
Klaus Bitching and getting called out

Mar 19th, 2020
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  1. 06:32:24 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: Anyone looking for small warfare kits?
  2. 06:35:40 Outy Gold: Valentin Branded ones?
  3. 06:37:58 Desmond Lindstrom: LOL
  4. 06:38:10 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: nah ones I made
  5. 06:38:49 Outy Gold: You might want to keep them then, you are going to need everything you can muster
  6. 06:41:32 Outy Gold: It would be a shame if all the friends of Baleroth and Valentin knew just how much you had stole from me and the prices i am willing to put on your head
  7. 06:43:15 Outy Gold: Oh wait that's right... you were a Maple high ranking individual, i'm sure they can save you.... Oh wait nvm.
  8. 06:45:08 Desmond Lindstrom: He's not one of us.
  9. 06:45:13 Desmond Lindstrom: Maples are here having their own fun.06:45:36 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
  10. 06:45:52 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: Is Outy mad that me and my pals dont wanna be with him
  11. (06:47:25 Outy Gold: You broke RP and stole a cart full of items because i called you out for dieing with high value armour over and over, but that must be false because you are the best warrior and you are going to kick all of our asses... funny that you say you are in Maple
  12. 06:47:40 Outy Gold: Everyone knows the truth there....
  13. 06:48:35 Outy Gold: Don't bother denying it, the videos will be up soon enough
  14. 06:48:57 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: I never claimed to be a maple and I told you I was leaving with the shit I MADE , not you, just because your mad that I take what I make doesn't make you a moral human being in any right. So I suggest you shut up and stop annoying me, and we'll not talk b
  15. 06:49:25 Desmond Lindstrom: cute little bby rp drama
  16. 06:49:31 Desmond Lindstrom: little bby yo rp
  17. 06:49:41 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: No drama he's just acting like a child and he's 24
  18. 06:49:55 Outy Gold: Well you are wrong again
  19. 06:49:55 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: I'm the one acting like the adult when I'm not even 20 LOL
  20. 06:50:19 Clank Clank: *grabs popcorn*
  21. 06:50:53 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: So here's my advice to the "adult" Outy: Be quiet before you make a fool of yourself. I didn't start this issue, you did. Good day.
  22. 06:51:38 Aldan Ravenclaw: Acting like an adult before your 20... what is this madness?
  23. 06:51:51 Aurok Deviltoe: lol
  24. 06:52:56 Outy Gold: All good buddy, enjoy your day. i will spend mine showing the maples the videos of you pretending to represent them. You are not a Maple, atleast i don't pretend to be something i am not.
  25. 06:53:38 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: Never pretended to be someone im not because im kewl as I am
  26. 06:55:23 Danny Wartooth: damn bitch ass klaus did exactly what everyone said he was gonna do... wrekt
  27. 06:55:44 Wolfgang von Gulchtzen: haters gonna hate
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