monotonetimunarchive 2017-09-10 [00:13] - 332f18cf-145f-4bf7-926c-2dfee6babf0e.mpeg

Sep 10th, 2017
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  1. [00:13:49] littletopo1: Daytona is an entirely valid reason to stall.
  2. [00:14:22] rintezuka1: that didn't look legal
  3. [00:15:01] koolman9933: No save states?
  4. [00:15:04] bardicpaladin: ^
  5. [00:15:20] doubleguns: Tim finish your data analysis so you can strim
  6. [00:15:43] raynor_ex: do do do do do do do do do do do dooo
  7. [00:15:48] perciacalos: doot
  8. [00:16:07] raynor_ex: game already has splits on the side, doesn't need to use a program
  9. [00:16:12] raynor_ex: you are a speedrunner tim
  10. [00:16:13] perciacalos: Arent you gonna use that pit trick you saw yesterday?
  11. [00:16:17] rintezuka1: sounds good 6 hours of dooot
  12. [00:16:18] boredcyborg: Daytona main stream?
  13. [00:16:49] doubleguns: anyone wanna come ride out Irma with me
  14. [00:16:50] basssic: when are you gonna beat medium/advanced stage
  15. [00:17:06] perciacalos: No Guns, but I'll hang out with Jose with you
  16. [00:17:22] doubleguns: ha. ha.
  17. [00:17:28] doubleguns: Keep o
  18. [00:18:06] perciacalos: Dunno why anyone is worried about Jose. Trump will never let anyone with a hispanic name into america
  19. [00:18:10] rintezuka1: timOh
  20. [00:18:17] doubleguns: We've been under tornado warnings for like 3 hrs
  21. [00:18:22] doubleguns: its getting annoying
  22. [00:18:24] pimanrules: did you ever play 18 wheeler american pro trucker?
  23. [00:18:37] perciacalos: A tornado during a hurricane? That sounds like god simply hates you
  24. [00:18:52] rintezuka1: Are you using a controller or a wheel?
  25. [00:19:05] diggleshut: stereo
  26. [00:19:15] randinny: How many laps?
  27. [00:19:19] basssic: 20
  28. [00:19:22] randinny: thank ya
  29. [00:19:32] perciacalos: First place isnt even good enough for Tim. Now he wants to speedrun
  30. [00:19:59] basssic: No Good
  31. [00:19:59] perciacalos: The dream os dead
  32. [00:20:08] rintezuka1: welp
  33. [00:20:10] ilovedaydreaming: I remember when Tim was obsessed with getting 1st place in this.
  34. [00:20:10] raynor_ex: carng
  35. [00:20:21] perciacalos: Taken out by another persons ineptitude
  36. [00:20:46] oldmario: thanks captain obvious
  37. [00:22:03] basssic: i like that horrible quality amen break
  38. [00:22:17] perciacalos: G A M E O V E R
  39. [00:22:19] basssic: hohoho
  40. [00:22:22] rintezuka1: lol
  41. [00:22:29] darkstorm5951: F
  42. [00:22:30] basssic: A S S
  43. [00:22:31] it_is_fanatic: not sub 6. Dans Game
  44. [00:22:34] koolman9933: VCD for name
  45. [00:22:45] perciacalos: WHY
  46. [00:22:45] filthykur: P O O
  47. [00:22:49] basssic: D...V...D...!
  48. [00:22:55] ariasvalm: timMrBones
  49. [00:23:08] tibalt_the_fiend_blooded: do u get to design your car or are you always the hornet?
  50. [00:23:18] basssic: always hornet but u can be blue if u are automatic
  51. [00:23:22] basssic: i think
  52. [00:23:27] filthykur: RUBBIN's RACIN
  53. [00:24:02] skygtr350: N I N T H
  54. [00:24:14] robbybobbybaby: sturt ur EMGINES
  55. [00:24:14] basssic: virtua cop is also a good video game
  56. [00:24:26] filthykur: ROLLING START
  57. [00:24:29] doubleguns: i missed tuesday's stream, how was it
  58. [00:25:11] pinguino: when do you get an item
  59. [00:25:20] basssic: you have to hit the mystery box to get an item
  60. [00:25:22] basssic: duhhh
  61. [00:25:48] robbybobbybaby: never seeen nascar drifto
  62. [00:25:49] gashapon: That one game where you killed all the NPCs was entertaining.
  63. [00:26:07] raynor_ex: @Gashapon you'll have to be more specific
  64. [00:26:11] anonymousv8: but its rollin` start again
  65. [00:26:11] disguised22: Why didn't you stream the shower
  66. [00:26:32] gashapon: @raynor_ex lol
  67. [00:26:37] oldmario: back up back up
  68. [00:26:48] gashapon: The $0.49 one?
  69. [00:27:02] raynor_ex: yeah, that's the most recent npc genocide
  70. [00:27:05] ethernetseeds: rip sub 18
  71. [00:27:08] skygtr350: N I N T H
  72. [00:27:28] ethernetseeds: Are you really going for the sub 6? that's a bit crazy
  73. [00:27:40] j0nty7: What is this game?
  74. [00:27:46] starfishheat: ROLLING START!!
  75. [00:27:47] basssic: day ton a u s a
  76. [00:28:07] basssic: dude try to go easy on the CAR
  77. [00:28:13] raynor_ex: on track for exactly 6
  78. [00:28:16] pinguino: what's wr
  79. [00:28:22] taggenjuskor: is this oregon trail 3
  80. [00:28:28] it_is_fanatic: 4
  81. [00:28:32] basssic: bad start is why
  82. [00:28:35] basssic: bad start of lap
  83. [00:29:03] j0nty7: There's a sonic on that cliff
  84. [00:29:23] fastiva: is this a WR attempt?
  85. [00:29:26] basssic: no
  86. [00:29:28] basssic: just sub 6 min
  87. [00:29:38] starfishheat: gotta fight the CarNG
  88. [00:30:42] pinguino: rlcsMERC
  89. [00:30:52] whatdoesthecowthink: taymooHi taymooMoo
  90. [00:31:05] runeshane: Is this Crazy Taxi?
  91. [00:31:07] runeshane: I love this game
  92. [00:31:24] mandy2610: Hi people.
  93. [00:32:03] fastiva: i always liked this game, but the arcade steering wheels were always the worst
  94. [00:32:13] johnnymaq: I think that dude's best lap was 15"9X, doubt you can get much lower
  95. [00:32:19] theguvnah: The arcade growing up had 4 of these connected. I never knew you could drift bikeOmg
  96. [00:32:24] tininsteelian: sega racing games are great
  97. [00:32:38] starfishheat: Do you have to pit stop for this run
  98. [00:33:45] j0nty7: Is it faster to play manual?
  99. [00:33:55] starfishheat: Put me on Starcade so I can take my own machine home
  100. [00:35:06] elagabaluscaesar: Oh god, it's this stream again
  101. [00:35:10] tininsteelian: Have you played the Dremcast version?
  102. [00:35:38] tininsteelian: Daytona USA 2001
  103. [00:35:58] skygtr350: aren't the other difficulties just less laps to get to first?
  104. [00:35:58] tininsteelian: the steering in the dreamcast version is ultra sensitive, it's almost unplayable
  105. [00:36:23] starfishheat: Quads instead of Triangles? Madness
  106. [00:36:43] theguvnah: What are you using for controls, Tim?
  107. [00:36:52] shimmerfairy: The first nVidia card did quads instead of triangles too. :P
  108. [00:38:00] elagabaluscaesar: I want a neo-cubist graphics card
  109. [00:38:05] j0nty7: What's the fastest lap possible?
  110. [00:38:29] esskillerwolf: Is tim going for that sub 6 minute run?
  111. [00:39:11] oldmario: no k then
  112. [00:39:17] aliceliddeil: lol Luffy from France uses a PS1 controller and has like 5 different adapters plugged into it
  113. [00:40:14] j0nty7: The melee player Rudolph lays on his front to play
  114. [00:40:16] pinguino: I had a friend who could only play video games while standing
  115. [00:40:19] pinguino: never understood it
  116. [00:40:52] ezclap: i can only play games sitting Indian style
  117. [00:40:52] pinguino: The olympics only wants non-violent video games
  118. [00:40:53] shimmerfairy: elympics
  119. [00:40:57] pinguino: so no
  120. [00:40:58] j0nty7: That would be cool
  121. [00:41:16] tininsteelian: rocket league is non-violent
  122. [00:41:24] it_is_fanatic: Oregon Trail II for Olympics
  123. [00:41:30] pinguino: I thought Rocket League too then remembered demos
  124. [00:41:31] tininsteelian: puyo puyo is non-violent
  125. [00:41:34] pinguino: rlcsRekt rlcsRIP
  126. [00:42:14] toukon: is hearthstone non violent
  127. [00:42:15] skygtr350: N I N T H
  128. [00:42:21] ariasvalm: timNofun
  129. [00:42:22] it_is_fanatic: Tri_Hard
  130. [00:42:32] j0nty7: You play rocket league pinguino?
  131. [00:42:38] shimmerfairy: Is mayonnaise a video game?
  132. [00:42:40] pinguino: hearthstone commits violence against game design
  133. [00:42:41] toukon: i mean at that point they may aswell put mtg into the olympics
  134. [00:42:43] pinguino: yep!
  135. [00:42:48] volantarius: Is tim starting hes new career as a speedrunner?
  136. [00:42:59] j0nty7: What platform?
  137. [00:43:09] pinguino: steam
  138. [00:43:26] j0nty7: Oh I play on Xbox haha
  139. [00:43:58] pinguino: I subbed to RLCS today so I have to use these rlcsNiceshot rlcsGG rlcsNA
  140. [00:44:06] pinguino: all their emotes are kinda bad
  141. [00:44:21] it_is_fanatic: DoritosChip
  142. [00:44:21] pinguino: true
  143. [00:44:30] pinguino: what about pinguiGang
  144. [00:44:35] tininsteelian: I refuse to believe that timClip is a bad emote
  145. [00:44:35] boredcyborg: tim emotes are good timPlus
  146. [00:44:43] anonymousv8: n64 controller or nothing
  147. [00:44:54] it_is_fanatic: timClip is best emote
  148. [00:44:59] boredcyborg: timClip
  149. [00:45:06] ezclap: thijsLUL1 thijsLUL2
  150. [00:45:30] ezclap: thijsLUL3 thijsLUL4
  151. [00:45:35] bardicpaladin: Was it entirely necessary to make a 4 part LUL emote?
  152. [00:45:48] ezclap: yes
  153. [00:45:50] j0nty7: Think my chat crashed
  154. [00:45:51] tacosrock20: timClip
  155. [00:46:00] j0nty7: Oop it'd back
  156. [00:46:05] boredcyborg: open slots timClip
  157. [00:46:25] aliceliddeil: and guard that weird bumper
  158. [00:46:45] johnnymaq: timNotfound timClip mean bean faces not found
  159. [00:46:45] communitycirclejerk: which version of Daytona is this?
  160. [00:47:07] volantarius: saturn?
  161. [00:47:09] dehumanization: janky drifter
  162. [00:47:10] communitycirclejerk: oh
  163. [00:47:12] communitycirclejerk: puke
  164. [00:47:13] tasch797: sounds like arcade version
  165. [00:47:25] darkone32: more resets than a speedrun. LUL
  166. [00:47:34] communitycirclejerk: janky drift me starM
  167. [00:47:36] driftforfun6: get good at drifting tim
  168. [00:48:32] rosaagustina: Tim is becoming a professional daytoner
  169. [00:48:36] dehumanization: the arcade setups with 8 of these hooked together are cool
  170. [00:48:41] starfishheat: DaytonaTim
  171. [00:48:50] sjctheos: we burnout now
  172. [00:49:14] j0nty7: MonotonaTim
  173. [00:49:48] dehumanization: very accurate southern accent
  174. [00:50:00] lokiry: laptop has hit 0% battery
  175. [00:50:01] lokiry: (
  176. [00:50:04] driftforfun6: mm that drift tap
  177. [00:50:07] starfishheat: I don't like that billboard staring at me
  178. [00:50:08] basssic: yeah, fuck that cone
  179. [00:50:41] basssic: dead
  180. [00:50:45] driftforfun6: oh tim
  181. [00:50:57] darkone32: ruined
  182. [00:51:00] sjctheos: go easy on the car!
  183. [00:51:00] it_is_fanatic: should try going easy on the car
  184. [00:51:02] boredcyborg: timMrBones
  185. [00:51:04] selahdejah: lol
  186. [00:51:08] communitycirclejerk: also the 360/ps3 ports are the best versions, tim starBaka
  187. [00:51:50] basssic: you can take it/guard that rear bumper are both reasonable tips
  188. [00:52:08] communitycirclejerk: they aren't tho
  189. [00:52:10] communitycirclejerk: starS2
  190. [00:52:26] communitycirclejerk: starBaka
  191. [00:52:45] theaxel11: just got here has there been niiinths yet
  192. [00:52:59] dehumanization: is die hard arcade on this emulator?
  193. [00:53:08] basssic: is die hard arcade model 2
  194. [00:53:15] dehumanization: dynamyte deka or whatever
  195. [00:53:25] basssic: answer: no
  196. [00:53:28] basssic: it's ST-V
  197. [00:53:39] followthetraincj: ah we're back to daytona
  198. [00:53:56] ethernetseeds: I'm pretty sure you had a sub 17 back when you were first getting good at this game a couple months ago
  199. [00:54:10] dehumanization: the crashes are pretty good in this
  200. [00:54:13] followthetraincj: timMinus timMinus
  201. [00:54:27] skygtr350: How about a Princess Maker emote?
  202. [00:54:34] theaxel11: i wonder what a TAS lap time would be
  203. [00:54:39] robbyfox: have you tried driving on the edge of the pit yourself yet?
  204. [00:54:50] skygtr350: could do the butler from PM 2
  205. [00:54:51] pinguino: timLumberjack
  206. [00:54:55] communitycirclejerk: where's ya sonic emote
  207. [00:54:56] shimmerfairy: It would be a picture of a woodcutter's axe Kapppa.
  208. [00:54:57] skygtr350: since he saved your ass all the time
  209. [00:54:59] communitycirclejerk: starBaka
  210. [00:55:38] anonymousv8: lumber
  211. [00:55:56] nbtl: N I N T H
  212. [00:56:02] tks_ftw: wixSanic
  213. [00:56:14] communitycirclejerk: wix subs starZ
  214. [00:56:38] nbtl: You forgot the pit
  215. [00:57:37] basssic: t r y t o g o e a s y o n t h e c a r !
  216. [00:57:42] shimmerfairy: why go easy? what has the car ever done for you?
  217. [00:57:43] raynor_ex: no that's normal for speedrunning
  218. [00:57:44] wind6: But that's pretty much the essence of speed running timClip
  219. [00:57:45] nbtl: That's like a prerequisite to speedruning
  220. [00:58:05] ethernetseeds: the insanity to replay the exact same thing over and over
  221. [00:58:15] communitycirclejerk: I wonder what a Daytona usa speedrun looks like
  222. [00:58:16] raynor_ex: i mean, what you are doing now is speedrunning
  223. [00:58:34] bl0cks: its speed driving
  224. [00:58:36] bl0cks: you fool
  225. [00:58:42] ethernetseeds: this is 100% speedrunning though
  226. [00:58:59] raynor_ex: you've got a split timer an everything
  227. [00:58:59] theaxel11: WHY IS YOURS 20 LAPS?
  228. [00:59:00] communitycirclejerk: time attack is speedrunning
  229. [00:59:02] shimmerfairy: it's not like speedrunning is a banned word or anything, so...
