
gnasher code

Feb 23rd, 2017
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  96. <div id="life">
  97. <img src="" height="100%" width="100%">
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  100. <div id="death">
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  113. <img src="" title="Home Remedies For Wrinkles" Alt="Home Remedies For Wrinkles" border="0" >
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  115. <a target="_blank" href="" title="Count Stats Visits"
  116. target="_blank" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  117. font-size: 10px; color: #6E6A68; text-decoration: none ;">Count Stats Visits
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  119. <div id="bar"></div>
  120. <div id="line"></div>
  121. <div class="quote"><font color="#CBFF77">[</font> Gnasher <font color="#CBFF77">]</font></div>
  123. <div id="editthis"><div id="music1"><div id="music2">
  124. <img src="" style="opacity: 0.8;"></div>
  125. <div id="music3"><Div style="margin-top:4px;">
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  129. <div class="navbar">
  130. <a class="link1" href="#1"><font color="white">My Status</font></a>
  131. <a class="link2" href="#2"><font color="white">Honor</font></a>
  132. <a class="link3" href="#3"><font color="white">Hunters</font></a>
  133. <a class="link4" href="#4"><font color="white">OOC</font></a>
  134. <a class="link5" href="#5"><font color="white">Reset</font></a>
  135. </div></div>
  137. <div id="1" class="slide">
  138. <div class="abox">
  139. Gnasher's most notable Hunt and most grand trophy will likely forever be the Xenomorph Queen's skull he acquired when clearing a Hive, a feat which rewarded him and him alone the promotion to a higher Caste - a life of the Elite. Belonging to the Elite Clan, lead by Hunter Spartan with numerous others following, Gnasher travels the stars in search of worthy prey, for that is what any Yautja lives for; The chance to hunt and slay prey worthy of their collection. No creature is too powerful for the daunting Yautja, a proud race of Hunters of excessive technological advancement. This particular Predator specializes in a particularly devastating close-range weapon, the <a target="_blank" href="">maul</a>, as does any Elite specialize in one weapon of their choosing. Alongside the Maul, Gnasher is equipped with the Scimitar wrist-blade, Plasmacaster, Smart Discs and Laser Mines, which will cut through virtually any material. These pieces of equipment in addition to your standard Predator loadout are all standard for Gnasher to have on him at any given time.<p>
  141. <h1>Stats<h1>
  142. Age: 399 Years</br>
  143. Height: 7'4"</br>
  144. Weight: 625 lbs.</br>
  145. Gender: Male</br>
  146. Eye Color: Green </br>
  147. Braid Color: Jet Black</br>
  148. Race: Yautja</br>
  149. </div></div>
  151. <div id="2" class="slide">
  152. <div class="abox">
  153. 1. Hunting Worthy Game: When hunting, the hunter must be sure that his prey is considered game, and lawful to kill. Sometimes the hunter will equal the odds (not using a Plasmacaster or some other weapon). Worthy game must fill the following criteria: Can defend itself and/or is able to kill the hunter himself, of age (killing children and the elderly is considered the height of bad manners), not linked to other lives (so that removing the prey will not doom another, e.g. pregnant women), and not weakened by diseases.<p>
  154. 2. Failing in the Hunt: Should the hunter fail in one's quest he usually takes his own life, preferring to die in honor than to live in shame. However, some cowards prefer to live in obscurity rather than die. This is considered to be dishonorable and suicide is then "assisted" by an Arbitrator.<p>
  155. 3. Claiming the Kill of Another Hunter: To take the Trophy of another Yautja, living or dead, is considered to be a great insult. For example, two Un-Blooded go on their first Hunt: one Yautja takes on a Black Death and both are mortally wounded. While the wounded hunter is dying, the other hunter conveniently finishes off the prey and claims the kill as his own, abandoning the wounded Yautja. This is the most embarrassing crime, and the hardest to prove.<p>
  156. 4. Murder of Another Yautja: To kill another Yautja intentionally. This excludes self-defense and killing a foe in a wrestling match to settle a dispute (see below). Murder is the worst crime.<p>
  157. 5. Never harm the innocent: Those who have done no harm should have no harm done to them. (It can be inferred that this rule must pertain only to harming other Yautja in their society, since they hunt and kill members of many species one could call "innocent". It can also be inferred that Bad Blood Predators would ignore this rule either in part or in whole.)<p>
  158. 6. Hunting for Food: When hunting for food, take only the weak. This is to purify the species' line.<p>
  159. 7. Wounded Game: When coming upon game wounded by another hunter, and the prey is dying without sport, show honor to another's kill. If the game still shows sport, it is to be joint trophy.<p>
  160. 8. Joining Another Hunt: Do not join another's Hunt, or Hunt in their territory, without their permission. All trophies taken in this manner are stolen trophies, and shall be dealt with by the rightful owner.<p>
  161. 9. Mercy: Those who defeat you in a fair Hunt, or who are the victors in more dangerous hunts (such as a battle with the Alien Queen), and show you mercy are to be considered our equals. You must either kill them and yourself, or bestow them with a reward.<p>
  162. 10. Code Violations: Those who break the code are renegades, and no longer considered to be a Yautja. They are to be destroyed when encountered.<p>
  163. 11. Never Harm the Ill or Offspring: Yautja are known to have a very strict law on the killing of those pregnant with infants and those who are sick. Usually when they hunt and encounter both, the Yautja is to let them live. The only exception to the rule is if any ill prey pose a threat. An example of such a thing would be when Charles Bishop Weyland set fire to the Predator known as Scar, causing the latter to retaliate and kill him. Although that applies to the ill, Yautja are to never kill those who are baring children even if they are armed.
  166. </div></div>
  168. <div id="3" class="slide">
  169. <div class="abox"><center>
  171. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank"><img src="" class="circle" height="65" width="65" border="1"></a>
  173. </center></div></div>
  175. <div id="4" class="slide">
  176. <div class="abox">
  177. 1. Extremely PM friendly, smut or story..</br>
  178. 2. This character is meant for darker, more adult-oriented role play.</br>
  179. 3. I play him how I wanna play him, though I try to stay true to cultural beliefs.</br>
  180. 4. You can start with a post.</br>
  181. 5. For those interested in <a target="_blank" href="">smut</a>, click the word smut.
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