soul-Heart/Soul-Heart/Soul-Heart
  3130. Learned Moves:
  3131. Gyro Ball @ Lv. 1
  3132. Helping Hand @ Lv. 1
  3133. Defense Curl @ Lv. 6
  3134. Rollout @ Lv. 12
  3135. Iron Defense @ Lv. 18
  3136. Magnetic Flux @ Lv. 24
  3137. Psybeam @ Lv. 30
  3138. Aurora Beam @ Lv. 36
  3139. Lock-On @ Lv. 42
  3140. Shift Gear @ Lv. 48
  3141. Trick @ Lv. 54
  3142. Iron Head @ Lv. 60
  3143. Aura Sphere @ Lv. 66
  3144. Flash Cannon @ Lv. 72
  3145. Pain Split @ Lv. 78
  3146. Zap Cannon @ Lv. 84
  3147. Fleur Cannon @ Lv. 90
  3148. TM Moves:
  3149. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Imprison, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Stored Power, Volt Switch, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Eerie Impulse, Dazzling Gleam, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape
  3151. Grookey - 50/65/50/40/40/65 (Total: 310) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Grassy Surge
  3152. Evolutions:
  3153. Level: 16
  3154. Condition: LEVELUP
  3155. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3156. Species: Thwackey
  3157. Form: 0
  3158. Learned Moves:
  3159. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  3160. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3161. Branch Poke @ Lv. 6
  3162. Taunt @ Lv. 8
  3163. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 12
  3164. Screech @ Lv. 17
  3165. Knock Off @ Lv. 20
  3166. Slam @ Lv. 24
  3167. Uproar @ Lv. 28
  3168. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 32
  3169. Endeavor @ Lv. 36
  3170. Egg Moves:
  3171. Strength, Leech Seed, Growth, Fake Out, Hammer Arm, Worry Seed
  3172. TM Moves:
  3173. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3175. Thwackey - 70/85/70/55/60/80 (Total: 420) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Grassy Surge
  3176. Evolutions:
  3177. Level: 35
  3178. Condition: LEVELUP
  3179. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3180. Species: Rillaboom
  3181. Form: 0
  3182. Learned Moves:
  3183. Double Hit @ Evolution
  3184. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  3185. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3186. Taunt @ Lv. 1
  3187. Branch Poke @ Lv. 1
  3188. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 12
  3189. Screech @ Lv. 19
  3190. Knock Off @ Lv. 24
  3191. Slam @ Lv. 30
  3192. Uproar @ Lv. 36
  3193. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 42
  3194. Endeavor @ Lv. 48
  3195. TM Moves:
  3196. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3198. Rillaboom - 100/125/90/60/70/85 (Total: 530) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Grassy Surge
  3199. Learned Moves:
  3200. Drum Beating @ Evolution
  3201. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  3202. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3203. Taunt @ Lv. 1
  3204. Double Hit @ Lv. 1
  3205. Noble Roar @ Lv. 1
  3206. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 1
  3207. Branch Poke @ Lv. 1
  3208. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 12
  3209. Screech @ Lv. 19
  3210. Knock Off @ Lv. 24
  3211. Slam @ Lv. 30
  3212. Uproar @ Lv. 38
  3213. Wood Hammer @ Lv. 46
  3214. Endeavor @ Lv. 54
  3215. Boomburst @ Lv. 62
  3216. TM Moves:
  3217. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Bulldoze, Snarl, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3219. Scorbunny - 50/71/40/40/40/69 (Total: 310) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Libero
  3220. Evolutions:
  3221. Level: 16
  3222. Condition: LEVELUP
  3223. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3224. Species: Raboot
  3225. Form: 0
  3226. Learned Moves:
  3227. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3228. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3229. Ember @ Lv. 6
  3230. Quick Attack @ Lv. 8
  3231. Double Kick @ Lv. 12
  3232. Flame Charge @ Lv. 17
  3233. Agility @ Lv. 20
  3234. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  3235. Counter @ Lv. 28
  3236. Bounce @ Lv. 32
  3237. Double-Edge @ Lv. 36
  3238. Egg Moves:
  3239. Sand Attack, High Jump Kick, Super Fang, Sucker Punch
  3240. TM Moves:
  3241. Take Down, Flamethrower, Low Kick, Fire Spin, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, U-turn, Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Gunk Shot, Electro Ball, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Fire Pledge, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3243. Raboot - 65/86/60/55/60/94 (Total: 420) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Libero
  3244. Evolutions:
  3245. Level: 35
  3246. Condition: LEVELUP
  3247. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3248. Species: Cinderace
  3249. Form: 0
  3250. Learned Moves:
  3251. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3252. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3253. Ember @ Lv. 1
  3254. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  3255. Double Kick @ Lv. 12
  3256. Flame Charge @ Lv. 19
  3257. Agility @ Lv. 24
  3258. Headbutt @ Lv. 30
  3259. Counter @ Lv. 36
  3260. Bounce @ Lv. 42
  3261. Double-Edge @ Lv. 48
  3262. TM Moves:
  3263. Swords Dance, Take Down, Flamethrower, Low Kick, Fire Spin, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Gunk Shot, Electro Ball, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Fire Pledge, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3265. Cinderace - 80/116/75/65/75/119 (Total: 530) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Libero
  3266. Learned Moves:
  3267. Pyro Ball @ Evolution
  3268. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3269. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3270. Ember @ Lv. 1
  3271. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  3272. Feint @ Lv. 1
  3273. Double Kick @ Lv. 12
  3274. Flame Charge @ Lv. 19
  3275. Agility @ Lv. 24
  3276. Headbutt @ Lv. 30
  3277. Counter @ Lv. 38
  3278. Bounce @ Lv. 46
  3279. Double-Edge @ Lv. 54
  3280. Court Change @ Lv. 62
  3281. TM Moves:
  3282. Fire Punch, Swords Dance, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Fire Spin, Agility, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Blast Burn, Overheat, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Fling, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Electro Ball, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Fire Pledge, Snarl, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3284. Sobble - 50/40/40/70/40/70 (Total: 310) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Sniper
  3285. Evolutions:
  3286. Level: 16
  3287. Condition: LEVELUP
  3288. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3289. Species: Drizzile
  3290. Form: 0
  3291. Learned Moves:
  3292. Pound @ Lv. 1
  3293. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3294. Water Gun @ Lv. 6
  3295. Bind @ Lv. 8
  3296. Water Pulse @ Lv. 12
  3297. Tearful Look @ Lv. 17
  3298. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 20
  3299. U-turn @ Lv. 24
  3300. Liquidation @ Lv. 28
  3301. Soak @ Lv. 32
  3302. Rain Dance @ Lv. 36
  3303. Egg Moves:
  3304. Mist, Double Team, Haze, Aqua Ring, Ice Shard, Aqua Jet, Fell Stinger
  3305. TM Moves:
  3306. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Light Screen, Reflect, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3308. Drizzile - 65/60/55/95/55/90 (Total: 420) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Sniper
  3309. Evolutions:
  3310. Level: 35
  3311. Condition: LEVELUP
  3312. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3313. Species: Inteleon
  3314. Form: 0
  3315. Learned Moves:
  3316. Pound @ Lv. 1
  3317. Bind @ Lv. 1
  3318. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3319. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  3320. Water Pulse @ Lv. 12
  3321. Tearful Look @ Lv. 19
  3322. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3323. U-turn @ Lv. 30
  3324. Liquidation @ Lv. 36
  3325. Soak @ Lv. 42
  3326. Rain Dance @ Lv. 48
  3327. TM Moves:
  3328. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Light Screen, Reflect, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3330. Inteleon - 70/85/65/125/65/120 (Total: 530) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Sniper
  3331. Learned Moves:
  3332. Snipe Shot @ Evolution
  3333. Pound @ Lv. 1
  3334. Bind @ Lv. 1
  3335. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3336. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  3337. Acrobatics @ Lv. 1
  3338. Water Pulse @ Lv. 12
  3339. Tearful Look @ Lv. 19
  3340. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3341. U-turn @ Lv. 30
  3342. Liquidation @ Lv. 38
  3343. Soak @ Lv. 46
  3344. Rain Dance @ Lv. 54
  3345. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 62
  3346. TM Moves:
  3347. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Hydro Cannon, Air Cutter, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Giga Impact, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  3349. Skwovet - 70/55/55/35/35/25 (Total: 275) - Normal/Normal - Cheek Pouch/Cheek Pouch/Gluttony
  3350. Evolutions:
  3351. Level: 24
  3352. Condition: LEVELUP
  3353. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3354. Species: Greedent
  3355. Form: 0
  3356. Learned Moves:
  3357. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3358. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  3359. Bite @ Lv. 5
  3360. Stuff Cheeks @ Lv. 10
  3361. Stockpile @ Lv. 15
  3362. Spit Up @ Lv. 15
  3363. Swallow @ Lv. 15
  3364. Body Slam @ Lv. 20
  3365. Rest @ Lv. 25
  3366. Counter @ Lv. 30
  3367. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 35
  3368. Super Fang @ Lv. 40
  3369. Belch @ Lv. 45
  3370. Egg Moves:
  3371. Defense Curl, Belly Drum, Rollout, Last Resort
  3372. TM Moves:
  3373. Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Fling, Seed Bomb, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3375. Greedent - 120/95/95/55/75/20 (Total: 460) - Normal/Normal - Cheek Pouch/Cheek Pouch/Gluttony
  3376. Learned Moves:
  3377. Covet @ Evolution
  3378. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3379. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  3380. Bite @ Lv. 1
  3381. Stuff Cheeks @ Lv. 1
  3382. Stockpile @ Lv. 15
  3383. Spit Up @ Lv. 15
  3384. Swallow @ Lv. 15
  3385. Body Slam @ Lv. 20
  3386. Rest @ Lv. 27
  3387. Counter @ Lv. 34
  3388. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 41
  3389. Super Fang @ Lv. 48
  3390. Belch @ Lv. 55
  3391. TM Moves:
  3392. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Fling, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  3394. Rookidee - 38/47/35/33/35/57 (Total: 245) - Flying/Flying - Keen Eye/Unnerve/Big Pecks
  3395. Evolutions:
  3396. Level: 18
  3397. Condition: LEVELUP
  3398. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3399. Species: Corvisquire
  3400. Form: 0
  3401. Learned Moves:
  3402. Leer @ Lv. 1
  3403. Peck @ Lv. 1
  3404. Power Trip @ Lv. 4
  3405. Hone Claws @ Lv. 8
  3406. Fury Attack @ Lv. 12
  3407. Pluck @ Lv. 16
  3408. Taunt @ Lv. 20
  3409. Scary Face @ Lv. 24
  3410. Drill Peck @ Lv. 28
  3411. Swagger @ Lv. 32
  3412. Brave Bird @ Lv. 36
  3413. Egg Moves:
  3414. Sand Attack, Sky Attack, Spite, Rock Smash, Roost, Tailwind, Defog
  3415. TM Moves:
  3416. Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot, Tera Blast
  3418. Corvisquire - 68/67/55/43/55/77 (Total: 365) - Flying/Flying - Keen Eye/Unnerve/Big Pecks
  3419. Evolutions:
  3420. Level: 38
  3421. Condition: LEVELUP
  3422. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3423. Species: Corviknight
  3424. Form: 0
  3425. Learned Moves:
  3426. Leer @ Lv. 1
  3427. Peck @ Lv. 1
  3428. Hone Claws @ Lv. 1
  3429. Power Trip @ Lv. 1
  3430. Fury Attack @ Lv. 12
  3431. Pluck @ Lv. 16
  3432. Taunt @ Lv. 22
  3433. Scary Face @ Lv. 28
  3434. Drill Peck @ Lv. 34
  3435. Swagger @ Lv. 40
  3436. Brave Bird @ Lv. 46
  3437. TM Moves:
  3438. Fly, Take Down, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot, Hurricane, Tera Blast
  3440. Corviknight - 98/87/105/53/85/67 (Total: 495) - Flying/Steel - Pressure/Unnerve/Mirror Armor
  3441. Learned Moves:
  3442. Steel Wing @ Evolution
  3443. Leer @ Lv. 1
  3444. Peck @ Lv. 1
  3445. Screech @ Lv. 1
  3446. Metal Sound @ Lv. 1
  3447. Iron Defense @ Lv. 1
  3448. Hone Claws @ Lv. 1
  3449. Power Trip @ Lv. 1
  3450. Fury Attack @ Lv. 12
  3451. Pluck @ Lv. 16
  3452. Taunt @ Lv. 22
  3453. Scary Face @ Lv. 28
  3454. Drill Peck @ Lv. 34
  3455. Swagger @ Lv. 42
  3456. Brave Bird @ Lv. 50
  3457. TM Moves:
  3458. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Hurricane, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  3460. Chewtle - 50/64/50/38/38/44 (Total: 284) - Water/Water - Strong Jaw/Shell Armor/Swift Swim
  3461. Evolutions:
  3462. Level: 22
  3463. Condition: LEVELUP
  3464. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3465. Species: Drednaw
  3466. Form: 0
  3467. Learned Moves:
  3468. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3469. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  3470. Bite @ Lv. 7
  3471. Protect @ Lv. 14
  3472. Headbutt @ Lv. 21
  3473. Counter @ Lv. 28
  3474. Jaw Lock @ Lv. 35
  3475. Liquidation @ Lv. 42
  3476. Body Slam @ Lv. 49
  3477. Egg Moves:
  3478. Gastro Acid, Shell Smash, Dragon Tail
  3479. TM Moves:
  3480. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Poison Jab, Ice Fang, Dragon Tail, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3482. Drednaw - 90/115/90/48/68/74 (Total: 485) - Water/Rock - Strong Jaw/Shell Armor/Swift Swim
  3483. Learned Moves:
  3484. Rock Tomb @ Evolution
  3485. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3486. Bite @ Lv. 1
  3487. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  3488. Protect @ Lv. 1
  3489. Crunch @ Lv. 1
  3490. Rock Polish @ Lv. 1
  3491. Razor Shell @ Lv. 1
  3492. Headbutt @ Lv. 21
  3493. Counter @ Lv. 30
  3494. Jaw Lock @ Lv. 39
  3495. Liquidation @ Lv. 48
  3496. Body Slam @ Lv. 57
  3497. Head Smash @ Lv. 66
  3498. TM Moves:
  3499. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Waterfall, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Water Pulse, Poison Jab, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Chilling Water
  3501. Rolycoly - 30/40/50/40/50/30 (Total: 240) - Rock/Rock - Steam Engine/Heatproof/Flash Fire
  3502. Evolutions:
  3503. Level: 18
  3504. Condition: LEVELUP
  3505. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3506. Species: Carkol
  3507. Form: 0
  3508. Learned Moves:
  3509. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3510. Smokescreen @ Lv. 1
  3511. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 5
  3512. Smack Down @ Lv. 10
  3513. Rock Polish @ Lv. 15
  3514. Ancient Power @ Lv. 20
  3515. Incinerate @ Lv. 25
  3516. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 30
  3517. Heat Crash @ Lv. 35
  3518. Rock Blast @ Lv. 40
  3519. Egg Moves:
  3520. Explosion, Mud-Slap, Block
  3521. TM Moves:
  3522. Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Reflect, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Rock Blast, Power Gem, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Tera Blast
  3524. Carkol - 80/60/90/60/70/50 (Total: 410) - Rock/Fire - Steam Engine/Flame Body/Flash Fire
  3525. Evolutions:
  3526. Level: 34
  3527. Condition: LEVELUP
  3528. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3529. Species: Coalossal
  3530. Form: 0
  3531. Learned Moves:
  3532. Flame Charge @ Evolution
  3533. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3534. Smokescreen @ Lv. 1
  3535. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  3536. Smack Down @ Lv. 1
  3537. Rock Polish @ Lv. 15
  3538. Ancient Power @ Lv. 20
  3539. Incinerate @ Lv. 27
  3540. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 35
  3541. Heat Crash @ Lv. 41
  3542. Rock Blast @ Lv. 48
  3543. Stone Edge @ Lv. 55
  3544. TM Moves:
  3545. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Dig, Reflect, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Overheat, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Rock Blast, Flare Blitz, Power Gem, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Bulldoze, Body Press, Tera Blast
  3547. Coalossal - 110/80/120/80/90/30 (Total: 510) - Rock/Fire - Steam Engine/Flame Body/Flash Fire
  3548. Learned Moves:
  3549. Tar Shot @ Evolution
  3550. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  3551. Smokescreen @ Lv. 1
  3552. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  3553. Smack Down @ Lv. 1
  3554. Flame Charge @ Lv. 1
  3555. Rock Polish @ Lv. 15
  3556. Ancient Power @ Lv. 20
  3557. Incinerate @ Lv. 27
  3558. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 37
  3559. Heat Crash @ Lv. 45
  3560. Rock Blast @ Lv. 54
  3561. Stone Edge @ Lv. 63
  3562. TM Moves:
  3563. Fire Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Earthquake, Dig, Reflect, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Overheat, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Rock Blast, Flare Blitz, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Bulldoze, Body Press, Tera Blast
  3565. Applin - 40/40/80/40/40/20 (Total: 260) - Grass/Dragon - Ripen/Gluttony/Bulletproof
  3566. Evolutions:
  3567. 0:
  3568. Level: 0
  3569. Condition: ITEM
  3570. Parameters: [80, 0, 0, 0]
  3571. Species: Flapple
  3572. Form: 0
  3573. 1:
  3574. Level: 0
  3575. Condition: ITEM
  3576. Parameters: [79, 0, 0, 0]
  3577. Species: Appletun
  3578. Form: 0
  3579. Learned Moves:
  3580. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3581. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3582. Egg Moves:
  3583. Defense Curl, Rollout, Recycle, Sucker Punch
  3584. TM Moves:
  3585. Tera Blast, Pounce
  3587. Flapple - 70/110/80/95/60/70 (Total: 485) - Grass/Dragon - Ripen/Gluttony/Hustle
  3588. Learned Moves:
  3589. Wing Attack @ Evolution
  3590. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3591. Twister @ Lv. 1
  3592. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3593. Recycle @ Lv. 1
  3594. Growth @ Lv. 1
  3595. Acid Spray @ Lv. 4
  3596. Acrobatics @ Lv. 8
  3597. Leech Seed @ Lv. 12
  3598. Protect @ Lv. 16
  3599. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 20
  3600. Dragon Dance @ Lv. 24
  3601. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 28
  3602. Grav Apple @ Lv. 32
  3603. Iron Defense @ Lv. 36
  3604. Fly @ Lv. 40
  3605. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 44
  3606. TM Moves:
  3607. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Magical Leaf, Dragon Dance, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Draco Meteor, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Heavy Slam, Acid Spray, Acrobatics, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  3609. Appletun - 110/85/80/100/80/30 (Total: 485) - Grass/Dragon - Ripen/Gluttony/Thick Fat
  3610. Learned Moves:
  3611. Headbutt @ Evolution
  3612. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3613. Growth @ Lv. 1
  3614. Recycle @ Lv. 1
  3615. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3616. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 1
  3617. Curse @ Lv. 4
  3618. Stomp @ Lv. 8
  3619. Leech Seed @ Lv. 12
  3620. Protect @ Lv. 16
  3621. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 20
  3622. Recover @ Lv. 24
  3623. Apple Acid @ Lv. 28
  3624. Body Slam @ Lv. 32
  3625. Iron Defense @ Lv. 36
  3626. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 40
  3627. Energy Ball @ Lv. 44
  3628. TM Moves:
  3629. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Light Screen, Reflect, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Outrage, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Iron Defense, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Leaf Storm, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  3631. Silicobra - 52/57/75/35/50/46 (Total: 315) - Ground/Ground - Sand Spit/Shed Skin/Sand Veil
  3632. Evolutions:
  3633. Level: 36
  3634. Condition: LEVELUP
  3635. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3636. Species: Sandaconda
  3637. Form: 0
  3638. Learned Moves:
  3639. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  3640. Wrap @ Lv. 1
  3641. Minimize @ Lv. 5
  3642. Brutal Swing @ Lv. 10
  3643. Bulldoze @ Lv. 15
  3644. Headbutt @ Lv. 20
  3645. Glare @ Lv. 25
  3646. Dig @ Lv. 30
  3647. Sandstorm @ Lv. 35
  3648. Slam @ Lv. 40
  3649. Coil @ Lv. 45
  3650. Sand Tomb @ Lv. 50
  3651. Egg Moves:
  3652. Mud-Slap, Poison Tail, Last Resort, Dragon Rush, Belch
  3653. TM Moves:
  3654. Body Slam, Take Down, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Rock Blast, Earth Power, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Drill Run, Tera Blast
  3656. Sandaconda - 72/107/125/65/70/71 (Total: 510) - Ground/Ground - Sand Spit/Shed Skin/Sand Veil
  3657. Learned Moves:
  3658. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  3659. Wrap @ Lv. 1
  3660. Minimize @ Lv. 1
  3661. Brutal Swing @ Lv. 1
  3662. Bulldoze @ Lv. 15
  3663. Headbutt @ Lv. 20
  3664. Glare @ Lv. 25
  3665. Dig @ Lv. 30
  3666. Sandstorm @ Lv. 35
  3667. Slam @ Lv. 42
  3668. Coil @ Lv. 49
  3669. Sand Tomb @ Lv. 51
  3670. TM Moves:
  3671. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Rock Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Drill Run, Hurricane, Body Press, Tera Blast
  3673. Arrokuda - 41/63/40/40/30/66 (Total: 280) - Water/Water - Swift Swim/Swift Swim/Propeller Tail
  3674. Evolutions:
  3675. Level: 26
  3676. Condition: LEVELUP
  3677. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3678. Species: Barraskewda
  3679. Form: 0
  3680. Learned Moves:
  3681. Peck @ Lv. 1
  3682. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 1
  3683. Fury Attack @ Lv. 6
  3684. Bite @ Lv. 12
  3685. Agility @ Lv. 18
  3686. Dive @ Lv. 24
  3687. Focus Energy @ Lv. 30
  3688. Crunch @ Lv. 36
  3689. Liquidation @ Lv. 42
  3690. Double-Edge @ Lv. 48
  3691. Egg Moves:
  3692. Thrash, Slash, Acupressure, Night Slash
  3693. TM Moves:
  3694. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Agility, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Brick Break, Water Pulse, Close Combat, Ice Fang, Drill Run, Psychic Fangs, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3696. Barraskewda - 61/123/60/60/50/136 (Total: 490) - Water/Water - Swift Swim/Swift Swim/Propeller Tail
  3697. Learned Moves:
  3698. Fury Attack @ Lv. 1
  3699. Bite @ Lv. 1
  3700. Peck @ Lv. 1
  3701. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 1
  3702. Throat Chop @ Lv. 1
  3703. Agility @ Lv. 18
  3704. Dive @ Lv. 24
  3705. Focus Energy @ Lv. 32
  3706. Crunch @ Lv. 40
  3707. Liquidation @ Lv. 48
  3708. Double-Edge @ Lv. 56
  3709. TM Moves:
  3710. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Brick Break, Water Pulse, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Giga Impact, Ice Fang, Drill Run, Psychic Fangs, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  3712. Toxel - 40/38/35/54/35/40 (Total: 242) - Electric/Poison - Rattled/Static/Klutz
  3713. Evolutions:
  3714. 0:
  3715. Level: 30
  3716. Condition: SEIKAKU_HIGH
  3717. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3718. Species: Toxtricity
  3719. Form: 0
  3720. 1:
  3721. Level: 30
  3722. Condition: SEIKAKU_LOW
  3723. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3724. Species: Toxtricity
  3725. Form: 1
  3726. Learned Moves:
  3727. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3728. Acid @ Lv. 1
  3729. Flail @ Lv. 1
  3730. Belch @ Lv. 1
  3731. Nuzzle @ Lv. 1
  3732. Tearful Look @ Lv. 1