  230. [00:59:02] q1s2: why is time attacking
  231. [00:59:03] communitycirclejerk: starBaka
  232. [00:59:03] theaxel11: oops
  233. [00:59:09] theaxel11: no caps intended
  234. [00:59:16] tininsteelian: it's not speedrunning if a livesplit window isn't on the stream, that's a scientific fact
  235. [00:59:27] q1s2: under 18 seconds you can do it
  236. [00:59:33] wind6: Totally see splits on the screen timBBQQT
  237. [00:59:35] nbtl: Do you lean the other way in your chair as you drift to pull your car?
  238. [00:59:40] anonymousv8: slow running
  239. [00:59:49] bl0cks: its going fast
  240. [00:59:53] sjctheos: its automatically speedrunning unless you put [nosrl] in the title
  241. [00:59:54] punnypearl: doesn't the game split for him? timBBQQT
  242. [01:00:00] bl0cks: in an attempt to break (personal) records
  243. [01:00:05] bl0cks: that's not speed running
  244. [01:00:22] driftforfun6: I would love to see tim play forza 6 Daytona timBBQQT
  245. [01:01:06] bl0cks: its not speedrunning because he's counting seconds, not frames
  246. [01:01:08] luna_moona: timMinus
  247. [01:01:22] wind6: Oh good you did it now to just hold on to this and not screw up for 11 more laps timClip
  248. [01:01:52] shimmerfairy: "Good turn" just reminds me of Family Feud's "Good answer!"
  249. [01:02:16] bl0cks: stay low in them turns
  250. [01:02:17] allstar3339: DAYYYYYYYTONNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA
  251. [01:02:21] allstar3339: cerHype
  252. [01:02:31] docthemagicllama: Lap those dorks
  253. [01:02:37] i_n_s_p_i_r_e: lirikCRASH
  254. [01:02:39] bl0cks: ya got plenty o' gas
  255. [01:02:43] allstar3339: timDOOT
  256. [01:02:59] koolman9933: Wow playing so much better today
  257. [01:03:00] diggleshut: <
  258. [01:03:14] elagabaluscaesar: timTurn
  259. [01:03:49] allstar3339: timOh
  260. [01:03:52] esskillerwolf: It's over
  261. [01:03:54] santanadvxfan: timWagon timOx timOx timOx
  262. [01:03:54] esskillerwolf: nathanF
  263. [01:03:55] robbyfox: D:
  264. [01:03:56] allstar3339: RIP
  265. [01:03:56] ecchisukecchi: right when I joined ecchisWaifu
  266. [01:03:59] ethernetseeds: rip teh urn
  267. [01:04:01] inayamander: timMinus
  268. [01:04:08] allstar3339: timMinus
  269. [01:04:09] wind6: RIP WR pace timFace timFace
  270. [01:04:14] allstar3339: TIME EXTENSION
  271. [01:04:37] allstar3339: he's getting too excited
  272. [01:04:42] bl0cks: tear these turns up tim i believe in you
  273. [01:04:57] darkstorm5951: I think he has this
  274. [01:04:59] esskillerwolf: I think he might still have it tbh
  275. [01:05:03] esskillerwolf: nvm
  276. [01:05:07] allstar3339: timOh
  277. [01:05:11] docthemagicllama: timOh
  278. [01:05:11] bl0cks: OH NO
  279. [01:05:12] wind6: ahahahahahahaha
  280. [01:05:12] skygtr350: N I N T H
  281. [01:05:13] ecchisukecchi: ...
  282. [01:05:14] basssic: Dead
  283. [01:05:14] lokiry: diggle do you want to buy me a new laptop battery
  284. [01:05:15] santanadvxfan: timOh
  285. [01:05:15] wind6: you dork
  286. [01:05:18] communitycirclejerk: LuL
  287. [01:05:18] esskillerwolf: NINTH
  288. [01:05:20] zomgqwert: rip
  289. [01:05:20] nbtl: 2/40
  290. [01:05:25] inayamander: timMinus timMinus
  291. [01:05:26] allstar3339: 2nd
  292. [01:05:27] darkstorm5951: I thought he had it... not so sure now
  293. [01:05:27] inayamander: 2
  294. [01:05:30] driftforfun6: rip dream
  295. [01:05:44] esskillerwolf: Whoa he actually got it
  296. [01:05:49] ecchisukecchi: nice!
  297. [01:05:49] doubleguns: Seems Good
  298. [01:05:50] diggleshut: the problem is I'd have to buy it
  299. [01:05:52] ariasvalm: Woo!
  300. [01:05:52] diggleshut: and that costs money
  301. [01:05:52] rileyjo7: sub 5 now
  302. [01:05:53] theaxel11: ayyyy
  303. [01:05:57] docthemagicllama: Pog Champ
  304. [01:06:00] basssic: timPlus
  305. [01:06:02] darkstorm5951: PogoChampo
  306. [01:06:03] bl0cks: bee
  307. [01:06:06] billielethargy: blaptime
  308. [01:06:11] ilovedaydreaming: GG Tim.
  309. [01:06:15] inayamander: bae
  310. [01:06:20] rosaagustina: haha
  311. [01:06:24] ecchisukecchi: gj Tim
  312. [01:06:28] allstar3339: timDOOT
  314. [01:06:40] koolman9933: rip vcd
  315. [01:06:41] hunniepun: hi chat
  316. [01:06:43] allstar3339: SourPls
  317. [01:06:49] shimmerfairy: "I could do better" rip tim
  318. [01:06:50] driftforfun6: u could come in first lul
  319. [01:06:51] aphexion: SourPls
  320. [01:06:54] allstar3339: needs more doot
  321. [01:06:58] communitycirclejerk: SourPls
  322. [01:07:00] allstar3339: timDOOT
  323. [01:07:02] hunniepun: tims addicted to this game, i see CarlSmile
  324. [01:07:12] theaxel11: now play in first person
  325. [01:07:27] esskillerwolf: Idk I got 3 free runs in an arcade racing game today
  326. [01:07:58] abortion_shark: The only arcade game I beat was House of the Dead 2
  327. [01:08:00] shimmerfairy: why not try the other courses?
  328. [01:08:06] hunniepun: timDaytonaaaaa
  329. [01:08:06] abortion_shark: (In an arcade)
  330. [01:08:07] cathidor: unless you get 17 seconds all the way, it's probably not possible to get first
  331. [01:08:07] basssic: virtua cop when
  332. [01:08:25] dehumanization: what good games were on this system?
  333. [01:08:34] esskillerwolf: Well Tim got 1st yesterday with like a 6:11 or something
  334. [01:09:05] dudeshift: Daytimaaa
  335. [01:09:20] hunniepun: you speedrunning this game now?
  336. [01:09:51] abortion_shark: The "time extension" voice reminds me of hydro thunder
  337. [01:10:15] coachruin: good evening tim
  338. [01:10:17] anonymousv8: tim just avoiding his research stuff
  339. [01:10:31] dehumanization: can you check behind you somehow?
  340. [01:10:41] hunniepun: figures CarlSmile
  341. [01:11:24] doubleguns: Tim if I fly up to you now can I take refuge from this hurricane in your apartment?
  342. [01:11:35] dehumanization: tim discovered the meaning of life and doesnt feel like dealing with it
  343. [01:11:58] doubleguns: Won't be much different from where I am now
  344. [01:11:59] basssic: whats the goal now?? 1st?
  345. [01:12:26] bl0cks: tim can i hide from life in your apartment
  346. [01:12:51] hunniepun: i usually think scientists are super clean 🤔
  347. [01:13:00] wind6: I was gonna say the lack of the risk of death would make the difference but then again you live in Baltimore so maybe they're safer with the hurricane. timClip
  348. [01:13:38] punnypearl: wait. if this is Daytona USA then why is the speed in km
  349. [01:14:07] coachruin: because tim is a scientist
  350. [01:14:09] skygtr350: Cause there's snowy mountains in Daytona
  351. [01:14:18] shimmerfairy: Because kmph is what winners use.
  352. [01:14:25] hunniepun: lies ^
  353. [01:14:33] skygtr350: LuL
  354. [01:14:40] dehumanization: get pitted
  355. [01:14:41] bl0cks: you icaruses it
  356. [01:15:08] anonymousv8: if only sonic was faster
  357. [01:15:13] dehumanization: dont wear my samus cosplay suit plz
  358. [01:15:16] hunniepun: except for food
  359. [01:15:22] kriegerfluff: don't steal tims underwear
  360. [01:15:34] bl0cks: nah thats fine, the plan is to live out of a suitcase
  361. [01:15:36] hunniepun: unless you like soylent pancakes
  362. [01:15:48] santanadvxfan: peanuts or packing peanuts?
  363. [01:16:05] doubleguns: packing peanuts, soylent, and MREs
  364. [01:16:14] dehumanization: you need one of those buttons from amazon that delivers soylent
  365. [01:16:15] anonymousv8: it doesnt have everything... cant even play mario kart online
  366. [01:16:22] skygtr350: So year old peanuts from your car?
  367. [01:16:22] hunniepun: the essentials
  368. [01:16:32] hunniepun: 2 year old butter LuL
  369. [01:16:32] it_is_fanatic: uright
  370. [01:16:33] chillgod: amiright
  371. [01:16:34] perciacalos: haHAA
  372. [01:16:36] bl0cks: ... i think i'll take my chances with life actually
  373. [01:16:37] esskillerwolf: haHAA
  374. [01:16:39] followthetraincj: amiright
  375. [01:16:53] killerkrill: gay bonah?
  376. [01:16:58] killerkrill: gay bonah when
  377. [01:17:05] koolman9933: Car peanuts best peanuts
  378. [01:17:13] anonymousv8: car nuts
  379. [01:17:15] basssic: composite crt filter when
  380. [01:17:18] thepickleman4: resume
  381. [01:17:22] abortion_shark: packing peanuts are the best
  382. [01:17:35] elagabaluscaesar: Does this game have hair physics?
  383. [01:17:41] followthetraincj: i dislike peanuts
  384. [01:17:44] followthetraincj: oh thats awful
  385. [01:17:46] followthetraincj: no
  386. [01:17:49] skygtr350: timOh
  387. [01:17:53] it_is_fanatic: you literally broke it
  388. [01:17:54] hunniepun: cashews >
  389. [01:17:55] bl0cks: this looks so bad
  390. [01:17:56] lokiry: you have money though
  391. [01:17:59] followthetraincj: almond >
  392. [01:17:59] thepickleman4: ScaredyCat
  393. [01:18:02] dehumanization: n64 mode
  394. [01:18:04] hazardhoot: omg, this game brings me so many memories :) :)
  395. [01:18:07] elagabaluscaesar: This is the future of video games
  396. [01:18:08] hunniepun: trueee
  397. [01:18:23] followthetraincj: this is horrific
  398. [01:18:36] basssic: this is how daytona was meant to be played
  399. [01:18:36] hunniepun: whats the difference?
  400. [01:18:47] chillgod: this makes me wanna play f zero gx
  401. [01:18:54] koolman9933: Draw distance?
  402. [01:19:03] skygtr350: Guard that weird bumper
  403. [01:19:07] bl0cks: draw distance, blockiness, etc
  404. [01:19:09] hunniepun: tim playing dirty again
  405. [01:19:13] thepickleman4: tim can see the individual frames he needs MiniK
  406. [01:19:16] followthetraincj: por que no los dos
  407. [01:19:39] it_is_fanatic: daytonaaaaaaaAAAAAA *melts*
  408. [01:19:48] followthetraincj: those dang bi-linears
  409. [01:19:52] anonymousv8: *gfx assisted
  410. [01:19:54] bl0cks: you need as many linears as possible
  411. [01:20:03] followthetraincj: panlinears
  412. [01:20:06] diggleshut: it's never enough
  413. [01:20:11] skygtr350: LUL
  414. [01:20:12] it_is_fanatic: yes.
  415. [01:20:14] basssic: let's!
  416. [01:20:19] blondrobin: Extremely linear when you need geometric
  417. [01:20:21] thepickleman4: ok
  418. [01:20:27] hunniepun: wut
  419. [01:20:33] followthetraincj: Cortana just wants to talk to you
  420. [01:20:39] followthetraincj: or whoever that is
  421. [01:20:41] shimmerfairy: not cortana, bixby
  422. [01:20:46] thepickleman4: nope
  423. [01:20:47] it_is_fanatic: PERFECTION
  424. [01:20:52] followthetraincj: timOh
  425. [01:20:52] ecchisukecchi: wtf
  426. [01:20:53] bl0cks: looks the same to me?
  427. [01:20:53] communitycirclejerk: Oh
  428. [01:20:54] hunniepun: ScaredyCat
  429. [01:20:54] somersault_: yikes
  430. [01:20:54] elagabaluscaesar: VAC
  431. [01:20:56] thepickleman4: don't see a difference
  432. [01:20:58] basssic: i lied, THIS is how it was meant to be played
  433. [01:20:59] doubleguns: this looks like it would be a GDQ incentive
  434. [01:21:00] followthetraincj: wireframe mode ACTIVATED
  435. [01:21:04] wind6: timOh
  436. [01:21:22] skygtr350: timOh
  437. [01:21:26] wind6: Try to make a hole through there...and there...and there..
  438. [01:21:29] hunniepun: course it is, keep turning left is all you need MiniK
  439. [01:21:31] doubleguns: this will make you go faster by removing all car parts
  440. [01:21:43] kriegerfluff: if you master this version tim you'll become better at the normal version
  441. [01:21:53] skygtr350: Guard that weird bumper
  442. [01:22:08] bl0cks: it removes all extraneous information. all you need to know is car and fast.
  443. [01:22:16] hunniepun: no polygon bobs? shame
  444. [01:22:24] popcorncolonel: hey dudes
  445. [01:22:28] popcorncolonel: how's cars?
  446. [01:22:34] followthetraincj: no, i'm doing my homework already
  447. [01:22:38] followthetraincj: stupid essays
  448. [01:22:48] elagabaluscaesar: Depends. Would I be allowed to eat some of the sciecne rats?
  449. [01:22:52] xwildxchimp16x: same
  450. [01:22:55] chuchu4chu: Daaaaaaayyytonaaaa
  451. [01:23:01] kriegerfluff: if we do your work can we steal your data
  452. [01:23:02] hunniepun: tim, have you played Crash Team Racing?
  453. [01:23:04] bl0cks: what do i need to do, ill get it a try
  454. [01:23:15] hunniepun: sukt he brain out a rat
  455. [01:23:15] followthetraincj: delicious mice brains
  456. [01:23:30] oldmario: diggle won't even sub to tim for free
  457. [01:23:33] followthetraincj: get the kuru
  458. [01:24:29] thepickleman4: timGuest420
  459. [01:25:16] koolman9933: What does mice brains taste like
  460. [01:25:26] esskillerwolf: So I just noticed that sonic is on a rock above the 3rd turn
  461. [01:25:29] hunniepun: mush
  462. [01:25:39] popcorncolonel: 322 km/h
  463. [01:25:41] hunniepun: so ive heard
  464. [01:25:41] its_a_yuge_problem: Tim is a Nascar racer confirmed
  465. [01:26:23] itslikesnowboarding: Yay tims streaming
  466. [01:26:26] communitycirclejerk: like ass most likely
  467. [01:26:36] thepickleman4: what
  468. [01:26:42] doubleguns: Tim what are the chances you stream tomorrow
  469. [01:26:44] thepickleman4: was that a sonic person in the rock
  470. [01:26:49] basssic: yes
  471. [01:26:53] thepickleman4: why
  472. [01:26:55] basssic: also the dude from shenmue on a sign (not really)
  473. [01:27:03] basssic: bc SEGA
  474. [01:27:03] itslikesnowboarding: Im going to lose power in a few hours due to the hurricane but at least I can fall asleep to this and not the hurricane winds :D
  475. [01:27:21] thepickleman4: people look like sonic now
  476. [01:27:23] lokiry: diggle the battery is only like 50 dollars
  477. [01:27:23] allstar3339: so... the ketamine was... interesting tim
  478. [01:27:33] lokiry: i'm sure you can give it to me as a 2 year belated birthday gift
  479. [01:27:33] callicantzaros: Early morning I believe
  480. [01:27:34] kriegerfluff: now
  481. [01:27:37] itslikesnowboarding: 2 am
  482. [01:27:39] itslikesnowboarding: est
  483. [01:27:41] arielmanticore: the keys get hit early tomorrow then the rest
  484. [01:27:42] robokun: it's starting to hit now, from the webcams I've seen
  485. [01:27:44] it_is_fanatic: he died.
