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Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. $.get('dados/perfiskwh.csv', function (csvFile) {
  3. var data = parseCSVData(csvFile);
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  93. text: 'Perfis de Consumos',
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  118. valueSuffix: ' KWh'
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  128. },
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  130. title: {
  131. text: 'Consumos da Energia [KWh]',
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  161. series: [{
  162. name:'Distribuidor',
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  164. }, {
  165. name: 'Edificios',
  166. data: data[1]
  167. }, {
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  169. data: data[2]
  170. }, {
  171. name: 'Aqs',
  172. data: data[3]
  173. }, {
  174. name: 'FotoVoltaico',
  175. data: data[4]
  176. }]
  177. });
  178. });
  180. function parseCSVData(csvFile) {
  181. //Array para armazenar dados do Gráfico
  182. var Geral= [];
  183. var Distribuidor= [];
  184. var AVAC= [];
  185. var FotoVoltaico= [];
  186. var AQS= [];
  188. var Data_inicio = "January 1, 2014";
  189. var Data_hoje = new Date();
  191. //Separar os dados do CSV em linhas
  192. var lines= csvFile.split("n");
  194. //Verifica todas as linhas do CSV
  195. $.each(lines, function (lineNumber, line){
  196. if(lineNumber !=0){ //Salta a linha do cabeçalho
  197. var fields = line.split(";");
  198. if(fields.length==6 && Date.parse(fields[0]) >= Date.parse(Data_inicio) && Date.parse(fields[0]) <= Date.parse(Data_hoje)) {//Salta as linhas invalidas e começa na data especificada até ao presente dia
  199. var timestamp = Date.parse(fields[0]);
  200. var data1 = parseInt(fields[1]);
  201. var data2 = parseInt(fields[2]);
  202. var data3 = parseInt(fields[3]);
  203. var data4 = parseInt(fields[4]);
  204. var data5 = parseInt(fields[5]);
  206. Geral.push([timestamp, data1]);
  207. Distribuidor.push([timestamp, data2]);
  208. AVAC.push([timestamp, data3]);
  209. FotoVoltaico.push([timestamp, data4]);
  210. AQS.push([timestamp, data5]);
  211. }
  212. }
  213. });
  214. return [Geral,Distribuidor,AVAC,FotoVoltaico,AQS];
  215. }
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  219. <?php
  221. $db_user = "";
  222. $db_pass = "";
  223. $db_host = "";
  224. $db_name = "";
  225. $table = "";
  227. $con = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
  229. mysql_select_db($db_name , $con);
  231. $query = mysql_query(" SELECT `ts`,`value` FROM `$table` ");
  233. $category = array();
  234. $category['name'] = 'ts';
  235. $series1 = array();
  236. $series1['name'] = 'kwh';
  238. while($r = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
  239. $category['data'][] = $r['ts'];
  240. $series1 ['data'][] = $r['value'];
  241. }
  243. $result = array();
  244. array_push($result,$category);
  245. array_push($result,$series1);
  247. print json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
  249. mysql_close($con);
  251. ?>
  253. <!DOCTYPE HTML>
  254. <html>
  255. <head>
  256. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  257. <title>Column chart with data from MySQL using Highcharts</title>
  258. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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  260. $(document).ready(function() {
  261. var options = {
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  264. type: 'column',
  265. marginRight: 130,
  266. marginBottom: 25
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  268. title: {
  269. text: 'Project Requests',
  270. x: -20 //center
  271. },
  272. subtitle: {
  273. text: '',
  274. x: -20
  275. },
  276. xAxis: {
  277. categories: []
  278. },
  279. yAxis: {
  280. title: {
  281. text: 'Requests'
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  286. color: '#808080'
  287. }]
  288. },
  289. tooltip: {
  290. formatter: function() {
  291. return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+
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  303. series: []
  304. }
  306. $.getJSON("genenergy3-sensor1.php", function(json) {
  307. options.xAxis.categories = json[0]['data'];
  308. options.series[0] = json[1];
  309. chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
  310. });
  311. });
  312. </script>
  313. <script src=""></script>
  314. <script src=""></script>
  315. </head>
  316. <body>
  317. <div id="container" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
  318. </body>
  319. </html>
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