  3733. Egg Moves:
  3734. Endeavor, Metal Sound
  3735. TM Moves:
  3736. Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Facade, Tera Blast
  3738. Toxtricity - 75/98/70/114/70/75 (Total: 502) - Electric/Poison - Punk Rock/Plus/Technician
  3739. Learned Moves:
  3740. Spark @ Evolution
  3741. Leer @ Lv. 1
  3742. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3743. Acid @ Lv. 1
  3744. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  3745. Nuzzle @ Lv. 1
  3746. Noble Roar @ Lv. 1
  3747. Flail @ Lv. 1
  3748. Belch @ Lv. 1
  3749. Tearful Look @ Lv. 1
  3750. Acid Spray @ Lv. 1
  3751. Charge @ Lv. 4
  3752. Shock Wave @ Lv. 8
  3753. Scary Face @ Lv. 12
  3754. Taunt @ Lv. 16
  3755. Screech @ Lv. 24
  3756. Swagger @ Lv. 28
  3757. Toxic @ Lv. 32
  3758. Discharge @ Lv. 36
  3759. Poison Jab @ Lv. 40
  3760. Overdrive @ Lv. 44
  3761. Boomburst @ Lv. 48
  3762. Shift Gear @ Lv. 52
  3763. TM Moves:
  3764. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Poison Tail, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Gunk Shot, Charge Beam, Venoshock, Electro Ball, Acid Spray, Stored Power, Hex, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3766. Toxtricity-1 - 75/98/70/114/70/75 (Total: 502) - Electric/Poison - Punk Rock/Minus/Technician
  3767. Learned Moves:
  3768. Spark @ Evolution
  3769. Leer @ Lv. 1
  3770. Growl @ Lv. 1
  3771. Acid @ Lv. 1
  3772. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  3773. Nuzzle @ Lv. 1
  3774. Noble Roar @ Lv. 1
  3775. Flail @ Lv. 1
  3776. Belch @ Lv. 1
  3777. Tearful Look @ Lv. 1
  3778. Acid Spray @ Lv. 1
  3779. Charge @ Lv. 4
  3780. Shock Wave @ Lv. 8
  3781. Scary Face @ Lv. 12
  3782. Taunt @ Lv. 16
  3783. Screech @ Lv. 24
  3784. Swagger @ Lv. 28
  3785. Toxic @ Lv. 32
  3786. Discharge @ Lv. 36
  3787. Poison Jab @ Lv. 40
  3788. Overdrive @ Lv. 44
  3789. Boomburst @ Lv. 48
  3790. Magnetic Flux @ Lv. 52
  3791. TM Moves:
  3792. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Poison Tail, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Gunk Shot, Charge Beam, Venoshock, Electro Ball, Acid Spray, Stored Power, Hex, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  3794. Sinistea - 40/45/45/74/54/50 (Total: 308) - Ghost/Ghost - Weak Armor/Weak Armor/Cursed Body
  3795. Evolutions:
  3796. Level: 0
  3797. Condition: ITEM
  3798. Parameters: [81, 0, 0, 0]
  3799. Species: Polteageist
  3800. Form: 0
  3801. Learned Moves:
  3802. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3803. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3804. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 6
  3805. Mega Drain @ Lv. 12
  3806. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3807. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 30
  3808. Giga Drain @ Lv. 36
  3809. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 42
  3810. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 48
  3811. Memento @ Lv. 54
  3812. Shell Smash @ Lv. 60
  3813. Egg Moves:
  3814. Ally Switch
  3815. TM Moves:
  3816. Psybeam, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Metronome, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Phantom Force, Tera Blast
  3818. Sinistea-1 - 40/45/45/74/54/50 (Total: 308) - Ghost/Ghost - Weak Armor/Weak Armor/Cursed Body
  3819. Evolutions:
  3820. Level: 0
  3821. Condition: ITEM
  3822. Parameters: [82, 0, 0, 0]
  3823. Species: Polteageist
  3824. Form: 1
  3825. Learned Moves:
  3826. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3827. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3828. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 6
  3829. Mega Drain @ Lv. 12
  3830. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3831. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 30
  3832. Giga Drain @ Lv. 36
  3833. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 42
  3834. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 48
  3835. Memento @ Lv. 54
  3836. Shell Smash @ Lv. 60
  3837. Egg Moves:
  3838. Ally Switch
  3839. TM Moves:
  3840. Psybeam, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Metronome, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Phantom Force, Tera Blast
  3842. Polteageist - 60/65/65/134/114/70 (Total: 508) - Ghost/Ghost - Weak Armor/Weak Armor/Cursed Body
  3843. Learned Moves:
  3844. Teatime @ Evolution
  3845. Mega Drain @ Lv. 1
  3846. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3847. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3848. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 1
  3849. Strength Sap @ Lv. 1
  3850. Protect @ Lv. 18
  3851. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3852. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 30
  3853. Giga Drain @ Lv. 36
  3854. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 42
  3855. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 48
  3856. Memento @ Lv. 54
  3857. Shell Smash @ Lv. 60
  3858. Curse @ Lv. 66
  3859. TM Moves:
  3860. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Phantom Force, Tera Blast
  3862. Polteageist-1 - 60/65/65/134/114/70 (Total: 508) - Ghost/Ghost - Weak Armor/Weak Armor/Cursed Body
  3863. Learned Moves:
  3864. Teatime @ Evolution
  3865. Mega Drain @ Lv. 1
  3866. Withdraw @ Lv. 1
  3867. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  3868. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 1
  3869. Strength Sap @ Lv. 1
  3870. Protect @ Lv. 18
  3871. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3872. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 30
  3873. Giga Drain @ Lv. 36
  3874. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 42
  3875. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 48
  3876. Memento @ Lv. 54
  3877. Shell Smash @ Lv. 60
  3878. Curse @ Lv. 66
  3879. TM Moves:
  3880. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Phantom Force, Tera Blast
  3882. Hatenna - 42/30/45/56/53/39 (Total: 265) - Psychic/Psychic - Healer/Anticipation/Magic Bounce
  3883. Evolutions:
  3884. Level: 32
  3885. Condition: LEVELUP
  3886. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3887. Species: Hattrem
  3888. Form: 0
  3889. Learned Moves:
  3890. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  3891. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  3892. Life Dew @ Lv. 5
  3893. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 10
  3894. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 15
  3895. Psybeam @ Lv. 20
  3896. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 25
  3897. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 30
  3898. Calm Mind @ Lv. 35
  3899. Psychic @ Lv. 40
  3900. Healing Wish @ Lv. 45
  3901. Egg Moves:
  3902. After You, Quash, Mystical Fire, Nuzzle
  3903. TM Moves:
  3904. Psybeam, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Trick Room, Psyshock, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  3906. Hattrem - 57/40/65/86/73/49 (Total: 370) - Psychic/Psychic - Healer/Anticipation/Magic Bounce
  3907. Evolutions:
  3908. Level: 42
  3909. Condition: LEVELUP
  3910. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3911. Species: Hatterene
  3912. Form: 0
  3913. Learned Moves:
  3914. Brutal Swing @ Evolution
  3915. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  3916. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  3917. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  3918. Life Dew @ Lv. 1
  3919. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 15
  3920. Psybeam @ Lv. 20
  3921. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 25
  3922. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 30
  3923. Calm Mind @ Lv. 37
  3924. Psychic @ Lv. 44
  3925. Healing Wish @ Lv. 51
  3926. TM Moves:
  3927. Psybeam, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Trick Room, Psyshock, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  3929. Hatterene - 57/90/95/136/103/29 (Total: 510) - Psychic/Fairy - Healer/Anticipation/Magic Bounce
  3930. Learned Moves:
  3931. Psycho Cut @ Evolution
  3932. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  3933. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 1
  3934. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  3935. Brutal Swing @ Lv. 1
  3936. Life Dew @ Lv. 1
  3937. Aromatic Mist @ Lv. 15
  3938. Psybeam @ Lv. 20
  3939. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 25
  3940. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 30
  3941. Calm Mind @ Lv. 37
  3942. Psychic @ Lv. 46
  3943. Healing Wish @ Lv. 55
  3944. Magic Powder @ Lv. 64
  3945. TM Moves:
  3946. Swords Dance, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Trick Room, Psyshock, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  3948. Impidimp - 45/45/30/55/40/50 (Total: 265) - Dark/Fairy - Prankster/Frisk/Pickpocket
  3949. Evolutions:
  3950. Level: 32
  3951. Condition: LEVELUP
  3952. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3953. Species: Morgrem
  3954. Form: 0
  3955. Learned Moves:
  3956. Fake Out @ Lv. 1
  3957. Confide @ Lv. 1
  3958. Bite @ Lv. 4
  3959. Flatter @ Lv. 8
  3960. Fake Tears @ Lv. 12
  3961. Assurance @ Lv. 16
  3962. Swagger @ Lv. 20
  3963. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3964. Torment @ Lv. 28
  3965. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 33
  3966. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 36
  3967. Play Rough @ Lv. 40
  3968. Foul Play @ Lv. 44
  3969. Egg Moves:
  3970. Parting Shot
  3971. TM Moves:
  3972. Take Down, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Fake Tears, Fling, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Nasty Plot, Foul Play, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  3974. Morgrem - 65/60/45/75/55/70 (Total: 370) - Dark/Fairy - Prankster/Frisk/Pickpocket
  3975. Evolutions:
  3976. Level: 42
  3977. Condition: LEVELUP
  3978. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  3979. Species: Grimmsnarl
  3980. Form: 0
  3981. Learned Moves:
  3982. False Surrender @ Evolution
  3983. Bite @ Lv. 1
  3984. Fake Out @ Lv. 1
  3985. Flatter @ Lv. 1
  3986. Confide @ Lv. 1
  3987. Fake Tears @ Lv. 12
  3988. Assurance @ Lv. 16
  3989. Swagger @ Lv. 20
  3990. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  3991. Torment @ Lv. 28
  3992. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 35
  3993. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 40
  3994. Play Rough @ Lv. 46
  3995. Foul Play @ Lv. 52
  3996. TM Moves:
  3997. Take Down, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Imprison, Fake Tears, Fling, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  3999. Grimmsnarl - 95/120/65/95/75/60 (Total: 510) - Dark/Fairy - Prankster/Frisk/Pickpocket
  4000. Learned Moves:
  4001. Spirit Break @ Evolution
  4002. False Surrender @ Lv. 1
  4003. Confide @ Lv. 1
  4004. Bulk Up @ Lv. 1
  4005. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4006. Fake Out @ Lv. 1
  4007. Flatter @ Lv. 1
  4008. Fake Tears @ Lv. 12
  4009. Assurance @ Lv. 16
  4010. Swagger @ Lv. 20
  4011. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 24
  4012. Torment @ Lv. 28
  4013. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 35
  4014. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 40
  4015. Play Rough @ Lv. 48
  4016. Foul Play @ Lv. 56
  4017. Hammer Arm @ Lv. 64
  4018. TM Moves:
  4019. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Trick, Brick Break, Imprison, Fake Tears, Bulk Up, Fling, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Low Sweep, Foul Play, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  4021. Perrserker - 70/110/100/50/60/50 (Total: 440) - Steel/Steel - Battle Armor/Tough Claws/Steely Spirit
  4022. Learned Moves:
  4023. Iron Head @ Evolution
  4024. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4025. Growl @ Lv. 1
  4026. Fake Out @ Lv. 1
  4027. Iron Defense @ Lv. 1
  4028. Metal Burst @ Lv. 1
  4029. Hone Claws @ Lv. 1
  4030. Pay Day @ Lv. 12
  4031. Metal Claw @ Lv. 16
  4032. Taunt @ Lv. 20
  4033. Swagger @ Lv. 24
  4034. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 31
  4035. Screech @ Lv. 36
  4036. Slash @ Lv. 42
  4037. Metal Sound @ Lv. 48
  4038. Thrash @ Lv. 54
  4039. TM Moves:
  4040. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dig, Metronome, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Charm, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Iron Defense, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Foul Play, Play Rough, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  4042. Falinks - 65/100/100/70/60/75 (Total: 470) - Fighting/Fighting - Battle Armor/Battle Armor/Defiant
  4043. Learned Moves:
  4044. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4045. Protect @ Lv. 1
  4046. Rock Smash @ Lv. 5
  4047. Focus Energy @ Lv. 10
  4048. Headbutt @ Lv. 15
  4049. Bulk Up @ Lv. 20
  4050. Endure @ Lv. 25
  4051. Reversal @ Lv. 30
  4052. First Impression @ Lv. 35
  4053. No Retreat @ Lv. 40
  4054. Iron Defense @ Lv. 45
  4055. Close Combat @ Lv. 50
  4056. Megahorn @ Lv. 55
  4057. Counter @ Lv. 60
  4058. TM Moves:
  4059. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Agility, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Smart Strike, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4061. Pincurchin - 48/101/95/91/85/15 (Total: 435) - Electric/Electric - Lightning Rod/Lightning Rod/Electric Surge
  4062. Learned Moves:
  4063. Peck @ Lv. 1
  4064. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  4065. Water Gun @ Lv. 5
  4066. Charge @ Lv. 10
  4067. Fury Attack @ Lv. 15
  4068. Spark @ Lv. 20
  4069. Bubble Beam @ Lv. 25
  4070. Recover @ Lv. 30
  4071. Curse @ Lv. 35
  4072. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 40
  4073. Poison Jab @ Lv. 45
  4074. Zing Zap @ Lv. 50
  4075. Acupressure @ Lv. 55
  4076. Discharge @ Lv. 60
  4077. Egg Moves:
  4078. Memento, Sucker Punch
  4079. TM Moves:
  4080. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Spikes, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Giga Impact, Charge Beam, Venoshock, Electro Ball, Hex, Wild Charge, Electric Terrain, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  4082. Snom - 30/25/35/45/30/20 (Total: 185) - Ice/Bug - Shield Dust/Shield Dust/Ice Scales
  4083. Evolutions:
  4084. Level: 0
  4086. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4087. Species: Frosmoth
  4088. Form: 0
  4089. Learned Moves:
  4090. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  4091. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  4092. Egg Moves:
  4093. Mirror Coat, Bug Bite, Fairy Wind
  4094. TM Moves:
  4095. Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Sleep Talk, Facade, Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  4097. Frosmoth - 70/65/60/125/90/65 (Total: 475) - Ice/Bug - Shield Dust/Shield Dust/Ice Scales
  4098. Learned Moves:
  4099. Icy Wind @ Evolution
  4100. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 1
  4101. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  4102. Attract @ Lv. 1
  4103. Helping Hand @ Lv. 1
  4104. Stun Spore @ Lv. 4
  4105. Infestation @ Lv. 8
  4106. Mist @ Lv. 12
  4107. Defog @ Lv. 16
  4108. Feather Dance @ Lv. 21
  4109. Aurora Beam @ Lv. 24
  4110. Snowscape @ Lv. 28
  4111. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 32
  4112. Aurora Veil @ Lv. 36
  4113. Blizzard @ Lv. 40
  4114. Tailwind @ Lv. 44
  4115. Wide Guard @ Lv. 48
  4116. Quiver Dance @ Lv. 52
  4117. TM Moves:
  4118. Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Helping Hand, Imprison, Calm Mind, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Pounce
  4120. Stonjourner - 100/125/135/20/20/70 (Total: 470) - Rock/Rock - Power Spot/Power Spot/Power Spot
  4121. Learned Moves:
  4122. Rock Throw @ Lv. 1
  4123. Block @ Lv. 1
  4124. Rock Polish @ Lv. 6
  4125. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 12
  4126. Gravity @ Lv. 18
  4127. Stomp @ Lv. 24
  4128. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 30
  4129. Rock Slide @ Lv. 36
  4130. Body Slam @ Lv. 42
  4131. Wide Guard @ Lv. 48
  4132. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 54
  4133. Stone Edge @ Lv. 60
  4134. Mega Kick @ Lv. 66
  4135. Egg Moves:
  4136. Curse, Ancient Power
  4137. TM Moves:
  4138. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Imprison, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Rock Blast, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Low Sweep, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  4140. Eiscue - 75/80/110/65/90/50 (Total: 470) - Ice/Ice - Ice Face/Ice Face/Ice Face
  4141. Learned Moves:
  4142. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4143. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  4144. Mist @ Lv. 6
  4145. Weather Ball @ Lv. 12
  4146. Icy Wind @ Lv. 18
  4147. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  4148. Amnesia @ Lv. 30
  4149. Freeze-Dry @ Lv. 36
  4150. Snowscape @ Lv. 42
  4151. Aurora Veil @ Lv. 48
  4152. Surf @ Lv. 54
  4153. Blizzard @ Lv. 60
  4154. Egg Moves:
  4155. Double-Edge, Belly Drum, Aqua Ring, Head Smash, Soak, Icicle Crash
  4156. TM Moves:
  4157. Ice Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Reflect, Waterfall, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Iron Defense, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  4159. Eiscue-1 - 75/80/70/65/50/130 (Total: 470) - Ice/Ice - Ice Face/Ice Face/Ice Face
  4160. Learned Moves:
  4161. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4162. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  4163. Mist @ Lv. 6
  4164. Weather Ball @ Lv. 12
  4165. Icy Wind @ Lv. 18
  4166. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  4167. Amnesia @ Lv. 30
  4168. Freeze-Dry @ Lv. 36
  4169. Snowscape @ Lv. 42
  4170. Aurora Veil @ Lv. 48
  4171. Surf @ Lv. 54
  4172. Blizzard @ Lv. 60
  4173. Egg Moves:
  4174. Double-Edge, Belly Drum, Aqua Ring, Head Smash, Soak, Icicle Crash
  4175. TM Moves:
  4176. Ice Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Reflect, Waterfall, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Iron Defense, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  4178. Indeedee - 60/65/55/105/95/95 (Total: 475) - Psychic/Normal - Inner Focus/Synchronize/Psychic Surge
  4179. Learned Moves:
  4180. Stored Power @ Lv. 1
  4181. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  4182. Encore @ Lv. 5
  4183. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 10
  4184. Psybeam @ Lv. 15
  4185. Helping Hand @ Lv. 20
  4186. After You @ Lv. 25
  4187. Healing Wish @ Lv. 30
  4188. Psychic @ Lv. 35
  4189. Calm Mind @ Lv. 40
  4190. Power Split @ Lv. 45
  4191. Psychic Terrain @ Lv. 50
  4192. Last Resort @ Lv. 55
  4193. Egg Moves:
  4194. Psych Up, Fake Out, Extrasensory
  4195. TM Moves:
  4196. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Psychic, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Psyshock, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  4198. Indeedee-1 - 70/55/65/95/105/85 (Total: 475) - Psychic/Normal - Own Tempo/Synchronize/Psychic Surge
  4199. Learned Moves:
  4200. Stored Power @ Lv. 1
  4201. Play Nice @ Lv. 1
  4202. Baton Pass @ Lv. 5
  4203. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 10
  4204. Psybeam @ Lv. 15
  4205. Helping Hand @ Lv. 20
  4206. Follow Me @ Lv. 25
  4207. Healing Wish @ Lv. 30
  4208. Psychic @ Lv. 35
  4209. Calm Mind @ Lv. 40
  4210. Guard Split @ Lv. 45
  4211. Psychic Terrain @ Lv. 50
  4212. Egg Moves:
  4213. Psych Up, Fake Out, Heal Pulse
  4214. TM Moves:
  4215. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Psyshock, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  4217. Cufant - 72/80/49/40/49/40 (Total: 330) - Steel/Steel - Sheer Force/Sheer Force/Heavy Metal
  4218. Evolutions:
  4219. Level: 34
  4220. Condition: LEVELUP
  4221. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4222. Species: Copperajah
  4223. Form: 0
  4224. Learned Moves:
  4225. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4226. Growl @ Lv. 1
  4227. Rollout @ Lv. 5
  4228. Rock Smash @ Lv. 10
  4229. Bulldoze @ Lv. 15
  4230. Stomp @ Lv. 20
  4231. Iron Defense @ Lv. 25
  4232. Dig @ Lv. 30
  4233. Strength @ Lv. 35
  4234. Iron Head @ Lv. 40
  4235. Play Rough @ Lv. 45
  4236. High Horsepower @ Lv. 50
  4237. Superpower @ Lv. 55
  4238. Egg Moves:
  4239. Whirlwind, Slam, Double-Edge, Fissure, Defense Curl, Curse, Swagger, Belch
  4240. TM Moves:
  4241. Body Slam, Take Down, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Fling, Earth Power, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  4243. Copperajah - 122/130/69/80/69/30 (Total: 500) - Steel/Steel - Sheer Force/Sheer Force/Heavy Metal
  4244. Learned Moves:
  4245. Heavy Slam @ Evolution
  4246. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4247. Growl @ Lv. 1
  4248. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  4249. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  4250. Bulldoze @ Lv. 15
  4251. Stomp @ Lv. 20
  4252. Iron Defense @ Lv. 25
  4253. Dig @ Lv. 30
  4254. Strength @ Lv. 37
  4255. Iron Head @ Lv. 44
  4256. Play Rough @ Lv. 51
  4257. High Horsepower @ Lv. 58
  4258. Superpower @ Lv. 65
  4259. TM Moves:
  4260. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Fling, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Snarl, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  4262. Dreepy - 28/60/30/40/30/82 (Total: 270) - Dragon/Ghost - Clear Body/Infiltrator/Cursed Body
  4263. Evolutions:
  4264. Level: 50
  4265. Condition: LEVELUP
  4266. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4267. Species: Drakloak
  4268. Form: 0
  4269. Learned Moves:
  4270. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4271. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4272. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  4273. Infestation @ Lv. 1
  4274. Egg Moves:
  4275. Disable, Double Team, Confuse Ray, Curse, Sucker Punch, Dragon Tail
  4276. TM Moves:
  4277. Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Facade, Helping Hand, Draco Meteor, Dragon Tail, Tera Blast
  4279. Drakloak - 68/80/50/60/50/102 (Total: 410) - Dragon/Ghost - Clear Body/Infiltrator/Cursed Body
  4280. Evolutions:
  4281. Level: 60
  4282. Condition: LEVELUP
  4283. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4284. Species: Dragapult
  4285. Form: 0
  4286. Learned Moves:
  4287. Dragon Pulse @ Evolution
  4288. Infestation @ Lv. 1
  4289. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4290. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4291. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  4292. Lock-On @ Lv. 6
  4293. Assurance @ Lv. 12
  4294. Hex @ Lv. 18
  4295. Agility @ Lv. 24
  4296. Double Hit @ Lv. 30
  4297. U-turn @ Lv. 36
  4298. Dragon Dance @ Lv. 42
  4299. Phantom Force @ Lv. 48
  4300. Take Down @ Lv. 54
  4301. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 61
  4302. Double-Edge @ Lv. 66
  4303. Last Resort @ Lv. 72
  4304. TM Moves:
  4305. Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Surf, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Night Shade, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Dragon Dance, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Hex, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Phantom Force, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Pounce
  4307. Dragapult - 88/120/75/100/75/142 (Total: 600) - Dragon/Ghost - Clear Body/Infiltrator/Cursed Body
  4308. Learned Moves:
  4309. Dragon Darts @ Evolution