  486. [01:27:45] bl0cks: sometime tonight./tomorrow morning
  487. [01:27:49] allstar3339: it was a very very low initial dose
  488. [01:27:50] sinjongy: Outer bands hitting now, landfall tomorrow
  489. [01:27:51] communitycirclejerk: you should do another steam cleanup next time, tim
  490. [01:28:07] diggleshut: is this like when you try to get your mom to give you your christmas present in july
  491. [01:28:17] allstar3339: i didn't have the profound "trip" that they said i might have
  492. [01:28:30] robokun: that, and I saw a boat disconnect from its moorings and drift out to sea
  493. [01:28:30] oldmario: doesn't sticking it in the freezer fix a nattery?
  494. [01:28:31] its_a_yuge_problem: that area where the people are dancing in front of the webcam is supposed to get like 10 feet of flooding
  495. [01:28:43] allstar3339: maybe on tuesday though
  496. [01:28:51] allstar3339: when i have double the dose
  497. [01:29:06] callicantzaros: People are thiunking jose might turn towards NJ
  498. [01:29:14] sinjongy: Jose could loop and hit still
  499. [01:30:11] shimmerfairy: NINTH
  500. [01:30:13] allstar3339: it basically just made me feel sedated for about 20 minutes or so, which was nice
  501. [01:30:15] chillgod: LOL
  502. [01:30:22] popcorncolonel: strategy
  503. [01:30:36] darksol188: Huh, Tim managed to turn Daytona USA into BeemNG.
  504. [01:30:43] darksol188: That's a new one.
  505. [01:30:45] allstar3339: but i'll let you know when i get the "real" dose tim
  506. [01:31:20] tininsteelian: my boss' name is Jose, I'll tell him to stay out in the atlantic when I head back to work
  507. [01:31:40] jax444: hey tim
  508. [01:32:28] jax444: t i m e e x t e n s i o n
  509. [01:32:42] doubleguns: wait did tim answer my stream question, i had to step away right after i asked
  510. [01:32:58] its_a_yuge_problem: apparently florida gets tornadoes
  511. [01:33:08] hunniepun: ya thats what i heard too
  512. [01:33:09] doubleguns: yes we do
  513. [01:33:13] jax444: is this science
  514. [01:33:24] basssic: the science of winnign
  515. [01:33:26] basssic: winning
  516. [01:33:27] allstar3339: this IS science
  517. [01:33:30] allstar3339: it's physics
  518. [01:33:35] its_a_yuge_problem: whoa technology
  519. [01:34:04] hunniepun: the driver is actually one of tims rats
  520. [01:34:44] nbtl: N I N T H
  521. [01:34:52] lokiry: isn't that phones
  522. [01:34:57] hunniepun: he never finishes N I N T H mehdiFEELS
  523. [01:35:05] bl0cks: every time the rat fails to drift properly, negative stimulus is delivered
  524. [01:35:26] foreverska: Read something today that said sometimes depression is just inflammation
  525. [01:35:42] basssic: is there no reset hotkey
  526. [01:35:49] bl0cks: im very inflammed then
  527. [01:35:59] hunniepun: inflammation where?
  528. [01:36:02] allstar3339: this is an arcade machine
  529. [01:36:13] johnnymaq: why didnt people not try ibuprofen for depression, it's so simple
  530. [01:36:16] blondrobin: It's an arcade machine, if you lose you lose money
  531. [01:36:20] johnnymaq: -not
  532. [01:36:27] hunniepun: or pepto bismol
  533. [01:36:36] nbtl: Pepsi Bismol
  534. [01:36:40] arielmanticore: Whenever my wife says shes sad, I just tell her to put some frozen peas on it.
  535. [01:36:40] foreverska: That was less clear. Let me see if I can find it again
  536. [01:36:41] jax444: wait you're a neuroscientist right? do you like test drugs on rats or something?
  537. [01:36:44] allstar3339: Poopsi bismol
  538. [01:36:48] robbybobbybaby: see a chiroprator for depresssion
  539. [01:36:56] tallestone: i believe in you tim
  540. [01:37:15] oldmario: no
  541. [01:37:16] hunniepun: when do you get to test on humans?
  542. [01:37:16] oldmario: well
  543. [01:37:21] oldmario: sticking it in ri e
  544. [01:37:23] allstar3339: he tests on himself every day
  545. [01:37:29] nbtl: Why test drugs on mice when the real money is testing makeup on monkeys?
  546. [01:37:33] hunniepun: oh
  547. [01:37:34] kriegerfluff: why don't they use hamsters or gerbils for tests tim
  548. [01:37:44] bl0cks: mice are easier
  549. [01:37:52] allstar3339: tim makes sure all the drugs are safe for the rats
  550. [01:37:55] foreverska:
  551. [01:37:57] bl0cks: you can house them together and their needs are easier to manage
  552. [01:38:11] foreverska: There are some less meaty texts that have run with this if you want those
  553. [01:38:17] tallestone: wall clip! speedrun strats
  554. [01:38:30] hunniepun: "bred"
  555. [01:38:32] allstar3339: inbreeding Wut Face
  556. [01:38:33] kriegerfluff: mice incest
  557. [01:38:44] bobbob2238: i love bread
  558. [01:38:46] robbybobbybaby: its like testing on predictable down snydrome people
  559. [01:38:53] dubsys: I love inbred species
  560. [01:39:08] bobbob2238: dont put species in bread
  561. [01:39:09] hunniepun: so in other words, they have more sex MiniK
  562. [01:39:09] allstar3339: bread is delicious
  563. [01:39:28] bl0cks: that too. lab mice (& rats) are more prone to certain conditions due to special breeding since we need to research those conditions
  564. [01:39:41] bl0cks: rats are especially prone to cancer, for example
  565. [01:39:55] toemanjon11: Imagen how much faster your project would go if they just let you use people, like would anyone care if nick cage just disappeared
  566. [01:39:55] bl0cks: so all captive rats have a higher risk of cancer
  567. [01:40:08] arielmanticore: 3
  568. [01:40:18] hunniepun: all those spin outs
  569. [01:41:04] plasticleg: cancer breeds
  570. [01:41:14] doubleguns: they just need a mixer
  571. [01:41:17] hunniepun: oh noooo mehdiFEELS
  572. [01:41:23] bl0cks: i know pet rats are really prone to it
  573. [01:41:39] hunniepun: that sounds awful
  574. [01:42:18] bl0cks: it's unfortunate but. necessary
  575. [01:42:25] hunniepun: sure
  576. [01:42:46] itslikesnowboarding: that actually is nice
  577. [01:43:03] its_a_yuge_problem: Damn, life is dark
  578. [01:43:03] kriegerfluff: let your mice watch tv
  579. [01:43:06] disguised22: Nice have an extremely weak sense of pain anyway
  580. [01:43:31] disguised22: Nice
  581. [01:43:33] hunniepun: ah well, my cat eats them, so no shits given ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  582. [01:43:46] disguised22: Mice isn't a word according to
  583. [01:43:56] allstar3339: meeces
  584. [01:44:00] ezclap: to
  585. [01:44:00] hunniepun: mice arent real
  586. [01:44:22] allstar3339: i love my meeces to pieces
  587. [01:44:28] disguised22: This goddamn phone that inputs weird words
  588. [01:44:30] arielmanticore: God made mice for science anyways, I read it in the bible.
  589. [01:44:32] toemanjon11: God speed running this game must be a head ache
  590. [01:44:44] jax444: timOh
  591. [01:44:51] disguised22: Don't ruin my silver lining logic Tim
  592. [01:45:17] shimmerfairy: Yeah, the speedrun has been hard so far.
  593. [01:45:31] hunniepun: left turn simulator MiniK
  594. [01:45:46] disguised22: I like to imagine that mice are all happy Buddhists free from pain
  595. [01:46:00] hunniepun: cute
  596. [01:46:00] bl0cks: lab animals have pretty decent lives. they get their needs taken care of and they have a noble purpose, it's more than a lot of animals or even people can say
  597. [01:46:05] jax444: do you think you'd be better on a real machine
  598. [01:46:32] skygtr350: they bite your out of love
  599. [01:46:36] hunniepun: they get their needs taken care of before losing their brains MiniK
  600. [01:46:39] bl0cks: well, no. they dont care, but its a nice way to assuage human guilt
  601. [01:46:43] fragarach: DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  602. [01:46:44] inarifox: ayy Daytona
  603. [01:46:48] kriegerfluff: at least they aren't the ones bred to be fed to snakes
  604. [01:47:02] hunniepun: snakes gotta eat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  605. [01:47:08] shimmerfairy: I just had a thought: what if there was a Model 2 pinball game? :P
  606. [01:47:15] inarifox: If you press F3, it insta resets the machine so you don't have to restart the emu.
  607. [01:47:29] somersault_: my pet chickens used to hunt mice and play keep away with it and peck at it. there was blood everywhere.
  608. [01:47:39] hunniepun: ^ Wut Face
  609. [01:47:40] bl0cks: yeah - i can't guilt anyone too much as long as theyre humane about it. I have a snake I feed frozen mice to.
  610. [01:47:45] somersault_: nature is scary man
  611. [01:47:54] hunniepun: did you have to clean it?
  612. [01:48:12] somersault_: nah they sort themselves out
  613. [01:48:25] hunniepun: oh. good!
  614. [01:48:29] kriegerfluff: the chickens drink the blood?
  615. [01:48:35] dialupinternet: so does tim have a actually goal like trying to do a near perfect race or something?
  616. [01:48:52] shimmerfairy: all sub-18 laps is the current goal I think
  617. [01:49:20] somersault_: the chickens have dirt baths and it manages to clean the gore off their feathers
  618. [01:49:22] shimmerfairy: I would recommend the other courses, but that's just me.
  619. [01:49:25] toemanjon11: I've been thinking recently
  620. [01:49:39] jax444: my cat sits under a low hanging bird feeder and jumps up whenever a bird tries to eat
  621. [01:49:48] bl0cks: just wait until you hear what the amphibians eat (its earthworms)
  622. [01:49:57] skygtr350: timOh
  623. [01:50:01] callicantzaros: oh
  624. [01:50:08] dialupinternet: so why is a game thats suppost to be based in the USA be in K/H?
  625. [01:50:10] jax444: i feel kinda bad even though she barely catches them
  626. [01:50:13] shimmerfairy: bixby, drop a phat beat
  627. [01:50:21] plasticleg: i live in bixby
  628. [01:50:35] zelst: say hi siri and she'll get jealous
  629. [01:50:39] draconianxp: Hurray, it's Tim doing all the mechanics and winnning all the games.
  630. [01:50:42] bl0cks: bixby only lives to be inconvenient
  631. [01:50:44] somersault_: my siri responds to syria
  632. [01:50:57] jax444: you have to hit the 🅱ixby 🅱utton
  633. [01:51:09] anonymousv8: say okay google
  634. [01:51:22] hunniepun: what a weird name
  635. [01:51:25] rosaagustina: Try to go easy on the bixby
  636. [01:51:29] toemanjon11: like when I god like villain in something justifies his killing by saying humans are like ants to him, and your all like no that's inhumane. until you think about how we kill animals that are smaller, or live shorter lives then us all the time
  637. [01:51:32] lokiry: i dunno maybe i'll try that later
  638. [01:51:39] jax444: is the name really any better than alexa or siri
  639. [01:51:42] lokiry: i know people will do it with phones
  640. [01:51:45] jubediah: "I'm going fast" - Ricky Bobby
  641. [01:51:45] zelst: i don't understand the 🅱oneless meme
  642. [01:51:50] lokiry: never heard of it with a laptop battery though
  643. [01:51:52] zelst: whoops i said the m word
  644. [01:51:54] it_is_fanatic: just youtube search it
  645. [01:51:57] draconianxp: "Save me Tom Cruise"
  646. [01:52:03] greasydratini: Ninth
  647. [01:52:13] oldmario: google it first
  648. [01:52:18] oldmario: incase it causes a fire
  649. [01:52:23] hunniepun: doesnt make it less weird. still weird
  650. [01:52:27] oldmario: oldmario can not be held responsible for house fires
  651. [01:52:30] jax444: wait is meme illegal?
  652. [01:52:43] zelst: yes
  653. [01:52:48] jax444: timOh
  654. [01:53:06] basssic: maybe if you went easy on the car...
  655. [01:53:08] kriegerfluff: tim this is your job now
  656. [01:53:11] ickystasis: just take the computer to work
  657. [01:53:12] shimmerfairy: your work is in daytona now
  658. [01:53:16] its_a_yuge_problem: go to work if you need to
  659. [01:53:25] draconianxp: The driver could be Sanic
  660. [01:54:00] jax444: theres a sega model 2 emulator for android. just take daytona to work
  661. [01:54:09] otterbatch: does sonic know how to drive
  662. [01:54:16] basssic: yes
  663. [01:54:19] basssic: considering he has a game about it
  664. [01:54:19] shimmerfairy: according to games like Sonic R, yes.
  665. [01:54:34] jax444: no in sonic r he just goes fast
  666. [01:54:38] skygtr350: N I N T H
  667. [01:54:41] basssic: sonic all star racing
  668. [01:54:42] greasydratini: are you gonna stream lab stuff?
  669. [01:54:45] anonymousv8: i feel like sushi
  670. [01:54:50] anonymousv8: guess i need to go to japan
  671. [01:55:04] jax444: he drives in racing transformed i think
  672. [01:55:13] otterbatch: does sonic have his license
  673. [01:55:14] greasydratini: damn, he figured it out
  674. [01:55:19] diggleshut: ever think about
  675. [01:55:21] diggleshut: rene decartes
  676. [01:55:33] somersault_: its not stealing, it just borrowing
  677. [01:55:41] chuchu4chu: He's onto us
  678. [01:55:49] diggleshut: mario is going to jail
  679. [01:55:55] anonymousv8: dunno who that is
  680. [01:55:58] jax444: i would honestly be amazed if someone stole tims data from his lab streams
  681. [01:56:01] rockleespartan: what's the dream here?
  682. [01:56:06] santanadvxfan: is daytona the new puyo where you reset every few minutes :P
  683. [01:56:13] basssic: under 18 seconds every lap
  684. [01:56:20] jax444: yeah but times good at puyo
  685. [01:56:20] basssic: you said Fuck the other day
  686. [01:56:22] wootonius: 9th place is the dream
  687. [01:56:22] basssic: [fact]
  688. [01:56:26] boredcyborg: it's okay, you can swear here
  689. [01:56:32] diggleshut: his name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled
  690. [01:56:34] diggleshut: that's why he's famous
  691. [01:56:38] basssic: you SAID it
  692. [01:56:38] it_is_fanatic: he only reads it.
  693. [01:56:47] it_is_fanatic: got a clip? timClip
  694. [01:57:09] anonymousv8: you think therefore you aint
  695. [01:57:10] basssic: its on the archive i bet but thats too much hassle
  696. [01:57:15] jax444: tim saying fuck ruins my headcannon
  697. [01:57:18] basssic: just believe me ok
  698. [01:57:29] greasydratini: this reminds me of that dumb game from ff x where you needed to get 0 0 0 on chocobo racing
  699. [01:57:35] piemanz333: this guys got infinite quarters
  700. [01:57:45] oldmario: why am i going to jail?
  701. [01:57:47] diggleshut: who aint
  702. [01:57:47] dehumanization: so what happens if you meet this goal?
  703. [01:57:52] oldmario: not me
  704. [01:57:54] oldmario: you are
  705. [01:57:59] diggleshut: killing Lokiry
  706. [01:58:01] bl0cks: i love that it makes everyone swear less here, so your channels just become this place where people just dont swear for whatever reason
  707. [01:58:09] greasydratini: he becomes a professional nascar racer
  708. [01:58:09] oldmario: i will not be held responsible
  709. [01:58:12] jax444: the dreamcast is legal now
  710. [01:58:12] greasydratini: thats how it works
  711. [01:58:13] oldmario: also i'm a bad pirate
  712. [01:58:20] solve91: mafia racing mission :(
  713. [01:58:21] oldmario: too lazy to find my scott pilgrim cd
  714. [01:58:28] oldmario: i'm trying to find a download and can't do that either
  715. [01:58:30] wingsofjanitor: for a second I thought you said 30 and I got super scared
  716. [01:58:36] dehumanization: the game should at least give congraturation for it
  717. [01:58:43] hunniepun: 30?
  718. [01:58:47] inarifox: the AI is a jerk here
  719. [01:58:59] oldmario: PogChamp
  720. [01:59:03] diggleshut: BLACK SHEEP
  721. [01:59:06] diggleshut: COME HOME
  722. [01:59:07] diggleshut: BLACK SHEEP
  723. [01:59:10] oldmario: seasons 1-5 of malcom in the middle in 1080p
  724. [01:59:15] oldmario: 143gb tho FeelsBirthdayMan
  725. [01:59:32] anonymousv8: scott doesnt know
  726. [01:59:34] dehumanization: nice crash
  727. [01:59:37] rebcart: do do do
  728. [01:59:37] ezclap: fudge
  729. [01:59:42] oldmario: scotty
  730. [01:59:52] greasydratini: burn
  731. [01:59:56] inarifox: logsGuppy
  732. [02:00:12] diggleshut: I enver got into malcom
  733. [02:00:34] it_is_fanatic: ppl play past world 1-1? 🤔
  734. [02:00:49] dehumanization: doesnt that slot machine sign have some sort of function?
  735. [02:00:50] anonymousv8: is it original malcom? with all the music etc
  736. [02:00:53] greasydratini: Nascar stream where you try to get 1 in the leaderboards
  737. [02:01:15] it_is_fanatic: you would hate it
  738. [02:01:19] oldmario: i don't know
  739. [02:01:20] it_is_fanatic: cause pinball.
  740. [02:01:21] oldmario: it's on netflix tho
  741. [02:01:39] oldmario: the uk dvds they released a couple years ago had all the original music on
  742. [02:01:43] oldmario: but US releases got fucked
  743. [02:01:47] basssic: the announcer is so damn bored
  744. [02:01:50] basssic: "and they're underway... yawn"
  745. [02:01:57] greasydratini: farts
  746. [02:02:18] helifitch: It's a good thing you have lots of credits. :)
  747. [02:02:22] helifitch: And Hi Tim!
  748. [02:03:19] rebcart: 12th place on lap 3? might as well reset
  749. [02:03:25] piemanz333: Happy Birthday Tim!
  750. [02:03:35] nbtl: When are we going to play the advanced and expert tracks?
  751. [02:03:36] greasydratini: Neytona USA
  752. [02:03:43] somersault_: happy birthday!!
  753. [02:03:43] it_is_fanatic: interesting
  754. [02:03:45] it_is_fanatic: movement
  755. [02:03:48] bobbob2238: it no tim birf
  756. [02:03:53] jax444: wasn't that also the crappy laggy version
  757. [02:03:56] anonymousv8: nice to know
  758. [02:03:56] zeroroute: how smooth is the emulation?
  759. [02:04:03] tininsteelian: congrats on becoming an adult!
  760. [02:04:04] oldmario: 🤔
  761. [02:04:07] anonymousv8: should seek it out one day
  762. [02:04:08] basssic: dreamcast can go off to war now
  763. [02:04:12] basssic: beautiful
  764. [02:04:12] abortion_shark: The Dreamcast is now drafted
  765. [02:04:16] bobbob2238: the dream cast is older than i am D:
  766. [02:04:18] wingsofjanitor: I can take the dreamcast home for some sweet action now...legally!
  767. [02:04:21] zeroroute: I still have my pc copy of this
  768. [02:04:21] oldmario: oh god
  769. [02:04:23] oldmario: whyyyyyyyyy
  770. [02:04:23] rosaagustina: Let's take Dreamcast to the red district
  771. [02:04:31] kevin1760: timGuest420
  772. [02:04:32] oldmario: the uploaded put all of season 1 into a rar
  773. [02:04:33] hunniepun: D:
  774. [02:04:36] oldmario: and split it into parts
  775. [02:04:44] greasydratini: the dreamcast has been smoking behnd the bleachers for the past 3 years
  776. [02:04:49] inarifox: I legit have no clue how to use savestates on this emulator. I end up crashing it.
  777. [02:05:08] basssic: 18 is not fine
  778. [02:05:11] basssic: seconds that is
  779. [02:05:11] oldmario: 96x200mb and 1x10mb
  780. [02:05:13] oldmario: Wowee
  781. [02:05:49] inarifox: I press F10 and F11 and the savestates text shows up but it does nothing
  782. [02:05:49] 0bservants: u win yet today tim?
  783. [02:05:49] 7locrian7: have you gotten 1st place yet
  784. [02:05:57] greasydratini: Probably
  785. [02:06:02] rockleespartan: tilt boys
  786. [02:06:11] lokiry: how would putting something in the freezer cause a fire
  787. [02:06:16] kevin1760: If you're not first, you're last
  788. [02:06:22] hunniepun: ^
  789. [02:06:27] 7locrian7: asian parents FeelsBadMan
  790. [02:06:36] hunniepun: excuses mehdiLAPPA
  791. [02:06:41] oldmario: i don't know
  792. [02:06:49] flaminx: Are you on world record pace yet
  793. [02:06:49] 7locrian7: if you're not a doctor you're homeless FeelsBadMan
  794. [02:06:56] 0bservants: 2nd place is tha first loser tbh
  795. [02:07:00] oldmario: i don't want my precious Lokiry to die
  796. [02:07:02] greasydratini: oh
  797. [02:07:05] wingsofjanitor: baited
  798. [02:07:06] 7locrian7: timOh
  799. [02:07:22] greasydratini: Save state for every good lap
  800. [02:07:27] oldmario: i'm kinda half tempted to download these now
  801. [02:07:27] dehumanization: time to troubleshoot
  802. [02:07:30] dehumanization: we can fix it
  803. [02:07:35] oldmario: 1.24gb an episode tho
  804. [02:07:37] hunniepun: we can? D:
  805. [02:07:40] oldmario: that's kinda high
  806. [02:07:44] shimmerfairy: Do you ever use anything besides 2nd and 4th gear?
  807. [02:07:50] oldmario: should be around 900mb i think
  808. [02:07:52] basssic: blue car more like poo car haha
  809. [02:07:55] 7locrian7: you should do a tool assisted speed run
  810. [02:07:56] piemanz333: is this the restart simulator?
  811. [02:08:12] 0bservants: that is getting good
  812. [02:08:18] 0bservants: this
  813. [02:08:26] diggleshut: <
  814. [02:08:36] 7locrian7: i can see you're improving a lot
  815. [02:08:48] dehumanization: you drifted right on that guys face
  816. [02:09:00] oldmario: diggle
  817. [02:09:07] oldmario: put your laptop battery in the freezer
  818. [02:09:26] 7locrian7: FeelsBadMan timOh
  819. [02:09:27] kevin1760: awesome
  820. [02:09:29] it_is_fanatic: having F U N N N N N
  821. [02:09:32] hunniepun: ruined
  822. [02:09:32] anonymousv8: and ya phone\
  823. [02:09:33] inarifox: dang
  824. [02:09:34] 0bservants: lol
  825. [02:09:34] ariasvalm: timNofun
  826. [02:09:45] 7locrian7: i dont even think there was any way to not get hit there
  827. [02:09:49] 7locrian7: just bad luck
  828. [02:10:00] jax444: weren't you going to make a savestate at the beginning of the round
  829. [02:10:14] inarifox: savestates are pretty buggy
  830. [02:10:22] rockleespartan: anyone else watch pokemon speedrunners getting ptsd right now?
  831. [02:10:40] hunniepun: waht? brb
  832. [02:10:42] flaminx: Dad stop playing daytona your kids are hungry
  833. [02:11:07] zelst: just one more race
  834. [02:11:08] 7locrian7: you should do SGDQ for this next year
  835. [02:11:09] 0bservants: games from this era have to be impossible or else you would see how threadbare they are
  836. [02:11:14] 7locrian7: just practice for this all year
  837. [02:11:25] inarifox: I remember finding this cool Daytona USA mod that lets you use custom textures and increase the resolution and alot more goodies.
  838. [02:11:33] oldmario: ausnony was peppa pig front page ast week there?
  839. [02:11:34] inarifox: I think it was called Daytona USA +?
  840. [02:12:02] 7locrian7: sausage fest
  841. [02:12:19] hunniepun: agressive
  842. [02:12:26] 7locrian7: FeelsGoodMan is this it
  843. [02:12:29] greasydratini: The AI once they know you're trying to beat the high score start attacking the player
  844. [02:12:41] 7locrian7: FeelsBadMan
  845. [02:12:44] hunniepun: mehdiREE
  846. [02:12:47] rebcart: never ask that
  847. [02:12:50] flaminx: RIP THE DREAM
  848. [02:12:56] jax444: whats the name of the emulator
  849. [02:13:00] inarifox: Model 2 version and it was called Daytona USA ++
  850. [02:13:27] greasydratini: Daytona USA C++
  851. [02:13:34] dehumanization: its a virus dont do it
  852. [02:14:02] anonymousv8: no
  853. [02:14:27] greasydratini: Can you edit the textures?
  854. [02:14:42] inarifox: yeah
  855. [02:14:55] inarifox: Do you happen to have Motor Raid? That was my jam in the arcades.
  856. [02:15:09] inarifox: It takes a long time to load those HD textures.
  857. [02:15:13] egg1111115: hi
  858. [02:15:21] egg1111115: is this video games
  859. [02:15:25] 7locrian7: no
  860. [02:15:29] dehumanization: rip reseting
  861. [02:15:34] kevin1760: This is the police
  862. [02:15:38] basssic: they're all illegally street racing
  863. [02:15:42] basssic: so there are cops
  864. [02:15:49] 7locrian7: did you say VR?
  865. [02:15:57] hunniepun: uncomfyy
  866. [02:15:58] jax444: vr is just camera change
  867. [02:15:58] inarifox: oh god VR Daytona
  868. [02:16:05] greasydratini: Gross
  869. [02:16:51] oldmario: what's the big news thing at the minute?
  870. [02:17:28] greasydratini: AUTOMATIC ONLY
  871. [02:17:47] volantarius: Hey Tim do you mind if I promote some highlight videos lol
  872. [02:17:59] draconianxp: Tim the paint job!
  873. [02:18:06] zelst: try to go easy on the car
  874. [02:18:09] jax444: is joy360 patching turned on?
  875. [02:18:11] inarifox: RIP
  876. [02:18:21] hunniepun: rip
  877. [02:18:24] mudkip1123: Running against the wall = friction. Friction = heat. Heat = go faster. Flawless
  878. [02:18:32] hunniepun: that wasnt very fun
  879. [02:18:46] volantarius: Watch Tim learn how to type
  880. [02:19:03] volantarius: This feels weird to promote my videos of tims streams
  881. [02:19:32] gamecynic: Internet any more stable?
  882. [02:19:35] anonymousv8: probably all the bad sporting calls this weekend
  883. [02:19:35] hunniepun: the urn
  884. [02:20:03] kevin1760: Tim is channeling Jeremy Clarkson
  885. [02:20:04] it_is_fanatic: t-tim.... do you get road rage?
  886. [02:20:04] hunniepun: oh
  887. [02:20:09] foolishcorpuscle: Is this that weird Monotone Guy? That always plays Oregon trail?
  888. [02:20:18] greasydratini: Tim only gets Daytona Rage
  889. [02:20:34] greasydratini: No this is his brother
  890. [02:20:59] kriegerfluff: this is the weird stereotim guy that always plays daytona
  891. [02:21:03] gashapon: The margin for error is so small to get 1st
  892. [02:21:05] greasydratini: Yeah
  893. [02:21:23] greasydratini: is the pit road faster?
  894. [02:21:46] oldmario: oh
  895. [02:21:50] oldmario: luna is streaming
  896. [02:21:54] oldmario: i wonder what tims playing
  897. [02:21:59] fuzzybuttons: Hey Tim
  898. [02:22:03] foreverska: "We conclude by noting that studies under way to determine the efficacy of anti-inflammatory interventions for depression will at one and the same time confirm or refute a role for inflammatory signaling pathways in MDD, and help resolve the important question of whether inflammation contributes to depression on a broad scale or in a far more circumscribed manner relevant only to individuals with measurably increased indices of inflammatory activation."
  899. [02:22:06] piemanz333: why not jsut do expert? finish it in 5
  900. [02:22:15] streamofjaz: SO are you trying for a certain goal here or what?
  901. [02:22:31] dialupinternet: all laps under 18 secs
  902. [02:22:34] hunniepun: sub 18
  903. [02:22:40] anonymousv8: day crasha
  904. [02:23:09] hunniepun: blue car needs to get his shit together
  905. [02:23:14] greasydratini: Insert more coins!
  906. [02:23:21] greasydratini: The more coins the more forgiving
  907. [02:23:30] gantz225: It's weird watching Daytona without hearing the music
  908. [02:24:52] somersault_: when i was little i thought depression was because the brain deflated.
  909. [02:25:02] chillgod: lol
  910. [02:25:10] hunniepun: you were right
  911. [02:25:35] fuzzybuttons: Is cutting though pits viable on this version?
  912. [02:25:45] greasydratini: Hurricane is almost here, pray to the daytona gods for a new record
  913. [02:26:00] dialupinternet: hey tim apparently if you were playing this on a console or arcade machine you'd hold the 2nd place record for fast lap on this track
  914. [02:26:11] hunniepun: hurricane OhGod
  915. [02:26:15] foreverska: I don't think anyone is saying all depression is inflammation, maybe there is a subtype. It's interesting to me because SSRI make me a bit manic but I still have major anixety issues. Maybe it's something more physiological instead of getting stuck on mood stabilizers because they don't know how to treat me.
  916. [02:26:52] hunniepun: teh urn?
  917. [02:27:11] zeroroute: Never heard of inflammation being related to depression
  918. [02:27:13] stace_the_ace: the black purple and blue car is pretty <3
  919. [02:27:25] zeroroute: chemical imbalance is all I know about
  920. [02:27:53] moneyandmiles: how do you still have tires at this point lol
  921. [02:28:02] bananaburger: still sub 18
  922. [02:28:18] bananaburger: i was afraid you were going to pit
  923. [02:28:26] raudive: Have you talked to that fidget spinner chatroom girl lately?
  924. [02:28:57] rosaagustina: Maximum concentration
  925. [02:28:57] hunniepun: timClip
  926. [02:29:02] bananaburger: you're lapping these fools
  927. [02:29:19] stace_the_ace: go tim go
  928. [02:29:30] dialupinternet: hold your breath folks...
  929. [02:29:46] arhowe: GivePLZ
  930. [02:29:54] cathidor: don't hold your breath, it may be bad for you
  931. [02:30:00] foreverska: The inflammation connection is part of a study that got picked up by the news today. The long of the short is it may be the reason behind a small subset of people with depression issues.