  4310. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4311. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4312. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  4313. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  4314. Infestation @ Lv. 1
  4315. Lock-On @ Lv. 6
  4316. Assurance @ Lv. 12
  4317. Hex @ Lv. 18
  4318. Agility @ Lv. 24
  4319. Double Hit @ Lv. 30
  4320. U-turn @ Lv. 36
  4321. Dragon Dance @ Lv. 42
  4322. Phantom Force @ Lv. 48
  4323. Take Down @ Lv. 54
  4324. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 63
  4325. Double-Edge @ Lv. 70
  4326. Last Resort @ Lv. 78
  4327. TM Moves:
  4328. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Night Shade, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Draco Meteor, Hex, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Phantom Force, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Pounce
  4330. Zacian - 92/120/115/80/115/138 (Total: 660) - Fairy/Fairy - Intrepid Sword/Intrepid Sword/Intrepid Sword
  4331. Learned Moves:
  4332. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4333. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4334. Metal Claw @ Lv. 1
  4335. Howl @ Lv. 1
  4336. Quick Guard @ Lv. 1
  4337. Sacred Sword @ Lv. 1
  4338. Slash @ Lv. 11
  4339. Swords Dance @ Lv. 22
  4340. Iron Head @ Lv. 33
  4341. Noble Roar @ Lv. 44
  4342. Crunch @ Lv. 55
  4343. Moonblast @ Lv. 66
  4344. Close Combat @ Lv. 77
  4345. Giga Impact @ Lv. 88
  4346. TM Moves:
  4347. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Air Slash, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Wild Charge, Snarl, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fangs, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4349. Zacian-1 - 92/150/115/80/115/148 (Total: 700) - Fairy/Steel - Intrepid Sword/Intrepid Sword/Intrepid Sword
  4350. Learned Moves:
  4351. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4352. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4353. Metal Claw @ Lv. 1
  4354. Howl @ Lv. 1
  4355. Quick Guard @ Lv. 1
  4356. Sacred Sword @ Lv. 1
  4357. Slash @ Lv. 11
  4358. Swords Dance @ Lv. 22
  4359. Iron Head @ Lv. 33
  4360. Noble Roar @ Lv. 44
  4361. Crunch @ Lv. 55
  4362. Moonblast @ Lv. 66
  4363. Close Combat @ Lv. 77
  4364. Giga Impact @ Lv. 88
  4365. TM Moves:
  4366. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Air Slash, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Wild Charge, Snarl, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fangs, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4368. Zamazenta - 92/120/115/80/115/138 (Total: 660) - Fighting/Fighting - Dauntless Shield/Dauntless Shield/Dauntless Shield
  4369. Learned Moves:
  4370. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4371. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4372. Metal Claw @ Lv. 1
  4373. Howl @ Lv. 1
  4374. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  4375. Slash @ Lv. 11
  4376. Iron Defense @ Lv. 22
  4377. Iron Head @ Lv. 33
  4378. Metal Burst @ Lv. 44
  4379. Crunch @ Lv. 55
  4380. Moonblast @ Lv. 66
  4381. Close Combat @ Lv. 77
  4382. Giga Impact @ Lv. 88
  4383. TM Moves:
  4384. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Dig, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Wild Charge, Snarl, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fangs, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4386. Zamazenta-1 - 92/120/140/80/140/128 (Total: 700) - Fighting/Steel - Dauntless Shield/Dauntless Shield/Dauntless Shield
  4387. Learned Moves:
  4388. Bite @ Lv. 1
  4389. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4390. Metal Claw @ Lv. 1
  4391. Howl @ Lv. 1
  4392. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  4393. Slash @ Lv. 11
  4394. Iron Defense @ Lv. 22
  4395. Iron Head @ Lv. 33
  4396. Metal Burst @ Lv. 44
  4397. Crunch @ Lv. 55
  4398. Moonblast @ Lv. 66
  4399. Close Combat @ Lv. 77
  4400. Giga Impact @ Lv. 88
  4401. TM Moves:
  4402. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Dig, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Wild Charge, Snarl, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fangs, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4404. Eternatus - 140/85/95/145/95/130 (Total: 690) - Poison/Dragon - Pressure/Pressure/Pressure
  4405. Learned Moves:
  4406. Agility @ Lv. 1
  4407. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 1
  4408. Poison Tail @ Lv. 1
  4409. Dragon Tail @ Lv. 1
  4410. Toxic @ Lv. 8
  4411. Venoshock @ Lv. 16
  4412. Dragon Dance @ Lv. 24
  4413. Cross Poison @ Lv. 32
  4414. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 40
  4415. Flamethrower @ Lv. 48
  4416. Dynamax Cannon @ Lv. 56
  4417. Cosmic Power @ Lv. 64
  4418. Recover @ Lv. 72
  4419. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 80
  4420. Outrage @ Lv. 88
  4421. TM Moves:
  4422. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Poison Tail, Dragon Dance, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Dragon Tail, Tera Blast
  4424. Kubfu - 60/90/60/53/50/72 (Total: 385) - Fighting/Fighting - Inner Focus/Inner Focus/No Guard
  4425. Evolutions:
  4426. 0:
  4427. Level: 0
  4428. Condition: PLACE_TOWER_EVIL
  4429. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4430. Species: Urshifu
  4431. Form: 0
  4432. 1:
  4433. Level: 0
  4434. Condition: PLACE_TOWER_WATER
  4435. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4436. Species: Urshifu
  4437. Form: 1
  4438. 2:
  4439. Level: 0
  4440. Condition: ITEM
  4441. Parameters: [88, 0, 0, 0]
  4442. Species: Urshifu
  4443. Form: 0
  4444. 3:
  4445. Level: 0
  4446. Condition: ITEM
  4447. Parameters: [89, 0, 0, 0]
  4448. Species: Urshifu
  4449. Form: 1
  4450. Learned Moves:
  4451. Leer @ Lv. 1
  4452. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  4453. Endure @ Lv. 4
  4454. Focus Energy @ Lv. 8
  4455. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 12
  4456. Scary Face @ Lv. 16
  4457. Headbutt @ Lv. 20
  4458. Brick Break @ Lv. 24
  4459. Detect @ Lv. 28
  4460. Bulk Up @ Lv. 32
  4461. Iron Head @ Lv. 36
  4462. Dynamic Punch @ Lv. 40
  4463. Counter @ Lv. 44
  4464. Close Combat @ Lv. 48
  4465. Focus Punch @ Lv. 52
  4466. TM Moves:
  4467. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Tera Blast
  4469. Urshifu - 100/130/100/63/60/97 (Total: 550) - Fighting/Dark - Unseen Fist/Unseen Fist/Unseen Fist
  4470. Learned Moves:
  4471. Wicked Blow @ Evolution
  4472. Endure @ Lv. 1
  4473. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 1
  4474. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  4475. Leer @ Lv. 1
  4476. Focus Energy @ Lv. 1
  4477. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 12
  4478. Scary Face @ Lv. 16
  4479. Headbutt @ Lv. 20
  4480. Brick Break @ Lv. 24
  4481. Detect @ Lv. 28
  4482. Bulk Up @ Lv. 32
  4483. Iron Head @ Lv. 36
  4484. Dynamic Punch @ Lv. 40
  4485. Counter @ Lv. 44
  4486. Close Combat @ Lv. 48
  4487. Focus Punch @ Lv. 52
  4488. TM Moves:
  4489. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Dig, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Aura Sphere, Poison Jab, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Low Sweep, Foul Play, Acrobatics, Snarl, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4491. Urshifu-1 - 100/130/100/63/60/97 (Total: 550) - Fighting/Water - Unseen Fist/Unseen Fist/Unseen Fist
  4492. Learned Moves:
  4493. Surging Strikes @ Evolution
  4494. Endure @ Lv. 1
  4495. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 1
  4496. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  4497. Leer @ Lv. 1
  4498. Focus Energy @ Lv. 1
  4499. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 12
  4500. Scary Face @ Lv. 16
  4501. Headbutt @ Lv. 20
  4502. Brick Break @ Lv. 24
  4503. Detect @ Lv. 28
  4504. Bulk Up @ Lv. 32
  4505. Iron Head @ Lv. 36
  4506. Dynamic Punch @ Lv. 40
  4507. Counter @ Lv. 44
  4508. Close Combat @ Lv. 48
  4509. Focus Punch @ Lv. 52
  4510. TM Moves:
  4511. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Dig, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Aura Sphere, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  4513. Zarude - 105/120/105/70/95/105 (Total: 600) - Dark/Grass - Leaf Guard/Leaf Guard/Leaf Guard
  4514. Learned Moves:
  4515. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4516. Bind @ Lv. 1
  4517. Leer @ Lv. 6
  4518. Vine Whip @ Lv. 12
  4519. Growth @ Lv. 18
  4520. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 24
  4521. Scary Face @ Lv. 30
  4522. Grass Knot @ Lv. 36
  4523. Bite @ Lv. 42
  4524. U-turn @ Lv. 48
  4525. Swagger @ Lv. 54
  4526. Energy Ball @ Lv. 60
  4527. Synthesis @ Lv. 66
  4528. Hammer Arm @ Lv. 72
  4529. Thrash @ Lv. 78
  4530. Power Whip @ Lv. 84
  4531. Jungle Healing @ Lv. 90
  4532. TM Moves:
  4533. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Dig, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Snarl, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4535. Zarude-1 - 105/120/105/70/95/105 (Total: 600) - Dark/Grass - Leaf Guard/Leaf Guard/Leaf Guard
  4536. Learned Moves:
  4537. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4538. Bind @ Lv. 1
  4539. Leer @ Lv. 6
  4540. Vine Whip @ Lv. 12
  4541. Growth @ Lv. 18
  4542. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 24
  4543. Scary Face @ Lv. 30
  4544. Grass Knot @ Lv. 36
  4545. Bite @ Lv. 42
  4546. U-turn @ Lv. 48
  4547. Swagger @ Lv. 54
  4548. Energy Ball @ Lv. 60
  4549. Synthesis @ Lv. 66
  4550. Hammer Arm @ Lv. 72
  4551. Thrash @ Lv. 78
  4552. Power Whip @ Lv. 84
  4553. Jungle Healing @ Lv. 90
  4554. TM Moves:
  4555. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Dig, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Snarl, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4557. Regieleki - 80/100/50/100/50/200 (Total: 580) - Electric/Electric - Transistor/Transistor/Transistor
  4558. Learned Moves:
  4559. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  4560. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 1
  4561. Electroweb @ Lv. 6
  4562. Ancient Power @ Lv. 12
  4563. Shock Wave @ Lv. 18
  4564. Thunder Wave @ Lv. 24
  4565. Extreme Speed @ Lv. 30
  4566. Thunder Cage @ Lv. 36
  4567. Thunderbolt @ Lv. 42
  4568. Magnet Rise @ Lv. 48
  4569. Thrash @ Lv. 54
  4570. Lock-On @ Lv. 60
  4571. Zap Cannon @ Lv. 66
  4572. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 72
  4573. Explosion @ Lv. 78
  4574. TM Moves:
  4575. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Giga Impact, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast
  4577. Regidrago - 200/100/50/100/50/80 (Total: 580) - Dragon/Dragon - Dragon’s Maw/Dragon’s Maw/Dragon’s Maw
  4578. Learned Moves:
  4579. Vise Grip @ Lv. 1
  4580. Twister @ Lv. 1
  4581. Bite @ Lv. 6
  4582. Ancient Power @ Lv. 12
  4583. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 18
  4584. Crunch @ Lv. 30
  4585. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 36
  4586. Hammer Arm @ Lv. 42
  4587. Dragon Dance @ Lv. 48
  4588. Thrash @ Lv. 54
  4589. Focus Energy @ Lv. 60
  4590. Dragon Energy @ Lv. 66
  4591. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 72
  4592. Explosion @ Lv. 78
  4593. TM Moves:
  4594. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Draco Meteor, Tera Blast
  4596. Glastrier - 100/145/130/65/110/30 (Total: 580) - Ice/Ice - Chilling Neigh/Chilling Neigh/Chilling Neigh
  4597. Learned Moves:
  4598. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4599. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4600. Double Kick @ Lv. 6
  4601. Avalanche @ Lv. 12
  4602. Stomp @ Lv. 18
  4603. Torment @ Lv. 24
  4604. Mist @ Lv. 30
  4605. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 36
  4606. Take Down @ Lv. 42
  4607. Iron Defense @ Lv. 48
  4608. Thrash @ Lv. 54
  4609. Taunt @ Lv. 60
  4610. Double-Edge @ Lv. 66
  4611. Swords Dance @ Lv. 72
  4612. TM Moves:
  4613. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Close Combat, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Zen Headbutt, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Snarl, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Trailblaze
  4615. Spectrier - 100/65/60/145/80/130 (Total: 580) - Ghost/Ghost - Grim Neigh/Grim Neigh/Grim Neigh
  4616. Learned Moves:
  4617. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4618. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4619. Double Kick @ Lv. 6
  4620. Hex @ Lv. 12
  4621. Stomp @ Lv. 18
  4622. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 24
  4623. Haze @ Lv. 30
  4624. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 36
  4625. Take Down @ Lv. 42
  4626. Agility @ Lv. 48
  4627. Thrash @ Lv. 54
  4628. Disable @ Lv. 60
  4629. Double-Edge @ Lv. 66
  4630. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 72
  4631. TM Moves:
  4632. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Mud Shot, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Foul Play, Hex, Bulldoze, Snarl, Phantom Force, Draining Kiss, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  4634. Calyrex - 100/80/80/80/80/80 (Total: 500) - Psychic/Grass - Unnerve/Unnerve/Unnerve
  4635. Learned Moves:
  4636. Pound @ Lv. 1
  4637. Mega Drain @ Lv. 1
  4638. Growth @ Lv. 1
  4639. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  4640. Life Dew @ Lv. 8
  4641. Giga Drain @ Lv. 16
  4642. Psyshock @ Lv. 24
  4643. Helping Hand @ Lv. 32
  4644. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 40
  4645. Psychic Terrain @ Lv. 40
  4646. Energy Ball @ Lv. 48
  4647. Psychic @ Lv. 56
  4648. Leech Seed @ Lv. 64
  4649. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 72
  4650. Solar Beam @ Lv. 80
  4651. Future Sight @ Lv. 88
  4652. TM Moves:
  4653. Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Stored Power, Snarl, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Pollen Puff, Psychic Terrain, Body Press, Tera Blast
  4655. Calyrex-1 - 100/165/150/85/130/50 (Total: 680) - Psychic/Ice - As One/As One/As One
  4656. Learned Moves:
  4657. Glacial Lance @ Lv. 1
  4658. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 1
  4659. Avalanche @ Lv. 1
  4660. Iron Defense @ Lv. 1
  4661. Taunt @ Lv. 1
  4662. Torment @ Lv. 1
  4663. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  4664. Growth @ Lv. 1
  4665. Mega Drain @ Lv. 1
  4666. Pound @ Lv. 1
  4667. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4668. Swords Dance @ Lv. 1
  4669. Double-Edge @ Lv. 1
  4670. Thrash @ Lv. 1
  4671. Stomp @ Lv. 1
  4672. Take Down @ Lv. 1
  4673. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4674. Mist @ Lv. 1
  4675. Double Kick @ Lv. 1
  4676. Life Dew @ Lv. 8
  4677. Giga Drain @ Lv. 16
  4678. Psyshock @ Lv. 24
  4679. Helping Hand @ Lv. 32
  4680. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 40
  4681. Aromatherapy @ Lv. 40
  4682. Energy Ball @ Lv. 48
  4683. Psychic @ Lv. 56
  4684. Leech Seed @ Lv. 64
  4685. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 72
  4686. Solar Beam @ Lv. 80
  4687. Future Sight @ Lv. 88
  4688. TM Moves:
  4689. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Agility, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Outrage, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Bullet Seed, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Close Combat, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Heavy Slam, Stored Power, Bulldoze, Snarl, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Pollen Puff, Psychic Terrain, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Trailblaze
  4691. Calyrex-2 - 100/85/80/165/100/150 (Total: 680) - Psychic/Ghost - As One/As One/As One
  4692. Learned Moves:
  4693. Astral Barrage @ Lv. 1
  4694. Hex @ Lv. 1
  4695. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 1
  4696. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 1
  4697. Haze @ Lv. 1
  4698. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 1
  4699. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  4700. Growth @ Lv. 1
  4701. Mega Drain @ Lv. 1
  4702. Agility @ Lv. 1
  4703. Stomp @ Lv. 1
  4704. Double Kick @ Lv. 1
  4705. Disable @ Lv. 1
  4706. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4707. Take Down @ Lv. 1
  4708. Thrash @ Lv. 1
  4709. Pound @ Lv. 1
  4710. Double-Edge @ Lv. 1
  4711. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4712. Life Dew @ Lv. 8
  4713. Giga Drain @ Lv. 16
  4714. Psyshock @ Lv. 24
  4715. Helping Hand @ Lv. 32
  4716. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 40
  4717. Psychic Terrain @ Lv. 40
  4718. Energy Ball @ Lv. 48
  4719. Psychic @ Lv. 56
  4720. Leech Seed @ Lv. 64
  4721. Heal Pulse @ Lv. 72
  4722. Solar Beam @ Lv. 80
  4723. Future Sight @ Lv. 88
  4724. TM Moves:
  4725. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Psychic, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Sunny Day, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Bulldoze, Snarl, Phantom Force, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Pollen Puff, Psychic Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  4727. Wyrdeer - 103/105/72/105/75/65 (Total: 525) - Normal/Psychic - Intimidate/Frisk/Sap Sipper
  4728. Learned Moves:
  4729. Psyshield Bash @ Evolution
  4730. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4731. Leer @ Lv. 3
  4732. Astonish @ Lv. 7
  4733. Hypnosis @ Lv. 10
  4734. Stomp @ Lv. 13
  4735. Sand Attack @ Lv. 16
  4736. Take Down @ Lv. 21
  4737. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 23
  4738. Calm Mind @ Lv. 27
  4739. Role Play @ Lv. 32
  4740. Zen Headbutt @ Lv. 37
  4741. Imprison @ Lv. 49
  4742. Double-Edge @ Lv. 55
  4743. Megahorn @ Lv. 62
  4744. TM Moves:
  4745. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Earthquake, Dig, Psychic, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Calm Mind, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Stored Power, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4747. Kleavor - 70/130/95/45/75/85 (Total: 500) - Bug/Rock - Swarm/Sheer Force/Sharpness
  4748. Learned Moves:
  4749. Stone Axe @ Evolution
  4750. Leer @ Lv. 1
  4751. Quick Attack @ Lv. 1
  4752. Fury Cutter @ Lv. 4
  4753. False Swipe @ Lv. 8
  4754. Smack Down @ Lv. 12
  4755. Double Team @ Lv. 16
  4756. Double Hit @ Lv. 20
  4757. Slash @ Lv. 24
  4758. Focus Energy @ Lv. 28
  4759. Agility @ Lv. 32
  4760. Rock Slide @ Lv. 36
  4761. X-Scissor @ Lv. 40
  4762. Swords Dance @ Lv. 44
  4763. TM Moves:
  4764. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Agility, Light Screen, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Air Cutter, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Rock Blast, Tailwind, U-turn, Close Combat, Air Slash, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  4766. Ursaluna - 130/140/105/45/80/50 (Total: 550) - Ground/Normal - Guts/Bulletproof/Unnerve
  4767. Learned Moves:
  4768. Headlong Rush @ Evolution
  4769. Fake Tears @ Lv. 1
  4770. Covet @ Lv. 1
  4771. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4772. Leer @ Lv. 1
  4773. Lick @ Lv. 1
  4774. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 8
  4775. Payback @ Lv. 13
  4776. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 17
  4777. Slash @ Lv. 22
  4778. Play Nice @ Lv. 25
  4779. Play Rough @ Lv. 29
  4780. Scary Face @ Lv. 35
  4781. Rest @ Lv. 41
  4782. Snore @ Lv. 41
  4783. High Horsepower @ Lv. 48
  4784. Thrash @ Lv. 56
  4785. Hammer Arm @ Lv. 64
  4786. TM Moves:
  4787. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Dig, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Fling, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Shadow Claw, Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4789. Basculegion - 120/112/65/80/75/78 (Total: 530) - Water/Ghost - Swift Swim/Adaptability/Mold Breaker
  4790. Learned Moves:
  4791. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 1
  4792. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4793. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  4794. Phantom Force @ Lv. 1
  4795. Tackle @ Lv. 4
  4796. Flail @ Lv. 8
  4797. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 12
  4798. Bite @ Lv. 16
  4799. Scary Face @ Lv. 20
  4800. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  4801. Soak @ Lv. 28
  4802. Crunch @ Lv. 32
  4803. Take Down @ Lv. 36
  4804. Uproar @ Lv. 40
  4805. Wave Crash @ Lv. 44
  4806. Thrash @ Lv. 48
  4807. Double-Edge @ Lv. 52
  4808. Head Smash @ Lv. 56
  4809. Egg Moves:
  4810. Endeavor, Last Respects
  4811. TM Moves:
  4812. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Ice Fang, Hex, Phantom Force, Psychic Fangs, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  4814. Basculegion-1 - 120/92/65/100/75/78 (Total: 530) - Water/Ghost - Swift Swim/Adaptability/Mold Breaker
  4815. Learned Moves:
  4816. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 1
  4817. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4818. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  4819. Phantom Force @ Lv. 1
  4820. Tackle @ Lv. 4
  4821. Flail @ Lv. 8
  4822. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 12
  4823. Bite @ Lv. 16
  4824. Scary Face @ Lv. 20
  4825. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  4826. Soak @ Lv. 28
  4827. Crunch @ Lv. 32
  4828. Take Down @ Lv. 36
  4829. Uproar @ Lv. 40
  4830. Wave Crash @ Lv. 44
  4831. Thrash @ Lv. 48
  4832. Double-Edge @ Lv. 52
  4833. Head Smash @ Lv. 56
  4834. Egg Moves:
  4835. Endeavor, Last Respects
  4836. TM Moves:
  4837. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Facade, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Ice Fang, Hex, Phantom Force, Psychic Fangs, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  4839. Sneasler - 80/130/60/40/80/120 (Total: 510) - Fighting/Poison - Pressure/Unburden/Poison Touch
  4840. Learned Moves:
  4841. Dire Claw @ Evolution
  4842. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4843. Leer @ Lv. 1
  4844. Rock Smash @ Lv. 1
  4845. Fling @ Lv. 1
  4846. Taunt @ Lv. 6
  4847. Quick Attack @ Lv. 12
  4848. Metal Claw @ Lv. 18
  4849. Poison Jab @ Lv. 24
  4850. Brick Break @ Lv. 30
  4851. Hone Claws @ Lv. 36
  4852. Slash @ Lv. 42
  4853. Agility @ Lv. 48
  4854. Screech @ Lv. 54
  4855. Close Combat @ Lv. 60
  4856. TM Moves:
  4857. Fire Punch, Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Poison Tail, Calm Mind, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Gunk Shot, Grass Knot, Venoshock, Low Sweep, Acid Spray, Acrobatics, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4859. Overqwil - 85/115/95/65/65/85 (Total: 510) - Dark/Poison - Poison Point/Swift Swim/Intimidate
  4860. Learned Moves:
  4861. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  4862. Poison Sting @ Lv. 1
  4863. Harden @ Lv. 4
  4864. Bite @ Lv. 8
  4865. Fell Stinger @ Lv. 12
  4866. Minimize @ Lv. 16
  4867. Spikes @ Lv. 20
  4868. Brine @ Lv. 24
  4869. Barb Barrage @ Lv. 28
  4870. Pin Missile @ Lv. 32
  4871. Toxic Spikes @ Lv. 36
  4872. Stockpile @ Lv. 40
  4873. Spit Up @ Lv. 40
  4874. Toxic @ Lv. 44
  4875. Crunch @ Lv. 48
  4876. Acupressure @ Lv. 52
  4877. Destiny Bond @ Lv. 56
  4878. TM Moves:
  4879. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Spikes, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Smart Strike, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  4881. Enamorus - 74/115/70/135/80/106 (Total: 580) - Fairy/Flying - Cute Charm/Cute Charm/Contrary
  4882. Learned Moves:
  4883. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  4884. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  4885. Torment @ Lv. 5
  4886. Flatter @ Lv. 10
  4887. Twister @ Lv. 15
  4888. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 20