  932. [02:30:11] kevin1760: timClip
  933. [02:30:15] bananaburger: the sub 18 Not Like This
  934. [02:30:16] dialupinternet: NNOOO
  935. [02:30:23] coldie48: (
  936. [02:30:25] lulzlocss: oh god
  937. [02:30:28] moneyandmiles: saved
  938. [02:30:28] stace_the_ace: you got this
  939. [02:30:28] hunniepun: mehdiREE
  940. [02:30:29] greasydratini: TIM YOU CAN STILL DO THIS
  941. [02:30:33] moneyandmiles: nvm
  942. [02:30:34] zelst: rip
  943. [02:30:34] arhowe: (
  944. [02:30:36] it_is_fanatic: the dream FeelsBadMan
  945. [02:30:37] greasydratini: KEEP GOING TIM
  946. [02:30:37] kevin1760: LUL
  947. [02:30:37] reav0r: D:
  948. [02:30:37] rosaagustina: oh
  949. [02:30:38] ethernetseeds: teh urn
  950. [02:30:38] agweber: 0x33Ded
  951. [02:30:39] chillgod: are you alright?
  952. [02:30:40] cathidor: there goes the run
  953. [02:30:43] greasydratini: KEEP GOING
  954. [02:30:44] coldie48: it was the run
  955. [02:30:44] hunniepun: D:
  956. [02:30:45] dehumanization: you bent your car
  957. [02:30:45] nbtl: N I N T H
  958. [02:30:47] somersault_: i cry for you
  959. [02:30:48] volantarius: Are you alright?
  960. [02:30:50] hunniepun: GET IT TOGETHER
  961. [02:30:50] inarifox: aw man logsGuppy
  962. [02:30:56] 0bservants: oh.
  963. [02:31:15] dehumanization: put difficulty on highest
  964. [02:31:36] hunniepun: you cant stay away from 9th mehdiL
  965. [02:31:44] domaspiragas: Next time just let it fall apart on the 21st lap. Then you'll be solid.
  966. [02:32:22] hunniepun: get out the way peasants mehdiREE
  967. [02:33:10] chillgod: dodo dodo
  968. [02:33:31] moneyandmiles: what kind of start is it again?
  969. [02:33:50] hunniepun: rolling staaaaaaaaaaaaart
  970. [02:34:10] zeroroute: when can we fry sky high
  971. [02:34:23] foolishcorpuscle: Has Tim ever finished first
  972. [02:34:29] boredcyborg: yes
  973. [02:34:33] skygtr350: Guard that weird bumper
  974. [02:35:32] foolishcorpuscle: I'm already proud of you Tim
  975. [02:36:09] coldie48: i wish my dad was proud of me
  976. [02:36:23] foolishcorpuscle: You've made your mother and I so happy, son.
  977. [02:36:25] somersault_: i could be your dad
  978. [02:36:34] hunniepun: lol
  979. [02:36:35] anonymousv8: get first in daytona
  980. [02:37:03] xwildxchimp16x: I wish I knew where my dad was
  981. [02:37:17] koolman9933: Tim dont you have mice to attend to
  982. [02:37:19] dehumanization: the cars hitbox doesnt seem to get more wide when it spins
  983. [02:37:22] elagabaluscaesar: It makes you wonder why he has all those Steam games when he can just play Daytona
  984. [02:37:28] kevin1760: My dad is still out buying cigarettes
  985. [02:37:36] kevin1760: He just left 15 min ago
  986. [02:38:13] willster132: hi tim
  987. [02:38:16] willster132: its the weekend
  988. [02:38:17] willster132: life is ok
  989. [02:38:28] koolman9933: Maybe he stopped at the Indian Reservation to get smokes
  990. [02:38:29] willster132: is that a mount rushmore esque sonic
  991. [02:38:42] hunniepun: no thats tim
  992. [02:38:57] ankuno_: or is mount rushmore sonic esque
  993. [02:39:28] willster132: get rekt kiddo
  994. [02:39:32] shimmerfairy: @Willster132 two guesses as to one of the devs on this game.
  995. [02:39:37] willster132: uh
  996. [02:39:39] willster132: capcom
  997. [02:39:43] inarifox: Ever messed with the Model 3 emulator and played Daytona USA 2 and Sega Super GT on it?
  998. [02:40:20] doubleguns: Tim do you have to work tonight
  999. [02:40:32] rosaagustina: Tim you have to beat your lap records tonight!
  1000. [02:40:39] skygtr350: timMinus
  1001. [02:40:43] willster132: play some initial d music while playing for maximum race expierence
  1002. [02:40:47] doubleguns: timOh
  1003. [02:40:50] doubleguns: Bible Thump
  1004. [02:41:03] hunniepun: lol triggered
  1005. [02:41:30] koolman9921:
  1006. [02:41:56] willster132: oh or just do both
  1007. [02:43:29] hunniepun: live
  1008. [02:44:16] willster132: whats tims goal here
  1009. [02:44:30] cathidor: speed
  1010. [02:44:34] somersault_: to be the fastest
  1011. [02:44:36] dialupinternet: all laps under sub 18
  1012. [02:44:41] moneyandmiles: to guard his rear bumper
  1013. [02:44:42] willster132: LuL
  1014. [02:44:42] kevin1760: LUL
  1015. [02:44:45] ramon_e_: christ
  1016. [02:44:45] inarifox: God dang it
  1017. [02:44:53] anonymousv8: to avoid work as long as possible
  1018. [02:44:54] willster132: just like real life
  1019. [02:44:57] cathidor: what happened there
  1020. [02:44:58] willster132: its all going so well then
  1021. [02:44:59] ethernetseeds: why are you doing this?
  1022. [02:45:16] robbyfox: just to suffer
  1023. [02:45:33] deadlyspaghettie: Man that selection music sounds like some jumpscare sound from goosebumps
  1024. [02:46:48] willster132: saved
  1025. [02:47:02] deadlyspaghettie: You should play Shenmue Tim
  1026. [02:47:39] basssic: shenmue review: a slog, but i liked it
  1027. [02:47:49] 0bservants: main stream tonight??
  1028. [02:47:56] somersault_: nope
  1029. [02:48:06] 0bservants: boo
  1030. [02:48:55] daybzhd: ROOOOOLING STAAAAART
  1031. [02:49:20] rosaagustina: Time can afford to Daytona, he keeps getting time extensions
  1032. [02:49:30] anonymousv8: "time" can
  1033. [02:49:46] rosaagustina: My bad
  1034. [02:50:06] anonymousv8: bad end
  1035. [02:50:43] shimmerfairy: Do your labwork because it's there, then.
  1036. [02:50:44] mudkip1123: rip: Tim's soul
  1037. [02:50:47] nbtl: Kinda like a "speed run"
  1038. [02:50:58] domaspiragas: It's your version of a fidget spinner
  1039. [02:51:16] professorbag: Is this sonic?
  1040. [02:51:56] professorbag: Maybe they want to feel the earth TIM
  1041. [02:52:15] dohger: DAYTONA!!!!!!
  1042. [02:52:41] popcorncolonel: do sick tricks
  1043. [02:52:44] nbtl: Leave it in the elevator
  1044. [02:52:50] shimmerfairy: Set up a donate fidget spinner stream on NagitoneTim or something.
  1045. [02:52:56] bananaburger: i didnt think vine was still around
  1046. [02:53:07] koolman9933: But Bella would be mad Tim
  1047. [02:53:10] popcorncolonel: lol
  1048. [02:53:13] willster132: oh god
  1049. [02:53:20] willster132: tim that isnt healthy or sustanable
  1050. [02:53:28] sinjongy: Fidget spinner owners should unite to counteract the hurricane
  1051. [02:53:39] popcorncolonel: tape it in really strong see-through tape though
  1052. [02:53:47] popcorncolonel: so it's really hard to get, but still visible
  1053. [02:54:01] zeroroute: nah, they should vape
  1054. [02:54:59] professorbag: Remember Hydro Thunder? That was some good stuff
  1055. [02:55:00] popcorncolonel: vape it down to the elevator
  1056. [02:56:15] willster132: rip
  1057. [02:56:29] professorbag: You should of made a whole through there
  1058. [02:56:30] willster132: cant make a hole through nothing
  1059. [02:57:28] professorbag: Is manual shifting faster than autmoatic in this game? or is it just different?
  1060. [02:57:30] lasskibble: but you'll also stop the hurricane
  1061. [02:57:37] shimmerfairy: Maybe a story will help Tim out. It's called The Tardy Barnacle. Once, there was a tardy barnacle. He was so tardy that everyone died. The end.
  1062. [02:59:10] inarifox: keep going the wrong way
  1063. [02:59:41] 8bittv: You're heading the wrong way
  1064. [03:00:17] willster132: tim
  1065. [03:00:18] willster132: hey tim
  1066. [03:00:20] willster132: go to wok
  1067. [03:00:30] wingsofjanitor: leg clots
  1068. [03:00:41] wingsofjanitor: thrombosis or whatever
  1069. [03:01:00] empty_sentry00: work stream?
  1070. [03:01:04] zelst: tim its 11
  1071. [03:01:25] empty_sentry00: tim work
  1072. [03:01:32] shimmerfairy: I woke up at 6pm too :(
  1073. [03:01:52] hunniepun: rolling staaaaaaart! to work MiniK
  1074. [03:01:55] bananaburger: its true
  1075. [03:02:14] wingsofjanitor: I would be in a coma if that were true FeelsBadMan
  1076. [03:02:15] bananaburger: thats why my sleep schedule is so bad
  1077. [03:03:35] willster132: arcade
  1078. [03:03:49] coldie48: to get more of your coins
  1079. [03:04:30] gamecynic: So many restarts
  1080. [03:04:39] 8bittv: So many coins
  1081. [03:04:44] wingsofjanitor: rooolling restaaaart!
  1082. [03:05:52] 8bittv: They should have made a game where the more coins you put in the faster you go
  1083. [03:06:12] zeroroute: I find myself better at some games when I'm sleepy
  1084. [03:06:28] 8bittv: This is true, it's a 5k upgrade to utilize the full battery
  1085. [03:06:42] bananaburger: tesla hacks when?
  1086. [03:06:53] shimmerfairy: tesla speedrun when?
  1087. [03:06:56] 8bittv: It gives you about 30 more miles
  1088. [03:06:59] dehumanization: i put custom firmware on my tesla
  1089. [03:07:41] bananaburger: the sequel to pimp my ride
  1090. [03:07:53] wingsofjanitor: just gimp my shit up, fam
  1091. [03:07:57] kriegerfluff: i'd worry what else they could do to the car with the software
  1092. [03:08:21] shimmerfairy: I wonder if they expect to make up the cheaper price with more electricity refuels.
  1093. [03:08:56] zethrian: I'm sure
  1094. [03:09:01] mayorella: Probably voids something
  1095. [03:09:04] 8bittv: root your tesla
  1096. [03:09:24] zethrian: Would it kind of be like pirating?
  1097. [03:09:37] dehumanization: there will be craigslist ads to jailbreak your tesla in the future
  1098. [03:09:43] willster132: you wouldnt download a car would you
  1099. [03:09:44] 8bittv: Right to repair?
  1100. [03:10:04] willster132: "$500 day one car performance DLC"
  1101. [03:10:14] 8bittv: Is it illegal to jailbreak a phone? Why not your car
  1102. [03:10:27] 8bittv: Why not the microwave or the fridge
  1103. [03:10:36] mayorella: It's not illegal, just voids the wrranty
  1104. [03:10:45] willster132: ^
  1105. [03:11:05] shimmerfairy: try another course, and see how it goes.
  1106. [03:11:18] willster132: apple cant tell you what to do with it after you buy it, but they can refuse to help ytou if they dont like what you did
  1107. [03:11:21] 8bittv: They could refuse to service it and then you're sol
  1108. [03:11:53] turnsie: Just factory reset the tesla if it breaks
  1109. [03:12:29] dehumanization: a genius deems your iphone not worthy
  1110. [03:12:32] mayorella: Did you try turning it on and off
  1111. [03:12:46] dehumanization: tainted and corrupted
  1112. [03:13:14] shimmerfairy: try another course!
  1113. [03:13:31] kayopolice_is_mai_waifu: this use to be a aol chat stream
  1114. [03:13:39] wingsofjanitor: adderall will get you banned from the daytona esports scene though, Tim
  1115. [03:13:57] smarioman: Ah. The addiction makes a comeback.
  1116. [03:14:01] dehumanization: lets check the fidgit spinner aol chat
  1117. [03:14:06] rosaagustina: There is a lot of adderall going on in the Daytona scene since there are no checks
  1118. [03:15:05] 8bittv: This is the most realistic racing sim I've ever seen
  1119. [03:15:37] kuinplays: The sonic carved into the mountain is inspirational
  1120. [03:15:47] shimmerfairy: focus on the road, there is nothing but the road
  1121. [03:16:08] smarioman: Quick! Now's our chance to post memes!
  1122. [03:16:37] dialupinternet: nice try mario
  1123. [03:16:47] greasydratini: hes still racing?
  1124. [03:17:16] popcorncolonel: yeah man you gotta
  1125. [03:17:22] popcorncolonel: tim's all about going fast
  1126. [03:17:25] popcorncolonel: be it sonic or otherwise
  1127. [03:17:54] shimmerfairy: TIMEXTENSION
  1128. [03:18:00] wingsofjanitor: Channel your inner initial D! imagine hyped japanese dudes freaking out to your sweet moves
  1129. [03:18:13] 7locrian7: is this it FeelsGoodMan
  1130. [03:18:29] smarioman: Inb4 9th.
  1131. [03:19:37] wingsofjanitor: look at how many k's he's getting per h!
  1132. [03:19:37] koabl: why is sonic in that rock
  1133. [03:19:42] shimmerfairy: not all sub-18 :(
  1134. [03:19:52] willster132: r i p
  1135. [03:19:53] santanadvxfan: timNofun
  1136. [03:20:00] zeroroute: initial daytona
  1137. [03:20:10] ndlsjk: yaytonaaaaa
  1138. [03:20:27] shimmerfairy: I like to make myself believe that tim will go to work once he gets all sub-18
  1139. [03:20:41] drakxii: lol
  1140. [03:20:49] allstar3339: timDOOT
  1141. [03:21:02] kuinplays: But why stop at all sub-18? All sub-17.5 is much more competitive
  1142. [03:21:31] willster132: not even all sub 17 LuL plebs
  1143. [03:21:34] turnsie: Why stop at 17.5? Tim's just gotta git gud and go for all sub-16
  1144. [03:21:50] kuinplays: I feel like he'd have to start TASing to bet all sub-16.
  1145. [03:21:54] shimmerfairy: all sub-zero
  1146. [03:22:24] koabl: this is pretty nervewracking honestly
  1147. [03:22:52] shimmerfairy: NINTH
  1148. [03:23:00] dehumanization: I like how the AI just kind of bangs around
  1149. [03:23:28] shimmerfairy: I really would love to see Tim try the non-beginner courses.
  1150. [03:25:40] johnrambus: is it a need for speed?
  1151. [03:25:46] shimmerfairy: eh, it's normal for you to play 14hr sessions of daytona, right?
  1152. [03:26:01] hunniepun: u? problem? never CarlSmile
  1153. [03:26:23] empty_sentry00: how many victories?
  1154. [03:26:29] empty_sentry00: try game state
  1155. [03:27:45] johnnymaq: youre still going at it huh
  1156. [03:28:08] hunniepun: 18.00, thats just rude
  1157. [03:28:08] greasydratini: Tim you have lab!
  1158. [03:28:22] nbtl: Stop Tim, you're only hurting yourself
  1159. [03:28:28] shimmerfairy: Is your current labwork analysis only, or do you have more brains to test?
  1160. [03:28:32] hunniepun: he likes the pain
  1161. [03:28:33] greasydratini: you're hurting us
  1162. [03:28:34] kuinplays: Does the law of probability have anything on human error?
  1163. [03:29:07] haunx: Turn left, turn left
  1164. [03:29:27] brastream: jesus i used to play this game at the mall
  1165. [03:29:29] shimmerfairy: Try confounding the competition with right turns.
  1166. [03:30:28] tw4tjockey: lol
  1167. [03:30:37] tw4tjockey: Is he trying to speedrun this
  1168. [03:30:46] elagabaluscaesar: We finally found an esport Tim can dominate
  1169. [03:31:01] rubensandwich: Whats the goal here?