  4889. Iron Defense @ Lv. 25
  4890. Imprison @ Lv. 30
  4891. Mystical Fire @ Lv. 35
  4892. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 40
  4893. Extrasensory @ Lv. 45
  4894. Uproar @ Lv. 50
  4895. Superpower @ Lv. 55
  4896. Healing Wish @ Lv. 60
  4897. Moonblast @ Lv. 65
  4898. Outrage @ Lv. 70
  4899. Springtide Storm @ Lv. 75
  4900. TM Moves:
  4901. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Agility, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Imprison, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Tailwind, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  4903. Enamorus-1 - 74/115/110/135/100/46 (Total: 580) - Fairy/Flying - Overcoat/Overcoat/Overcoat
  4904. Learned Moves:
  4905. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  4906. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  4907. Torment @ Lv. 5
  4908. Flatter @ Lv. 10
  4909. Twister @ Lv. 15
  4910. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 20
  4911. Iron Defense @ Lv. 25
  4912. Imprison @ Lv. 30
  4913. Mystical Fire @ Lv. 35
  4914. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 40
  4915. Extrasensory @ Lv. 45
  4916. Uproar @ Lv. 50
  4917. Superpower @ Lv. 55
  4918. Healing Wish @ Lv. 60
  4919. Moonblast @ Lv. 65
  4920. Outrage @ Lv. 70
  4921. Springtide Storm @ Lv. 75
  4922. TM Moves:
  4923. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Agility, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Imprison, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Tailwind, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  4925. Sprigatito - 40/61/54/45/45/65 (Total: 310) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Protean
  4926. Evolutions:
  4927. Level: 16
  4928. Condition: LEVELUP
  4929. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4930. Species: Floragato
  4931. Form: 0
  4932. Learned Moves:
  4933. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4934. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4935. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  4936. Bite @ Lv. 7
  4937. Hone Claws @ Lv. 10
  4938. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 13
  4939. Quick Attack @ Lv. 15
  4940. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 17
  4941. U-turn @ Lv. 21
  4942. Worry Seed @ Lv. 25
  4943. Slash @ Lv. 28
  4944. Energy Ball @ Lv. 32
  4945. Play Rough @ Lv. 36
  4946. Egg Moves:
  4947. Leech Seed, Copycat, Sucker Punch, Ally Switch, Petal Blizzard
  4948. TM Moves:
  4949. Take Down, Solar Beam, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Fake Tears, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Disarming Voice, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4951. Floragato - 61/80/63/60/63/83 (Total: 410) - Grass/Grass - Overgrow/Overgrow/Protean
  4952. Evolutions:
  4953. Level: 36
  4954. Condition: LEVELUP
  4955. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  4956. Species: Meowscarada
  4957. Form: 0
  4958. Learned Moves:
  4959. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4960. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4961. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  4962. Bite @ Lv. 7
  4963. Hone Claws @ Lv. 10
  4964. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 13
  4965. Quick Attack @ Lv. 15
  4966. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 20
  4967. U-turn @ Lv. 24
  4968. Worry Seed @ Lv. 28
  4969. Slash @ Lv. 33
  4970. Energy Ball @ Lv. 38
  4971. Play Rough @ Lv. 42
  4972. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 46
  4973. TM Moves:
  4974. Thunder Punch, Take Down, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Fake Tears, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Fling, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Disarming Voice, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  4976. Meowscarada - 76/110/70/81/70/123 (Total: 530) - Grass/Dark - Overgrow/Overgrow/Protean
  4977. Learned Moves:
  4978. Flower Trick @ Evolution
  4979. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  4980. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  4981. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  4982. Bite @ Lv. 7
  4983. Hone Claws @ Lv. 10
  4984. Magical Leaf @ Lv. 13
  4985. Quick Attack @ Lv. 15
  4986. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 20
  4987. U-turn @ Lv. 24
  4988. Worry Seed @ Lv. 29
  4989. Slash @ Lv. 33
  4990. Night Slash @ Lv. 38
  4991. Energy Ball @ Lv. 42
  4992. Play Rough @ Lv. 47
  4993. Knock Off @ Lv. 52
  4994. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 58
  4995. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 64
  4996. Reminder Moves:
  4997. Double Team, Trick
  4998. TM Moves:
  4999. Thunder Punch, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Fake Tears, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Frenzy Plant, Magical Leaf, U-turn, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Trick Room, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Foul Play, Acrobatics, Grass Pledge, Disarming Voice, Grassy Terrain, Play Rough, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  5001. Fuecoco - 67/45/59/63/40/36 (Total: 310) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Unaware
  5002. Evolutions:
  5003. Level: 16
  5004. Condition: LEVELUP
  5005. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5006. Species: Crocalor
  5007. Form: 0
  5008. Learned Moves:
  5009. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5010. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5011. Ember @ Lv. 1
  5012. Round @ Lv. 7
  5013. Bite @ Lv. 12
  5014. Incinerate @ Lv. 15
  5015. Yawn @ Lv. 17
  5016. Snarl @ Lv. 21
  5017. Roar @ Lv. 25
  5018. Flamethrower @ Lv. 28
  5019. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 32
  5020. Fire Blast @ Lv. 36
  5021. Egg Moves:
  5022. Curse, Encore, Slack Off, Belch
  5023. TM Moves:
  5024. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Dig, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Seed Bomb, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Flame Charge, Fire Pledge, Snarl, Disarming Voice, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  5026. Crocalor - 81/55/78/90/58/49 (Total: 411) - Fire/Fire - Blaze/Blaze/Unaware
  5027. Evolutions:
  5028. Level: 36
  5029. Condition: LEVELUP
  5030. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5031. Species: Skeledirge
  5032. Form: 0
  5033. Learned Moves:
  5034. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5035. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5036. Ember @ Lv. 1
  5037. Lick @ Lv. 7
  5038. Round @ Lv. 10
  5039. Bite @ Lv. 12
  5040. Yawn @ Lv. 15
  5041. Incinerate @ Lv. 17
  5042. Snarl @ Lv. 24
  5043. Roar @ Lv. 28
  5044. Flamethrower @ Lv. 32
  5045. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 38
  5046. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 42
  5047. Fire Blast @ Lv. 47
  5048. TM Moves:
  5049. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Dig, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Seed Bomb, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Flame Charge, Fire Pledge, Snarl, Disarming Voice, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  5051. Skeledirge - 104/75/100/110/75/66 (Total: 530) - Fire/Ghost - Blaze/Blaze/Unaware
  5052. Learned Moves:
  5053. Torch Song @ Evolution
  5054. Ember @ Lv. 1
  5055. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5056. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5057. Lick @ Lv. 7
  5058. Round @ Lv. 10
  5059. Scary Face @ Lv. 12
  5060. Bite @ Lv. 15
  5061. Incinerate @ Lv. 17
  5062. Snarl @ Lv. 24
  5063. Roar @ Lv. 28
  5064. Flamethrower @ Lv. 32
  5065. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 38
  5066. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 42
  5067. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 47
  5068. Hex @ Lv. 47
  5069. Fire Blast @ Lv. 58
  5070. Overheat @ Lv. 64
  5071. Reminder Moves:
  5072. Sing
  5073. TM Moves:
  5074. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Earthquake, Dig, Night Shade, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Sunny Day, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Blast Burn, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Seed Bomb, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Flame Charge, Hex, Fire Pledge, Snarl, Disarming Voice, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  5076. Quaxly - 55/65/45/50/45/50 (Total: 310) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Moxie
  5077. Evolutions:
  5078. Level: 16
  5079. Condition: LEVELUP
  5080. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5081. Species: Quaxwell
  5082. Form: 0
  5083. Learned Moves:
  5084. Pound @ Lv. 1
  5085. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5086. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5087. Work Up @ Lv. 7
  5088. Wing Attack @ Lv. 10
  5089. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 13
  5090. Double Hit @ Lv. 17
  5091. Aqua Cutter @ Lv. 21
  5092. Air Slash @ Lv. 24
  5093. Focus Energy @ Lv. 28
  5094. Acrobatics @ Lv. 31
  5095. Liquidation @ Lv. 35
  5096. Egg Moves:
  5097. Detect, Rapid Spin, Roost, Last Resort
  5098. TM Moves:
  5099. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Low Kick, Swift, Rest, Protect, Endure, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5101. Quaxwell - 70/85/65/65/60/65 (Total: 410) - Water/Water - Torrent/Torrent/Moxie
  5102. Evolutions:
  5103. Level: 36
  5104. Condition: LEVELUP
  5105. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5106. Species: Quaquaval
  5107. Form: 0
  5108. Learned Moves:
  5109. Pound @ Lv. 1
  5110. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5111. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5112. Double Hit @ Lv. 1
  5113. Work Up @ Lv. 7
  5114. Wing Attack @ Lv. 10
  5115. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 13
  5116. Water Pulse @ Lv. 17
  5117. Low Sweep @ Lv. 19
  5118. Aqua Cutter @ Lv. 23
  5119. Air Slash @ Lv. 27
  5120. Focus Energy @ Lv. 32
  5121. Acrobatics @ Lv. 38
  5122. Liquidation @ Lv. 43
  5123. Feather Dance @ Lv. 48
  5124. TM Moves:
  5125. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Low Kick, Swift, Rest, Protect, Endure, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Water Pulse, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5127. Quaquaval - 85/120/80/85/75/85 (Total: 530) - Water/Fighting - Torrent/Torrent/Moxie
  5128. Learned Moves:
  5129. Aqua Step @ Evolution
  5130. Pound @ Lv. 1
  5131. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5132. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5133. Double Hit @ Lv. 1
  5134. Work Up @ Lv. 7
  5135. Wing Attack @ Lv. 10
  5136. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 13
  5137. Low Sweep @ Lv. 17
  5138. Water Pulse @ Lv. 17
  5139. Aqua Cutter @ Lv. 21
  5140. Air Slash @ Lv. 27
  5141. Focus Energy @ Lv. 32
  5142. Mega Kick @ Lv. 38
  5143. Acrobatics @ Lv. 43
  5144. Liquidation @ Lv. 47
  5145. Feather Dance @ Lv. 52
  5146. Close Combat @ Lv. 58
  5147. Wave Crash @ Lv. 64
  5148. Reminder Moves:
  5149. Counter
  5150. TM Moves:
  5151. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Hydro Cannon, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Water Pulse, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Water Pledge, Hurricane, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Chilling Water
  5153. Lechonk - 54/45/40/35/45/35 (Total: 254) - Normal/Normal - Aroma Veil/Gluttony/Thick Fat
  5154. Evolutions:
  5155. 0:
  5156. Level: 18
  5157. Condition: MALE
  5158. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5159. Species: Oinkologne
  5160. Form: 0
  5161. 1:
  5162. Level: 18
  5163. Condition: FEMALE
  5164. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5165. Species: Oinkologne
  5166. Form: 1
  5167. Learned Moves:
  5168. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5169. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  5170. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 5
  5171. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 8
  5172. Mud Shot @ Lv. 12
  5173. Covet @ Lv. 15
  5174. Dig @ Lv. 17
  5175. Headbutt @ Lv. 21
  5176. Yawn @ Lv. 24
  5177. Take Down @ Lv. 27
  5178. Work Up @ Lv. 30
  5179. Uproar @ Lv. 32
  5180. Double-Edge @ Lv. 35
  5181. Egg Moves:
  5182. Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Endeavor, Stuff Cheeks
  5183. TM Moves:
  5184. Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Seed Bomb, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  5186. Oinkologne - 110/100/75/59/80/65 (Total: 489) - Normal/Normal - Lingering Aroma/Gluttony/Thick Fat
  5187. Learned Moves:
  5188. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5189. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  5190. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 5
  5191. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 8
  5192. Mud Shot @ Lv. 12
  5193. Covet @ Lv. 15
  5194. Dig @ Lv. 17
  5195. Headbutt @ Lv. 23
  5196. Take Down @ Lv. 26
  5197. Yawn @ Lv. 27
  5198. Work Up @ Lv. 34
  5199. Uproar @ Lv. 38
  5200. Double-Edge @ Lv. 42
  5201. Earth Power @ Lv. 48
  5202. Belch @ Lv. 54
  5203. TM Moves:
  5204. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  5206. Oinkologne-1 - 115/90/70/59/90/65 (Total: 489) - Normal/Normal - Aroma Veil/Gluttony/Thick Fat
  5207. Learned Moves:
  5208. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5209. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  5210. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 3
  5211. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 6
  5212. Mud Shot @ Lv. 9
  5213. Covet @ Lv. 12
  5214. Dig @ Lv. 15
  5215. Headbutt @ Lv. 17
  5216. Yawn @ Lv. 23
  5217. Take Down @ Lv. 28
  5218. Work Up @ Lv. 30
  5219. Uproar @ Lv. 34
  5220. Double-Edge @ Lv. 39
  5221. Earth Power @ Lv. 45
  5222. Belch @ Lv. 51
  5223. TM Moves:
  5224. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  5226. Dudunsparce - 125/100/80/85/75/55 (Total: 520) - Normal/Normal - Serene Grace/Run Away/Rattled
  5227. Learned Moves:
  5228. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  5229. Flail @ Lv. 1
  5230. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 4
  5231. Rollout @ Lv. 8
  5232. Glare @ Lv. 12
  5233. Screech @ Lv. 16
  5234. Ancient Power @ Lv. 20
  5235. Drill Run @ Lv. 24
  5236. Yawn @ Lv. 28
  5237. Hyper Drill @ Lv. 32
  5238. Roost @ Lv. 36
  5239. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 40
  5240. Coil @ Lv. 44
  5241. Double-Edge @ Lv. 48
  5242. Endeavor @ Lv. 52
  5243. Hurricane @ Lv. 56
  5244. Boomburst @ Lv. 62
  5245. TM Moves:
  5246. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Calm Mind, Tailwind, Poison Jab, Air Slash, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Stored Power, Hex, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Drill Run, Hurricane, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Pounce, Chilling Water
  5248. Dudunsparce-1 - 125/100/80/85/75/55 (Total: 520) - Normal/Normal - Serene Grace/Run Away/Rattled
  5249. Learned Moves:
  5250. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  5251. Flail @ Lv. 1
  5252. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 4
  5253. Rollout @ Lv. 8
  5254. Glare @ Lv. 12
  5255. Screech @ Lv. 16
  5256. Ancient Power @ Lv. 20
  5257. Drill Run @ Lv. 24
  5258. Yawn @ Lv. 28
  5259. Hyper Drill @ Lv. 32
  5260. Roost @ Lv. 36
  5261. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 40
  5262. Coil @ Lv. 44
  5263. Double-Edge @ Lv. 48
  5264. Endeavor @ Lv. 52
  5265. Hurricane @ Lv. 56
  5266. Boomburst @ Lv. 62
  5267. TM Moves:
  5268. Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Calm Mind, Tailwind, Poison Jab, Air Slash, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Stored Power, Hex, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Drill Run, Hurricane, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Pounce, Chilling Water
  5270. Tarountula - 35/41/45/29/40/20 (Total: 210) - Bug/Bug - Insomnia/Insomnia/Stakeout
  5271. Evolutions:
  5272. Level: 15
  5273. Condition: LEVELUP
  5274. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5275. Species: Spidops
  5276. Form: 0
  5277. Learned Moves:
  5278. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5279. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  5280. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 5
  5281. Assurance @ Lv. 8
  5282. Feint @ Lv. 11
  5283. Bug Bite @ Lv. 14
  5284. Block @ Lv. 18
  5285. Counter @ Lv. 22
  5286. Headbutt @ Lv. 25
  5287. Sticky Web @ Lv. 29
  5288. Gastro Acid @ Lv. 33
  5289. Circle Throw @ Lv. 36
  5290. Throat Chop @ Lv. 40
  5291. Skitter Smack @ Lv. 44
  5292. Egg Moves:
  5293. Memento, Sucker Punch, First Impression, Lunge
  5294. TM Moves:
  5295. Body Slam, Take Down, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Bullet Seed, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  5297. Spidops - 60/79/92/52/86/35 (Total: 404) - Bug/Bug - Insomnia/Insomnia/Stakeout
  5298. Learned Moves:
  5299. Silk Trap @ Evolution
  5300. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5301. String Shot @ Lv. 1
  5302. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 5
  5303. Assurance @ Lv. 8
  5304. Feint @ Lv. 11
  5305. Bug Bite @ Lv. 14
  5306. Block @ Lv. 19
  5307. Counter @ Lv. 24
  5308. Headbutt @ Lv. 28
  5309. Sticky Web @ Lv. 33
  5310. Gastro Acid @ Lv. 37
  5311. Circle Throw @ Lv. 41
  5312. Throat Chop @ Lv. 45
  5313. Skitter Smack @ Lv. 49
  5314. TM Moves:
  5315. Body Slam, Take Down, Low Kick, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, U-turn, Fling, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  5317. Nymble - 33/46/40/21/25/45 (Total: 210) - Bug/Bug - Swarm/Swarm/Tinted Lens
  5318. Evolutions:
  5319. Level: 24
  5320. Condition: LEVELUP
  5321. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5322. Species: Lokix
  5323. Form: 0
  5324. Learned Moves:
  5325. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5326. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5327. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 4
  5328. Astonish @ Lv. 6
  5329. Assurance @ Lv. 9
  5330. Double Kick @ Lv. 11
  5331. Screech @ Lv. 14
  5332. Endure @ Lv. 18
  5333. Bug Bite @ Lv. 22
  5334. Feint @ Lv. 26
  5335. Agility @ Lv. 30
  5336. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 38
  5337. First Impression @ Lv. 41
  5338. Egg Moves:
  5339. Counter, Skitter Smack
  5340. TM Moves:
  5341. Take Down, Agility, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, U-turn, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  5343. Lokix - 71/102/78/52/55/92 (Total: 450) - Bug/Dark - Swarm/Swarm/Tinted Lens
  5344. Learned Moves:
  5345. Lunge @ Evolution
  5346. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5347. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5348. Low Kick @ Lv. 1
  5349. Detect @ Lv. 1
  5350. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 4
  5351. Astonish @ Lv. 6
  5352. Assurance @ Lv. 9
  5353. Double Kick @ Lv. 11
  5354. Screech @ Lv. 14
  5355. Endure @ Lv. 18
  5356. Bug Bite @ Lv. 22
  5357. Feint @ Lv. 28
  5358. Agility @ Lv. 32
  5359. Throat Chop @ Lv. 36
  5360. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 40
  5361. First Impression @ Lv. 44
  5362. Bounce @ Lv. 48
  5363. Axe Kick @ Lv. 53
  5364. TM Moves:
  5365. Swords Dance, Take Down, Low Kick, Agility, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, U-turn, Fling, Dark Pulse, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Giga Impact, Low Sweep, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  5367. Rellor - 41/50/60/31/58/30 (Total: 270) - Bug/Bug - Compound Eyes/Compound Eyes/Shed Skin
  5368. Evolutions:
  5369. Level: 0
  5370. Condition: UNKNOWN_50
  5371. Parameters: [1000, 0, 0, 0]
  5372. Species: Rabsca
  5373. Form: 0
  5374. Learned Moves:
  5375. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5376. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  5377. Sand Attack @ Lv. 4
  5378. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 7
  5379. Rollout @ Lv. 11
  5380. Mud Shot @ Lv. 15
  5381. Bug Bite @ Lv. 20
  5382. Take Down @ Lv. 24
  5383. Dig @ Lv. 29
  5384. Lunge @ Lv. 35
  5385. Egg Moves:
  5386. Recover, Memento, Weather Ball, Cosmic Power
  5387. TM Moves:
  5388. Take Down, Dig, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Fling, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Gunk Shot, Struggle Bug, Tera Blast, Pounce
  5390. Rabsca - 75/50/85/115/100/45 (Total: 470) - Bug/Psychic - Synchronize/Synchronize/Telepathy
  5391. Learned Moves:
  5392. Revival Blessing @ Evolution
  5393. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5394. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  5395. Confusion @ Lv. 1
  5396. Sand Attack @ Lv. 4
  5397. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 7
  5398. Rollout @ Lv. 11
  5399. Psybeam @ Lv. 15
  5400. Bug Bite @ Lv. 20
  5401. Take Down @ Lv. 24
  5402. Extrasensory @ Lv. 29
  5403. Lunge @ Lv. 35
  5404. Speed Swap @ Lv. 40
  5405. Power Swap @ Lv. 40
  5406. Guard Swap @ Lv. 40
  5407. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 45
  5408. Psychic @ Lv. 50
  5409. Reminder Moves:
  5410. Safeguard, Psych Up
  5411. TM Moves:
  5412. Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Dig, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Calm Mind, Fling, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Gunk Shot, Psyshock, Electro Ball, Stored Power, Struggle Bug, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast, Pounce
  5414. Greavard - 50/61/60/30/55/34 (Total: 290) - Ghost/Ghost - Pickup/Pickup/Fluffy
  5415. Evolutions:
  5416. Level: 30
  5417. Condition: NIGHT
  5418. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5419. Species: Houndstone
  5420. Form: 0
  5421. Learned Moves:
  5422. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5423. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5424. Lick @ Lv. 3
  5425. Tail Whip @ Lv. 6
  5426. Bite @ Lv. 6
  5427. Roar @ Lv. 9
  5428. Headbutt @ Lv. 12
  5429. Dig @ Lv. 16
  5430. Rest @ Lv. 24
  5431. Crunch @ Lv. 28
  5432. Play Rough @ Lv. 32
  5433. Helping Hand @ Lv. 37
  5434. Phantom Force @ Lv. 41
  5435. Charm @ Lv. 46
  5436. Double-Edge @ Lv. 52
  5437. Egg Moves:
  5438. Disable, Destiny Bond, Memento, Yawn, Howl, Shadow Sneak, Ally Switch
  5439. TM Moves:
  5440. Take Down, Dig, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Mud Shot, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Hex, Bulldoze, Snarl, Phantom Force, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  5442. Houndstone - 72/101/100/50/97/68 (Total: 488) - Ghost/Ghost - Sand Rush/Sand Rush/Fluffy
  5443. Learned Moves:
  5444. Last Respects @ Evolution
  5445. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5446. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5447. Lick @ Lv. 3
  5448. Tail Whip @ Lv. 6
  5449. Bite @ Lv. 6
  5450. Roar @ Lv. 9
  5451. Headbutt @ Lv. 12
  5452. Dig @ Lv. 16
  5453. Rest @ Lv. 24
  5454. Crunch @ Lv. 28
  5455. Play Rough @ Lv. 36
  5456. Helping Hand @ Lv. 41
  5457. Phantom Force @ Lv. 46
  5458. Charm @ Lv. 51
  5459. Double-Edge @ Lv. 58
  5460. TM Moves:
  5461. Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Mud Shot, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Hex, Bulldoze, Snarl, Phantom Force, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  5463. Flittle - 30/35/30/55/30/75 (Total: 255) - Psychic/Psychic - Anticipation/Frisk/Speed Boost