  1170. [03:31:08] haunx: Tim is the Danica Patrick of Daytona, always wrecking
  1171. [03:31:10] popcorncolonel: all valid Q's
  1172. [03:31:11] hunniepun: sub 17 all laps
  1173. [03:31:13] johnnymaq: he will never be the real speed man until he uses the pit strats
  1174. [03:31:21] hunniepun: 18*
  1175. [03:31:26] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: my grandma outed me to my mom tonight :))))))))))))))))))
  1176. [03:31:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: that smiley had like 12 more parentheses
  1177. [03:31:35] lokiry: chat
  1178. [03:31:37] rubensandwich: )
  1179. [03:31:40] lokiry: who is the best
  1180. [03:31:40] tw4tjockey: No one deserves that kind of slander Haunx
  1181. [03:31:43] ndlsjk: grats julia
  1182. [03:31:47] oldmario: i am
  1183. [03:31:55] lokiry: wrong
  1184. [03:31:56] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: it's not grats more like i screamed at her for 3 minutesand went and cried in my car
  1185. [03:32:01] oldmario: not you
  1186. [03:32:06] tw4tjockey: At least the bandaid got ripped off
  1187. [03:32:06] willster132: Sorry julia
  1188. [03:32:11] ndlsjk: lmao then why :)))) not :(((((
  1189. [03:32:13] lokiry: correct
  1190. [03:32:15] hunniepun: oh
  1191. [03:32:18] willster132: It was a fake smile
  1192. [03:32:21] willster132: The ones we all weak
  1193. [03:32:23] willster132: wear*
  1194. [03:32:24] kuinplays: That's fucking awful Julia. I had the opposite problem. Sorry that happened.
  1195. [03:32:28] oldmario: 🤔
  1196. [03:32:32] tw4tjockey: You got outed as straight...?
  1197. [03:32:37] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ??? im gay
  1198. [03:32:48] ndlsjk: im sure your mom still loves you.
  1199. [03:32:51] hunniepun: well at least your out...?
  1200. [03:32:54] shimmerfairy: talking to KuinPlays plays I think.
  1201. [03:33:11] kuinplays: The opposite problem being my Mother outing me to my Grandmother.
  1202. [03:33:11] haunx: !wall
  1203. [03:33:23] popcorncolonel: tim's laser focused
  1204. [03:33:25] rubensandwich: Being gay is cool in 2017
  1205. [03:33:25] hunniepun: think of it as a band aid on hairy patch
  1206. [03:33:35] hunniepun: trendy, even
  1207. [03:33:35] tw4tjockey: Ew body hair
  1208. [03:33:48] rubensandwich: Ppl even pretend to be gay...
  1209. [03:33:51] diggleshut: me duh
  1210. [03:33:57] haunx: Tim is in the Kurt Busch 41 tonight
  1211. [03:34:09] hunniepun: thats what im sayin.
  1212. [03:34:22] shimmerfairy: doesn't mean the outing isn't shitty, guys.
  1213. [03:34:36] hunniepun: never said it wasnt.
  1214. [03:34:49] plcx: choices matter
  1215. [03:34:56] boredcyborg: quality physics
  1216. [03:35:02] kuinplays: Yeah, it doesn't matter if being gay is more accepted than it ever has been, some people are still in shitty situations where it's not safe for them to come out or be outed. Not to mention it's the person's decision to come out, nobody else's
  1217. [03:35:04] rubensandwich: What happens if we get sub 18 all the laps?
  1218. [03:35:12] hunniepun: work time
  1219. [03:35:16] ndlsjk: my parents found out my brother is shooting heroin again today so....yeah could be worse eh?
  1220. [03:35:18] tw4tjockey: Tim will stop hating himself for five whole minutes RubenSandwich
  1221. [03:35:23] oldmario: wrong
  1222. [03:35:35] shimmerfairy: (
  1223. [03:35:38] hunniepun: oh dear
  1224. [03:35:45] dehumanization: always shoot heroin responsibly
  1225. [03:35:49] greasydratini: Tim you're tearing this family apart with daytona
  1226. [03:35:54] ndlsjk: "use a clean needle son"
  1227. [03:35:54] popcorncolonel: yikes
  1228. [03:35:58] ndlsjk: "we love you"
  1229. [03:36:18] kriegerfluff: tim maybe it's a sign to stop playing
  1230. [03:36:22] originalrykz: just like life
  1231. [03:36:25] hunniepun: did they really say that? OhGod
  1232. [03:36:36] ndlsjk: no they kicked his dumb ass out on the street
  1233. [03:36:45] hunniepun: well then
  1234. [03:36:52] ndlsjk: nearly called the cops but he got away too fast
  1235. [03:37:02] tw4tjockey: I wonder if anyone ever brews their own heroin
  1236. [03:37:06] ndlsjk: its been a...recurring problem that we are all pretty much done with
  1237. [03:37:15] hunniepun: (
  1238. [03:37:25] ndlsjk: 3 months ago i said my goodbyes to him and just get updates from the parents
  1239. [03:37:34] ndlsjk: much less stress
  1240. [03:37:35] rubensandwich: Wow, i wouldnt turn in my own son
  1241. [03:37:41] hunniepun: i would
  1242. [03:37:46] rubensandwich: But i can understand
  1243. [03:37:50] hunniepun: if it helps them of course
  1244. [03:37:52] originalrykz: did tim play PUBG today?
  1245. [03:38:05] tw4tjockey: It won't help them, they'll just get a criminal record lol
  1246. [03:38:06] shimmerfairy: only PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Daytona Grounds
  1247. [03:38:08] rubensandwich: You sir, have a lot of confidence in the PD
  1248. [03:38:18] hunniepun: im not a sir
  1249. [03:38:28] hunniepun: and fuck da police
  1250. [03:38:32] originalrykz: imagine a daytona PUBG style
  1251. [03:38:42] tw4tjockey: Twisted Metal
  1252. [03:38:43] ndlsjk: heh, 17k in rehabs and multiple evictions from apartments they pay for, 4 totalled nice vehicles, one last chance to stay at home with them and get clean
  1253. [03:39:03] ndlsjk: its a nasty one that addiction for sure
  1254. [03:39:11] tw4tjockey: How long has Tim been punching himself in the dick like this?
  1255. [03:39:18] rubensandwich: Im not saying it doesnt need a professional, i just dont think police are the right ones
  1256. [03:39:21] tw4tjockey: Not counting last night
  1257. [03:39:36] luna_moona: hello chat
  1258. [03:39:44] rubensandwich: BANNED FOR SELF HARM
  1259. [03:40:18] oldmario: goodbye
  1260. [03:40:30] diggleshut: hi
  1261. [03:40:31] dehumanization: you should be able to push them into the pits
  1262. [03:41:01] ramon_e_: rude
  1263. [03:41:22] oldmario: hullo
  1264. [03:41:24] kuinplays: guard that rear bumper
  1265. [03:41:29] luna_moona: wb
  1266. [03:41:34] popcorncolonel: what have been the major changes to pubg in the past 3 months?
  1267. [03:41:42] popcorncolonel: just got back from not having a computer over the summer
  1268. [03:41:43] ndlsjk: first person mode!!!
  1269. [03:41:45] tw4tjockey: rubbin's racin' Tim
  1270. [03:41:51] originalrykz: are you going for tims WR? timClip
  1271. [03:41:55] popcorncolonel: and see pubg is still the big thing
  1272. [03:41:55] luna_moona: i was playing wii games with a wiimote
  1273. [03:41:57] ndlsjk: first person pubg is prettty good
  1274. [03:41:58] luna_moona: on my pc
  1275. [03:41:59] luna_moona: yay
  1276. [03:42:08] haunx: Is lake speed in the spam car in this game ;)
  1277. [03:42:10] popcorncolonel: yeah it was always a mystery to me why it was third person
  1278. [03:42:19] luna_moona: turns out, oregon trail wii is a shit 3d version
  1279. [03:42:33] rubensandwich: Tim better be playin with a wheel
  1280. [03:42:38] originalrykz: because is for casuals
  1281. [03:42:45] hunniepun: hes reduced himself to gutteral noises
  1282. [03:42:46] tw4tjockey: I think of the 275 people watching Tim right now, we are the only people who know who Lake Speed is Haunx lol
  1283. [03:42:57] haunx: Lol
  1284. [03:43:10] luna_moona: also, chuck e cheeses had a terrible piece of shovelware
  1285. [03:43:21] haunx: Buckshot Jones ftw
  1286. [03:43:42] tw4tjockey: He was so good as a rookie, and then he got a concussion and turned into a rolling chicane
  1287. [03:43:42] originalrykz: so, who is oscar lake?
  1288. [03:44:01] rubensandwich: Tim, its ok. You dont have to prove yourself to us no more.
  1289. [03:44:12] hunniepun: ^
  1290. [03:44:14] haunx: Yea he was decent as rookie
  1291. [03:44:27] originalrykz: do you hate life?
  1292. [03:44:30] dehumanization: i am still not impressed, i need proving to
  1293. [03:44:39] hunniepun: mehdiFEELS
  1294. [03:44:40] tw4tjockey: Username checks out
  1295. [03:45:33] tw4tjockey: Is Daytona USA or graduate school making Tim more miserable?
  1296. [03:45:41] greasydratini: Both
  1297. [03:45:45] empty_sentry00: both
  1298. [03:45:51] tw4tjockey: But which one is winning
  1299. [03:46:02] somersault_: misery
  1300. [03:46:09] dmill2010: They still have Daytona USA cabinets in my hometown
  1301. [03:46:12] empty_sentry00: c
  1302. [03:46:34] hunniepun: i wonder how he came up with this task CarlSmile
  1303. [03:46:51] sombosteel: You gonna do this lol night, Tim?
  1304. [03:47:01] originalrykz: lol night?
  1305. [03:47:11] rubensandwich: Tim find pleasure in repetition
  1306. [03:47:16] sombosteel: Meant all night, damn autocorrect
  1307. [03:47:29] diggleshut: lol
  1308. [03:47:31] originalrykz: kiss me
  1309. [03:47:38] hunniepun: mehdiW
  1310. [03:47:39] originalrykz: I mean, yeah right, damn autocorrect
  1311. [03:47:41] tw4tjockey: I don't know that I'd call it pleasure RubenSandwich
  1312. [03:47:47] sombosteel: Haha
  1313. [03:47:47] tw4tjockey: More like numbing certainty
  1314. [03:47:58] tw4tjockey: 2distracted2sad
  1315. [03:48:18] popcorncolonel: why manual?
  1316. [03:48:27] tw4tjockey: Faster
  1317. [03:48:27] originalrykz: he isnt a casual
  1318. [03:48:49] shimmerfairy: Hey Tim, here's a challenge: get 40th place without timing out of the race.
  1319. [03:48:49] tw4tjockey: For just $3k, you too can punch yourself in the dick on a virtualized, inaccurate Daytona
  1320. [03:48:59] hunniepun: oh
  1321. [03:49:46] originalrykz: man, I wish arcade was still a thing
  1322. [03:49:55] tw4tjockey: So how are we doing this intervention y'all
  1323. [03:49:58] mayorella: It is in other countries
  1324. [03:50:03] empty_sentry00: he's training for the new starcade
  1325. [03:50:21] originalrykz: wasnt he training for the real nascar?
  1326. [03:50:34] tw4tjockey: No that's what iRacing is for
  1327. [03:51:06] originalrykz: I tought that was GTA for
  1328. [03:51:18] tw4tjockey: Speaking of which, here's a man who built a race car to sim race in
  1329. [03:51:45] tw4tjockey: Race car starts 3:30
  1330. [03:51:50] hunniepun: sponsored by dominos D ansgame
  1331. [03:51:56] tw4tjockey: Dominos shilling starts 0:00
  1332. [03:52:05] originalrykz: #nobumpsinmybump
  1333. [03:52:35] tw4tjockey: He also races in an Oculus Rift, so he can't actually see the $20k he spent
  1334. [03:52:43] johnrambus: that guy loves dominos way too much
  1335. [03:53:24] tw4tjockey: #SoBlessed
  1336. [03:53:36] originalrykz: how do you drifto?
  1337. [03:53:45] originalrykz: change gear to 2
  1338. [03:53:46] originalrykz: then?
  1339. [03:53:52] hunniepun: whers the screen for the game?
  1340. [03:53:55] tttomato: man that video is weird
  1341. [03:54:14] hunniepun: oooh nvm
  1342. [03:54:22] tttomato: dominos+nascar
  1343. [03:54:24] wcorbe: Wait you were winning?
  1344. [03:54:28] tttomato: strange combo
  1345. [03:54:37] tw4tjockey: Haha wcorbe thinks this is about winning
  1346. [03:54:45] originalrykz: wcorbe he is going big or going home
  1347. [03:54:54] somersault_: tim take a break you maniac
  1348. [03:55:06] slash53: hello
  1349. [03:55:06] tttomato: and he thanked god at the end oh boy
  1350. [03:55:14] wcorbe: rooBlank
  1351. [03:55:30] slash53: make sure to go easy on the car
  1352. [03:55:36] popcorncolonel: do these cars really have just 4 gears?
  1353. [03:55:41] tw4tjockey: Yes Popcorncolonel
  1354. [03:55:43] shimmerfairy: Tim's going for another 14h play session, I suppose.
  1355. [03:56:00] hunniepun: ScaredyCat
  1356. [03:56:03] felidsentry: I don't think Tim is still with us, I think he ascended
  1357. [03:56:11] originalrykz: he was never with us
  1358. [03:56:13] mrgrumpymonkey: did you go to work?
  1359. [03:56:21] tw4tjockey: He's from New Jersey after all
  1360. [03:56:26] tttomato: road rage
  1361. [03:56:27] greasydratini: Tim its midnight please go to work!
  1362. [03:56:36] popipon: the second he "went fullscreen" it's been prerecorded
  1363. [03:56:36] originalrykz: this is his job now
  1364. [03:56:38] nbtl: I think it's time for an intervention
  1365. [03:56:41] johnlestudio: GreedytoneTim
  1366. [03:56:47] johnrambus: he full screened game. we will never reach him now.
  1367. [03:57:24] tw4tjockey: Only strippers go to work at midnight
  1368. [03:57:33] felidsentry: Exactly
  1369. [03:57:40] hunniepun: timStrip
  1370. [03:57:45] originalrykz: what about a daytone stripper?
  1371. [03:58:11] tw4tjockey: I don't think you're ready for the kind of strippers mid-Florida produces
  1372. [03:58:24] felidsentry: Are they called Irma?
  1373. [03:58:33] hunniepun: lol
  1374. [03:58:36] tw4tjockey: No, they're called Zola
  1375. [03:58:36] originalrykz: yeah that was what I told the cops, they didnt believe me
  1376. [03:58:43] tw4tjockey: 148 tweets, strap in if you're going to read it
  1377. [03:58:43] originalrykz: she wasnt over 18 ethier
  1378. [03:59:02] hunniepun: ZOLA mehdiPC
  1379. [03:59:06] tttomato: tldr?
  1380. [03:59:50] originalrykz: the run?
  1381. [03:59:54] tw4tjockey: Oh good I got automodded
  1382. [04:00:39] tw4tjockey: Tricks get turned, a hustler gets murdered, Jarrett leaps from a four-story window. It reads like Spring Breakers meets Pulp Fiction, as told by Nicki Minaj. "That urban black man lost in the sauce," Zola wrote in one of her more popular tweets, "& that upstanding woman lost in the game."
  1383. [04:00:44] tw4tjockey: There tttomato
  1384. [04:00:49] tw4tjockey: I had to retype that 5 times
  1385. [04:00:56] hunniepun: there it is.
  1386. [04:01:11] wcorbe: TL;DR. White girl is a crazy ho, black girl is like yo fuck this I want out. Big black pimp says naw we making money. Then they all go home.
  1387. [04:01:27] hunniepun: crazy ho gets pregnant
  1388. [04:01:29] hunniepun: again
  1389. [04:01:50] tttomato: thank you i can move on with life now
  1390. [04:01:52] originalrykz: close call
  1391. [04:01:59] popcorncolonel: could have been bad
  1392. [04:02:05] wcorbe: Two years later shes on maurray show trying to determine the father
  1393. [04:02:11] tw4tjockey: I mean realistically that's like reading War and Peace and saying it was about Russia
  1394. [04:02:12] haunx: Wow I'm nervous
  1395. [04:02:16] hunniepun: the urn? mehdiPC
  1396. [04:02:17] tw4tjockey: Gotta dive in to get the full flavor
  1397. [04:02:25] rubensandwich: Tim dont choke!
  1398. [04:02:33] popcorncolonel: ahhhhhh
  1399. [04:02:35] tttomato: 2 more laps
  1400. [04:02:36] originalrykz: my palms are sweaty
  1401. [04:02:39] popcorncolonel: FRICK
  1402. [04:02:45] hunniepun: mehdiREE
  1403. [04:02:46] wcorbe: Noooooooooooooooo
  1404. [04:02:48] ramon_e_: rip
  1405. [04:02:49] jamessevenfives: cmon dont lose it
  1406. [04:02:54] tttomato: (
  1407. [04:02:55] popcorncolonel: nooooooooooo
  1408. [04:02:58] originalrykz: tim noo
  1409. [04:02:58] tttomato: f
  1410. [04:02:58] popcorncolonel: 3/40
  1411. [04:03:00] originalrykz: f
  1412. [04:03:01] slash53: NOOOOOOOOOO
  1413. [04:03:02] jamessevenfives: rip
  1414. [04:03:04] popcorncolonel: god damn it
  1415. [04:03:05] dreamleaking: i just got here but war and peace is used as a metaphor for russia as a whole all the time @TW4Tjockey
  1416. [04:03:08] rubensandwich: Tim we need a break
  1417. [04:03:10] ralfyralfy: (
  1418. [04:03:10] hunniepun: f mehdiFEELS
  1419. [04:03:12] popcorncolonel: why lap 17/20
  1420. [04:03:16] originalrykz: tim no.
  1421. [04:03:18] originalrykz: why
  1422. [04:03:18] jamessevenfives: make a role through there
  1423. [04:03:19] domaspiragas: Palms too sweaty.
  1424. [04:03:21] jamessevenfives: hole
  1425. [04:03:22] wcorbe: Sometimes you just gotta wave the white flag
  1426. [04:03:22] tw4tjockey: 9th - 2
  1427. [04:03:30] greasydratini: You did it!
  1428. [04:03:32] amadeus484: Sweet.
  1429. [04:03:32] shimmerfairy: SEVENTH
  1430. [04:03:35] greasydratini: NOW WORK!
  1431. [04:03:36] originalrykz: G A M E O V E R
  1432. [04:03:37] rubensandwich: PB
  1433. [04:03:37] nbtl: N O T N I N T H
  1434. [04:03:38] gashapon: You should take a break now Tim
  1435. [04:03:38] tw4tjockey: This game rubber bands like crazy
  1436. [04:03:52] 7locrian7: from my experience, sitting and doing something too long without stopping just causes mental fatigue
  1437. [04:03:53] dreamleaking: one of my required reading for mobility and modernity in post soviet spaces was a book called Natashas Dance that uses war and peace as a metaphor for its whole premise
  1438. [04:03:56] euphorialuna: LCD
  1439. [04:04:00] greasydratini: TIM GO TO WORK!
  1440. [04:04:04] ramon_e_: or you could work
  1441. [04:04:05] originalrykz: TIM NO
  1442. [04:04:07] 7locrian7: after stopping for like 30 minutes and coming back you play way better
  1443. [04:04:07] j1211m: L CD
  1444. [04:04:08] rosaagustina: NO, YOU CAN DO BETTER
  1445. [04:04:08] wcorbe: LSD
  1446. [04:04:10] shimmerfairy: THE RIDE NEVER ENDS
  1447. [04:04:12] rubensandwich: Lost Control D end
  1448. [04:04:14] hunniepun: here we goo CarlSmile
  1449. [04:04:16] greasydratini: LSD
  1450. [04:04:18] tai367307: This is his work now.
  1451. [04:04:19] originalrykz: its over guys
  1452. [04:04:21] originalrykz: tim lost it
  1453. [04:04:29] domaspiragas: LED coming up
  1454. [04:04:32] jamessevenfives: the lsd explains it
  1455. [04:04:39] tw4tjockey: dreamleaking it was a Woody Allen joke tho
  1456. [04:04:52] skygtr350: none of the scores matter if you don't place NINTH
  1457. [04:04:52] dreamleaking: never heard of him
  1458. [04:05:03] dreamleaking: foreal tho went right over my head
  1459. [04:05:03] j1211m: That initial d drift
  1460. [04:05:10] haunx: Wonder if there is tire wear in this
  1461. [04:05:11] tw4tjockey:
  1462. [04:05:31] dreamleaking: is good joke
  1463. [04:05:56] mrzorage: Sup
  1464. [04:06:19] dreamleaking: i feel like theres a better joke in there about how you could speedread it and think it is a phonebook because there are so many names and it is so big
  1465. [04:06:20] wcorbe: Nascar is more exciting with drifting
  1466. [04:06:21] mrzorage: Happy your not watching overweight men review fast food garbage
  1467. [04:06:31] j1211m: @stereotonetim you need initial D music it helps your drifting trust me
  1468. [04:06:44] ethernetseeds: why are you still playing then...
  1469. [04:07:06] wcorbe: He's trying to overcome adversity
  1470. [04:07:08] hunniepun: teh urrrrrrrrn
  1471. [04:07:31] makorelfish: does this game have rubberbanding?
  1472. [04:07:40] dreamleaking: but i didnt write annie hall so
  1473. [04:07:41] tw4tjockey: Yes
  1474. [04:07:44] empty_sentry00: we need to organize bets for the reset lap
  1475. [04:07:47] wcorbe: Lol
  1476. [04:07:51] hunniepun: that the entire hell
  1477. [04:08:03] empty_sentry00: lap 2
  1478. [04:08:05] nbtl: "I can stop any time"
  1479. [04:08:10] ramon_e_: lap 8
  1480. [04:08:11] hunniepun: 18
  1481. [04:08:13] wcorbe: My bet is no reset. I believe!
  1482. [04:08:28] empty_sentry00: 2
  1483. [04:08:31] j1211m: Lap 5
  1484. [04:08:31] dreamleaking: im taking a shot every time tim resets
  1485. [04:08:38] boredcyborg: rip
  1486. [04:08:45] rubensandwich: Do we move to intermediate of we make it
  1487. [04:08:50] wcorbe: rooBlank
  1488. [04:08:52] empty_sentry00: lol
  1489. [04:09:21] shimmerfairy: blue car seems to have mellowed out from before
  1490. [04:09:22] dreamleaking: if i wanted to live i wouldnt be watching a stream tagged "depression, failures anonymous, nihilism"
  1491. [04:09:38] empty_sentry00: lap 3
  1492. [04:09:45] j1211m: Lap 4
  1493. [04:09:55] hunniepun: 1 MiniK
  1494. [04:10:15] empty_sentry00: lol
  1495. [04:10:16] jamessevenfives: you can take!
  1496. [04:10:20] j1211m: @hunniepun well guessed
  1497. [04:10:22] bananaburger: im both surprised and not surprised that you're still playing this
  1498. [04:10:22] boredcyborg: lap 6
  1499. [04:10:24] empty_sentry00: 2
  1500. [04:10:31] dreamleaking: 12.6
  1501. [04:10:31] bananaburger: didnt you already get 1st a couple times?
  1502. [04:10:33] j1211m: Lap 5
  1503. [04:10:38] ramon_e_: 8 again
  1504. [04:10:44] shimmerfairy: But he hasn't gotten all sub-18 laps
  1505. [04:10:51] bananaburger: oh he actually is trying for that?
  1506. [04:11:00] hunniepun: ya
  1507. [04:11:06] bananaburger: ah ok
  1508. [04:11:28] shimmerfairy: And all the despair in missing work and failing is just a stepping stone for hope in victory!
  1509. [04:11:38] empty_sentry00: 4
  1510. [04:11:44] boredcyborg: 7
  1511. [04:11:45] bbrosef: dudududu
  1512. [04:13:24] hunniepun: F
  1513. [04:13:38] empty_sentry00: 6
  1514. [04:13:44] boredcyborg: 20 timBBQQT
  1515. [04:13:53] hunniepun: 11
  1516. [04:13:58] bobvanhallen: how are you streaming arcade game?
  1517. [04:14:05] boredcyborg: emulated
  1518. [04:14:13] abortion_shark: he has a camcorder pointed at the arcade cabinet
  1519. [04:14:13] shimmerfairy: if tim still can't see the chat, post meems.
  1520. [04:14:19] hunniepun: BagOfMemes
  1521. [04:14:37] tardkins: ya dude he owns the cabinet
  1522. [04:15:06] empty_sentry00: 3
  1523. [04:15:13] abortion_shark: 2
  1524. [04:15:21] greasydratini: Tim is never going to work
  1525. [04:15:34] rubensandwich: Tim never sleeps anyway
  1526. [04:15:41] hunniepun: we're gonna be here all night
  1527. [04:15:45] greasydratini: his live is just daytona
  1528. [04:16:19] tardkins: this is the run
  1529. [04:16:27] rubensandwich: Wat if Tim would travel to Daytona and play in a cabinet
  1530. [04:16:32] hunniepun: Bless RNG
  1531. [04:16:39] rickeon: has he been playing this for the last day
  1532. [04:16:41] tardkins: NOOOOOO
  1533. [04:16:48] hunniepun: *clench*
  1534. [04:16:50] domaspiragas: Tim starts work at 3am when the brains are the juiciest.
  1535. [04:17:08] bobvanhallen: start your engines
  1536. [04:17:16] rickeon: maybe it's time to move up from the beginner map
  1537. [04:17:34] empty_sentry00: rooooooollling staaaart
  1538. [04:18:21] elagabaluscaesar: Please go to sleep. You're making us nervous.
  1539. [04:18:33] shimmerfairy: no sleep, only work
  1540. [04:18:46] nbtl: I have to say, playing this to procrastinate from work turned out better than expected
  1541. [04:19:02] skygtr350: Trying to get NINTH
  1542. [04:19:13] kriegerfluff: this game is you now tim
  1543. [04:19:51] tardkins: you can take him. try to stay low and then turn.
  1544. [04:20:21] boredcyborg: go easy on the car
  1545. [04:20:54] rickeon: I needed a performer for a party, so I called the hotel's mime extension.
  1546. [04:21:23] popcorncolonel: pretty good turn actually
  1547. [04:21:32] popcorncolonel: rickeon what
  1548. [04:21:48] shimmerfairy: the only platformer you need is DAYTONA
  1549. [04:21:52] tardkins: I had scurvy, So I went to the Local Supermarket for a Lime Extension.
  1550. [04:22:02] popcorncolonel: oh sorry
  1551. [04:22:03] popcorncolonel: i get it now
  1552. [04:22:08] popcorncolonel: carry on
  1553. [04:22:23] rickeon: I ate too much dirt, so I had some grime distension
  1554. [04:22:58] allstar3339: might want that checked out
  1555. [04:23:04] popcorncolonel: I was under some financial stress, so I started practicing dime retention
  1556. [04:23:27] thatkaylaperson: Oh. My. God!!!! DAYTONA!!!
  1557. [04:24:05] tw4tjockey: LET'S GO AWAY
  1558. [04:24:16] tw4tjockey: we hay he
  1559. [04:24:18] tw4tjockey: wehayhe
  1560. [04:24:28] hunniepun: LuL
  1561. [04:25:11] tardkins: I needed to get up a mountain quickly, so I made a Climb Invention
  1562. [04:25:23] rickeon: amazon made a prime extension
  1563. [04:25:33] hunniepun: N I N T H
  1564. [04:25:38] willster132: >leave for an hour for laundry
  1565. [04:25:42] willster132: >TIME EXTENSION
  1566. [04:25:43] popcorncolonel: Baltimore's murders are through the roof, they need to work on crime prevention
  1567. [04:25:58] allstar3339: i was in tim's chat and made me have sublime apprehension
  1568. [04:26:02] kayopolice_is_mai_waifu: failures_anonymous?
  1569. [04:26:04] shimmerfairy: Tim wants to be number one, but the game has a NINE intention.
  1570. [04:26:05] wfza1: Is this a speedrun for Daytona?
  1571. [04:26:14] tw4tjockey: It's a self-harm with Daytona
  1572. [04:27:02] paranoidr01d: i procrastinate by watching tim
  1573. [04:27:04] allstar3339: he was sad he wasn't getting enough DOOT in his life anymore... so he thought he'd play daytona
  1574. [04:27:07] hunniepun: the left turning void
  1575. [04:27:09] abortion_shark: Tim's stuck in Daytona until he Daytones for his sins
  1576. [04:27:14] rickeon: making these jokes is a bit of a rhyme pretension
  1577. [04:27:28] rosaagustina: How is this not a speed run? you're running at high speed to beat a time record
  1578. [04:27:42] rickeon: it's just a non-competitive speedrun
  1579. [04:27:45] rosaagustina: Just admit it Tim, you have become a speedrunner
  1580. [04:27:54] rosaagustina: You better get some splits going
  1581. [04:27:55] allstar3339: tim has become speedrunner
  1582. [04:27:58] rickeon: like a child racing an adult
  1583. [04:27:59] allstar3339: we'll see him at agdq
  1584. [04:28:03] allstar3339: with timFace
  1585. [04:28:30] foreverska: or a balaclava
  1586. [04:28:32] skygtr350: Guard that weird bumper
  1587. [04:29:01] allstar3339: or maybe that pizza mousepad over his face
  1588. [04:29:18] popcorncolonel: lap 4/20 :)
  1589. [04:29:20] hunniepun: pizza face
  1590. [04:29:35] rickeon: is this hour 7 of daytona
  1591. [04:29:44] allstar3339: samus pizza face suit
  1592. [04:29:44] rubensandwich: Timget yourself together !
  1593. [04:29:49] ethernetseeds: nah just hour 5
  1594. [04:29:50] tardkins: Wear that Weird Romper
  1595. [04:30:46] rubensandwich: No it isnt!
  1596. [04:30:56] hunniepun: disapointed
  1597. [04:31:05] hunniepun: dont settle now
  1598. [04:31:38] allstar3339: so tim, you gonna either main channel or side channel danganronpa 3?
  1599. [04:31:56] jamessevenfives: you can take!!
  1600. [04:32:14] ethernetseeds: timInsanity
  1601. [04:33:04] hunniepun: TakeNRG
  1602. [04:33:08] rickeon: does looking a second warrant a reset?
  1603. [04:33:09] empty_sentry00: timTona
  1604. [04:33:12] rickeon: losing
  1605. [04:33:17] simpleton216: Just remember that one Beyonce song... "To the left, to the left."
  1606. [04:33:33] shimmerfairy: Hey guys, do you remember what Tim's work is? It's been so long... Kapppa
  1607. [04:33:45] allstar3339: tim's hopes and dreams are in a trophy 20 laps to the left
  1608. [04:33:56] dajmasta: daytonaaaaaaaa
  1609. [04:34:06] ethernetseeds: if you think about it, it's only 6 minutes of perfect driving
  1610. [04:34:24] lokiry: diggle what is your opinion on long car rides
  1611. [04:34:31] wfza1: Perfect driving doesn't negate questionable AI decisions
  1612. [04:34:31] dajmasta: onyl
  1613. [04:34:34] dajmasta: only*
  1614. [04:34:43] allstar3339: 🤔 i wonder if driving perfect for 6 minutes is good crime prevention?