  5464. Evolutions:
  5465. Level: 35
  5466. Condition: LEVELUP
  5467. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5468. Species: Espathra
  5469. Form: 0
  5470. Learned Moves:
  5471. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5472. Peck @ Lv. 1
  5473. Confusion @ Lv. 5
  5474. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 8
  5475. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 11
  5476. Quick Attack @ Lv. 15
  5477. Psybeam @ Lv. 19
  5478. Pluck @ Lv. 24
  5479. Agility @ Lv. 29
  5480. Uproar @ Lv. 34
  5481. Egg Moves:
  5482. Hypnosis, Roost, Ally Switch
  5483. TM Moves:
  5484. Take Down, Psybeam, Psychic, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Calm Mind, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Disarming Voice, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast, Pounce
  5486. Espathra - 95/60/60/101/60/105 (Total: 481) - Psychic/Psychic - Opportunist/Frisk/Speed Boost
  5487. Learned Moves:
  5488. Lumina Crash @ Evolution
  5489. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5490. Peck @ Lv. 1
  5491. Drill Peck @ Lv. 1
  5492. Feather Dance @ Lv. 1
  5493. Confusion @ Lv. 5
  5494. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 8
  5495. Disarming Voice @ Lv. 11
  5496. Quick Attack @ Lv. 15
  5497. Psybeam @ Lv. 19
  5498. Pluck @ Lv. 24
  5499. Agility @ Lv. 29
  5500. Uproar @ Lv. 34
  5501. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 43
  5502. Psychic @ Lv. 49
  5503. Last Resort @ Lv. 54
  5504. TM Moves:
  5505. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Psychic, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Hyper Voice, Aerial Ace, Calm Mind, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Hex, Disarming Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast, Pounce
  5507. Farigiraf - 120/90/70/110/70/60 (Total: 520) - Normal/Psychic - Cud Chew/Armor Tail/Sap Sipper
  5508. Learned Moves:
  5509. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5510. Growl @ Lv. 1
  5511. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  5512. Power Swap @ Lv. 1
  5513. Guard Swap @ Lv. 1
  5514. Confusion @ Lv. 5
  5515. Assurance @ Lv. 10
  5516. Stomp @ Lv. 14
  5517. Psybeam @ Lv. 19
  5518. Agility @ Lv. 23
  5519. Double Hit @ Lv. 28
  5520. Twin Beam @ Lv. 32
  5521. Crunch @ Lv. 37
  5522. Baton Pass @ Lv. 41
  5523. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 46
  5524. Psychic @ Lv. 50
  5525. TM Moves:
  5526. Body Slam, Take Down, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Earthquake, Psychic, Agility, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Shadow Ball, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Skill Swap, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Calm Mind, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Foul Play, Stored Power, Bulldoze, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  5528. Wiglett - 10/55/25/35/25/95 (Total: 245) - Water/Water - Gooey/Rattled/Sand Veil
  5529. Evolutions:
  5530. Level: 26
  5531. Condition: LEVELUP
  5532. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5533. Species: Wugtrio
  5534. Form: 0
  5535. Learned Moves:
  5536. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  5537. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5538. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 4
  5539. Wrap @ Lv. 8
  5540. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 12
  5541. Slam @ Lv. 20
  5542. Water Pulse @ Lv. 20
  5543. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  5544. Dig @ Lv. 28
  5545. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 32
  5546. Throat Chop @ Lv. 36
  5547. Liquidation @ Lv. 40
  5548. Egg Moves:
  5549. Memento, Final Gambit
  5550. TM Moves:
  5551. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Earth Power, Foul Play, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5553. Wugtrio - 35/100/50/50/70/120 (Total: 425) - Water/Water - Gooey/Rattled/Sand Veil
  5554. Learned Moves:
  5555. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  5556. Wrap @ Lv. 1
  5557. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5558. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  5559. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 12
  5560. Slam @ Lv. 16
  5561. Water Pulse @ Lv. 20
  5562. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  5563. Triple Dive @ Lv. 30
  5564. Dig @ Lv. 36
  5565. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 42
  5566. Throat Chop @ Lv. 48
  5567. Liquidation @ Lv. 54
  5568. TM Moves:
  5569. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Foul Play, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5571. Dondozo - 150/100/115/65/65/35 (Total: 530) - Water/Water - Unaware/Oblivious/Water Veil
  5572. Learned Moves:
  5573. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5574. Supersonic @ Lv. 1
  5575. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5576. Tickle @ Lv. 5
  5577. Flail @ Lv. 10
  5578. Rest @ Lv. 15
  5579. Sleep Talk @ Lv. 15
  5580. Dive @ Lv. 20
  5581. Noble Roar @ Lv. 25
  5582. Soak @ Lv. 30
  5583. Body Slam @ Lv. 35
  5584. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 40
  5585. Rain Dance @ Lv. 45
  5586. Order Up @ Lv. 50
  5587. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 55
  5588. Double-Edge @ Lv. 60
  5589. Wave Crash @ Lv. 65
  5590. Egg Moves:
  5591. Thrash, Fissure, Curse, Yawn
  5592. TM Moves:
  5593. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Waterfall, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Zen Headbutt, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5595. Veluza - 90/102/73/78/65/70 (Total: 478) - Water/Psychic - Mold Breaker/Mold Breaker/Sharpness
  5596. Learned Moves:
  5597. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5598. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 1
  5599. Pluck @ Lv. 7
  5600. Water Pulse @ Lv. 11
  5601. Focus Energy @ Lv. 15
  5602. Slash @ Lv. 20
  5603. Aqua Cutter @ Lv. 25
  5604. Fillet Away @ Lv. 30
  5605. Night Slash @ Lv. 35
  5606. Psycho Cut @ Lv. 40
  5607. Liquidation @ Lv. 45
  5608. Crunch @ Lv. 50
  5609. Final Gambit @ Lv. 55
  5610. Egg Moves:
  5611. Thrash, Recover
  5612. TM Moves:
  5613. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Agility, Waterfall, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Ice Fang, Zen Headbutt, Stored Power, Drill Run, Psychic Terrain, Psychic Fangs, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  5615. Finizen - 70/45/40/45/40/75 (Total: 315) - Water/Water - Water Veil/Water Veil/Water Veil
  5616. Evolutions:
  5617. Level: 38
  5618. Condition: UNKNOWN_51
  5619. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5620. Species: Palafin
  5621. Form: 0
  5622. Learned Moves:
  5623. Supersonic @ Lv. 1
  5624. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5625. Astonish @ Lv. 7
  5626. Focus Energy @ Lv. 10
  5627. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 13
  5628. Double Hit @ Lv. 17
  5629. Dive @ Lv. 21
  5630. Charm @ Lv. 25
  5631. Acrobatics @ Lv. 29
  5632. Encore @ Lv. 34
  5633. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 39
  5634. Mist @ Lv. 44
  5635. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 50
  5636. Egg Moves:
  5637. Counter, Haze, Tickle, Bounce, Boomburst
  5638. TM Moves:
  5639. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Agility, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Water Pulse, Fling, Zen Headbutt, Acrobatics, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5641. Palafin - 100/70/72/53/62/100 (Total: 457) - Water/Water - Zero to Hero/Zero to Hero/Zero to Hero
  5642. Learned Moves:
  5643. Flip Turn @ Evolution
  5644. Jet Punch @ Lv. 1
  5645. Supersonic @ Lv. 1
  5646. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5647. Astonish @ Lv. 7
  5648. Focus Energy @ Lv. 10
  5649. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 13
  5650. Double Hit @ Lv. 17
  5651. Dive @ Lv. 21
  5652. Charm @ Lv. 25
  5653. Acrobatics @ Lv. 29
  5654. Encore @ Lv. 34
  5655. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 39
  5656. Mist @ Lv. 44
  5657. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 50
  5658. Focus Punch @ Lv. 55
  5659. Wave Crash @ Lv. 61
  5660. TM Moves:
  5661. Ice Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Bulk Up, Water Pulse, Close Combat, Fling, Aura Sphere, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5663. Palafin-1 - 100/160/97/106/87/100 (Total: 650) - Water/Water - Zero to Hero/Zero to Hero/Zero to Hero
  5664. Learned Moves:
  5665. Flip Turn @ Evolution
  5666. Jet Punch @ Lv. 1
  5667. Supersonic @ Lv. 1
  5668. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  5669. Astonish @ Lv. 7
  5670. Focus Energy @ Lv. 10
  5671. Aqua Jet @ Lv. 13
  5672. Double Hit @ Lv. 17
  5673. Dive @ Lv. 21
  5674. Charm @ Lv. 25
  5675. Acrobatics @ Lv. 29
  5676. Encore @ Lv. 34
  5677. Aqua Tail @ Lv. 39
  5678. Mist @ Lv. 44
  5679. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 50
  5680. Focus Punch @ Lv. 55
  5681. Wave Crash @ Lv. 61
  5682. TM Moves:
  5683. Ice Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Waterfall, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Bulk Up, Water Pulse, Close Combat, Fling, Aura Sphere, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Grass Knot, Acrobatics, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5685. Smoliv - 41/35/45/58/51/30 (Total: 260) - Grass/Normal - Early Bird/Early Bird/Harvest
  5686. Evolutions:
  5687. Level: 25
  5688. Condition: LEVELUP
  5689. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5690. Species: Dolliv
  5691. Form: 0
  5692. Learned Moves:
  5693. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5694. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 1
  5695. Absorb @ Lv. 5
  5696. Growth @ Lv. 7
  5697. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 10
  5698. Helping Hand @ Lv. 13
  5699. Flail @ Lv. 16
  5700. Mega Drain @ Lv. 20
  5701. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 23
  5702. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 27
  5703. Energy Ball @ Lv. 30
  5704. Leech Seed @ Lv. 34
  5705. Terrain Pulse @ Lv. 38
  5706. Egg Moves:
  5707. Synthesis, Memento, Weather Ball, Strength Sap
  5708. TM Moves:
  5709. Solar Beam, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  5711. Dolliv - 52/53/60/78/78/33 (Total: 354) - Grass/Normal - Early Bird/Early Bird/Harvest
  5712. Evolutions:
  5713. Level: 35
  5714. Condition: LEVELUP
  5715. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5716. Species: Arboliva
  5717. Form: 0
  5718. Learned Moves:
  5719. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5720. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 1
  5721. Absorb @ Lv. 5
  5722. Growth @ Lv. 7
  5723. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 10
  5724. Helping Hand @ Lv. 13
  5725. Flail @ Lv. 16
  5726. Mega Drain @ Lv. 20
  5727. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 23
  5728. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 29
  5729. Energy Ball @ Lv. 34
  5730. Leech Seed @ Lv. 37
  5731. Terrain Pulse @ Lv. 42
  5732. TM Moves:
  5733. Solar Beam, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  5735. Arboliva - 78/69/90/125/109/39 (Total: 510) - Grass/Normal - Seed Sower/Seed Sower/Harvest
  5736. Learned Moves:
  5737. Sweet Scent @ Lv. 1
  5738. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 1
  5739. Safeguard @ Lv. 1
  5740. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5741. Absorb @ Lv. 5
  5742. Growth @ Lv. 7
  5743. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 10
  5744. Helping Hand @ Lv. 13
  5745. Flail @ Lv. 16
  5746. Mega Drain @ Lv. 20
  5747. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 23
  5748. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 29
  5749. Energy Ball @ Lv. 34
  5750. Leech Seed @ Lv. 39
  5751. Terrain Pulse @ Lv. 46
  5752. Petal Blizzard @ Lv. 52
  5753. Petal Dance @ Lv. 58
  5754. TM Moves:
  5755. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Giga Drain, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Fling, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  5757. Capsakid - 50/62/40/62/40/50 (Total: 304) - Grass/Grass - Chlorophyll/Insomnia/Klutz
  5758. Evolutions:
  5759. Level: 30
  5760. Condition: ITEM
  5761. Parameters: [3, 0, 0, 0]
  5762. Species: Scovillain
  5763. Form: 0
  5764. Learned Moves:
  5765. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5766. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  5767. Bite @ Lv. 4
  5768. Growth @ Lv. 10
  5769. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 13
  5770. Sunny Day @ Lv. 17
  5771. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 21
  5772. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  5773. Zen Headbutt @ Lv. 28
  5774. Crunch @ Lv. 38
  5775. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 44
  5776. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  5777. Egg Moves:
  5778. Leech Seed, Rollout, Ingrain, Worry Seed, Rage Powder
  5779. TM Moves:
  5780. Take Down, Solar Beam, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Sandstorm, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  5782. Scovillain - 65/108/65/108/65/75 (Total: 486) - Grass/Fire - Chlorophyll/Insomnia/Moody
  5783. Learned Moves:
  5784. Spicy Extract @ Evolution
  5785. Flamethrower @ Evolution
  5786. Leer @ Lv. 1
  5787. Fire Fang @ Lv. 1
  5788. Leafage @ Lv. 1
  5789. Bite @ Lv. 4
  5790. Growth @ Lv. 10
  5791. Razor Leaf @ Lv. 13
  5792. Sunny Day @ Lv. 17
  5793. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 21
  5794. Headbutt @ Lv. 24
  5795. Zen Headbutt @ Lv. 28
  5796. Worry Seed @ Lv. 33
  5797. Crunch @ Lv. 38
  5798. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 44
  5799. Solar Beam @ Lv. 48
  5800. Overheat @ Lv. 48
  5801. TM Moves:
  5802. Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Overheat, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  5804. Tadbulb - 61/31/41/59/35/45 (Total: 272) - Electric/Electric - Own Tempo/Static/Damp
  5805. Evolutions:
  5806. Level: 0
  5807. Condition: ITEM
  5808. Parameters: [4, 0, 0, 0]
  5809. Species: Bellibolt
  5810. Form: 0
  5811. Learned Moves:
  5812. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5813. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  5814. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 7
  5815. Water Gun @ Lv. 11
  5816. Charge @ Lv. 17
  5817. Spark @ Lv. 21
  5818. Mud Shot @ Lv. 24
  5819. Flail @ Lv. 25
  5820. Discharge @ Lv. 32
  5821. Weather Ball @ Lv. 36
  5822. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 40
  5823. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 45
  5824. Zap Cannon @ Lv. 50
  5825. Egg Moves:
  5826. Muddy Water, Soak, Parabolic Charge
  5827. TM Moves:
  5828. Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Hyper Voice, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Acid Spray, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5830. Bellibolt - 109/64/91/103/83/45 (Total: 495) - Electric/Electric - Electromorphosis/Static/Damp
  5831. Learned Moves:
  5832. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5833. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  5834. Slack Off @ Lv. 1
  5835. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 7
  5836. Water Gun @ Lv. 11
  5837. Charge @ Lv. 17
  5838. Spark @ Lv. 21
  5839. Mud Shot @ Lv. 24
  5840. Flail @ Lv. 25
  5841. Discharge @ Lv. 32
  5842. Weather Ball @ Lv. 36
  5843. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 40
  5844. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 45
  5845. Zap Cannon @ Lv. 50
  5846. TM Moves:
  5847. Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Hyper Voice, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Acid Spray, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  5849. Varoom - 45/70/63/30/45/47 (Total: 300) - Steel/Poison - Overcoat/Overcoat/Slow Start
  5850. Evolutions:
  5851. Level: 40
  5852. Condition: LEVELUP
  5853. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5854. Species: Revavroom
  5855. Form: 0
  5856. Learned Moves:
  5857. Lick @ Lv. 1
  5858. Poison Gas @ Lv. 1
  5859. Smog @ Lv. 4
  5860. Taunt @ Lv. 7
  5861. Assurance @ Lv. 10
  5862. Sludge @ Lv. 13
  5863. Gyro Ball @ Lv. 17
  5864. Headbutt @ Lv. 21
  5865. Screech @ Lv. 25
  5866. Iron Head @ Lv. 28
  5867. Swagger @ Lv. 32
  5868. Poison Jab @ Lv. 36
  5869. Uproar @ Lv. 41
  5870. Spin Out @ Lv. 46
  5871. Gunk Shot @ Lv. 50
  5872. Egg Moves:
  5873. Toxic, Haze, Self-Destruct, Torment, Parting Shot
  5874. TM Moves:
  5875. Body Slam, Take Down, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Iron Defense, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  5877. Revavroom - 80/119/90/54/67/90 (Total: 500) - Steel/Poison - Overcoat/Overcoat/Filter
  5878. Learned Moves:
  5879. Shift Gear @ Evolution
  5880. Magnet Rise @ Lv. 1
  5881. Lick @ Lv. 1
  5882. Poison Gas @ Lv. 1
  5883. Smog @ Lv. 4
  5884. Taunt @ Lv. 7
  5885. Assurance @ Lv. 10
  5886. Sludge @ Lv. 13
  5887. Gyro Ball @ Lv. 17
  5888. Headbutt @ Lv. 21
  5889. Screech @ Lv. 25
  5890. Iron Head @ Lv. 28
  5891. Swagger @ Lv. 32
  5892. Poison Jab @ Lv. 36
  5893. Uproar @ Lv. 46
  5894. Spin Out @ Lv. 52
  5895. Gunk Shot @ Lv. 58
  5896. TM Moves:
  5897. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Overheat, Iron Defense, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Venoshock, Heavy Slam, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  5899. Orthworm - 70/85/145/60/55/65 (Total: 480) - Steel/Steel - Earth Eater/Earth Eater/Sand Veil
  5900. Learned Moves:
  5901. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  5902. Wrap @ Lv. 1
  5903. Harden @ Lv. 1
  5904. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 7
  5905. Smack Down @ Lv. 12
  5906. Bulldoze @ Lv. 16
  5907. Iron Head @ Lv. 21
  5908. Take Down @ Lv. 26
  5909. Dig @ Lv. 30
  5910. Sandstorm @ Lv. 34
  5911. Iron Defense @ Lv. 38
  5912. Iron Tail @ Lv. 43
  5913. Earthquake @ Lv. 47
  5914. Shed Tail @ Lv. 52
  5915. Egg Moves:
  5916. Curse, Metal Burst, Coil
  5917. TM Moves:
  5918. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  5920. Tandemaus - 50/50/45/40/45/75 (Total: 305) - Normal/Normal - Run Away/Pickup/Own Tempo
  5921. Evolutions:
  5922. 0:
  5923. Level: 25
  5924. Condition: UNKNOWN_52
  5925. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5926. Species: Maushold
  5927. Form: 0
  5928. 1:
  5929. Level: 25
  5930. Condition: UNKNOWN_53
  5931. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  5932. Species: Maushold
  5933. Form: 1
  5934. Learned Moves:
  5935. Pound @ Lv. 1
  5936. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 1
  5937. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 5
  5938. Helping Hand @ Lv. 8
  5939. Super Fang @ Lv. 11
  5940. Double Hit @ Lv. 14
  5941. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 18
  5942. Encore @ Lv. 22
  5943. Play Rough @ Lv. 26
  5944. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 30
  5945. Charm @ Lv. 33
  5946. Beat Up @ Lv. 37
  5947. Copycat @ Lv. 41
  5948. Population Bomb @ Lv. 46
  5949. Egg Moves:
  5950. Bite, Baton Pass, Tickle, Feint, Switcheroo, After You
  5951. TM Moves:
  5952. Take Down, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Play Rough, Tera Blast
  5954. Maushold - 74/75/70/65/75/111 (Total: 470) - Normal/Normal - Friend Guard/Cheek Pouch/Technician
  5955. Learned Moves:
  5956. Pound @ Lv. 1
  5957. Follow Me @ Lv. 1
  5958. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 1
  5959. Tidy Up @ Lv. 1
  5960. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 5
  5961. Helping Hand @ Lv. 8
  5962. Super Fang @ Lv. 11
  5963. Double Hit @ Lv. 14
  5964. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 18
  5965. Encore @ Lv. 22
  5966. Play Rough @ Lv. 29
  5967. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 33
  5968. Charm @ Lv. 37
  5969. Beat Up @ Lv. 41
  5970. Copycat @ Lv. 46
  5971. Population Bomb @ Lv. 53
  5972. TM Moves:
  5973. Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Play Rough, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  5975. Maushold-1 - 74/75/70/65/75/111 (Total: 470) - Normal/Normal - Friend Guard/Cheek Pouch/Technician
  5976. Learned Moves:
  5977. Pound @ Lv. 1
  5978. Follow Me @ Lv. 1
  5979. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 1
  5980. Tidy Up @ Lv. 1
  5981. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 5
  5982. Helping Hand @ Lv. 8
  5983. Super Fang @ Lv. 11
  5984. Double Hit @ Lv. 14
  5985. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 18
  5986. Encore @ Lv. 22
  5987. Play Rough @ Lv. 29
  5988. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 33
  5989. Charm @ Lv. 37
  5990. Beat Up @ Lv. 41
  5991. Copycat @ Lv. 46
  5992. Population Bomb @ Lv. 53
  5993. TM Moves:
  5994. Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Mud Shot, Water Pulse, U-turn, Seed Bomb, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Play Rough, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  5996. Cetoddle - 108/68/45/30/40/43 (Total: 334) - Ice/Ice - Thick Fat/Snow Cloak/Sheer Force
  5997. Evolutions:
  5998. Level: 0
  5999. Condition: ITEM
  6000. Parameters: [52, 0, 0, 0]
  6001. Species: Cetitan
  6002. Form: 0
  6003. Learned Moves:
  6004. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6005. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  6006. Growl @ Lv. 6
  6007. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 9
  6008. Ice Shard @ Lv. 12
  6009. Rest @ Lv. 15
  6010. Take Down @ Lv. 19
  6011. Flail @ Lv. 25
  6012. Avalanche @ Lv. 27
  6013. Bounce @ Lv. 31
  6014. Body Slam @ Lv. 36
  6015. Amnesia @ Lv. 40
  6016. Ice Spinner @ Lv. 44
  6017. Double-Edge @ Lv. 49
  6018. Blizzard @ Lv. 53
  6019. Egg Moves:
  6020. Belly Drum, Superpower, Yawn, Entrainment, Icicle Crash
  6021. TM Moves:
  6022. Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Water Pulse, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  6024. Cetitan - 170/113/65/45/55/73 (Total: 521) - Ice/Ice - Thick Fat/Slush Rush/Sheer Force
  6025. Learned Moves:
  6026. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6027. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  6028. Growl @ Lv. 6
  6029. Echoed Voice @ Lv. 9
  6030. Ice Shard @ Lv. 12
  6031. Rest @ Lv. 15
  6032. Take Down @ Lv. 19
  6033. Flail @ Lv. 25
  6034. Avalanche @ Lv. 27
  6035. Bounce @ Lv. 31
  6036. Body Slam @ Lv. 36
  6037. Amnesia @ Lv. 40
  6038. Ice Spinner @ Lv. 44
  6039. Double-Edge @ Lv. 49
  6040. Blizzard @ Lv. 53
  6041. TM Moves:
  6042. Ice Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  6044. Frigibax - 65/75/45/35/45/55 (Total: 320) - Dragon/Ice - Thermal Exchange/Thermal Exchange/Ice Body
  6045. Evolutions:
  6046. Level: 35
  6047. Condition: LEVELUP
  6048. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6049. Species: Arctibax
  6050. Form: 0
  6051. Learned Moves:
  6052. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6053. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6054. Dragon Tail @ Lv. 1
  6055. Icy Wind @ Lv. 6
  6056. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 12
  6057. Focus Energy @ Lv. 18
  6058. Bite @ Lv. 24
  6059. Ice Fang @ Lv. 29
  6060. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 32
  6061. Take Down @ Lv. 36
  6062. Ice Beam @ Lv. 40
  6063. Crunch @ Lv. 44
  6064. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 48
  6065. Egg Moves:
  6066. Icicle Spear, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Freeze-Dry
  6067. TM Moves:
  6068. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Draco Meteor, Dragon Tail, Tera Blast, Snowscape
  6070. Arctibax - 90/95/66/45/65/62 (Total: 423) - Dragon/Ice - Thermal Exchange/Thermal Exchange/Ice Body
  6071. Evolutions:
  6072. Level: 54
  6073. Condition: LEVELUP
  6074. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6075. Species: Baxcalibur
  6076. Form: 0
  6077. Learned Moves:
  6078. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6079. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6080. Dragon Tail @ Lv. 1
  6081. Icy Wind @ Lv. 6
  6082. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 12
  6083. Focus Energy @ Lv. 18
  6084. Bite @ Lv. 24
  6085. Ice Fang @ Lv. 29
  6086. Take Down @ Lv. 40
  6087. Ice Beam @ Lv. 45
  6088. Crunch @ Lv. 50
  6089. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 55
  6090. TM Moves:
  6091. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Dragon Tail, Tera Blast, Snowscape
  6093. Baxcalibur - 115/145/92/75/86/87 (Total: 600) - Dragon/Ice - Thermal Exchange/Thermal Exchange/Ice Body
  6094. Learned Moves:
  6095. Glaive Rush @ Evolution
  6096. Snowscape @ Lv. 1
  6097. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 1
  6098. Dragon Tail @ Lv. 1
  6099. Ice Shard @ Lv. 1
  6100. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6101. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6102. Icy Wind @ Lv. 6
  6103. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 12
  6104. Focus Energy @ Lv. 18
  6105. Bite @ Lv. 24
  6106. Ice Fang @ Lv. 29
  6107. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 35
  6108. Take Down @ Lv. 42
  6109. Ice Beam @ Lv. 48
  6110. Crunch @ Lv. 55
  6111. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 62
  6112. TM Moves:
  6113. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Snowscape
  6115. Tatsugiri - 68/50/60/120/95/82 (Total: 475) - Dragon/Water - Commander/Commander/Storm Drain
  6116. Learned Moves:
  6117. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  6118. Splash @ Lv. 1
  6119. Harden @ Lv. 6
  6120. Helping Hand @ Lv. 12
  6121. Water Pulse @ Lv. 17
  6122. Soak @ Lv. 23
  6123. Taunt @ Lv. 28
  6124. Memento @ Lv. 34
  6125. Muddy Water @ Lv. 39
  6126. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 43
  6127. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 47
  6128. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 52
  6129. Egg Moves:
  6130. Counter, Baton Pass, Rapid Spin
  6131. TM Moves:
  6132. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Dragon Dance, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  6134. Tatsugiri-1 - 68/50/60/120/95/82 (Total: 475) - Dragon/Water - Commander/Commander/Storm Drain
  6135. Learned Moves:
  6136. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  6137. Splash @ Lv. 1
  6138. Harden @ Lv. 6
  6139. Helping Hand @ Lv. 12
  6140. Water Pulse @ Lv. 17
  6141. Soak @ Lv. 23
  6142. Taunt @ Lv. 28
  6143. Memento @ Lv. 34
  6144. Muddy Water @ Lv. 39
  6145. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 43
  6146. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 47
  6147. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 52
  6148. Egg Moves:
  6149. Counter, Baton Pass, Rapid Spin
  6150. TM Moves:
  6151. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Dragon Dance, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  6153. Tatsugiri-2 - 68/50/60/120/95/82 (Total: 475) - Dragon/Water - Commander/Commander/Storm Drain
  6154. Learned Moves:
  6155. Water Gun @ Lv. 1
  6156. Splash @ Lv. 1
  6157. Harden @ Lv. 6
  6158. Helping Hand @ Lv. 12
  6159. Water Pulse @ Lv. 17
  6160. Soak @ Lv. 23
  6161. Taunt @ Lv. 28
  6162. Memento @ Lv. 34
  6163. Muddy Water @ Lv. 39
  6164. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 43
  6165. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 47
  6166. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 52
  6167. Egg Moves:
  6168. Counter, Baton Pass, Rapid Spin
  6169. TM Moves:
  6170. Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Dragon Dance, Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Tera Blast, Chilling Water
  6172. Cyclizar - 70/95/65/85/65/121 (Total: 501) - Dragon/Normal - Shed Skin/Shed Skin/Regenerator
  6173. Learned Moves:
  6174. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6175. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6176. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 7
  6177. Taunt @ Lv. 11
  6178. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 14
  6179. Quick Attack @ Lv. 18
  6180. Bite @ Lv. 23
  6181. U-turn @ Lv. 27
  6182. Shed Tail @ Lv. 31
  6183. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 36
  6184. Shift Gear @ Lv. 40
  6185. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 45
  6186. Double-Edge @ Lv. 51
  6187. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 57
  6188. Egg Moves:
  6189. Iron Tail, Knock Off, Aqua Tail, Power Whip
  6190. TM Moves:
  6191. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Agility, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Mud Shot, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Trailblaze
  6193. Pawmi - 45/50/20/40/25/60 (Total: 240) - Electric/Electric - Static/Natural Cure/Iron Fist
  6194. Evolutions:
  6195. Level: 18
  6196. Condition: LEVELUP
  6197. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6198. Species: Pawmo
  6199. Form: 0
  6200. Learned Moves:
  6201. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  6202. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6203. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 3
  6204. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6205. Charge @ Lv. 8
  6206. Nuzzle @ Lv. 12
  6207. Dig @ Lv. 15
  6208. Bite @ Lv. 19
  6209. Spark @ Lv. 23
  6210. Thunder Wave @ Lv. 27
  6211. Entrainment @ Lv. 31
  6212. Slam @ Lv. 35
  6213. Discharge @ Lv. 38
  6214. Agility @ Lv. 40
  6215. Wild Charge @ Lv. 44
  6216. Egg Moves:
  6217. Mach Punch, Sweet Kiss, Fake Out, Wish
  6218. TM Moves:
  6219. Take Down, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Fling, Thunder Fang, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Play Rough, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast
  6221. Pawmo - 60/75/40/50/40/85 (Total: 350) - Electric/Fighting - Volt Absorb/Natural Cure/Iron Fist
  6222. Evolutions:
  6223. Level: 0
  6224. Condition: UNKNOWN_50
  6225. Parameters: [1000, 0, 0, 0]
  6226. Species: Pawmot
  6227. Form: 0
  6228. Learned Moves:
  6229. Arm Thrust @ Evolution
  6230. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  6231. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6232. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 3
  6233. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6234. Charge @ Lv. 8
  6235. Nuzzle @ Lv. 12
  6236. Dig @ Lv. 15
  6237. Bite @ Lv. 19
  6238. Spark @ Lv. 23
  6239. Thunder Wave @ Lv. 27
  6240. Slam @ Lv. 32
  6241. Entrainment @ Lv. 38
  6242. Discharge @ Lv. 42
  6243. Agility @ Lv. 46
  6244. Wild Charge @ Lv. 52
  6245. TM Moves:
  6246. Thunder Punch, Take Down, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Dig, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Fling, Thunder Fang, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Low Sweep, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Play Rough, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast
  6248. Pawmot - 70/115/70/70/60/105 (Total: 490) - Electric/Fighting - Volt Absorb/Natural Cure/Iron Fist
  6249. Learned Moves:
  6250. Revival Blessing @ Evolution
  6251. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  6252. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6253. Wild Charge @ Lv. 1
  6254. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 3
  6255. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6256. Charge @ Lv. 8
  6257. Nuzzle @ Lv. 12
  6258. Dig @ Lv. 15
  6259. Bite @ Lv. 19
  6260. Spark @ Lv. 23
  6261. Arm Thrust @ Lv. 25
  6262. Thunder Wave @ Lv. 29
  6263. Slam @ Lv. 33
  6264. Entrainment @ Lv. 39
  6265. Close Combat @ Lv. 44
  6266. Discharge @ Lv. 49
  6267. Agility @ Lv. 54
  6268. Double Shock @ Lv. 60
  6269. TM Moves:
  6270. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Dig, Agility, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Fling, Seed Bomb, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Grass Knot, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Low Sweep, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Play Rough, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Body Press, Tera Blast
  6272. Wattrel - 40/40/35/55/40/70 (Total: 280) - Electric/Flying - Wind Power/Volt Absorb/Competitive
  6273. Evolutions:
  6274. Level: 25
  6275. Condition: LEVELUP
  6276. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6277. Species: Kilowattrel
  6278. Form: 0
  6279. Learned Moves:
  6280. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6281. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6282. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 4
  6283. Quick Attack @ Lv. 7
  6284. Pluck @ Lv. 11
  6285. Spark @ Lv. 15
  6286. Uproar @ Lv. 19
  6287. Roost @ Lv. 23
  6288. Dual Wingbeat @ Lv. 27
  6289. Agility @ Lv. 32
  6290. Volt Switch @ Lv. 37
  6291. Discharge @ Lv. 43
  6292. Egg Moves:
  6293. Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Endeavor, Feather Dance, Weather Ball
  6294. TM Moves:
  6295. Fly, Take Down, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Hurricane, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast
  6297. Kilowattrel - 70/70/60/105/60/125 (Total: 490) - Electric/Flying - Wind Power/Volt Absorb/Competitive
  6298. Learned Moves:
  6299. Electro Ball @ Evolution
  6300. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6301. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6302. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 4
  6303. Quick Attack @ Lv. 7
  6304. Pluck @ Lv. 11
  6305. Spark @ Lv. 15
  6306. Uproar @ Lv. 19
  6307. Roost @ Lv. 24
  6308. Dual Wingbeat @ Lv. 30
  6309. Agility @ Lv. 36
  6310. Volt Switch @ Lv. 43
  6311. Discharge @ Lv. 48
  6312. Hurricane @ Lv. 55
  6313. TM Moves:
  6314. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Hurricane, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast
  6316. Bombirdier - 70/103/85/60/85/82 (Total: 485) - Flying/Dark - Big Pecks/Keen Eye/Rocky Payload
  6317. Learned Moves:
  6318. Wing Attack @ Lv. 1
  6319. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6320. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6321. Memento @ Lv. 1
  6322. Hone Claws @ Lv. 1
  6323. Thief @ Lv. 7
  6324. Rock Throw @ Lv. 11
  6325. Whirlwind @ Lv. 16
  6326. Pluck @ Lv. 20
  6327. Torment @ Lv. 24
  6328. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 29
  6329. Payback @ Lv. 36
  6330. Dual Wingbeat @ Lv. 42
  6331. Rock Slide @ Lv. 47
  6332. Knock Off @ Lv. 53
  6333. Parting Shot @ Lv. 60
  6334. Egg Moves:
  6335. Sky Attack, Feather Dance, Roost, Sucker Punch, Power Trip
  6336. TM Moves:
  6337. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Hyper Voice, Air Cutter, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Rock Blast, Tailwind, U-turn, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Power Gem, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Foul Play, Acrobatics, Drill Run, Hurricane, Snarl, Tera Blast
  6339. Squawkabilly - 82/96/51/45/51/92 (Total: 417) - Normal/Flying - Intimidate/Hustle/Guts
  6340. Learned Moves:
  6341. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6342. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6343. Mimic @ Lv. 1
  6344. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6345. Torment @ Lv. 10
  6346. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 13
  6347. Fury Attack @ Lv. 17
  6348. Taunt @ Lv. 20
  6349. Uproar @ Lv. 24
  6350. Copycat @ Lv. 27
  6351. Fly @ Lv. 30
  6352. Facade @ Lv. 34
  6353. Swagger @ Lv. 38
  6354. Brave Bird @ Lv. 42
  6355. Roost @ Lv. 47
  6356. Reversal @ Lv. 52
  6357. Egg Moves:
  6358. Double-Edge, Flatter, Final Gambit, Parting Shot
  6359. TM Moves:
  6360. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Foul Play, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Pounce
  6362. Squawkabilly-1 - 82/96/51/45/51/92 (Total: 417) - Normal/Flying - Intimidate/Hustle/Guts
  6363. Learned Moves:
  6364. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6365. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6366. Mimic @ Lv. 1
  6367. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6368. Torment @ Lv. 10
  6369. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 13
  6370. Fury Attack @ Lv. 17
  6371. Taunt @ Lv. 20
  6372. Uproar @ Lv. 24
  6373. Copycat @ Lv. 27
  6374. Fly @ Lv. 30
  6375. Facade @ Lv. 34
  6376. Swagger @ Lv. 38
  6377. Brave Bird @ Lv. 42
  6378. Roost @ Lv. 47
  6379. Reversal @ Lv. 52
  6380. Egg Moves:
  6381. Double-Edge, Flatter, Final Gambit, Parting Shot
  6382. TM Moves:
  6383. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Foul Play, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Pounce
  6385. Squawkabilly-2 - 82/96/51/45/51/92 (Total: 417) - Normal/Flying - Intimidate/Hustle/Sheer Force
  6386. Learned Moves:
  6387. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6388. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6389. Mimic @ Lv. 1
  6390. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6391. Torment @ Lv. 10
  6392. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 13
  6393. Fury Attack @ Lv. 17
  6394. Taunt @ Lv. 20
  6395. Uproar @ Lv. 24
  6396. Copycat @ Lv. 27
  6397. Fly @ Lv. 30
  6398. Facade @ Lv. 34
  6399. Swagger @ Lv. 38
  6400. Brave Bird @ Lv. 42
  6401. Roost @ Lv. 47
  6402. Reversal @ Lv. 52
  6403. Egg Moves:
  6404. Double-Edge, Flatter, Final Gambit, Parting Shot
  6405. TM Moves:
  6406. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Foul Play, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Pounce
  6408. Squawkabilly-3 - 82/96/51/45/51/92 (Total: 417) - Normal/Flying - Intimidate/Hustle/Sheer Force
  6409. Learned Moves:
  6410. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6411. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6412. Mimic @ Lv. 1
  6413. Quick Attack @ Lv. 6
  6414. Torment @ Lv. 10
  6415. Aerial Ace @ Lv. 13
  6416. Fury Attack @ Lv. 17
  6417. Taunt @ Lv. 20
  6418. Uproar @ Lv. 24
  6419. Copycat @ Lv. 27
  6420. Fly @ Lv. 30
  6421. Facade @ Lv. 34
  6422. Swagger @ Lv. 38
  6423. Brave Bird @ Lv. 42
  6424. Roost @ Lv. 47
  6425. Reversal @ Lv. 52
  6426. Egg Moves:
  6427. Double-Edge, Flatter, Final Gambit, Parting Shot
  6428. TM Moves:
  6429. Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Tailwind, U-turn, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Foul Play, Hurricane, Tera Blast, Pounce
  6431. Flamigo - 82/115/74/75/64/90 (Total: 500) - Flying/Fighting - Scrappy/Tangled Feet/Costar
  6432. Learned Moves:
  6433. Peck @ Lv. 1
  6434. Copycat @ Lv. 1
  6435. Double Kick @ Lv. 5
  6436. Detect @ Lv. 9
  6437. Wing Attack @ Lv. 12
  6438. Focus Energy @ Lv. 15
  6439. Low Kick @ Lv. 18
  6440. Feint @ Lv. 21
  6441. Payback @ Lv. 27
  6442. Roost @ Lv. 31
  6443. Air Slash @ Lv. 35
  6444. Mega Kick @ Lv. 39
  6445. Wide Guard @ Lv. 44
  6446. Throat Chop @ Lv. 48
  6447. Brave Bird @ Lv. 54
  6448. Egg Moves:
  6449. Double Team, Sky Attack, Quick Guard
  6450. TM Moves:
  6451. Swords Dance, Fly, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Agility, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Taunt, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Water Pulse, Tailwind, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Liquidation, Tera Blast, Pounce, Chilling Water
  6453. Klawf - 70/100/115/35/55/75 (Total: 450) - Rock/Rock - Anger Shell/Shell Armor/Regenerator
  6454. Learned Moves:
  6455. Vise Grip @ Lv. 1
  6456. Rock Throw @ Lv. 1
  6457. Harden @ Lv. 6
  6458. Rock Smash @ Lv. 9
  6459. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 13
  6460. Metal Claw @ Lv. 17
  6461. Protect @ Lv. 21
  6462. Rock Blast @ Lv. 24
  6463. X-Scissor @ Lv. 29
  6464. Swords Dance @ Lv. 33
  6465. Flail @ Lv. 37
  6466. Rock Slide @ Lv. 42
  6467. High Horsepower @ Lv. 47
  6468. Iron Defense @ Lv. 51
  6469. Guillotine @ Lv. 56
  6470. Egg Moves:
  6471. Crabhammer, Ancient Power, Knock Off, Endeavor
  6472. TM Moves:
  6473. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Fling, X-Scissor, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6475. Nacli - 55/55/75/35/35/25 (Total: 280) - Rock/Rock - Purifying Salt/Sturdy/Clear Body
  6476. Evolutions:
  6477. Level: 24
  6478. Condition: LEVELUP
  6479. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6480. Species: Naclstack
  6481. Form: 0
  6482. Learned Moves:
  6483. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6484. Harden @ Lv. 1
  6485. Rock Throw @ Lv. 5
  6486. Mud Shot @ Lv. 7
  6487. Smack Down @ Lv. 10
  6488. Rock Polish @ Lv. 13
  6489. Headbutt @ Lv. 16
  6490. Iron Defense @ Lv. 20
  6491. Recover @ Lv. 25
  6492. Rock Slide @ Lv. 30
  6493. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 33
  6494. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 35
  6495. Earthquake @ Lv. 40
  6496. Stone Edge @ Lv. 45
  6497. Egg Moves:
  6498. Fissure, Curse, Ancient Power, Power Gem
  6499. TM Moves:
  6500. Body Slam, Take Down, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Power Gem, Earth Power, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
  6502. Naclstack - 60/60/100/35/65/35 (Total: 355) - Rock/Rock - Purifying Salt/Sturdy/Clear Body
  6503. Evolutions:
  6504. Level: 38
  6505. Condition: LEVELUP
  6506. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6507. Species: Garganacl
  6508. Form: 0
  6509. Learned Moves:
  6510. Salt Cure @ Evolution
  6511. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6512. Harden @ Lv. 1
  6513. Rock Throw @ Lv. 5
  6514. Mud Shot @ Lv. 7
  6515. Smack Down @ Lv. 10
  6516. Rock Polish @ Lv. 13
  6517. Headbutt @ Lv. 16
  6518. Iron Defense @ Lv. 20
  6519. Recover @ Lv. 30
  6520. Rock Slide @ Lv. 34
  6521. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 38
  6522. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 41
  6523. Earthquake @ Lv. 45
  6524. Stone Edge @ Lv. 51
  6525. TM Moves:
  6526. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  6528. Garganacl - 100/100/130/45/90/35 (Total: 500) - Rock/Rock - Purifying Salt/Sturdy/Clear Body
  6529. Learned Moves:
  6530. Hammer Arm @ Evolution
  6531. Block @ Lv. 1
  6532. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6533. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  6534. Harden @ Lv. 1
  6535. Rock Blast @ Lv. 1
  6536. Rock Throw @ Lv. 5
  6537. Mud Shot @ Lv. 7
  6538. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 10
  6539. Rock Polish @ Lv. 13
  6540. Headbutt @ Lv. 16
  6541. Salt Cure @ Lv. 24
  6542. Recover @ Lv. 30
  6543. Rock Slide @ Lv. 34
  6544. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 40
  6545. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 44
  6546. Earthquake @ Lv. 49
  6547. Stone Edge @ Lv. 54
  6548. Explosion @ Lv. 60
  6549. TM Moves:
  6550. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Fling, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  6552. Glimmet - 48/35/42/105/60/60 (Total: 350) - Rock/Poison - Toxic Debris/Toxic Debris/Corrosion
  6553. Evolutions:
  6554. Level: 35
  6555. Condition: LEVELUP
  6556. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6557. Species: Glimmora
  6558. Form: 0
  6559. Learned Moves:
  6560. Rock Throw @ Lv. 1
  6561. Harden @ Lv. 1
  6562. Smack Down @ Lv. 1
  6563. Acid Spray @ Lv. 7
  6564. Ancient Power @ Lv. 11
  6565. Rock Polish @ Lv. 15
  6566. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 18
  6567. Venoshock @ Lv. 22
  6568. Sandstorm @ Lv. 26
  6569. Self-Destruct @ Lv. 29
  6570. Rock Slide @ Lv. 33
  6571. Power Gem @ Lv. 37
  6572. Acid Armor @ Lv. 41
  6573. Sludge Wave @ Lv. 46
  6574. Egg Moves:
  6575. Toxic, Explosion, Memento
  6576. TM Moves:
  6577. Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Toxic Spikes, Power Gem, Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  6579. Glimmora - 83/55/90/130/81/86 (Total: 525) - Rock/Poison - Toxic Debris/Toxic Debris/Corrosion
  6580. Learned Moves:
  6581. Mortal Spin @ Evolution
  6582. Smack Down @ Lv. 1
  6583. Spiky Shield @ Lv. 1
  6584. Toxic Spikes @ Lv. 1
  6585. Rock Throw @ Lv. 1
  6586. Harden @ Lv. 1
  6587. Acid Spray @ Lv. 7
  6588. Ancient Power @ Lv. 11
  6589. Rock Polish @ Lv. 15
  6590. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 18
  6591. Venoshock @ Lv. 22
  6592. Sandstorm @ Lv. 26
  6593. Self-Destruct @ Lv. 29
  6594. Rock Slide @ Lv. 33
  6595. Power Gem @ Lv. 39
  6596. Acid Armor @ Lv. 44
  6597. Sludge Wave @ Lv. 50
  6598. TM Moves:
  6599. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Toxic Spikes, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  6601. Shroodle - 40/65/35/40/35/75 (Total: 290) - Poison/Normal - Unburden/Pickpocket/Prankster
  6602. Evolutions:
  6603. Level: 28
  6604. Condition: LEVELUP
  6605. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6606. Species: Grafaiai
  6607. Form: 0
  6608. Learned Moves:
  6609. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  6610. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6611. Acid Spray @ Lv. 5
  6612. Bite @ Lv. 8
  6613. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 8
  6614. Switcheroo @ Lv. 11
  6615. Poison Fang @ Lv. 14
  6616. Flatter @ Lv. 18
  6617. Slash @ Lv. 21
  6618. U-turn @ Lv. 25
  6619. Poison Jab @ Lv. 29
  6620. Taunt @ Lv. 33
  6621. Substitute @ Lv. 36
  6622. Knock Off @ Lv. 40
  6623. Gunk Shot @ Lv. 45
  6624. Egg Moves:
  6625. Toxic, Super Fang, Swagger, Copycat, Cross Poison, Parting Shot
  6626. TM Moves:
  6627. Swords Dance, Take Down, Dig, Metronome, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, U-turn, Fling, Poison Jab, Nasty Plot, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Acrobatics, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  6629. Grafaiai - 63/95/65/80/72/110 (Total: 485) - Poison/Normal - Unburden/Poison Touch/Prankster
  6630. Learned Moves:
  6631. Doodle @ Evolution
  6632. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  6633. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6634. Acid Spray @ Lv. 5
  6635. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 8
  6636. Switcheroo @ Lv. 11
  6637. Poison Fang @ Lv. 14
  6638. Flatter @ Lv. 18
  6639. Slash @ Lv. 21
  6640. U-turn @ Lv. 25
  6641. Poison Jab @ Lv. 33
  6642. Taunt @ Lv. 37
  6643. Substitute @ Lv. 40
  6644. Knock Off @ Lv. 45
  6645. Gunk Shot @ Lv. 51
  6646. TM Moves:
  6647. Swords Dance, Take Down, Low Kick, Dig, Metronome, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, U-turn, Fling, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Shadow Claw, Gunk Shot, Venoshock, Low Sweep, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Acrobatics, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  6649. Fidough - 37/55/70/30/55/65 (Total: 312) - Fairy/Fairy - Own Tempo/Own Tempo/Klutz
  6650. Evolutions:
  6651. Level: 26
  6652. Condition: LEVELUP
  6653. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6654. Species: Dachsbun
  6655. Form: 0
  6656. Learned Moves:
  6657. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6658. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6659. Lick @ Lv. 3