  1615. [04:35:02] diggleshut: I think they're fine
  1616. [04:35:02] savellon: cirWut
  1617. [04:35:03] dajmasta: not easy on the car confirmed
  1618. [04:35:05] diggleshut: if you have a book maybe
  1619. [04:35:08] dajmasta: 17.23 is pretty good
  1620. [04:35:09] diggleshut: I dont get motion sickness
  1621. [04:35:19] dajmasta: any 16s today?
  1622. [04:35:33] rubensandwich: Can we take a look to the other circuits?
  1623. [04:35:50] allstar3339: other circuits?
  1624. [04:35:58] allstar3339: you mean... going right instead of left?
  1625. [04:36:03] allstar3339: Pog Champ
  1626. [04:36:03] dajmasta: like the star cup and the mushroom cup
  1627. [04:36:35] allstar3339: lap 4/20 CiGrip
  1628. [04:36:43] hunniepun: rainbow road hype
  1629. [04:36:50] rubensandwich: FFS TIM
  1630. [04:36:52] allstar3339: well... tim had too much CiGrip on lap 4/20
  1631. [04:36:54] allstar3339: FeelsBadMan
  1632. [04:37:03] anonymousv8: can diggle drive?
  1633. [04:37:15] rubensandwich: FeelsDaytonaMan
  1634. [04:37:21] allstar3339: DOOT
  1635. [04:37:25] hunniepun: timCar
  1636. [04:37:34] allstar3339: timDOOT
  1637. [04:37:42] diggleshut: nossir
  1638. [04:37:55] anonymousv8: no wonder you are reading a book
  1639. [04:37:56] rubensandwich: Would it help if we listened to some Initial D? Maybe music is what is missing
  1640. [04:38:03] hunniepun: ^
  1641. [04:38:06] allstar3339: initial D music
  1642. [04:38:07] diggleshut: yerp
  1643. [04:38:08] allstar3339: om nom nom
  1644. [04:38:13] hunniepun: new doot doots might help
  1645. [04:38:19] shimmerfairy: but there is music?
  1646. [04:38:25] allstar3339: yep
  1647. [04:38:51] nbtl: We need to watch more food review youtubes
  1648. [04:38:58] allstar3339: but with initial d... they have more selection of music...
  1649. [04:39:01] willster132: we need to do anything else
  1650. [04:39:07] willster132: initial d music is great
  1651. [04:39:07] allstar3339: i miss watching MRE reviews
  1652. [04:39:11] anonymousv8: i guess its not really required in nyc
  1653. [04:39:18] willster132: its become my go to study music
  1654. [04:39:21] hunniepun: saaame MRE's are bomb
  1655. [04:39:32] allstar3339: MRE reviews were great after the great debate
  1656. [04:40:01] rubensandwich: Jesus
  1657. [04:40:14] willster132: r u i n e d
  1658. [04:40:18] allstar3339: timFace
  1659. [04:40:40] willster132: you need the initial d music
  1660. [04:40:43] allstar3339: i think i still have my initial D cards somewhere
  1661. [04:40:49] anonymousv8: night on fire
  1662. [04:41:04] allstar3339: my favorite was don't stop the music
  1663. [04:41:25] lokiry: are you required in nyc
  1664. [04:41:25] rubensandwich: Tim, the people demand a nice soundtrack for this night if constant dissapointed
  1665. [04:41:25] willster132: I like night of fire too
  1666. [04:41:31] willster132: noone sleeps in tokyo is good too
  1667. [04:42:29] jamessevenfives: and they're underway
  1668. [04:42:40] anonymousv8: nope
  1669. [04:42:47] dajmasta: just keep saying rolling start
  1670. [04:42:50] foreverska: I wonder if anyone has set a Neural Network loose on this game
  1671. [04:42:52] anonymousv8: i was just another pea in the pod there
  1672. [04:42:53] dajmasta: that's all that needs to be said
  1673. [04:43:05] rubensandwich: Such is the Daytona life...
  1674. [04:43:27] rubensandwich: timDoot
  1675. [04:43:32] diggleshut: nah you don't really need one in nyc
  1676. [04:43:41] jamessevenfives: why is it only gentlemen? what about the daytona ladies?
  1677. [04:43:41] diggleshut: I would bet most people only have a license maybe cause their job makes them
  1678. [04:44:00] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: 1st try amygdala
  1679. [04:44:05] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: >:3
  1680. [04:44:13] raynor_ex: ooh, nice
  1681. [04:44:31] raynor_ex: i get what they were going for with that boss, it just has too much hp
  1682. [04:44:38] tommo08: 4/20
  1683. [04:44:40] ludwich7: Daytona king!
  1684. [04:44:54] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: idk it had really predictable animations and movements
  1685. [04:45:00] ravitude: I really don't remember being able to drift in this game at all
  1686. [04:45:01] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i still have 12 vials left
  1687. [04:45:07] rubensandwich: Is sub 17 possible?
  1688. [04:45:11] dajmasta: a neural network would probably work pretty well in this game
  1689. [04:45:23] dajmasta: the visual processing probably isn't too crazy with the low res either
  1690. [04:45:35] raynor_ex: the thing is it's really big, so it's hard to see what it's doing if you're close enough to hit it
  1691. [04:45:38] ludwich7: Is this expert mode?
  1692. [04:45:42] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: now i just have to figure out where to go, since i sort of thought amygdala was The Next Boss
  1693. [04:45:50] hunniepun: normal mode
  1694. [04:45:50] luna_moona: do you have to have a license to be diggle, diggle?
  1695. [04:45:56] willster132: "still under 18 ok"
  1696. [04:45:58] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: well i learned to play w/o locking on from DS3 so that really helped
  1697. [04:45:59] raynor_ex: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 bloodborne in a nutshell
  1698. [04:46:04] willster132: Didnt know that is how you liked em tim OwO
  1699. [04:46:05] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: the bosses are too big in the whole game imo...
  1700. [04:46:05] diggleshut: no but there is a handshake
  1701. [04:46:15] rubensandwich: Under 18 is best PedoBear
  1702. [04:46:17] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: every boss is gargantuan and the game both rewards and punishes locking on
  1703. [04:46:22] tw4tjockey: RubenSandwich pls
  1704. [04:46:23] hunniepun: OhGod
  1705. [04:46:24] ludwich7: @hunniepun thanks
  1706. [04:46:39] popcorncolonel: is 17''04 tim's fastest lap so far?
  1707. [04:46:46] popcorncolonel: last i saw was 17.18 i believe
  1708. [04:46:57] somersault_: seems so
  1709. [04:47:00] willster132: halfway there monkaS
  1710. [04:47:17] hunniepun: no choke TakeNRG
  1711. [04:47:19] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: tfw train for years to race in the daytona cup and end up getting fucking lapped by some guy with hair in his face
  1712. [04:47:19] ludwich7: A lot less mistakes tonight
  1713. [04:47:21] boredcyborg: 18 dead D:
  1714. [04:47:47] tw4tjockey: >Daytona Cup
  1715. [04:47:50] tw4tjockey: You tried, PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3
  1716. [04:47:51] insideyourtrunk: Sooo did he start his engines
  1717. [04:48:05] ralfyralfy: oh man this is looking good
  1718. [04:48:15] santanadvxfan: how many 16's have you ever gotten?
  1719. [04:48:16] tw4tjockey: Inb4 9th
  1720. [04:48:17] willster132: m o n k a S
  1721. [04:48:32] mattoe318: N I N T H
  1722. [04:48:48] popcorncolonel: NOOO
  1723. [04:48:50] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: anyway where the hell do i even go now raynor
  1724. [04:48:51] insideyourtrunk: What are we trying to accomplish here
  1725. [04:48:52] domaspiragas: The pressure is too much.
  1726. [04:48:54] rubensandwich: Reeeeeeeeee
  1727. [04:48:57] jamessevenfives: you made the car go through the wall
  1728. [04:48:59] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i just want to beat the damn game
  1729. [04:49:03] hunniepun: mehdiREE
  1730. [04:49:04] popcorncolonel: you were close
  1731. [04:49:08] ludwich7: Is stereotim wearing the brown underpants tonight?
  1732. [04:49:30] rubensandwich: Monotonetim would have beaten this by now
  1733. [04:49:47] insideyourtrunk: This is some initial D shit here
  1734. [04:49:50] raynor_ex: did you do byrgenwerth?
  1735. [04:49:57] tw4tjockey: I can't believe this is how 300 people are spending their Saturday night, and that I'm one of them haha
  1736. [04:50:07] willster132: sub 18
  1737. [04:50:09] willster132: saved
  1738. [04:50:21] ludwich7: Oh monotonetim is above this challenge
  1739. [04:50:23] rubensandwich: This is as social as I get
  1740. [04:50:31] willster132: me 2 thanks
  1741. [04:50:43] tw4tjockey: If you glance, the coin on top of the dice kind of looks like it has the President's face on it
  1742. [04:50:49] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: yes i killed spider
  1743. [04:50:58] tw4tjockey: It's actually a dollar sign, but same thing really
  1744. [04:51:03] willster132: LuL
  1745. [04:51:06] anonymousv8: standard diggle reach over service
  1746. [04:51:13] nbtl: "Keep hitting me I like that"
  1747. [04:51:15] ludwich7: @rubensandwich your not getting a bj right now?
  1748. [04:51:26] tw4tjockey: I dated a girl like that once
  1749. [04:51:26] rubensandwich: Huh
  1750. [04:51:30] tw4tjockey: Don't stick your dick in crazy etc etc
  1751. [04:52:09] tw4tjockey: The irony is that because he keeps restarting, he can never develop his racecraft , so he makes the same mistakes that make him restart
  1752. [04:52:11] rubensandwich: Plz tell us about the unavoidable terrible end
  1753. [04:52:14] tw4tjockey: It's like an ouroboros of suffering
  1754. [04:52:32] hunniepun: tfw the same chokes mehdiFEELS
  1755. [04:52:49] tw4tjockey: He also has no idea how to shift because he's a filthy millennial
  1756. [04:52:49] ludwich7: Your missing out @rubensandwich
  1757. [04:53:00] boredcyborg: timGuest420
  1758. [04:53:07] insideyourtrunk: A gentleman and a scholar
  1759. [04:53:17] raynor_ex: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 did you go to the upper entrance to yahar'gul?
  1760. [04:53:24] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: umm
  1761. [04:53:42] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i did the yahar skip to the bottom
  1762. [04:53:48] raynor_ex: yeah, go to the right path out of the cathederal ward
  1763. [04:54:06] ludwich7: Mrtonetim and cole trickle, same difference
  1764. [04:54:12] hunniepun: tim you need a palette cleanser!
  1765. [04:54:28] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: just tell me the boss
  1766. [04:54:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and ill tell you y or n
  1767. [04:54:40] raynor_ex: "The One Reborn"
  1768. [04:54:43] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: y
  1769. [04:55:07] raynor_ex: did you go into the area past him?
  1770. [04:55:12] ludwich7: Main thing to know: dont turn right...
  1771. [04:55:20] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: the mummy teleported me to where amy is
  1772. [04:55:26] rubensandwich: Needs more doot
  1773. [04:55:27] willster132: "Timmy Turner"
  1774. [04:55:34] hunniepun: LuL
  1775. [04:55:49] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: no the mummy teleported me to the school or whatever
  1776. [04:55:52] insideyourtrunk: I think you need to go into the pit
  1777. [04:55:52] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and then i went to amy from there
  1778. [04:56:08] willster132: oh man
  1779. [04:56:17] willster132: "Choices Matter" is a tag on steam
  1780. [04:56:27] raynor_ex: i'm trying to figure this out, that's not where i entered amygdala's area
  1781. [04:56:39] hunniepun: our maymays are transcending
  1782. [04:56:46] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im pretty sure the game was like "yo dumbass you didnt go here lol"
  1783. [04:57:09] tw4tjockey: PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 what the hell are you playing lol
  1784. [04:57:15] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: blubborn
  1785. [04:57:58] raynor_ex: did you complete nightmare of mensis?
  1786. [04:57:59] tw4tjockey: Why not just play its better cousin, Dark Souls 1/2/3
  1787. [04:58:06] blekacross: hi timMrBones
  1788. [04:58:12] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: no i dont know where that is
  1789. [04:58:27] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i already beat ds3 and my bf has 2 so im playing that next time im with him
  1790. [04:58:35] tw4tjockey: Adorbs
  1791. [04:58:37] willster132: all good things must come to an end
  1792. [04:58:40] popcorncolonel: its ok its ok
  1793. [04:58:44] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: and then i steam share with him so ill play scholar when i finish 2
  1794. [04:58:46] popcorncolonel: damn
  1795. [04:58:54] shoepert: I have this on the Saturn
  1796. [04:58:55] ludwich7: Rage quit
  1797. [04:58:55] willster132: "You, the player, are an ambassador for Earth sent through a mysterious portal into the world of dragons. Explore a town full of secrets and the people who keep them in this compelling sci-fi visual novel with slice of life and dating sim elements."
  1798. [04:59:00] willster132: I found tim's next game
  1799. [04:59:01] rubensandwich: Just throw the pc out the window please
  1800. [04:59:06] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: just give me a hint of where to get to mensis from
  1801. [04:59:08] raynor_ex: the wiki says that the mummy past the one reborn is supposed to teleport you to the 2nd floor lecture hall, then that will teleport you to nightmare of mensis
  1802. [04:59:15] hunniepun: what game is that from?
  1803. [04:59:17] willster132:
  1804. [04:59:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ok well i just went out some doorway in the lecture hall area and it took me to amygdala nightmare area
  1805. [04:59:39] tw4tjockey: Very positive reviews... what
  1806. [04:59:39] boredcyborg: timOh
  1807. [05:00:01] dajmasta: is that a dragon dating sim?
  1808. [05:00:07] somersault_: yes
  1809. [05:00:08] raynor_ex: i'm pretty sure the 1f exit and 2f exit of the lecture hall lead to different places
  1810. [05:00:17] dajmasta: i'm not even surprised anymore because i know there's a tank dating sim
  1811. [05:00:22] dajmasta: that seems almost normal
  1812. [05:00:38] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: yeah i went out 1f exit i think
  1813. [05:00:41] insideyourtrunk: I remember playing this on my old ass pc when I was 10
  1814. [05:00:56] willster132: oh man
  1815. [05:00:59] dajmasta: daytona or the dragon dating sim? timClip
  1816. [05:01:02] willster132: There is a screenshot in that dragon game
  1817. [05:01:11] willster132: Of a dead dragon with the words" Investigation start" layered voer it
  1818. [05:01:16] willster132: Its Dragonronpa
  1819. [05:01:20] dajmasta: LUL
  1820. [05:01:21] kcjn: oohhh
  1821. [05:01:25] kcjn: hiii
  1822. [05:01:26] hunniepun: LIAR
  1823. [05:01:26] rubensandwich: Tim, lets date a dragon
  1824. [05:01:28] driftforfun6: WORK TIM!
  1825. [05:01:34] shimmerfairy: I DON'T BELIEVE YOU
  1826. [05:01:38] boredcyborg: teh urn
  1827. [05:01:42] dajmasta: Trashbin start!
  1828. [05:01:49] rubensandwich: One mo' fo' sho'
  1829. [05:01:50] willster132:
  1830. [05:01:52] insideyourtrunk: Can you please win already
  1831. [05:01:54] willster132: Thats a good picture
  1832. [05:02:02] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i like figuring stuff out in bb
  1833. [05:02:06] dajmasta: he's getting some real good lap times, though, lots of low 17s
  1834. [05:02:12] hunniepun: raunchy pic
  1835. [05:02:14] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: but this game is just exhausting me with all the areas that feel like total bullshit
  1836. [05:02:32] raynor_ex: yeah, some of the things feel more cryptic than the dark souls games
  1837. [05:02:34] tw4tjockey: Isn't that most Dark Souls games
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