  6660. Tail Whip @ Lv. 6
  6661. Covet @ Lv. 8
  6662. Bite @ Lv. 11
  6663. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 15
  6664. Play Rough @ Lv. 18
  6665. Work Up @ Lv. 22
  6666. Baton Pass @ Lv. 26
  6667. Roar @ Lv. 30
  6668. Double-Edge @ Lv. 33
  6669. Charm @ Lv. 36
  6670. Crunch @ Lv. 40
  6671. Last Resort @ Lv. 45
  6672. Egg Moves:
  6673. Sweet Scent, Wish, Yawn, Howl, Copycat
  6674. TM Moves:
  6675. Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Agility, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Snarl, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6677. Dachsbun - 57/80/115/50/80/95 (Total: 477) - Fairy/Fairy - Well-Baked Body/Well-Baked Body/Aroma Veil
  6678. Learned Moves:
  6679. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6680. Growl @ Lv. 1
  6681. Lick @ Lv. 3
  6682. Tail Whip @ Lv. 6
  6683. Covet @ Lv. 8
  6684. Bite @ Lv. 11
  6685. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 15
  6686. Play Rough @ Lv. 18
  6687. Work Up @ Lv. 22
  6688. Baton Pass @ Lv. 29
  6689. Roar @ Lv. 33
  6690. Double-Edge @ Lv. 38
  6691. Charm @ Lv. 42
  6692. Crunch @ Lv. 47
  6693. Last Resort @ Lv. 53
  6694. TM Moves:
  6695. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Agility, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Mud Shot, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Snarl, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6697. Maschiff - 60/78/60/40/51/51 (Total: 340) - Dark/Dark - Intimidate/Run Away/Stakeout
  6698. Evolutions:
  6699. Level: 30
  6700. Condition: LEVELUP
  6701. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  6702. Species: Mabosstiff
  6703. Form: 0
  6704. Learned Moves:
  6705. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6706. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6707. Scary Face @ Lv. 1
  6708. Lick @ Lv. 4
  6709. Snarl @ Lv. 7
  6710. Hone Claws @ Lv. 10
  6711. Bite @ Lv. 14
  6712. Roar @ Lv. 18
  6713. Headbutt @ Lv. 22
  6714. Payback @ Lv. 26
  6715. Crunch @ Lv. 31
  6716. Swagger @ Lv. 35
  6717. Reversal @ Lv. 39
  6718. Jaw Lock @ Lv. 43
  6719. Double-Edge @ Lv. 49
  6720. Egg Moves:
  6721. Destiny Bond, Endeavor, Retaliate, Play Rough
  6722. TM Moves:
  6723. Body Slam, Take Down, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Fake Tears, Dark Pulse, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6725. Mabosstiff - 80/120/90/60/70/85 (Total: 505) - Dark/Dark - Intimidate/Guard Dog/Stakeout
  6726. Learned Moves:
  6727. Comeuppance @ Evolution
  6728. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6729. Scary Face @ Lv. 1
  6730. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6731. Lick @ Lv. 4
  6732. Snarl @ Lv. 7
  6733. Hone Claws @ Lv. 10
  6734. Bite @ Lv. 14
  6735. Roar @ Lv. 18
  6736. Headbutt @ Lv. 22
  6737. Payback @ Lv. 26
  6738. Crunch @ Lv. 34
  6739. Swagger @ Lv. 39
  6740. Reversal @ Lv. 43
  6741. Jaw Lock @ Lv. 48
  6742. Double-Edge @ Lv. 55
  6743. Outrage @ Lv. 60
  6744. TM Moves:
  6745. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Wild Charge, Snarl, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6747. Bramblin - 40/65/30/45/35/60 (Total: 275) - Grass/Ghost - Wind Rider/Wind Rider/Infiltrator
  6748. Evolutions:
  6749. Level: 0
  6750. Condition: UNKNOWN_50
  6751. Parameters: [1000, 0, 0, 0]
  6752. Species: Brambleghast
  6753. Form: 0
  6754. Learned Moves:
  6755. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  6756. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  6757. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6758. Absorb @ Lv. 5
  6759. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 9
  6760. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 13
  6761. Infestation @ Lv. 17
  6762. Hex @ Lv. 21
  6763. Mega Drain @ Lv. 25
  6764. Disable @ Lv. 29
  6765. Phantom Force @ Lv. 35
  6766. Giga Drain @ Lv. 40
  6767. Curse @ Lv. 45
  6768. Pain Split @ Lv. 50
  6769. Power Whip @ Lv. 55
  6770. Egg Moves:
  6771. Leech Seed, Beat Up, Block, Shadow Sneak, Strength Sap
  6772. TM Moves:
  6773. Solar Beam, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Facade, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Hex, Phantom Force, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  6775. Brambleghast - 55/115/70/80/70/90 (Total: 480) - Grass/Ghost - Wind Rider/Wind Rider/Infiltrator
  6776. Learned Moves:
  6777. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  6778. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  6779. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6780. Absorb @ Lv. 5
  6781. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 9
  6782. Bullet Seed @ Lv. 13
  6783. Infestation @ Lv. 17
  6784. Hex @ Lv. 21
  6785. Mega Drain @ Lv. 25
  6786. Disable @ Lv. 29
  6787. Phantom Force @ Lv. 35
  6788. Giga Drain @ Lv. 40
  6789. Curse @ Lv. 45
  6790. Pain Split @ Lv. 50
  6791. Power Whip @ Lv. 55
  6792. TM Moves:
  6793. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Facade, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Hex, Phantom Force, Grassy Terrain, Tera Blast, Pounce, Trailblaze
  6795. Gimmighoul - 45/30/70/75/70/10 (Total: 300) - Ghost/Ghost - Rattled/Rattled/Rattled
  6796. Evolutions:
  6797. Level: 0
  6798. Condition: UNKNOWN_54
  6799. Parameters: [999, 0, 0, 0]
  6800. Species: Gholdengo
  6801. Form: 0
  6802. Learned Moves:
  6803. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6804. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6805. TM Moves:
  6806. Take Down, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Power Gem, Nasty Plot, Hex, Tera Blast
  6808. Gimmighoul-1 - 45/30/25/75/45/80 (Total: 300) - Ghost/Ghost - Run Away/Run Away/Run Away
  6809. Evolutions:
  6810. Level: 0
  6811. Condition: UNKNOWN_54
  6812. Parameters: [999, 0, 0, 0]
  6813. Species: Gholdengo
  6814. Form: 0
  6815. Learned Moves:
  6816. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6817. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6818. TM Moves:
  6819. Take Down, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Power Gem, Nasty Plot, Hex, Tera Blast
  6821. Gholdengo - 87/60/95/133/91/84 (Total: 550) - Steel/Ghost - Good as Gold/Good as Gold/Good as Gold
  6822. Learned Moves:
  6823. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  6824. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6825. Night Shade @ Lv. 7
  6826. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 14
  6827. Substitute @ Lv. 21
  6828. Metal Sound @ Lv. 28
  6829. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 35
  6830. Recover @ Lv. 42
  6831. Power Gem @ Lv. 49
  6832. Make It Rain @ Lv. 56
  6833. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 63
  6834. Memento @ Lv. 70
  6835. TM Moves:
  6836. Thunder Punch, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Trick, Fling, Power Gem, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Low Sweep, Hex, Dazzling Gleam, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  6838. Great Tusk - 115/131/131/53/53/87 (Total: 570) - Ground/Fighting - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6839. Learned Moves:
  6840. Horn Attack @ Lv. 1
  6841. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  6842. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  6843. Sunny Day @ Lv. 1
  6844. Bulldoze @ Lv. 7
  6845. Taunt @ Lv. 14
  6846. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 21
  6847. Brick Break @ Lv. 28
  6848. Stomping Tantrum @ Lv. 35
  6849. Knock Off @ Lv. 42
  6850. Earthquake @ Lv. 49
  6851. Giga Impact @ Lv. 56
  6852. Close Combat @ Lv. 63
  6853. Endeavor @ Lv. 70
  6854. Megahorn @ Lv. 77
  6855. Head Smash @ Lv. 84
  6856. Headlong Rush @ Lv. 91
  6857. TM Moves:
  6858. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, Close Combat, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Psyshock, Heavy Slam, Bulldoze, Play Rough, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner
  6860. Brute Bonnet - 111/127/99/79/99/55 (Total: 570) - Grass/Dark - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6861. Learned Moves:
  6862. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  6863. Growth @ Lv. 1
  6864. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6865. Stun Spore @ Lv. 7
  6866. Mega Drain @ Lv. 14
  6867. Synthesis @ Lv. 21
  6868. Clear Smog @ Lv. 28
  6869. Payback @ Lv. 35
  6870. Thrash @ Lv. 42
  6871. Giga Drain @ Lv. 49
  6872. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 56
  6873. Spore @ Lv. 63
  6874. Ingrain @ Lv. 70
  6875. Rage Powder @ Lv. 77
  6876. Solar Beam @ Lv. 91
  6877. Reminder Moves:
  6878. Sunny Day
  6879. TM Moves:
  6880. Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Confuse Ray, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Close Combat, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Venoshock, Hex, Grassy Terrain, Pollen Puff, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6882. Sandy Shocks - 85/81/97/121/85/101 (Total: 570) - Electric/Ground - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6883. Learned Moves:
  6884. Thunder Wave @ Lv. 1
  6885. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  6886. Supersonic @ Lv. 1
  6887. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  6888. Spark @ Lv. 7
  6889. Bulldoze @ Lv. 14
  6890. Charge Beam @ Lv. 21
  6891. Tri Attack @ Lv. 28
  6892. Screech @ Lv. 35
  6893. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 42
  6894. Metal Sound @ Lv. 49
  6895. Discharge @ Lv. 56
  6896. Earth Power @ Lv. 63
  6897. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 70
  6898. Gravity @ Lv. 77
  6899. Zap Cannon @ Lv. 84
  6900. Magnetic Flux @ Lv. 91
  6901. Reminder Moves:
  6902. Sunny Day
  6903. TM Moves:
  6904. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Earthquake, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Power Gem, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Volt Switch, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  6906. Scream Tail - 115/65/99/65/115/111 (Total: 570) - Fairy/Psychic - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6907. Learned Moves:
  6908. Pound @ Lv. 1
  6909. Sing @ Lv. 1
  6910. Disable @ Lv. 1
  6911. Howl @ Lv. 7
  6912. Noble Roar @ Lv. 14
  6913. Bite @ Lv. 21
  6914. Body Slam @ Lv. 28
  6915. Rest @ Lv. 35
  6916. Play Rough @ Lv. 42
  6917. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 49
  6918. Psychic Fangs @ Lv. 56
  6919. Crunch @ Lv. 63
  6920. Wish @ Lv. 70
  6921. Gyro Ball @ Lv. 77
  6922. Perish Song @ Lv. 84
  6923. Boomburst @ Lv. 91
  6924. Reminder Moves:
  6925. Sunny Day
  6926. TM Moves:
  6927. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Dig, Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Fire Blast, Amnesia, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Baton Pass, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Helping Hand, Trick, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Rock Tomb, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Water Pulse, Fling, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Grass Knot, Psyshock, Stored Power, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Psychic Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, Snowscape
  6929. Flutter Mane - 55/55/55/135/135/135 (Total: 570) - Ghost/Fairy - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6930. Learned Moves:
  6931. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 1
  6932. Spite @ Lv. 1
  6933. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  6934. Psybeam @ Lv. 7
  6935. Mean Look @ Lv. 14
  6936. Memento @ Lv. 21
  6937. Wish @ Lv. 28
  6938. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 35
  6939. Shadow Ball @ Lv. 42
  6940. Mystical Fire @ Lv. 49
  6941. Power Gem @ Lv. 56
  6942. Psyshock @ Lv. 63
  6943. Phantom Force @ Lv. 70
  6944. Pain Split @ Lv. 77
  6945. Moonblast @ Lv. 84
  6946. Perish Song @ Lv. 91
  6947. Reminder Moves:
  6948. Sunny Day
  6949. TM Moves:
  6950. Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Charm, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Helping Hand, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Trick Room, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Stored Power, Hex, Phantom Force, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  6952. Slither Wing - 85/135/79/85/105/81 (Total: 570) - Bug/Fighting - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6953. Learned Moves:
  6954. Gust @ Lv. 1
  6955. Ember @ Lv. 1
  6956. Bug Bite @ Lv. 1
  6957. Poison Powder @ Lv. 7
  6958. Stun Spore @ Lv. 7
  6959. Flame Charge @ Lv. 14
  6960. Stomp @ Lv. 21
  6961. Low Sweep @ Lv. 28
  6962. Morning Sun @ Lv. 35
  6963. Lunge @ Lv. 42
  6964. Superpower @ Lv. 49
  6965. Bulk Up @ Lv. 56
  6966. Dual Wingbeat @ Lv. 63
  6967. First Impression @ Lv. 70
  6968. Whirlwind @ Lv. 77
  6969. Leech Life @ Lv. 84
  6970. Thrash @ Lv. 91
  6971. Reminder Moves:
  6972. Sunny Day
  6973. TM Moves:
  6974. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Leech Life, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Sandstorm, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Bug Buzz, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Wild Charge, Hurricane, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  6976. Roaring Moon - 105/139/71/55/101/119 (Total: 590) - Dragon/Dark - Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis/Protosynthesis
  6977. Learned Moves:
  6978. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  6979. Leer @ Lv. 1
  6980. Bite @ Lv. 1
  6981. Focus Energy @ Lv. 1
  6982. Incinerate @ Lv. 7
  6983. Headbutt @ Lv. 14
  6984. Scary Face @ Lv. 21
  6985. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 28
  6986. Zen Headbutt @ Lv. 35
  6987. Flamethrower @ Lv. 42
  6988. Night Slash @ Lv. 49
  6989. Dragon Dance @ Lv. 56
  6990. Dragon Rush @ Lv. 63
  6991. Fly @ Lv. 70
  6992. Throat Chop @ Lv. 77
  6993. Roost @ Lv. 84
  6994. Double-Edge @ Lv. 91
  6995. Reminder Moves:
  6996. Sunny Day, Jaw Lock, Breaking Swipe, Scale Shot
  6997. TM Moves:
  6998. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Fire Spin, Earthquake, Dig, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Hyper Voice, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Tailwind, U-turn, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, X-Scissor, Dragon Pulse, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Hurricane, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7000. Iron Treads - 90/112/120/72/70/106 (Total: 570) - Ground/Steel - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7001. Learned Moves:
  7002. Horn Attack @ Lv. 1
  7003. Defense Curl @ Lv. 1
  7004. Rollout @ Lv. 1
  7005. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7006. Bulldoze @ Lv. 7
  7007. Rapid Spin @ Lv. 21
  7008. Iron Head @ Lv. 28
  7009. Stomping Tantrum @ Lv. 35
  7010. Knock Off @ Lv. 42
  7011. Earthquake @ Lv. 49
  7012. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 56
  7013. Wild Charge @ Lv. 63
  7014. Endeavor @ Lv. 70
  7015. Megahorn @ Lv. 77
  7016. Giga Impact @ Lv. 84
  7017. Steel Roller @ Lv. 91
  7018. TM Moves:
  7019. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Thunder, Earthquake, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Sandstorm, Facade, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Volt Switch, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Electric Terrain, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner
  7021. Iron Moth - 80/70/60/140/110/110 (Total: 570) - Fire/Poison - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7022. Learned Moves:
  7023. Gust @ Lv. 1
  7024. Whirlwind @ Lv. 1
  7025. Ember @ Lv. 1
  7026. Acid Spray @ Lv. 1
  7027. Struggle Bug @ Lv. 7
  7028. Fire Spin @ Lv. 14
  7029. Take Down @ Lv. 21
  7030. Lunge @ Lv. 28
  7031. Screech @ Lv. 35
  7032. Discharge @ Lv. 42
  7033. Sludge Wave @ Lv. 49
  7034. Fiery Dance @ Lv. 56
  7035. Metal Sound @ Lv. 63
  7036. Morning Sun @ Lv. 70
  7037. Hurricane @ Lv. 77
  7038. Bug Buzz @ Lv. 84
  7039. Overheat @ Lv. 91
  7040. Reminder Moves:
  7041. Electric Terrain
  7042. TM Moves:
  7043. Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Psychic, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Fire Blast, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Facade, Helping Hand, Overheat, U-turn, Toxic Spikes, Flare Blitz, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Charge Beam, Venoshock, Flame Charge, Acid Spray, Acrobatics, Struggle Bug, Hurricane, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Pounce
  7045. Iron Hands - 154/140/108/50/68/50 (Total: 570) - Fighting/Electric - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7046. Learned Moves:
  7047. Sand Attack @ Lv. 1
  7048. Tackle @ Lv. 1
  7049. Focus Energy @ Lv. 1
  7050. Arm Thrust @ Lv. 1
  7051. Fake Out @ Lv. 7
  7052. Whirlwind @ Lv. 14
  7053. Thunder Punch @ Lv. 21
  7054. Slam @ Lv. 28
  7055. Force Palm @ Lv. 35
  7056. Seismic Toss @ Lv. 42
  7057. Charge @ Lv. 49
  7058. Wild Charge @ Lv. 56
  7059. Close Combat @ Lv. 63
  7060. Detect @ Lv. 70
  7061. Heavy Slam @ Lv. 77
  7062. Belly Drum @ Lv. 84
  7063. Focus Punch @ Lv. 91
  7064. Reminder Moves:
  7065. Electric Terrain
  7066. TM Moves:
  7067. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Metronome, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Facade, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Fling, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Low Sweep, Volt Switch, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Play Rough, Electric Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7069. Iron Jugulis - 94/80/86/122/80/108 (Total: 570) - Dark/Flying - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7070. Learned Moves:
  7071. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7072. Work Up @ Lv. 1
  7073. Focus Energy @ Lv. 1
  7074. Tri Attack @ Lv. 1
  7075. Air Cutter @ Lv. 1
  7076. Roar @ Lv. 7
  7077. Assurance @ Lv. 14
  7078. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 21
  7079. Snarl @ Lv. 28
  7080. Crunch @ Lv. 35
  7081. Hyper Voice @ Lv. 42
  7082. Air Slash @ Lv. 56
  7083. Knock Off @ Lv. 63
  7084. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 70
  7085. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7086. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 84
  7087. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 91
  7088. TM Moves:
  7089. Fly, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Hyper Voice, Air Cutter, Rock Tomb, Tailwind, U-turn, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Charge Beam, Acrobatics, Dragon Tail, Hurricane, Snarl, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast
  7091. Iron Thorns - 100/134/110/70/84/72 (Total: 570) - Rock/Electric - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7092. Learned Moves:
  7093. Rock Throw @ Lv. 1
  7094. Fire Fang @ Lv. 1
  7095. Ice Fang @ Lv. 1
  7096. Iron Defense @ Lv. 1
  7097. Thunder Fang @ Lv. 1
  7098. Screech @ Lv. 7
  7099. Rock Tomb @ Lv. 21
  7100. Bite @ Lv. 28
  7101. Charge @ Lv. 35
  7102. Rock Slide @ Lv. 42
  7103. Sandstorm @ Lv. 49
  7104. Wild Charge @ Lv. 56
  7105. Pin Missile @ Lv. 63
  7106. Earthquake @ Lv. 70
  7107. Stealth Rock @ Lv. 77
  7108. Stone Edge @ Lv. 84
  7109. Giga Impact @ Lv. 91
  7110. Reminder Moves:
  7111. Electric Terrain
  7112. TM Moves:
  7113. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Earthquake, Dig, Fire Blast, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Iron Defense, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Rock Blast, Fling, Power Gem, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Volt Switch, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7115. Iron Bundle - 56/80/114/124/60/136 (Total: 570) - Ice/Water - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7116. Learned Moves:
  7117. Present @ Lv. 1
  7118. Powder Snow @ Lv. 7
  7119. Whirlpool @ Lv. 14
  7120. Take Down @ Lv. 21
  7121. Drill Peck @ Lv. 28
  7122. Helping Hand @ Lv. 35
  7123. Freeze-Dry @ Lv. 42
  7124. Flip Turn @ Lv. 49
  7125. Ice Beam @ Lv. 56
  7126. Agility @ Lv. 63
  7127. Snowscape @ Lv. 70
  7128. Hydro Pump @ Lv. 77
  7129. Aurora Veil @ Lv. 84
  7130. Blizzard @ Lv. 91
  7131. Reminder Moves:
  7132. Electric Terrain
  7133. TM Moves:
  7134. Ice Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Agility, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Air Cutter, Water Pulse, U-turn, Fling, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Acrobatics, Play Rough, Electric Terrain, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape, Chilling Water
  7136. Iron Valiant - 74/130/90/120/60/116 (Total: 590) - Fairy/Fighting - Quark Drive/Quark Drive/Quark Drive
  7137. Learned Moves:
  7138. Disable @ Lv. 1
  7139. Double Team @ Lv. 1
  7140. Shadow Sneak @ Lv. 1
  7141. Fury Cutter @ Lv. 1
  7142. Hypnosis @ Lv. 7
  7143. Feint @ Lv. 14
  7144. Future Sight @ Lv. 21
  7145. Dazzling Gleam @ Lv. 28
  7146. Psycho Cut @ Lv. 35
  7147. Night Slash @ Lv. 42
  7148. Leaf Blade @ Lv. 49
  7149. Moonblast @ Lv. 56
  7150. Close Combat @ Lv. 63
  7151. Knock Off @ Lv. 70
  7152. Destiny Bond @ Lv. 77
  7153. Wide Guard @ Lv. 84
  7154. Quick Guard @ Lv. 84
  7155. Spirit Break @ Lv. 91
  7156. Reminder Moves:
  7157. Electric Terrain
  7158. TM Moves:
  7159. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Psybeam, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Encore, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Helping Hand, Trick, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Imprison, Hyper Voice, Aerial Ace, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Close Combat, Fling, Aura Sphere, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Grass Knot, Charge Beam, Psyshock, Stored Power, Hex, Misty Terrain, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Terrain, Liquidation, Tera Blast
  7161. Ting-Lu - 155/110/125/55/80/45 (Total: 570) - Dark/Ground - Vessel of Ruin/Vessel of Ruin/Vessel of Ruin
  7162. Learned Moves:
  7163. Mean Look @ Lv. 1
  7164. Sand Tomb @ Lv. 1
  7165. Spite @ Lv. 1
  7166. Spikes @ Lv. 5
  7167. Payback @ Lv. 10
  7168. Stomp @ Lv. 15
  7169. Bulldoze @ Lv. 20
  7170. Whirlwind @ Lv. 25
  7171. Taunt @ Lv. 30
  7172. Thrash @ Lv. 35
  7173. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 40
  7174. Stomping Tantrum @ Lv. 45
  7175. Ruination @ Lv. 50
  7176. Throat Chop @ Lv. 55
  7177. Rock Slide @ Lv. 60
  7178. Memento @ Lv. 65
  7179. Earthquake @ Lv. 70
  7180. Fissure @ Lv. 75
  7181. TM Moves:
  7182. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Hex, Bulldoze, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7184. Chien-Pao - 80/120/80/90/65/135 (Total: 570) - Dark/Ice - Sword of Ruin/Sword of Ruin/Sword of Ruin
  7185. Learned Moves:
  7186. Spite @ Lv. 1
  7187. Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
  7188. Mean Look @ Lv. 1
  7189. Icy Wind @ Lv. 5
  7190. Payback @ Lv. 10
  7191. Mist @ Lv. 15
  7192. Haze @ Lv. 15
  7193. Ice Shard @ Lv. 20
  7194. Swords Dance @ Lv. 25
  7195. Snowscape @ Lv. 30
  7196. Night Slash @ Lv. 35
  7197. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 40
  7198. Icicle Crash @ Lv. 45
  7199. Ruination @ Lv. 50
  7200. Sucker Punch @ Lv. 55
  7201. Sacred Sword @ Lv. 60
  7202. Recover @ Lv. 65
  7203. Throat Chop @ Lv. 70
  7204. Sheer Cold @ Lv. 75
  7205. TM Moves:
  7206. Swords Dance, Take Down, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Hex, Acrobatics, Snarl, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape
  7208. Wo-Chien - 85/85/100/95/135/70 (Total: 570) - Dark/Grass - Tablets of Ruin/Tablets of Ruin/Tablets of Ruin
  7209. Learned Moves:
  7210. Absorb @ Lv. 1
  7211. Spite @ Lv. 1
  7212. Mean Look @ Lv. 1
  7213. Tickle @ Lv. 5
  7214. Payback @ Lv. 10
  7215. Poison Powder @ Lv. 15
  7216. Stun Spore @ Lv. 15
  7217. Mega Drain @ Lv. 20
  7218. Leech Seed @ Lv. 25
  7219. Growth @ Lv. 30
  7220. Ingrain @ Lv. 35
  7221. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 40
  7222. Giga Drain @ Lv. 45
  7223. Ruination @ Lv. 50
  7224. Foul Play @ Lv. 55
  7225. Power Whip @ Lv. 60
  7226. Grassy Terrain @ Lv. 65
  7227. Knock Off @ Lv. 70
  7228. Leaf Storm @ Lv. 75
  7229. TM Moves:
  7230. Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Facade, Taunt, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Dark Pulse, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Foul Play, Hex, Snarl, Grassy Terrain, Pollen Puff, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  7232. Chi-Yu - 55/80/80/135/120/100 (Total: 570) - Dark/Fire - Beads of Ruin/Beads of Ruin/Beads of Ruin
  7233. Learned Moves:
  7234. Ember @ Lv. 1
  7235. Spite @ Lv. 1
  7236. Mean Look @ Lv. 1
  7237. Flame Wheel @ Lv. 5
  7238. Payback @ Lv. 10
  7239. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 15
  7240. Flame Charge @ Lv. 20
  7241. Incinerate @ Lv. 25
  7242. Confuse Ray @ Lv. 30
  7243. Nasty Plot @ Lv. 35
  7244. Dark Pulse @ Lv. 40
  7245. Lava Plume @ Lv. 45
  7246. Ruination @ Lv. 50
  7247. Bounce @ Lv. 55
  7248. Swagger @ Lv. 60
  7249. Inferno @ Lv. 65
  7250. Memento @ Lv. 70
  7251. Overheat @ Lv. 75
  7252. TM Moves:
  7253. Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Fire Spin, Psychic, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Nasty Plot, Zen Headbutt, Flame Charge, Hex, Snarl, Tera Blast
  7255. Koraidon - 100/135/115/85/100/135 (Total: 670) - Fighting/Dragon - Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse
  7256. Learned Moves:
  7257. Sunny Day @ Lv. 1
  7258. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 1
  7259. Rock Smash @ Lv. 7
  7260. Ancient Power @ Lv. 14
  7261. Drain Punch @ Lv. 21
  7262. Brick Break @ Lv. 28
  7263. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7264. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 42
  7265. Flamethrower @ Lv. 49
  7266. Collision Course @ Lv. 56
  7267. Screech @ Lv. 63
  7268. Counter @ Lv. 70
  7269. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7270. Close Combat @ Lv. 84
  7271. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 91
  7272. Giga Impact @ Lv. 98
  7273. TM Moves:
  7274. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7276. Koraidon-1 - 100/135/115/85/100/135 (Total: 670) - Fighting/Dragon - Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse
  7277. Learned Moves:
  7278. Sunny Day @ Lv. 1
  7279. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 1
  7280. Rock Smash @ Lv. 7
  7281. Ancient Power @ Lv. 14
  7282. Drain Punch @ Lv. 21
  7283. Brick Break @ Lv. 28
  7284. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7285. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 42
  7286. Flamethrower @ Lv. 49
  7287. Collision Course @ Lv. 56
  7288. Screech @ Lv. 63
  7289. Counter @ Lv. 70
  7290. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7291. Close Combat @ Lv. 84
  7292. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 91
  7293. Giga Impact @ Lv. 98
  7294. TM Moves:
  7295. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7297. Koraidon-2 - 100/135/115/85/100/135 (Total: 670) - Fighting/Dragon - Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse
  7298. Learned Moves:
  7299. Sunny Day @ Lv. 1
  7300. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 1
  7301. Rock Smash @ Lv. 7
  7302. Ancient Power @ Lv. 14
  7303. Drain Punch @ Lv. 21
  7304. Brick Break @ Lv. 28
  7305. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7306. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 42
  7307. Flamethrower @ Lv. 49
  7308. Collision Course @ Lv. 56
  7309. Screech @ Lv. 63
  7310. Counter @ Lv. 70
  7311. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7312. Close Combat @ Lv. 84
  7313. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 91
  7314. Giga Impact @ Lv. 98
  7315. TM Moves:
  7316. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7318. Koraidon-3 - 100/135/115/85/100/135 (Total: 670) - Fighting/Dragon - Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse
  7319. Learned Moves:
  7320. Sunny Day @ Lv. 1
  7321. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 1
  7322. Rock Smash @ Lv. 7
  7323. Ancient Power @ Lv. 14
  7324. Drain Punch @ Lv. 21
  7325. Brick Break @ Lv. 28
  7326. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7327. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 42
  7328. Flamethrower @ Lv. 49
  7329. Collision Course @ Lv. 56
  7330. Screech @ Lv. 63
  7331. Counter @ Lv. 70
  7332. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7333. Close Combat @ Lv. 84
  7334. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 91
  7335. Giga Impact @ Lv. 98
  7336. TM Moves:
  7337. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7339. Koraidon-4 - 100/135/115/85/100/135 (Total: 670) - Fighting/Dragon - Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse/Orichalcum Pulse
  7340. Learned Moves:
  7341. Sunny Day @ Lv. 1
  7342. Breaking Swipe @ Lv. 1
  7343. Rock Smash @ Lv. 7
  7344. Ancient Power @ Lv. 14
  7345. Drain Punch @ Lv. 21
  7346. Brick Break @ Lv. 28
  7347. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7348. Dragon Claw @ Lv. 42
  7349. Flamethrower @ Lv. 49
  7350. Collision Course @ Lv. 56
  7351. Screech @ Lv. 63
  7352. Counter @ Lv. 70
  7353. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7354. Close Combat @ Lv. 84
  7355. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 91
  7356. Giga Impact @ Lv. 98
  7357. TM Moves:
  7358. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Dig, Agility, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Crunch, Heat Wave, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Mud Shot, U-turn, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Zen Headbutt, Draco Meteor, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Flame Charge, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Stomping Tantrum, Body Press, Tera Blast
  7360. Miraidon - 100/85/100/135/115/135 (Total: 670) - Electric/Dragon - Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine
  7361. Learned Moves:
  7362. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  7363. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  7364. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7365. Shock Wave @ Lv. 7
  7366. Charge @ Lv. 14
  7367. Parabolic Charge @ Lv. 21
  7368. Discharge @ Lv. 28
  7369. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7370. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 42
  7371. Electro Drift @ Lv. 56
  7372. Metal Sound @ Lv. 63
  7373. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 70
  7374. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7375. Thunder @ Lv. 84
  7376. Overheat @ Lv. 91
  7377. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 98
  7378. TM Moves:
  7379. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Calm Mind, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  7381. Miraidon-1 - 100/85/100/135/115/135 (Total: 670) - Electric/Dragon - Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine
  7382. Learned Moves:
  7383. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  7384. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  7385. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7386. Shock Wave @ Lv. 7
  7387. Charge @ Lv. 14
  7388. Parabolic Charge @ Lv. 21
  7389. Discharge @ Lv. 28
  7390. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7391. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 42
  7392. Electro Drift @ Lv. 56
  7393. Metal Sound @ Lv. 63
  7394. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 70
  7395. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7396. Thunder @ Lv. 84
  7397. Overheat @ Lv. 91
  7398. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 98
  7399. TM Moves:
  7400. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Calm Mind, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  7402. Miraidon-2 - 100/85/100/135/115/135 (Total: 670) - Electric/Dragon - Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine
  7403. Learned Moves:
  7404. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  7405. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  7406. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7407. Shock Wave @ Lv. 7
  7408. Charge @ Lv. 14
  7409. Parabolic Charge @ Lv. 21
  7410. Discharge @ Lv. 28
  7411. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7412. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 42
  7413. Electro Drift @ Lv. 56
  7414. Metal Sound @ Lv. 63
  7415. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 70
  7416. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7417. Thunder @ Lv. 84
  7418. Overheat @ Lv. 91
  7419. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 98
  7420. TM Moves:
  7421. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Calm Mind, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  7423. Miraidon-3 - 100/85/100/135/115/135 (Total: 670) - Electric/Dragon - Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine
  7424. Learned Moves:
  7425. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  7426. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  7427. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7428. Shock Wave @ Lv. 7
  7429. Charge @ Lv. 14
  7430. Parabolic Charge @ Lv. 21
  7431. Discharge @ Lv. 28
  7432. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7433. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 42
  7434. Electro Drift @ Lv. 56
  7435. Metal Sound @ Lv. 63
  7436. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 70
  7437. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7438. Thunder @ Lv. 84
  7439. Overheat @ Lv. 91
  7440. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 98
  7441. TM Moves:
  7442. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Calm Mind, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  7444. Miraidon-4 - 100/85/100/135/115/135 (Total: 670) - Electric/Dragon - Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine/Hadron Engine
  7445. Learned Moves:
  7446. Thunder Shock @ Lv. 1
  7447. Dragon Breath @ Lv. 1
  7448. Electric Terrain @ Lv. 1
  7449. Shock Wave @ Lv. 7
  7450. Charge @ Lv. 14
  7451. Parabolic Charge @ Lv. 21
  7452. Discharge @ Lv. 28
  7453. Agility @ Lv. 35
  7454. Dragon Pulse @ Lv. 42
  7455. Electro Drift @ Lv. 56
  7456. Metal Sound @ Lv. 63
  7457. Mirror Coat @ Lv. 70
  7458. Outrage @ Lv. 77
  7459. Thunder @ Lv. 84
  7460. Overheat @ Lv. 91
  7461. Hyper Beam @ Lv. 98
  7462. TM Moves:
  7463. Swords Dance, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Agility, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Overheat, Dragon Claw, Calm Mind, U-turn, Dragon Pulse, Power Gem, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, Charge Beam, Heavy Slam, Electro Ball, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Dragon Tail, Wild Charge, Snarl, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast
  7465. Tinkatink - 50/45/45/35/64/58 (Total: 297) - Fairy/Steel - Mold Breaker/Own Tempo/Pickpocket
  7466. Evolutions:
  7467. Level: 24
  7468. Condition: LEVELUP
  7469. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  7470. Species: Tinkatuff
  7471. Form: 0
  7472. Learned Moves:
  7473. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  7474. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  7475. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 5
  7476. Metal Claw @ Lv. 8
  7477. Covet @ Lv. 11
  7478. Rock Smash @ Lv. 14
  7479. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 17
  7480. Sweet Kiss @ Lv. 21
  7481. Brutal Swing @ Lv. 24
  7482. Slam @ Lv. 27
  7483. Flash Cannon @ Lv. 31
  7484. Play Rough @ Lv. 35
  7485. Fake Out @ Lv. 39
  7486. Flatter @ Lv. 43
  7487. Skitter Smack @ Lv. 47
  7488. Knock Off @ Lv. 52
  7489. Egg Moves:
  7490. Feint, Quash, Ice Hammer
  7491. TM Moves:
  7492. Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Metal Claw, Facade, Helping Hand, Skill Swap, Fake Tears, Rock Tomb, Fling, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Foul Play, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Pounce
  7494. Tinkatuff - 65/55/55/45/82/78 (Total: 380) - Fairy/Steel - Mold Breaker/Own Tempo/Pickpocket
  7495. Evolutions:
  7496. Level: 38
  7497. Condition: LEVELUP
  7498. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  7499. Species: Tinkaton
  7500. Form: 0
  7501. Learned Moves:
  7502. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  7503. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  7504. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 5
  7505. Metal Claw @ Lv. 8
  7506. Covet @ Lv. 11
  7507. Rock Smash @ Lv. 14
  7508. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 17
  7509. Sweet Kiss @ Lv. 21
  7510. Brutal Swing @ Lv. 24
  7511. Slam @ Lv. 27
  7512. Flash Cannon @ Lv. 31
  7513. Play Rough @ Lv. 35
  7514. Fake Out @ Lv. 39
  7515. Flatter @ Lv. 43
  7516. Skitter Smack @ Lv. 47
  7517. Knock Off @ Lv. 52
  7518. TM Moves:
  7519. Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Metal Claw, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Fake Tears, Rock Tomb, Fling, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Foul Play, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Pounce
  7521. Tinkaton - 85/75/77/70/105/94 (Total: 506) - Fairy/Steel - Mold Breaker/Own Tempo/Pickpocket
  7522. Learned Moves:
  7523. Gigaton Hammer @ Evolution
  7524. Fairy Wind @ Lv. 1
  7525. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  7526. Baby-Doll Eyes @ Lv. 5
  7527. Metal Claw @ Lv. 8
  7528. Covet @ Lv. 11
  7529. Rock Smash @ Lv. 14
  7530. Draining Kiss @ Lv. 17
  7531. Sweet Kiss @ Lv. 21
  7532. Brutal Swing @ Lv. 24
  7533. Slam @ Lv. 27
  7534. Flash Cannon @ Lv. 31
  7535. Play Rough @ Lv. 35
  7536. Fake Out @ Lv. 39
  7537. Flatter @ Lv. 43
  7538. Skitter Smack @ Lv. 47
  7539. Knock Off @ Lv. 52
  7540. TM Moves:
  7541. Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Metronome, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Metal Claw, Facade, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Skill Swap, Fake Tears, Rock Tomb, Fling, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Foul Play, Bulldoze, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Steel Beam, Tera Blast, Pounce
  7543. Charcadet - 40/50/40/50/40/35 (Total: 255) - Fire/Fire - Flash Fire/Flash Fire/Flame Body
  7544. Evolutions:
  7545. 0:
  7546. Level: 0
  7547. Condition: ITEM
  7548. Parameters: [85, 0, 0, 0]
  7549. Species: Armarouge
  7550. Form: 0
  7551. 1:
  7552. Level: 0
  7553. Condition: ITEM
  7554. Parameters: [86, 0, 0, 0]
  7555. Species: Ceruledge
  7556. Form: 0
  7557. Learned Moves:
  7558. Leer @ Lv. 1
  7559. Ember @ Lv. 1
  7560. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  7561. Clear Smog @ Lv. 8
  7562. Fire Spin @ Lv. 12
  7563. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 16
  7564. Night Shade @ Lv. 20
  7565. Flame Charge @ Lv. 24
  7566. Incinerate @ Lv. 28
  7567. Lava Plume @ Lv. 32
  7568. Egg Moves:
  7569. Disable, Spite, Destiny Bond
  7570. TM Moves:
  7571. Take Down, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Fire Blast, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Helping Hand, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Tera Blast
  7573. Armarouge - 85/60/100/125/80/75 (Total: 525) - Fire/Psychic - Flash Fire/Flash Fire/Weak Armor
  7574. Learned Moves:
  7575. Psyshock @ Evolution
  7576. Leer @ Lv. 1
  7577. Ember @ Lv. 1
  7578. Mystical Fire @ Lv. 1
  7579. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  7580. Wide Guard @ Lv. 1
  7581. Clear Smog @ Lv. 8
  7582. Fire Spin @ Lv. 12
  7583. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 16
  7584. Night Shade @ Lv. 20
  7585. Flame Charge @ Lv. 24
  7586. Incinerate @ Lv. 28
  7587. Lava Plume @ Lv. 32
  7588. Calm Mind @ Lv. 37
  7589. Ally Switch @ Lv. 42
  7590. Flamethrower @ Lv. 48
  7591. Expanding Force @ Lv. 56
  7592. Armor Cannon @ Lv. 62
  7593. TM Moves:
  7594. Take Down, Flamethrower, Psybeam, Solar Beam, Fire Spin, Psychic, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Trick, Overheat, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Fling, Flare Blitz, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Psyshock, Flame Charge, Acid Spray, Stored Power, Psychic Terrain, Tera Blast
  7596. Ceruledge - 75/125/80/60/100/85 (Total: 525) - Fire/Ghost - Flash Fire/Flash Fire/Weak Armor
  7597. Learned Moves:
  7598. Shadow Claw @ Evolution
  7599. Leer @ Lv. 1
  7600. Ember @ Lv. 1
  7601. Astonish @ Lv. 1
  7602. Clear Smog @ Lv. 8
  7603. Fire Spin @ Lv. 12
  7604. Will-O-Wisp @ Lv. 16
  7605. Night Shade @ Lv. 20
  7606. Flame Charge @ Lv. 24
  7607. Incinerate @ Lv. 28
  7608. Lava Plume @ Lv. 32
  7609. Swords Dance @ Lv. 37
  7610. Ally Switch @ Lv. 42
  7611. Bitter Blade @ Lv. 48
  7612. Psycho Cut @ Lv. 56
  7613. Flare Blitz @ Lv. 62
  7614. Reminder Moves:
  7615. Night Slash, Shadow Sneak, Quick Guard, Solar Blade
  7616. TM Moves:
  7617. Swords Dance, Take Down, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Blast, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Iron Defense, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Fling, Flare Blitz, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Shadow Claw, Iron Head, Flame Charge, Stored Power, Hex, Phantom Force, Tera Blast
  7619. Toedscool - 40/40/35/50/100/70 (Total: 335) - Ground/Grass - Mycelium Might/Mycelium Might/Mycelium Might
  7620. Evolutions:
  7621. Level: 30
  7622. Condition: LEVELUP
  7623. Parameters: [0, 0, 0, 0]
  7624. Species: Toedscruel
  7625. Form: 0
  7626. Learned Moves:
  7627. Wrap @ Lv. 1
  7628. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  7629. Absorb @ Lv. 4
  7630. Poison Powder @ Lv. 8
  7631. Stun Spore @ Lv. 8
  7632. Supersonic @ Lv. 12
  7633. Tackle @ Lv. 15
  7634. Mega Drain @ Lv. 16
  7635. Screech @ Lv. 20
  7636. Mud Shot @ Lv. 24
  7637. Hex @ Lv. 28
  7638. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 32
  7639. Spore @ Lv. 36
  7640. Growth @ Lv. 40
  7641. Giga Drain @ Lv. 44
  7642. Earth Power @ Lv. 48
  7643. Power Whip @ Lv. 52
  7644. Egg Moves:
  7645. Leech Seed, Toxic, Rapid Spin, Mirror Coat, Knock Off, Tickle, Acupressure, Rage Powder
  7646. TM Moves:
  7647. Solar Beam, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Taunt, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Toxic Spikes, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Hex, Grassy Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  7649. Toedscruel - 80/70/65/80/120/100 (Total: 515) - Ground/Grass - Mycelium Might/Mycelium Might/Mycelium Might
  7650. Learned Moves:
  7651. Reflect Type @ Lv. 1
  7652. Wrap @ Lv. 1
  7653. Mud-Slap @ Lv. 1
  7654. Absorb @ Lv. 4
  7655. Stun Spore @ Lv. 8
  7656. Poison Powder @ Lv. 8
  7657. Supersonic @ Lv. 12
  7658. Tackle @ Lv. 15
  7659. Mega Drain @ Lv. 16
  7660. Screech @ Lv. 20
  7661. Mud Shot @ Lv. 24
  7662. Hex @ Lv. 28
  7663. Seed Bomb @ Lv. 34
  7664. Spore @ Lv. 40
  7665. Growth @ Lv. 44
  7666. Giga Drain @ Lv. 48
  7667. Earth Power @ Lv. 54
  7668. Power Whip @ Lv. 58
  7669. TM Moves:
  7670. Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Reflect, Swift, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Giga Drain, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Taunt, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Magical Leaf, Toxic Spikes, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Flash Cannon, Trick Room, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Hex, Grassy Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Tera Blast, Trailblaze
  7672. Kingambit - 100/135/120/60/85/50 (Total: 550) - Dark/Steel - Defiant/Supreme Overlord/Pressure
  7673. Learned Moves:
  7674. Kowtow Cleave @ Evolution
  7675. Metal Burst @ Lv. 1
  7676. Metal Claw @ Lv. 1
  7677. Fury Cutter @ Lv. 1
  7678. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  7679. Leer @ Lv. 1
  7680. Torment @ Lv. 15
  7681. Scary Face @ Lv. 20
  7682. Assurance @ Lv. 25
  7683. Metal Sound @ Lv. 30
  7684. Slash @ Lv. 35
  7685. Night Slash @ Lv. 40
  7686. Iron Defense @ Lv. 45
  7687. Retaliate @ Lv. 50
  7688. Iron Head @ Lv. 57
  7689. Swords Dance @ Lv. 64
  7690. Guillotine @ Lv. 71
  7691. TM Moves:
  7692. Swords Dance, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Dig, Rest, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Sandstorm, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Iron Defense, Fling, Poison Jab, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, X-Scissor, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Grass Knot, Low Sweep, Foul Play, Snarl, Steel Beam, Tera Blast
  7694. Clodsire - 130/75/60/45/100/20 (Total: 430) - Poison/Ground - Poison Point/Water Absorb/Unaware
  7695. Learned Moves:
  7696. Amnesia @ Evolution
  7697. Tail Whip @ Lv. 1
  7698. Poison Sting @ Lv. 1
  7699. Toxic Spikes @ Lv. 4
  7700. Mud Shot @ Lv. 8
  7701. Poison Tail @ Lv. 12
  7702. Slam @ Lv. 16
  7703. Yawn @ Lv. 21
  7704. Poison Jab @ Lv. 24
  7705. Sludge Wave @ Lv. 30
  7706. Megahorn @ Lv. 36
  7707. Toxic @ Lv. 40
  7708. Earthquake @ Lv. 48
  7709. TM Moves:
  7710. Body Slam, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Surf, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Earthquake, Dig, Waterfall, Amnesia, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Protect, Sludge Bomb, Mud-Slap, Spikes, Sandstorm, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Facade, Helping Hand, Rock Tomb, Mud Shot, Poison Tail, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Earth Power, Giga Impact, Zen Headbutt, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Venoshock, Heavy Slam, Acid Spray, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Liquidation, Body Press, Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
  7712. Annihilape - 110/115/80/50/90/90 (Total: 535) - Fighting/Ghost - Vital Spirit/Inner Focus/Defiant
  7713. Learned Moves:
  7714. Shadow Punch @ Evolution
  7715. Scratch @ Lv. 1
  7716. Leer @ Lv. 1
  7717. Counter @ Lv. 1
  7718. Fling @ Lv. 1
  7719. Focus Energy @ Lv. 1
  7720. Fury Swipes @ Lv. 5
  7721. Low Kick @ Lv. 8
  7722. Seismic Toss @ Lv. 12
  7723. Swagger @ Lv. 17
  7724. Cross Chop @ Lv. 22
  7725. Assurance @ Lv. 26
  7726. Thrash @ Lv. 30
  7727. Rage Fist @ Lv. 35
  7728. Close Combat @ Lv. 39
  7729. Screech @ Lv. 44
  7730. Stomping Tantrum @ Lv. 48
  7731. Outrage @ Lv. 53
  7732. Final Gambit @ Lv. 57
  7733. TM Moves:
  7734. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Take Down, Hyper Beam, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Dig, Night Shade, Metronome, Swift, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thief, Reversal, Protect, Scary Face, Outrage, Endure, Sleep Talk, Encore, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Facade, Taunt, Helping Hand, Brick Break, Overheat, Rock Tomb, Bulk Up, U-turn, Close Combat, Fling, Poison Jab, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Low Sweep, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, Phantom Force, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast
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